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Response to Tara McCarthy’s adoption of the Alt-Right/Lite position against “The Left” & Islam

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 August 2017 18:10.

Tara McCarthy ♥️@TaraMcCarthy_14 Jul 22
Replying to @MajorityRights

Anyone who talks about the JQ gets shut down. I don’t have a choice.

daniel sienkiewicz‏ @MajorityRights Jul 22
Replying to @TaraMcCarthy_14

It’s not Not talking about the JQ that’s the big problem, it’s going along with their wish to make “The Left” the enemy that is the problem.

In ordinary language, “left” corresponds with unionization of people against elitist bullying and betrayal.

With J’s on top, they cooperate with right wing sellouts to argue that “The left” is the enemy as they don’t want us organizing against them.

What has been called “the Left” by the (((controlled media and academia))) is liberalism as it applies to Whites. It is not a White Left.

(((They)))‘ve associated it with all manner of absurdity as they do not want Whites deploying the concept of unionization.

They do not want us to have the means of accountability and compassion for OUR marginals that would popularize our cause.

They want to say its all about “equality” but White Left ethno-nationalism doesn’t have to mean anything so absurd for us.

It doesn’t mean people can’t be wealthy; or that people who are not contributing as much to the social capital aren’t accountable as well.

It doesn’t deny the reality of race, genetics, science, differing human abilities and limitations..

But we do have some agency and choice, we can unionize as left ethnonationalists to protect ourselves in coordination with other (coalitions of) ethno-nationalists.

Alt Right/Lite is a (((paleocon))) scam to co-opt White reaction into the alienating, manipulable that’s just-the-way-it-isness of the right.

..“that’s just the way it is” - just so happens (((these people))) are on top, its “just nature”.  The problems are being caused by “THE Left” (now that its convenient for the YKW and right wing sellouts in cooperation to say-so).

Illustration: Is “The left” imposing Islam on Indonesia and Turkey? No. Left nationalism’s bitterly opposed to Islam &vis versa

daniel sienkiewicz‏ @MajorityRights Jul 22
Replying to @TaraMcCarthy_14

Bill Baillie on Propaganda

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 01 August 2017 07:18.

European Outlook, “Propaganda”, 31 July 2017:

By Bill Bailie #44 August 2017


Technology has revolutionised communications. Martin Luther nailed his thesis to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg and changed the world. Benito Mussolini led the March on Rome to sieze power. And, in the sixties, we relied on street corner meetings and literature. Today, such primitive methods have been overtaken by the Internet.

A young Bill Baillie campaigning for John Bean’s British National Party in the 1964 general election.

We were not an insular nationalist party, we believed in European solidarity and social justice. I went overseas in 1965 and when I came home in 1970 we had been taken over by the National Front and our progressive policies had been dumped. I therefore joined Union Movement and embraced Oswald Mosley’s vision of ‘Europe a Nation’.

Social media is the modern way of communicating and video platforms such as Youtube are very effective. Donald Trump used Twitter and Facebook extensively in his presidential campaign and so did Emmanuel Macron in France.

Newspapers and magazines are expensive to produce and distribute but websites are affordable. We can reach more people on the Internet than we did in the old days by putting leaflets through letterboxes or selling newspapers on street corners. Competing with the mass media is obviously an unequal challenge but having discovered the truth it’s our duty to encourage people to think for themselves and reject media brainwashing.

Newspapers, radio and television dominate public opinion but we can fight back by using the Internet. The State uses anti-terrorist legislation to silence its enemies but we can stay within the law by avoiding insulting or threatening language.

Ten years ago immigration was a taboo subject and only the lunatic-left talked about a “crisis of capitalism.” Today, these ideas have gone mainstream and you don’t have to be a political party in order to have an opinion. So, carry on blogging and posting on Facebook and Twitter. Let our voices be heard.

A Garden Green by William Harris,
first published in ‘Lodestar’ Winter 1986

Each year brings thousands of American tourists to Britain, and it is clear that many of them are seeking something the do not posses in their own continent. This, I suggest, is a past: their own past forged by their own ancestors, and not the pre-Colombian past of the Indian, which is the only true ancient thing they have. They must travel all these hundreds of miles in order to find their roots, be they of Celtic, Anglo-Saxon or Norman descent.

As so much nonsense is talked about Britain’s ‘mixture of races’, it is worth quoting the words of Brian Branson in ‘The Lost Gods of England’. In his chapter ‘Who were the English?’ he mentions these ethnic groups, adding “But none of these inter-breedings was what might be called in genetic terms ‘a violent out-cross’ such as would have been the case if Britain had been successfully invaded by an armada of Chinese, or Red Indians or African Bushmen. Apart from any alteration in physical appearance that would have befallen the new Island Race under such circumstances, one has only to suppose a pagoda in Canterbury, a totem pole in Trafalgar Square, and rock paintings in the Cheddar Gorge to imagine the cultural changes that would have ensued.” He concludes that “the mongrelism of the English turns out to be more apparent than real.” That was first published in 1957, before the minarets of the mosque loomed over the trees in Regent’s Park.

Names are among the most ancient and lasting monuments in a culture, particularly those given to natural features in the landscape. In Britain they are usually Celtic, the Celts being the earliest of the above ethnic groups. The prefix ‘Pen’ for ‘head’ or ‘headland’ and the many instances of the name ‘Avon’, which means simply ‘river’ are two of the most obvious.

The names of our pubs are often far older than the buildings they adorn, and they tell us much. ‘The George’, and ‘The Green Man’, for instance, take us back to the traditional Mummers’ Play of St George and the Turkish knight, and to a character in the Morris Dance, ‘Jack in the Green’. The mummers would usually herald their appearance by announcing “Here come I”. . . and in all these traditions, including that of traditional dance and song which is inseparable from it, there are a number of folk-heroes who emerge: St George, Robin Hood and Maid Marion, King Arthur, Hereward the Wake, Dick Whittington, Dick Turpin, Nelson and Lord Collingwood. The villains (all of whom are often cut down by St George in the course of the mummers’ play) include: Prince Valentine, Captain Rover, Turkey Snipe, Little John, Bonaparte and Sambo. The last prompts me to remark that the blackening of faces (so upsetting to the susceptibilities of the liberal left of today), is probably far older than the ‘Black and White Minstrels’, or the minstrels who used to perform on seaside piers. There are accounts of wassailers or masqueraders blackening their faces, and the ‘Giant of Salisbury’ (a huge effigy , which used to be carried in all important processions in the city, which is now in the Salisbury and South Wiltshire museum) was found to have had his face blackened at some stage in the past, before he was ‘cleaned up’. ‘Morris’, of course, is thought to derive from ‘Moorish’ so, like the Mummers’ Play, it may date from the time of the Crusades.

After St George in the play has felled the Turkish knight, a doctor is called for, to ‘cure’ him. He is often played by a small boy dressed in a top hat and frock coat far too big for him and (in the version from Camborne, Cornwall) he says:

“I can cure the itch, the specs and the gout -
If there’s nine devils, I can kick ten out.”

He always cures the wounded knight so that the audience can then enjoy another bout of fighting but, in fact, his origins go back to the idea of death and resurrection which is the basis of most of the world’s religions.


Intersectionality: Jewish ordering and exceptionalism of victimology in the age of treason.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 02 July 2017 05:43.

On the Significance of the Neo in Neo-Reaction - when Jewish victimology turns attention to Jews as the victimizers, Jewish exceptionalism is invoked as “Neo” - “As long as I can remember I’ve been a ‘Neo’-Something: A Neo-Marxist, a Neo-Trotskyist, a Neo-Liberal, a Neo-Conservative and in religion, always, Neo-Orthodox, even while I was a Neo-Trotskyist and a Neo-Marxist….I’m going to end up a Neo, just Neo, that’s all.”

Intersectionality: Jewish ordering and exceptionalism in victimology - the “Neo-exceptions” of victimology in the age of treason:

Tanstaafl usually provides incisive insight into Jewish machinations. As he does here in his observation of “intersectionality”, recognizing that to be the point at which Jewish victimology turns attention back to them as the victimizers - which then requires their interests to propose their exceptionalism to the rule - a rule which might be wiggled-out-of as they don themselves “neo” this or that.

Tan’s incisiveness can, however, cut off important “ambiguities” - “ambiguities” that provide means for learning, creativity and agency in the realm of praxis - Tan accuses me of “jargon” for this word, which outlines the interactivity of the social world and its impossibility to predict 1000% for the human capacity for reflexive agency in responses; e.g., I was surprised by Tan when he wanted me to clearly understand that he had “no problem with Hitler.” I expected him to change that, to observe problems, at least some problems with Hitler’s worldview after a reading on his former network of the chapter in Table-Talk, viz., where Hitler discusses his opinion of Ukrainians, the subservient role he saw for those not killed in resistance to his aspiration for aggrandizement of their land. Tan had, after all, objected to Carolyn’s insulting support of Hitler’s disparagement.

Typically in this post also then, we should look-out for some blind spots in Tan’s analysis for his tacit identification with a right-wing perspective, particularly Nazi apologetics.

The wish to vindicate Hitler can make for an over-focus, even if slightly, on Jews as the problem. If Jews were THAT much of the problem, virtually the only problem, then Hitler is apparently, largely vindicated for his “minor indiscretions”. It is not that there should not be strong focus on on the J.Q. But it becomes an “over-focus” when in that incisive focus it parses-out and does not afford discussion of our part, our agency - where any sort of ambiguity is not allowed-for as it does not follow the “logic” of the J.Q. (us or them) - as was the case where Tan’s logic accused someone like me of trying to distract, minimize or malign those who focus on the J.Q. Whereas I am, in fact, merely calling for the need to also examine the part some of our people play (as if we don’t know that Jews like Alana Mercer try to focus singularly on that side of the equation) in our situation, with Jews and otherwise.

When Tan seeks to vindicate Hitler and unburden guilt and agency among his community of sympathizers - by suggesting rather that I am minimizing the J.Q., the singularly paramount issue, a life and death struggle against Jewish interests, as he expresses it - Tan is pushing Whites in the direction of repeating the same mistake, of headlong and disastrous reaction for wont of sufficiently deep and broad epistemic preparation - a necessary grounding especially in the praxis of European ethno-national coordination (which the motive of Hitler vindication precludes). 

Furthermore, by not allowing for the “ambiguity” of praxis he performs an additional disservice by going along with a Jewish default on left and right - i.e., where they can’t get you to cop to being a right winger or an alt-righter, they want you to say, as Tan does, “left and right is not a useful distinction.” Tan adds cleverly, I am a “White winger.”

While he has criticized Lawrence Auster for making liberalism the problem and not Jews, his overly precise focus has bi-passed the fact that liberalism is the problem in the sense that liberalism unfolds characteristically, in reality, as license against group classificatory interests - a consequent in reality especially given the manicheanism of Jewish interests which exaggerate and instigate that liberal prerogative indeed; though liberalism as it follows consequently of insufficient account to our interests is still the manifest problem, even if Auster complains about it, even if instigated by Auster’s fellow YKW: And particularly if liberalism is hidden beneath titular conservatism, as in neo-conservatism or paleoconservatism, or the mistakenly presumed conservatism of Christianity - as any sort of conservatism that they propose will be under their Noahide control; thus not conservative of our sovereign classificatory interests.

Worse, Tan says that Gottfried wants to blame liberalism as well - and so he does, but even more so does Gottfried want to blame and vilify “The Left” - the unionized accountability to social classification - and to position White identity against it - and has, in the form of the Alternative-Right - everybody is blaming “the left” as a result of the language game Gottfried set in motion. And while it is not always correct to play “opposite day”, in this case, it is - we should be asking why Gottfried et al. want us to do that? What is wrong about a White Right - Alt-Right or otherwise? Even more significantly, what is correct about a White Left perspective such that Gottfried et al. do not want us to identify with it?

I do believe that Tan’s blind spots stem from his starting point in defense of his partial German heritage, partly from his STEM-nerd background as well, which has been overly-reinforced against the helpful ambiguities of praxis by right-wing reactionary communities in The US. Thus, he will gain dubious support, for example by fellow Hitler apologist Wolf Wall Street - who will call Tan “the greatest epistemologist in White Nationalism”. When in fact, epistemology is one of Tanstaafl’s blind spots and weak points.

That doesn’t mean that most of what Tan has to say isn’t good - it is. His amplification of the matter of crypsis is an important contribution. But incisive, good and significant as his citing “anti-racism as a Jewish construct” is, it hardly renders insignificant my observation that “anti-racism is Cartesian, it is prejudice, it is not innocent, it is hurting and killing people.” His statement can be seen as a focus on the major pathogen afflicting European peoples, while my statement focuses on the fundamental element of our systemic immuno-deficiency.

The Flame. Here is the sexy fascist torch bearer.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 June 2017 19:56.

The Flame. Here is the sexy fascist torch bearer.

Fiamma Negrini is her name, appropriately enough - in addition to being fairly hot for an aspiring politician, “fiamma” meaning “flame”,  could be said to be taking the torch from formerly hot fascist torch bearer, Alessandra Mussolini (now 54). Fiamma’s full name has the unfortunate metaphorical capacity to be stretched further - Fiamma Negrini could read like “put a fire under Negro butts and get them running back to Africa.”

Emergency parliamentary inquiries have been announced for the affair of the 20-year-old Fiamma having been elected to the City Council in Sermide-Fellonica, in Mantua, Italy. She gained standing there by 10.42 percent of the vote through her Italian Workers’ Party (Fasci) platform.

The Red Left is asking for explanations. That is echoed by the explicitly Jewish Communities Union, which expressed concern for Flame’s emergence. In recent days, Claudio Negrini, the father of the young Flame, had even thought of withdrawing from public listings in order to avoid social insults. This has not happened and his daughter continues to have the Facebook profile as “Boia chi molla”.  Source.

Trucker’s strike in Russian Fed indicates disconnect of leadership from ethno national warrant

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 31 May 2017 11:32.

Even more than through Alex Navalny’s protests against the Putin/Medvedev government of the Russian Federation, a nation-wide trucker’s strike, and what its proponents have to say throw light upon the facts of people, unlike Putin and Medvedev, whom we ethno-nationalists might identify with as having a similar end in mind, in hope for a ethnonationalist basis that might be allied against its propositional imperialism.

A far cry from Putin apologetics of the Atl-Right, through these folk the corruption and imperial disconnect of the Russian Federation’s leadership is highlighted as analogous to The US Government’s propositional disconnect from peoplehood - the ethnostate.

Though the segment in this Vice News episode about Milo is sufficiently unflattering and won’t hurt anybody to watch, nor the other segments, it is the two corresponding segments - from 2:17 - 9:05 - that I would like to bring to your attention. Starting at 2:17, there is a brief segment discussing the mass “bourgeois” government protest and problems of its national organizer, Alex Navalny, who, after having recently gotten out of jail for organizing the protests, suffered a chemical attack on two occasions with no one being arrested for the attacks.


But this protest - whether it could be Soros backed or what - is not the most interesting one from an ethno-nationalist standpoint.

What is more interesting for ethno-nationalists is the subsequent story which more clearly indicates that the government of the Russian Federation is cutting into the meat of would-be ethno-national constituents. It is further indication that the Russian Federation is not functioning at an ethnostate, but is functioning to serve its political class as divorced from ethno-nationalism - particularly as its implications bear upon European and Asian peoples - while it might serve the group interests of others - Jews, blacks, even Muslims. Indeed it is a comparable beast to The United States: It’s leadership is corrupt and functioning with a different agenda from the rank and file. (((Medvedev))) is highly disapproved-of for having implemented such a schism, but Putin is looked upon critically as well, as an intimate part of the same system as Medvedev, a manifestation of a corrupt system that will simply grow another head like him when he goes away.

That outlook - which you will see a trucker’s unionist discuss in the clip - that outlook upon a systemically corrupt leadership of the Russian Federation is where to look for a way for ethno-nationalism to organize and overthrow the Russian Federation’s propositional imperialism - its growing connection with propositionalism and prescription against would-be ethno-states. A propositional imperialism emanating from its right-wing leadership in coalition with YKW, a corruption quite similar to that of the U.S. leadership (Trump et al.) which it supports and which is “coincidentally” acting quite like the YKW in this prescription to advance by contrast to ethnonationalism their own elite imperialism.

What that means for ethnonationalists is that there is a level headed perspective among the working Russian populace which sees things from an incipient ethnonationalist perspective, which might ultimately cooperate with us against the kind of supremacist imperialism of which Medvedev, Putin and the vastly aggrandized Russian Federation are a part.

The truckers talk about their travails in Irkutsk - a good ride east; and a little beyond Lake Baikal might form the border of one of the biggest ethno states in the world, where they might see fit that enough is enough; better that there be less conflict and more natural support by peacefully coordinating with native ethnonationalists to the east of that.


Zbigniew Brzezinski

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 27 May 2017 11:08.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose “great chess game” thinking was behind some of the better geo-strategy that Obama and other Presidents are given credit for, has died. Unfortunately, it is a wisdom and judgment not in evidence in Trump - at all - whatever check and balance to Israeli influence that Obama had put in place through Brzezinski’s coaching has been purged.

Obama was frequently given credit for resisting Israeli wishes - notably to go against the Iran Deal. But it would have been under the literal advice of Zbigniew Brzezinski to get behind the Iran Deal. The deal was perfect for the power of business interests to exercise its liberalizing effect not only for Iran, but against an eminently dangerous US comlicitness with Israeli-Russian Federation hegemony; along with complicitness to Islamic compradors and abetment of terror.

Say what you want about a cold war mindset, it taught western strategists to look at the Russian Federation and to not be naive about it.

The Russian Federation is not an ethno-state, and like the US, where it is not entirely mixed-up with Jewish interests, it is subject to right wing reactionary and imperialist politics.

The Alt-Right belatedly, grudgingly, acknowledges Jewish power and influence interwoven with not only Trump, but the Kremlin and Putin - it has even been forced to see the quid pro quo that Kumiko diagnosed - “support Israel and your Alt-Right can have backing - its a deal” - however, like David Duke, it will do anything but lay blame on its part for making these deals - what it will not see is the right wing shabbos goyim aspect of right wingers doing what right wingers do - blinding (themselves or others, depending) to their people’s broad interests and selling them out for their narrow interests - including selling out in deals with Jews. Clearly the right does not have Israeli interests under control. It does not have and will not allow the concept that would do it. That would mean having to acknowledge what fuck-ups they are, how inane their concept, how typical that they would put Trump in power, blinding to the obvious, deal making, shaking hands with their fellow enemies of ethnonationalism.

They’re ok with blaming Jews - and if Kumiko is able to force them to admit to a deal having been offered to them, they might even acknowledge it, almost acknowledge that they took the deal - so long as their masters allow them to lay blame on the “bad” Jews (not the “good ones” du jour); but they will not lay blame on the inherent defect of their right wing platform (heck, their Jewish masters wouldn’t allow it), let alone specify the fact that for its inherent instability its adherents are bound to do it again; let alone will they call attention to the fact that they are using and being used for the supremacist, imperialist interests of Israel, its diaspora, its cohorts, the US, the Russian Federation ...add Turkey, Saudi and others to that equation.

If Jews say Asians and Asian ethnonationalism are the enemy, and a Judeo-Christian West is the answer to ‘radical’ Islam, black and mestizo population imposition, it’s a deal for them. Our Asian friends are on notice, we true ethno-nationalists, including White Left nationalism, stand apart from the perfidy and the complicitness of the Alt-Right.

‘What happened to the girls in Rochdale is never far from my mind’

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 22 May 2017 06:33.

While stories like this have been pushed under the rug, for that we have to thank those who’ve pushed and those who have accepted a definition of the “left” as liberal internationalism opposed to unionized defense of natives - especially of the working class. The Sikh community warned would-be coalitions about Muslim grooming but there was no White Left to hear them and take them up in coalition-building. However, now that the Jewish controlled Right points out these stories in compassion to Whites, it’s ok to pay attention to them.

The actress stars in a gripping new drama about the Rochdale abuse scandal Credit:  Jeff Gilbert

DT, “Lesley Sharp: ‘What happened to the girls in Rochdale is never far from my mind”, 15 May 2017:

Lesley Sharp still remembers how she felt when she read about the widespread scandal of teenage girls being sexually abused in Rochdale. “I felt desperately sad, because it’s a real shock in the 21st century, where we’re fortunate to live in amazing country like the UK, that there are areas where young women feel so desperate about what their future should be,” says the 57-year-old actress quietly.

47 children are thought to have been groomed and sexually exploited by men in Rochdale between 2005 to 2008 and ignored by authorities. “I remember finding that shocking,” says Sharp. “I was just perplexed and horrified by the idea that these girls had initially been treated as somehow deserving of what had been meted out to them. I don’t think just because this case came to the fore that this situation has gone away. I think it’s still out there.”

Sharp’s passion about ending child sexual exploitation in the UK is ongoing - she has been a Barnados ambassador for several years - but it is also reflected in her latest role. Anonymising the victims, BBC One’s drama, Three Girls, depicts the real-life abuse of teenage girls in Rochdale. Sharp plays Detective Constable Margaret Oliver, the police officer who was so appalled by the way the force handled the girls’ cases that she eventually resigned.

Olguţa Vasilescu warns multinationals of ‘social-patriot shift’ in Romania

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 17 May 2017 06:07.

Olguţa Vasilescu warns multinationals of potential ‘social-patriot shift’ in Romania.

Visigrad, “Olguţa Vasilescu warns multinationals of genesis and potential of ‘social-patriot shift’ in Romania”, 12 May 2017:

Romania – Currently mayor of Craiova (Oltenia) under the aegis of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and as Minister of Labor, Family and Social Protection in the Grindeanu (PSD / ALDE) government, at 43 years of age, Olguţa Vasilescu, in a context of feminization of the European political elites, could well embody the Romanian version of the new social / Eurosceptic paradigm embodied elsewhere by women such as Marine Le Pen or Sarah Wagenknecht. Herself Oltenian (Oltenia being a sort of Romanian Midwest, where the population – though impoverished – is the most ethnically homogeneous in all the country), this woman, still young, of typical Romanian beauty and elegance is – to say the least – daring. As Minister of Labor, her name is closely attached to the drastic wage increases recently enjoyed by Romanian civil service workers, as part of a heterodox policy of stimulating demand, a policy which draws literal screams from the Romanian and European neo-liberal “elite”.

A member of the Greater Romania Party until the end of 2007, she then left this nationalist party, which had largely run its course. [Nearly twenty years after the murder of the Ceauşescus, this protest party, with no real program apart from a certain chauvinism (of which the Hungarian minority often paid the price) and nostalgia for N. Ceauşescu’s national-communism, withered by its lack of adaptation to the new socio-cultural and geopolitical realities of Central Europe, and also suffered from the excessive influence exerted by its charismatic and rather dictatorial leader, C. Vadim Tudor (who died in 2015). A cultivated poet and fine orator (comparable in many respects to his Hungarian counterpart: the nationalist dramatist and tribunist I. Csurka, who himself died at roughly the same time), but exhausted by scandals, Vadim Tudor had allowed Romanian nationalism to transform into a generational folklore too tightly bound to an electoral base of retirees who were (rightly) nostalgic for the period between 1970-1989 (probably the only period of true independence and wide-spread upward social mobility that modern Romania has known), seemingly condemned to follow this base to the grave.]


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Al Ross commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:44. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 01:33. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 23 Nov 2024 01:32. (View)

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