Majorityrights News > Category: Greater Israel Project

Paleocon Bannon arrested, indicted in private sector crowd-funding fraud, build-the-wall campaign.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 22 August 2020 09:42.

“Ethno-nationalism—it’s losers. It’s a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.” ...“These guys are a collection of clowns.” - Steve Bannon.

Paleocon Steve Bannon arrested, indicted for facilitating private sector crowd-funding fraud, build the wall campaign…

Donald Trump’s former aide Steven Bannon is arrested and INDICTED over ‘ripping off $25 million crowd-funded border wall to pay for his and co-founders’ lavish lifestyles’ - Daily Mail 20 Aug 2020

Thamster WitNat (Jefferson, Josh and Tyler), 22 Aug 2020 ( Josh Neal 2:10): “Bannon and several other members of the Trump campaign have basically been, just stealing millions of dollars from the public - from god-fearing, Trump-loving Americans, who took it upon themselves to build the wall.”

”...(Jefferson-Lee 2:46): I love this story, how hilarious this is. I know it’s terrible. I’m not happy that Magapedes got ripped-off. I was going to do my pseudo-Cernovich combined with Styxhexinhammer, “I predicted thith, I predicted thith”..because I remember about a year ago both Josh and I railing against this build the wall floating all over conservative media…. probably you shouldn’t donate to this. In fact, your tax dollars should be paying for it. This is obviously a scam. Don’t donate any money. Now what I found particularly hilarious about this, because I don’t know its because I hate myself or I hate Steve Bannon or maybe its some kind of combination of both, I actually went through the items that these goons bought with the money that they stole from Magapedes. I mean, these guys bought a fishing boat! That’s pretty expensive. OK? They bought a legit fishing boat off of the hopes and dreams off of the broken-back, American boomers who are desperate for something to be done.

This story won’t get enough coverage among the people who need to see it. Like conservaboomers and lets be honest, millennials who are like ironically into Americanism and don’t really know who they are; they need to hear this too: The conservative media is Not your friend. We’ve known this for quite some time but this is a literal grift that they were caught doing; lest I forget, during the ‘great Groyper wars’ of 2020, there were a lot of people saying like, you know, “our beef isn’t with Donald Trump Junior, just go after Charlie Kirk when he is speaking at TPUSA events, don’t go after Donald Trump Junior.’ But Trump Junior was seen shilling these funds too. Now maybe he didn’t know, maybe he didn’t have much of an idea of how much a crook Bannon was; I don’t believe that by-the-way, but it’s just me putting that out there.

Regardless, this just goes to show that the mainstream political establishment and the resistance that you’re allowed to have - Steve Bannon, who by the way, I just saw a picture of him before, leaving jail or something, looks like the quintessential boomer - the boomer of all boomers. These people are not your friends. They hate you.

Bannon’s disregard of ethno-nationalism is “leaked.” Majorityrights
To me,” Bannon said, “the economic war with China is everything” ...“Ethno-nationalism—it’s losers. It’s a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.” ...“These guys are a collection of clowns,” he added. See Majorityrights

There is no doubt about it. And just one more thing… imagine not trusting a Goldman-Sachs banker with ties to Hollywood like Steve Bannon? Shocker, shocker! He might actually hate you. He might not actually have your best interests in mind. Imagine that? Just going to put that out there; seems a little obvious when you actually do some thinking. - Jefferson-Lee.

JF Gariepy is more sympathetic to Bannon, arguing to the effect that Bannon is correct to plead not guilty and may be acquitted for the possibility that he may not have been fully aware, or significantly responsible for what his colleagues were up to, whether crowd-funding money was being spent on personal indulgences and what of the crowd funding money was yet to be spent on the wall.

A Walking Still: The Democratic National Convention

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 August 2020 05:00.

Is this a joke?

The senile Democratic Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden, who, while VP, lavished tactless praise on Jews for all the liberal “good” they’ve done America and Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris (who is married to a Zionist Jewish fella).

Can you imagine that they had Bill Clinton there to lecture us on morality?

They are running a senile/ready-to-die 78-year-old man for President, who will be controlled from behind. While Silcon Valley opens the Velcro chord for the provisional VP Candidate, the blatantly anti-White Kamala Harris - all full of talk about racist (White people) this and racist (White people) that - who waits in the wings.

There is no vaccine for racism. We’ve got to do the work. For George Floyd, for Breonna Taylor, for the lives of too many others to name. - Kamala Harris


Meanwhile, Michelle Obama, typically, expressed contempt and sense of superiority.

Michelle Obama said that the only thing that will save us is the cold hard truth, that Trump isn’t capable of doing the job (but Joe Alzheimer is, lol) and then proceeded to talk about the “endless” numbers of blacks who are being killed (impl. by Whites, esp. White policemen); adding that the phrase “black lives matter” is met with derision by the nation’s highest office (i.e., President Trump); stressing how important empathy is for Americans in the lower economic tiers, while advocating policies of racial conflict, i.e., that impose blacks upon and over Whites; while having indulged in extravagant expenditures at the tax-payer’s expense, lavished on her and her husband while he occupied the Presidency; while she charges exorbitant fees for her shitty talks; while she and her husband are set be the first to come out of the White House billionaires, with their retreats in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, etc.).

Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama spoke...

...again, both Hillary and Barack saying that Trump can’t do the job, but Joe Alzheimer can. These are the people of “integrity”, who had Gaddafi murdered, which unleashed the gate for a flood of African migration to Europe….walls between nations and people that Obama stressed, must be torn down.

Big Mulatto Bro’s audacity and ominous implication

“The greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another. The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants, Christians and Muslims and Jews, cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down!”  - Obama, Berlin 2008

It’s too bad that Tulsi Gabbard isn’t getting a chance. She’s about the best the Democrats have to offer. It’s also too bad that Trump is Israel’s boy while a functional civ-nat domestically, bad on environmental issues, etc.

Steven Stills serenaded us at the Convention. The protest song (For What it’s Worth) over the shut-down of the live music venue, Pandora’s Box, is an ill fit to BLM rioting; but in the best altercast, he might be suggesting to BLM that maybe the wisdom of violence, arson, general destruction and looting is something to stop and think about; but that’s a bit too kind; impulse control not being these people’s forte. Stills, who has slurred his words for years, given his own Bidenesque challenges, is not needed for political judgments anyway.

He’s a walking still - triple entendre: 1) He’s still walking. 2) He’s walking but not moving 3) He’s a walking alcohol distillery.

Winterland Lady of the Lake

When Boomer anthem meets millennial globohomo.…
3:14 PM Aug 18, 2020·Twitter Web App
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daniel sienkiewicz@MajorityRights
Level 1: Is that Stephen Stills playing guitar? His brain must be fried from all the drugs. Quote Tweet

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Winterland Lady of the Lake
Level 2: Yes, sadly it is him.

daniel sienkiewicz@MajorityRights
Replying to @Lady_Astor

Level 3: Music, like sports, is congratulated for being above differences between people… it’s practitioners, not usually the best educated, become popular evangelists nevertheless. Countering the results of this popular misdirection is a major project.
5:10 PM · Aug 18, 2020·Twitter Web App



Women in Germany feel unsafe in large cities, study shows

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 13 August 2020 05:04.

Related - Teenage girl stabbed to death in broad daylight in west German park. The scene of the murder in Viersen. Photo: DPA

Women in Germany feel largely unable to move about large cities without risk of verbal or physical harassment, a new study suggests. Every fourth woman reports experiencing sexual harassment in her city.

Almost no women feel safe when traveling about the large German cities of Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne and Munich, according to a study by the German branch of Plan International, a children’s rights organization.

For the study, dubbed “Safe in the City,” almost 1,000 women aged 16-71 were requested to place markers on an interactive map in city locations that they have experienced as safe or unsafe. Eighty percent of altogether 1,267 marked locations were classified as unsafe, for reasons including verbal harassment when jogging in the park, badly lit streets, stalking or unwanted touching of a sexual nature.

Read more: The sexual harassment video that shook Germany

“Our survey shows that girls and women do not really feel safe or able to move freely in their city. On average, each of the respondents marked one unsafe location in her surrounding area,” said Maike Röttger, the director of Plan International in Germany.

“Every fourth woman has experienced sexual harassment and every fifth woman has been followed, insulted or threatened,” Röttger said, adding that the study findings were concerning.

Nighttime fears

The most frequent reasons given for feeling threatened were encounters with people under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, badly lit paths and parks and lonely areas where no help would be available in the case of an emergency.

Röttger called for action, saying that every girl and woman had a right to move about in her city freely and without fear. She said they should be included in planning and structuring their urban surroundings to make them safer.

Read more: Merkel says Cologne NYE assaults will have far-reaching consequences

But Röttger also called for a change in thinking about gender roles, saying many boys and men still thought it was all right to harass women. “Underlying stereotypes and discrimination are the reason why girls and women cannot feel safe,” she said.

According to the study, women felt most in danger after dark, with 806 of the 1,014 negative markers indicating evenings or nights and only 208 applying to the daytime.

A 2018 study carried out by Plan International in New Delhi, Sydney, Lima and Madrid made similar findings, with most girls and women saying they feel unsafe in those cities.

Lebanon explosion an accident? Maybe not. Jets spotted above. IDF threatened Lebanon days before.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 06 August 2020 12:35.

How events leading up to the explosion suggest that this was not an accident, but an Israeli pre-emptive strike (standard IDF operating procedure).

Source: “The reason for this was that Hezbollah had vowed revenge due to a man the IDF had droned in Syria. So Israel has been shaken.”

Israel panics:


Israel humiliated themselves on the border last week.

They shelled south Lebanon and destroyed a house.

They thought Hezbollah attacked them, however it was another group of their troops who attacked them.

They attacked back thinking it was Hezbollah.

Friendly fire?

Ibid: Yes.

[And they] Started attacking south Lebanon.

Moments prior to the explosion…

Ibid: Many claim to have heard planes

And said it was a strike.

The media is saying that it was an accident.

Ibid: It’s unreal, their hasbara trolls are online blaming the Lebanese for their friendly fire. Saying the Lebanese crossed their border.

Israel was threatening to wipe out the infrastructure 3 days prior.

You know how they are liars and snakes.

People heard jets overhead

Many are sure it was an attack.

I also have other videos of survivors saying it was a strike, but they are not speaking English.


They claim to have found a missile (foreign language)

This was the force of it. This could have been avoided, pure negligence.

A ship was confiscated years ago.

An official was lazy and there just because of who he is not because he deserves the job.

Anyway I believe the ammonium nitrate was sabotaged…it just happened to blow up on that day when Lebanon was under starvation sanctions?

On the same Jewish holiday that Nagasaki occurred.

Israel Hayom 31 July 2020

In dramatic policy shift, Israel to hold Lebanon accountable for Hezbollah attack

Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday instructed the IDF to bomb Lebanese infrastructure if Hezbollah harms Israeli soldiers or civilians.

A senior defense official told Israel Hayom that Gantz issued the order to prepare such a response during meetings on Thursday with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi and other members of the general staff.

Tensions have rapidly escalated between Israel and the terrorist organization since the death of Hezbollah operative Ali Kamel Mohsen Jawad, along with two other terrorists, during an airstrike on Damascus International Airport earlier this month.

Hezbollah has vowed revenge for Jawad’s death, leading the IDF to move reinforcements to the northern border in preparation for an attack by the Shiite terror organization.

In Thursday’s meetings, Kochavi presented the IDF’s position on the matter, saying Israel must hold Hezbollah and the Lebanese government responsible for any future attack and its consequences.

According to the defense official, Israel didn’t kill the Hezbollah terrorists who attempted to carry out an attack in the Har Dov area on Monday, and didn’t release footage of the incident, in order to give the Shiite group a chance to save face and de-escalate the situation, but that Hezbollah was not taking the opportunity.

“If [Hezbollah] tries perpetrating another attack, we will see an unusual response from the IDF against [the organization] and the country of Lebanon,” the official said.

IDF tanks on the border with Lebanon this week (Eyal Margolin /JINI)

Israel’s unequivocal threat that Lebanon will bear responsibility for any Hezbollah attack is meant to foment pressure against the terrorist group at home. Following the Second Lebanon War in 2006 – in which Israel did not destroy government infrastructure – Israel has emphasized that it will also target Lebanon in any future conflict with Hezbollah.  And while this threat has only generally applied to a broad conflict with Hezbollah, Thursday’s order marked the first time Israel has officially declared it will harm Lebanon even in response to an isolated-tactical attack.

In recent years Israel has tried implementing this deterrence strategy in other sectors as well. Throughout the Syrian civil war, Syrian infrastructure was hit every time a terrorist attack emanated from Syrian territory. In Gaza, too, Israel targets Hamas when terrorist attacks are carried out by other groups.

Now, for the first time, Israel is applying this deterrence policy to Lebanon. This is a dramatic policy shift because in previous rounds of fighting between the IDF and Hezbollah, Israel has avoided bombing Lebanese infrastructure. Although the current Lebanese government is extremely weak and is effectively controlled by Hezbollah, the expectation in Israel is that the coronavirus pandemic and country’s dire economic straits – combined with the fear that an Israeli offensive would be devastating – will provide the impetus for heavy pressure on Hezbollah to call off another attack.

IDF officials on Thursday assessed that Hezbollah is determined to carry out a successful attack, but one that incurs a minimal risk of an escalation.

“The coming days will be critical,” a senior IDF official said. “The IDF is on high alert for an attack” and ready to execute a harsh response.

Dr Kevin MacDonald: Evolutionary Psychology, Jews, Europeans and Christianity

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 01 August 2020 05:00.

Aleš Ernecl 4 July 2020, conducts a Big Interview

Dr Kevin MacDonald Evolutionary Psychology, Jews, Europeans and Christianity

If you are able to articulate public relations manipulation so well, how did you wind up altercast?

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 31 July 2020 13:28.

The Absolute State of Britain, on Mike Enoch’s TRS network.

If you are able to articulate public relations manipulation so well, how did you wind up altercast?

27 July 2020:

The Absolute State Of Britain #62: The Kosher Sausage-Roll (With MORGOTH)

Morgoth (136:14): I’ve done a few videos on this where the government and every relationship to public relations departments that they use to manage the public mood.

In The Home Office, you can even see The Home Office website, they call it the nudge strategy; and what they mean is that first they’ve got contingency plans for everything that can happen; and then they’ve also got PR departments which roll out PR campaigns in order to get the people thinking the way that they want, so that the population is like being permanently managed by the government itself via these PR departments; and they call it the nudge…

..and nudging people in “the right way” so all those tick-tock videos from the pandemic I mean it’s fascinating because…it, I feel like a fucking guinea pig because we’ve just been in the full lock-down thing .. it’s easing up a bit now; and then it’s as if we’ve been like…you get whiplash where you’re whisked into this now, this whole Black Lives Matter thing…just one straight after the other and I’m like you think that I’m, I, are we like a mouse in a proper maze here.

It’s somehow about how we react and how the population is managed because you know what….

Because here’s the thing and I’ve never seen the kind of individualists like Spike take this on. But the problem that you have (I know it’s a joke, but), in theory, we’re a liberal society and that’s supposed to be made up of a mass of individuals who are all able to get to the truth and formulate their own opinions and then they will vote for the party on that [knowledge] and so on and so on…that’ll be how they view the world.

The problem is, if you’re then in the business of managing, macro-managing the entire population, and we’re seeing that right now with Black Lives Matter, then what does that actually say about your individualistic society?

Because what’s happened is, they’re not able to get to any kind of truth, they’re not able to formulate any kind of opinions because all the information that they’re being fed is bullshit and according to a larger agenda.

So this kind of makes a complete mockery out of the individualist because what are you basing all of this on?

And you can see the results of it. I mean, we spoke about it all night here - the middle chunk, who are the most conformist will all, at the individual level, think of themselves as being individuals who make up their own minds.

And yet they agree with the government PR campaigns. It’s not even a conspiracy. All of these different PR companies have got flashy websites and when you go on the websites they’re all like a bunch of millennial bug-men, with target-charts; and all of that kind of thing.. all right out in the open… they’re just managing the public mood…. and to me, it’s this really dire critique of the liberal society; where everybody is an individual who makes up their own mind, because they’re obviously not.


Yuro (200:56): “See ya Kyle” (a “funny” way of saying “Seig Heil”, because we all think that’s such a cool salutation, don’t we?).

Now, “The Absolute State of Britain” airs over at Mike Enoch’s TRS Network - which I have long recognized as the main distribution outlet for the kosher marketing campaign devised to take White reaction against neo-conservatism, PC and increasing Jewish power and influence circa 2008, and to direct (nudge) it into a revised (((paleoconservatism))) 2.0 called the Alt-Right (now dissident right/ or neither left nor right as “increasingly meaningless terms” or third positionism) against a characterology of the left.

That is, they were nudging the reaction to stay on the right (anti social, stigmatic, disruptive and divisive of organizational power) and providing voice to White reaction, alt-right tents among the tentosphere (Christians, Nazis, the scientistic, the nutty conspiracy theorists and yet another tent for right wing Jews as proposed allies) if they went along and manifested some anti-social stigma, maintained identity as right wing reaction against hyperbolic inernationalist/anti-nationalist Marxist and Cultural Marxist (anti-White) organization/ coalitions characterized as “THE” Left, characterized as didactically repulsive and absurd so that Whites didn’t get the idea of White Left Ethnonationalism and its concept of broad unionization to delimit and protect the bounds of White people - because then they’d begin to organize their power and set sights on the pervasive pattern of kosher folks who naturally advocated for liberal scabbing of their borders and bounds as a rule; and then they’d look up and see who was on top, fucking them over: Kosher folks in 7-9 power niches in tandem with White right wing elitist sell outs, purity spiralists and Liberals taking the license, licentiousness offered them in the disordered circumstance of their borders and bounds having been flung wide open.

I have elaborated in many places about how and what it means to be right wing and liberal (objectivism at its base as an excuse with ever narrowing, “more pure” warrant as its source of power; minimizing accountability to borders and bounds of one’s people, indebtedness and responsibility thereof) and why the kosher folks want Whites to maintain that identity. Also, a characterology of “The Left” with all the absurdities of the exaggerated abuses of group organization, individual agency and activism, associated even at its base, organizational essence, as something only for anti-Whites.

...a dozen memes perhaps (red pills, normies, optics cucking, social justice warriors, etc) provided by some NY PR firm and placed in the portfolio of a Mike Enoch to deliver to the goyim with an instruction, “Be as anti-Semitic and pro-Hitler as you need.” ...“call your show the ‘Daily Shoah’ and make ‘oven’ jokes… you’ll establish the ‘vanguard’ and tell people that the ‘normies’ don’t understand like we do, nor do the ‘optics cucks’, so for the most part we’ll have to wink and nod, knowing that “our Uncle” (Enoch literally refers to Hitler that way in the show below) had it all right, but they won’t understand, so keep it cool, “See Kyle!” (lol) until enough of them are ‘red pilled’, especially given the ‘lefties’ out there, who might not want us to deny ‘the holahoax’ know how unreasonable and anti free speech THE LEFT is.”

The Absolute State Of Britain #61: Black Riots Matter (With MIKE ENOCH)

Meanwhile we’ve got other tents working the other right wing reactionary angles to direct them against our characterology of “The Left”. We’ve got the Christian tents to keep the goyim yoked under Noahide law.

We’ve got Keith Preston to help them, e.g., Todd Lewis and Right Ruminations to maintain the left as the demon.

Where audience turns for something else, we’ve got a tent for people who say “neither left nor right” so that Whites don’t get any idea of the organizational power of White Left Ethnonationalism.

And if they begin to get the idea, we can subvert it with another tent to appeal to newbies with “Third Positionism”..served up by useful idiots Keith Woods (with Cultured Thug, who was singing the virtues of third positionism, Hitler and Mussolini with Richard Spencer et al, the day before Spencer’s channel got taken down), Thamster, Jefferson Lee and Eric Striker (Mike Enoch there to help, of course), promoting it to provide a back door and means to maneuver our people by exploiting its no account, non socially corrective rigid reaction against our social systemic homeostasis/ self corrective, self governing autonomy (specifically subverted by introducing to this left cover, an option for Christianity, or the rational blindness of scientism and objectivism, which dovetails with Hitler adulation).

To shore up this reactionary position against the left, cooler heads will be directed from that horror show back to the home base Gottfried tent where it all started for good old fashioned paleoconservatism; and now that Richard Spencer took the nudge a bit too far at Mike Enoch’s prompting, we have the still edgy, but not too edgy new paleocon, Nick Fuentes, to retain the Christian, Noahide jurisdictional yoke.


....yielding the paleocon torch to the cookie monster, Nick Fuentes..

Christian Zionist Pompeo & US State Dept back holocaust reparation claims against Poland and others.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 30 July 2020 10:17.

US hits Poland, others in Europe over Holocaust claims

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo listens during a news conference at the State Department on July 28, 2020, in Washington. (Brendan Smialowski/Pool via AP)

Times of Israel, 30 July 2020:
State Department report calls out Bosnia, Belarus, Ukraine and particularly Warsaw for failing to compensate Holocaust victims for property seized during Nazi occupation.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is criticizing a number of eastern and central European nations, including Poland, for failing to compensate Holocaust victims and their families and communities for property seized during Nazi occupation in World War II as the numbers of survivors dwindles due to age.

In a report issued Wednesday, the State Department called out Bosnia, Belarus, Ukraine and particularly Poland for not having acted on restitution claims. Croatia, Latvia and Russia were also taken to task in the report, which is likely to draw angry responses from the governments identified.

“Much time has passed, and the need for action is urgent,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a forward to the 200-page report that looks at the records of 46 countries in meeting commitments they made to restitution in 2009.

The report had been due for release in March but was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic and concerns it could fuel anti-Semitism during the economic turn-down caused by the outbreak. Its release after a four-month delay comes as the Trump administration has been loathe to pick fights with conservative European governments it is seeking support from in other areas.

Holocaust survivors walk below the gate with its inscription ‘Work sets you free’ after a wreath laying at the death wall at the memorial site of the former Nazi death camp Auschwitz during ceremonies to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the camp’s liberation in Oswiecim, Poland, on January 27, 2020 (Janek Skarzynski/AFP)

“As we mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust, the legacy of the Nazis’ mass looting remains in too many places and largely unaddressed,” he said. “Given the advanced age of Holocaust survivors, many of whom live in poverty, the findings of this report serve as a reminder that countries must act with a greater sense of urgency to provide restitution or compensation for the property wrongfully seized from victims of the Holocaust and other victims of Nazi persecution.”


Paleoconservatism as “Cultural Controlled Opposition” to Neo-Conservatism and its Clean Break Memo.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 22 July 2020 06:37.

Paleoconservatism as “Cultural Controlled Opposition” in response to Neo-Conservatism and its Clean Break Memo.

They typically come across as your best asset. If you recognize it for what it is and keep it on the radar screen as such, not getting caught up, controlled opposition can have its utility as they are often funded to provide valuable resource, typically enlisting intelligent people and allowing them fine and clear articulation of some important information for WN. Nick Fuentes nicely articulates Israeli Operation Clean Break, a.k.a., “Project for a New America Century.”

Although Nick’s Paleoconservatism is not what most people consider to be classic controlled opposition, make no mistake. While we are tossing around the word “culture” of late, adding “cultural capitalism” and “cultural nationalism” on the radar screen with cultural Marxism, it can be said quite accurately that Paleoconservatism is a “cultural controlled opposition”.... a bit softer and more flexible perhaps than classic, but undoubtedly allowing the enemies of European peoples to act on key points.

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