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Before treating Unz Review as friendly Jewish ally, better look under the dress

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 01 July 2017 11:30.

Unz Review, 19 June 2017: “Russia and Islam: Connecting the Dots and Discerning the Future.”

Russian nationalists (as opposed to Russian patriots) did try their best to infect Russia with her own brand of Islamophobia, but that movement was defeated by an absolutely uncompromising stance by Vladimir Putin himself:

I need to say that, as I have repeated many times before, from its beginning Russia had formed as a multiconfessional and multiethnic state. You are aware that we practice Eastern Christianity called Orthodoxy. And some theorists of religion say that Orthodoxy is in many ways closer to Islam than to Catholicism. I don’t want to evaluate how true this statement is, but in general the coexistence of these main religions was carried out in Russia for many centuries. Over the centuries we have developed a specific culture of interaction, that might be somewhat forgotten in the last few decades. We should now recall those our national roots.”

Clearly, as long as Putin and those who support him remain in power, Islamophobia will have no future whatsoever in Russia. Russia will have to become the place where the Islamophobic myths will debunked ..

This site, Unz Review, is being treated by the Alt-Right as being in its friendly orbit.

True, the site does provide occasional useful information from which arguments for White interests can be derived, such as the study showing Harvard’s massive discriminatory bias against Asians (from which bias against Whites can be inferred also if you recognize and parse out the fact that Jews are not White), or the demographic projections that (((Steve Sailer))) puts up of Africa’s horrifying birth trajectory compared to Europeans, but you must look beyond, to the site’s chutzpah in projecting influence and goals upon the Alt-Right.

First, the black dress that they lay-out for our funeral:

Unz Review, “Will Sub-Saharan Africa’s Population Hit 10 Billion? 15 Billion?”, 27 June 2017:

Over at, a demographer points out that all my scary graphs lately have been based on the U.N. Population Division’s optimistic-sounding “medium fertility variant” in which total fertility rates magically converge toward 1.85 babies per woman by the end of the century.

But what if Africans just go on doing what comes natural? The correspondent points out that 10 billion is within reach under the assumption of constant fertility and mortality rates. Indeed, the UN offers a “constant fertility” table with, I believe, declining mortality due to technological advances in health care in which Sub-Saharan Africa’s population in 2100 is 15,175,708,000.

Fifteen billion Sub-Saharans is really not likely to happen, but my main point is: I’m not making these numbers up. These all come from the United Nations, not me.

Also, the UN offers a super optimistic “instant replacement fertility” table in which the total fertility rate drops to replacement today and remains that for the rest of the century. Due to demographic momentum, the population of sub-Saharan Africa still grows from 969 million in 2015 to 1,237 million* in 2035 to 1,444 million* in 2050 to 1,731 million in 2100.

        * He meant to write “billion” (but maybe getting nervous).

It’s easy to get blinded like a deer in the headlights by something like this. Take it to heart as a massive weapon that can be used against us, but don’t lose site of who’s taking the aim, the array of “equipment” (other people besides blacks) that they deploy and just how mean they are in doing it. Don’t be distracted into thinking they are on our side: Look under the dress -

We’ll provide this example and then treat this as an ongoing roller, as we say, to monitor just what the Unz Review is up to in its chutzpah. Have a closer look again at this first:

Unz Review, 19 June 2017: “Russia and Islam: Connecting the Dots and Discerning the Future”

Russia only has an observer status in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) due to the fact that she is not a majority Muslim country. Russia is also a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which brings together China, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Russia , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan , India and Pakistan. Let’s look at the approximate number of Muslims in the SCO countries: China 40,000,000 , Kazakhstan 9,000,000, Kyrgyzstan 5,000,000, Russia 10,000,000, Tajikistan 6,000,000 , Uzbekistan 26,000,000, India 180,000,000, Pakistan 195,000,000. That’s a grand total of 471 million Muslims.

Add to this figure the 75’000’000 Iranians which will join the SCO in the near future (bringing the grand total to 546’000’000) and you will see this stunning contrast: while the West has more or less declared war in 1.8 billion Muslims, Russia has quietly forged an alliance with just over half a billion Muslims!

Russian nationalists (as opposed to Russian patriots) did try their best to infect Russia with her own brand of Islamophobia, but that movement was defeated by an absolutely uncompromising stance by Vladimir Putin himself who went as far as stating that:

I need to say that, as I have repeated many times before, from its beginning Russia had formed as a multiconfessional and multiethnic state. You are aware that we practice Eastern Christianity called Orthodoxy. And some theorists of religion say that Orthodoxy is in many ways closer to Islam than to Catholicism. I don’t want to evaluate how true this statement is, but in general the coexistence of these main religions was carried out in Russia for many centuries. Over the centuries we have developed a specific culture of interaction, that might be somewhat forgotten in the last few decades. We should now recall those our national roots.”

Clearly, as long as Putin and those who support him remain in power, Islamophobia will have no future whatsoever in Russia. [...] Russia will have to become the place where the Islamophobic myths will debunked and a different, truly multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic civilizational model offered as an alternative to the monolithic Hegemony dominating the world today.

Modern secularist ideologies have given mankind nothing except violence, oppression, wars and even genocides. It is high time to kick them into the trash heaps of history were they belong…

Ah yes, “Russia and Islam: Connecting the Dots and Discerning the Future” ... connecting the dots…Islam and Russia, the blood, bread and s/oil resource behind Israel/Judaism, they’ll protect us from “Islamophobia” ....they have given us nothing but peace ...and Christianity will keep us real, protect us from violence. ...let us pray together (not think together).

Do you believe this stuff is being circulated flagrantly among the Alternative Right!?!


Acrimony on the Alt-Right: Predictably, the Inherent Instability of The Right Emerges

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 18 June 2017 06:23.

Alt-Right publisher Daniel Friberg from a promotional speech for right-wing 2015

Acrimony on the Alt-Right/New Right, etc. Right: predictably, the inherent instability of The Right emerges. For those who like soap operas, the right is perhaps good for that. But their instability rather highlights the preferability of our platform for organizing nationalists in two way accountability to our interests (to us and from us); against foreign antagonists, whether elite or rank and file; and against traitors among our own, whether elite, or rank and file.

There isn’t a lot of consensus among the right - their primary orientation, against “The Left” and “equality”, was given to them by brackets (viz. Gottfried 2008), adopted then and only became the “common sense enemy” by consensus since the YKW allowed them to do that. Brackets, those in service of brackets, and those willing to sell our people-out for personal gain or sheer ideology are rife in all camps of the right.

Alt-Right, 16 June 2017:


In the latest bit of juicy infighting here in the Alt-Right, Daniel Friberg, the head honcho of intellectual (but fashy) book publisher Arktos has been defriended on Facebook by Greg Johnson, the mysterious “voice without a face” who runs the fashy (but intellectual) Counter-Currents webzine and book publisher.

The defriending follows weeks of behind-the-scenes bickering and accusations that Johnson had been bad-mouthing Friberg behind his back.

In an attempt to clear the air, Friberg who lives in Budapest, Hungary, heard that Johnson was in town on a low-profile speaking tour, and cordially invited him to have a face-to-face meeting, posting the following message on Facebook:

  Hey Greg Johnson, you have been attacking my character publicly and behind my back for close to a year now. Considering we’re neighbors here in Budapest, how about I buy you a latte at Starbucks; you can say all these things to my face. What do you think?” - Daniel Friberg

Alt-Right: “The Attacks on Arktos,” 17 June, 2017:


Isil convoy departs Raqqa intact and equipped.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 17 June 2017 14:51.

and Zero-Hedge are reporting this evacuation as having been allowed by The US Military. ZOG being what it is, it is not inconceivable that they would allow them to escape and leave them well equipped.

However, given that Alt-Right and Zero-Hedge are effectively organs of Russian Active Measures at this point, neither can we simply take their word for it as if presenting the whole truth and nothing but…  as if The Russian Federation’s hands are clean in this.

Reports from a year ago highlighted the accusation that Isil was allowed to leave from Mosul unmolested to go to Syria for another stab at another phase of “Clean Break” implementation - against al-Assad in that case.

They cite the “anti-Russian newspaper, The Guardian”:

“An anonymous source claiming to a Russian newspaper something as conspiratorial as the U.S. directly aiding ISIS militants may seem a dubious, but since the offensive was launched on Monday of this week, this has been the reality on the ground.”

“According to Army Lieutenant General Talib Shaghati, as reported by anti-Russian newspaper, the Guardian, ISIS militants are already fleeing Mosul to Syria. This was further confirmed by the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, who said that if ISIS were forced out of Mosul, they would likely go on to Syria.”

The Left did it! The Left told you Trump was an Anti-Semite and see?! He’s not anti-Semite at all!

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 15 June 2017 11:31.

Trump feels the Israeli/Saudi orbit expanding over Qatar and (it is hoped) Iran as well..  (photo Matt Troller, Twitter).

“Being on the left means never have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’”

But the greatest lesson is this: Next time the Left gets hysterical, just assume the hysteria is fraudulent. There has been no exception to this rule in my lifetime. And that includes the hysteria about Trump-campaign “collusion” with Russia. - Dennis Pager, National Review, 13 June 2017.

Let’s give credit where it’s due. The Right says Trump is Not anti-Semitic and that’s absolutely true. In fact, he’s quite philo-Semitic. They go further to suggest that The Left is getting away with hysterical accusations by pulling at liberal heartstrings - and as the nominal protectorate of full group interests, including compassion for marginals, wouldn’t “The Left” be in a good rhetorical position to do just that?

National Review, “Remember the Hysteria about Trump-Induced Anti-Semitism”, 13 June 2017:

The hysteria was genuine. The anti-Semitism wasn’t.

As I document in my book Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph, which is an explanation of Americanism, leftism, and Islamism, hysteria is a major tactic of the Left. If you think about it, there is never an extended period of time — one year, let’s say — during which society is not engulfed by a hysteria induced by the Left. The mother of them all is global warming, or “climate change,” as the Left has come to call it (because the warming was not quite enough to induce widespread panic). Hysterics such as billionaires Al Gore and Tom Steyer, along with virtually all the Western news media, warn us that the existence of life on earth is threatened by carbon emissions.

But in its longevity, global warming is almost unique among left-wing hysterias. In general, left-wing hysterias last for much less time, from a few months to a year or two. And when they end — because the hysteria is widely recognized as fraudulent — they’re immediately dropped and completely forgotten. The Left never pays a price for its hysteria.

Take, for example, the hysteria the Left created by charging President Trump’s election with the unleashing of unprecedented amounts of anti-Semitism and racism in America. Being attuned to the Left’s use of hysteria, I knew it was hysteria at the time. In the March 7, 2017, issue of the Jewish Journal, I wrote a column titled “There Is No Wave of Trump-Induced Anti-Semitism or Racism.” It was all a lie. That’s why you hardly hear anything now about an alleged wave of racism or anti-Semitism in the country. What rankles those who have a passion for justice is that the mendacious fomenters of the hysteria have gotten away with it.

So, as a Jew who understands how much damage left-wing Jews have done to the real fight against anti-Semitism, I think that some of these people are worth mentioning. Perhaps the individual who most spread the lie of Trump-induced anti-Semitism was a previously unknown man named Steven Goldstein, executive director of the previously unknown Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect in New York.


Well, guess what. It turned out that President Trump was entirely right: There was no eruption of anti-Semitism in America, let alone one emanating from the White House. Furthermore, “those asking the question” did indeed deserve to be “lashed out” against.

And why aren’t we hearing any more about Trump-induced anti-Semitism in America? Because law-enforcement officials reported that a disturbed Israeli-American Jewish teenager in Israel was the source of nearly all the threats against Jewish community centers. And that a handful of other threats to them came from an angry, obsessive black radical trying to frame an ex-girlfriend.

Will any of those who spread the lie and hysteria about Trump-induced anti-Semitism now apologize?

I wrote the answer to that question about 35 years ago: “Being on the left means never have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’”

But the greatest lesson is this: Next time the Left gets hysterical, just assume the hysteria is fraudulent. There has been no exception to this rule in my lifetime. And that includes the hysteria about Trump-campaign “collusion” with Russia.

Read full article at National Review,

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Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 13:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 10:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 09:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 08:28. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 02:29. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:38. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 30 Jun 2024 02:43. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 29 Jun 2024 23:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 29 Jun 2024 21:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:43. (View)

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