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A US border wall, as any requirement of border control, is imperative for pervasive ecology, but…

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 12 January 2019 10:24.

United States Border Patrol at Algodones Sand Dunes, California, USA. The fence on the US-Mexican border is a special construction of narrow, 15 feet tall elements, that are movable vertically. This way they can be lifted on top of the ever shifting sand dunes (image Public Domain, Wikipedia).

Lest there be any misunderstanding, the position here is that the matter of a United States Southern border wall, fence, whatever, as any requirement of border control, is very important.

Border control there is particularly illustrative of a central matter, which is that border control is crucial to the management of populations in human and pervasive ecology; issues which include territorial carrying capacity - hence, at this border, the particular demographic is a secondary matter; salient there is the matter of Mexico’s massive population - Mexico City being among the most overpopulated cities in the world.

Nevertheless, the demographic and rule structure of The United States is already on a disastrous trajectory for Whites, will remain so, even with a wall on the south border.

While border control is essential at any rate, the worst case scenario of its instantiation would be that it will be used to lull complacency of propositional conservatism - “we Americans all being in the same relatively taken-care-of boat” - and further close us in and galvanize us into mulattoization; furthering the trajectory of those who left us susceptible for the Cartesian rule structure of the constitution and to the Jewry which weaponized it against our necessary discrimination both at the border and within the borders.

...galvanizing us with the demographic upshot of this manipulation unfortunately against a population that does have some warrant as native American behind them and which, for their nature, is highly ethnocentric. It is a demographic thus, which has been effective against integration with blacks, against integration with Whites, indifferent to Jewish violin playing; as such, in the most optimistic scenario, could be allied with other Asians and Whites against black power, Jewish supremacism and Islamic imposition over human ecological coordination (agreed, getting Mestizos to cooperate in ecological management is no small trick; perhaps Asians proper could help reason, coordinate and enforce such management).

Failing that is a default “alliance” by contrast in sudden, “conservative” implementation against Meztiso populations that looks suspiciously in line with Jewish interests against an Asian, Mestizo, White alliance as it would resist continued instigation of the Mulattoization of the broad mass of American Whites, while allying Jewry with increasingly rare White sell-out elites; whose precarious situation would be more and more prone to interbreeding with Jewry or the Mulatto mass.

“They Hate Italians and Must Resign”: Salvini Lambasts Mayors Resisting Strong Immigration Rules

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 January 2019 17:32.

They Hate Italians and Must Resign’: Salvini Attacks Mayors Resisting Harsh Immigration Rules”,  4 Jan 2019

The times when mayors of Palermo, Florence and Naples could cash in on illegal immigrants are over, Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said, vowing that those resisting the new policies will answer before law and history.

“Those who help the illegal immigrants, hate Italians,” Salvini said, blasting his opponents on Facebook and Twitter.

The minister from the conservative Lega Nord Party promised that the rebelling city heads will “answer before law and history.” And it’s no idle threat, as the former mayor of the Calabrian town of Riace is currently under house arrest on charges of aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

The feature image shows the Mayor of Naples standing among refugees, on the occasion of a football match. He can be seen in the centre of the picture, holding a white shirt reading “Football Against Racism”. November 2016.

“Certain mayors look back fondly on the good old times of immigration, but for them the party is over!” Salvini said.

By “certain mayors” he meant the heads of Palermo, Florence and Naples, who he gave the choice of resigning from their posts. The three mayors insisted that some parts of Salvini’s security decree aimed at curbing illegal migration to the country were unconstitutional and that they would refuse to follow them.

According to the new decree, migrants can no longer apply for full residency after a two-year asylum stay – but Palermo mayor Leoluca Orlando wants his city to continue this practice. Denying migrants access to health care and other essential municipal services would have an opposite effect and put them on the path of crime instead, he argued in the interview to the newspaper La Repubblica.

His resistance to the decree was “not an act of civil disobedience or conscientious objection, but the simple application of the constitutional rights that are guaranteed to all those, who live in our country,” Orlando said.

He also announced plans to take the anti-migrant rules to the Constitutional Court for the judges to rule on how they comply with Italy’s principal law.

The mayor of Palermo was backed by his counterpart from Florence, Dario Nardella, who insisted that his city wouldn’t cave in to the law that “expels asylum-seekers and, without repatriating them, throws them out onto the street.”

Naples Mayor Luigi de Magistris said on Thursday that he was going to open the city’s port to Sea Watch, a NGO ship that had been involved in rescuing migrants trying to cross the into Italy on rafts and rickety boats. The vessel has been stuck in the stormy Mediterranean for more than two weeks now, with 32 asylum-seekers onboard.

“I hope this boat comes to Naples because, despite what the government says, we will let it into the port,” de Magistris said, adding that he “will be first to lead the rescue effort.”

Following his comments, Salvini reiterated that that all the ports in Italy were closed to migrant-rescuing ships.

Source: Amren via RT

Fields jury renders verdict of guilty on all charges, including first degree, pre-meditated murder.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 08 December 2018 06:19.

In a case that a normal and just society would probably find for manslaughter, James A. Fields is convicted of first degree murder among nine other charges.

Commentators for Fields defense spoke of the case: That he was apparently attacked by anti-fa all day; having had urine thrown on him amidst a melee where heavy objects were thrown; some others identifying with the right wingers had their eyes maced as police stood down and directed them through a gauntlet of anti-fa; ensuing that, Fields was allegedly attacked in a parking garage as he attempted to flee; culminating in an anti-fa (a teacher who bragged about) pointing a gun at him in a readiness position; after which Fields finally got into his car and drove it onto the one way street; checking his GPS at one point (indicating that he wanted to know the way out, in accordance with other plans he had for coming days, not how to plan a murder); finally, anti-fa smashed Fields car at least twice with heavy sticks, with loud noises that could have sounded like gun shot, causing a temporary “me or them” panic. He then accelerated (although perhaps not to as high a speed as it may appear) toward the jay-walking crowd, perhaps hoping they might scurry as they otherwise blocked his only legal car passage through the street.

The defense goes something like that.

At some points there and undoubtedly along the way, Fields used very bad judgment.

A key bad move was in joining a right-wing rally - “Unite The Right” - which, deliberate or not, was perfect to bring those reacting to liberalism’s destructiveness into a trap.

If “the Alt-Right” had anything particularly right in its overall conception, it was that it was Not so united as to be easily pinned-down and targeted. Then they went and betrayed that one thing they had most correct, with a damn fool thing like uniting under one banner. Typical right-wing perfidy.

Fields did not help his case as he bought-into the right wing prescriptions, professing admiration for Hitler since his school days, while also displaying a volatile emotional state that may have included threats and battery against his mother.

The jury was told about this and shown internet postings by Fields to depict a state of preparedness for such an event such that they might render a verdict of first degree, pre-mediated murder.

Details: Fields’ sentencing hearing will follow on Monday where he could face life in prison. Prosecutors said Fields was enraged when he drove through the crowd, and revealed an Instagram post saying “You have a right to protest, but I’m late for work” that he shared three months before the crash.

The more likely scenario would seem to be “manslaughter” with extenuating circumstances: perhaps diminished personal emotional/intellectual capacity, with impaired judgment as a result. A pervasive social environment of the nation where the genetic interests of Whites are under continual attack - verbally and logistically; while defense of one’s EGI is stigmatized where not outright prohibited; while in the prospect of self defense as a White, especially physically defending against assault from non-Whites, one has to be aware that doing so runs the risk of being charged with a hate crime and minimum of ten years in jail (you can even see postings on public buses: “hate crimes carry mandatory ten year jail sentences”).

Do I believe that Fields is guilty of first degree murder? No. Vehicular manslaughter probably yes. From what I can tell of that situation, even if you have to drive the wrong way down a one way street, you do that in order to escape, but you don’t drive into a crowd.

Those injured didn’t deserve it. Heather Heyer certainly didn’t deserve to die; those right wingers who mock her in death are disgraceful.

This incident is part and parcel of a right wing mindset that seeks to short cut social accountability.

It forms an example of why we should cultivate prescription of left ethnonationalism in defense of European peoples, such that the compassion of social accountability is built in conceptually from the start. Marginals such as Fields and Heyer might be directed back to their authentic, healthy organic patterns; while other marginals, those who think they’re objectively above it all in their right wing reactions, such that they might simply mock Fields and Heyer, might be encouraged to act like normal human beings with a sense of accountability, responsibility, compassion and social justice.

Condolences for Heather Heyer. And for those observing Fields example, don’t double down in unanimity with the right as the marginal Richard Spencer prescribes. On the contrary, get out of the right!


Related at Majorityrights: Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

With H. Bush passes kosher skeptic Anglo-elite regime, media openness about black danger to Whites

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 07 December 2018 08:37.

“Use of furloughs for prisoners in the U.S. is widespread, successful and relatively problem free,” the editor of a magazine for corrections professionals told the New York Times in 1988 (the New York Times was part of the Newhouse Group).

The (((Newhouse Group)) had a strangle hold on media by means of major U.S. city newspaper and magazine syndication in days prior to internet (and any goyem who wanted to be journalist, let alone an editor, had better be of the shabbos variety). YKW also had a strong grip on publishing, along with a strangle-hold on the three major TV networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC; and then there were the eight major Hollywood YKW studios that they headed to facilitate their effective control of public information; viz., in the times since electronic media began to supplant their millennia-long popular “media” control and the taken for granted perception thereof by means of the bible narratives. The Newhouse syndicate and YKW TV networks had a blackout on reporting the race of rapists and murderers (because it would reveal a vast disproportion of these crimes committed were black on White). The H. Bush candidacy saw a last gasp of asserting openness and honesty about black on White crime, as Bush appealed to the White voting base with the Willie Horton ad that drew condemnation from the YKW’s liberal agenda.

The add observes: “One murderer allowed a weekend pass was Willie Horton, who murdered a boy in a robbery, stabbing him 19 times. Despite a life sentence, Horton received 10 weekend passes from prison. Horton fled, kidnapped a young couple, stabbing the man and repeatedly raped his girlfriend.”

On October 26, 1974, in Lawrence, Massachusetts, Horton and two accomplices robbed Joseph Fournier, a 17 year-old gas station attendant, and then fatally stabbed Fournier 19 times after he had cooperated by handing over all of the money in the cash register. His body was stuffed in a trash can so his feet were jammed up against his chin. Fournier died from blood loss.

It should be observed that the passing of George H. Bush also represents the passing of the last Jewish resistant Anglo-Aristocratic regime in the U.S. Presidency. Witness commentary made by his Secretary of State, James Baker, “F— the Jews” since they don’t vote for Republicans anyway..

The YKW made up their minds that H. Bush would be a one term President, and that is how Clinton became President “out of nowhere”  (same way Trump became President “out of nowhere” ...cough, “I’ll undo the Iran Deal for you”, cough).

At the time, everyone could see that Clinton had no character. And yet, “out of nowhere”, the sniveling creep emerged, literally on cue, to the media angles to present him as a tough, standup guy - “presidential.” It was maddeningly easy to see how phony this all was, and how the media was integral to rigging Clinton to be the President to supplant Bush and his “F- the Jews” Secretary of State.

Clinton looks for cue regarding camera angle…shabbos Bill then turns focus to slay the evil Anglo-elitist.


Can you imagine the media abiding Clinton’s corny posturing?

Clinton’s histrionics project the evil, sniveling creep of his own character…

And YKW/Shabbos media makes a transparently false negative pretense to be objectively critical of him.

Document reveals that Stasi-minded Merkel & co. may be beind UN’s mad experiment in human pan-mixia

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 November 2018 19:38.

Stasi-Minded Experiments in human pan-mixia

Voice of Europe, “Is Angela Merkel behind the UN Migration Pact? New document sheds light”,  29 Nov 2018:

Germany’s Deception: Internal documents from Germany’s Federal Foreign Office divulge that Angela Merkel’s government has been the main mastermind behind the controversial UN migrant pact.

The document, described by MP Petr Bystron of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), reveals that the Federal Foreign Office taking credit for the disastrous UN Migrant Pact, claiming they’ve been working on the agreement since 2016.

The deception runs deep, the Foreign Office having stated that the German government has been behind the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact on Migration, saying that though they are not legally binding, they were both designed to be “politically binding”.

Belgian International Law professor Pierre d’Argent, has explained that the agreement sets up a “legal framework” that can be used by lawyers in interpreting the meaning of the law. “…one can imagine that in some cases before international jurisdictions, lawyers use this pact as a reference tool to try to guide them,” d’Argent said.

Alexander Gauland, Co-leader of Germany’s populist AfD party told Breitbart London:

“It’s becoming glaringly obvious that the German government was trying to deceive the public, and still is. They are trying to retroactively legalise Merkel’s illegal opening of the borders since 2015. If the AfD had not raised the topic of the Global Compact, no one would ever have known about it until it was too late.”

“Now we are discovering that this contract has been in the works for a long time, and on German initiative, no less. However, those responsible never bothered to mention it. For good reason. We will do everything we can to avert this disaster in the making,” he said further.

The US, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Israel, Australia, The Czech Republic, Italy, Slovakia and more have backed out and will not sign the pact.

“We are only responsible to our Austrian population as government officials. Austrian sovereignty has top priority for us, this must be preserved and protected,” Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache said about pulling out of the pact.

Related at Majorityrights:


Germany Introduces Forced Integration

The Economist urges Europe to accept its merger with Africa gracefully

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 03 November 2018 16:01.

Forza Nuova U.S.A.

The Economist urges Europe to accept its merger with Africa gracefully

The Economist, owned by the Rothschilds, has always been at the forefront of globalism. Back in the early days of mass migration, it mocked those, such as Cyril Osborne, who warned that the population reserves of the Third World were infinite, and Europeans would seen be faced with minority status if the influx was allowed to continue.

Here we are only a few decades later and the Economist, in the same imperturbably smug tone that is its hallmark, now tells Europeans that their being merged with Africa is now inevitable and they should accept it gracefully.

Europe’s deluded politicians still say that we need to encourage development in Africa to stop them coming here. But as the Economist makes clear, prosperity acts as a driver of immigration, not the obverse.

Today’s waves of African migration are merely a prelude. Of the 2.2bn citizens added to the global population by 2050, 1.3bn will be Africans—about the size of China’s population today. And more of them will have the means to travel. Those Africans risking the trip north across the Mediterranean today are not the poorest, but those with a mobile phone to organise the trip and money to pay smugglers. Few of the Nigerians who attempt the crossing are from their country’s poor north, for example; almost all are from its wealthier south. As African countries gradually prosper, migration will surely increase, not decrease. Emmanuel Macron raised these points in a recent interview. The French president was recommending a new book, “The Rush to Europe”, published in French by Stephen Smith of Duke University, which models past international migrations like that of Mexicans into America to show that the number of Afro-Europeans (Europeans with African roots) could rise from 9m at present to between 150m and 200m by 2050, perhaps a quarter of Europe’s total population.

Rape is probably inevitable, women. Rather than resist it, you should do your best to try and enjoy it. Maybe your rapist will turn out to be a nice guy. You can have little brown sprogs with him and live happily ever after.


Civil War in American Judaism / Synagogue massacre aftermath

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 November 2018 15:58.

Civil War in American Judaism /

Synagogue Massacre Aftermath

Ending Birthright citizenship important, but sedative for America’s Mulatto supremacist trajectory

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 November 2018 09:47.

Ending Birth-Right Citizenship is inherently important, but at this point, is it a sedative injection for America’s already baked-in Mulatto supremacist trajectory?

Is it just tossing a bone to right wing sell outs - a bone picked clean of loyal White interests? - for the Zionist quid pro quo?

Wall Street Journal, 30 Oct 2018:

“Trump Wants to Curb Birthright Citizenship, Escalating Immigration Debate”

Legal scholars dismiss the idea, saying a president lacks standing to do it on his own

WASHINGTON—President Trump said he wants to sign an executive order that ends the automatic right to citizenship for anyone born in the U.S., ratcheting up his election-season remarks on immigration with a proposal many legal scholars said is unconstitutional.

In an interview published Tuesday morning, just ahead of next week’s midterms, Mr. Trump said he planned an executive order to end what is known as birthright citizenship, bypassing Congress and waving off the belief of many legal scholars that such a move would require a change to the Constitution.

“It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don’t,” he told Axios. “It’s in the process. It’ll happen, with an executive order.”

Born in the U.S.Since 2007, the number of births to unauthorized immigrants has declined. Source: Pew Research Center

Constitutional scholars dismissed the idea, saying a president has no legal standing to end birthright citizenship with an executive order. “It’s basically saying the president is above the Constitution,” said Laura K. Donohue, a senior scholar at the Georgetown Center for the Constitution.

The White House didn’t further explain Mr. Trump’s assertion that he alone could make the move, and it didn’t provide further details about the scope of the proposed executive order or the timing.

“We will let you know when we have an announcement,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said.

Birthright citizenship is a pillar of U.S. immigration law and is protected by the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which, among other goals, was designed to grant full citizenship to former slaves. But some conservatives who favor more restrictive immigration laws have opposed the policy, saying it improperly rewards the children of people in the country who lack proper documentation.

Mr. Trump’s proposal is the latest in a string of pronouncements as he seeks to invigorate GOP voters ahead of the midterms. He recently suggested a middle-income tax cut that appeared to surprise both his staff and lawmakers. Last week, he said he would seek to cut prices that Medicare pays for some prescription drugs, but that wouldn’t go into effect until late 2019 or 2020.


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