Majorityrights News > Category: Sortocracy

Christian Zionist Pompeo & US State Dept back holocaust reparation claims against Poland and others.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 30 July 2020 10:17.

US hits Poland, others in Europe over Holocaust claims

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo listens during a news conference at the State Department on July 28, 2020, in Washington. (Brendan Smialowski/Pool via AP)

Times of Israel, 30 July 2020:
State Department report calls out Bosnia, Belarus, Ukraine and particularly Warsaw for failing to compensate Holocaust victims for property seized during Nazi occupation.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is criticizing a number of eastern and central European nations, including Poland, for failing to compensate Holocaust victims and their families and communities for property seized during Nazi occupation in World War II as the numbers of survivors dwindles due to age.

In a report issued Wednesday, the State Department called out Bosnia, Belarus, Ukraine and particularly Poland for not having acted on restitution claims. Croatia, Latvia and Russia were also taken to task in the report, which is likely to draw angry responses from the governments identified.

“Much time has passed, and the need for action is urgent,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a forward to the 200-page report that looks at the records of 46 countries in meeting commitments they made to restitution in 2009.

The report had been due for release in March but was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic and concerns it could fuel anti-Semitism during the economic turn-down caused by the outbreak. Its release after a four-month delay comes as the Trump administration has been loathe to pick fights with conservative European governments it is seeking support from in other areas.

Holocaust survivors walk below the gate with its inscription ‘Work sets you free’ after a wreath laying at the death wall at the memorial site of the former Nazi death camp Auschwitz during ceremonies to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the camp’s liberation in Oswiecim, Poland, on January 27, 2020 (Janek Skarzynski/AFP)

“As we mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust, the legacy of the Nazis’ mass looting remains in too many places and largely unaddressed,” he said. “Given the advanced age of Holocaust survivors, many of whom live in poverty, the findings of this report serve as a reminder that countries must act with a greater sense of urgency to provide restitution or compensation for the property wrongfully seized from victims of the Holocaust and other victims of Nazi persecution.”


Tens of thousands protest against Putin in Russian far east

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 26 July 2020 05:13.

Tens of thousands protest against Putin in Russian far east

KHABAROVSK/MOSCOW (Reuters) 25 July 2020 - Tens of thousands marched in the Russian far east on Saturday, the third such weekend protest in a row, to express their anger over what they say is President Vladimir Putin’s mishandling of a local political crisis.

Residents of Khabarovsk, around 3,800 miles (6,110 km) and seven time zones east of Moscow, are unhappy about the detention this month of the wider region’s popular governor, Sergei Furgal, who was arrested on murder charges he denies.

His arrest, which his supporters say was politically motivated, triggered the protests and created a headache for the Kremlin which is trying to troubleshoot a COVID-19-induced drop in real incomes and keep a lid on unrest.

Protesters chanted “Putin resign!” and “Putin is a thief!”. Demonstrators say they want Furgal, who they think has been set up, to be flown back from Moscow and put on trial in Khabarovsk.

City authorities estimated around 6,500 people had taken part. One local media outlet put the number at up to 20,000, while other outlets and opposition activists said upwards of 50,000 had attended and that it was the biggest protest of its kind so far.

“Give us our Furgal back,” said a local businesswoman called Viktoria. “This is our choice.”

The protests have highlighted anger among some over what they see as policies emanating from detached Moscow-based authorities.

Supporters of Furgal, a member of the nationalist LDPR party, feel he is being belatedly punished for defeating a candidate from the ruling pro-Putin United Russia party in 2018. The Kremlin says Furgal has serious charges to answer.

Such sustained demonstrations are unusual for Russia’s regions, as is the fact that the authorities have not yet moved to break them up.

In an apparent move to defuse tensions, Putin on Monday named a new acting governor. But protesters said they felt insulted by the choice of Mikhail Degtyaryov, who has no connection with the region, and have demanded he step down.

Reporting by Yury Zolotarev and Andrew Osborn; Editing by Louise Heavens and Grant McCool

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

        Sergey Furgal
        Photo By, CC BY 4.0,

Asked why Black Americans are killed by police, Trump responds, “So are White people”

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 16 July 2020 05:06.

Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 05:05.

Moving through my day I find myself magnetically compelled by imagery of beautiful White women. However, there is no particular post on majorityrights for imagery of White women primarily to display their entire visible beauty, face, body, classic beauty or otherwise.

So, we now have a place for imagery of beautiful White women.

A note on the second version of David Lane’s fourteen words regarding the word “Aryan”.

I use the word in the way that TT does, meaning simply “noble” and also as it serves to irritate YKW.

Pardon the tattoo. Personally, I do not like them, even when they are small and Not over the buttocks.




24-year-old mother killed by a Black Lives Matter mob allegedly for saying “All Lives Matter.”

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 13 July 2020 05:29.

Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ National Media Fully Ignores

Cassandra Fairbanks

Gateway Pundit 11 July 2020

A 24-year-old mother was killed by a Black Lives Matter mob in Indianapolis last week, allegedly for saying “All Lives Matter.”

Unlike Charlottesville, or any violence from the right, this killing was reported so quietly that barely anyone even noticed.

Jessica Doty Whitaker was shot and killed following an altercation with Black Lives Matter thugs who were upset that she and her fiance had said “All Lives Matter” last Sunday.

“According to the victim’s family, the shooting started with an argument over Black Lives Matter and language. Eventually the two sides separated and walked away from each other, until witnesses claim the killer opened fire from a nearby bridge and ran away,” Fox 59 reports.

“It was squashed and they went up the hill and left we thought, but they were sitting on St. Claire waiting for us to come under the bridge and that’s when she got shot,” the victim’s fiancé Jose Ramirez told the station.

Her grandfather posted on Facebook that “multiple black assailants” shot her in the head.

“Why isn’t anybody outraged about this?” he asked in the post. “Is it that BLM was involved or that it was white young adults that [were] the victims?”

Whitaker leaves behind a three year old son.

“She shouldn’t have lost her life. She’s got a 3-year-old son she loved dearly,” said Ramirez.

Her father, Robert Doty, told the Gateway Pundit that the BLM supporters had walked by her and her fiance and said “Black Lives Matter,” to which Jessica responded that “All Lives Matter.”

The BLM activists had allegedly pulled out weapons during the argument, which prompted Ramirez to do the same. This lead to them backing off, but not for long.

“An argument started and guns came out, but they worked things out. Unfortunately, they didn’t drop it and waited for them to walk back through and she was shot in the head,” Doty told TGP.

Doty confirmed that neither CNN nor Fox News has reached out for information about the case, despite the murderer being on the loose.

When asked how the family is holding up, Doty said “one day at a time is all we can do.”

Her sister Jennifer told TGP that they were walking the canal with friends after an “awesome” Fourth of July celebration. She said that Jessica was shot three times, in the head and leg.

“It’s heartwrenching to watch my mother explain to my three year old nephew that mommy is an angel in heaven,” Jennifer told TGP, adding “and him ask when we can go get her and bring her back.”

Jennifer told TGP that her sister was a Certified Nursing Assistant doing home health care and getting ready to go back to school to become a registered nurse.

“Her son was her world, she had the kindest heart and was in no way racist towards anyone,” Jennifer told TGP.

Ramirez says that the hardest part has been explaining to her son Greyson that his mother will not be coming back.

“It’s hard to tell him his mom is in heaven and if you want to talk to her you have to look up and say, ‘I love you mom,’” said Ramirez.


A white woman w/ her fiance argued with blm supporters over it (allegedly said all lives matter)

The argument ended, blm supporters supposedly left, and as the couple continued on their way, they got ambushed by them & the woman was killed


Indy mother becomes 2nd homicide along downtown canal in 1 week
INDIANAPOLIS – An Indianapolis mother was shot and killed along the canal early Sunday, marking the second homicide on the canal in a week. According to the victim’s family, the shooting started wi…
4:48 AM · Jul 12, 2020

“We’re going through a lot. The 3-year-old boy doesn’t even understand really,” said Ramirez. “I just want justice for Jessica and her son and her family.”

Police are still looking for suspects and have released a video from the area of the murder.

Anyone with information about the shootings is asked to call the IMPD Homicide Office at 317.327.3475 or Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana at 317.262.8477 or (TIPS).

A GoFundMe has been launched to help pay for her funeral and take care of her young son.

The rubber hits the road where one wishes to assert themself against black hyper-assertiveness.

Armed Black Militia Marches on Stone Mountain Georgia, Demand Separate Black Nation, Reparations.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 06 July 2020 05:50.

The problem with black nationalist separatism and its demands is that it does not easily correspond with Whites being able to disentangle from the majority of black diaspora (not to mention insufficient distance from the choice, adjacent land that blacks would claim and do not deserve); where they wouldn’t be in the first place were it not for these stupid right wingers (along with suppliers of the slave trade) who wanted to exploit slave labor.

The problem of attractive Jewish women/mischlings and other attractive non-White/European women.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 04 July 2020 06:24.

The problem of attractive Jewish women/mischlings and other attractive non-White/European women.

I suspect that denying the fact that there are attractive Jewish women does more harm than good, as it puts into question one’s very sensibilities as ground of judgment. It can also cast a shadow of radical subjectivism over one’s taste. Indeed, even if you don’t like this type, do you not like that one, or should everyone suspend disbelief in your proposal of “unattractiveness”?

One route of Jewish infiltration into European populations, viz. Ashkenazi, was through Italy, and being half Italian, that perhaps partly explains why it is that I can find this type (physically) attractive.

But even if you don’t like this type, what about that?

What can you say? That she is Jewish from her father’s side, therefore because she is not considered Jewish by some Jewish laws that makes her not Jewish? Or that the Aryan in her washes the Jewishness away? Genetic and cultural allegiance speak otherwise.

Or this?

Or this?

Dealing with the issue honestly might help some young guys from falling into a situation where they perpetuate infiltration and subversion of European peoples by means of direct spousal influence and the creation of mischlings.

Indeed, some Jewish beauty and I.Q. may be a result of gene hijacking, so to speak…

Hedy Lamarr: in her spare time experimented with radar technology, which included contributions to military radar jamming devices and “bluetooth” technology.

But what to say to young guys? I know that for me, I personally DID find some Jewish women very attractive (and that was part of my initial aversion to anti-Semitism). However, where they did not reject me out of snobbery or whatever, then before it was too late, I invariably found their strident liberalism and disrespect for European peoples and culture intolerable.

Nevertheless, it would be dishonest to say that none of them are attractive…

What do you think? What would you say to your son or daughter to warn them off?

My best argument probably boils down to patterns and their intermittent nature which provide for “exceptions” and entryism for liberal argumentation and nefarious influence.

Oakland Mayor, supports BLM, warns hundreds of illegal immigrants of ICE round-up.

Ghislaine Maxwell

Then there is the crucial matter of crypsis and the nefarious influence it may mask.

I’ll be posting other examples as time goes on and we’ll look at some attractive women from other non-White races as well.

(((Peggy Lipton))) and her daughter Rashida Jones, from her marriage to Quincy Jones.


Dangerfield’s “Cultural Nationalism” can be consonant with White Left Ethnonationalism: here’s why -

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 04 July 2020 06:07.

Observing that Marxism’s internationalist trajectory aims ultimately at the withering-away of the state, Majorityrights has put forth an ethnonationalist platform pro-actively, one which I call White Left Ethnonationalist in order to distinguish it from Jewish power and influence, from Abrahamism of any denomination, from Nazism, from scientism and nutty conspiracy theories. The concept White Left Ethnonationalism places only a bit more emphasis on social accountability in order to give the fact of our social indebtedness a modicum more attention, compensatory of what we are used to and what we have been allowed as a people in order to facilitate borders for our people (once bordered, our emergent qualities will take care of most problems); and this platform also corresponds to anti-supremacism and anti-imperialism. As such, it is consonant with international nationalism - nationalism for all peoples. It can also be consonant with Dangerfield’s newly coined term and concept, “Cultural Nationalism.”

Because it is defined by ourselves, it is drastically different from economic Marxism; we can have private property, free enterprise, outcomes according to merit; and naturally it is the opposite of Cultural Marxism; on the contrary, it is pro-White for both our genus and species of ethnonationalism; facilitating the interest of our people and our natural predilections, individual liberty, science and tech, etc.

Again, for all those who have unwittingly gone along with the Jewish program to rail against “the left” and “lefties” your efforts are not in vain as it is easily understood that you speak of the internationalist/anti-nationalist, anti-White left.

And we reclaim our terminology of the left for our definition as nationalists, to wrest its correspondence with social capital and unionization thereof, thus providing a structure of accountability, social correctivity and thereby group maintenance along with other positive and necessary social features that have been obstructed for our people; while averting the Jewish trap of reaction - and their “solutions” into sundry, destabilizing right wing perfidy, back doors from accountability and means for their infiltration, coercion and direction, whether identifying as right or turd positiononism.

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