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Trump deal imposes Muslim compradors over Indonesian ethnonationalists and what is sacred to them

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 August 2017 18:16.

At a press conference at Trump Tower in New York to declare his loyalty to the Republican Party, Donald Trump was flanked by guests from Indonesia, and made a big show of announcing one very special guest, Setya Novanto.

“He wants it big, and overlooking the sacred Tanah-Lot.”

Trump deal in Indonesia imposes Islamic compradors over ethno-nationalism and his hotel and business upon what is sacred to Indonesian ethno-nationalists.

FOUR CORNERS, 3 July 2017:

While running for President, Trump was courting the Indonesians over lucrative resort deals in Bali and Java; and lobbying Indonesian MP’s to expedite a toll road that would benefit his development.

The secretive dealings raise new questions about Trump’s corporate interests abroad and about the unholy business and political alliances he’s forged.

While at home, Trump rails against Muslim extremists, in the world’s largest Muslim country, his allies are cozying-up to Islamists who are posing a direct threat the country’s ethno-nationalism.

Donald Trump has entered into two huge deals in Indonesia, and the first of them will land here, on the southern edge of Bali almost on top of one of the Island’s most sacred religious sites, Tanah Lot - an hour or two away from the main tourist areas, the Balanese have fought for decades to protect this temple and its surrounds.

“Not much is known of Trump’s plans but what is known that he wants it big, the biggest in Bali he says,  he wants a tower on an island that bans them, and he wants it over looking the sacred Tahan Lot.”

“It’s one of the island-wide temples that are sacred to the Balanese, its the land, pana, and lot, which means ocean.”

Donald Trump makes deal with Islamic compradors in Indonesia, imposing them against the native stasis of Left ethno-nationalism, and his hotel and business upon what is sacred to native ethno-nationalists.

80,000 Indonesians were killed by Suharto on that beach in 1965, the victims were accused of being Leftists….

When President Suharto exited power in 1998, he took three decades of loot with him, estimated at 30 billion dollars.

Trump’s business partner in the deal, Harry Tanno, was a close friend of Suharto.

Tanno welcomes Trump and Sharia

Hizb-ut-Tahrir’s man is on screen talking after 37 minute mark - his appearance was the biggest thing in the whole video:

“Is it your ambition to impose Sharia Law in Indonesia?” “It is not our ambition, but our duty.”

An abstract kind of wild quid pro quo white America has going on there.

All imagery and story, THE COMPANY HE KEEPS: FOUR CORNERS, 3 July 2017.



Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 23 July 2017 18:15., “WHAT THE WEST CAN LEARN FROM THE MORIORI”, 6 Aug 2017:

by Daryl Withycombe

The history of the Moriori, little known outside of Oceania, might appear like a fable, a cautionary tale that people came up with to educate their children. As unnerving as the dark legend about this forgotten tribe might be, the entire story really happened. Hopefully it will serve as a warning, to all other people around the world who chose to rebel against the laws of nature and descend down the path of the Moriori.

The story of the Moriori begins more than five hundred years ago, when a group of Maori left New Zealand by boat, looking for new unpopulated land to settle. After a long journey they landed on a remote island group, now known to us as the Chatham islands. The environment they encountered here was different from the one they left. Temperatures were colder and the crops they were used to growing would not grow. They were forced to adapt to these new circumstances. Their diet changed to one largely composed of fish and plants native on the islands.

These isolated islands never sustained a lot of people, thus the Moriori society inevitably remained a tight-knitted community. After a violent tribal conflict between different groups, a 16th century chief known as Nunuku-whenua declared that from now on, all violence would be forbidden, because of its destructive impact on such a small community. Disputes from now on would be settled through consensus, or, in the worst case, through a duel that would stop as soon as first blood was drawn. Cannibalism was forbidden and passive resistance to oppression was endorsed. This became known as the Code of Nunuku.

Maori war canoe

Because overpopulation would lead to violence, the Moriori decided to implement cruel measures to artificially constrain their population. It was not uncommon for them to castrate some of their newborn boys. The birth rate would be constrained as a consequence and the boys would remain docile, growing up to be the hunter-gatherer equivalent of Antifa and social justice bloggers.

Living in isolation, the Moriori could sustain their way of life for over 300 years. But then, in the 19th century, the vacuum they had created was suddenly punctured. British people began to land, bringing with them ex-convicts and Maori sailors. The formerly culturally homogeneous Moriori now had to learn to adapt to the presence of different cultures, but greater problems were still ahead of them.

The growth of the British population on New Zealand’s Northern island had displaced two Maori tribes, the Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Mutunga. In 1835 these tribes, numbering about 500 people in total, captured a British ship and its crew and forced it to set sail for the Chatham islands. Some sources seem to claim that the Maori tribes traveled to the Chatham Islands, precisely because they knew how passive the Moriori were.

Tattooed warrior

When the Maori landed, the Moriori, who numbered around 2000 people, decided to take care of them. After they figured out that the Maori were not temporary visitors but planned on staying on the islands, the Moriori decided to withdraw to their sacred place. Here the Moriori debated with each other how they should deal with the newcomers. They decided to implement a policy of non-aggression, reportedly against the insistence of the young. The code of Nunuku had to be followed under all circumstances.

The Maori then began to lay claim to the land, wandering through it carrying weapons, without greeting the natives. If the Moriori inquired, they were told that they were now their vassals. Although most narratives don’t lay out a precise time-line, it is clear that the first boatload of Maori killed a twelve year old Moriori girl and hung her flesh from posts. A second ship arrived a few weeks after this event, carrying another 400 Maori.

Hundreds of Moriori were murdered and cannibalized, the rest were enslaved. Instead of fighting back, the Moriori hid in holes beneath the ground. Moriori were forbidden from marrying each other by their Maori overlords and the Moriori women married Maori men. The Maori prohibited the Moriori language, and forced them to desecrate their sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them. Only 101 Moriori out of a population of about 2,000 were left alive by 1862. The last Moriori of unmixed ancestry, Tommy Solomon, died in 1933.

Maori warriors in the 19th century.

Lessons to Learn

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what the Moriori did wrong. Had the Moriori been ruthless, they could have sunk the first ship before it landed. Had the Moriori been more balanced, they could have risen up when a 12-year-old girl was murdered and hung from a pole. At the time, they were still dealing with a mere 500 invaders, among whom were women and children. Sadly, the Moriori submitted. By the time the second boat arrived, the outcome had been determined.

It’s interesting that children in school are never taught about the Moriori. Instead, they are taught about the sacred trinity of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Gandhi. We teach our children that they should submit when wronged and these children then grow up to be adults who will only submit when wronged.

We could consider it the outgrowth of Christianity, but it seems that Jesus’s teachings never quite became dominant until the 20th century. Had these teachings become dominant earlier, Christianity would never have grown to be successful. Medieval knights were slapped in the face when knighted, told that these would be the last slaps they could ever accept without having to retaliate.

Europeans are modern day Moriori. When their continent is invaded by men in boats, they worry about the boats that sink, offer Turkey billions of dollars and decide to take in more invaders through an “air-bridge.” When their children are raped in swimming pools and their women harassed, they do not see an invading force that’s testing the waters, they see people who need to be educated about how to treat women. I’m sure the Moriori assumed the invading tribes could be taught to adapt their pacifist ethos too.


Darwin Digest: North, East and West Africa ...“We” was Not Kangs.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 04 July 2017 23:19.

Darwin Digest: North, East and West Africa. ...“We” was Not Kangs.

Blacks celebrate White genocide: Negress elected to Enoch Powell’s old seat

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 11 June 2017 06:21.

Symbolically enough, assumes Enoch Powell’s Wolverhampton seat.

Diversity Macht Frei, “Blacks celebrate white genocide: Negress elected to Enoch Powell’s old seat.”

10 June 2017:

LONGSTANDING LABOUR activist Eleanor Smith has made history by becoming the West Midlands’ first African Caribbean MP – but she’s also won a seat which is of enormous historic importance to the black community.

The swing seat of Wolverhampton South West was once the constituency of controversial Tory MP Enoch Powell, the politician behind the notorious Rivers of Blood speech which he gave 49 years ago warning of the consequences of unchecked immigration.

Smith, a hospital theatre nurse, who became the first-ever black woman president of Unison in 2011/2012 took the marginal seat by storm, scooping 49 per cent of the vote and beating Tory hopeful Paul Uppal by more than 2,000 votes.

In victory, after just two hours’ sleep, she was quick to pay tribute to the local people who voted for her, saying: “Our team was built from the community and the trade union movement – Unison – helped me greatly. The trade union movement put me where I am today, along with the community who came out and helped me win this seat.

“Through The Voice I’d like to personally thank everyone who voted for me in what turned out to be the highest ever turnout of 71 percent. We did it together as a community from the grassroots upwards and I certainly won’t let you down.

“We have a wonderfully diverse community here in Wolverhampton, which is a microcosm of the UK and rich in so many different faith groups.

“As a health professional, I am standing up to defend the NHS. From my own experience of being a nurse on the the front line – I was working until only recently doing 12-hour shifts – we can see what’s happening and we don’t like it. I have got to defend this.”

Her other pledge is to move from her home in Northfield, Birmingham, near to where she worked at Birmingham’s Women’s Hospital, to live in the constituency she will serve.

She told The Voice: “You cannot support your constituency if you don’t know what is going on there. I intend to have my finger on the pulse in my own patch.”

Smith also pledged to tackle homelessness in Wolverhampton and youth unemployment which currently stands at 27%.

On the issue of taking over Enoch Powell’s old seat, she told The Voice: “I feel it closes that chapter now for good.”



Powell’s full “Rivers of Blood” speech, not read by Powell himself, however.


“A New Beginning: Heidegger & Ethnic Nationalism” - a talk by Greg Johnson at London Forum

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 10 June 2017 07:30.


                .... and Part 2

Robert Walker Whitaker, March 31st, 1941 – June 3rd, 2017

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 06 June 2017 18:39.

Whitaker Online, ” 6 June 2017:

Posted by Laura in About Bob, Bob, General on 06/06/2017


It’s with great sadness that I report Coach passed away in his bed, Saturday afternoon June 3rd, 2017.

His passing is going to leave a hole in so many people’s life. But he has given the world the tools we need to expose this anti-White system and it’s program of white genocide. We will keep on using what he has taught us.

“He left a huge legacy of words and audio, an entire world view way more in line with reality than the official world view.

That legacy lives on. I know he had a lifetime of frustration with people refusing to use the talking points and political strategies he came up with, no matter how devastating they were to the leftist establishment, but he lived long enough to see his methods start to work. His stuff is EVERYWHERE.

I hope he took comfort in that.

He taught us what to do. It’s just a matter of doing it and teaching others. He’s the exception to his own rule that no hero ever made a difference in a war.

This prophecy WILL come true.

We all know what Bob would want us to do.”

Although there is reason to believe that the Bugsers are (((compromised))), and Bob’s mantra and related memes such as “anti-White” were being misused as such, Bob was clearly well meaning - even if a tad naive; nevertheless, it was not only that his heart was in the right place, he actually did have some incisive ideas - e.g., “the greatest generation’ having been beaten into passivity with their ‘you can’t fight city hall’ WWII army training;” and in recognition of the destruction of that passivity, Bob sought to make up for that generation’s passivity by becoming a trainer/memer of a new generation of activists instead - an activism that for his part, was radical enough for him see through the Trump facade after having gone for it initially - that Trump is not in control of his Presidency, but is in fact controlled - while so many “pro-Whites” remain snookered by Trumpism.

‘Western man, stand up for your wives, daughters’, Kate Hopkins tweet investigated as inciting hate

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 05:09.

Diversity Macht Frei, 23 May 2017, Request complied-with by police to investigate Katie Hopkins for inciting racial hatred over tweet:

Hugh Muir thinks she is a peddler of hate and should be subject to laws against it -

75 Proud Years: Pioneers and Progress of Rhodesia

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 07:51.

Please advertise this book if you can - Jez

75 Proud Years:  Pioneers and Progress of Rhodesia

As someone with an interest in Rhodesia, we thought you might like to know that we now have a reprint of this 1965 Rhodesian Government publication :

With an introduction by Ian Smith , the book covers the history of Rhodesia from 1890 to 1965 in some detail and surveys the enormous progress made in agriculture, commerce, industry and social development of benefit to both white and black Rhodesians.

With 124 pages, this A4-size softcover book is a facsimile copy of the original with contemporary advertisements and would be an invaluable addition to any collection of Rhodesiana .

The book costs £12.50 and p&p is £2.90 (with a 10% discount to former customers) .

To order a copy please contact us at :

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