Majorityrights News > Category: History

Profound & surpising findings in a National Geographic Gen.2.0 DNA test; with good will to Europeans

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 12 March 2018 07:47.

In addition to having a good grasp of the ancient and pre-historical genetic paths and influences, and surprising findings from his National Geographic Gen.2.0 DNA analysis, this Polish guy expresses good will toward the sovereignty and survival of European peoples:

Old maternal and paternal lines, not archetypically Polish -

Surprisingly, maternal line is shared with Amerindians

Paternal line connects Dinarian (pre-Croats) mammoth hunters, Basques, first Europeans in after ice age, ice shelf retreat…

West Virginia teachers “make history” with implicit White unionization against state government

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 10 March 2018 08:11.

In West Virginia, teachers ended their historic strike after state officials agreed to raise the pay of all state workers 5%.

“Who made history? We made history! Who made history? We made history!”...a group of West Virginia teachers chanted.

The strike began on February 22nd and shut-down every public school in the state. It was the longest teachers strike in West Virginia history.


Majorityrights readers should observe that this is a group of White people, albeit implicit, unionized against the state/ goverment. The implications of the model demonstrate possibilities for “White community” organizing against state and other elite position oppression of group interest.

Apologies again for the anti-White source. Note that I will use them when I see news sources that are both pro-White and are not duped into being “anti-left”, against its concepts such as unionization to fight oppressive government policies and other elite position exploitation; when I see them, I will use those other sources. Until then, we have to make use of feedback from sources like Democracy Now, picking out the bits and pieces that we need - note that you can scarcely see a non-White teacher in this story, and that West Virginia is one of the Whitest states in America.

Luke Ford’s Rebbe explains why “The Left” is the problem, not the Jews.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 10 March 2018 06:59.

...and not the right-wing, of course.

Luke Ford: “You agree that the left is bad, right?”

The Rebbe: “I actually think it’s worse than bad…it’s basically demonic.”

“The Rebbe” explains how “the left” was a Satanist plot devised by Jacob Frank to oppose the Talmud.

These Jews who left orthodoxy “weren’t really Jewish anymore” ..‘how would you define yourself?”...“so a lot if them took to ‘Frankism’....and Frankism tended to infiltrate” ..“so you wound up having it being the radical subversive left of Jewry was drawn to these Frankist ideas…so you tend to see a relationship between the leftists of 1850 and 1950 in Frank.


If you’re a fan of Marx you’ll say that Marx was a good guy, he just screwed up by not writing that final book explaining how communism would actually work. But my point of view is that’s not a bug, its a feature.

The reason that Marx didn’t like capitalism is because capitalism worked….that this is not necessarily a good person. His intentions were not necessarily good.

...same thing with a lot of these people like Freud or going to the Frankfurt school. Two of the Frankfurt School guys actually studied under Shabbat Hazivi [Shabbat Hasivi? - “Sabbatian” ...don’t know the exact terms he’s using]..

So did, uh, Israel Zangwill who is the main guy ...and that actually ties into the story - Zangwill is the main guy who came up with the idea of Islamic immigration to the West. He did the ‘melting pot.’

So, basically what I’m doing is a paradigm analysis of the left.

Where on earth do these crazy ideas come from - transexuals invading Marx’s ideas, Frued’s ideas… Horest Kahelen who is the guy who invented multiculturalism, he had a bizarre obsession with defiling the Sabbath ...they are rebel Jews.

So, the left came out of Frankism - you have these wild ideas of homosexuality…Muslims, the whole nine yards, and that’s how you get a movement that is so radical. You even had a Frankist on the Supreme Court with Frankfurter and Brandeis.


(As opposed to) “the underlying narrative driven by the Alt-Right’s (MacDonald), if you look at it from the narrative that The United States was driven left by Steven Samuel Wise and Reform Judaism, what it suggests is that demographic and the weight of that demographic, because Reform Jews don’t have babies, Orthodox Jews do have babies…its also getting a long time since Rabbi Steven Wise was around, he died in around 1947… it means that the prognosis is very positive.

The prognosis is very positive. It means that the Jews are going to swing right-wing instead of continuing this unrelenting war against gentile culture. And this shows up in the statistics.

When you look at the numbers of Jews, the breakdown of Jews under 30, they’re actually - this is pretty shocking - they’re more right-wing than, uhm, than Whites.

There are a lot of this stuff you know, on college campuses, the Jewish frats are just fully right-wing.

What happens, young Jewish men are swinging right-wing and part of this is intersectionality - the left is now so taken with this cause of bringing-in Muslims, Hispanics, that effectively they’ve made it hostile to Jews.


Luke Ford: “You agree that the left is bad, right?”

The Rebbe: “I actually think it’s worse than bad…it’s basically demonic.” give you a perfect example. I worked for a few years for these high-powered lawyers; and they would run these litigations where they would sue a given company ..and the litigation would be billions of dollars. ...and its just absurd that these trial lawyers, who were at the time the number one doners to the Democratic party, could run these rackets and make hundreds of millions of dollars in profit.

So the whole system is completely perverse with public sector unions - so that every goverment worker, who’s a member of a public sector union, kicks back money to the Democratic party. Then they volunteer for the Democratic party.”

“The big problem is with immigration and the problem with that” [is not that Jews and right wing sell-outs have brought a bunch of non-White scabs in] but that they have brought in voters to reconstruct the left, the democratic party.’  “The problem with naturalization law where if you can bring someone into the country and five years later, they’re a voter.”

“And basically what that does is create a massive incentive to bring in voters. So basically democracy has been hacked because you can just flood the country. And if the immigrants are stupid, if they’re not capable, then they go into social services - so now they’re feeding back more clients for social services, so kicking more back to goverment unions, they get locked into social services, they’re perpetual left wing voters.”

Get it? The problem is “the left” not what kind (i.e., what demographic) of left that social unionization and responsibility is acting upon. Then he adds, after playing the card that ‘the left is the problem’...“the actual non-White immigrants vote at about 82% + Democrat, Muslims vote at about 93% Democrat; so, that’s the simple narrative to explain why the West is being flooded with all these people - because the Democrats, The Left, needs voters”

Not so much that ‘exaggerated’ Kevin MacDonald ‘Jews as a group evolutionary strategy stuff.’

The Rebbe suggests that the problem with immigration is basically the democratic party seeking voters (not that the Republicans seek cheap scab labor as well)...and not so much Jews generally being indifferent where not antagonistic to White organization/unionization ...

Where immigration policy was advanced by Jews, it would be “the bad Jews” ...“the Leftists” ..but like all “bad things”, homosexuality, abortion, “the left wing Jews only advanced these agendas by about ten years.”

“The Jews actually preserved 1950s culture in an America, at the time, too war-weary to fight a cultural war.”

London Street Scenes 1967

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 06 February 2018 10:07.

Colin Cowdrey


Bill Baillie, The Nation Revisited, February 2018

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 February 2018 06:45.

Bill Bailie, The Nation Revisited # 136 February 2018:

The British Aerospace Industry

Hundreds of jobs at BAE Systems are threatened by a lack of orders. Unfortunately, the Typhoon multi-role aircraft is not suitable for use on our new aircraft carriers which require planes capable of short take-off and vertical landing. Instead of developing our own aircraft we have ordered fourteen F35B’s from Lockheed Martin at a cost of £2.5 billion. We will eventually buy 48 planes, the cost of which will escalate as the pound falls against the dollar. We must also consider the cost of putting British aerospace engineers on the dole.

Our former Defence Minister, Michael Fallon, suggested that we support America by sending our new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to North Korea before she is properly commissioned and without aircraft. Perhaps he wants to ram the first North Korean ship that we encounter?

The government has wasted billions of pounds on two aircraft carriers with no means of launching or landing aircraft. Nuclear ships use steam to power ‘cat and trap’ equipment, but our new ships are diesels which generate no steam. We, therefore, have to use STOVL aircraft which are not readily available.

When we get our expensive American planes we will be capable of fighting all over the world but what we really need are more destroyers and frigates to defend the homeland. We are a European country with no empire to defend.

Michael Heseltine resigned from the Cabinet over the Westland helicopter affair in 1986. Margaret Thatcher wanted to sell the company to America but he insisted on keeping it in Britain. Today, Westland is part of Leonardo, an Italian company employing 3,300 workers in the UK

Airbus is a French company which employs 15,000 workers in the UK. They have just signed an order for thirty-six A320 superjumbos with the Emirates.

Bombardier is a Canadian company that employs 25,000 workers making trains and aircraft in the UK and Northern Ireland. 

The industry is led by BAE, a British company which employs 82,5000 workers making ships, tanks, missiles and aircraft. These companies employ British workers and pay their taxes. They are a vital part of our economy.

The Far Right

The first fascist movement in Britain was the British Fascists, founded by Miss Rotha Lintorn-Orman in 1923. They were fiercely anti-communist and pro-monarchist. Arnold Leese, a former BF councillor for Stamford, called them “Tories with knobs on.” In 1929 he founded a rival movement called the Imperial Fascist League which was openly anti-Semitic. According to folklore, when Ron Hargrave applied to join the IFL Arnold Leese first measured his head with a tape measure and told him to report back in a week’s time. When he returned Leese said, “A lot of people here don’t like the look of you but I have decided to let you in.”

        Ron Hargrave guarding the platform for JT in 1960.

In 1932 Oswald Mosley founded the British Union of Fascist which quickly became a mass movement but in 1940 it was banned and over a thousand Blackshirts were rounded up and thrown into prison under Defence Regulation 18B. After the war, he founded Union Movement to fight for ‘Europe a Nation’. He died in 1980 and UM was wound up in the nineties. Union Movement was never far-right but because it opposed Commonwealth immigration it was branded as such by the media.

The National Front was founded in 1967 to stop immigration, start repatriation, and get Britain out of the Common Market. It peaked in 1979 and its successor movement the BNP peaked in 2010. Both movements were eclipsed by UKIP which is now in steep decline.

The term ‘far-right’ includes everything from traditional conservatives to neo-Nazis. They command about ten to fifteen percent of the vote in most of Europe. Britain’s first-past-the-post system keeps them out of Parliament but in Germany, the AFD has won 94 seats in the Bundestag, in Austria the Freedom Party is part of the coalition government, and in the United States, Donald Trump, a billionaire Zionist warmonger, has promised to build a wall on the Mexican border and make America great again.

There is a crying need for a sensible patriotic movement to fight for Britain in Europe. Ukip and the remnants of the NF and the BNP are stuck in the past and incapable of change. Most of their members have got one foot in the grave and it’s only a matter of time before a new party emerges to cater for the younger generation.

Readers who are suffering from mental health problems, including paranoia, should ask their doctor for help. Conspiracy theory can be cured by talking therapy. If you think that “they are out to get you”, do not despair. The first step is to admit that you have a problem.

What is Nationalism?

We are familiar with Irish, Scottish and Welsh nationalism but less so with English nationalism. My generation was brought up on imperialism which embraced the four nations of the British Isles and even included Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, and Canadians. We were all subjects of the British Empire.

I was proud to salute the Union Jack in the school playground on Empire Day but the Second World War had already destroyed the British Empire. One of the first men to realise it was Oswald Mosley who proclaimed ‘Europe a Nation’ in his book ‘The Alternative’ in 1947. Those of us who share his vision of a united continent with a progressive government are European Socialists.

Nationalism is a mixed blessing. At its best, it’s a love of country, but at its worst, it’s a fear and hatred of foreigners. Celebrating sporting achievements and holidays is a harmless expression of patriotism but beating up immigrants is entirely negative.

Some people believe in a ‘Confederation of Europe’, in which fiercely independent nation-states would co-exist with each other. But history tells a different story. The German Nazis murdered the Austrian leader Englebert Dollfuss, and the Italian Fascists invaded Greece, which was a fascist state under General Metaxas. Nationalist states do not live happily with their neighbours; they invariably attack them.

Little states tend to swagger and act tough, but great empires are self-confident. In the Roman Empire every citizen was protected by the declaration: “Civis Romanus Sum”- I am a Roman Citizen. In 1850 Lord Palmerston stated in Parliament that every citizen of the British Empire should enjoy the same protection. Britain is going through a painful divorce from the European Union but we will still be Europeans, and when the current outbreak of tribalism has subsided, it will only be necessary to say “I am a European”.


TV: postmortem of passivity induced runaway and zombie effects in new dawn of interactive media

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 05:48.

Television: Answering to an even higher authority.

I’m The Slime

[backing vocals Tina Turner & The Ikettes]

I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed ‘n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed
I’m the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think I’m delicious
With the stuff that I say
I’m the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I’m the slime oozin’ out
From your TV set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don’t need you
Don’t go for help . . . no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

That’s right, folks . . .
Don’t touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor

I am the slime from your video
Can’t stop the slime, people, lookit me go

I am the slime from your video
Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor

I am the slime from your video
Can’t stop the slime, people, lookit me go

- Frank Zappa, “I’m The Slime”

TV: postmortem on passivity induced runaway destruction, including speculation on zombie effects despite the new dawn of interactive media. It’s being a retrospective gives me an excuse to post this older show which I’ve only seen today for the first time. It’s funny as hell. Charlie Brooker is clever. I don’t vouch for his politics, am unfamiliar with that.

But as we say goodbye to the hegemonic days of television and the passive acceptance of its audiences of a world they could not interact with nor hope to change, it is worthwhile to take another look back on the days of how the Televitz shaped and manipulated our attention; and to speculate on some of its lingering effects, both on runaway systems in a world unchallenged, and its parallel tropisms in the computer screen, exponentially better though it is in the choice and interaction the mechanisms attached may provide…

“How Television Ruined Your Life”

Parts 1-6, BBC production, 2012, under Youtube license:

Episode 1 - Fear

Episode 2 - Life Cycle

Episode 3 - Aspiration

Episode 4 - Love

Episode 5 - Progress

Episode 6 - Knowledge

Leonardo da Vinci, Salvator Mundi: Divine Proportion of The Golden Ratio & More

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 17 January 2018 06:59.


Discovery of the Ancient Aratta Civilization of Ukraine, Older than Sumeria

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 08 January 2018 14:13.

Link corrected


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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:40. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 14:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 14:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Tue, 28 Jan 2025 14:28. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 12:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 02:07. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 18:23. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 16:02. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 14:43. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 18:52. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 15:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 01:06. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 10:08. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 10:33. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:30. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Charles crowned king of anywhere' on Thu, 09 Jan 2025 20:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 15:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 23:12. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 21:54. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 18:35. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 17:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:08. (View)

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