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Trump’s “New” Deal: ethnonationalism for blacks, proposition nationalism for gentile others - goyim

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 28 October 2016 05:01.

Trump’s “New Deal”: Ethnonationalism for blacks, proposition nationalism for you, gentile other - what else is new?

Trump’s “New Deal” promises massive assistance to blacks on the basis of their race - what else is new?

Blacks are the only group for which Donald Trump has proposed a plan of help on the grounds of their race/ethnicity.

What else is new? This only further ensconces their status as quasi feudal lords: a people of privilege, a people of a different set of laws, a people whom we cannot discriminate against, of enhanced penalties for crimes against them (“hate crime” laws), a people whom we must hire, a people whose children we must pay for (and try to) educate - with knowledge for which we sublimated, endured pain and indifference and ridicule to acquire, while they, the blacks, have been pampered and lavished - a people whom we must serve.

We are their servants…not because they add value to our lives - quite the opposite (they take away from us vastly, markedly in regard to EGI) but because they are backed by terror - the intimidation of their bio-power, hyper-assertiveness, aggression, violence, destruction and Jewish machination.

This is to say nothing of the trillions in welfare, government handouts and programs, while their advocates demand “reparations” from generations who had nothing to do with their oppression in history but have in fact been penalized hideously for it - to the point of societal and national displacement, rape, murder and genocide.

Donald Trump is the kind of cowardly sell-out who has aided and abetted this circumstance.

“Trump’s New “Deal”, shafting the goyim of the world on behalf of blacks.

Bloomberg, “Donald Trump proposes new deal for black Americans”, 27 Oct 2016:

Today I want to talk about how to grow the African American middle class and provide a New Deal for black America.

That deal is grounded in three promises

1) Safe communities

2) Great education

3) High paying jobs

My vision rests on a principle that has defined this campaign right from the beginning.  You’ve seen where we’ve come from and where we are right now.  It’s called ‘American first’.

Every African American citizen in this country is entitled to a government that puts their jobs, wages and security first.

One of the greatest betrayals has been the issue of immigration.

Illegal immigration violates the civil rights of African Americans.

That’s what’s been happening (applause).

No group has been more economically harmed by decades of immigration than low income African American workers.

I will also propose tax holidays for inner city investment; a new tax incentive to get foreign companies to relocate in blighted American neighborhoods; and they will do that. it will be worthwhile; it’s called incentive - they will do it.

I am very humbled, beyond words, to be the nominee of the Party of Abraham Lincoln, a lot of people don’t know that, its the party of Abraham Lincoln.  And it is my highest and greatest hope that the Republican party can be the home in the future and forever more for African Americans and the African American vote; because I will produce and I will get others to produce; and we know for a fact it doesn’t work with the democrats; and it certainly isn’t going to work with Hillary.

And so Donald Trump’s agenda to rope implicit White Nationalists back into the Republican proposition nationalism - a naivete seized upon for the Jewish race mixing agenda - suckering “the Alternative Right” with dog whistles to anti-PC, has become apparent, all but explicit.

Trump’s New Deal: ethno-nationalism for blacks - the only group proposed help on basis of race/ethnicity - proposition nationalism for gentile others, a.k.a., the goyim.

“That deal” is grounded in three promises

1) Safe communities - can only be done relatively, with partial success only, through a Giuliani type active policing - a burden and social expense which would not be necessary in a White ethnostate.

2) Great education - can only be done at a terrible cost to non-blacks - we must (try to) educate them - with knowledge for which we sublimated, endured pain and indifference and ridicule to acquire, while they, the blacks, have been pampered and lavished, to do nothing but indulge themselves and have offspring - a people whom we must serve.

3) High paying jobs - they already have that: blacks are vastly over represented in government jobs that are easy, well paying, with good benefits, reasonable hours, vacation time and overtime pay available for those want it. As for the corporations, there is no more coveted and lavished employee than a black from privileged education and of those precious few at the higher end of the bell curve to round out their quota and non-racist credentials. Disobey at the price of being sued and otherwise maneuvered into the loss of your enterprise ...while government contracts are set aside for black businesses and private contracts are compelled to use black contractors as well.

So what else is new?

Donald must not try breaking those promises of privilege, promises granted in cowardice to the hyper-assertive, hyper-aggressive, rioting, Jewish lawyer backed black American populace.

But we are supposed to hate: Mexicans, who are either White, close to White, identify and assimilate as such, or more AmenIndian, benign and minding their business where not helpfully industrious; we are supposed to resent and penalize Asians that they can remain the labor force to pay for black and Jewish privilege.

Yes, sure, Trump is playing 57 dimensional chess, so are his supporters - right.

Duda and Orbán against Brussels’ sovietisation

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 27 October 2016 08:31.

While Duda and Orbán’s invocation of the centrality of Christianity to the nationalist cause will be disconcerting to many of us more wise to the fact that it is a Jewish Trojan horse, we should be charitable enough to understand that it has been, and remains still, a culturally habituated way of saying “not Jewish.”

It is up to us to support native European nationalist efforts by pointing-out that this is a provisional distinction at best, albeit a 2,000 year old provision, which has had a way of binding nationalist masses and yoking their identity with Noahide laws (as Kumiko astutely observes) - thus, ultimately, to Jewish control if we do not successfully liberate ourselves from the false identity that is the “Gentile” (as GW astutely observes) - an “identity” which knows no distinction other than “the undifferentiated other” to Jews and its beholdenness to its Jewish forebears for its messiah and its law.

Enough sour grapes for now. There is certainly hope in Duda’s concordance with Orbán in furtherance of the Intermarium project on display at the commemoration of the 1955 Hungarian Uprising -

Visigrad Post, “Duda and Orbán against Brussels’ sovietisation”,  24 Oct 2016:


Hungary, Budapest – On Sunday, October 23, Hungary celebrated the start of the ’56 uprising. In front of the Hungarian parliament, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Polish President Andrzej Duda gave a strong speech against the current policy of the European Union, about Christianity and about the deep friendship between Poland and Hungary.

Polish President Duda greeting the crowd. MTI Fotó: Szigetváry Zsolt

In front of thousands of people gathered on the place Kossuth, in the center of Budapest, Hungarian PM Orbán and Polish President Duda made a speech welcomed by Hungarian and Polish citizens. President Duda first talked in front of the crowd. The Polish President started his speech by saying few words in Hungarian. Hungarians “have always been friends” and they can always rely on Poland, “even in difficult moments of the future,” said Andrzej Duda.

Poland is “proud and grateful” that it was able to provide aid to the Hungarian revolution, Duda said, and noted that his people had sent 44 tonnes of medicine and medical equipment as well as 800 litres of blood to Hungary shortly after the uprising broke out. “Poles are proud that the grandchildren of 1956 heroes have, symbolically, Polish blood in their veins”, the president said. In Hungary’s freedom fight “thousands died, but after some decades, finally, you recovered your freedom through much suffering and sacrifice,” Duda said. He also voiced his conviction that “through hard work both Poles and Hungarians will achieve the living standards of western societies”, reports Hungary Today.

Concerning the traditional friendship between the two countries, Duda said that they together “carry on the thousand-year-old Christian tradition in Europe”, and insisted that those traditions were just as important as freedom. “God bless Poland and Hungary, glory to the heroes of the Hungarian revolution,” Duda said concluding his address.

Viktor Orbán during his speech on Sunday, October 23

“Protect Brussels against Sovietisation”

Then, Prime Minister Orbán gave his speech. The European Union must not be turned into a “modern-age empire”; the community must not be replaced by a “United States of Europe”, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Sunday. Viktor Orbán said that “freedom-loving peoples of Europe must save Brussels from Sovietisation”.

“We, Hungarians, want to remain a European nation, rather than become an ethnic minority in Europe,” Orbán insisted. “It is only our national independence that can save us from being devoured by an empire,” Orbán said, and argued that it was that very “national idea” that had saved Hungary from being integrated into the Soviet Union. As descendants of 1956, Hungarians “cannot let Europe cut the roots that had once made it great and also helped us survive communist oppression,” Orbán said. He added that Europe could not be “free, strong, and respectable without the revitalising power of nations and two thousand years of Christian wisdom”. The prime minister insisted that Hungary had chosen “the hard way” when it “preferred children of its own to immigrants, work to speculation, earning a living to becoming a slave of indebtedness, and protecting borders to surrendering”.

Hungarians will always fight for freedom and will achieve it “even in the most hopeless of situations,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the state commemoration marking the 60th anniversary of Hungary’s anti-Soviet uprising of 1956. “We, Hungarians, have a talent for freedom, we have always known how to use it. He warned that freedom is “not a final state but a way of existence; just like swimming: you stop doing it and you will sink”. The question is always this simple: whether we decide on our own fate or other people,” he added. October 23 is a day on which Hungarians should be proud, the prime minister said.

History puts Hungary in the mainstream of disputes on the future of Europe every 30 years, the prime minister said. He argued that in 1956 Hungary attempted to “shift the Iron Curtain east of our borders”, then in 1989 the country opened its western borders “so that Germans could find a way to Germans”. And most recently, Hungary “had to close its borders to stop the influx of migrants from the south”, he said. Hungary will not falter “even if those whom we are trying to protect attack us from behind”; we have “the courage to face injustice… and Europe can always rely on us,” Orbán said.

Hi-low on Catholic Church: Soros tools subversive direction/ Ghanan plunders 4 churches

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 13 October 2016 05:01.

Re-directing the Catholic Church, such that it would allow for birth control would actually be a good thing, of course, particularly if applied against African population explosion. But we know that’s not likely to be the outcome of a Soros directed infiltration.

What is interesting, in a very creepy sense, is the exposure of how Soros acts to infiltrate and direct mass movements in activism against White solidarity.

In these Podesta emails, he is exposed attempting another permutation of what has been a historical pattern of Jewish infiltration into the Catholic Church:

(((George Soros and Sandy Newman))) promoted fake Catholic groups to try and “create a revolution” within the Catholic church -

From Diversity Macht Frei,  12 Oct, 2016:

From the John Podesta emails, here is a fascinating exchange between Podesta and (((Sandy Newman))). To: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Date: 2012-02-11 11:45 Subject: Re: opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing . . . We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up. I’ll discuss with Tara. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is the other person to consult.

  On 2/10/12, Sandy Newman wrote: > Hi, John,

  > > This whole controversy with the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage even > though 98% of Catholic women (and their conjugal partners) have used > contraception has me thinking . . . There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in > which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and > the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the > Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could > happen. The Bishops will undoubtedly continue the fight. Does the Catholic > Hospital Association support of the Administration’s new policy, together > with “the 98%” create an opportunity? > > Of course, this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the > Catholic church, the economic power it can bring to bear against nuns and > priests who count on it for their maintenance, etc. Even if the idea isn’t > crazy, I don’t qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about > how one would “plant the seeds of the revolution,” or who would plant them. > Just wondering . . .

  > > Hoping you’re well, and getting to focus your time in the ways you want. > > Sandy > > Sandy Newman, President > Voices for Progress > 202.669.8754 >

Diversity Macht Frei
, “Italy: African invader destroys four historic churches”, 12 Oct. 2016:

Like a fury, he entered four churches in the historic center of Rome and destroyed ancient statues, crucifixes, candelabras. The damage is incalculable from an artistic point of view. In the end, when he was getting ready to make the fifth incursion, he was arrested by the police. The vandal is a 39-year-old citizen of Ghana with a criminal record, legally residing in Italy.

African Invasion: 11,000 in 48 hrs

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 10 October 2016 07:06.

TNO, “African Invasion: 11,000 in 48 hrs”, 7 October

There has been a massive surge in the African invasion of Europe across the Mediterranean, with 11,000 sub-Saharans being plucked from the sea and brought to Italy within a 48-hour period from October 4 to 5, 2016.

The Africans came from Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, Gambia, Sudan, Ivory Coast, and Somalia, according to the Italian coast guard.

The coast guard said the invaders were lifted off dozens of boats off the Libyan coast during the two days, including one wooden boat that was carrying at least 1,000 Africans.

On Wednesday, October 5, European navy ships carried out more than 30 operations off the Libyan coast, taking at least 4,700 Africans off boats just a few miles from the North African coast.

The previous day, at least 6,000 Africans, packed into barely seaworthy rubber dinghies, were also picked up off the Libyan coast.

The invaders were brought to Italy, where European Union and Italian officials tried to identify them—a near impossible task given the fact that they mostly have no papers anyway, and those that do, have long since thrown them away.

They were fingerprinted in the hope that they could later be identified.

Meanwhile, they are accommodated in invader centers in Italy—but most then immediately move on to try and claim “asylum” in Germany or other European countries which have better welfare handouts.

According to the International Organization for Migration, 302,975 invaders crossed the Mediterranean Sea into Europe as of October 1, 2016.

This figure does not include the mass surge of the first week of October.

The narrative that Africans are fleeing “war and poverty” in Africa is one which is regularly used by the controlled media when “explaining” what they call the “migrant crisis.”

In reality…


Churches AID hiding migrants denied asylum/ rent seekers profiting from benefits given to others

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 02 October 2016 05:17.

Sunday Express, “Swedish churches are AIDING migrants hiding from authorities amid asylum crack down,”

SWEDISH churches have admitted to aiding migrants who have gone into hiding from the authorities after having their asylum-applications denied.

New figures show that more than 12.000 failed asylum applicants are wanted by the police after disappearing off the radar.

And astonishingly, the churches are helping the in-hiding migrants with food and medicine, according to SVT.

Deacon in Linköping, Anna Ramén, said she estimated that 500 to 1000 failed asylum-seekers have gone under ground in her area alone.

Åke Gabriel Bonnier (born 11 December 1957) is bishop in the Diocese of Skara of Church of Sweden since September 2012. He is, through inheritance, the second biggest owner of the Bonnier group.

(((Åke Gabriel Bonnier))) of the Bonnier Group, is a convert to Catholicism

Helle Klein, also of the Bonnier Grouo, was ordained priest in the Church of Sweden in January 2008

(((Helle Klein))) also of the Bonnier Group, is a convert to Catholicism


Meanwhile in London, slum landlords are profiting, sometimes cramming several migrants into small rooms and beds for rent .... rent seekers snap-back some of that government money given to migrants and thus facilitate the invasion for their personal avarice and disregard for native genomes.


As one may recall from an earlier Stark Interview, “The Truth Will Live” invokes “The White man’s burden” to help people from Africa.

“Give (((TTWL))) a break, she’s converted to Catholicism” (Uh). Lot of good that.

Pope, in meeting with Jewish leaders, calls for integration of migrants

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 September 2016 08:52.

JTA, “Pope, in meeting with Jewish leaders, calls for integration of migrants”, 27 September 2016:

ROME (JTA) – Pope Francis told a World Jewish Congress delegation that migrants have enriched Europe and need to be integrated into society.

“Europe often forgets that it has been enriched by migrants,” the pope told the Jewish leaders at an audience Monday evening at the Vatican that was described as taking place in an atmosphere of “great cordiality and friendship.”


“Europe is closing itself up. Europe is lacking creativity. Europe has a falling birth rate and problems of high unemployment,” the pope said.

He added, according to an account of the meeting issued by the WJC: “We need to reflect on integration, which is important. The people who committed the terrorist attacks in Belgium were not properly integrated.”

Francis urged Christians and Jews to cooperate in battling hatred and brutality.

“We need more friendliness and kindness, and we should not be afraid to speak out against brutality,” he said, according to the WJC report. “We should go on a joint journey together to make the world more secure. We need to speak out for peace.”

        The appropriate response to the Pope and his cohorts:

        European Sovereignty or Death!

Berlin elections: Angela Merkel faces new gains by anti-migrant AfD party

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 18 September 2016 15:06.

Frauke Petry, chairwoman of the anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD) Credit: Stefanie Loos/Reuters

Telegraph, “Berlin elections: Angela Merkel faces new gains by anti-migrant AfD party” 18 September 2016:

The far-Right could return as a force to be reckoned with in Berlin politics for the first time since the Second World War.

The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is set to inflict serious losses on Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in regional elections in Berlin state on Sunday, according to opinion polls.

If the predictions are right, the party could win as much as 15 per cent of the vote campaigning on an openly anti-Muslim platform.

“With a swing to right, life will change in Berlin. I’m convinced of that.“Michael Müller

That would be the far-Right’s best performance in the German capital since 1945, and secure it its first seats in the Berlin state parliament since the 1990 reunification of Germany.

“Berlin cannot be allowed to become the capital of the far-Right,” Michael Müller, the city’s mayor, pleaded in a message on Facebook this week.

“It would be seen around the world as a return of the far-Right and the Nazis to Germany.”

Every Major UK Religion Wants Invaders

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 05:47.

TNO, “Every Major UK Religion Wants Invaders”, 13 September 2016:

The leaders of every single major religion in Britain have called upon the U.K. Government to take in even more Third World invaders in an unprecedented joint “interfaith declaration.”

Signed by leaders from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Sikh, and Zoroastrian congregations, the declaration called for “safe and legal routes” in the UK for the invaders.


The “Interfaith Refugee Initiative” issued an open letter to the British government this week, signed by more than 200 of the country’s church leaders, bishops, rabbis, and other religious figures.

“As people of faith, we call on your Government urgently to revise its policy toward refugees,” the letter said.

The “immediate and viable steps” that the Government should take to “offer sanctuary to more refugees” include, the letter says, creating “safe, legal routes of travel,” and “adopting fair and humane family reunion policies for refugees.”

The religious leaders all ignore the reality that there is not a single legal refugee in Europe—because every single one even claiming to have fled Syria, only qualifies as a “refugee” in the first neighboring safe country.

Once a “refugee” crosses two safe countries—or, as in the UK’s case, ten safe countries, they are no longer “refugees” but simply illegal immigrants.

Nonetheless, the religious leaders claim that the UK must “take a fair and proportionate share of refugees, both those already within Europe and those still outside it.”

Furthermore, the declaration demands that the government must establish “safe and legal routes to the UK, as well as to the rest of Europe,” and that there should be “access to fair and thorough procedures to determine eligibility for international protection wherever it is sought.”

Among the 224 signatories are Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury; Harun Rashid Khan, Secretary-General, Muslim Council of Britain….


In addition, the bishops of almost every city in Britain from the Anglican and Catholic churches also signed the declaration, along with a multitude of rabbis and imams.

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