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Luke Ford’s Rebbe explains why “The Left” is the problem, not the Jews.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 10 March 2018 06:59.

...and not the right-wing, of course.

Luke Ford: “You agree that the left is bad, right?”

The Rebbe: “I actually think it’s worse than bad…it’s basically demonic.”

“The Rebbe” explains how “the left” was a Satanist plot devised by Jacob Frank to oppose the Talmud.

These Jews who left orthodoxy “weren’t really Jewish anymore” ..‘how would you define yourself?”...“so a lot if them took to ‘Frankism’....and Frankism tended to infiltrate” ..“so you wound up having it being the radical subversive left of Jewry was drawn to these Frankist ideas…so you tend to see a relationship between the leftists of 1850 and 1950 in Frank.


If you’re a fan of Marx you’ll say that Marx was a good guy, he just screwed up by not writing that final book explaining how communism would actually work. But my point of view is that’s not a bug, its a feature.

The reason that Marx didn’t like capitalism is because capitalism worked….that this is not necessarily a good person. His intentions were not necessarily good.

...same thing with a lot of these people like Freud or going to the Frankfurt school. Two of the Frankfurt School guys actually studied under Shabbat Hazivi [Shabbat Hasivi? - “Sabbatian” ...don’t know the exact terms he’s using]..

So did, uh, Israel Zangwill who is the main guy ...and that actually ties into the story - Zangwill is the main guy who came up with the idea of Islamic immigration to the West. He did the ‘melting pot.’

So, basically what I’m doing is a paradigm analysis of the left.

Where on earth do these crazy ideas come from - transexuals invading Marx’s ideas, Frued’s ideas… Horest Kahelen who is the guy who invented multiculturalism, he had a bizarre obsession with defiling the Sabbath ...they are rebel Jews.

So, the left came out of Frankism - you have these wild ideas of homosexuality…Muslims, the whole nine yards, and that’s how you get a movement that is so radical. You even had a Frankist on the Supreme Court with Frankfurter and Brandeis.


(As opposed to) “the underlying narrative driven by the Alt-Right’s (MacDonald), if you look at it from the narrative that The United States was driven left by Steven Samuel Wise and Reform Judaism, what it suggests is that demographic and the weight of that demographic, because Reform Jews don’t have babies, Orthodox Jews do have babies…its also getting a long time since Rabbi Steven Wise was around, he died in around 1947… it means that the prognosis is very positive.

The prognosis is very positive. It means that the Jews are going to swing right-wing instead of continuing this unrelenting war against gentile culture. And this shows up in the statistics.

When you look at the numbers of Jews, the breakdown of Jews under 30, they’re actually - this is pretty shocking - they’re more right-wing than, uhm, than Whites.

There are a lot of this stuff you know, on college campuses, the Jewish frats are just fully right-wing.

What happens, young Jewish men are swinging right-wing and part of this is intersectionality - the left is now so taken with this cause of bringing-in Muslims, Hispanics, that effectively they’ve made it hostile to Jews.


Luke Ford: “You agree that the left is bad, right?”

The Rebbe: “I actually think it’s worse than bad…it’s basically demonic.” give you a perfect example. I worked for a few years for these high-powered lawyers; and they would run these litigations where they would sue a given company ..and the litigation would be billions of dollars. ...and its just absurd that these trial lawyers, who were at the time the number one doners to the Democratic party, could run these rackets and make hundreds of millions of dollars in profit.

So the whole system is completely perverse with public sector unions - so that every goverment worker, who’s a member of a public sector union, kicks back money to the Democratic party. Then they volunteer for the Democratic party.”

“The big problem is with immigration and the problem with that” [is not that Jews and right wing sell-outs have brought a bunch of non-White scabs in] but that they have brought in voters to reconstruct the left, the democratic party.’  “The problem with naturalization law where if you can bring someone into the country and five years later, they’re a voter.”

“And basically what that does is create a massive incentive to bring in voters. So basically democracy has been hacked because you can just flood the country. And if the immigrants are stupid, if they’re not capable, then they go into social services - so now they’re feeding back more clients for social services, so kicking more back to goverment unions, they get locked into social services, they’re perpetual left wing voters.”

Get it? The problem is “the left” not what kind (i.e., what demographic) of left that social unionization and responsibility is acting upon. Then he adds, after playing the card that ‘the left is the problem’...“the actual non-White immigrants vote at about 82% + Democrat, Muslims vote at about 93% Democrat; so, that’s the simple narrative to explain why the West is being flooded with all these people - because the Democrats, The Left, needs voters”

Not so much that ‘exaggerated’ Kevin MacDonald ‘Jews as a group evolutionary strategy stuff.’

The Rebbe suggests that the problem with immigration is basically the democratic party seeking voters (not that the Republicans seek cheap scab labor as well)...and not so much Jews generally being indifferent where not antagonistic to White organization/unionization ...

Where immigration policy was advanced by Jews, it would be “the bad Jews” ...“the Leftists” ..but like all “bad things”, homosexuality, abortion, “the left wing Jews only advanced these agendas by about ten years.”

“The Jews actually preserved 1950s culture in an America, at the time, too war-weary to fight a cultural war.”

(((Frame Game))) holds YKWethnostrategy to account for disrupting/disallowing White group organizing

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 09 March 2018 06:01.

This Warski Ghetto talk with JF et al., on “Group Preferences”, was worthwhile. Surprisingly (((Frame Game))) was holding (((David))) and other fellow YKW generally to account. (((Babylonian Hebrew))) seemed also to be taking the angle of “be an honest Jew in order to mitigate against backlash.”

(((Frame Game))) concedes one of my basic arguments, that by way of Jewish politics, European peoples have been allowed no social group organization.

In fact, they do to all they can to disrupt it - including encouraging ideologies that are veritably expressions of phobia to social group organization.

Eric Striker’s Message Of Love & Inclusion

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 March 2018 06:03.

Striker is off the mark in a few key meta-philosphical respects.* However, as Luke Ford proposes sundry weasel-ways-out for YKW misdeeds, and indeed proposes arguments of their being outstanding contributors to Western society, Striker manages every time to keep YKW culpability zeroed into the cross hairs, holding them concretely to account with each of Ford’s arguments.

Where Ford proposes that they are tax contributors, Striker (he says the correct spelling is Stricker) counters that their Orthodox community is a welfare burden; and that affluent Jews make use of tax loopholes and write-offs.

Ford puts forth the low Jewish crime rate, Sticker of course notes their white collar crime.

Ford maintains that Jews are often professionals, and thereby held to professional-society standards, Stricker maintains that these professional societies can rather function as networks for the YKW to cover for one another - the Sackler family’s coercion of the professional journals and FDA approval allowed them a boon in the promotion of opiate addiction.

Ford suggests that these are individual cases, and Stricker counters that in fact, it is Jewish networking that allows individual Jews to get away with these kinds of offenses.

The ADL is well funded by Jewish donations and it has been funded heavily with big Jewish-Las Vegas-Mafia money.

In a sexually degenerate society, Ford points to Orthodox Jews as paragons of virtue, normally virgins upon marriage, maintained even amidst the most licentious inner city cultures. Stricker observes that the Orthodox are a small minority of Jews, looked upon rather like retarded siblings by the more jaded broad pattern of Jews (including liberal Hollywood mavens).

Ford suggests that Italian mafia had about equally significant a role in the pornography business, Stricker corners the YKW’s disproportionate role in porno by calling attention to the corollary between porno production locations and Jewish communities/demographics.

Interesting trivia fact - the infamous quote from Jewish pornographer Al Goldstein, “we (Jews) are in the porn business because we think Jesus sucks” came from an interview conducted by Ford himself, back near the turn of the century.

* Notably, Stricker is off the mark in saying that socialism + nationalism is the “German way” , i.e. represented by so-called “National Socialism.” In fact, Nazi Germany was ultimately not national socialist, but imperial supremacist.

Fuentes did his homework, marking concrete plateau for elaboration, difference and/or transformation

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 06:02.

Nick Fuentes vs. RC Maxwell | Civic Nationalism Debate.

Fuentes stakes-out some classic arguments against civic nationalism and specifically in this case, against those arguments for inclusion of blacks within the nation. While a full endorsement is not implied, he establishes a plateau from which to elaborate, differ and/or transform.

ContraPoints has done his/her homework as well, also enough to stake out a polemic - by contrast to Fuentes, ContraPoints argues in defense of blacks - giving explanations/excuses for what are taken by those who dislike them to be typical black behavior (bad) - again, providing a position for difference, elaboration and/or transformation.

A new PhD, “Mexie” the Vegan and anti-capitalist activist, considers that to be her favorite ContraPoints video, one that all “racists” (and anti-racists) should see.

Going Vegan: A Discussion with Mexie | ContraPointsLive

BBC deems exponent of kosher “hu-White”, Jared Taylor, a “White Nationalist” as he sues Twitter

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 06:02.

Taylor does some good work - bringing this lawsuit against Twitter is commendable - Twitter’s prohibition of free speech is a travesty given that it is functioning as a public utility; its having gotten its corporate start with US government help; its remaining dependent upon the US Government created and sponsored internet network; and public telecommunications lines. Taylor also handles with aplomb stigmatic issues of blacks and their hyper-assertive biopower, as he did in his debate with black nationalist Tariq Nasheed. Nevertheless, he yields to Jewish crypsis, infamously having said, “they look huWhite to me” ...and now that Jewish interests seek fusion with the White right, their media refers to Taylor as a “White Nationalist.”

BBC, “White nationalist Jared Taylor sues Twitter over ban”, 22 Feb 2018:

White nationalist Jared Taylor is suing Twitter after the social network banned his account as part of a crackdown on abusive content.

Mr Taylor’s lawyer says the suspension of his account is a form of censorship, accusing Twitter of discrimination.

Twitter declined to comment on the case but has previously said that its tools are “apolitical.”

Mr Taylor is head of American Renaissance, a website that champions “racial difference”.

He had his account suspended in December, with Twitter explaining that it prohibited accounts affiliated with the promotion of violence, something Mr Taylor denies applied to him.

Mr Taylor has filed his case in California, in the state Superior Court in San Francisco. He argued that Twitter violated Californian law protecting free speech in public spaces - a law that has not previously been applied to the internet.

His lawyer Noah Peters wrote online that everyone should be “terrified” about what he called Twitter censorship. “Our lawsuit is not about whether Taylor is right or wrong. It’s about whether Twitter and other technology companies have the right to ban individuals from using their services based on their perceived viewpoints and affiliations.

“Allowing Twitter to censor content is extremely troublesome given Twitter’s self-proclaimed mission to ‘give everyone the power to create and share ideas instantly, without barriers’.”

Cheddar Man’s dark skin an example of how mere facticity can be misleading or used to mislead

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 07 February 2018 06:26.

Scientists have produced a full facial reconstruction of the Cheddar Man; the researchers say that the young man would have had dark complexion along with blue eyes and dark, curly hair (Image: PA)
The recent scientific declaration of the Cheddar Man’s dark skin provides an example of how mere facticity can be misleading, or used to mislead - in this case, taking the contingent particularity of the Cheddar man’s dark skin to distract from the aggregate difference that makes a difference in the broader pattern comprising mutation distinguishing native British.

Mirror, “Face of ‘The First Brit’ known as the Cheddar Man revealed – and he had dark skin

A groundbreaking study reveals the remains found a century ago in Gough’s Cave in Somerset did not belong to a pale-skinned person, as previously thought”, 7 Feb 2018:

This is the face of one of modern Britain’s earliest men – and he had dark skin.

Britain’s oldest complete skeleton, known as Cheddar Man, was unearthed more than a century ago in Gough’s Cave in Somerset.

But an unprecedented examination of his DNA, along with a facial reconstruction of the fossil, shows he would have had a darker complexion than previously thought, along with blue eyes and dark, curly hair.

Previous reconstructions of Cheddar Man, which were not based on DNA data, depicted him with a lighter skin tone. But research by evolution and DNA specialists at the Natural History Museum and University College London suggests the skin colour associated with northern European ancestry is a more recent development.

The research and remodelling process was documented for Channel 4 show The First Brit: Secrets of the 10,000 Year Old Man.

Professor Ian Barnes, research leader at the Natural History Museum, said: “For me, it’s not just the skin colour that’s interesting, it’s that combination of features that make him look not like anyone that you’d see today.

“Not just dark skin and blue eyes, because you can get that combination, but also the face shape.

“So all of this combines together and makes him just not the same as people you see around today.”

Researchers Professor Barnes and Dr Selina Brace extracted DNA data from bone powder by drilling a 2mm hole through the skull’s inner ear bone.

They scanned the skull and a 3D model was produced by “paleo artists” Alfons and Adrie Kennis, who make life-like reconstructions of extinct mammals and early humans.

The twins, who have created reconstructions for museums around the world and usually create models of Neanderthals, spent three months creating Cheddar Man.

“It’s really nice to make a more graceful man, not a heavy-browed Neanderthal. So we were very excited that it was a guy from after the Ice Age. We were very interested in what kind of human he was,” said Alfons.

“With the new DNA information it was really revolutionary. And it allowed us to look more at race, this revealed stuff that we’d never had known before.”

Cheddar Man, thought to have died in his twenties and to have had a relatively good diet, lived in Britain when it was almost completely empty.

Although previous populations had settled in Britain long before his arrival, they were wiped out before him and he marked the start of continuous habitation on the island.

Genetically, he belonged to a group of people known as the “Western Hunter-Gatherers” - Mesolithic-era individuals from Spain, Hungary and Luxembourg.

His ancestors migrated to Europe from the Middle East after the Ice Age and today, 10% of White British people are descended from the group.

Alfons said: “People define themselves by which country they’re from, and they assume their ancestors were just like them. “And then suddenly new research shows that we used to be a totally different people with a different genetic makeup.

“People will be surprised, and maybe it will make immigrants feel a bit more involved in the story. And maybe it gets rid of the idea that you have to look a certain way to be from somewhere. We are all immigrants.”

The First Brit: Secrets of the 10,000 Year Old Man airs on Channel 4 on Sunday February 18.

Let’s go to the library for a reading of “The Leaves of Grass”, contemplate what they all died for.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 26 January 2018 06:06.

By 1940, Camden was 90 percent White and absolutely thriving.

Let’s take the bus to the library for a reading of “Leaves of Grass”, maybe Lovecraft, to contemplate what they all died for.

Keith Alexander once quoted one of the first black mayors of a major American city as predicting that Camden, New Jersey, foreshadowed America’s future. That mayor was speaking as a “progressive”, of course, predicting bright things, not the irony of his statement.

SBPDL, 21 Jan 2018:

A Racial Lesson for Western Civilization: Built in 1905 when Camden was 100% White, the Carnegie Library Lays in Ruins in now 96% Non-White Camden

PK Note: Check out the latest Paul Kersey at VDare—thing is, we’re supposed to believe this Black Panther black power fantasy.

What becomes of White civilization - western civilization - when White people abandon what their ancestors created?

Inside the roofless Camden branch of Carnegie Libraries, trees grow among the ruins…

Camden, New Jersey tells us the tragic lesson, where a tree growing inside a long-abandoned library is symbolic of the desolation of western civilization once non-whites inherit what they had no hand in building.

What they are incapable of maintaining.

The roof is gone on the Carnegie Library in now 96% non-white Camden.

In 2018, Camden is nearly 96 percent non-white (49% Hispanic/ 42% black), requiring hundreds of millions of loans, grants, and aid from the taxpayers of New Jersey over the past decades to pay for services, employees, and infrastructure fixes the almost entirely non-white tax-base of the city can’t provide.

In 1900, the city was almost 100 percent White, a growing metropolis and a vital contributor to the American economy with an innovative business sector burgeoning. By 1940, Camden was 90 percent White and absolutely thriving.

Camden chapter of Carnegie Libraries

But as the demographics slowly shifted, and White people abandoned the city, the quality of life regressed to the black (and brown) mean.

What better illustrates the demise of White civilization in Camden then the Camden Free Library Building, built in 1905 when the city was nearly 100 percent White? Andrew Carnegie donated $100,000 for the library, to help provide continued education and a citadel of knowledge to the individual White people who would collectively make Camden on of America’s most important industrial cities:

The Library Committee of City Council, on February 24th, adopted a resolution presented by Councilman Charles Ellis, formally accepting Andrew Carnegie’s offer of $100,000 for a public library in Camden. On April 28, 1903 the Free Library Trustees recommended the purchase of the Dialogue property, at Broadway and Line Street, 80 x 1600 feet, for the new Carnegie Library. The sum asked was $15,0900 and on November 4, 1903 the property was obtained for that sum. 

Carnegie Library, 1914

A competition for the design of the new library was held, with several local architects, including Arthur Truscott, submitting designs. Coming in first place in this contest was the firm of Hale & Morse. Hale and Morse represented the partnership of architects ordinarily not associated with Philadelphia: Herbert D. Hale and Henry G. Morse, both of whom were better known in Boston and New York. Nonetheless, for a period in the early twentieth century the firm established an office in the Drexel Building in Philadelphia, and their projects, reported by the Philadelphia Real Estate Record and Builders Guide included several residential operations.

Camden Free Library Building, built with money donated by Andrew Carnegie, Broadway and Line Street, opened to the public on June 27, 1905. 7,000 books were on the shelves. The cost of the building was about $86,000. Carnegie’s donation eventually came to $120,000. It was Carnegie’s belief that universities and libraries were the most worthwhile areas to give donations, and he made major donations to over 2500 libraries across the country. The firm of J.E. and A.L Pennock built the two-storied, neoclassical library. It was finished with a pedimented entrance portico on the west façade. When there were no funds left to purchase furniture for the library, Andrew Carnegie donated a supplementary $20,000. The was housed at its original site for eighty-one years. In 1986, the library was set up in a larger building, leaving the original Camden Free Public Library empty. The building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in October of 1992, and still stands as a symbol of the City of Camden as well as a symbol of the generosity of Andrew Carnegie.

Sadly in the years between 1986 and 2004 the Carnegie Library stood as a symbol of much that was wrong with Camden- physical decay, political inertia, and an indifference to both the heritage of the past and the need to instill a love of books and learning in Camden’s children. A few interested parties attempted to get government help in preserving the building, but met with little success.

Walt Whitman at his last residence, in Camden

When the Camden Free Library Building (also known as the Carnegie Library) was built in 1905, Camden was nearly 100 percent White. Designed to provide a sanctuary for conversing with the great White wordsmiths of the past, who in death still had much to tell the living through their tomes, the Carnegie Library was precious gift for posterity. For the benefit of not just maintaining, but advancing White civilization.

Today, in less than four percent White Camden, the building is abandoned, though on the ornate facade the names of great White authors (Chaucer, Irving, and Hawthorne) are inscribed, a visible reminder for the city’s almost entirely non-White population of just who the Carnegie Library was built for and whom was expected to help grow the community for centuries to come.

But in the span of a century, Camden went from nearly 100 percent white to, in 2018, almost less than four percent White.

Buildings, especially those built long ago, have a way of speaking for the dead.

Built when White people were not just optimistic about their future (and their posterities), but desirous to advance western civilization, the Carnegie Library in 2018 is derelict and in ruin, a visible reminder of the true theme running through H.P.  Lovecraft‘s horror fiction; the consequences of racial degeneracy, amalgamation, and, worse, the inability of those watching it all unfold to confront the evil.

Reminders of the civilization White people long ago built in Camden are still visible, though the ruin, decay and their degradation is a visible indication of what happens to western civilization in the hands of non-whites.

In now 96% non-white Camden, America’s future as White people become a racial minority are on full display.

Carolyn Emerick talks pagan folk culture and ethnonationalism with Tara’s alt-right panel

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 January 2018 06:43.

Unfortunately, this conversation is pretty good, intelligent: featuring Carolyn Emerick talking with Tara McCarthy and her weekly panel. While the platform is dubious, they are generating worthwhile feedback. Take what you like and leave the nonsense - e.g. the convenient-for YKW, pro-Trump, anti-“left” position.  ..what’s-his-name’s thing about the Beatles only being popular because they were “a C.I.A. front”, whatever, right wingers.

It is to be appreciated - a good take-away in contrast to their standard fare - that Emerick uses the word “liberal” to describe our antagonists.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 16 Nov 2024 18:37. (View)

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