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A Few More Words Added to a Grammar of Motives Might Transform Counterproductive Reaction

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 28 June 2016 09:55.

Dido: White Flag

It is my experience and my hypothesis that there is a pattern of Jo Cox types who are in an increased one up position of female predilection as a result of the disorder of modernity - a disorder created by the disruption of racial and other social classificatory bounds - with that, they are pandered to from all directions (particularly by the YKW) and they become more articulate and confident, more prone to not move beyond a liberal propensity to gratuitous prerogative and incitement to genetic competition - more able to dismiss as “losers” those who question their judgment (who conversely, become more inarticulate); these increased one up females act as gate keepers, letting through only men (like Jo Cox’s husband Brandon) who maintain the liberal disorder that empowers them - never mind the expense to others in their historical, systemic pattern: “it’s nature” least it serves their narrow personal interests to believe in this powerful determinism.

The Cox

Sell-out couples like Jo and Brandon Cox operate with a contextual force to quell voices in objection to the liberal destruction they visit upon our people - White men often squelched first for liberal abandonment and invitations to interlopers.

The voice that liberals would silence is meaningful of a pattern - not to be treated uncritically or with perfect sympathy, but certainly not to be dismissed as having no possible reason to be angry with the status quo - looking upon it as hideously and unnecessarily unjust - so much so as to contemplate it as actionable.

Again, this position of ordinary White males can become quite inarticulate within the disorder of modernity, as they are ostracized, shunned and altercast by the YKW into right wing anti-social aloofness and ultimate alienation - inarticulate and without perceived recourse to this alteracst, they can act into its dangerous and counterproductive role.

How to correct that, to hear these White voices that liberals would silence and engage them such that their grievances can lend corrective aid and be channeled into effective activism - a more productive means than murdering a Jo Cox: who, for her professed compassion, may have been compelled to account for compassion to Whites?

It is precisely because White men are evolved in more sublimated and circumspect patterns of interaction that their reproductive paths require the “prosthesis” of place holding grammars to lend social support against the myriad of occasions that modernity affords for the opportunistic to seize-upon their more protracted biological constituents.

It is with a notion such as this, “just a few more words added to his grammar of motives might change a sociopath into a merely neurotic sort”  (Kenneth Burke) that we make an ongoing reference place for our good and loyal women - hopefully, more than merely staving off misogyny, an extended grammar of motives can transform him, lending sufficient alternative range of functional autonomy for him to become an articulate spokesman for our people otherwise terribly manipulated and pandered-to by those in power…

It will do no good to deny the capacity for the terrible treachery that exists among our co-evolutionary females as well - and in service of systemic correction there needs to be capacity for criticism as such - to rupture imperviously destructive denial; an honest platform that will provide a place for anger to go and be channeled into further correction, as violations of our more sublimated patterns are difficult to express - depending on our NOT having to seize every opportunity, to play “game” a la Roosh V. Nevertheless, support and reconstruction of a protracted grammar of White motives allows for emergence of attention to the more quiet, loyal ones. In these circumstances rife with treachery and traitors, European men need reminders of our loyal women.

With that in mind, I start this thread of videos or just plain music that expresses loyalty and sensitive concern from our co-evolutionaries.

This one is a good start - Dido showing loyalty to what appears to be an ordinary, working class White man.

I will be adding more videos of this kind and, of course, welcome others to contribute their favorite videos of this kind to this thread

Joyce & Langdon of TOO again show “liberal” functions well in place of “left” as our negative term

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 23 June 2016 15:04.

Way down in the profound gears of ship’s engine room, we were given the shaft: YKW misdirection of “left” as our enemy as opposed to potential utility of a White Left - unionization of Whites against liberalism come by any means, Jews or otherwise.

Andrew Joyce demonstrates that as opposed to “the left”, the more descriptive and useful term for what our enemies are prescribing for us - viz. liberalism - can be used with perfect coherence. He even alludes to the profound significance of it by article’s end -  likening the matter of our course as directed by Jewish interests and their liberal minions to an issue way down in the engine-room of the ship - the implicit matter of “liberalism” as the prescription of the enemy as opposed to “leftism” as our key affliction - like a gear being controlled by YKW way down there, on a level normally taken for granted, about which we normally suspend disbelief, but where a very fundamental change in bias needs to occur for the sake of our racial solidarity and defense.

We had previously observed Tobias Langdon (at TOO) making this transformation and now Joyce is doing it too - a very good move.

TOO, “On Recent Violence in Yorkshire and Orlando, and the Liberal “Suspension of Disbelief,” 21 June 2016:

“The blindness of the masses, their readiness to surrender to that resounding but empty eloquence that fills the public squares, make them an easy prey. … We will have no difficulty in finding as much eloquence among our people for the expression of false sentiments as Christians find in their sincerity and enthusiasm.”

‘The Rabbi’s Speech’ Hermann Goedsche, Biarritz (1868)

I’ve never really enjoyed horror movies. I don’t mind the gore, the violence, or even the bad acting. What I can’t forgive is the mind-numbing predictability that typifies the genre. While many of its fans might preach about the fun to be had with the ‘suspension of disbelief,’ I’ve often been the annoying fellow in the movie theatre asking “Why don’t they just turn on the light/leave the house/stay out of the basement?” Being frightened or shocked requires a lowered level of anticipation, and a lowered level of anticipation requires the viewer to ignore surrounding patterns, cues and clues and, above all, to ‘suspend disbelief.’ To partake in the horror experience, we need to set aside not only our tendency to perceive an unfolding formula, but also the fact that we may have seen such a formula many times previously. And although we are aware that what we are observing is a complete fiction, we must undertake efforts on a subconscious or conscious level to convince ourselves that it is, or could be, true.

As a very rational thinker with an eye for patterns, I find it difficult to partake in the horror experience. It takes a lot to shock me and, for much the same reason, I was left largely untroubled by the recent events in Orlando and Yorkshire. I certainly didn’t feel any sense of surprise at either instance of violence. Like every horror franchise that runs for too long, acts of Muslim terror on our soil started losing their shock value around a decade ago (or at least they should have). And England has been undergoing such a level of dispossession, murder and child rape that a violent response, even from the fringes of White society, was an unfortunate inevitability. Since our movement is greatly concerned with monitoring the facts and the reality of our unfolding racial horror, we anticipated these ‘scares’ with no less certainty than we anticipated the rising of the sun. We knew the likely places from which these events would emanate, and we know that more will follow.


Barack Obama described shocked communities “grasping for answers with broken hearts.” Meanwhile, in an astonishing piece of emotional projection by liberals, NBC reported that Afghan-Americans (an absurd label) are “grappling with shock, shame and the taboo topics of homophobia and religious intolerance in their community.”


...shocked liberals of the NBC variety are comforting themselves with the delusion that Muslims are just as shocked and horrified as they are.

Self-deceiving liberals have achieved one of their greatest tricks of journalistic magic by ensuring the disappearance of religion and ethnicity from their commentary on Islamic violence.


Liberal sociologist, and self-styled expert on ‘guns and gender,’ Jennifer Carlson has written in the Washington Post that

  Actor, activist and author George Takei has described the fight for gun control as “the next chapter of LGBT history.”


By offering their support for mass immigration, and thus the introduction of such a social problem into our nations, liberals have played a key role in making our societies more violent, less trusting, and economically weaker — all while under the delusion that they were making “the world” a better place.


In much the same way, our modern liberals exist in a world in which they have suspended disbelief in the ideological fantasies they have been indoctrinated with. Their ideology thus becomes immune to reality. The young creatives in our movement have actually popularized a very intelligent meme ridiculing this pernicious liberal trait: “No-one could have predicted that…” One could then complete the sentence with something like “…Black African migrants would do poorly in school and be highly prone to crime,” or “…Arab migrants would rape European women” The meme highlights that these behaviors are actually very predictable while also pouring scathing sarcasm on the real or feigned shock of liberals when such events occur.


Liberals have neglected to fully interrogate their own arguments because their entire ideology is built on the suspension of disbelief. They are capable of persisting in their delusion only because they ignore the patterns around them, sacrificing an understanding of ‘the plot’ for an emotionally exciting journey on the edge of their seats. The left-liberal existence is lived out on the ‘fun’ of pro-immigration rallies, the thrill of being morally righteous, and the equally emotionally heightened atmosphere of the candle-lit vigils that accompany the ‘shocks’ and ‘scares’ of the dreadful world they have helped to create. Much like that of a young child, theirs is an emotive world where adrenaline, novelty and stimulation are the most significant landmarks. It is a world where Antifa placards mingle with crocodile tears, in which ‘love’ can overcome physical realities and genetic limitations, in which pop concerts can reverse famines, and in which the only enemy is that amorphous but ever-present ideological bogeyman — ‘hate.’

The husband of Jo Cox has apparently urged everyone “to fight against the hate that killed her.” As far as soundbites go, few could be more attuned to the irrational spirit of modern liberalism. Liberalism, wallowing in the conceit that it is the last bastion of rationality, paradoxically imbues ‘hate’ with the same supernatural aura once reserved for poltergeists and demons. Mr Cox and his fellow liberals would do well to remember that ‘hate’ did not kill Jo Cox any more than it killed anyone at the Pulse nightclub. Men undertook these grim endeavors — human beings with social and ethnic connections and identities, grievances, agendas and interests. However, like a horror bogeyman, ‘hate’ is significantly less intellectually demanding and thus more appealing to ‘the scriptwriters’ who believe it is best not to have the audience think too much. Faced with ‘hate’ rather than three-dimensional individuals and ethnic groups, the childish liberal need not attempt to understand its history, its motivations, or even what it wants. It suffices to simply scream when it pops up.


We certainly weren’t informed by our liberal moral superiors that our failure to provide financial benefits as well as living space to these settlers would result in destruction, violence, and murder on our streets. Instead, chattering liberals claimed ‘shock’ that the new houses didn’t build themselves, that an incoherent thug represented a poor option for employment in an industrial nation, and that their beloved refugees brought with them vice, crime, disease and more than enough of their own home-grown prejudices.

Just as viewers of horror movies can be kept on the edge of their seats, so can they also be deeply misled. Although they may still be spooked along the way, viewers can possess a smug satisfaction that they have the plot figured out entirely, ignorant of the final twist that ultimately looms on the horizon. In the same way, and in marked contrast to responses to events in Orlando, liberals have adopted a smug and self-satisfied approach to the assassination of Jo Cox in Yorkshire.


I await the advent of a single piece of journalism suggesting that the violence of Thomas Mair was linked to economic deprivation, social isolation, or any other excuses that would have been tenderly laid at his feet had he possessed a little more melanin.


Red Ice Radio interviews Majorityrights roundtable about Brexit.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Monday, 20 June 2016 05:30.

Vote Leave on 23 June.
Vote Leave on 23 June.

Summary: This interview was hosted by Henrik Palmgren at Red Ice Radio, and the roundtable discussion was about Brexit and its significance for Europe and the world.

The first hour is freely available for all to download, the second hour is available with a subscription to Red Ice Radio.

The participants on the roundtable were:

  • Henrik Palmgren: Henrik Palmgren was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-and-Chief of Red Ice. Henrik is best known as the host of Red Ice Radio and TV, producing most of its content. He is primarily concerned with European heritage, culture and counteracting global internationalists.

  • Guessedworker (GW): An English nationalist in favour of international nationalism. Having lived in 1950s era Britain, he has since seen his nation undermined by neo-liberalism and Jewish-inspired leftism. He created in 2004 as a forum to find solutions for the myriad of problems facing not only the British people, but all European peoples as well.

  • Kumiko Oumae: The Eurasian affairs contributor for She believes that in order for Europe to control its own destiny – and for it to be a good trade and global development partner for Asian countries – there must be a serious dialogue on Europe’s historical role in the world and the justification of that role, as well as how the European states can resolve the crisis of legitimacy that their governments are presently facing. Kumiko also works in the security and defence sector in the United Kingdom.

  • Daniel Sienkiewicz: An ex-pat American of European descent, living in Europe. He has been troubled by the implications of “anti-racism” and has been testing various means to advocate for European peoples for as long as he can remember. Daniel rejects many common approaches, including all characteristically Cartesian attempts, such as scientism, as ineffective means to solve the problems that currently threaten ethnic Europeans.

We were honoured to have the opportunity to link up with Red Ice Radio in this way, they have our thanks.

Red Ice Radio, ‘Brexit: Time for the UK to Leave the EU’, 17 Jun 2016:

We begin by discussing Brexit and its significance in the ongoing struggle between nationalism and internationalism. Kumiko argues that, in many ways, the current economic paradigm in the West isn’t quite internationalism proper, but rather the United States being allowed to dominate due to passivity on behalf of the European Union. Despite a few minor disagreements, all three guests adamantly support withdrawal from the European Union. We then discuss the original vision of the European Union – that of a unified, more prosperous Europe – and how the elites therein have sabotaged that vision by allowing in millions of non-European immigrants. Later, we talk about the unfortunate lack of patriotism within certain European countries. We conclude this episode with a discussion on the manner in which the mainstream media has used the murder of Jo Cox as an excuse to those in favor of Brexit.


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Guccifer2 had persistence in the DNC’s computer network for a year, gives everything to Wikileaks.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 17 June 2016 21:30.

DNC Donald Trump Report leak
The Donald Trump Report is one of several files that Guccifer2 decided to showcase to prove that they had persistence in the DNC’s network.

The Washington Post carried an article recently in which CrowdStrike alleges that ‘sophisticated hackers’ gained access to the computer network of the Democratic National Convention and maintained persistence there for about a year. During this time, the hackers were able to intercept essentially everything that was going on, emails, chats, documents—everything.

Apparently it didn’t require much sophistication after all, because one of the attackers has come forward under the Guccifer2 moniker to express that it was actually ‘very easy’, and has released some preliminary teaser documents to prove it.

We at Majorityrights have looked at the documents and they certainly seem to be authentic in our view. Since Guccifer2 has chosen to give the thousands of documents that have been exfiltrated, to Wikileaks, we’ll be watching and waiting for these documents to appear in public in the coming days, at which point we will trawl through all of them and give you our assessment of what’s been happening inside the DNC. So do look forward to it.

For now, I’ll simply link to Guccifer2’s announcement on Wordpress, which contains links to the teaser documents: [Link]

View to a kill

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 17 June 2016 06:38.

Despite the already voluminous coverage the shocking murder of Jo Cox, the MP for Batley & Spen, has received, there really is not much known at this point about the reasons for it.  Neither the West Yorkshire Police website nor facebook page offers any information beyond that released at yesterday afternoon’s press conference.  It is apparent that the alleged attacker, Tommy Mair, 52, had mental problems and had lived in the area for many, many years, most of that period in some isolation.  There will be questions to answer as to what level of professional oversight was provided for such a disturbed person.  But the expectation must be that this tragic affair has no wider implications that that.

Of course, the greater part of the media is in full Remain mode and wants to exploit Jo Cox’s murder however it can.  There are two lines of attack emerging.  The first is the shameless endeavour to associate Mair with “the far right”, presenting him as some kind of revenge-taker for the recent lone-wolf attacks by Muslims - also mentally disturbed people - in America and France.  This lends a certain equivalence to the debate on Islam in the West, and amounts, quite frankly, to a prostitution of the facts.  Britain First, which little group of rather brave people might or might not have unwittingly supplied Mair with his Allahu Akbar moment, will be hauled over the coals for a few days before the next outrage committed by a Muslim shuts up these venal journalists.

The second line of attack is to try to associate the Leave campaign with “the hate” that apparently causes such events as this murder.  Jo Cox’s activist husband Brendan, who it is claimed was in a speed-boat on the Thames on Wednesday harrying Nigel Farage’s trawler fleet, has now issued a helpfully vague demand to “fight against the hate that killed her”.  A madman killed her, but left-wing activists never relent - even, it seems, in circumstances as personal and desperate as this.

Obviously, the worry is that the dead Jo Cox will be installed as the new Aylan Kurdi, and six days of synthetic but unbroken hysteria will ensue, with otherwise perfectly sane female voters rending their garments and wailing at the shocking thought of leaving the EU.  Even now, the likes of Emma Thompson must be pondering how best to make another successful entrance in to the public arena to appeal “for us to be together”.  That’s together with Goldman Sachs, the IMF, the EU Commission, Angela Merkel, millions of Muslims, and the suffering Third World everywhere.

Must be worth a few vital per cent in the polling booth, hey?  Cynical?  What, me?

To hell with making America great by unifying civic nationalism, hope is in racial strife, division

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 02 May 2016 15:23.

Huge anti-Trump protest by Mexican advocates at Costa Mesa, California

Bobby civic Knight endorses Trump: What the cuck?

Cuckservative and famous college basketball coach, Bobby Knight, is a typical Republican and a typical Trump supporter - i.e., a no-nonsense, civic “real man”, one who would unite black and White in civic patriotism - a consummate disaster for EGI. However, there is hope in the kind of racial strife that might come about and be exploited of Trump’s ascendancy.

“Welcome to Leith” - A Review

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 08 April 2016 11:46.

Welcome To Leith

Complete Version

Besides capturing beautiful location shots, this documentary provides more insight and even some balance to the heretofore mainstream media portrayal of Craig Cobb’s gambit to start a White preserve in tiny Leith, North Dakota. The bit of balance is surprising given that the production is coming from a perspective which is highly unsympathetic to Cobb and the White separatist cause.

1) The documentary does allow for Cobb to sneak-in the fundamentally legitimate argument that Whites should be able to establish separatism in order to preserve themselves.

2) However, it takes advantage of a wrong turn that Cobb takes in separatist advocacy, and one that the demographic preponderance of American WN can be susceptible to, which is to associate White separatism with Nazism and its corollary of pursuing an antagonistic, literally supremacist, even “exterminationist” agenda. This willing association of WN with “NS” Germany stems from a false either/or regarding WWII, an either/or which maintains that there was simply a wrong and simply a right side - Jewish Sovietism or Nazism - in that conflict.

3) Stemming from a myopic reaction to Jewish sponsored liberalism in America and the frustration for unpopularity that will result of the “NS Germany simply right” response not being accepted (not even by many Whites who would be sympathetic to White separatism), the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) has a rather easy task to demonstrate that Cobb is not just trying to build a separatist White community that can amenably coordinate with others.

a) He invited-into Leith some of the most salient and provocative White advocates, purchasing property in Leith for Alex Linder, the NSM (“neo-Nazis”) and Tom Metzger.

Linder of course couldn’t be more brazen in his rhetoric, calling for the elimination of Jews and so on; the NSM couldn’t be more flamboyant in their display, as they literally came into town bedecked in Nazi regalia, posting the like flags around Cobb’s house in Leith, and unabashedly proclaiming their unanimity with “NS” ideology.

Metzger doesn’t approve of such flamboyant and anachronistic tactics, but he has taken a position contrary to the PTB (powers that be) over the years, a position that the SPLC has tried to associate with senseless violence - despite his clear advice against that.

b) Along with the negative media reputation of these White exponents as embellished by the heretofore mainstream media and the SPLC, the SPLC begins to build a case to trace Cobb’s associations with these figures, as they have been following them over the years in an effort to connect them to a history of violence with further implications.

- as in the case the SPLC brought and won against then California resident Metzger, who was found “vicariously responsible” through a tenuous association with a skinhead who killed a black in a spontaneous street fight in Oregon.

- Matt Hale, fellow in Cobb’s religion -“Creativity” - was effectively set-up (by a wired-FBI informant who coaxed Hale to almost say that he approved of killing a judge) on charges of plotting to kill the judge who ruled against him in a patent case regarding the church logo and was sent to jail for 40 years. In connection with that bogus case, Cobb had published the address of the judge. Heidi Beirich (SPLC) admits that it is unknown whether that information aided and abetted the subsequent murder of two family members of that judge.

- VNN (Linder) associate and Cobb supporter, Frazier Glenn Miller, came unhinged one day and shot three people involved with the production of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” This was after the Leith Fiasco was over and Cobb was driven out of town not to return; but with that, the SPLC et al. were able to argue more persuasively that there was a danger when he was in town; and with some Leith property still in the hands of White advocates that the danger loomed of these types coming to Leith again and coming unhinged.

It is already well known to the world that Cobb’s case was not helped by his gun toting stroll with Kynan Dutton, a display compounded with verbal taunting of a neighbor. They were arrested for that and brought-up on charges of making terrorist threats.


Further threatening gestures alleged to Cobb that the documentary makes known to people who’d not been riveted to the event’s details, are that Cobb was apparently publishing the address, names and other information about family members of his neighbors -  the Christian couple whom he antagonized in the gun stroll. While people of our sophistication might understand Christians are a part of a hostile world view, Cobb was not exercising necessary discretion with regard to their skill level - nor for their emotional latitude given that the man he was verbally antagonizing on line and in the end, in his gun toting walk, had a 17 year old daughter murdered in Washington prior to coming to Leith, North Dakota. But to make Cobb’s indelicacy hardest to ignore, this man read online where Cobb was encouraging ex-convicts to come to Leith and telling them that, “now is the time to draw your sword.”

Of course the context of Cobb’s words and actions must be taken into account - these things will be given hostile framing by the SPLC in advice to the movie makers and this couple along with the other liberal town folk. But still, anyone who would tout Cobb as having aced as a fine PR man for WN is sorely mistaken.

...and there were people whom he could have won over - the documentary shows one Leith townsman who does not seem hostile to Cobb, saying that “people can believe what they want, I guess.”

Additional new information, adding some balance and mitigating circumstance sympathetic to Cobb’s perspective is noted in the film. Prior to the stroll, Cobb and Dutton’s property had been vandalized; Dutton’s car tires were slashed and the car was spray-painted with the words, “go home.” Dutton’s partner is also seen being confronted by a neighbor who drives up to her, apparently to intimidate her. Hence, there was some provocation from the other end and reason to perceive the need to defend themselves against their neighbors prior to their ill-fated stroll. And there are other indications that Cobb and Dutton were up against threats.

There is an irony in the suggestion that Cobb has a home.

These factors were in addition to all of the media hoopla and antagonism that had preceded, the “anti-racist” rallies and SPLC attention that was brought to bear against Cobb’s initiatives in the town.

Another irony came about when the SPLC summoned go-to victim group coalitions to harangue the White separatist - WN circles note that the American Indian groups who were among those brought-into Leith to protest Cobb’s effort to build a separate and sovereign territory based on his people’s genetic kind had been bused there from reservations which are their exclusionary racial preserves.

In addition to showing the counter-intimidation and vandalism by Cobb’s neighbors, there was another bit of balance provided in the film, significantly against the case that Cobb was “terrorizing” people to where they felt in immanent danger.

A photographer named Gregory Bruce came on a moral high-horse from another North Dakota town to intervene in Leith. He not only made a special effort to thwart and document the thwarting of Cobb’s plans, but he also boldly announced that neither he nor anybody else in town was afraid or threatened by Cobb. This bravado that Bruce horned-in with undermined the case for Cobb’s threateningness and opened the way for Cobb to be granted a plea bargain.

Another mitigating factor to the charge of “terrorist threats” and the idea that the people of Leith considered themselves to be in immanent danger was that Cobb was never threatening to the interracial couple in Leith (Bobby and Cheryl Harper) nor to Bobby by himself. The documentary tried to make hay out of the DNA test given by the talk show (The Trishia Goddard Show that Cobb appeared-on with the interracial couple), “showing” that Cobb was 14 % black, but Cobb dismissed it graciously despite being publicly hoisted by the petard of his objectivism (Cobb is not 14% black by any reasonable metric).

While Cobb was imprisoned for his gun toting walk and threats, had a felony put on his record, can no longer legally posses fire arms and underwent significant costs, he did manage to mitigate his sentence by admitting his mistake and was freed; finally, the documentary showed some balance again, by interviewing legal counsel advising the audience that justice was served - and in terms of the relative circumstances of the Leith fiasco, it was a fairly just result.

Justice to the eminently legitimate and noble cause of White separatism, however, was not served; but that is largely due to Cobb’s association with Nazism as it cut him off from broad support for what should be his absolutely legitimate goal of White sovereignty and survival; but with his “public relations” effort, he gave legitimacy instead to the worst antagonists to the cause of White survival and the separatism that is necessary to that end.


An initial stream of exposure of Giacomo Vallone & The European Knights Project points to Jack Sen

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 19:44.

Senscreen: “What are your thoughts regarding nationalists today [...] groups like National Action, even London Forum’s Jez Turner? They seem quite fixated on the Jews to an extent that, it seems to be harming our efforts, I think.”  Nick Griffin: “Yes, I think it does.”

Particularly as I was the instigator of the original phase of skepticism with regard to “Giacomo Vallone”, with critical remarks in regard to the positions he espoused in an interview with “Dana Antiochus” at Renegade Broadcasting, it is relevant to weigh-in on this matter. While that exchange quickly exposed him in a lowly and amateurish sock-puppetting effort at dividing Europeans against each other, the combination of that amateurishness and the obvious anti-racial nature of his position caused me to not take him, or his associated “European Knights Project”, too seriously. Still, his motives were of the worst kind. It has more serious implications as that project has germinated into controversial engagement with prominent ranks of White advocacy.

Is he the same person as Jack Sen? Well, both Sen and Vallone are associated with the European Knights Project. That’s enough for me to dismiss them both. That is why I will only belatedly confirm together with you as to whether or not it is indeed the case that they are one and the same; though a cursory comparison of Sen and Vallone discussions seem to indicate one identity, we know enough about both of them already to dismiss them.

My run-in with Giacomo Vallone wasn’t the first time that I had to take serious issue with a guest at another network - I took issue with Mark Dyal at Counter-Currents, and I still believe that I was right to do that as well: The thanks I got for that was being banned from Counter-Currents (oh well). Mark Dyal showed up as a guest of Dana Antiochus with the same kind of bullshit and I had another run-in with him there: Renegade should have appreciated that bit of critique also. However, I’ve also had reservations about Dana Antiochus - though I might be unfair to him. While I tried to be friends with Renegade, as you’ll see, they turned out to be too right-wing in the end.

I tell you this - that Metzger is right about right-wingers.

They are disingenuous and/or naive and their tentosphere is always ripe for infiltration.

Anyway, the scandal in the tentosphere now is not only to see Giacomo Vallone as a fraud who has made his way into conversation with White Nationalism, but that he’s actually the same person as Jack Sen - also having made his way into conversation with WN.

I was repulsed by Giacomo Vallone for a number of reasons from the onset, but he and his “European Knights Project” not only managed to get interviews with Renegade et al., but notably with Professor MacDonald. MacDonald is a bit too open to those with advanced academic pedigrees (Vallone claims to have graduated Princeton) and demeanor and a bit too closed to those without that. But that’s another matter and not a major point here; MacDonald is a wonderful scholar despite sometimes not being the best judge of character.

In general, it is right-wingishness and desperation for social prosthesis to compensate for their anti-social positions that creates this vulnerability; a tentosphere trap that Jews maintain - a key objective being to keep us as right-wingers and “THE Left” as the enemy.

Now then, I was a bit skeptical (and couldn’t be bothered since he is out of the ballpark) about the possibility that Vallone was the same person as Sen. Nevertheless, I already had sufficient evidence that Vallone and The European Knights Project are bad news: promoting civic nationalism, promoting black and mixed race people (e.g., “part black people are OK”) and for some reason, inciting strident hatred between Germans and Poles; and apparently anybody and Poles; not only that, but using sock-puppets to instigate that divisiveness.

There was no reason to doubt that his dealings with White Nationalism were disingenuous and it was disappointing that MacDonald, et al., would entertain him. Mike Delaney also spoke with Vallone not long ago - an interview posted by Anglin - but these latter two are middle brow right-wingers, so their rubbing elbows with Vallone did not pique my attention in the sense that one of “ours” was being infiltrated. I would be quite happy for the Daily Stormer to crash and burn. It deserves to.

Then Jack Sen came onto the radar screen of WN, appearing at Jez Turner’s London Forum and on Kevin MacDonald’s site. These are people that I like, even if their right-wingishness causes them problems. I even posted the talk Sen gave to London Forum here at Majorityrights - it was about UKIP being controlled opposition, infiltrated by Jewish interests and so on. That didn’t raise red flags for me - if he, KM and Jez suddenly liked each other, it seemed that he might indeed be a guy coming to his senses. What was curious, however, was his association with The European Knights Project, and Vallone, as I already knew that they were colossal bullshit.

Still, I’m not regularly following the goings-on of every right-winger as I already have their perfidy conceptually circumscribed. I might look at what they are up to, as they are engaged on the same turf, consider what is useful and reject what is not; but I’m not letting them dictate my terms, any more than I’d let Jews do it. So, if they want to rub elbows with Giacomo Vallone and the European Knights Project, it’s their ship that’s going down. I advise White advocates not to be right-wingers, but that’s all I can do. KM, Greg Johnson and the rest of those among what I’ve taken to calling the tentosphere have tended to double-down in their position that “The Left” is the enemy.

Matt Heimbach is also cooperating with Sen and The European Knights Project - it seems as if there might be a corollary there, probably unbeknownst to Heimbach, to his being banned from The U.K. Sen was so disappointed about the ban?

Coming back to the show that has taken center ring for now, it is clear that “Giacomo Vallone” is bad news, but is he also the same person as Jack Sen? That really would be something as we will see in a moment by some of the implications.

But even if they are not the same person, the very fact that Sen would be associated with Vallone and the The European Knights Project is damning enough.

Lets set out the thread beneath the 2013 interview of Giacomo Vallone by Dana Antiochus at Renegade.

If it’s Jack Sen doing this sock puppetry then that really would be something. We’ll come to what Jack Sen might be up to after I set out this thread where I started the fight which initiated the awareness that Giacomo Vallone might be something more negative than just an ignorant newby. I begin with the first comment and before long, you’ll see what will be shown to be Vallone using sock puppets to instigate German-Polish animus.

Renegade, Dana Antiochus interviews Giacomo Vallone, 14 Oct 2013


2 years 5 months ago

Giacomo Vallone’s remarks are not only tactless to the cause of mutual cooperation of European nationalism, but wrong..


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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Tue, 28 Jan 2025 14:28. (View)

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ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 14:43. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 18:52. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 18:35. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:04. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:24. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:45. (View)

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