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Discourse analysis: (((narrative control))) by David Cole Stein through Robert Stark’s kosher forum

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 06:00.

    Discourse analysis of David Cole Stein’s (((narrative control))) as promoted through Robert Stark’s kosher forum.

    Socially constructing the non-social construction of right-wing, “politically incorrect objectivity.”

    Cole-Stein is going to talk about how the porn-industry is “the last refuge of political incorrectness”, how “unlike the ‘Leftist’ controlled media, it simply and objectively caters to the desires of its ‘fan-base.”

    Robert Stark: This-is-Robert-Stark. I am joined here with-uh, David Cole. Uh David, great having you back on the show.

    David Cole-Stein: It’s a pleasure to be back, Robert! It really is. I enjoyed our first go-round and I’m looking forward to doing it again.

    Robert Stark: And I’m also joined here with my ‘Alt-of-Center’ co-host, ah, Mathew Pegus.

    Stark seems to provide/be provided with a different kosher co-host every few shows or so.

    Mathew Pegus: Great to be here Robert. Thank you for having me.

    David Cole-Stein: Speaking of ‘Alt’, I want to apologize to you, Robert; because I know, a couple months ago in one of my Taki-Mag pieces, I kind-of mischaracterized you in my description of you ...and you were very polite about it, you were very nice about it; but I don’t like when I do that, because, number one, I don’t like to make errors in print, but also I don’t like it when people mischaracterize me or affix labels to me that I don’t want or don’t deserve. So I want to just apologize to get things started here, one on one here: I’m very sorry - I think I called you “Alt-Righty.” ...and uh..

    Robert Stark: Or like “Extreme Alt-Right” or “Hard-Core Alt-Right.” ...(chuckles)

    David Cole-Stein: Uh, Ok. Yeah, rub it in! Go ahead! That, that, here - here’s a man trying to like, grovel; and you take that salt and you rub-it right in! Yes, I made a grievous error, a grievous error! and I apologize for it.

    Robert Stark (chuckles): So uh, lets start with your recent article, “Lessons From My Porn-Girl” ..and just as kind of an overall theme, is how pornography is the one area in our culture where one is allowed to be ah, politically incorrect. So by-basically to start things off, by ‘porn-girl’ you’re referencing this woman that you used to know…

    David Cole-Stein: Well, a woman who lived with me. A woman whose porn-name is Kirsten Lee; ah, her real name is Kera. That - I’m not outing anybody, she has, she has outed herself. So this is not me, ah doing anything (coughs) like outing or doxxing. Kera lived with me for almost two years and was pretty much my partner in crime. She was twenty one when I uh, met her and uh…and I, basically, my role in her life was to try to help her out of the porn-biz. It’s a business that has never interested me but it was fascinating during that first year that she and I were together before she got out of it because by the second year she was fully out. You know the, the amazing thing about a porn girl is that once you give them free rent and utilities and food, ah they no longer feel the need to seek money; ah and well, they can just get right out of porn at that point - it’s really a miraculous formula; uh, they, they, once they don’t have any needs or bills to pay or anything like that, well getting out of porn seems pretty simple at that point.

    The White Left will emphasize this point of social safety net to help prevent mud-sharkery in the first place.

    Robert Stark: So, you-you touch on the theme of how pornography is the one, the one uh, aspect of media where politically incorrect content is uh, not only tolerated but promoted; and garners massive amounts of hit-counts in profits. What was the specific case with her and her ah, politically incorrect attitudes about sexual relations in porn.

    Cole-Burner Stain

    David Cole-Stein
    David Cole-Stein: Well I, um, I was amazed, really quite amazed by the people I mixed with during that first year while she was still knee deep, neck deep in the business. Uh, on racial matters, the kind of stuff that is the most taboo for the rest of us to talk about, on racial matters porn is just insanely honest. I’m not affixing a good or bad label to it, or healthy or unhealthy - just saying its incredibly honest: White girl comes in and White girl says, “I’m not going to blow an N-word”, and uh, and the producers of porn companies are like, ‘great, you don’t do the N-word porn’. Um, Kera, my porn-girl, made most of her money doing interracial stuff, because since she was so young and very thin and kind of pristine for lack of a better word; uh, it was kind of rare to have a White girl like that do interracial because ah, normally it was the older women who put on a few pounds who’d do the interracial; uh, but for a blond girl, blue eyes, twenty one years old and looking like she’s just come right-off the fiords, it was, she made a great-deal of money at that.

    Note that Cole-Stein is marking a transition, there was a time when this didn’t happen, or not much among working class women and certainly not much in the public space. It is not a time in memorial truth of societal behavior; and it’s not as if it is a sheer discovered fan base - but he’s normalizing and institutionalizing it as a given fact apart from negotiative components of societal incentive - particularly, money and a Jewish anti-White agenda.

    His argument - “a fan base”, as in, “this is what people agentively want” - is up against the involuntary high contrast tropism and need to gauge genetic distance and competition, not a mere expression of a ‘fan base’ catered-to. As a high contrast tropism, it is simply harder to ignore highly contrasting sounds and sights such as interracial; and the genetic call to grapple with the incitement to competition and deal with its vast, destructive genetic distance. It doesn’t necessarily mean this is what people want. Furthermore, there are elective, i.e., not merely catered-to, non-interracial taboos that are very popular also which can serve as an antidote to the destructive effects of this “catered-to” tropism.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): But yet in her private life, she would never do interracial. That was the thing that fascinated me most was how she was able to compartmentalize the racial thing. When she’s at work and she gets $8,000 to go down on a black dude, well that’s just work, she just does it. And then when we’re out in club and some black guy tries to hit on her and maybe comment on her porn, and she’ll let loose just a stream of expletives, ah ‘you friggin’ N-word’, ‘you N-word this and N-word that’ (Stark giggles) uh, there’s, huh, in her mind, its just, hey, I’m at work, I’m at work and my work right now is blowin’ a black guy; and then when we’re out at a club later that night - hey, this is my private time, I don’t want to talk to a black guy…so..

    It’s at work, ‘it’s ok then’. As with Hannah Arendt, he is shifting an ethnic basis for discrimination to the abstract, individual basis of “public and private.” He is trying to create a distancing effect, ‘this is play’ - to create a distancing effect from the actual participation of the actresses.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): But the whole industry was just sort of honest that way. Ah, most of the women, would - including black girls too and the Latino girls - they were just very honest, ‘cuz you can talk about race in porn in a way that you can’t in real life. It’s, I make the point in my article - where else in American society right now can pay-scale be determined by your race? I mean, if any other business, if Amazon were to say, ‘we’re going to be paying uh, White programmers more than uh, Asian ones’, well of course it would be a huge thing and I’m not advocating that at all. But in porn, White girls who are willing to do black guys make more; uh, White girls who only want to do other White girls make the least. Because that’s, that’s, hell, any White girl will kiss another White girl these days, that’s my day that was barely titillating and I think everyone kind of does that now.

    So.. and then the Mexican dudes, there were some Arab dudes - and they get paid different based on race that doesn’t happen anywhere else. I mean, its kind of astounding when I was looking at it. I spent years writing about racial politics and racial law and discrimination laws. And I’m like, wow, this, this is the wild-west, this is a part of the entertainment industry - and a profitable one - that has yet to be touched by that Leftist hand of politically correct social justice bullshit.


    Belabouring Submission to YKW Directives for Universal Criminalization of “Anti-Semitism” & “Racism”

    Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 14 August 2018 13:02.


    The push for a universally criminalizing definition of Anti-Semitism

    Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 12 August 2018 12:36.

    (((Frame Games))) disclosing: The IHRA’s efforts to impose a universal definition of anti-Semitism

    Strategy for imposing a universally criminalizing definition of anti-Semitism:


    Tommy Robinson, A Shillman Fellow

    Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 09 August 2018 05:50.

    Diversity Mactht Frei, “Freed Tommy is rolling in Jewish cash”, 8 August 2018:

    Here is some more about Tommy’s Jewish backers.

    Tommy Robinson, the far-right leader, was bankrolled until recently by a US tech billionaire whose company’s British clients include the supermarket giant Asda.

    Robert Shillman, founder and chairman of the Nasdaq-listed multinational Cognex, helped to pay Robinson’s high-five-figure salary, in the latest example of American cash flowing into the British hard right. The disclosure comes as Robinson’s former assistant, also paid by a Shillman-funded group, told The Sunday Times that the anti-Islam activist practised a form of “panto journalism” that was “leading people down a dark path”.

    In the first interview by any insider, Lucy Brown, who worked closely alongside Robinson until three months ago, said: “I thought genuinely that I was joining the side that told the truth and I’ve come to realise that it’s not. It’s just about getting [YouTube] views and retweets. This is a business and your outrage, valid as it is, will be monetised as such.”

    Brown, who was fired after an argument about a Muslim booked to speak at one of Robinson’s rallies, was part of an often warring inner circle that included a middle-class gay couple, international leaders of the far right, a former underwear model and Celebrity Big Brother contestant, and rougher-hewn figures from Robinson’s time as leader of the English Defence League (EDL).

    She said Robinson “used to be kind of fun, but he got a bit of a diva attitude after a while and was letting more EDL figures cloud his judgment. I’ve just reread Peter Pan and there’s so many similarities. You can be around as long as you still worship him, but when you grow up, then you’re out.” Brown added that she was taking legal action over unpaid wages that she says she is owed.

    Life with “Team Tommy” was chaotic, Brown said: “It was like being like a firefighter — always waiting for the next Facebook message and we’d be off to Manchester or Poland straight away, sometimes before a real plan had been drawn up. We’d be sleeping in the car and eating in service stations.”

    Several of the supposed scandals that Robinson sought to expose fall down on closer examination. “I used to think, foolishly, that when he went home he was doing his research and putting case files together,” Brown said. “He doesn’t, he just goes home and eats crisps and looks himself up on Twitter.”

    Emotive YouTube and social media content bring in donations. In one recent video Robinson suggested that the deaths of three teenage boys hit by a drunk driver in Hayes, w. London, in January was a terror attack “covered up” by the police and media — apparently based on the fact that the driver, who has a Hindu name, was Asian.

    In a video recorded in a Muslim area of Manchester after last year’s bombing, Robinson said: “In these houses are enemy combatants who want to kill you, maim you and destroy you.”

    He was freed on appeal last week after being jailed for filming people at a trial of alleged sex offenders and broadcasting the footage on a Facebook live stream. His supporters claim he was a “political prisoner” silenced by the authorities for trying to reveal the truth about Muslim sex offending.

    Brown said this narrative was “whipping people up into a frenzy and I worry that some are on the cusp of acting out their frustrations against Muslims as a result. I’ve never seen this before, not in the way it’s playing out now. People are at breaking point — we must not push them further for the sake of money or fame.”

    She was one of a handful of people closest to Robinson, name-checked in his videos and who saw him most days along with two other paid British staff, Caolan Robertson and George Llewelyn-John. Robertson and Llewelyn-John, who are open about their gay relationship, shared a flat in an expensive block in Chelsea, west London, before moving to Bedfordshire to be closer to Robinson.

    All four, including Robinson himself, were employees of The Rebel Media, a Toronto-based far-right website, extensively funded by Shillman, which has employed a number of Britons, including the writer and former Apprentice contestant Katie Hopkins, who once described migrants as “cockroaches”.

    Robinson was “Shillman fellow” which the Rebel’s chief executive, Ezra Levant, said meant the tech billionaire provided “support” for Robinson’s salary. Robinson was initially paid between £5,000 and £6,000 by The Rebel, rising to £8,000 a month, equivalent to nearly £100,000 a year, Brown said.

    The three assistants were paid up to £2,500 a month each. Levant refused to confirm or deny the figures last night, saying it would not be “appropriate for me to disclose what we paid former employees”.

    Shillman, 72, uses his salary and shareholding in Cognex, which he founded in 1981, to finance right-wing causes. He is on the board of the David Horowitz Freedom Centre, based in California, a “school for political warfare” against the “fifth column” and “enemy within”.

    The organisation, described as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre, based in Alabama, also employs Robert Spencer, an anti-Muslim polemicist banned from the UK. Cognex, which makes advanced scanners and sensors, has a substantial operation in Britain. UK users of its technology include Asda, Nissan and the drug giant AstraZeneca.

    Shillman and Cognex did not respond to requests for comment.

    Robinson and the others left The Rebel last year amid a row over money, with Robertson accusing Levant of profiteering by getting contributors to raise “money [The Rebel] didn’t need”.

    Levant in turn accused Robertson and Llewelyn-John of “blackmail”. Both sides deny each other’s claims. Robinson’s departure from The Rebel did not much affect his income, according to Brown, with huge sums flooding in from his own crowdfunding website and the three staff employed directly by Robinson from the proceeds.

    “George and Caolan would off- handedly say, oh, we’ve got £100,000 in donations now,” Brown said. “I think he’s doing OK.”

    Raheem Kassam, a Robinson ally, also confirmed the figure. Joe Mulhall, of the anti-racist group Hope not Hate, believes that even £100,000 may be a substantial underestimate.

    Such material has brought Robinson an affluent lifestyle, living with his wife, Jenna, and their three young children in a £500,000 house in a Bedfordshire village. The family is currently on a two-week holiday in Tenerife, the second holiday they have spent on the Canary island in the past four months.


    After the publication of this article, Brown did a radio interview with Mike Graham. It was billed as a big exposé, but in fact she said almost nothing of consequence. Still, if you want to listen to it, here it is.

    There were some interesting details about Robinson’s spell in prison in this Paul Weston video. Apparently, because Muslims were preparing the prison meals, he had to avoid them for fear of being poisoned. This meant he could only eat one tin of tuna a day.

    Bill Baillie on Progress in White/European Solidarity

    Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 01 August 2018 06:08.

    Nation Revisited # 142 August 2018:

    Enoch Powell

    Fifty years after Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, immigrants are still coming to the UK. The latest ONS figures show that last year there were 101,000 migrants from the EU and 227,000 from outside the EU.

    Enoch Powell was opposed to the EU and immigration but he was not anti-European and he refused an invitation to stand for the National Front in 1974. At a speech which he delivered in French in Lyon in 1971 he stated:

    “From boyhood, I have been devoted to the study of that Greek and Roman inheritance, which in varying measure is common to all that is Europe, and not only ‘Europe’ of the six or eight or ten but Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals – and beyond. I also claim that reverent enthusiasm for the history of my own country which commands an equal reverence for the past that has formed everything else which is European. The truest European, in my opinion, is the man who is most humbly conscious of the vast demands which comprehension of, even a little part of this Europe imposes upon those who seek it; for the deeper we penetrate, the more the marvellous differentiation of human society within this single continent evokes our wonder. The very use of the word ‘Europe’ in expressions like ‘European unity’, ‘going into Europe’, ‘Europe’s role in the world’ is a solecism which grates upon the ear of all true Europeans: only Americans can be excused for using it.”

    Uber-nationalist parties are wrong to claim Enoch Powell as one of their own. They want to spend more on defence and the National Health Service but he resigned from Harold Macmillan’s government in 1958 over plans to increase public spending. They are nostalgic about the British Empire but he was in favour of Indian independence and critical of our mistreatment of Kenyan detainees during the Mau Mau Emergency. They despise foreigners but he was a classical scholar who spoke several languages.

    The working men who marched in support of Enoch Powell lost interest when ‘The Sun’ and ‘The Daily Mail’ turned against him. But the influx of refugees from Africa and the Middle East is finally challenging the liberal consensus. Populist parties are now in government in Italy, Austria and Hungary, and powerful in France, Germany, Sweden and Poland.

    At present, there is no solidarity on the issue. There’s no point in Germany sending Africans back to Italy or Greece because they landed there, or sharing them out amongst the nations of Europe. We need a common European migration and asylum policy and a combined Naval force to patrol the Mediterranean. Not long ago such a policy would have been unthinkable but since Angela Merkel took in a million refugees attitudes have hardened and deportation is firmly on the agenda.

    The supporters of multi-culturalism got away with their mischief because global capitalism made most of us richer. We were too busy earning a living to worry about immigration, but its social consequences have had a profound effect on public opinion. Rising crime and terrorism are forcing Europe to get its act together; just as the UK is preparing to leave.


    Our system of government dates back to the days of stage coaches, three-cornered hats, and universal ignorance. Only the upper classes had the vote and bribery was the norm. Today, everybody can vote and they have all got smartphones in their pockets to inform them on any topic. It shouldn’t be so easy for charlatans to get elected but they still manage it.

    We now have the technology to consult the electorate without calling a general election. Online referendums could be used to inform the government. This would make Parliament obsolete together with 650 MPs and over 800 members of The House of Lords. Those parliamentarians over retiring age could be pensioned off and the younger ones redeployed as traffic wardens.

    Of course, no such reforms will be introduced. We will keep our ancient institutions with their obsolete rituals and carry on wasting millions of pounds. Our MPs will continue to shuffle into lobbies to be counted like sheep and our noble Lords will still frustrate their knavish tricks.

    The big businessmen who really run this country are not impressed by public opinion and they see no reason to interfere with tradition. Somebody said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. But that’s exactly what we do at every general election when we chose a government from the same assortment of nonentities as before.

    The alternative to this madness is not a dictatorship but representative government. We should replace Parliament with a secure computerised system that couldn’t be got at by plutocrats.

    The top ten British companies are amongst the most powerful in the world. They are; Royal Dutch Shell, HSBC Holdings, British American Tobacco, BP, Glaxo Smith Kline, Diageo, Astra Zeneca, Vodaphone, Unilever, and Glencoe. British businesses paid £43 billion in corporation tax in 2014-15 and contributed an unknown amount in ‘donations’ to political parties. We are not governed by elected MPs but by the appointed executives of major corporations who put profits before people.

    It’s the duty of big business to make money for their shareholders but it’s the duty of government to protect workers’ rights and provide decent health care and social security. There are some excellent firms that look after their workers but most of them are only interested in making money. Karl Marx predicted that global capitalism would eventually turn into socialism but we haven’t got there yet. 

    Fashions in Thinking

    Without even realising it we all follow fashion to some extent. Short hair is currently in fashion for men but not so long ago long hair was the norm. We may not keep up with the latest styles but we find ourselves slowly adapting to them. Have a look at some old photographs of your friends and family and you will notice collar-length hairstyles, flared trousers, and floral shirts that you would not wear today.

    Conformity starts in the playground and continues into old age. Women of a certain age try to be fashionable by wearing short skirts that would look better on a teenager. And it’s the same with social attitudes. Years ago black dogs and cats were often called ‘Nigger’, and black people usually appeared in films as servants. The original housekeeper in the Tom & Jerry cartoons was a black mammy but she eventually became Irish.

    When John Tyndall launched ‘Spearhead’ magazine n 1964 he used his front page to described Africans as ‘sub-human’, but a year later the Race Relations Act was passed and AK Chesterton warned:

    “The man who thinks that this war can be won by mouthing slogans about ‘dirty Jews and filthy niggers’ is a maniac whose place should not be in the National Front but in a mental hospital.”

    Whatever our thoughts were in the Sixties, it’s likely that we have changed our minds. Not many people want to go back to the days when the glamorous model Ruth Ellis (pictured) was hanged for shooting dead her brutal lover, or when the brilliant codebreaker Alan Turing was hounded to his death by the authorities. Times have changed and most of us have changed with them.

    This is often blamed on the Frankfurt School, a group of Marxist scholars who set out to change public attitudes. But most of these reforms can be traced to the French Revolution, or even further back to the Sermon on The Mount. The Marxists did not invent social justice they just adopted it as a strategy.

    Of course, people are influenced by propaganda. Smoking and drinking and driving are two positive examples of ‘social engineering’. The latest campaign pairs black and white couples in almost every TV commercial. This is not a government initiative but the latest fashion in thinking. Keen young account executives are persuading their clients that diversity sells products. The message to women seems to be, if you want a comfortable bed or a new kitchen, marry a black man.


    Israel declares itself a Jewish state

    Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 21 July 2018 17:38.

    Israel declares itself a Jewish state —While the USA never declared itself a white state, our nation’s Naturalization Act of 1790 granted citizenship to free White persons of good character. It remained the law of the land until 1870 when the naturalization provision was revised to include persons of African descent.

    Israel’s new law is effectively the same as the Naturalization Act of 1790 except it applies to Jews in Israel rather than whites in America.

    Is Israel’s law racist?

    To place that question in context:

    Below, in bold, we’ve copied Israel’s new law and substituted “Jew” with “Caucasian,” “Hebrew” with “English,”  etc. as the law of the nation of Albion.

    Israel is not the only ethno state. Liberia’s constitution reportedly grants citizenship exclusively to black Africans.


    Called The Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People, the legislation essentially defines Israel first and foremost as a Jewish state.

    Among its 11 provisions, it describes Israel as “the national home of the Jewish people” and says the right to exercise national self-determination there is “unique to the Jewish people”.


    Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People

    1 — Basic principles
    A. The land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was established.

    B. The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it fulfills its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination.

    C. The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.

    2 — The symbols of the state

    A. The name of the state is “Israel.”

    B. The state flag is white with two blue stripes near the edges and a blue Star of David in the center.

    C. The state emblem is a seven-branched menorah with olive leaves on both sides and the word “Israel” beneath it.

    D. The state anthem is “Hatikvah.”

    E. Details regarding state symbols will be determined by the law.

    3 — The capital of the state

    Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel.

    4 — Language

    A. The state’s language is Hebrew.

    B. The Arabic language has a special status in the state; Regulating the use of Arabic in state institutions or by them will be set in law.

    C. This clause does not harm the status given to the Arabic language before this law came into effect.

    5 — Ingathering of the exiles

    The state will be open for Jewish immigration and the ingathering of exiles

    6 — Connection to the Jewish people

    A. The state will strive to ensure the safety of the members of the Jewish people in trouble or in captivity due to the fact of their Jewishness or their citizenship.

    B. The state shall act within the Diaspora to strengthen the affinity between the state and members of the Jewish people.

    C. The state shall act to preserve the cultural, historical and religious heritage of the Jewish people among Jews in the Diaspora.

    7 — Jewish settlement

    A. The state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation.

    8 — Official calendar

    The Hebrew calendar is the official calendar of the state and alongside it the Gregorian calendar will be used as an official calendar. Use of the Hebrew calendar and the Gregorian calendar will be determined by law.

    9 — Independence Day and memorial days

    A. Independence Day is the official national holiday of the state.

    B. Memorial Day for the Fallen in Israel’s Wars and Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day are official memorial days of the State.

    10 — Days of rest and sabbath

    The Sabbath and the festivals of Israel are the established days of rest in the state; Non-Jews have a right to maintain days of rest on their Sabbaths and festivals; Details of this issue will be determined by law.

    11 — Immutability

    This Basic Law shall not be amended, unless by another Basic Law passed by a majority of Knesset members.

    Below is the identical law established for the Caucasian nation of Albion.

    Basic Law: Albion as the Nation State of the Caucasian People

    1 — Basic principles

    A. The land of Albion is the historical homeland of the Caucasian people, in which the State of Albion was established.

    B. The State of Albion is the national home of the Caucasian people, in which it fulfills its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination.

    C. The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Albion is unique to the Caucasian people.

    2 — The symbols of the state

    A. The name of the state is “Albion.”

    B. The state flag is white with two blue stripes near the edges and a red Star in the center.

    C. The state emblem is Thor’s hammer and the word “Albion” beneath it.

    D. The state anthem is “Hail Albion.”

    E. Details regarding state symbols will be determined by the law.

    3 — The capital of the state

    Albiopolis, complete and united, is the capital of Albion.

    4 — Language

    A. The state’s language is Albion English.

    B. Native European languages have a special status in the state; Regulating the use of native European languages in state institutions or by them will be set in law.

    C. This clause does not harm the status given to the Native European languages before this law came into effect.

    5 — Ingathering of the exiles

    The state will be open for Caucasian immigration and the ingathering of exiles

    6 — Connection to the Caucasian people

    A. The state will strive to ensure the safety of the members of the Caucasian people in trouble or in captivity due to the fact of their Caucasianness or their citizenship.

    B. The state shall act within the Diaspora to strengthen the affinity between the state and members of the Caucasian people.

    C. The state shall act to preserve the cultural, historical and religious heritage of the Caucasian people among Caucasians in the Diaspora.

    7 — Caucasian settlement

    A. The state views the development of Caucasian settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation.

    8 — Official calendar

    The Albion calendar is the official calendar of the state and alongside it the Gregorian calendar will be used as an official calendar. Use of the Albion calendar and the Gregorian calendar will be determined by law.

    9 — Independence Day and memorial days

    A. Independence Day is the official national holiday of the state.

    B. Memorial Day for the Fallen in Caucasian’s Wars and Caucasian Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day are official memorial days of the State.

    10 — Days of rest and sabbath

    The Sabbath and the festivals of Caucasian are the established days of rest in the state; Non-Caucasian have a right to maintain days of rest on their Sabbaths and festivals; Details of this issue will be determined by law.

    11 — Immutability

    This Basic Law shall not be amended, unless by another Basic Law passed by a majority of Parliament members.

    German women killed by migrants so far in 2018

    Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 July 2018 02:07.

    German women killed so far in 2018 by migrants:

    Anna L. Theis (16)

    Johanna Hahn (22)

    Keira Gross (14)

    Mireille B. (17)

    Melanie Rehberger (30)

    Sophia Lösche (28)

    Cora B. (18)

    Susanne Thierolf (40)

    Sandra P. (34)

    Susanna F. (14)

    Amanda Drini (24)

    Patriot Brexiteers take to London streets on second anniversary of Brexit

    Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 23 June 2018 14:46.

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    Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 23:22. (View)

    Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 04:31. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Mon, 19 Aug 2024 12:20. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 23:08. (View)

    Manc commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 12:54. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 16 Aug 2024 22:53. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 15 Aug 2024 23:48. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 15 Aug 2024 12:06. (View)

    Guessedworker commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Wed, 14 Aug 2024 23:43. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Wed, 14 Aug 2024 22:34. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Tue, 13 Aug 2024 11:15. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 10 Aug 2024 22:53. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 20:27. (View)

    Manc commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:19. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 23:05. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:45. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:26. (View)

    Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 08:50. (View)

    Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 04:44. (View)

    Al Ross commented in entry 'Slaying The Dragon' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 04:31. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'Slaying The Dragon' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 19:58. (View)

    James Bowery commented in entry 'Slaying The Dragon' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 19:15. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 11:35. (View)

    Al Ross commented in entry 'Slaying The Dragon' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 06:04. (View)

    Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 04:08. (View)

    Manc commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Tue, 06 Aug 2024 21:26. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Tue, 06 Aug 2024 10:15. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Mon, 05 Aug 2024 12:38. (View)

    son of a nietzsche man commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Mon, 05 Aug 2024 12:17. (View)

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