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Spencer: My conception of the ethnostate is imperialist - true ethno nationalism is a zero sum game.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 10 January 2018 08:00.

My conception of the ethnostate is imperialist - true ethno nationalism is a zero sum game.

“My conception of the ethnostate is imperialist actually.” “True ethno nationalism is a zero sum game.” - Richard Spencer

Fortunately, Britain seems to be joining the revised TPP11; and the Visigrad Groups are holding their own as a geopolitical connection on the upper Silk Road, to provide an ethnonational bulwark against any Spencer/Duginesque imperial blob larp that would sprawl oblivious to profound heritage, Lisbon to Vladivastok, Vladivastok to Nova Scotia.

Richard Spencer: I’d agree that my conception of the ethnostate, writ large conception, is imperialist actually, in the sense that it is a larger bloc, it is a geopolitical bloc.

50:00 I don’t think ethnicity itself should be a dividing line. An intense ethno nationalism like ‘Finland for the Fins and the Czech republic for the Czechs, or whatever that is’, I don’t think that’s actually the way forward.

52:00: In terms of White I don’t think this is at all controversial - you know one once you see one.

55:20 The whole idea of the ethnostate is about avoiding conflict. It’s about creating - this is where my concept of the ethnostate might be slightly different than others. Some others might consider, say, Poland is an ethnostate. It’s a linguistic- religious ethnic community (only difference?) - my concept of the ethno state is a concept of the ethnostate writ large; it is a geopolitical bloc for the White race. The whole point of this is that there would be a continental wide safe space, for White people, and there’s not going to be conflict, there’s not going to be racial conflict or racial suspicion.

Israel is in a very tricky situation, due to its creation, due to its foreign policy, due to its mentality, but…

His colleague, Evan McClaren, “Executive Director of NPI,” puts forth a similar straw man, saying that “the Polish and Hungarian cavalry will not come to the rescue of White people.” This is an insulting reference to WWII era Nazi propaganda footage that fictitiously staged Polish cavalry going up against Nazi Panzer tanks; and again, nobody is saying that Poland and Hungary, let alone their “cavalry”, is going to come to the rescue alone. This is another straw man to disparage ethnonational sovereignty against Spencer’s misguided delusion of Russo/German imperialism.
The fact is that global conflict is never going to go away ...that’s one aspect of the ethno state, it must have nuclear weapons, it must have an army, it must be able to confront whether it be China, whether it be the Middle East, etc. can confront other blocs around the world, so that we aren’t going to be over-run by Chinese, we’re not going to be over-run by an Islamic invasion and so on…

And YKW Richard? They’ve already invaded and infiltrated, so have the blacks and Muslims.

Perhaps the fact that Britain seems to be joining the revised TPP11 and the Visigrad Groups are holding their own as a geopolitical connection on the upper Silk Road can provide an ethnonational bulwark against the Spencer/Dugin imperialist blob that would sprawl oblivious to profound heritage, Lisbon to Vladivastok, Vladivastok to Nova Scotia.

Zero sum game is a straw man…

Spencer says Poland can’t do it alone - a straw man because nobody is saying that (or should be saying that they can).

Trump’s Globalist Nationalism:

Spencer calls ethno nationalism a zero sum game -

People who like ethno nationalism probably wouldn’t dwell on that aspect but that is merely happy talk. That really is an expression of ethno nationalism, particularly with regard to neighboring countries - it is about competition, it is certainly not about civilizational nationalism or racial nationalism.

(Spencer tips is Molotov-Ribbentrop hand at this point)

One can see this in the ethnonationalism of western Ukrainians who seem to hate everyone and think everyone’s out to get them. me, the Poles, the Germans, the Russians, everyone…but the fact is, and I think this is very good when we looked at globalism vs nationalism and we all felt like we are in the same boat and there wasn’t this zero sum competition where I, “as an American, want France to do poorly, I want Britain to do poorly” - it wasn’t like that at all, and it should make us rethink that nationalist globalist divide….the fact is that Donald Trump, wearing a Trump hat or a Trump T-shirt became a meme across Europe for a nationalist expression…  on the other hand you have the plucky nationalists, those people who are trying to reassert the sovereignty of the nation state itself and also to reassert their identities and cultures ...true ethno nationalims is, as we’ve seen in the 19th century, a zero sum game - if you are a French nationalist then your doing well is effectively bad for Germany and vice versa; German’s rise is effectively bad for you - it is a zero sum game - we win you lose, you win we lose ...people who like ethno nationalism probably wouldn’t dwell on that aspect, but that’s merely happy talk, particularly with regard to neighboring countries; it really is about competition.

A zero sum game is an imperialist /supremacist model (what I call right wing) - that’s a straw man of ethno nationalism and its true motive. Ethno-nationalism defined properly would provide for accountably delimited, manageable but sufficiently powerful units - manageable units which can then facilitate coordination of the whole regional powers, e.g. the region of Europe or Asia, etc.; which can then, in turn, coordinate between those regional interests.

Spencer is trying camouflage the quid pro quo; but tips his hand with condescending dismissal of Polish and European ethnonationalism, the anti western Ukraine bit - clues to his pro Russian Fed sentiment and neo-Molotov-Ribbentrop larp.

It is imperialism (e.g., Nazi imperialism), not nationalism, or even ethnonationalism, that caused the great wars.

8:03 Trump seems to be searching out a new foreign policy course. ... he seems to have a new rhetoric.

10:00 “The rocket man” (don’t disturb Russian puppet N Korea)

12:55 Spencer defends Venezuela ..we leave them alone (for Putin to look after).

He does criticize Saudi and defend Iran….

17:13: In sum, new realism, new nationalism is window dressing. Ethno nationalists can’t get their head around the fact that Estonia and Poland live within the shadow of America.”

Sure, it’s really hard to understand that we need alliances, powerful alliances, Richard.


State of The Alt Right.

1:20 a pansy attempt at a cult of Richard Spencer personality..

2:30 so, I’m gonna just throw out a big question, what is the state of the altright?

Spencer answers:

We’re in a difficult position.. derives from hostility and open suppression, private entities, silicon valley… deplatforming from funding services web services…

....push back for being recognized - catching flack for flying over the target…but what doesn’t kill you (makes you stronger - Nietzsche)...

5:55 on the other hand we are experiencing a difficult time for internecine, intramural fights going on…

This needs to be talked about…

We need to give some people some tough love…some times the truth hurts.

8:00 Resistance in Poland..

11:05 I’m a public intellectual…we should not take sides in the second world war. (Really?)

13:20 I was disappointed with the foreign minister, who used this silly, baby boomer liberal language..this kind of stuff is stupid, ‘you’re becoming Americanist in the worst possible way.’

14:38 Within the right you are criticized more often for not embracing this petty nationalist mindset..whereas in mainstream outlets you are criticized as being a Nazi.

15:45 Poland cannot survive on its own (what country would or does?). It was recreated in 1919.

(It was re-established in 1919, upon Pilsudski’s audacious taking-back of the ancient Polish city of Poznan in culmination of 123 years struggle to take back its nationhood from imperialist Austria, Russia and Prussia.)

16:20 it exists now as a Nato state…

(There are some problems with petty nationalism, but thanks for your concern Richard. We’ll be ok without Russia’s help.)

17:58 desperate need of a racial, Pan European consciousness.

18:37 The last thing I would support is some sort of German supremacy (that’s not exactly the problem - the problem is a combined German Russian imperialism.)

21:40 Spencer denounces cold war nostalgia and goes into the Duginesque critique of America - a “far far far greater threat than Russian nationalism… which seems extremely modest and reasonable in comparison to America.” These former Eastern bloc countries don’t get it (maybe you don’t get it, Richard, and that’s why you misconstrue ethnonationalism with imperialism). America is not going to be the savior of Poland; countries in the American sphere are subject to the worst aspects of America - immigration, homosexuality, feminism.

35:00 I will back down this time….(he had planned a visit to Poland but there were hints from high places that he was not welcome in Poland). I was visiting Europe, visiting Russia at least once a year and I will be back…

39:00 The opposition is scared, but that means we are culturally relevant when they are shutting us down.

42:00 Alt Right and optics ...

45:32 This moral signaling by denouncing people is worth talking about the Swastika flag and Roman salute - its a double standard and bullshit compared to Marxist symbolism…

(Spencer and the Alt Right have this incessant bullshit line that the issues with Nazi Germany are surface matters of “optics” and conditioning, not that Nazi Germany was in large epistemological blunder).

Why can’t you admit that you got suckered by your friend, Mike Enoch, who started the Nazi salute thing too?

48:11 Look at how I dress ... I don’t need to engage in denunciations ...I don’t think we can get away from the optics debate..

52:00 We should be bad asses ...people can go too far on both sides, problem of over reacting.

53:00 Everybody was wrong

54:00 We need to step back… our movement needs to be a little shocking…

Nice try Richard, “hail Trump!” with Baked Alaska concludes:

2:17:16 Richard Spencer: It’s all well and good to talk about we just want our little countries, we just want our little Poland, that’s not going to cut it.

Get over it man. This straw-man. Who is saying that we just want our little Poland?


Iran protest, organic grievances real, but tactless Trump endorsement abets reactionary entrenchment

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 03 January 2018 06:12.

One could almost get the impression that Trump and his Zionist cohorts want to make the protests seem like an artifice of their making so as to didactically facilitate a reaction and entrenchment of the Islamic regime. This would prepare the grounds for war and regime change in fulfillment of his presidential mission - which the YKW put him in office to serve in the first place - the next step of Operation Clean Break: war and Zionist subservient regime change in Iran.

...death toll of protestors at 22.

Westerners are inclined to believe stories about the protests being contrived by the CIA/Mossad because they can’t relate to the deprivation that Iranians are experiencing: Prices are up massively, benefits are being cut, and unemployment is at 12%. Prescription drug prices are skyrocketing.




FCC doubles down on dead-wrong definition of how internet works

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 26 November 2017 06:33.

Tech Crunch, “FCC doubles down on its dead-wrong definition of how the internet works”, 25 Nov 2017:

In May, when the FCC released an early draft of its plan to undo 2015’s strong net neutrality rules, I pointed out that its case rests almost entirely on a deeply incorrect definition of how the internet works. There can be no mistake now that this misrepresentation is deliberate; the agency has reiterated it in even stronger terms in the final draft of the proposal.

I’m not going to go into great detail on it (my earlier post spells it out) but the basic problem is this: broadband has to be defined as either an information service or telecommunications service. The first is “the offering of a capability for generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information,” while the second is “the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received.”

It’s important because the two things are regulated very differently — the FCC has much greater power over telecommunications services, under the “Title II” authority that internet service providers are so afraid of.

While it’s certainly true that ISPs do in some ways store and generate data on behalf of the user, usually as part of managing their networks, it’s equally certain that their primary purpose is to transmit data between the user and points of his or her choosing. Consequently, broadband should be classified as a telecommunications service.

But don’t take my word for it. The FCC made the argument for me in its 2015 order, citing many sources of its own in support of this fact. This excellent primer produced by the EFF and nearly 200 experts explains basically from first principles how the internet works and why it should be defined as telecommunications. There are big names on the list, but it seems clear that even the garden variety experts understand this much more clearly than the FCC does (or pretends to).

The FCC dismisses these scholars and founding technologists of the internet in a footnote, describing itself as “unpersuaded” that the internet works the way they insist it does. Meanwhile, the proposal repeatedly and unquestioningly cites the comments of ISPs claiming that something as simple as caching data magically exempts them from being telecommunication services:

Just trust them — after all, it’s not like they have a horse in this race.

The FCC’s case against net neutrality rests on a deliberate misrepresentation of how the internet works”, Tech Crunch 23 May 2017

The resulting definition of broadband as enabling users to generate, store, transform, and process their data is absurd. It is, as the Internet Engineers comment points out, like saying your phone is a pizzeria because you can use it to order a pizza. It is like saying that because you build a road, you are also building all the businesses along that road.

It is edge providers like Wikipedia, Dropbox, and even simple websites like TechCrunch that provide the services users request; it is ISPs that carry that data, with no change in form, between users and those edge providers. The FCC rejects this fundamental idea and substitutes a convenient fiction that upholds its current ambition to reclassify broadband. There is a semblance of plausibility to all this, but only because of precedents set in times when the internet looked very different.

This may be their downfall. Because the entire proposal is predicated on this spurious and outdated definition, to remove it causes the rest to crumble. Without reclassification there is no rollback of net neutrality. There is hope here: the FCC’s argument (which is to say, the broadband industry’s argument) already failed in court and may do so again. Here’s hoping. - Devin Coldewey

        Previously at MR, regarding net neutrality.

These adverts communicate an important message, telling us the aims and desires of the corporations

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 19 November 2017 06:19.

        ...the YKW and liberals.

“These companies are all part of the problem and they are all pushing the same propaganda that pushes the agenda of White genocide; propaganda that normalizes the breeding-out of the indigenous people of these lands. These adverts are important though, as they communicate an important message to the public; they tell us the aims and desires of the globalist, capitalist system, the big corporations and the internationalists who control them; you see these internationalists have just shared with us their Christmas wish.” - Mark Collett.


Fan Mail: Many Jews hate Zionism. Failure to report that makes you a racist, you racist filth.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 12:58.

Quoting Gary Anderson, who wrote to MR: “There are many Jews that hate Zionism. The fact that you fail to report that makes you a racist. You probably are a Zionist because you undermine the antiZionist movement with your racist filth.”

I’m fully aware that there are many Jews who hate Zionism. Israel Shamir and Gilad Atzmon are well known examples among WN circles. I never duck that fact and do not need to. Nor am I a Zionist, as you conjecture. Nevertheless, whether Jews are anti-Zionist or Zionist, I do not consider them a part of our advocacy group, but as a different people from Europeans and more or less antagonistic to us - much more antagonistic for the most part, while the rest are a part of the pattern nevertheless and cannot be trusted. I do not hesitate to categorize them as such for three very fundamental reasons to begin A) They are the most ethnocentric people in the world overall, including non-Zionist members - whose ouliers tend to be liberal at best (not something Europeans need more of). Jews look after themselves while prescribing liberalism to others - Europeans by contrast, are not very ethnocentric, not good at looking after their group interests; and thus need to discriminate against Jews especially; because Jewish identity, negative though Jewish identity is for Whites, is not very clearly distinguishable to Whites, as being different from Whites, but tends rather to be hidden in crypsis - the natural “camouflage”, viz., appearance of being White - Jewish identity thus needs in particular to be distinguished and separated from. This crypsis is a part of their systemic process, wherein their liberal elements serve a function of mixing with (in this case Whites) to weaken any coherence and potential antagonism that might be directed at Jews from White groups. B) Jewish antagonism and destruction of Whites is easily documented; along with its stemming from disproportionate Jewish influence from seven power niches: 1) Religion 2) Money and Finance 3) Academia 4) Media 5) Politics 6) Law and Courts 7) Business, Investment and Industry - and with all of this, US Military (and other military) as well. C) I am a separatist, not a supremacist looking to exploit or kill them. Therefore, even if I achieve my goal of separatism, I have not pronounced a death sentence in naming Jews as an outside group. If I am mistaken about something that I attribute to them, it is not irrevocable and can be corrected.

I am not “racist filth” but there is something very wrong with you that you would try to deny the most elemental function of biological nature, to discriminate for the purpose of survival of one’s self and one’s kind - and to identify and classify kinds not only for defensive purposes, but for the purpose of human ecology, accountability to that and legacy of human capital. By contrast, your prohibition of discrimination and said accountability is a prescription for the exploitation of that human capital and of genocide. That is evil. You are the one prescribing the filthy thing that would destroy people. Shame on you Gary Anderson (Ramirez).

Erasing “The Great Replacement” and Replacing it With Well Trained Imams

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 07 May 2017 19:43.

True or not, an idea put out there that elite powers are trying to obfuscate the concept of “the great replacement” and to train imams to act in accordance with their elite interests is not bad as a working hypothesis for public consumption. Removing some of its warts, this article passes muster thus.

Diversity Macht Frei, 7 May 2017:

The same presentation that I discussed yesterday proposes that the French government collect statistics about the ethnic and religious make-up of its population. Currently, this is prohibited in France, where all “citoyens” are presumed to be equal. No doubt this is, in part, an ethnic power-play. Armed with their statistics, Muslims will be able to say, “Look, we’re XX per cent of the population, we should get more cash!”. The PowerPoint puts it more formally:

  To improve knowledge of the sociology of religious practices in order to better respond to their needs

The second justification for the plan cited, however, is very interesting.

  To deconstruct the “myths” of the “Great Replacement”

Coined by the French writer Renaud Camus (a reputable novelist whose publishing contract was cancelled due to his politically incorrect views), this phrase “Grand Replacement” [Great Replacement] has come to have the same totemic significance in continental Europe that “White Genocide” does in English-language discourse. It refers to the replacement of the indigenous peoples of Europe by non-Europeans; or, to put it another way, the phenomenon of ethnic Europeans being turned into ethnic minorities. This phrase has almost entered the mainstream in France [...]

But here we have a clear indication of the [...] intelligentsia concerned about the spread of this meme and the patriotic resistance it inspires. The irony is that they plan to counter it by collecting and publishing accurate demographic statistics.

Of course, if we are right - and we are - the statistics will not counter the “Great Replacement” concept at all; they will confirm it. So bring on the statistics [....] That might be one good thing to emerge from this, if Macron wins.

As Charles Martel probably said, on the eve of battle: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they generate statistics to try and thwart you. Then you win.”

More generally, this presentation focuses on the idea of nationalising Islam in France. It argues that the French government should grant certain privileges and public recognition to Islam and establish formal structures for its expression, so it can thereby acquire some control over it and prevent it going in wayward directions. This is the basic approach adopted in much of the Middle East, where governments control or monitor the training of imams, and sometimes write their sermons for them, and so on. As I put it before, it proposes soft public islamisation as the remedy for hard private islamisation.


For the sake of these doubters, here are direct links to the specific files referenced. One is an email. The other is the Powerpoint presentation within the email. No doubt some will now claim that I faked the entire Powerpoint presentation and email.

1. Islam Présentation 26 07 Comité directeur IM.pptx - 818 KB

Fwd Notes à date (1) REGALIEN - Quentin LAFAY (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)) - 2016-08-31 0809-2.eml - 1.2 MB


French election: Publishing Macron emails could be a crime, says electoral commission

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 06 May 2017 19:04.

The man who Goldman-Sachs calls “a work in progress” is a liberal disaster waiting to happen.

Express, “French election: Publishing Macron emails could be a crime, says electoral commission”, 6 May 2017:

ANYONE publishing the campaign emails from Emmanuel Macron’s team that were leaked ahead of the presidential vote could be committing a crime, the French electoral commission has said.

Insiders from Mr Macron’s En Marche! team claimed that they had been the victim of a “massive” hack that had dumped emails, documents and financial information online in the final few hours of campaigning on Friday ahead of the second and final round of voting in the presidential contest.

The leak emerged as polls predicted Emmanuel Macron, a former Rothschild investment banker and economy minister, was on course for victory over far-right leader Marine Le Pen in Sunday’s election, with the last surveys showing his lead widening to around 62 per cent to 38.

The French election commission said in a statement: “On the eve of the most important election for our institutions, the commission calls on everyone present on internet sites and social networks, primarily the media, but also all citizens, to show responsibility and not to pass on this content, so as not to distort the sincerity of the ballot.”

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are in the race to be the next French president

However, the commission - which supervises the electoral process - may find it difficult to enforce its rules in an era where people get much of their news online, information flows freely across borders and many users are anonymous.

French media covered the hack in various ways, with left-leading Liberation giving it prominence on its website, but television news channels opting not to mention it.

Le Monde newspaper said on its website it would not publish the content of any of the leaked documents before the election, partly because the huge amount of data meant there was not enough time to report on it properly, but also because the dossiers had been published on purpose 48 hours before the election with the clear aim of affecting the vote.

It was not immediately clear who was responsible, but Macron’s political movement said in a statement the hack was an attempt to destabilise democracy and to damage the party.

As much as 9 gigabytes of data purporting to be documents from the Macron campaign were posted on a profile called EMLEAKS to Pastebin, a site that allows anonymous document sharing.

En Marche! said the leaked documents dealt with the normal operations of a campaign and included some information on campaign accounts.

It said in a statement: ”If these documents contain revelations, Le Monde will of course publish them after having investigated them, respecting our journalistic and ethical rules, and without allowing ourselves to be exploited by the publishing calendar of anonymous actors.”

It said the hackers had mixed false documents with authentic ones to “sow doubt and disinformation.”

Sunday’s election is seen as the most important in France for decades, with two diametrically opposed views of Europe and the country’s place in the world at stake.

Ethno-nationalist enthusiasm is mitigated by implications of her being coerced by Jewish interests and compromised by the Russian Federation.

Le Pen would close borders and quit the euro currency, while Macron wants closer European co-operation and an open economy.

In France, police union Alternative Police warned in a statement that there was a risk of violence on election day by activists of the far-right or far-left.

Extreme-right student activists burst into the office of Macron’s political movement in the southeastern city of Lyon on Friday evening, setting off smoke grenades and scattering false bank notes bearing Macron’s picture, police said.

France is the latest nation to see a major election overshadowed by allegations of manipulation through cyber hacking after U.S. intelligence agencies said in January that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered hacking of parties tied to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to influence the election on behalf of Republican Donald Trump.

Vitali Kremez, director of research with New York-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint, told Reuters his review indicated that APT 28, a group tied to the GRU, the Russian military intelligence directorate, was behind the leak.

Macron’s campaign has previously complained about attempts to hack its emails, blaming Russian interests in part for the cyber attacks.

The Kremlin has denied it was behind any such attacks, although Macron’s camp renewed complaints against Russian media and a hackers’ group operating in Ukraine

Jez Turner being persecuted for saying what Alan Dershowitz says that Jews should be proud of.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 10 March 2017 16:59.

        Jeremy Bedford-Turner’s case will be re-examined following a 13-month campaign against him.


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