Majorityrights News > Category: Separatist Alliance

Greg Johnson’s Bogus Claim

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 22 September 2018 09:24.

Social Const….

Greg Johnson discusses his new book, “The White Nationalist Manifesto” with J.F. Gariepy.

I can recommend it only with caveat.

While he does lay out the case for Whites being genocided and recognizes the necessity for raising the perceived legitimacy and consciousness of the need for White Nationalism, he does not see the contradiction in his using social constructionism as an example of social theory antagonistic to that consciousness and practice.

He calls race being a social construct “an entirely bogus idea.” ...This is an expression of his middling (138) I.Q. He’s only smart enough to talk himself out of the eminent utility and truth of the concept.

Social Constructionism (proper) does not say that race, evolution and biological distinctions are not real. What it does, rather, is sensitize our attention to our social connection, indebtedness - which is true (not bogus) - consciousness of which provides for some agency and accountability (coherence and warrant too), at very least in determining how these things come to count.

You would not want to oppose this sensitization to social conscientiousness, agency and accountability (coherence and warrant) if you are looking to build consciousness and conscientiousness of White Nationalism.

Similarly, you would not want to be arguing against THE Left, as he does, given its general enculturation of union type organization, loyalty and compassion to the full group, including those on the margins, full group advocacy against elite and rank and file betrayal, if you want to raise consciousness and loyal adherents to White Nationalism.

Greg Johnson. Typical Right Winger ...with a lisp and a better than average I.Q., which is good, but maybe not good enough.

Manafort conspired with Israeli Officials & ‘Obama’s Jews’ to weaponize anti-Semitsm against Ukraine

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 15 September 2018 17:04.

Mueller Documents: Manafort Conspired With Israeli Official To Influence Obama’s Ukraine Policy

Inquisitor, 14 Sept 2018:

According to the document, Manafort and an unnamed senior Israeli official conspired to tarnish the reputation of Yulia Tymoshenko by accusing her of anti-semitism.

In 2012, while working as a lobbyist for the pro-Russian government of Ukraine, Paul Manafort conspired with a senior Israeli official to pressure Barack Obama’s administration to disavow Ukraine’s then-opposition leader, Yulia Tymoshenko, Haaretz reports.

The Manafort-Israel-Russia connection appears on the pages of the plea deal signed between Donald Trump’s former campaign manager and Robert Mueller’s office. The following is stated in the document.

“Manafort sought to undermine United States support for Tymoshenko. He orchestrated a scheme to have, as he wrote in a contemporaneous communication, ‘Obama Jews’ put pressure on the [Obama] administration to disavow Tymoshenko.”

According to the document, Manafort and an unnamed senior Israeli official conspired to tarnish the reputation of Yulia Tymoshenko by accusing her of anti-semitism.

Manafort and the Israeli official’s strategy was simple. The two men authored a written statement, slandering Tymoshenko. Manafort then spread the story to U.S. media.

“I have someone putting it in the New York Post. Bada bing bada boom,” he wrote to one of his associates.

“The Jewish community will take this out on Obama on Election Day if he does nothing,” Manafort told an associate, according to the document, implying that his goal was to pressure Barack Obama’s administration into acting against Tymoshenko, Manafort client’s biggest rival at the time.

By accusing Tymoshenko of anti-semitism, with the help of his Israeli co-conspirator, Manafort planned on spreading the story to American media. Eventually, it would reach the American Jewish community (“Obama Jews,” as Manafort put it), which would then pressure Obama to work in the favor of Manafort’s client.

According to Haaretz, Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s then-foreign minister could be the mysterious Israeli official mentioned in the document. In October, 2012, Lieberman published a statement viciously attacking political rivals of Manafort’s pro-Russian client. Ukrainian elections were held on October 28, 2012.

“Israel condemns anti-Semitism in all its forms, and expresses hope that common sense will prevail,” the statement read.

If Avigdor Lieberman is indeed the mysterious Israeli official mentioned in court documents, his and Manafort’s tactic worked, at least to an extent, considering the fact that various American media outlets published his statement, including Breitbart and the New York Times.

Avigdor Lieberman is currently the Defense Minister of Israel. Today, Lieberman denied ever meeting with, speaking to, or working with Paul Manafort.

Manafort weaponized antisemitism with ‘senior Israeli official’ in Ukraine lobbying scheme

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) September 14, 2018

According to the Jerusalem Post, along with Manafort’s deep ties to Ukraine’s pro-Russia politicians, political influence campaigns directed by other states, such as Israel, through Manafort, are also attracting Robert Mueller’s attention.

The Jerusalem Post, too, noted that Avigdor Lieberman appears to be the unnamed Israeli official mentioned in court documents.

These developments may come as a surprise to the American public, but some intellectuals have warned that other foreign powers, along with Russia, have meddled in U.S. elections multiple times.

As the Inquisitr previously reported, renowned linguist Noam Chomsky recently argued — without denying Russian election interference — that Israel meddles in U.S. internal affairs “openly, brazenly and with enormous support.”

Manafort weaponized antisemitism with ‘senior Israeli official’ in Ukraine lobbying scheme

Jerusalem Post, “Muller: Manafort used ‘Obama’s Jews’ to smear Ukrainian leader”, 14 Sept 2018:

Israeli Defense Minister Liberman seems to be implicated in the affair.

Paul Manafort tried to use misleading charges of antisemitism against a senior Obama administration official to pressure the former president to go soft on his Ukrainian client, Viktor Yanukovych, in 2012, according to documents released on Friday by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office.

New “superseding” criminal information was released this morning as part of a plea agreement reached between Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman who faced charges for lobbying law violations, and Mueller, the special prosecutor investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Manafort has already been convicted on several counts of federal bank and tax fraud brought by the special counsel.

Mueller describes a scheme by Manafort to manipulate “Obama’s Jews”– in Manafort’s own words– to pressure the administration to disavow Yanukovych’s political archrival, Yulia Tymoshenko, by highlighting her alleged ties to antisemitic groups and spreading stories that an Obama “Cabinet official” supporting her cause was antisemitic by proxy.

Manafort “coordinated with a senior Israeli government official” to publicize the story, Mueller charged, seeking to convince the administration that “the Jewish community will take this out on Obama in the [2012 presidential] election if he does nothing.” The Israeli official is not named.

According to archived articles from the time, the cabinet official referenced in the Mueller documents appears to be then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton, and the Israeli official appears to be Avigdor Liberman, then minister of foreign affairs.

He then fed claims to Obama officials that Yanukovych was working to quell the manicured crisis, hoping to ingratiate him with the administration.

Manafort’s deep ties to Ukraine’s pro-Russia figures, paired with his prominent role in Trump’s presidential campaign, has drawn Mueller’s attention as he investigates whether US persons coordinated with Moscow to influence the 2016 race.

We should not adopt, but adapt Chinese racial ruthlessness to the ethnonational cause

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 11 September 2018 09:10.

Diversity Macht Frei, “Hardcore racist Chinamen leave weak-willed whites floundering in the dust”, 11 Sept 2018:

By Czakal

Ruthless Chinamen are amazing the world with their hardcore, unabashed racism. These Chinks just don’t care.

What are they up to now?

Brainwashing Muslims to make them forget their faith.

Western countries need to study these Chinese techniques and adopt them.

The Chinaman was then grabbed and deported for “racism”. Africans may soon be getting nostalgic for the soft and benevolent racism of Whitey.

The slant-eyed furies are also going to Africa…

...and beating the natives with sticks whenever they don’t work hard enough.

The kind of ruthless racial self-assertion that these Chinks engage in is world-beating. Whites can’t compete with it. Not now that we have sunk into the abyss of altruism.

As Baudelaire said: The world belongs to the one who doesn’t care. These Chinamen don’t care.

They don’t care about human rights. They don’t care about decency. They don’t care about the fucked-up moral standards the Jews have imposed on us. That’s why the world will soon be theirs.

It wasn’t that long ago that Whites were as hardcore as these Chinamen. Ask yourself: is the world really a better place now that they’re not?

“Western countries need to study these Chinese techniques and adopt them.”

Not adopt them. Whites need to adapt ruthless ferocity to the ethnonationalist cause. In the two examples, one would be correct, and one would not.

Where Islamic incursions are quelled, that is correct.

Going to an African country, enslaving them, beating them and so on - when it is not sheer self defense - is not.

But of course, such bad advice (e.g., that we should be brutal slave masters over Africans) is typical of right wing reactionaries - to look for a foundation in natural fallacy, in sheer might makes right supremacism beyond the complexity of social praxis. ...and, of course, when praxis is ignored, then broader patterns of nemesis correction are in store for the hubris.

Related at Majorityrights:

Imperative to replace Golden Rule of Altruism w Silver Rule of Reciprocity for European Moral Order

Matteo Salvini’s BBC Hard Talk interview (12-9-18)

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 10 September 2018 16:11.

Mancinblack: Matteo Salvini’s BBC Hard Talk interview (12-9-18) -

Related at Majorityrights:

Trump Campaign (((Born))) in (((Response))) to Iran Deal. Denies Affinity w European Patriot Salvini


Swedish Election Report: Most important election ever for Sweden - Nationalism or Total Destruction

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 09 September 2018 18:40.

“The most important election ever for Sweden”

“If we don’t get a hold of immigration and reverse it, Sweden is lost”

Salvini and Orban meet: announce an alliance uniting all anti-immigration forces in Europe

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 30 August 2018 08:43.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor #Orban met today in #Italy with the Italian Minister of Interior, Matteo #Salvini.

The two announced that they will form an alliance uniting all anti-immigration forces in Europe ahead of next year’s election to the European Parliament.

Poland Daily:

Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban met with the Italian Minister of The Interior, Matteo Salvini today, as they seek a solution to the European Union immigration crisis. At the press conference, the two leaders announced that they will form an anti-immigration front ahead of next year’s elections to the European Parliament.

Victor Orban didn’t hide the fact that the Italian Minister of Interior has made a huge impression on him. Salvini has earlier made a name for himself as one of the most ardent opponents of the EU’s open door immigration policy.

Orban: “I would like to get to know him personally. He is my hero and my companion of destiny. I’m a great admirer and I feel that I have some experiences that I could share with him.”

According to Orban, the people who control European institutions, such as the The European Commission and The European Parliament, need to be replaced if the EU’s immigration policy is to be changed.

Orban: “The European elections are coming-up in May. We want to change a lot, but for that to happen, we need a new European Parliament and a new European commission which will start to protect Europe’s borders.”

Salvini announced that he wants to join forces with Orban ahead of the elections in order to shape The European Union’s new immigration policy. 

Salvini: “We have been working for weeks with Germany to find a solution to the issue of immigrants who arrived in Italy and then went to Germany. The most important thing for us is that Italy will not take any new migrants.

Obran stressed that Italy’s quest to stop migrants is vital to the whole of Europe.

Orban: Salvini is very popular in Hungary since he has shown that it is possible to stop migrants from crossing the sea. Out of all Mediterranean countries, Italy is the only one to have done it. Salvini is the first, and Europe’s security depends upon his success.”

Viktor Orban has been in opposition to the immigration policy favored by The European Commission and Angela Merkel for years; lately, he has gained allies, such as Poland and Italy.

Related at Majorityrights: Italy’s Salvini Vows To Create Pan-European Association Of Nationalist Parties

SOUTH AFRICA’s government has begun seizing land from White farmers.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 20 August 2018 18:05.

South Africa farm seizures - The proposal was announced by Cyril Ramaphosa:

Express UK, “South Africa farm seizures BEGIN: Chaos as first expropriation of white-owned farms starts”, 20 Aug 2018:

SOUTH AFRICA’s government has begun seizing land from white farmers, targeting two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo after talks with the owners to buy the properties collapsed.

Johannesburg-based newspaper City Press reported owners Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand (£16.7m) for the land, but that the country’s government were willing to offer them just a tenth of that at 20 million rand (£1.67m).

A letter sent to the owners earlier this year had said: “Notice is hereby given that a terrain inspection will be held on the farms on April 5, 2018 at 10am in order to conduct an audit of the assets and a handover of the farm’s keys to the state.”

Akkerland Boerdery immediately took out an urgent injunction to prevent eviction until a court had ruled on the issue, but the Department of Rural Development and Land Affairs has refused the application.

Annelie Crosby, spokeswoman for the agricultural industry association AgriSA, told City Press: “What makes the Akkerland case unique is that they apparently were not given the opportunity to first dispute the claim in court, as the law requires.”

ANC spokesman ZiZi Kodwa refused to reveal details of the farms being targeted and has attempted to cal investor fears, adding the proposed seizures were “tied to addressing the injustices of the past”.

He told City Press: “Over time I think the markets as well as investors will appreciate that what we are doing is creating policy certainty and creating the conditions for future investment.”

Tensions among South Africa’s white farming community has been escalating since the election of Cyril Ramaphosa as President earlier the year, who committed his African National Congress (ANC) to land expropriation.

Last week, ANC chairman Gwede Mantashe sparked panic among the farming community when he said: “You shouldn’t own more than 25,000 acres of land.

“Therefore if you own more it should be taken without compensation.”

“People who are privileged never give away privilege as a matter of a gift.

“And that is why we say, to give you the tools, revisit the constitution so that you have a legal tool to do it.”

A record number of white South African farmers have put their land up for sale amid fears the ruling party is considering confiscating properties bigger than 25,000 acres.

The government was accused of drawing up a list of almost 200 farms it allegedly wants to seize from white farmers, with AfriForum, a civil rights group representing the white Afrikaner minority, adding the document was being circulated by ministers as the ruling powers prepare to implement the policy.

Response to Robert Stark’s question as to my critique of him and his “softened stance” on Jewry

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 10 August 2018 00:09.

Robert Stark promoting ((((John K. Press’s ‘Culturalism’, a proposition to yoke the gentiles under Abrahamic ‘culture’, i.e., Noahide law))).

Robert Stark, 3:11 AM (38 minutes ago)
to me (Daniel Sienkiewicz)

I just wanted to explain my position better. I am not really offended by the comments and post about my show on your blog because they bring attention to my work. You are correct to a degree that I have soften my position on ((them)) to gain more mainstream respectability and date (((blondes))). Growing up in LA I have a good understanding of the ((power dynamics))). There are still ways I can criticize the ((elites))) implicitly with out explicitly naming (((them)). What is your main critique of my soften stance on the ((issue)))?

Best Regards, Robert


My misgivings with you began not with your having a soft stance on Jews, but with your having a soft stance on Nazis, as that contributed to a subversive agency against a platform that I was setting out - one that would reject Nazism and not seek to redeem it - a platform that I initiated with integral part to sort-out Nazi/Hitler association from White Nationalism; a motive which was, in fact, my initial motive for participating at VoR.

However, Germanophilia taken to the point of (insufficiently critical) Nazi sympathy, if not outright Nazi advocacy, was apparently part and parcel of being central to Regnery projects such as VoR; so my project was attempting to seed and take root in harsh soil and an antagonistic environment there.

The first clue as to how determined that antagonism might be came after I had started writing and talking about my theory of the buried meaning of hippies - a theory of mine which has been long in the making and has always been important to me.

Johnson’s attempt to marshal a “hippies for Hitler” cult.

Soon after I published that at VoR, you and Greg Johnson, apparently in tandem, published there what was to me an idiotic article called West Coast White Nationalism, featuring a picture of Hitler in love-beads, with your discussing some of the Germanic elements that went into hippie culture - such as Tolkien - Gothic/Germanic elements that I may have overlooked; a cultural part of it, sure, but which do not seem so important a phenomenon to emphasize in regard to hippie culture, even with retrospect.

It certainly did not warrant associating hippies with a picture of Hitler in love-beads; and to obfuscate my thesis as such.

Now, I learned that Mike Conner’s strategy was to take what he considered “main-streamers” like you and I, and direct people through us to “the radicals”, such as Carolyn Yeager and Mark Weber.

But that was not my goal and I did not appreciate having my important message about the underlying meaning of the hippies obfuscated and re-directed in that way.

Johnson’s Eco-Nazism

Next, there is another issue which is dear to me and which I have a fairly original take-on as it bears on White Nationalism - namely, ecology.

Once again, after I discussed it, Greg Johnson put up an article on ecology, “Eco-Fascism”, discussing it in a podcast with you, featuring a swastika image formed of a different coloration of trees from those adjacent.

It was/is irresponsible of Greg Johnson to act as if these these important matters are necessarily associated with Nazism, and you should not have been assisting him in doing that.

The next misgivings that I had by way of Johnson, is suspicion of his re-directing other ideas of mine to writers he publishes - may not be true, but probably is: Johnson looked at one of my most dear and long held ideas, that is the re-tooling of Maslow’s hierarchy, and encouraged Andy Nowicki to write a book on that theme.

Nowicki, I gather, was instrumental to the Regnery circus because he had, in his own words, “a fascination with Nazi Germany” and was fairly sympathetic to their perspective - thus, he formed the normie bridge they were looking for, whereas I was always repulsed by the Nazis and Hitler, not very sympathetic.

Thus, to appeal (pander) to their demographic market, they encouraged Nowicki and others, yourself included, to take a subversive angle on my efforts, to play “opposite day” even - particularly against my concept of the White Left. You have been among this entourage, including Kieth Preston and a litany of Jews, Paul Gottfried first and foremost, who want to garner White right wing alliance against left organization and activism as it has finally intersected and turns attention against elitist Jewish interests - thus, they are constantly trying to divert from, eschew and redirect attention from this platform of mine - e.g., your starting-in with Robert Lindsey’s bullshit, that Alt-Left bullshit, which is largely just Jewy liberalism.

I also suspect that Greg Johnson directed some of my long considered thoughts on the comparison of black hyper-masculinity to White male pattern sublimation to be used by James O’Meara in his book “The Homo and the Negro.”

People like this, Nowicki, Colin Liddell, Matt Forney, Keith Preston, Richard Spencer, even Greg Johnson, are more or less talented writers and career girls, whose motivation has at least as much to do with the niche market that White advocacy lends (or, in Johnson’s case, an ensconcement of his snooty, elitist dainties) as a natural, overriding and organic concern, that would gird a solid basis for White group interests. Their snobbery, calculation and inorganic motivation makes way rather for Jewish entryism and subversion of White interests.

In seeing you allied with them and then going more and more full-fledged Jew friendly than even them, I was experiencing in you, Robert, not someone who was principally concerned with what was right and what was necessary to defend peoples of European extraction, but just another one who was directed by what it took to be popular and commercially viable as such.

Kissing Jewish ass and going along with their program, definitions and framing of events is certainly a tried and true method (just ask Donald Trump).

It can work as a career move, but it isn’t right and I don’t respect it.

I’m not saying that I don’t understand the attraction to Jews - respecting academia and intellectualism as they do, you can learn a lot from them (they often understand the conservative arguments better than Whites do); with that, as interlocutors they are most articulate and even sympathetic - up to a point, which will be apparent to those caring and responsible to White/European peoples.

As business partners and allies they can obviously be enormously helpful.

They are certainly not all bad people and can be much more decent and ethical in many instances than “the goyim” .... provided, ultimately, that you are liberal and sowing the seeds for your people’s destruction.

You ask: “What is your main critique of my soften stance on the ((issue)))?”

This is where I take most pointed issue with you now - in your “concession” that “some of (((their))) elites cause problems.” It is beyond that. Not only do their elites have hegemony in the key power niches, but their biological pattern is destructive to Whites. Separatism from them as an entire group is warranted as such.

Nevertheless, I understand your attraction to their women - many of them, physically, anyway. I’ve never had a Jewish girlfriend but admit to finding some of them very sexy. Perhaps I did not have the kind of talent they were looking for as you have, or as Tanstaafl has, that caused them to successfully lure you in. I would encourage you, however, to observe, as I have found, that while you can talk to them often with more satisfaction than other women - at first - eventually, before long, their politics invariably come to liberal dissolution of White peoples, dissolution of the capacity for White people to maintain ourselves as a distinct people.

And now (as of 2008 and their consolidation of elite power) their strategy is turning right wing, to where they want to intermarry in a right wing alliance and eventual merge with elite gentiles, to Jewify them (again, look at Trump).

What’s wrong with that? Well, first and foremost that is the alliance that has made for such vast destruction to ours and other human and general ecology.

Now they dare to propose themselves and their co-opting of our genetics to their aims, to their convenient friend/enemy distinctions, as the solution.


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