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Black hyper-assertiveness, lack of impulse control, predatory aggression & liberal natural fallacy

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 04 March 2017 17:45.

Maybe she should be “sifted-out”, or maybe the naturalistic fallacy is cuck narrative itself.

- that nature can and OUGHT to take care of these matters unmediated by cultural (social rules) intervention.

Thank you for your understanding and support, acru ballist. I realize that unfortunately a huge percentage of Whites are used to this Jewish viral symbiosis - it seems at this point as if it is almost written into the genetic code of a huge percentage, now expressed as the Trump voter and Alternative Right - wherein Whites become more and more assimilated to Jews themselves - inasmuch as they remain HuWhite, compliantly accepting their role of being cows to breed stock that blacks and Jews can, in turn, breed with at their discretion.

But I think that this argument veers in the direction of passive naturalistic fallacy:

acru ballist: Maybe, this is evolution of the White People. A sifting out of the weak-minded, the ‘mud-sharks’, the gullible, the order-takers. Is the parasite controlling this process? It definitely does not need the strong, healthy and rebellious.

A naturalistic fallacy that Jews and Jew advocates like Brett Stevens would want us to accept as prescription - good right wing dolts, “nature” decides what is exactly good and true for us, unmediated by human, cultural intervention. At one time, when mudharkery was a rarity, I might have been more susceptible to arguments that it was me who isn’t being naturally tough enough, but then, as it became commonplace and you began to see women who could not be considered merely something for the scrap-heep, the idea of merely letting “nature” weed out those without loyalty, judgement, intelligence, whatever it is that they are supposed to lack became more obviously an insufficient position to take.


Continuing with my response to Stevens article, next he goes on to say:

Brett Stevens: Whether or not Jews are a symptom of this problem, they are not its source.

DanielS: One can and should say that they are not the only source, but one should also add that they are a predominant source of our problems who should clearly be looked upon as another people and NOT among our “friends”, to say the least.

Brett Stevens: Even more, whipping people up in a fury against them fails because it both distracts us from the actual cause, and inspires people to do ignoble things like genocide. We do not need to kill those who might appear to be our enemies; we need to fix ourselves, which includes excluding everyone else.

DanielS: I never said that it was our objective to genocide Jews or anyone else. Our objective is separatism from them and other non-European peoples, and sovereignty. That implies fixing our own problems for ourselves, thank you very much. We just need the Jews to butt-out.

Brett Stevens: It is the same way with the African-Americans. Some wish to blame them, but the actual cause is diversity, which in fact gets more deadly if it involves “nice” groups because then your people hybridize with them, erasing the original population. This type of soft genocide leaves behind a civilization capable of none of the great acts of the old.

DanielS: As I have said in many places, “Diversity” has been a Jewish red cape: because in a straight forward sense it would mean that different people co-exist in respect of each other maintaining their differences. However, in light of the Jewish marketing campaign of “Diversity” and the reaction to the reality of it in Jewish practice - which means imposition of alien integration against those goyim looking to maintain their difference - Jewish media disingenuously altercasts rights of display to suckers like Pat Buchanan who would argue against “Diversity” and, in effect, for integration (as opposed to “the sewer of multiculturalism and diversity” we should all speak English, be Christians, etc). Integration used to be the straight forward Jewish agenda back in the 60’s and 70’s but now they hide that agenda behind “diversity” and get Whites to react against diversity and into integration.

As far as the “nice” blacks go, I have long argued that the Uncle Tom and the Oreo are more dangerous than the ghetto thug in the long run because the thug is didactic whereas the Oreo and Uncle Tom, in “being so nice”, open the gates for the pattern, which is more the thug and destructive to Whites. As far as this leaving behind a less capable populace, well, your Jewish friends would know, that’s why they have imposed “diversity” and integration on our patterns while prohibiting it in Israel and among their more orthodox diaspora.

Katzenbach imposing integration upon Whites, in the days before that agenda was hidden behind the Jewish red cape of “diversity.”

...and yes, just as we can “blame” (i.e., recognize) in Jews their inborn biological behaviors, uncaring and exploitative of our people to an extreme, and thus see the need to discriminate against them and separate from them, so too can we “blame” (i.e., recognize) in blacks an inborn lack of impulse control, along with an inborn tendency to aggression and hyper-assertiveness - translating to group predatory behavior as expressed typically in this episode in South Africa; and hence the need for “artificial selection”, i.e., cultural rules of discriminatory separatism.

If you notice, at the beginning of this clip, the woman and her son were completely relaxed, had inculcated and cultivated no instinctual rules in vigilance for the inborn pattern of predation that would manifest in that moment: the anti-apartheid conditioning had worked that far to their detriment.

Predators sensing prey.

Predator signaling to pack that the coast is clear for the attack. White woman’s son can now be seen in left of screen.

Predator pulls-out his weapon.

They start to attack the mother.

When the son tries to protect her, they try to hold him and aim for the back of his neck.

While they hold the mother, the son begins to put up a valiant fight.

Outnumbered, they are subject to more beating before escaping (this time).

White man and his mother subject to the natural state of black predation.

Active Measures’ RT pressures London club for enacting policy that protects its business and patrons

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 02 March 2017 16:07.

RT, a propaganda organ of “Active Measures,” is pressuring a private London club to have open doors liberalism. Cirque le Soir nightclub in Soho has a policy standard for private clubs, of not allowing groups of unaccompanied males into the club. When confronted with a group of black male athletes, a bouncer for the club apparently observed their demeanor and added what was perhaps a code-reason for discrimination - “too urban.” RT jumped all over that for being racial profiling, racial stereotyping, and therefore “racist”. 

Nevertheless, if “too urban” was indeed a code word for a black group with a dangerous profile, it would merely be a practical observation and precaution to take to discriminate against them. Young black males, especially in groups (including wealthy professional athletes) are statistically far more violent; and the club was exercising what should be its right as a free and private club to deny servitude, to protect its interests and protect is clients.

The freedom of London clubs to defend not only their businesses, but their patrons against profiles known to be violent and otherwise destructive is apparently of no concern to RT and Active Measures. This is a swift route to the destruction of our native European EGI and the naive among us who lack meaningful experience of blacks in numbers.

The kind of liberal “anti-racist” propaganda that RT is engaging-in goes back to the days of The Soviet Union - it put such pressure on The US to atone for its history of slavery that it empowered liberals to destroy untold numbers of innocent Whites, attempting by their sanctioned means (The Constitution and The Golden Rule), compelled by their politicians and (((those coercing))) their politicians to force them to try to live the impossible - “Thou Shalt Not Discriminate”, “Thou Shalt Not have senses and defend yourself”, “Thou Shalt Enter into involuntary contract” - “thou” must live pure in pure servitude, fresh White prey: un-hypocritical, ideologically living-up to the pure banner of “freedom and liberty for all” - non-discrimination: this has led basically to the destruction of America - America did not win the cold war. When you cannot discriminate against blacks, you are not free and you have big problems.

“Deep ecologists” may argue that blacks are returning American cities like Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans—the city these athletes are nominally playing for—that they are returning these cities harrowed by blacks to a “state of nature.” It is a feral state indeed: let those who advocate non-discrimination against them go and live with them.

RT’s charges of “racism”, compelling Whites and White institutions to leave themselves vulnerable to black aggression - a phenomenon that any fool would instinctively know to be on guard and discriminate against - is unconscionable. 

The Alt Right is incredibly naive as it continues to treat The Russian Federation as being in perfect alignment with White Nationalism - its great White hope even: what they are actually doing is serving as free propaganda for a very cynical Kremlin.

RT, “NFL players turned away from London nightclub for being ‘too urban”, 1 March 2017:


A popular London nightclub which allegedly barred a group of American football NFL stars for being “too urban” is being accused of racial profiling.

The New Orleans Saints team members had booked a table at Cirque le Soir nightclub in Soho, but said on arrival the bouncer turned them away for being “six big guys” and “too urban” – a phrase often used as a euphemism for black.

The nightclub has since denied it would turn anyone away based on ethnicity, but has a policy of not admitting all-male groups.

Mark Ingram Jr, 27, a running back, was with Sterling Moore, 27, BW Webb, 26, Vonn Bell, 22, all defensive players, and two friends when they tried to get into the club on Monday.

The players were visiting London in preparation for their game at Wembley in October against the Miami Dolphins as part of the NFL’s international series.

Mark Ingram II


Is this what 6 big “too urban” guys look like?! @CirqueLeSoir @TheVonnBell7 @SterlingMoore @OhGi_3Dawg3 @burtleyc @Flintsbadguy #AllSmiles
2:10 AM - 28 Feb 2017

Ingram tweeted: “We pull up to Cirque le Soir where we have reservations and this is what they tell us. They told us we were ‘six big guys’ that are too ‘urban’ but nobody taller than 5’11!”

Following the tweet, the hashtag #TooUrban began trending on Twitter. Many have accused the club of racial profiling.

Suzanne @girls_with_guts

@MarkIngram22 one of the #toourban “big guys” next to my 5’7” daughter…ooooh he’s so scary. @CirqueLeSoir your moms didn’t

D @barker1980

I’m confused. This is the same place that called @MarkIngram22 #TooUrban ?
3:54 AM - 28 Feb 2017

  84 84 Retweets

Chris @burtleyc

Thanks to everyone for support! Historical socioeconomic and racial prejudices still impact society. I’m from Flint, proud to be #TooUrban
10:47 PM - 28 Feb 2017

Sly Gemstone @SlyGems

Thanks to everyone who has reached out to us! Stereotyping and discrimination are real in our world. Never let anyone define you! #TooUrban
7:23 AM - 1 Mar 2017

Gillian ‘Slick’ E. @SlickEToffee

#TooUrban So are white British celebs gonna boycott @CirqueLeSoir or do they only stand up against American racism?
12:46 PM - 1 Mar 2017

The club is a favorite with US music stars including Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Kanye West, and actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

In response to criticism, a nightclub spokesperson said: “All of the team at Cirque le Soir are really upset by the suggestion that there was anything malicious in our turning away of Mark Ingram and his friends. We proudly celebrate diversity, not only as part of our shows, but as part of who we are.

“We would not dismiss anyone as ‘too urban’ and we would not turn anyone away on the basis of their ethnicity, sexuality or any other characteristic, other than those expressed in our door policy.

“Admitting an all-male group goes against our policy and is clearly stated on Facebook and all reservation confirmation emails.”

Central Europe Unites to Put an End to Illegal Immigration

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 09 February 2017 08:16.

Visigrad Post, “Central Europe Unites to Put an End to Illegal Immigration” 9 Feb 2017:

Austria, Vienna – Ministers from 15 countries gathered in Vienna on Wednesday, February 8, in order to find a common way to put an end to the illegal immigration in the Balkans and Central Europe.

Representatives from Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechia, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, and Greece, as well as officials of the Central European Defence Cooperation took part at the meeting.

Countries along the Balkan migration route agreed on Wednesday to seal the already hard borders and prevent a possible new surge of people trying to reach wealthy EU countries. Since the countries on the Balkans’ route already secured their borders a year ago, the number of illegal immigrants has dramatically dwindled, but hundreds of migrants still try each month to take this route.

A plan to plug the remaining gaps on the route from Greece to Austria and Germany is to be drawn up by April, defence and interior ministers from affected countries decided at a conference in Vienna.

The agreement anticipates the potential collapse of the EU‘s deal with Turkey to keep migrants and refugees.


A problem with inviting American troops into Poland

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 03 February 2017 08:30.


“Pro-Life’ Leaders on Judge Gorsuch’s Nomination: Donald Trump ‘A Man of His Word”

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 31 January 2017 09:28.

Breitbart, “Pro-Life Leaders on Judge Gorsuch’s Nomination
- Donald Trump ‘A Man of His Word”, 31 Jan 2017:

National pro-life leaders are applauding President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Judge Neil Gorsuch of the Tenth Circuit, to take the seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

“We want to express our thanks to President Trump for nominating a man of such stellar quality as Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court,” said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman. “One of the reasons I endorsed Trump for president was because of the strong promises he made to pro-life leaders. Now, after less than two weeks in office, he is keeping those promises, and we are very encouraged. He has proved himself to be a man of his word.”

“The nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court is a tremendous victory for religious freedom and, indeed, for the entire nation,” said Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life. “His reasoned opinions in decisions upholding the rights of groups who — like Priests for Life — have challenged the Obama administration’s HHS mandate show that he respects the rights of Americans of all beliefs. His statements in favor of upholding the Constitution are totally in line with those of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. President Trump has made an excellent choice.”

Regarding the nomination of Gorsuch, Leonard A. Leo, Trump’s Supreme Court Advisor, said the announcement fulfilled the promise the president made to the American people.

“Judge Gorsuch possesses keen intellect, independence of judgment, integrity, courage, and a sense of fairness that is grounded in the Constitution and laws as they are written,” Leo said in a statement. “This is what the President very much wanted in a nominee.”

“Under our Constitution, power ultimately rests with the people,” he added. “This ideal is at the core of Justice Scalia’s legacy. As we heard from President Trump’s inauguration speech, it is at the core of the President’s agenda, and it’s very much at the core of what Neil Gorsuch’s record is as a jurist.”

Rep. Diane Black (R-TN), a member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, reacted to Gorsuch’s nomination in a statement:

  I applaud President Trump for nominating a fair-minded Constitutionalist like Judge Gorsuch to serve on our highest court. With this selection, President Trump has chosen a respected jurist who will uphold both the spirit and the letter of our law. I am especially encouraged by Judge Gorsuch’s opinions in the cases of Hobby Lobby vs. Sebelius and Little Sisters of the Poor vs. Burwell, which display a clear respect for religious freedom that has been missing in too many corners of Washington over the last eight years. He is uniquely qualified for this role, having already been confirmed without opposition to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals by the US Senate in 2006, and I know that he will be a worthy successor to the esteemed legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Family Research Council president Tony Perkins attended the White House announcement. He said in a statement:

  I was pleased to witness President Trump follow through on his promise and select a nominee from the list he presented during the campaign. The president has been very clear on the type of justices that he would appoint: textualists who will not issue rulings based on the shadows of the Constitution.

  Judge Gorsuch’s record over the last 14 years, especially on religious liberty, gives Americans every reason to believe he will make a fine Supreme Court justice. His reputation as a judge with integrity and dedication to the Constitution should be an encouragement to all Americans.

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, the nation’s largest pro-life youth organization, said:

  We are thrilled with Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the US Supreme Court by President Trump, who is continuing to fulfill campaign promises at a breakneck speed. A strict Constitutionalist and firm supporter of religious freedom and liberties dictated by the Founding Fathers, Judge Gorsuch is an excellent replacement for the late Justice Scalia, and one who has the potential to leave a powerful legacy.

The Supreme Court was of great concern to voters this past November and the Senate should take swift action to confirm Judge Gorsuch to the high Court to ensure a full slate of Justices. The Senate unanimously confirmed Judge Gorsuch to the 10th US Circuit of Appeals and they should follow their previous example. We aren’t tired of winning yet.

Related Stories:

Rep. Steve King Files Idiotic Federal Pro-Life ‘Heartbeat Bill’.

Poland’s PiS Party Endorses Draconian Anti-Abortion Law

US Supreme Court: 9 very powerful & influential people - which ones (((are)))?


Hungary’s PM Orbán: Nowhere Do Human Rights Prescribe National Suicide

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 22 January 2017 09:41.

Visigrad Post, “Hungary’s PM Orbán: Nowhere Do Human Rights Prescribe National Suicide”, Jan 2017:


Hungary – The Hungarian government goes further in its opposition to non-European immigration, both illegal and legal. Viktor Orbán made again a strong speech against “national suicide” and meantime, the government announces its will to put an end to the residency bonds.

In front of 532 new deputy border guards, Viktor Orbán explained, on Thursday, January 12, that their job will be to protect Hungary’s borders and the safety of all Hungarians, “and that of all of Europe as well, as has been the fate of the nation for hundreds of years”.

“Terror attacks, riots, violence, crime, ethnic and cultural clashes all show us that those who come do not want to live our lives,” Orbán told the border guards. “They want to continue living their lives, just on the European standard of living. We understand them but we can’t let them into Europe. Nowhere do human rights prescribe national suicide.”

Asylum-seekers will be detained in close camps from now on

Systematic detention of migrants arriving in the country will be put in place, explained Viktor Orbán on Friday, January 13, during his weekly talk at the public radio. “We have reinstated alien police detention in the cases of those whose application to enter Europe has not yet been legally judged”. “As long as there is a verdict outstanding (in their asylum applications) they cannot move freely in Hungary,” said the Hungarian PM.

Under pressure from Brussels, the UN refugee agency and the European Court of Human Rights, Hungary in 2013 suspended the practice of detaining asylum applicants. The close camps are demanded by Jobbik’s vice-president and mayor of a little town at the border with Serbia, László Toroczkai, from the beginning of 2015, the same man that asked for the fence first in Hungary.

“Since then there have been terror acts in western Europe,” Orbán said Friday”. Any legal regulation that facilitates terror acts must be changed in the interests of our own self-defense.” He said he was aware that this “openly goes against the EU”, taking the risk of an open-conflict with Brussels, once again.

No more residency bonds

Three months ago, the constitutional bill against mandatory quotas of migrants, proposed by the ruling Fidesz, failed due to the surprise boycott of the vote by the right-wing populist party Jobbik, which wanted to add into the bill the suppression of the residency bonds. These bonds allow non-EU citizens to buy a Schengen permanent residency permit.

Really harsh discussions took place in the Hungarian parliament between the national-conservative ruling Fidesz and the right-wing populist Jobbik on these bonds. Security threats, suspicion of high corruption and treason toward the Hungarians — who reject non-European immigration — were the main arguments of the Jobbik.

Eventually, the government will suspend indefinitely the program, claiming these bonds are not necessary anymore since ratings agency Moody’s upgraded the country’s credit rating. Several scandals of corruption related to these bonds merged in 2016 and it is most likely that the government wanted to put an end to this failed program. Therefore, no more residency bonds requests will be accepted from April 1.

Trojan Horses into Japan - Business English and The English of Popular Western Culture

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 13:52.

A couple of weeks ago (((Steve Sailer))) hypothesized in the Taki’s Magazine article, “Choose Your Words Wisely” (4 Jan 2017), that right-wing populist nationalism was taking off in western countries NOT because of, say, any nefarious orchestration by Russian Jews, but rather perhaps because western elites, in their white, self destructive, integrationist madness all share the same lingua franca - English - and are therefore more easily seduced into eachother’s madness.

One reason it’s happening over much of the planet is because the various establishment elites have become so homogenous in their ideology, unconsciously egging each other on into more extremism. For example, after the normally cautious Angela Merkel made her historic refugee blunder in 2015, Hillary Clinton repeatedly endorsed Merkel’s foolhardiness, even as the German leader herself came to regret her imprudence.

But the corporate press has been no more aware of its own drift toward anti-border fanaticism than a fish notices it’s wet. Thus, the American establishment’s increasingly comic conspiracy theory blaming its political failings on a nefarious Kremlin plot. After all, what else could explain why voters did not respond appropriately to the media’s furious instructions to elect Hillary besides Muscovite mind-control rays?

A sensible exception has been Fareed Zakaria, who pointed out last month:

The one common factor present everywhere, however, is immigration. In fact, one statistical analysis of EU countries found that more immigrants invariably means more populists. One way to test this theory is to note that countries without large-scale immigration, such as Japan, have not seen the same rise of right-wing populism.

That raises the question of why Japan’s ruling class didn’t feel the necessity of going down the same mass-immigration path as did so many other advanced countries: Why is Japan such an exception?

“The coming global monoculture of English could be highly productive…until it’s not.”

One reason is that Japan isn’t a white country, so it’s immune to white guilt. Sure, the Japanese abused other East Asians 1931– 45, but that was in the name of organizing against white colonialism. So hassling Japan isn’t a high priority like it is for Germany.

Another reason is that Japan is linguistically quite isolated from the growing worldwide dominance of the English language.

If elites unthinkingly think alike, one reason could be because they increasingly share a language: English. Across much of the world, English is becoming the lingua franca. ...


Islam’s Imposition Upon Malaysia Comes Into Focus Through Conflict With Myanmar, Buddhists

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 11 January 2017 05:11.


TNO, 10 Jan 2017:

Burma, Malaysia, spat over Islam and migrants

Tensions between Buddhist-dominated Burma and Muslim-dominated Malaysia are rising once again after five Burmese workers were hacked to death with swords by a Malaysian mob in an ongoing dispute over religion and immigration between the two countries.

The government of Burma—properly named Myanmar—announced this week that it had sent out “safety instructions” to its nationals working in Malaysia after the sword attack—one of the latest in many such incidents in which hundreds have been killed.

The Burma government officially banned its nationals from seeking work in Malaysia a few weeks ago, precisely because of security fears following the ongoing clashes.

In the latest incident, four masked men wielding swords attacked Burmese workers after they had left a factory in the Serdang district on the outskirts of the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur. Five were killed and two wounded.

Malaysian police said seven Burmese men had been detained shortly after the attack.

The origin of the violence is the current status of Burma’s Rohingya Muslims—a Muslim group some 1.5 million strong. The Rohingyas have been involved in separatist activities—often linked to Islamism—for decades, and violent clashes between Buddhists and Muslims are common in that country.

Burma stopped its workers going to Malaysia in December, after Najib Razak, prime minister of the predominantly Muslim country, described Burma’s treatment of the Rohingyas as “genocide” and called for foreign intervention.

There are however, at least 147,000 Burmese workers in Malaysia.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:07. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 16 Nov 2024 18:37. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 16 Nov 2024 18:14. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 16 Nov 2024 17:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 16 Nov 2024 11:14. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch wins Tory leadership election' on Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch wins Tory leadership election' on Mon, 11 Nov 2024 23:12. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch wins Tory leadership election' on Mon, 11 Nov 2024 19:02. (View)

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