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David Duke, no friend of Poland: never argues against Hitler (e.g., lebensraum)

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 26 May 2016 08:32.


              David Duke is no friend of Poland; neither was Hitler or Friedrich

On many occasions David Duke has claimed that Nazi Germany was offering genuine peace - “22 peace offers” - to the West and only wanted back some places taken from Germany by The Versailles Treaty. He says nothing about the truth of the matter, which was that Hitler had obvious tactical reasons to not want to fight on two fronts and have his agenda for lebensraum in the east interfered with.

The peace offers were an obvious ruse to anybody. It is clear that Hitler was a war monger, had in mind lebensraum up to the Urals and intended to kill those Slavic peoples who fought against his plan to subject them as helots.

There is no excuse for ignoring that and for David Duke to present himself and Nazi Germany as sympathetic to Poland.

He completely ignores the fact that Poland had already fought and defeated the Soviets - who were on their way to Germany had they not been stopped by Piłsudski at Warsaw.

He talks about Soviet atrocities as if it is an either/or between the Soviet killing and the Nazi killing. Typical of Nazophiles, he edits the time line of events as it suits him - focusing after the Nazis stabbed Poland in the back with the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact.

Here is what Duke says on May 24, in a conversation with Professor Kevin MacDonald:

David Duke (sympathetic tone): Isn’t it true that hundreds of thousands of Poles were shipped-off to gulags, were stripped of any job, even a way to make a living, because they might have been seen as an enemy of Jews or enemies of the communist regime in Poland and the communist regime was absolutely controlled by Jews.

And in fact when the communists came into Poland it wasn’t the Germans who executed Polish prisoners. In fact the Germans, after they won, they paroled most of the Polish officers. They didn’t even keep them in prison during the whole war.

Sure, they were “liberators” of Poland. Where is Lana to add chorus?

Duke continues: The communists came in and we had the Katyn forest massacre; where they literally murdered 15,000 of the cream, of really intelligentsia of the young men of Poland; massacred them in the Kaytn forest. During the time of ‘46, the communists were putting people in prison, they were torturing Poles; they were sending people to the gulags even in Siberia from their own homeland. They were killing an awful lot of people; and the Jews were right at the head of this and that was the reason why the people in those areas rose up to fight the Jews; because of this horrific horror that was going on that was much worse than any program that was committed.

Kevin MacDonald corrects him: “pogroms”, then adds..

Much worse. The fact is that the Jews [inaudible] on the Soviet Union and when they came in in 1939; the fact is that they supported communism, they hated Polish nationalism and that there were so many Jews in the government, especially in the secret police and so on. It was really something that was made to order for anti-Jewish reaction.  And it was there, I think it was 1967, they finally deposed this very Jewish dominated government; and quite a few of them just left for Israel. They weren’t really Poles they didn’t feel any uh, you know, feeling towards Poland and they just left for their homeland.

Duke: Let’s talk about the beginnings of the war and what happened here; in terms of the second world war. We can actually just start off by the fact that during the 1920s and 30s that tens of millions of people were liquidated; murdered in Russia; murdered in Ukraine; Jews dominated the secret service and the NKVD; and the other communist apparatus that tortured countless numbers of Russians; murdered millions of people; in Ukraine alone there was something like 7 or 11 million people that died, starved to death, women, children, elderly ...and this was all done, of course, in peace time.  This was not done under the aegis of war; but for some reason, the anger of the media, the international media over which the Jews have control, like the New York Times, and the movie industry of this country, the entertainment industry of America and Europe, which were also heavily influenced; weren’t saying the big evil of the world was communism, they were saying the big evil was the Germans. And when the war began of course, it wasn’t just the Germans attacking the Poles over the city of Danzig and a few other issues, the Bolsheviks came in, the communists came in from the east, took about half of Poland, and where the Germans treated the Polish prisoners of war decently, we find out later that the Russian, not really Russian, but the Jewish led Bolsheviks of the time; and the Jewish led murderers, commissars literally caused the mass murder of the entire Polish army officer corps; of the country - 15,000 at Katyn. And yet, we had a media and we had governments of the west by the west who had so much influence by the Jews, they weren’t saying that we should declare war on Russia; Britain and France, they didn’t declare war on Russia, no - they declared war on Germany. A war that ultimately took the lives of 55,000 million of Europeans and really caused the communist take-over of half of Europe; and countless millions more who were victims.  What are your thoughts on that sir?

[Note: WN typically do not manage to consider that maybe Hitler should not have invaded Eastward; after having already been granted the valuable Sudetenland and having been told that there would be war if he invaded further; while the Sudetenland was precious to Czech and perhaps contestable on historical grounds].

Unfortunately, KM endorses Duke’s totally one sided and highly selective account of history:

KM: Absolutely. I think um, in general, what these Jewish organizations will respond to all that is that “these people were not really Jews”, they didn’t identify as Jews so a big part of my work, when I wrote a chapter on Jews and the Left in The Culture of Critique… but these people did identify as Jews, it takes some close reading of the issues..  you have to go in there and show that it does make a difference.

The next day, May 25, David Duke has a program titled, “Dr. Duke interviews the leader of TradCatKnight who destroys Christian Zionist Lies.” Duke, the “friend of Poland”, talks with a Polish Catholic guy, who uses all these bizarre interpretations of the Abrahamic religion, talking about how the true Christianity will emerge and the Jewish head of the NWO will emerge in Israel, etc. - some anti-Christ figure from The Book of Revelation, no doubt, causing us all to get into a highly rational war on behalf of the true Jews.

David Duke is taking advantage of this Abrahamic fool, who has his eyes on scripture and his interpretations, not on this world, the world Jews care about; and this world, where they once led a Soviet Revolution that was even more murderous than Nazi Germany, but this world, where Nazi Germany mirrored Judaism, their unanimity for one people - Germanics - and not only a demonstrated willingness, but the protracted realization of killing that led to the killing of 55,000 million Europeans because Hitler could not cooperate with nationalists to the east, but started a war that might even out-do his idol, Friedrich the Great, in his eastward territorial conquests - and in which he aspired not only to rid his realm of Jews, but to take-over and subjugate the lands and the people of the lands eastward, up to the Urals; quite willing to destroy anyone who would oppose those objectives.

Roman Dmowski, wise to the need to exclude Jews but his nationalism was too right-wing.

Were there Jewish elements which had infiltrated Germany’s neighboring countries? Yes. Were there native nationalist elements in those countries which were aware that this alien and nefarious element needed to be purged - yes. Were they aware of the danger and willing to fight the Soviets? Also yes. It was incumbent upon a statesman to work with those elements. Lebensraum and a plan for subjugation of Slavic peoples does not accord with the principle of ethnonationalism; nor did Nazi Germany represent White nationalism - it represented Prussio-German imperialism.

In terms of truth, trust and relations, it is not going to do any good proceeding with the denial of Nazi Germany’s imperfection.

One of the difficulties with the philo-Nazism of WN is that they partake of one of its cottage industries - blaming Poland, itemizing Germany’s “superiority in every way” and cataloging Poland’s “perfidy”.

You don’t build good relations that way, you start wars through reciprocally escalating diatribe - when you have to be on constant vigil against a people who believe in their infallible right to destroy you, that makes it extremely difficult to say, hey, you know, my side had this, that or the other thing wrong, could have done better here and here is/was the way to correct that: which I would like to do - but it’s hard when the other side is making itself into another side rather than a partner, by constantly dishonestly insisting that it was perfect, a victim and that your side was pure evil or perfidy without circumstance.

Józef Piłsudski - wise and capable against the Soviets, but his nationalism was too civic, allowing for Jewish inclusion


If I were dealing with a more reasonable audience than Nazophilic WN, the place where I would go next in criticism of the Poland of the era would be this - of Piłsudski’s pragmatic brand of nationalism, which was (much) more propositional than it should have been.

Although Piłsudski respected Germans and German nationalism - good; and although he despised the Soviet Union and fought them successfully - also very good; he did not yet appreciate the need to eject the YKW from Polish nationalism. He believed that it was a practical necessity to include them in order to have sufficient fighting strength. And so long as Hitler had imperialistic designs of lebensraum, that, the necessity to include the YKW, could have been true in some unfortunate, short term sense. Roman Dmowksi (the father of Polish nationalism) however, recognized the perfidy of enfranchising Jews into the Polish nation. While he was more anti-German than Józef Piłsudski, his disputes with Germany were not imperialistic, but local - regarding Poznan, Leszno, Pila, Bydgoszcz, Torun, Gdansk and a bit beyond Gdansk, into Pomerania. But not even this was anywhere near as far west as the Polish/German border is today. Even by Dmowski’s designs, Germany still included Breslau (Wroclaw), Stettin (Szczecin), Konigsberg (Kaliningrad); in fact everything not far west of the towns he sought to reclaim.



It does no good to say that Hitler’s only dispute and designs were to win these particular areas for Germany, that Hitler was only taking defensive measures against the Soviets (as Duke constantly claims) and that it was all the fault of Poland. Hitler wanted lebensraum and not only did he design to take all of Poland, all of Czechoslovakia, all of Belarus, all of Ukraine and Russia up to the Urals; not only did he ignore the fact that there were staunch anti-Jewish and anti-Soviet forces in all of these places, he was perfectly willing to turn their people into slaves where he temporarily succeeded; into helots or material for Germanicization at best, were his designs to hold sway; and perfectly willing kill them if they fought for their ethno-states.

Thanks Right-Wing!

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 10:41.

I have learned a trick for a very likely way to find an image of a beautiful woman in an Internet image search: search the name “Dagmara.”

Chances are that you’ll come up with a beauty.

But this time the story came up first, i.e., of a beautiful Dagmara having committed suicide for having been bullied, probably by jealous girls of other ethnicities and races. The price of gratuitous jealousy is a terrible one; and females can be particularly vicious.

You might ask me, “what was Dagmara doing in Cornwall?” and I would answer that Dagmaras should not be in The U.K. in any great number. That if her kind were there in smaller numbers that the genetic threat may not have risen to such hostility.

I would add, sarcastically with regard to liberalism, that “racial classifications are not working hypotheses that allow the security of accountability to a just and historically coherent human ecology, agency and warrant, no.” I would add just as sarcastically in the other direction, the conventional racialist direction, “no, they are a fact of natural struggle, survival of the fittest” ...

That does bring to mind another right-wing whipping boy - their crusade against anti-bullying. Yes, isn’t bullying a wonderful thing, we all need that school of hard knocks ad nauseam - survival of the jealous and ugly, er, “the fittest.” ... “those ‘leftist’ social justice warriors just don’t appreciate realty.”

That right wing “naturalness” compounds the dilemma that defending Dagmara places before those of us who might care; a dilemma placed before us by right-wing perfidy:

We can subject her to performance requirements of liberal Darwinism and YKW - “see how terrible ‘racism’ (accountability to human ecology) is? We need to mix people even more because its just, you know, best for everyone; whatever.” And there is the other option for a Polish girl such as Dagmara, of course - she can find security and fellowship with those who embrace the ideology of Adolf Hitler.

Thanks Right Wing!

DT, “Polish girl, 16, found dead at school after complaints of racist bullying after moving to Cornwall”, 18 May 2016:

A Polish teenager who was found dead at her school had complained about racist bullying on a website linked to young suicides after moving to Cornwall with her family.

Dagmara Przybysz, 16, originally from Poland, had complained about suffering from racism at school on the site two years ago.

Police and paramedics were called to Pool Academy in Pool, Redruth, Cornwall, on Tuesday at 2.15pm where the student was pronounced dead at the scene.

Exposing The Race Mixing Agenda

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 08:26.


Bayer offers buy-out of Monsanto -  use of pesticide glyphosate contaminates majority of Germans

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 23 May 2016 14:00.

Euractiv, “Monsanto sounded out by Bayer’s massive cash offer”,  23 May 2016:

German pharmaceutical giant Bayer has announced its intention to offer $62 billion (€55 billion) in cash to takeover agrochemical company Monsanto, as the debate over the use of the pesticide glyphosate continues. EurActiv’s partner Milano Finanza reports.

Bayer AG, whose offer constitutes $122 a share, said that their proposal represented a substantial premium for Monsanto’s shareholders, as it is 37% higher than the American company’s closing share price on 9 May.

The German pharmaceutical and chemical group said that it intends to finance the deal with a mix of debt and equity, mostly through a rights offering. Bayer added that it predicts annual earnings from synergies totalling $1.5 billion within three years if its proposal were to be accepted.

Overwhelming majority of Germans contaminated by glyphosate

The herbicide glyphosate can enter the body through food or drinking water. A new study has shown that the majority of Germans have been contaminated by the compound. EurActiv Germany reports.

Monsanto Protests Germany, France

France is a leading opponent of glyphosate

The EU’s decision to postpone the decision on the reauthorisation of the weedkiller glyphosate has been highly controversial, but nowhere is opposition to the chemical stronger than in France. EurActiv France reports.

Natural Selecton for Past 2,000 Years Establishes Continuity of Native Britons

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 23 May 2016 12:35.

Celtic Jewelry of the native Britons 2000 years ago
In England 2,000 years ago lived the “Celtic people”. They were the first Britons. They lived on small farms and in small tribal villages all over England. They often fought with other Celtic tribes.

Dieneke’s Blog, May 08, 2016

Natural selection in Britain during the last 2,000 years:

The latest ancient DNA studies from the British Isles (Schiffels et al and Martiniano et al. and Cassidy et al.) support continuity over the last 2,000 years. Sure, there were continued migrations like the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons, but these were very similar groups in the grand scheme of things.

But, while ancestrally the modern Briton is probably a descendant of the Britons of 2,000 years ago with some admixture from similar continental European groups, he is not the same, as (apparently) substantial genetic adaptation has continued to operate in Britain over the same period. A new preprint by Field, Boyle, Telis et al. makes the case for adaptation in a variety of traits in the ancestors of Britons over this period. Mind you, the genetic underpinnings of many important human traits known to have high heritability are currently unknown, but there is little doubt that selection would have affected traits beyond those detected in this study. I am quite curious to see whether the striking efflorescence of cultural achievement in Britain over the last half millennium could have (at least in part) a genetic underpinning.

Depigmentation is a trait whose genetic architecture is as well as understood as any. The results of this study might surprise writers of decades and centuries past who supposed that the spectrum of pigmentation of modern Europeans was the result of admixture-in varying measure- between Xanthochrooi and Melanchrooi races of primordial antiquity. All indications seem to be that depigmentation of hair, skin, and eyes did not co-occur in such a hypothetical race, but rather in different parts of the Caucasoid range, only reaching a high combined frequency in northern Europe to form the distinctive physical type that is distinctive of the natives of that region. It would be quite interesting to see how these traits evolved in Fennoscandia and the Baltic, regions that sport an even higher depigmentation than the British Isles. Traditionally, these areas were viewed as refuges of the Xanthochrooi but it may very well turn out to be that for whatever reason selection has acted in that area as well, as it did in the Eastern European plain where rather dark Bronze Age steppe groups gave way to rather light pigmented living eastern Slavs.

bioRxiv doi:

Detection of human adaptation during the past 2,000 years

Yair Field, Evan A Boyle, Natalie Telis, Ziyue Gao, Kyle J Gaulton, David Golan, Loic Yengo, Ghislain Rocheleau, Philippe Froguel, Mark I McCarthy, Jonathan K Pritchard

Detection of recent natural selection is a challenging problem in population genetics, as standard methods generally integrate over long timescales. Here we introduce the Singleton Density Score (SDS), a powerful measure to infer very recent changes in allele frequencies from contemporary genome sequences. When applied to data from the UK10K Project, SDS reflects allele frequency changes in the ancestors of modern Britons during the past 2,000 years. We see strong signals of selection at lactase and HLA, and in favor of blond hair and blue eyes. Turning to signals of polygenic adaptation we find, remarkably, that recent selection for increased height has driven allele frequency shifts across most of the genome. Moreover, we report suggestive new evidence for polygenic shifts affecting many other complex traits. Our results suggest that polygenic adaptation has played a pervasive role in shaping genotypic and phenotypic variation in modern humans.

Rome: Thousands Rally against Invasion

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 23 May 2016 09:01.

The New Observer, “Rome: Thousands Rally against Invasion” 21 May 2016:

Ten thousand Italian patriots turned out today to take part in an anti-invasion and anti-European Union protest march though the main thoroughfares of Rome, organized by the Casapound Italia organization.

The turnout, replete with flags and ordered formations, started at the main Rome “reception center” for invaders at the Piazza Vittorio square, before moving off in the direction of the Colosseum.

Along the way, the disciplined crowd chanted numerous slogans such as “Stop the invasion! This is my home.”

The crowd carried flags, let off tricolor flares, and carried banners reading “Italy rise, fight and win,” “First the Italians,” and “Defend Italy with the spirit of the heroes of the Piave.” (The latter slogan is a reference to the June 1918 World War I battle which resulted in a decisive victory for Italy.)

The rally, held under the slogan of “Casapound Defend Italy,” was completely peaceful. At the speeches which were made at the end point, near the Colosseum, movement leader Gianluca Iannone—sporting an impressive beard—said that the parade was being done in conjunction with similar events in other European cities.

“We want a strong state to take care of our citizens and our children, we are against privatization, we want priority for the Italian people, and we are against uncontrolled immigration,” Iannone said.

Mississippi: Whites Ordered to “Integrate”

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 18 May 2016 22:00.

TNO, “Mississippi: Whites Ordered to “Integrate”, 18 May 2016:

Two Cleveland, Mississippi, schools which are only 40 percent white have been ordered to forcibly mix with neighboring 99 percent black schools—because the US Department of Justice still thinks they are too white.

US District Judge Debra Brown ruled last week that Cleveland must merge its two high schools and two middle schools to provide the “constitutionally guaranteed right of an integrated education.”

Brown ordered the district to merge East Side High, where all but one student is black, with Cleveland High, where 48 percent of students are white and 45 percent are black.

Similarly, the district must merge D.M. Smith Middle, where all but two students are black, with Margaret Green Junior High, where 41 percent of students are white and 54 percent are black.

Across the entire 3,700-student district, only about 29 percent of students are white and 67 percent are black. The state counts the remainder as Asian or Hispanic.

“The court concludes that the continued operation of East Side High and D.M. Smith as single-race schools is a vestige of discrimination and that, therefore, a plan which allows such continued operation must be rejected,” the judge wrote.

Judge Brown added that the “delay in desegregation has deprived generations of students of the constitutionally guaranteed right of an integrated education.”

Full story at TNO

Background stories at Majorityrights:

Nicholas Katzenbach: Soft Spoken Evil

Hannah Arendt: Far From Innocent

Turkish president Erdogan calls for “conquest” of Europe by Islam “through emigration” into Europe

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 12 May 2016 15:17.

TNO, “Erdogan and the Return of the Ottoman Empire” 12 May 2016:

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan called last year for the “conquest” of Europe by Islam “through emigration” into Europe and announced that the “conquest is to have the courage, tenacity, and sagacity to defy the entire world even at the hardest times.”

The speech, delivered in Istanbul on May 30, 2015, at a public meeting celebrating the 562nd anniversary of the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire’s Muslim armies, has just been translated into English for the first time.

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and his hijab-wearing wife, photographed at the 562nd anniversary of the fall of Constantinople to the Muslim armies.

The translation, made by a Turkish journalist now living in Washington DC, was published by the Gatestone Institute, a Jewish neocon “think thank” based in New York, which specializes in anti-Muslim propaganda in support of Israel.

This fact aside, the translation of Erdogan’s speech is of great importance to anyone wishing to understand Turkey’s intentions in Europe—and of the critical dangers which admitting that nation holds for the future of European civilization.

In the speech last year, attended by two million people who cheered him on, Erdogan asked “What is the conquest?”

“The conquest is Hijrah [expansion of Islam through emigration, following the example of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, and his followers from Mecca to Medina]. The conquest is Mecca. It is to cleanse the Kaaba, the house of Allah on earth, of all the icons. The conquest is Jerusalem. It is when the prophet Omar stamped the seal of Islam on Al-Aqsa Mosque, our first Qibla [the direction to face when a Muslim prays during the five times daily prayers] while respecting all faiths including [those of] Christians and Jews.

“The conquest is Al-Andalus [Muslim Spain]. It is to build the most beautiful architecture, literature, and culture of the world such as in Córdoba and Granada.

“The conquest is Samarkand [a city in present-day Uzbekistan and once a capital of the ancient Sogdian civilization whose main religion was Zoroastrianism].

“The conquest is Bukhara [also in present-day Uzbekistan. It was a diverse city with Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Jewish, and Nestorian Christian communities]. It is to establish one of the greatest civilizations of history in the steppes of Central Asia.

“The conquest is Salah al-Din al-Ayubbi [Saladin, who in 1187 invaded Jerusalem]. It is to hoist the flag of Islam in Jerusalem again.

“The conquest is Alp Arslan [the second Sultan of the medieval Muslim Seljuk Empire, who conquered Anatolia].

“The conquest is to open the doors of Anatolia up to Vienna for this blessed nation. The conquest is Osman Ghazi [the first Ottoman Sultan]. It is to make the sycamore [the Ottoman Empire] meet with the ground that would cover three continents and seven climates through the enlightenment inspired by Sheikh Edebali who said, ‘Make the human live so that the state can live.’

“The conquest is preparation. The conquest is when the Sultan Murad II abdicated the throne to his 12-year-old son, Mehmed II. And of course, the conquest is the Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror. It is, at age 21, to embrace Istanbul, the most favorite city of the world, after destroying the millennial Byzantium.

“Mehmed the Conqueror conquered Istanbul in 1453. But the conquests always continued before and after that. They continued with Sultan Selim I the Grim, Sultan Suleiman the Lawgiver, Sultan Murad IV, and Sultan Abdul Hamid II.

“The conquest is to have the courage, tenacity, and sagacity to defy the entire world even at the hardest times.

“The conquest is 1994 [when Erdogan was elected mayor of Istanbul]. It is to serve Istanbul and the legacy of the Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror. The conquest is to make Turkey stand up on its feet again.”

The crowd shouted, “Here is the army; here is the commander.”

Erdogan could not have made his position any clearer: he seeks the reestablishment of the Ottoman Empire and the expansion of Islam back to the borders reached by the Muslim invasion of Europe.

This includes all of Spain and Portugal, and the Balkan states, reaching all the way back to Vienna—where the Ottomans were only halted in the great battle of 1683.

Erdogan’s unguarded remarks—made at an event celebrating a major European defeat at the hands of Islam—reveal his—and Turkey’s—true intentions with regard to Europe.

There cannot be any doubt that Turkish admission to the EU will open the borders to Europe to the millions of Turks who still fanatically believe in the reconquest of the former lands of the Ottoman Empire—and the Islamification of Europe.


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