Majorityrights News > Category: Journalism

Frauke Petry’s AfD: Standing up for Germany’s Border Guard

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 March 2016 09:11.

Her stance on border control is fine, her integrationist disposition, however, augurs disaster for E.G.I.


White American Advocacy of Trump: The Arguments

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 March 2016 10:23.

Republican leaders talk about how to deal with Trump (apparently, these are not actors):

First of all, my (DanielS) concerns are primarily metapolitical in nature, where political at all. I have never had faith in the dog and pony show of politics to look after our E.G.I.

Nevertheless, there are people who care about European/White E.G.I. who think it is important for strategic reasons to get White people en mass behind Trump.

Again, it won’t be this White man who cares, I have never liked Trump and don’t trust his values. A businessman is, by training, Manichean: truth and justice is not his objective, defeating others is; and in that game that he plays, changing the rules, if necessary to win, is what he will do.

Cyberneticists have famously observed that the engineer and the scientist by contrast, is focused on Augustinian devils - natural devils.

Perhaps that focus makes a scientist such as MacDonald gullible to the tactics and naive to the motives of a businessman like Trump.

However, in service of squaring things-off, so that we can have an accurate dialectic going on here, in order to arrive at what is more the case, rather than arguing against cardboard figures, lets try to render some of MacDonald’s best arguments as to why Trump is someone for Whites to get behind.

MacDonald’s arguments as I understand them:

1) Because he is independently wealthy, he can flout the PC norms that have hog-tied Whites and address the true and important concerns of what has been the implicit base in support of the Republican Party - White people.

- That candor to move the Overton window is opposed to the concerns of people in the clip; and the Jews who have policed White ethnocentric dissent with iron PC rule.

2) He will either a) take that implicit White base, tarry with its interests at least to some extent, gain its support; thus owe some genuine regard for its concerns for a change through its Republican auspices. Or b) Destroy the GOP (which the men in the video would hate).

Plan b is not a bad option according to MacDonald and to most White people in the know - the Republican Party has looked like us but has shown White people no loyalty. Quite the opposite, it has been every bit as complicit in our demise as the Democrats.

Bring on the grassroots of ethnocentric Whites to form a third party; and if he will, let Trump set it in motion, MacDonald says.

That is what Whites have always needed, an independently wealthy White man who will actually put his money behind Whites the way Jews put their wealth behind their interests.

3) If it were not for Trump, issues of the American border and immigration would not even have been mentioned by the Republican Presidential Candidates. Trump forced that issue upon Cruz, Rubio et al.

Trump brought that critical issue into White American consciousness and legitimized it despite the masters of discourse having de-legitimized discourse of its concern since 1965.

That is also crucial, according to MacDonald, since it will force people to pay more attention to who is behind mass non-White migration to America. KM adds, there is no question that it was Jewish interests that have done this; and once Whites begin to understand that, they will see that Jewish interests have had nefarious aims - that the results for White E.G.I have been and will be deadly.

4) Though KM and Duke do not emphasize the corporate complicity, they do acknowledge that it is working Whites who suffer the most from these immigration policies, from unskilled labor to H1B migrants.

- Trump has not only explicitly called for deportation and the building of a fence to keep out unskilled migrants

- He has also cited Rubio for calling not for reduction but the increase of H1B Visas.

5) Trump’s destruction of Jeb Bush, Rubio and Cruz means the destruction not only of politics as usual for the Republican Party, as these are the people that they wanted to nominate - but also of the Neo-Con agenda which lies deeper behind them.

In fact, William Crystal threatened to start a third party if Trump got the nomination.

MacDonald adds that the Neo-Con agenda is strictly Jewish. It has nothing to do with White interests and has been a disaster or White interests.

Therefore, MacDonald says, “so be it.” Let the White outrage begin if their votes are treated as if they don’t matter; let it be known who runs the Republican Party - Jewish Neo Cons and Corporate interests - let it be destroyed and a new third party that takes the side of Whites be born instead.

6) Trump is the best option also because he has the best chance for White interests against Hillary Clinton - if she wins that is a disaster because she is the quintessential neo-liberal, neo-con dream all in one: completely beholden to the worst domestically and foreign - of right wing economic and military objectives and PC cultural agendas.

7) It is important to get behind Trump now because if it takes another 8 - 12 years for someone like him to come along it might be too late for Whites to wield voting power enough to sway the political direction to their interests.

Farrakhan and “Black Lives” difference calls into question disruption of Trump backers

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 15 March 2016 10:56.

While Louis Farrakhan praises Trump for what he believes to be his independence of Jewish interests, “Black Lives Matter” demonstrated that black lives don’t necessarily matter if they wholeheartedly support Trump.

CT, “BREAKING: Black Trump supporter shot and killed by Chicago protesters” 12 March 2016: African-American supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has died after allegedly sustaining gunshot wounds in the aftermath of Friday night’s chaos in Chicago.

Robert King Bullock, aged 37, was a resident of Chicago’s Evanston suburb. According to Bullock’s friend, who also attended the Trump rally, Robert was an avid chef, and he recently obtained his Masters of Business Administration and planned to open a local restaurant.

This source spoke with CTN on the condition of anonymity, and asked to be referred to as “Terry.” He called for Bullock’s death to serve as a reminder to anti-Trump groups and the mainstream media.

“Rob was a black man, but he supported Trump because he got tired of Democrats saying his race was the thing holding him back,” Bullock’s friend told CTN.

“[Rob] lost his job because of Obamacare.  He lost his brother to black-on-black gang violence.  Now he lost his life because he believed in a white man.  His race didn’t have a damn thing to do with what held him back.”

Bullock and Terry were separated in the chaos that followed the protesters’ interruption of the planned Trump rally, which led to widespread violent scuffles and the event’s cancellation.  It is believed that he attempted to make his way to a nearby bar to charge his dead cell-phone and reconnect with Terry.

Multiple sources have confirmed that protesters and Trump supporters continued to clash as they moved from the UIC Pavillion to their vehicles and nearby locations.  It is believed that Bullock, at some point after leaving the event center, was confronted by protesters, beaten, then allegedly shot two times in the abdomen and left shoulder by a small to medium-size handgun.

The following picture allegedly was taken as police walked the crime scene north of the UIC Pavillion, where the Trump rally was held.

Terry says that the circumstances surrounding the events are still unclear, and he only learned of Bullock’s death when his business card was found in the victim’s pocket.  Terry says that Bullock asked for his contact information when the chaos erupted and he realized that his phone battery was dead.

Bullock’s body was discovered in the early hours of the morning by two homeless gentlemen.  He was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead,

Terry says that two signs were also found next to Bullock’s body.  One read, “Stop The Racist Trump.”  The other was marked with, “Donald Trump = KKK.”

Farrakhan’s home base is in Chicago. He is the most respected black leader among blacks. If he likes Trump most among the leading candidates, it raises questions as to the “organized and organic” disruption of Trump’s speech - “Black Lives Matter” style - in Chicago…

I like Trump. He’ll take America to hell in a rocket-ship because he really got the courage to do it; and the reason I like it is because he ain’t bought and paid for (but that don’t mean that you should vote for him).

Louis Farrakhan, Chicago.

Mr. Trump is peeling away the skin of the onion of White civility….he is beginning to show something in the character of the Whites that follow him; that they don’t care what he says. He could say one thing this minute another thing the next minute; and you can see that the man has a little problem. He is exacerbating the race situation in America. And I will guarantee you, that if he becomes President, he’ll take America exactly where America is heading. He’ll take you there on a rocket ship. How can a man say that he’s not a thug, he’s a diplomat, he’s a President; we’ll go into Iraq and we’ll just take the oil. See, that’s the thug coming out. That’s that part of the nature of the beast that’s manifesting. Well, if he becomes your President, you’ll be just like him. ...when you get leadership that is not rooted in justice then they begin to make the people just like themselves. Be careful America, you are headed into the abyss of hell.

NYTimes, “Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles”, 11 March 2016:

CHICAGO — With thousands of people already packed into stands and music blaring to warm up the crowd, Donald J. Trump’s campaign abruptly canceled his rally here on Friday night over security concerns as protesters clashed with his supporters inside an arena where he was to speak.

Minutes after Mr. Trump was to have taken to a podium on the campus of a large, diverse public university just west of downtown, an announcer suddenly pronounced the event over before it had begun.

“Organized and organic” protestor with orange wristband

Note “Orange Revolution” wrist bands.

George Soros was an original backer of “Black Lives Matter”, “The Orange Revolution”, “Femen” and other neo-liberal “organic uprisings.”

Washington Post, “In Chicago, an organized and organic disruption of Trump”, 12 March 2016:

CHICAGO — The push to disrupt Donald Trump’s campaign rally began a week ago, when news first broke that the Republican presidential candidate would appear at the University of Illinois campus here on this city’s West Side.

Student leaders of campus organizations such as the Black Student Union and Muslim Student Association began organizing their own rally and march to the rally venue; a Facebook page publicizing the efforts attracted 11,000 people.

Strongest-Man Champ Faces Challenge Both of Migrant Stowaways In his Trucking Fleet & EU Governments

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 March 2016 09:06.

DM, “Next time I’ll hit them with a baseball bat!’, 12 Feb 2016:

Former World’s Strongest Man vows rough justice on ‘human garbage” migrants after he is fined £40,000 when refugees are found hiding in his Britain-bound lorry.

Muscleman: Mariusz Pudzianowski is facing prosecution after threatening refugees with a baseball bat. He was fined £40,000 after eight stowaways were found hiding in one of his trucks in Calais, France

  • Mariusz Pudzianowski was fined £40,000 after migrants hid inside his truck
  • Stowaways caused £23,000 of damage before they were found in Calais
  • Polish muscleman now faces prosecution after posting a picture of himself holding a baseball bat on social media and threatening refugees
  • Former World’s Strongest Man was reported by anti-racist group HejtStop

A former World’s Strongest Man, now a haulage company boss, faces prosecution for threatening refugees found hiding in one of his trucks with a baseball bat.

Weightlifting champion Mariusz Pudzianowski, who runs an international transport company, was fined £40,000 when French officials caught eight refugees inside lorries bound for Britain in Calais.

The bodybuilder posted a threatening picture of himself holding the bat on Facebook - and warned next time he would be waiting for migrants who hid in his truck with a bat.

Threat: Mariusz Pudzianowski, who won the World’s Stongest Man competition a record five times, posted this picture on Facebook and warned he would protect his trucks in the future

His uninvited guests had also caused £23,000 of damage to goods inside the truck.

The Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) expert and five time World’s Strongest Man champion said he would soon go to France to deal with ‘this human garbage’.

He wrote: ‘With this [baseball bat] I’ll be waiting on my trailer at the ferry from Calais to the UK.

‘We are dealing with the protection of personal property.

‘If someone attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself, and if you steal something and are caught in the act you have the right to deal with him to prevent crime.’

Stowaways: Eight refugees, from countries including Syria, were found inside one of his trucks by French officials. He posted these pictures of his damaged vehicle and the refugees on social media

Damage: Gang who hid in his lorry in Calais had caused £23,000 worth of damage while inside before they were discovered

Prosecution: Mariusz Pudzianowski is under investigation after posting these images online. He was reported to police by the anti-racist group HejtStop

Posting photographs of his damaged lorry and the refugees on social media, Mr Pudzianowski added: ‘These are the destroyed goods on a trailer lorry at Calais.

“With this [baseball bat] I’ll be waiting on my trailer at the ferry from Calais to the UK” - Mariusz Pudzianowski

‘The cost of the destroyed goods is about 30,000 Euros. The driver was stopped by police for 48 hours and bailed for 5,000 euros and the matter is now waiting to go to court.’

In another post he said that although he works with people of different faiths, including Muslims, he would ‘not tolerate robbers, rapists, burglars’.

He is now under investigation by Polish prosecutors for inciting hatred and racism after being reported by anti-racist group HejtStop (Stop Hatred).

Joanna Grabarczyk, who is campaign coordinator for HejtStop, said: ‘No matter what happens, nothing justifies anyone to incite or commit a crime especially in such a delicate matter as refugees.

‘Public figures do not realise that their words have an effect.’

In his defence, Pudzianowski, who once served 19 months in jail for assaulting a local mafia boss, said: ‘At no time have I called for hatred or attacks on different religions, nationalities.

‘There is a difference between the incitement to violence and defending when one is affected.

‘I won’t allow another group of immigrants onto my trucks. I don’t want my employees to be put at risk from refugees armed with knives.

Damage: The refugees are said to have caused more than £23,000 of damage to goods inside the truck

Strongman: The bodybuilder and five-time World’s Strongest Man champion was fuming that his haulage company had to pay a fine of £40,000

Defence: Mariusz Pudzianowski said that at no point had he called for attacks or incited hatred, but said he would protect his property, including his trucks, in the future.

‘I know immigrants, refugees who live in Poland. They are normal people, they behave like civilised people.

‘But if someone behaves like cattle, whether it be in Poland, or abroad, I’ll say something and not ignore it.’

He added: ‘I’m going to protect my own property. If someone breaks into my house, I will protect my belongings. It’s the same with my employees and trucks.’

Facebook Gets Involved in Asking Users to Snitch on One Another.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 23 January 2016 01:38.

NYADagbladet, ‘Facebook gets involved in asking users to report on what has heretofore been free opinion,’ 21 Jan 2016:

Illegal speech has always been forbidden on Facebook. And there are also opinions which are classified as “hatred and intolerance.” Now Facebook is taking a hard line against dissent by building a system wherein you can report friends whose opinions are dissident of their party line regarding migrants and their assimilation.

Facebook’s COO, Sheryl Sandberg, yesterday presented its new strategy at the World Economic Forum in Davos. This week it has launched a new project which is called the Initiative for Civil Courage online.

“Civil Courage”

From left, Sasha Havlicek, Gerd Billen, Sheryl Sandberg, Peter Neumann, Anetta Kahane at the launch of the initiative at the World Economic Forum

There is much talk about stopping the IS and terrorism in the social media. But behind the new venture hides also other motives. It is mainly in response to protests flaring-up in social media against the great migration and refugee flows into Europe that the company now intends to take action. The initiative will particularly target Germany, where the protests were at their strongest according to Reuters.

- ‘Hate speech has no place in our society - not even on the Internet, said Sandberg of the new venture.’

Merkel and the German government are a significant party in pushing Facebook to apprehend “hatred and calls for violence.”

Clear illegality has always been forbidden to write and Facebook’s employees censure that sort of continent as soon as it is discovered. However, the company will now focus on detecting users who make “xenophobic remarks,” according to Britain’s “Independent.” It has now engaged media company Bertelsmann to clean up and monitor traffic on the German part of the platform. The company has also set aside a million euro to be allocated to “nonprofit organizations” to help in the effort.

Opinion based reporting

But the really big operation is not launched yet. Facebook will have an opinion reporting system that allows users to alert the company when friends’ opinions start to diverge too much. Then you should be able to flag that they are ‘at risk of being radicalized, “according to IDG.

It is still unclear what the definition of too radical will be, whose posts will be deleted and if it should be decided by a robot or by human judgment.

Markus Andersson

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Here by contrast is Gaurdian coverage:

Guardian, ‘Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg: ‘likes’ can help stop Isis recruiters,’ 20 Jan 2016:

Speaking at Davos, Facebook’s COO said the company believes ‘counterspeech’ by the online community is the best way to combat propaganda

Silicon Valley is now an open combatant in the war against Islamic extremism.

In increasingly brash tones, tech executives are discussing publicly how their companies can help the west stop Islamic State recruiting efforts online. That shift is welcome news in Washington, London and Berlin, but it could also raise questions about American tech firms’ role in the global marketplace of ideas.

Less than two weeks ago, Silicon Valley’s leading executives joined a closed-door meeting with America’s most senior security staff and law enforcement officials to discuss how to combat Isis’s recruiting efforts online. Agents for the terrorist organization have increasingly turned to platforms such as Facebook,

Alphabet’s YouTube and Twitter.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos on 20 January, Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg pointed to one source of inspiration for the digital war against Isis – “a ‘like’ attack”.

She explained a recent effort by German Facebook users to “like” the Facebook page of the neo-Nazi party and then post positive messages on the page.
“What was a page filled with hatred and intolerance was then tolerance and messages of hope,” she said.

Google says Isis must be locked out of the open web.

She then pivoted to Isis and added: “The best thing to speak against recruitment by Isis are the voices of people who were recruited by Isis, understand what the true experience is, have escaped and have come back to tell the truth ... Counter-speech to the speech that is perpetuating hate we think by far is the best answer.”

Speaking separately in London on the same day, Alphabet’s director of Google Ideas, Jared Cohen, talked about efforts to force Isis agents off the public internet.

“It could be where we can see greater short-term wins,” said Cohen, who met with Pope Francis on 15 January along with Alphabet executive chairman Eric Schmidt.

Revealed: White House seeks to enlist Silicon Valley to ‘disrupt radicalization’

US officials, lawmakers and politicians have complained that the companies aren’t doing enough to keep terrorists away from civilians online. Donald Trump famously said last month he wanted to talk to Microsoft founder Bill Gates about “closing the internet up” in some places to stop Isis.

And while tech executives privately were sympathetic, they were often nervous about confronting the issue publicly. The internet, by its nature, is open. Tech firms – rooted in America’s liberal tradition of free speech – are skittish about playing traffic cop about posted content. Sandberg’s and Cohen’s remarks Wednesday suggest those concerns have diminished.

During the national security meeting in San Jose, Silicon Valley executives in the room, including Sandberg and Apple’s Tim Cook, appeared open to the idea of helping Washington combat Isis online.

The Guardian reported at the time that US officials asked Sandberg about Facebook’s technology that allows users to flag friends who are posting suicidal thoughts on the platform.

After Sandberg explained it, tech executives in the room discussed whether a similar system could be developed for flagging social media users showing signs of radicalization.

Swedish Newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, Confronted With Cover-up of Issues Relevant to Crime

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 11 January 2016 21:22.

Dagens Nyheter is forced to open the blinds to immigrant abuse, 11 Jan 2016:

New Years sexual assaults
The coordinated attacks were not limited to Cologne.

Immigrant men being over-represented in governmental gender policy-making and holding racist views of Swedish women is well-known to DN and other media. But to report on the abuses causes a collision with the newspaper’s political values. After the mass atrocities against German women in Cologne a broad awakening is occurring to the wave of scandals across Europe and in several cases cover-ups have come to the surface.

Abuse of Swedish girls from men of immigrant background - often so-called “refugees” - should have been reported on, inter alia, as having occurred at ‘The We Are Stockholm Festival’ in Stockholm last summer. It was something that DN was tipped-off about, but somehow reporting never happened. Blame the missed responsibility and the “aggravating circumstances” for enabling the abuse.

DN receives daily tips on crimes and abuses in which Swedish women are victims and perpetrators immigrant. Often there are racist motives behind the atrocities. To report on abuses should not involve any consideration for an objective newspaper in the public service. To mention the perpetrators’ ethnicity in similar cases is also relevant because it almost exclusively concerns race and racism in this type of crime.

The result will often instead be a total loss of reporting because one cannot mention the crime and its possible nature without it somehow becoming too obvious and too hard to avoid referring to the offenders’ ethnicity. In several cases, reporters have chosen to call the perpetrators “Swedes”, even in cases where they lacked Swedish citizenship. But as this kind of obscuring or intentional misrepresentation becomes increasingly obvious they often prefer not to report on the events at all.

To dampen the growing confident indignation of Dagens Nyheter, other media outlets now go about trying to minimize the damage by blaming the police for not reporting properly on last summer’s attacks on the We Are Stockholm Festival.

A police chief in Stockholm was forced to recognize how it happened:

- This is a sore point, we sometimes dare not say what it is because we think it plays into the hands of The Swedish Democrats. We must take this under consideration as police said the police chief, Peter Agren.

The politicized news and obscuring of the impact of immigration policy is often described as one of the main causes of the crisis of confidence in old newspaper readership.

                              - Markus Andersson


“Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama created Isis”, says Donald Trump

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 03 January 2016 08:25.

Guardian, ‘Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama created Isis, says Donald Trump’, 3 Jan 2016:

      ....others would cite the YKW.

“The Iran deal is one of the worst deals ever…. they’ve violated it already…  Iran wants to take over Saudi Arabia, they always have…they want the oil, they’ve always wanted that… you watch, I predicted a lot of things, I say get the oil, take the oil, keep the oil..  I’ve been saying that for three years and everybody’s saying, ‘oh, I can’t do that, it’s a sovereign country.’ There is no country! They have a bunch of dishonest people, they’ve created Isis.. Hillary Clinton created Isis with Obama!”

“I am the most militaristic person in this room”

Trump is pandering to the same kind of audience that W. Bush relied upon to get The U.S. into these Jewish wars.

“I’m going to build-up our military so strong that we’re never going to have to use it..  ...probably.”

“I said don’t go into Iraq and destabilize it….now you have Iran taking over Iraq, second largest oil reserves in the world”

“We are weak and we are pathetic and it has to be stopped.”

Norway’s state broadcaster sets racial quota: 1 in 3 new employees must be non-White by 2021

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 29 December 2015 11:51.


‘Norway’s state broadcaster sets racial quota: 1 in 3 new employees must be non-White by 2021’, 23 Dec 2015:

Norway’s state broadcaster, NRK, has put in place a 5-year plan in order to chip away at its mostly-White Norwegian workforce and talent.

“The aim is to reflect the population to a greater extent than we do today” 

Director of Broadcasting

Thor Gjermund Eriksen

Currently about 4% of NRK’s permanent staff are from a “multicultural background.” About 13% of Norway’s total population are immigrants, and about 6% are from non-Western countries. NRK is not very interested in catering to Western immigrants, and instead wants to focus on “children of immigrants from Asia, Africa and South America.”

“NRK’s ​​ambition is to be a generous and diverse public arena” said Eriksen. “If an increasing part of the population does not feel included, as are some of the arguments for having a public broadcaster weakened.” NRK describe this racial quota as “multicultural competence.” It also brags that having employees who speak Urdu, and Vietnamese are “success stories.”

In order to open White countries to mass non-White immigration, anti-Whites say “it’s just skin color” and tell us not to worry about it. But when non-White groups become more numerous, suddenly the entire argument is all about “skin color”. It’s about how evil White people are and how we must forcefully “diversify” (destroy) all the White majority areas.

Trying to make a country minority White is NOT a “progressive” social policy. It is White genocide – this is not a figure of speech; this is a clear breach of the international laws which define genocide.

Norway is predicted to be minority White Norwegian by 2045. This, of course, is because of mass non-White immigration.

If it was just Norway where this was happening, it might be excused as just an accident. However, within this century, White people are predicted to be a minority in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Sweden, Ireland, and Norway.

This is clearly more than a coincidence – this is White genocide.


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