Majorityrights News > Category: Social liberalism

Hyperbolic over-representation of YKW (under-rep. of Whites) in Ivy League not remotely merit based

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 17 September 2018 06:09.

While Duke is cited at MR for his theoretical ineptitude - and properly so, since often as not he’s not just misdirecting WN, he’s pointing us in the wrong direction theoretically - if you take into account right wing perfidy (naive or disingenuous complicity) and with that, like many right wingers, that his fact finding is based on and headed toward a naive/disingenuous universal, objectivist model of ‘dems da real racists’, and put the more radical requirement for pursuit of a separatist agenda of our relative interests and its qualitative perspectives aside for a moment, it is also the case that he, with the assistance of Patrick Slattery, can provide useful facts and figures - revealing some outrageous injustices being perpetrated by the YKW. One of their best efforts was to take the (((Ron Unz))) article that looked at discrimination against Asians at Harvard and put it to the ‘translation (discrimination) machine’ - i.e., parsing Jewish crypsis, to distinguish it from Whites (the Unz article and the Asian law-suit is not making this distinction) and getting the net result of vast over-representation of Jews at Harvard and vast under representation of Whites at Harvard - Harvard being a key gate to power and influence in American life.

Hyperbolic over-representation of Jews/under-representation of Whites in the Ivy League - not merit based (not even close)

“White Privilege” or “Jewish Privilege” : The Ultimate Racism in America

White Privilege or Jewish Privilege?

The Jewish dominated media is constantly ranting about so-called “white privilege” in America, yet in the most important universities of America, the very institutions which form the very foundation of the American elite,  non-Jewish European Americans are by far the most underrepresented group of all.

68% of the population of America is European American — Harvard allowed 20% White students.

In fact, Jews are vastly over-represented by proportion of population and vastly over-represented over far better qualified non-Jewish students! Their over-representation Harvard and in the Ivy League is not only incredibly disproportionate against European American students, but also wildly disproportionate against every other racial group in America.

Above: Here is a chart showing the appalling lack of true diversity at Harvard and the Ivy League. Jews are dramatically over-represented in comparison with every ethnic/racial group in America. In comparison with European Americans, Jews are almost 47 times more represented than their population would merit. That’s four thousand seven hundred percent over-represented in comparison with the actual population of Jews and European Americans!

Even though European Americans founded Harvard, America’s most important university, and are almost 70 percent of the American population, the university is now under powerful Jewish influence, to the point that only about 20 percent of the students at America’s premier university are European Americans.(1)

Harvard and the Ivy League practice a blatant racist discrimination against better-qualified students and only allows Whites to make up 20 percent of the Harvard student body–as compared to allotting 25 percent of it to Jews, who are only 1.8 percent of the American population.

Jews are 1.8% of college age Americans and given 25% of Harvard’s admissions

It should be noted that Jews are the most privileged by far of any other identifiable group in the United States by income and influence. Jewish students are also dramatically over-represented in comparison with Asians, Hispanics and African Americans as well as in comparison with European-descended students. So this Jewish privilege and preference is also over every non-Jewish group in America.

In fact as Ron Unz points out in the “Myth of American Meritocracy,” (2) Jewish racism is accelerating at Harvard. He documents that between 2000 and 2011, only the Jewish group increased in percentages at Harvard, while every other group fell. The Jewish increase of 35 percent was above an already outrageous Jewish over-representation.

So, in fact, Jews are the real kings of racist privilege in America, and this is especially true in the most important elite universities of America which are the primary source of the ruling elite of the American establishment.

European Americans who founded these great universities and who are 68 percent of the population, are the most discriminated against, of all groups, and dramatically so!


J.F. Gariepy gives Roosh V. a B.J.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 15 September 2018 06:29.

I’ve made love to tousands of women, and I’m doing a favor to ze ozer men by doing zat, because I am making zere women eager for sex; but I never make love to zem in ze ozer ‘ole, even when beautiful women want it, ask me to make love in ze ozer ‘ole, I never give it to zem in ze ozer ‘ole, even if zey want it in ze ozer ‘ole, so ze ozer men can ave ze anus ‘ole, can give it to zem in ze ozer ‘ole.

...Just when you thought JF Gariepy’s subgenius couldn’t be any more insufficient to the task:

J.F. Gariepy:

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Public Space.

I am so enthusiast(ic) about this interview. 

On this show we’ve has some of the greatest Youtubers.

We’ve had two Nobel prizes.

We’ve had Sargon of Akaad.

But Roosh V. is someone I have the highest respect for.

And it is the most honor I’ve ever felt about a guest coming here!

Thank you for coming Roosh V., how are you doing today?

Related at Majorityrights:

1.Bang Roosh

“Prettiest girl in the video: 1:52”

2. “The Poznan Institute” - A Middle Eastern Attempt to Defraud European Identity & Genetic Capital

3. Roosh V - bagless vacuum cleaner model V with distinct sucking noise: rape-ity, rape-ity, roosh


4.The demagoguery of the centre-right ‘neo-masculinists’ cannot conceal their traitorous countenance.



Discourse analysis: (((narrative control))) by David Cole Stein through Robert Stark’s kosher forum

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 06:00.

    Discourse analysis of David Cole Stein’s (((narrative control))) as promoted through Robert Stark’s kosher forum.

    Socially constructing the non-social construction of right-wing, “politically incorrect objectivity.”

    Cole-Stein is going to talk about how the porn-industry is “the last refuge of political incorrectness”, how “unlike the ‘Leftist’ controlled media, it simply and objectively caters to the desires of its ‘fan-base.”

    Robert Stark: This-is-Robert-Stark. I am joined here with-uh, David Cole. Uh David, great having you back on the show.

    David Cole-Stein: It’s a pleasure to be back, Robert! It really is. I enjoyed our first go-round and I’m looking forward to doing it again.

    Robert Stark: And I’m also joined here with my ‘Alt-of-Center’ co-host, ah, Mathew Pegus.

    Stark seems to provide/be provided with a different kosher co-host every few shows or so.

    Mathew Pegus: Great to be here Robert. Thank you for having me.

    David Cole-Stein: Speaking of ‘Alt’, I want to apologize to you, Robert; because I know, a couple months ago in one of my Taki-Mag pieces, I kind-of mischaracterized you in my description of you ...and you were very polite about it, you were very nice about it; but I don’t like when I do that, because, number one, I don’t like to make errors in print, but also I don’t like it when people mischaracterize me or affix labels to me that I don’t want or don’t deserve. So I want to just apologize to get things started here, one on one here: I’m very sorry - I think I called you “Alt-Righty.” ...and uh..

    Robert Stark: Or like “Extreme Alt-Right” or “Hard-Core Alt-Right.” ...(chuckles)

    David Cole-Stein: Uh, Ok. Yeah, rub it in! Go ahead! That, that, here - here’s a man trying to like, grovel; and you take that salt and you rub-it right in! Yes, I made a grievous error, a grievous error! and I apologize for it.

    Robert Stark (chuckles): So uh, lets start with your recent article, “Lessons From My Porn-Girl” ..and just as kind of an overall theme, is how pornography is the one area in our culture where one is allowed to be ah, politically incorrect. So by-basically to start things off, by ‘porn-girl’ you’re referencing this woman that you used to know…

    David Cole-Stein: Well, a woman who lived with me. A woman whose porn-name is Kirsten Lee; ah, her real name is Kera. That - I’m not outing anybody, she has, she has outed herself. So this is not me, ah doing anything (coughs) like outing or doxxing. Kera lived with me for almost two years and was pretty much my partner in crime. She was twenty one when I uh, met her and uh…and I, basically, my role in her life was to try to help her out of the porn-biz. It’s a business that has never interested me but it was fascinating during that first year that she and I were together before she got out of it because by the second year she was fully out. You know the, the amazing thing about a porn girl is that once you give them free rent and utilities and food, ah they no longer feel the need to seek money; ah and well, they can just get right out of porn at that point - it’s really a miraculous formula; uh, they, they, once they don’t have any needs or bills to pay or anything like that, well getting out of porn seems pretty simple at that point.

    The White Left will emphasize this point of social safety net to help prevent mud-sharkery in the first place.

    Robert Stark: So, you-you touch on the theme of how pornography is the one, the one uh, aspect of media where politically incorrect content is uh, not only tolerated but promoted; and garners massive amounts of hit-counts in profits. What was the specific case with her and her ah, politically incorrect attitudes about sexual relations in porn.

    Cole-Burner Stain

    David Cole-Stein
    David Cole-Stein: Well I, um, I was amazed, really quite amazed by the people I mixed with during that first year while she was still knee deep, neck deep in the business. Uh, on racial matters, the kind of stuff that is the most taboo for the rest of us to talk about, on racial matters porn is just insanely honest. I’m not affixing a good or bad label to it, or healthy or unhealthy - just saying its incredibly honest: White girl comes in and White girl says, “I’m not going to blow an N-word”, and uh, and the producers of porn companies are like, ‘great, you don’t do the N-word porn’. Um, Kera, my porn-girl, made most of her money doing interracial stuff, because since she was so young and very thin and kind of pristine for lack of a better word; uh, it was kind of rare to have a White girl like that do interracial because ah, normally it was the older women who put on a few pounds who’d do the interracial; uh, but for a blond girl, blue eyes, twenty one years old and looking like she’s just come right-off the fiords, it was, she made a great-deal of money at that.

    Note that Cole-Stein is marking a transition, there was a time when this didn’t happen, or not much among working class women and certainly not much in the public space. It is not a time in memorial truth of societal behavior; and it’s not as if it is a sheer discovered fan base - but he’s normalizing and institutionalizing it as a given fact apart from negotiative components of societal incentive - particularly, money and a Jewish anti-White agenda.

    His argument - “a fan base”, as in, “this is what people agentively want” - is up against the involuntary high contrast tropism and need to gauge genetic distance and competition, not a mere expression of a ‘fan base’ catered-to. As a high contrast tropism, it is simply harder to ignore highly contrasting sounds and sights such as interracial; and the genetic call to grapple with the incitement to competition and deal with its vast, destructive genetic distance. It doesn’t necessarily mean this is what people want. Furthermore, there are elective, i.e., not merely catered-to, non-interracial taboos that are very popular also which can serve as an antidote to the destructive effects of this “catered-to” tropism.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): But yet in her private life, she would never do interracial. That was the thing that fascinated me most was how she was able to compartmentalize the racial thing. When she’s at work and she gets $8,000 to go down on a black dude, well that’s just work, she just does it. And then when we’re out in club and some black guy tries to hit on her and maybe comment on her porn, and she’ll let loose just a stream of expletives, ah ‘you friggin’ N-word’, ‘you N-word this and N-word that’ (Stark giggles) uh, there’s, huh, in her mind, its just, hey, I’m at work, I’m at work and my work right now is blowin’ a black guy; and then when we’re out at a club later that night - hey, this is my private time, I don’t want to talk to a black guy…so..

    It’s at work, ‘it’s ok then’. As with Hannah Arendt, he is shifting an ethnic basis for discrimination to the abstract, individual basis of “public and private.” He is trying to create a distancing effect, ‘this is play’ - to create a distancing effect from the actual participation of the actresses.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): But the whole industry was just sort of honest that way. Ah, most of the women, would - including black girls too and the Latino girls - they were just very honest, ‘cuz you can talk about race in porn in a way that you can’t in real life. It’s, I make the point in my article - where else in American society right now can pay-scale be determined by your race? I mean, if any other business, if Amazon were to say, ‘we’re going to be paying uh, White programmers more than uh, Asian ones’, well of course it would be a huge thing and I’m not advocating that at all. But in porn, White girls who are willing to do black guys make more; uh, White girls who only want to do other White girls make the least. Because that’s, that’s, hell, any White girl will kiss another White girl these days, that’s my day that was barely titillating and I think everyone kind of does that now.

    So.. and then the Mexican dudes, there were some Arab dudes - and they get paid different based on race that doesn’t happen anywhere else. I mean, its kind of astounding when I was looking at it. I spent years writing about racial politics and racial law and discrimination laws. And I’m like, wow, this, this is the wild-west, this is a part of the entertainment industry - and a profitable one - that has yet to be touched by that Leftist hand of politically correct social justice bullshit.


    Elizabeth Warren: “Sad (Tibbetts) is dead, but we have to remember….where the real problems are”

    Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 02:21.

    “Sad she’s dead, but”...

    Washington Examiner, “Elizabeth Warren on the Tibbetts murder: Sad she’s dead, but ‘we have to remember’ we need an immigration system that ‘focuses on where real problems are”, 22 Aug 2018:

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren is sorry that a 20-year-old Iowa student is dead and that a reported illegal alien has been charged in the killing, but the Massachusetts Democrat wants to stay focused on the “real problems.”

    This isn’t a paraphrase of something she said Wednesday on CNN. This is her actual response to a question about reports that law enforcement agents have charged Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 24, in the disappearance and murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

    “I’m so sorry for the family here, and I know this is hard, not only for the family, but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa,” Warren told CNN’s John Berman. “But one of the things we have to remember is: We need an immigration system that is effective. That focuses on where real problems are.”

    Berman asking the senator specifically to respond to President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence claiming the Tibbetts murder is proof of the need for stronger immigration enforcement.

    Warren continued, saying, “Uh, last month, I went down to the border, and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with those mothers, who had been lied to, who didn’t know where their children were, who hadn’t had a chance to talk to their children. And there was no plan for how they’d be reunified with their children.”

    Tibbetts’ remains were found early Tuesday morning, according to law enforcement officials. Rivera, who authorities believe has been living in the U.S. illegally for four to seven years, has been charged with first-degree murder. His bail was set Tuesday at $1 million.

    “I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat, and I don’t think mammas and babies are the place where we should be spending our resources. Separating a mamma from a baby does not make this country safe,” Warren said.

    Trump signed an executive order on June 20 reversing the policy of separating illegal immigrant families. And as to the issue of mothers being separated from their babies, I think Tibbetts’ mother, Laura Calderwood, might have some thoughts on that.

    The Washington Examiner’s Phil Klein disagreed Wednesday with the criticisms of Warren, arguing the Massachusetts senator had not really stepped in it with “outrageously tone-deaf” comment.

    “I’m no Warren fan, but this strikes me as a stretch. In clip she goes on to say we need to focus on actual threats, and that family separation doesn’t make us safe,” he wrote. “She isn’t saying that a young girl getting killed isn’t a problem.”

    I disagree that the negative reaction is a stretch. The criticisms are well-deserved. Her comments follow a clear path. She starts by saying she’s sorry about the Tibbetts murder, and then changes the subject to attack Trump over an immigration policy he rescinded two months ago.

    It’s true Warren’s remarks were about the White House’s response to the murder. That doesn’t take away from the “but” in her “I’m sorry someone is dead” response. There should never be a “but” in those statements.

    Opinion commentary, by Beckett Adams

    European Summit: small V4 victory; Brexit overshadowed as Merkel migrant coalition tries to hang-on

    Posted by DanielS on Monday, 02 July 2018 06:41.

    Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaité during the signing ceremony with Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker. [European Commission]

    “European Summit: small victory for the V4”

    Visigrad Post, 30 June 2018:

    On Thursday 28 and Friday 29 of June the leaders of the 28 Member States of the European Union met in Brussels for a summit to discuss in particular migration policy at a European scale. A summit that has brought some progress but which is not a decisive victory for anyone, even if the V4 can celebrate having imposed its themes and some of its solutions, as well as having overcome the domination of the immigrationist paradigm.

    Belgium, Brussels – Once again, the European Union seems to be paralyzed. The leaders of the 28 EU Member States, however, all wanted to move the debate on the migration issue forward, and the discussions dragged on late into the night. Nothing helps, the migration issue is not settled, and no idea is unanimous.

    The Hungarian Prime Minister represented the Visegrád countries during the V4-France meeting preceding the summit, in order to negotiate with Emmanuel Macron. The immigrationist governments, like those of the French Republic or Germany, have agreed to abandon the idea of ​​mandatory quotas for all, which is already a great victory for Viktor Orbán and V4. For the strong man of Budapest, who announced on his arrival in Brussels his willingness to put an end to massive and uncontrolled immigration to Europe and initiate remigration, the summit can not however be seen as a total victory.

    Certainly, the EU is starting to be in tune with the solution proposed by the V4 three years ago, namely the setting up of refugee camps outside the EU borders – to make the registration of applications and to distinguish refugees from cheaters and economic migrants – and Frontex control over the Mediterranean Sea. But if we do not know the exact content of the negotiations, we understand that each side had to make concessions.

    Quotas will only apply to Member States wishing to participate in the relocation of immigrants, but those who oppose it may well be required to participate more heavily in the funding of protection structures. Frontex should indeed significantly increase its workforce in the coming years, and that will have a cost. Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini announced that Slovakia was volunteering to temporarily accommodate 1,200 migrants to relieve neighboring countries – referring to Austria. He insisted, however, that every migrant should be accepted by the government, and that none of them could enter and stay in Slovakia without prior government control and acceptance.

    No details on the technical solutions: the EU is talking about increasing aid to the countries of origin of the migrants, but the population of these countries is expected to double by 2050. And what about the migrants which will be refused in the registration camps? Many questions still arise.

    A concrete progress for the Visegrád group, certainly because of the Italian pressure on the issue, is that NGOs should now stop picking up in the Libyan territorial waters migrants on smugglers’ ships, and let the Libyan coastguard do their work. This should considerably dry up the massive influx of illegal immigrants into Italy, and therefore into Europe.

    So if the V4 has managed to establish itself as a key and influential trading partner, it has not – yet? – obtained total gain of cause. The fight within the EU on the migration issue has not been resolved this week.

    Euractiv, “EU summit approves tortured conclusions on migration after sleepless night”, 29 June 2018:

    EU leaders reached a much-needed deal on steps to tackle migration after resolving a bitter row with Italy’s inexperienced prime minister. Extended talks lasted through the night and only wrapped up on Friday morning (29 June).

    Europe’s leaders got the bitter taste of what anti-system diplomacy, or creative disruption means. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who heads Italy’s month-old populist and anti-immigration government, took the entire summit as hostage.

    Conte blocked the summit conclusions in a bid to get his reluctant counterparts to share responsibility for asylum seekers landing on Italian shores.

    A summit ending without conclusions would have been a political disaster with unpredictable negative consequences for the EU bloc, so the stakes were high

    A relieved Merkel in backround as an agitated Conte gets a pat on the back from Tusk and Macron

    Disruptive diplomacy

    Former law professor Conte, until recently a virtual political unknown, came to Brussels emboldened by the announcement of an upcoming visit to Washington to visit US President Donald Trump, who has hailed Rome’s tough stance, and who himself blocked the conclusions of a recent G7 leaders meeting on trade.

    The summit which is expected to end today by noon, was called the “mother of all summits”, in particular because of the potential impact on the political future of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is wrestling to preserve her fragile government at home.

    “Europe has many challenges but migration could end up determining Europe’s destiny,” Merkel told German lawmakers hours ahead of the summit.

    There are very few migrants arriving in Germany recently but Merkel’s conservative CSU ally warned it would send back migrants who reach the German border after having registered in other EU states.

    Such a move could see a domino effect of re-introduction of internal borders and the collapse of the Schengen area.

    In contrast, Italy is actually under migratory pressure from the Central Mediterranean route with significant numbers of arrivals salvaged at sea and brought to its ports. Since the new government took over, Italy has refused to let several migrant rescue boats dock at Italian ports, reopening EU divisions.

    “Italy does not need more words, but concrete actions,” Conte told reporters as he arrived at the summit, adding that if EU leaders did not offer more help “we will not have shared conclusions”. Italy wants the responsibility for migrants on ships arriving on its shores to be shared out across the 28-nation European Union.

    Drama at summit

    European Council spokesman Preben Aamann said that after several hours of talks, conclusions on all issues from the summit – which is also dealing with trade and defence in addition to the core subject of migration – had been blocked.

    “Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed,” an Italian source added.

    Other sources said the other 27 EU leaders were “astonished” and unhappy over Italy hardening its position and that “it was a very virulent discussion and everyone jumped on the Italian”.

    Euractiv, “The Roundup”, 29 June 2018:

    The ‘mother of all summits’ wrapped up earlier. Check out how it all unfolded here. It was all supposed to be about unity but there wasn’t even a family photo, in what seems like a new tradition.

    Jean-Claude Juncker was in full House of Cards mode about his upcoming trip to Washington to try and avert an all-out trade war. Conclusions on the eurozone were, as expected, the bare minimum.

    Brexit barely got a mention, except on “insufficient progress”. Emmanuel Macron has lost patience and wants a final withdrawal deal done by the autumn. British actor and repentant Leave voter Danny Dyer summed up ex-PM David Cameron’s role in one moment of genius.

    One overlooked result of the summit was an agreement between the Baltics, Poland and the Commission on decoupling Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from Russia’s power grid and sphere of influence.

    Euractiv, “EU, Baltics, Poland target Russia grid separation by 2025”, 29 June 2018:

    The Baltic nations, Poland and the European Commission agreed Thursday (28 June) on a roadmap to synchronise the region’s electricity network with the rest of continental Europe’s by 2025 and end their reliance on the Russian grid.

    The leaders of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the European Commission all signed up to a political agreement during a special ceremony on the sidelines of the ongoing European Council summit.

    According to the roadmap, the deadline for concluding the synchronisation of the Baltic grid is set for 2025, using an existing electricity interconnector between Poland and Lithuania, as well as a planned undersea cable.

    The latter project will only be undertaken if results of a study by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) show that it guarantees energy security, security of supply and if costs are within reason. Results due in September.

    Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said that “since the beginning of our mandate, my Commission has been committed to having full integration of the Baltic states’ grids with the rest of Europe”.

    Energy Union boss Maroš Šefčovič called the deal “solidarity at its best“, adding that the project will “cost us a lot from the European budget”, through the Connecting Europe Facility.

    Poland’s role in the preliminary deal is crucial as it will act as the primary link between the Baltics and the rest of Europe. In March, the three countries revealed they would not support any EU sanctions against Warsaw as part of the ongoing rule of law spat with Brussels.

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (L-R), Estonian Prime Minister Juris Ratas, Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, Latvia’s Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis during Prime Ministers Council of the Baltic Council of Ministers with Polish counterpart in Vilnius, Lithuania 9 Mar 2018. [EPA-EFE]

    Baltic states against EU sanctions on Poland

    Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have confirmed that they are against imposing EU sanctions on Poland for alleged breaches to the rule of law. EURACTIV Poland reports.

    Thursday’s agreement was long overdue, after disputes about how best to cut ties with the Russian-Belorussian network stood in the way of any progress.

    Estonia and Latvia initially both favoured setting up a second alternating current (AC) connection with Poland to complement the existing LitPol link but Lithuania and Poland did not support that idea, despite studies showing that two AC connections would be best.


    Israel’s Jewish Agency Head: Non-Jews Marrying Jews is an “Actual Plague”

    Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 01 July 2018 11:57.

    New Observer, “Israel’s Jewish Agency Head: Non-Jews Marrying Jews is an ‘Actual Plague”, 30 June 2018:

    The newly elected head of the Jewish Agency for Israel—the official organization which brings Jews to that ethnostate—Isaac Herzog, has described marriages between Jews and non-Jews as “an actual plague.”

    Making the remarks on Israeli TV following the announcement of his appointment to the post, Herzog—former leader of the “left wing” Zionist Labour Party added that he was desperately seeking a “solution” to the “plague.”

    I’ll tell you a personal story.

    Last summer I traveled [with my wife] to the USA for a vacation. I graduated from a Jewish school in New York.

    And we went to meet friends. I have a ton of friends in the U.S.A.

    And I encountered something that I called an actual plague.

    I saw my friends’ children married or coupled with non-Jewish partners! And the parents beat their breasts and ask questions, and are suffering.

    Listen, it’s every [Jewish] family in the U.S.A.! And we are talking about millions. And I said there must be a campaign, a solution. We have to rack our brains to figure out how to solve this great challenge.

    The Jewish Agency is funded by the Jewish Federations of North America, the Keren haYesod (a registered corporation of the State of Israel, and which serves is the official fundraising organization for Israel the world over), and the World Zionist Organization—and is therefore fully representative of world Jewry.

    Herzog’s remarks underline the point that there is no real difference between “left wing” Jews and “right wing” Jews when it comes to the topic of preserving the Jewish race, and that the only real difference between them is how the case of Israel is presented to the world.

    While no-one would question the right of Jews to remain Jews and to take steps to ensure that they remain in existence as a distinct genetic entity—after all, this is a natural right of every race and people in the world—the reality is that these same Jews are the first to attack any European person, party, or group which says the exact same thing…

    Complete story at New Observer

    “Hispanics bigger problem, blacks used to be OK when headed by strong black fathers” - says Dr. Dupe

    Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 01 July 2018 09:51.

    Sure, “Whites should be strictly against ‘Hispanics’ and ‘Hispanics’ should be against Whites”, while “black Americans are ‘really ok’...they just need to get back to the days where the black father headed the family with authority”.... if you listen to right wing fools like Dr. Dupe and have the capacity to nerd-rationalize your way around the racial reality, you might even buy that.

    In fact, when choosing sides in a friend enemy distinction between so called “Hispanics” and blacks, i.e., regarding whom to form coalitions with, there is no question; and if the Hispanics are truly wise, they will side in coalition with White groups and Asians against blacks, YKW and Muslims.

    It won’t be easy to form this coalition, perhaps some form of coordination will have to suffice for now ..the negotiation of coalition with White Hispanics should be easier, of course, except for our dumb White right wing American element, which virtually sees people who don’t have blue eyes and blonde hair as non-White, but White Left Ethnonationalism should reach out to build coalitions with “la Raza”, or some facsimile thereof, not only the ones who are primarily White, but also the ones who are part White and part Indian and ones that are primarily Amerindian.

    We have to convince them that the issue of “Hispanics” and Whites is one of negotiation and coordination - critically, of carrying capacity of the nations and resources; and in defense against YKW and Islam and blacks -

    The later group of which they are notoriously good at defending themselves against in a perennial fight of theirs; against blacks who would stay on their turf. That defense can help us sort out, and with coordination, achieve separatism from blacks and those “Hispanics” who are significantly black…..

    Sooner or later “Hispanics”, not being so flighty and disposed to take recourse in nerd-dome and “intellectual rationalizations” as Whites do, realize that it is absolutely necessary to fight for their women, their people and turf against blacks, to discriminate against them. And they are correct about that. The problem is not that “blacks used to be ok when they were not misled by Jewry” as Dr. Dupe alleges. This their nature, this is reality.

    So, when it comes to that fight, we should say, ‘go La Raza Unita!’ or whatever potentially White allied “Hispanic” group is defending their women and themselves against blacks.

    Furthermore, they won’t be shedding too many tears about historical Jewish victimhood, nor see much common ground with Israel. La Raza was founded in wise skepticism of Jewry.

    My Religiously Polite Mom Always Buys Courtley Assistance to NegotiateGoodOrganized Union Coalition

    Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 June 2018 06:14.

    Always quick to maintain the balance between our part as Whites, our fault as it were, in aiding or abetting the destruction of our borders and bounds, which I attribute to a general pattern of our penchant for anti-social, anti-relativist, right wing reaction to Jewish union and anti-White coalitions in hyperbolic abuse and misrepresentation of left concepts against us - i.e., which for us means hyperbolic liberalization of our social bounds - to which we react into kinds of objectivism and liberalism to seek “pure warrant” against this jaded sophist rhetoric against us ...and as I am always vigilant and diligent to maintain that heuristic as one of two poles to the blight against the human ecology of our ethnonational, White/European, group systemic homeo/stasis - the other pole being those most adept at taking advantage - of the attendant susceptibility, disingenuousness among those treacherous among our kind, who’d take the pay-off or seek to advance themselves under the airs of “objectivity’ and liberalism; “openness” to others (who somehow pay); or, those who naively see that “objectivism” as the voice of purity and the road to redemption for original sin or whatever kind of guilt they think they need to be freed-from that their relative interests might otherwise call to consciousness - including a consciousness of the threat to their interests by that group who’ve made a religion of placing the ethnocentric management of their group systemic homeostasis, placing it above all others on earth practiced are they that they would resort, and have, to all manner of war - as their Mossad says, by deception - Manichean trickery in order to thwart upstart adversarial groups; they have practiced these strategies for ages - the YKW being responsible for the Christianity that would disarm us as a group (all non-Jews, finally, into the “undifferentiated Gentile other” as GW observes), to have us not recognize ourselves a group, to have us believe that we all are the same in the eyes of the poor, sacrificed, literally Jewish god that we are supposed to worship; laying down our arms even against the Muslims, whose Abrahamic religion they’ve also spawned, setting it to war against us where we might not yield to Abrahamism; setting up its imams as compradors in Asia as well, where the Asians may also see through their monotheistic, Abrahamic hoax; and want instead a religion of their people, serving their relative ethnonational interests.

    I’m talking of course about the YKW - and here I want to go beyond my normal hypothesis that they are one of two major poles to the plight against our social systemic group maintenance as White/European peoples…. I want to identify, albeit in abstract form, the nine power and influence niches that they’ve come to wield hegemony within, with particular culmination following the 2008 subprime crisis and bail-out - among the largest ever thefts known to man.

    This was the grand sweep of the boom/bust cycle. That is when they made “the left” as the enemy into a constant in their media and controlled opposition; that is when they devised the concept and got behind a re-branded right wing coalition centered on (((paleoconservatism))) called the “Alt-Right” and Zionist Trump with their clean break agenda ...and they are trying assiduously to ingratiate themselves with the White right now - can you imagine that (((Frame Games))) is proposing to JF the “White pill” (silver lining) that White right wingers can join in with Jews to take advantage of the bust cycle and gentrify places like Detroit with them - we can live with blacks again! stir up their resentment, jealousy and hostility, put ourselves amidst their violence and sexual imposition on our treasure - What a White pill (for Jews like Frame Game, I guess)!

    In this episode of JF Gariepy’s “Public Space”, called “What is to come”, Gariepy’s talk with (((Frame Games))) goes through a solemn tour of how White dispossession plays out in five examples, including, Detroit, Washington D.C., Rhodesia, Haiti and of course, Iran!

    That’s right, not only does (((Frame Games))) propose that despite the catastrophic results in places of White dispossession such as Detroit, that there remains “a white pill” (cause for optimism), that is the possibility for Whites and Jews to take advantage of lowered property value to gentrify these places - of course, Whites and Jews can “gentrify” Iran too .... Donald Trump can put a Trump tower hotel there lol - The Trump Taj Mahal-Tehran!

    He can have Madonna, (((Barbara Streisand))), Kanye West and (((Roseanne Barr))) as opening night entertainment….

    As you should have heard me say many many times by now - but as the darlings of White advocacy continue to refuse to hear - the decades of anti White social coalition advocacy followed by the YKW cashing-in on the 2008 boom/bust, has created a situation with the YKW being on top of seven nine niches - whereof they want to cultivate an alliance with reactionary Whites into a rightist elitist alliance - paleocons permutated into an “alt right” to divert them into conceiving of the enemy as “the left” and its social unionization, its “social justice warriors” as the enemy, diverting attention to the stereotypes of the undergraduate students and teachers that they trained and backed in anti-White activism with misrepresentation of social philosophy through their long march through the academic institution to hegemony there.

    Why, after all, would they want to encourage social group organization and unionization with an aim toward “social justice”, especially for people that they’ve screwed so horribly in order to get on top of these nine niches; and why would they want to call attention and have them raise consciousness of Jewish nepotism, exploitation, abuse and genocide even, from these perches in tandem with right wing/liberal traitors? They wouldn’t want-to; and now that the useful idiots of their “left coalitions” have hit upon the intersection where it calls attention to the nine power and influence niches wielded by Jewish interests to vast destruction of others, consciousness of which might threaten them with social unionization and coalition building, with social justice warriors indeed, arrayed against them to bring them down, to righteously secure reparation for some measure of compensation for their vast crime ...that is when they want to promote the right, anti-social, objective “facts” for their “merit’ in coming into these power and influence niches; but if selling the Whites on that materialistic objectivism doesn’t work, their paleoconservatism prescribes cultural fellowship with them through Abrahamic worship of the King of the Jews.

    They need to maintain the falsehoods that they’ve promulgated, distortions and misrepresentations of post modernity, incommensurate cultures, social constructionism, left unionization, hermeneutics, diversity, multiculturalism, marginals etc., all represent “the left” - a cooler sounding “synonym” for “liberalism” as something to be against ....diverting from the fact that a White left would be a union, and thus by definition the antithesis of liberalism, i.e., NOT open to non-Whites and those who’d facilitate scabbing of them, that the concept is perfectly conducive to ethno-nationalism and the national scale; and with that, most of all, it is conducive to accountability to the full groups of White/ ethnonationals, including to disincentive those marginals who would be inclined to facilitate scabbery, incentivizing rather, their loyalty; but especially it is conducive to a vigilance on accountability of our elites, or, our would-be elites, those in position to do the most damage by betraying our group interests; also a vigilance on those elites of non-White groups who are most capable of preying upon susceptibilities of those among us who would betray us; further, a vigilance against those non-Whites with the biopower to impose scabbing on us, the “lowly” kind of non-White that we are not supposed to be concerned about compared to the real “problem” - “leftism”. But “the” left that they and their right wing lackeys dutifully talk about, nerd themselves away from, is a universalized coalition of any facile groups that will ultimately serve only one union, YKW against the goyim firstly, viz., ordinary White people and their would-be White left union(s).

    No, no, this is anti-nature, they say. (((Hayek))) told Margarete Thatcher to say that there is “no such thing as society”.... and some boomers cleaned-up, made good money in the disarray. With confirmation bias, these boomer types are the types to go along with and train those in the millennial internet bubbles that “the left is the problem, that objectivism, scientism and Hitler are the answer.”

    They didn’t tell Margaret that it is not only a problem that the unions have a propensity to be all too powerful, and they need accountability of themselves, at their parameters with the rest of society’s interests, but that the problem was that these unions were not a union of the people, the White people, but rather in protection of obsolete businesses and business practices.

    It is not that unions are wrong, leftism is “anti-nature” and that pure objectivism (whether its naive White variant or is disingenuous YKW prescription) and the invisible hand is correct, but rather that social organization is something that needs to be conducted with the true sophistication, but not overly complicated understanding, of White post modern philosophy.

    Toward a promotion of that sophistication and understanding of what we are up against, lets take a more specific, though still abstract enlisting of the power and influence niches that the YKW have hegemony in - from whence they lord themselves over and confuse the ordinary goyim; and wield as a power source to bribe the disingenuous un-conscientious White of middling intelligence, or to flatter others, a JF Gariepy, or what-have-you.

    For the sake of White left activism and union organization for social justice warring against the nine niches of elite YKW hegemony; to hold accountable those right wingers complicit with them, taking the deracinating pay-off in whatever form, usually objectivism or Christianity, and for our coalition partners, certain non-White unions we may ally with, it would be helpful to have an acronym ready-to-hand for easy recall to guide attention to the power centers we need to position ourselves against and eventually maneuver against.

    By analogy, there is an acrynomal sentence which allows one to easily remember the nine planets:

    My (Mercury)
    Very (Venus)
    Elegant (Earth)
    Mother (Mars)
    Just (Jupiter)
    Served (Saturn)
    Us (Uranus)
    Nine (Neptune)
    Pizzas (Pluto)

    Another acrynomal sentence might be proposed to facilitate quick recall of the seven nine choke points of YKW power:

    My Religiously Polite Mother Always Buys Courtley Assistance to Negotiate Good Organized Union Coalitions


    My (Media - which has extended from times of Judeo-Christian bible (as Bowery observed) to Internet choke points and advanced interactive and mobile technology - e.g., to be used in cyber warfare).


    Religiously (Religion - The Abrahamic religions beginning with the monotheistic Judaism and “evangelizing” its monothestic, imperialistic Noahide law through Christianity and Islam).


    Polite (Politics, usually backing both/all “legitimate”, “opposing sides” in a political system, so that they can play them off one another to their favor generally, but not lose in serving their interests, either way - irrespective of who wins an election, e.g., Trump or Clinton).

    Mother (Money: finance, perhaps the mother of all capacity to buy people off in a desperate, neo-liberal, no account anti-ethnonationalist union system - whether buying off right wingers and having them oppose White unions and other anti-Jewish supremacist unions in coalitions, or funding anti-White coalitions straight out; financing unprofitable but psychologically destructive anti-racist/race mixing media; or to fund law careers and coerce political careers to change the laws, as in the case of “disparate impact”) ...etc. anywhere where there are poor, desperate people, perhaps threatened with loss of livelihood, property, freedom and life, they might easily be bought off as opposed to taking the side of their own whose patterned merits are jaded, dubious - made basely selfish and unsympathetic for the decades, and centuries even, of liberal and right wing destruction, for absence a true moral order in service of their homeostatic systemic interests, their accountable, participatory place therein).


    In finance, the boom-bust cycle they’ve marshaled with “democratic socialist outreach” - like Fannie Mae (low interest, risky loans required to be given to blacks; while investment mediums of “guaranteed insurance of these loans” were sold on top of them!)/ followed by “objectivist austerity” through Reagan, Thatcher and following through the 2008 bail-out (the biggest theft in history), getting behind coalitions with right wing, recently “alt-right” propaganda against “the left” - which might otherwise ensconce consciousness to see them in their power niches, and provide for activism against them, to marshal social organizational power to do something about their niche occupation and its abuse.

    Related Story: Orthodox Jewish boys go secular, reap compound fortune in another Jewish tradition - loan sharking.


    Always (Academics: as (((Frame Games))) has acknowledged and my experience bears-out, the YKW are always determined to have hegemony in academics, since that’s where top-down power and influence is established; as demonstrated through their nepotistic, unmerited hegemony at Harvard and other Ivy league colleges. The Ivy league colleges are the gate way to the professions, political and public influence. The big academic business of selling talk to undergraduates is a way to connect empathically with youthful anxieties and aspirations, to direct them by selling them on talk that serves YKW interests, creating phony “movements” and ‘rebellions”, “social justice activism” (if only against Whites) that they can be a part of…


    Buys (Business, international and domestic - in this part of the cycle, securing US real estate with Russian (((mafia))) money bailing out Trump’s domestic assets and helping him to advance to the presidency. US domestic (((business))) has emerged as a “concern” to bolster (((conservative))) backing of Trump in order to garner bible belt, evangelical sympathy for the Zionist agenda and its operation clean break implementation in Iran) ... Plenty of other shady (((business))), ranging from H1b Visas, cheap business loans for Indians to buy-up convenience stores and motels, in order to gain Indian connection and cooperation ...then there is the off-shore money laundering schemes through shell companies revealed in the Panama Papers, etc.

    Related Story: The Sackler Family, Pushers of Opioids, profiteers on created addiction in vulnerable peoples.

    Related story: 3 of Them Defraud London Olympics Investors of £80 million.

    Law & Courts

    Courtly Assistance (Courts and Attorneys - to influence law and its implementation, as in the example of “Brown vs.Board of Education”, “Disparate Impact”, the “Civil Rights Act”, the “Rumford Fair Housing Act”). Even Trump had his kosher legal mentorship and advocacy against “the” left, in the person of attorney Roy Cohn.

    So where do NGO’s - like The Jewish Community Relationship Council - and Unions (including make shift “unions”/ and coalitions thereof) - fit in? hmmm ...we’re going to have to add that in; should have long ago:

    Coalitions anti-White: King and Levison, N.A.A.C.P.

    Negotiate Good Organized (NG0’s)

    Union Coalitions (Social group organizations - literal or make shift unions and coalitions thereof - liberal social groups, liberal in the sense of denying and scabbing White social unionization. These are social communitarian groups primarily devised by Jewish interests in coalition building of anti-White organization).

    Unions, especially of the internationalist labor kind

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    Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:15. (View)

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