Majorityrights News > Category: European culture

Emerald City

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 30 May 2016 21:43.

                        Emerald City

                        I’m lost in a sweet dream   ..I’m living on chocolate ice cream.

                        I went for the rental. Those costumes were so continental.

                        How coincidental.

                        They said everything would be fine.  ..ho ho. I think I’m ready to go.


David Duke, no friend of Poland: never argues against Hitler (e.g., lebensraum)

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 26 May 2016 08:32.


              David Duke is no friend of Poland; neither was Hitler or Friedrich

On many occasions David Duke has claimed that Nazi Germany was offering genuine peace - “22 peace offers” - to the West and only wanted back some places taken from Germany by The Versailles Treaty. He says nothing about the truth of the matter, which was that Hitler had obvious tactical reasons to not want to fight on two fronts and have his agenda for lebensraum in the east interfered with.

The peace offers were an obvious ruse to anybody. It is clear that Hitler was a war monger, had in mind lebensraum up to the Urals and intended to kill those Slavic peoples who fought against his plan to subject them as helots.

There is no excuse for ignoring that and for David Duke to present himself and Nazi Germany as sympathetic to Poland.

He completely ignores the fact that Poland had already fought and defeated the Soviets - who were on their way to Germany had they not been stopped by Piłsudski at Warsaw.

He talks about Soviet atrocities as if it is an either/or between the Soviet killing and the Nazi killing. Typical of Nazophiles, he edits the time line of events as it suits him - focusing after the Nazis stabbed Poland in the back with the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact.

Here is what Duke says on May 24, in a conversation with Professor Kevin MacDonald:

David Duke (sympathetic tone): Isn’t it true that hundreds of thousands of Poles were shipped-off to gulags, were stripped of any job, even a way to make a living, because they might have been seen as an enemy of Jews or enemies of the communist regime in Poland and the communist regime was absolutely controlled by Jews.

And in fact when the communists came into Poland it wasn’t the Germans who executed Polish prisoners. In fact the Germans, after they won, they paroled most of the Polish officers. They didn’t even keep them in prison during the whole war.

Sure, they were “liberators” of Poland. Where is Lana to add chorus?

Duke continues: The communists came in and we had the Katyn forest massacre; where they literally murdered 15,000 of the cream, of really intelligentsia of the young men of Poland; massacred them in the Kaytn forest. During the time of ‘46, the communists were putting people in prison, they were torturing Poles; they were sending people to the gulags even in Siberia from their own homeland. They were killing an awful lot of people; and the Jews were right at the head of this and that was the reason why the people in those areas rose up to fight the Jews; because of this horrific horror that was going on that was much worse than any program that was committed.

Kevin MacDonald corrects him: “pogroms”, then adds..

Much worse. The fact is that the Jews [inaudible] on the Soviet Union and when they came in in 1939; the fact is that they supported communism, they hated Polish nationalism and that there were so many Jews in the government, especially in the secret police and so on. It was really something that was made to order for anti-Jewish reaction.  And it was there, I think it was 1967, they finally deposed this very Jewish dominated government; and quite a few of them just left for Israel. They weren’t really Poles they didn’t feel any uh, you know, feeling towards Poland and they just left for their homeland.

Duke: Let’s talk about the beginnings of the war and what happened here; in terms of the second world war. We can actually just start off by the fact that during the 1920s and 30s that tens of millions of people were liquidated; murdered in Russia; murdered in Ukraine; Jews dominated the secret service and the NKVD; and the other communist apparatus that tortured countless numbers of Russians; murdered millions of people; in Ukraine alone there was something like 7 or 11 million people that died, starved to death, women, children, elderly ...and this was all done, of course, in peace time.  This was not done under the aegis of war; but for some reason, the anger of the media, the international media over which the Jews have control, like the New York Times, and the movie industry of this country, the entertainment industry of America and Europe, which were also heavily influenced; weren’t saying the big evil of the world was communism, they were saying the big evil was the Germans. And when the war began of course, it wasn’t just the Germans attacking the Poles over the city of Danzig and a few other issues, the Bolsheviks came in, the communists came in from the east, took about half of Poland, and where the Germans treated the Polish prisoners of war decently, we find out later that the Russian, not really Russian, but the Jewish led Bolsheviks of the time; and the Jewish led murderers, commissars literally caused the mass murder of the entire Polish army officer corps; of the country - 15,000 at Katyn. And yet, we had a media and we had governments of the west by the west who had so much influence by the Jews, they weren’t saying that we should declare war on Russia; Britain and France, they didn’t declare war on Russia, no - they declared war on Germany. A war that ultimately took the lives of 55,000 million of Europeans and really caused the communist take-over of half of Europe; and countless millions more who were victims.  What are your thoughts on that sir?

[Note: WN typically do not manage to consider that maybe Hitler should not have invaded Eastward; after having already been granted the valuable Sudetenland and having been told that there would be war if he invaded further; while the Sudetenland was precious to Czech and perhaps contestable on historical grounds].

Unfortunately, KM endorses Duke’s totally one sided and highly selective account of history:

KM: Absolutely. I think um, in general, what these Jewish organizations will respond to all that is that “these people were not really Jews”, they didn’t identify as Jews so a big part of my work, when I wrote a chapter on Jews and the Left in The Culture of Critique… but these people did identify as Jews, it takes some close reading of the issues..  you have to go in there and show that it does make a difference.

The next day, May 25, David Duke has a program titled, “Dr. Duke interviews the leader of TradCatKnight who destroys Christian Zionist Lies.” Duke, the “friend of Poland”, talks with a Polish Catholic guy, who uses all these bizarre interpretations of the Abrahamic religion, talking about how the true Christianity will emerge and the Jewish head of the NWO will emerge in Israel, etc. - some anti-Christ figure from The Book of Revelation, no doubt, causing us all to get into a highly rational war on behalf of the true Jews.

David Duke is taking advantage of this Abrahamic fool, who has his eyes on scripture and his interpretations, not on this world, the world Jews care about; and this world, where they once led a Soviet Revolution that was even more murderous than Nazi Germany, but this world, where Nazi Germany mirrored Judaism, their unanimity for one people - Germanics - and not only a demonstrated willingness, but the protracted realization of killing that led to the killing of 55,000 million Europeans because Hitler could not cooperate with nationalists to the east, but started a war that might even out-do his idol, Friedrich the Great, in his eastward territorial conquests - and in which he aspired not only to rid his realm of Jews, but to take-over and subjugate the lands and the people of the lands eastward, up to the Urals; quite willing to destroy anyone who would oppose those objectives.

Roman Dmowski, wise to the need to exclude Jews but his nationalism was too right-wing.

Were there Jewish elements which had infiltrated Germany’s neighboring countries? Yes. Were there native nationalist elements in those countries which were aware that this alien and nefarious element needed to be purged - yes. Were they aware of the danger and willing to fight the Soviets? Also yes. It was incumbent upon a statesman to work with those elements. Lebensraum and a plan for subjugation of Slavic peoples does not accord with the principle of ethnonationalism; nor did Nazi Germany represent White nationalism - it represented Prussio-German imperialism.

In terms of truth, trust and relations, it is not going to do any good proceeding with the denial of Nazi Germany’s imperfection.

One of the difficulties with the philo-Nazism of WN is that they partake of one of its cottage industries - blaming Poland, itemizing Germany’s “superiority in every way” and cataloging Poland’s “perfidy”.

You don’t build good relations that way, you start wars through reciprocally escalating diatribe - when you have to be on constant vigil against a people who believe in their infallible right to destroy you, that makes it extremely difficult to say, hey, you know, my side had this, that or the other thing wrong, could have done better here and here is/was the way to correct that: which I would like to do - but it’s hard when the other side is making itself into another side rather than a partner, by constantly dishonestly insisting that it was perfect, a victim and that your side was pure evil or perfidy without circumstance.

Józef Piłsudski - wise and capable against the Soviets, but his nationalism was too civic, allowing for Jewish inclusion


If I were dealing with a more reasonable audience than Nazophilic WN, the place where I would go next in criticism of the Poland of the era would be this - of Piłsudski’s pragmatic brand of nationalism, which was (much) more propositional than it should have been.

Although Piłsudski respected Germans and German nationalism - good; and although he despised the Soviet Union and fought them successfully - also very good; he did not yet appreciate the need to eject the YKW from Polish nationalism. He believed that it was a practical necessity to include them in order to have sufficient fighting strength. And so long as Hitler had imperialistic designs of lebensraum, that, the necessity to include the YKW, could have been true in some unfortunate, short term sense. Roman Dmowksi (the father of Polish nationalism) however, recognized the perfidy of enfranchising Jews into the Polish nation. While he was more anti-German than Józef Piłsudski, his disputes with Germany were not imperialistic, but local - regarding Poznan, Leszno, Pila, Bydgoszcz, Torun, Gdansk and a bit beyond Gdansk, into Pomerania. But not even this was anywhere near as far west as the Polish/German border is today. Even by Dmowski’s designs, Germany still included Breslau (Wroclaw), Stettin (Szczecin), Konigsberg (Kaliningrad); in fact everything not far west of the towns he sought to reclaim.



It does no good to say that Hitler’s only dispute and designs were to win these particular areas for Germany, that Hitler was only taking defensive measures against the Soviets (as Duke constantly claims) and that it was all the fault of Poland. Hitler wanted lebensraum and not only did he design to take all of Poland, all of Czechoslovakia, all of Belarus, all of Ukraine and Russia up to the Urals; not only did he ignore the fact that there were staunch anti-Jewish and anti-Soviet forces in all of these places, he was perfectly willing to turn their people into slaves where he temporarily succeeded; into helots or material for Germanicization at best, were his designs to hold sway; and perfectly willing kill them if they fought for their ethno-states.

Frauke Petry’s AfD: Standing up for Germany’s Border Guard

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 March 2016 09:11.

Her stance on border control is fine, her integrationist disposition, however, augurs disaster for E.G.I.


Nations can survive their fools, even their ambitious, but can’t survive treason

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 25 March 2016 23:12.

Bitter Northerners and The Traitor Within



This “Norwegian” minister decided it would be destroyed

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 19 March 2016 09:52.

This “Norwegian” minister decided it would be bulldozed to make way for more housing..

Click on top image for video

Every Day is New Years & Ready Access in Cologne

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 13 March 2016 09:30.

Every Day is News Years in Cologne

TNO, “Cologne is Everyday”, 11 March 2016:

Nonwhite invader rape and sex attacks are now so common in Germany that the events in Cologne on New Year’s Eve have become “every day,” according to a Google maps website set up to track the incidents.

New Years Celebrations Abound

The Twitter account, @XYEinzelfall (“individual cases”), has created a Google map to track police reports of crimes committed by nonwhite invaders in the country. “Cologne was just the tip of the iceberg,” the page says. “Cologne is every day.”

The Gatestone Institute has compiled a shocking list of sexual assaults and rapes by invaders in Germany in just the first two months of the year.

Drawing only from German media reports, the list documents more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by the nonwhites in train stations, swimming pools, and other public places against victims as young as seven.

German police use terms such as “southerners” (südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere gesichtsfarbe, dunklem hauttyp), or “southern skin color” (südländische hautfarbe) to describe the alleged perpetrators.

Most recently, three girls aged 15, 16, and 17 were assaulted over two hours by a mob of up to 30 invaders at a shopping center in the northern city of Kiel.

Since the attack, which began when two Afghan men began stalking the teenagers and sharing photos on social media, other women have come forward to report similar experiences.

“Groups of young men gather at the Sophienhof [shopping center] every evening,” a restaurant owner told the Kieler Nachrichten newspaper.

“What they do here is unacceptable. The moment they see a young woman wearing a skirt or any type of loose clothing, they believe they have a free pass. It is about time migrants are made to understand: things in Germany function differently than in their home countries.”

READ Why Political Parties Will Not Save Britain from Extinction at hands of Third World Immigration

After the Cologne attacks, which German authorities and media initially attempted to cover up, a total of 1075 criminal complaints have now been filed from the New Year’s Eve attacks, including 467 alleging crimes of a sexual nature ranging from insults to rape.

Last month, prosecutors said most of the suspects were refugees. Cologne prosecutor Ulrich Bremer said 73 suspects had been identified, of whom 12 were linked to sexual assaults.

He said earlier reports describing only three of the suspects as refugees were “total nonsense.” He told the Associated Press that “the overwhelming majority of persons fall into the general category of refugees.”

Some entered Germany saying they wanted to apply for “asylum,” while others had formally filed an application. Among the 15 suspects in custody was a Moroccan “asylum seeker” who entered Germany in November.

One female police officer in the northern city of Oldenburg told local newspaper Nordwest-Zeitung she feared a breakdown of public order in summer, when women begin to wear more revealing clothing.

        .......Every Day is New Years and Ready Access

News For Those Who Cling to The Belief That Christianity Holds Salvation For European Peoples

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 06 March 2016 20:17.

                                          Thanks be to Poseidon        

In agreement and endorsement of Kumiko’s position on Christianity, Jimmy Marr provides an excellent statement as to why White advocates must jettison Christianity for the sake of our race’s contiguity and militarized defense:

Jimmy Marr wrote:

Christianity is a code word for white genocide.

We are because of our ancestors, and we will be because of our descendants. Our eternal and authentic being depends on our exclusive sanctification and consecration of this fundamental ontological relationship. Any doctrine which attempts to supplant this sacred relationship by promising life beyond death by means other than perennial, intergenerational, sexual reproduction is genocidal and idolatrous cuckoldry by the lifeless ghost of intellectual abstraction and metaphysical masturbation. It is the shameless exaltation of a counterfeit being by garish erections of architectural phallic symbols.

As long as this mind-worm wiggles within us we will be a threat to our race even as we presumptuously attend to its salvation. Jews attack christ-insanity because it is indefensible. It is our race’s Achilles’ heel. It is what allows Japanese women to humiliate nominally racialized white men. It is an embarrassment to our racial cause. If we can’t get over it, we should at least refrain from flaunting our lack of ontological chastity in public. It’s the mother of all obscenities: arrogance masquerading as humility.

The ship of christendom is not merely unseaworthy in the waters of postmodernity. It is being used to transport our genetic replacements to our shores. The only honorable and adequate response is to scuttle it.


              Discussion opened on Majorityrights FORUM


Police investigate whether 14-year-old was drugged and sexually assaulted

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 16 January 2016 17:15.

Westfalen Blatt, ‘Police investigate whether 14-year-old was drugged and sexually assaulted’, 15 Jan 2016:

Map of attacks
Assaults are taking place across Western Europe.

Bielefeld (WB). Bielefeld police do not want to say much about an investigation because it is just underway—it is alleged that a 14-year-old had been kept in a Bielefeld basement, drugged and sexually assaulted by several young men.

According to unconfirmed information from the community of the alleged victim, the events could have played-out in this manner: On 04 January 2016, the girl and young men sat together outdoors in a deprived neighbourhood in Bielefeld. A representative said that several of these young men were 18-year-old-plus Iraqis who came and offered drinks, possibly alcoholic, to the 14-year-old girl. At 18:00, she then followed two or three of the men to a basement room where a mattress had been placed.

Afterward she spent four days in the hospital

A friend is said to have found the 14-year-old later unconscious in the room. The friend alerted the emergency services, who attended to the girl at the scene and brought her to the hospital. The 14-year-old was admitted to the hospital. Indications of sexual assault were assessed. She spent four days in the children’s hospital.

It was also observed under hospital care that the girl’s mental state had a striking parallel to a case incident in Wuppertal on Tuesday. There, at 18:30, a pedestrian discovered a 16-year-old girl unconscious on a playground and alerted an ambulance. According to police, the Wuppertal student was raped and seriously injured. She stated that she had been drugged.

Three male suspects

A spokeswoman for the Bielefeld police said yesterday, one indictment was made among the three male suspects in the case of the 14-year-old girl. His identity has not yet been completely revealed. Whether the charge under laws regarding sexual assault were to be rape or not, the spokeswoman would not confirm. She said, “it is also about protecting victims.”

In the context of the alleged crime yesterday, the perpetrator has been described as Iraqi, in Germany illegally, who had been asked to leave a long time ago. He eluded authorities despite even having-been provided with a ticket to fly back to Iraq.

An actual real rape culture has made itself manifest, and suddenly liberals are nowhere to be found.

It’s almost as though all the liberals who professed their adherence to feminism were only doing so for as long as it was chastising European males. Now that Arab males have appeared and are at least a thousand times more prolific in their offensiveness than European men ever have been, suddenly feminism has been discarded because it clashes with the true agenda of liberals. Liberals are on an agenda which has relatively little to do with advocating justice for women and girls, and in fact everything to do with a demented opposition to ethno-nationalism and ethno-regionalism.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 16 Nov 2024 18:14. (View)

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