Majorityrights Central > Category: Economics & Finance

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Long Game: Today is a Good Day.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tuesday, 06 October 2015 18:37.

trade deals
Let’s build a good future for all regions!


The main points covered in this article are:

  • Broad agreement on the TPP has been reached.
  • The TPP actually does not incentivise mass migration, it is part of a process which is empowering people to live and work in their own lands.
  • The TPP is part of a trend of ongoing economic development in South East Asia, Central America and South America, which is concomitant with raising wages in those areas.
  • Regional imbalance is one of the core components of global economic crisis, which can be remedied by enabling people to actually buy the products they produce.
  • The advent of a multipolar world means that global ideological hegemony can no longer be easily held by one regional group.
  • Unlike the disastrous case of NAFTA, it is in fact strategically sound for all ethno-regionalists to endorse the TPP.

It is written with the intent of conveying the necessary information in the shortest amount of time. Read more beneath the fold.


Amassing & egregious misallocation of European financial, intellectual capital

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 10:29.

Facebook file photo release: Mulatto, Zuckerberg and Gov. Christie (Mulattoes not to be confused with Anglin. Resemblance coincidental)

Of and for those with a hyper-assertive and wholly undeserving sense of entitlement - e.g., blacks and mudsharks - to those who get what they want, when they want:

Zuckerberg misdirects 100 million dollars and educational resources - wasted on Newark, New Jersey public schools and its overwhelming black student bodies. Of course the talk now is: what happened to the money? Why didn’t 100 million dollars help?

Can you imagine?

The centuries of sacrifice that Europeans made to contribute to the scholarly corpus, the days and years that scholars like Gregor Mendel went without female touch and appreciation (while Negroes were accommodating harems).

The lonely suffering that many an intellectual quest entailed to yield knowledge ...

To endure the hatred of liberals, pointedly, often White females whom he lives to love - miseducated to base instinct and anti-White interests, so typically making “anti-racism” a litmus test of initial interaction episodes with White males, whom she typically dismisses on slightest indication of circumspection as “wimpishness” or “nerdishness”, and after he “fails” the incitement of her litmus test of “alpha males”- viz. a liberal who shrugs-off all comers, from everywhere - as simply her prerogative, these females for whom he is starved for even talk of concern about heritage, now give their ultimate treasures to blacks, and empower those who take not only the economic capital of centuries, but even his last recourse, his intellectual quest, and force him to teach and educate those, such as blacks, who would torture and destroy him, turn his world into a science fiction nightmare, who take his ultimate treasure, his co-evoutionary women, for apes who have NOTHING to compensate him with, nevertheless proceeding as if they are entitled…  still, the powers-that-be and their gate-keepers would even take what remaining consolation, of monetary and intellectual compensation, means by which he may perhaps have found redemption in an exceptional wife, of merit for her commitment to a sovereign life in respect of our peoples.

Liberals try to dismiss his concerns with conciliatory advice: “she’s stupid.”

Hmm. “She’s stupid”...and “she’s stupid and she’s stupid and she’s stupid”.. before long “she” has become an uncountable noun….

Uncountable though the noun is, they are “all his fault, because he doesn’t man-up.”

Not only does she need education become still more liberal, to become still more Judaized and negretized..

He must educate the throngs of Negroes, and Muslims, etc., to make them more capable of his dispossession, of taking his co-evolutionary treasure. It’s “civil rights”: The involuntary, forced servitude to non-Whites and mudsharks. Everything that he sublimated and sacrificed-for, endured hell and torture for, must go to them. Including a trend of those White women of qualitative difference, who may not have appreciated finer intellectual quest, but may have been sufficient compatriots in a White Class. They’d take not only those of modest intellectual endowment, they would not only embezzle economic means, not only White women and public money to blacks, they would force him into directing his intellectual quest in their service. They would take the means by which he might even find and be found by the exceptions, and rather further equip those who would betray him and those, e.g. blacks and Muslims, who would enslave him and torture him to death, a techno-slave or a nerd slave of some sort wallowing in masochism of cuckold porn.

September 8, 2015

“Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education”

What happened with the $100 million that Newark schools got from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg? Not much:

A new book delves into how the project went wrong

Dale Russakoff spent four and a half years reporting about Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million gift to Newark public schools for her new book “The Prize: Who’s In Charge of America’s Schools?”

“The goal of improving education in Newark is not a hopeless one”
- Dale Russakoff

Yes, it is hopeless - and worse: it is to rob and rape Europeans not only of their birthright, but of their intellectual history and posterity..

Yes, The Prize… Who’s In Charge of America’s Schools?... as it was with Brown vs. Board of Education - school desegregation and “civil rights”, the prize continues to be wrested from Whites by means of cultural-Marxist coalitions, its most recent permutation with CAIR and its discriminated-against Muslim school boy..


Right-wing elements serve our enemies by confounding our war of position

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 September 2015 16:14.

While I have made comments in this regard in the past, I have been meaning to make a post about this for a long time. Now is as appropriate a time as ever to forefront a critical position toward labor.

In The United States, Labor Day 2015 falls on Monday, September 7th

People may think that as an advocate of a new position that I am calling “The White Left” that I am enormously sympathetic to White labor and that we are ready to hear detailed, practical, step by step, concrete advice, facts and figures as to what White labor ought to do.

On the contrary, I believe White labor are some of the biggest fools that there are, particularly where they do what they do best - dutifully putting their nose to the grindstone to make society run amenably for all. They keep the gears of this neo-liberal ship running smoothly and grinding away at our White EGI. Their labor is basically contributing to a system aimed at their destruction and if they had any sense they would try to find a way out. In effect, they should go on strike. 

Last years’ Labor Day party in Miami, displaying what has become an appropriate image for the state of labor.

You say that you have a family to pay for? You are doing me a favor? I think not.

And if you are contributing to this society, are you even doing your kids a favor?

There are those who maintain that they must participate and work in a way that serves the system in order to take care of their White family and of course that may be true. But it would be tragic if they do not begin to build bridges with other Whites (and select non-White nativist nationalists) toward a unionization of EGI and White economic sovereignty, since the life boat they have put their family on by participating in the system is taking them to drift further and further out into the ocean of non-Whites. They are merely providing their children a superficially comfortable situation within what are destined to be increasingly horrible circumstances - and that comfortable buffer can be taken away in an instant without unionized rules for them to coordinate in defense against neo-liberalism and its Red Left, PC enforcement wing.

Still, so long as the unionization of Whites continues to be demonized by White Nationalists, as they insist on confusing “The White Left” with “The Red Left”, as they insist on associating “Third Positionism” with objectivist confusion and right wing crap, such as a religions which do not recognize EGI and concerns for this world as important, we are obviously not ready for a strike. No, don’t worry, I am not calling for you to walk away from your salary, for that would mean that we are ready for war of maneuver, ready to take over the system which we all agree is working against our EGI.

We are nowhere near ready for that, as the right wing or the right wing elements of third positionism continually confuse, disorganize and frighten away the popular support necessary for a war of position (conceptual organization, territorial and strategic position) as precursive to support a war of maneuver (taking over government).

In trying to organize a war of position thus, we must first render a theoretical sketch rather than get lost prematurely in the practical and concrete. We are talking metapolitcs: White workers of the world conceptually uniting with the aim of political separatism and sovereignty.

WN still insist upon either identifying as reactionaries, as “the right” or as being “beyond left and right” and as long as third postionism equates to confusion as such, obstructs organized unionizations of our people, and rather merges with counter-productive or downright destructive right-wing perfidy, then we are at the stage of having to stake-out a war of position. Unless we are coordinated there can be no war of maneuver for Whites to take control of our nations and see to our people’s interests.

Almost all sites and programs associated with White interests are still determined to argue that “the left” is the enemy or that the term has no utility. I am suspicious of their motives or of the motives of those from whom they gain support and guidance.

The most recent example is Matt Forney, who tried once again to put this needless confusion across. His latest gambit on behalf of his Jewish and neo-liberal masters occurred when talking to Robert Stark.

Matt Forney pushes the counterproductive, Jew prompted line now as something that we need in particular as men - as men we need to move beyond right and left, while favoring the right on balance.

Sure, Matt, we don’t want to do anything like unionize in our interests as White men. That would be an awfully fearful thing in the eyes of your Jew masters and your liberal White woman friends. We are “betas” because we don’t want their sloppy seconds or is it sloppy one hundred and 22nds? But who is desperate? We are not real men because we advocate a White left (which, as we define it, might look quite a bit like and have quite a bit in common with third positionism) but you are a real man?

We do have bigger fish to fry than poor Matt, who boasts about how he went around screwing and dumping Filipino girls (an appropriate place to aim his revenge?), and so we will leave him to the confused world that he would induce White men into, on behalf of his Jewish masters, supposedly moving beyond right and left - that is to say, beyond the call for White unionization and syndicalism.

To articulate a clear war of position, to where we, as White men, have intrinsic value as designated by union membership, for the first time ever, our inherent social capital recognized, innocent until proven guilty, now that would be a fearful thing indeed to his Jewish and neo-liberal masters.

Can you imagine? People would actually have to treat us and our EGI fairly?

That would be an awfully fearful thing to his Jewish masters and to the objectivists sell-outs, the White sluts who wish to block our war of position, maintain the neo-liberal anarchy and atomization among White men until there is no chance of us seizing power by maneuver…

Keep reading…


North Atlantic: You Have Spread Your Dreams Under Their Feet

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 11 July 2015 04:57.

intro image
Don’t worry, I’m the kind of foreigner that you’ll like. Hopefully.

Majorityrights began with and has long been committed to freedom of speech, no matter how controversial the opinion, as I can clearly see from the archives. It has been published as an internet magazine with considerable bravery given the political environment and the risks that come from being misunderstood, and has had a pretty diverse set of contributors and viewers. On 14 October 2014, it marked its tenth year in operation, and I hope that its eleventh year coming in just a few months will be as illuminating as ever. As a newcomer, and as an East Asian woman, I feel privileged to be invited to submit articles from my perspective and experience.

Here, on what could be described as freedom of speech’s front porch in its tenth year, we have a good place to talk frankly and honestly as neighbours and allies with common interests. What I’m about to provide is what I see as a necessary polemic against some positions that exist in Majorityrights’ archives and an invitation to conversation as such.

It is said in warfare about the ‘turning manoeuvre’, that when you move into an opponent’s rear in order to cut them off from their support base, you are taking the risk of getting yourself cut off from your own.

A similar manoeuvre has been attempted by many ethno-nationalists in Europe since 2001 on a political level with regards to the War on Terror, through their decision to advance negative attitudes toward it and their decision to develop talking points that reinforce those attitudes. They are refusing to endorse the War on Terror under the belief that this non-endorsement is somehow a ‘good’ angle to protest the political establishment from. It is not good. Those ethno-nationalists are getting themselves cut off because what they are doing actually undermines their own ability to address a severe demographic threat and also undermines their ability to address a persistent international security threat. It’s an unfortunate situation, because it is crucial for people to be able to square the thoughts that are going on their heads with the reality on the ground: The reality of the necessity of overseas contingency operations.

To understand how things reached the stage that they have reached, first a person has to remember how things started out. The world was stunned to see the events that were taking place on television on 11 September 2001. Nineteen Arab men had hijacked airliners, and rather than putting the planes down at an airport and demanding a ransom, they chose to put the planes down by sending them into buildings in New York City.

People seem to have struggled to understand how this could happen.

Over time, a self-hating narrative built up in which the citizens of the North Atlantic were largely blaming their own governments for having allegedly ‘fanned the flames of conflict in the Middle East’ by allegedly ‘supporting radical Islamists’, while simultaneously also allegedly ‘fanning the flames of conflict in the Middle East’ by allegedly ‘opposing Islamists and offending Muslims’. Both of these narratives cannot make sense at the same time, and I would argue that neither of those narratives are true. Furthermore, the apparent implication in both of those narratives is that the North Atlantic should refrain from pursuing its interests in the zone to the south.

That is an idea that should be rejected on the basis that it leads only to paralysis in the political sphere, and a loss of initiative in the military sphere. Groups which argue that the North Atlantic should adopt a passive stance and not assert its interests, and those who place blame onto the wrong people, may mean well, but they do not realise that the narratives they are creating can lead to serious crises which may not have actually been intended by those dissenting groups.


2015 of Indigenous European Creation

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 31 December 2014 12:19.

Implications of Executive Amnesty

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 23 November 2014 04:20.


MR Radio: Migchels, Bowery Address Malign Economics

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 20 October 2014 19:35.



Fratricidal Tendency

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 08 August 2014 08:51.

Fratricidal tendency, boding against race as a practical organizational concept, issues one of the most significant challenges to advocates of people of native European descent.

3,566 words

Subtitle: Graham’s shirked paternal responsibility in that regard.

To intervene and ameliorate fraternal relations, perhaps, or to argue more thoroughly as to why race is not the proper group membership concern.

Needless to say, betrayal by those close to us is among the hardest challenges to cope with in life, and the most de-motivating of defending E.G.I.

It is prima facie an acute issue to deal with and one that would require some of our top guns to handle properly - the likes of Dr. Lister and Frank Salter. Their help and more, of course, is needed in addressing this matter which we have all felt too closely to handle rationally by ourselves. What I mean by “fratricidal tendencies” is something quite general - antagonism of those closely related, ranging from irresponsible negligence to literal fratricide and war between our closely kindred people.

As we are so invested and investing in these people, the pursuit of remedy to these conflicts has created our most painful and destructive moments, where we did and gave our best to people who betrayed us - we became enemies to ourselves.



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Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:04. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:24. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:45. (View)

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