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Can Cosa Nostra Re-Organize on its Racial Roots in True Honor to Defend Italy and Europe?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 24 April 2016 10:11.

There is an absurd and detrimental habit of thought among WN who would draw the line of race too narrowly, snobbishly, and among those who would find weakening our defense convenient, that Sicilians are not White or are heavily mixed with blacks

I have long advised against romanticized images of the Italian Mafia as portrayed in the legacy media. These are not organizations based on honor and family, as that media depicts, but rather criminal organizations based on money facilitated through treachery - these have not been organizations for our racial defense as we White Nationalists might hope.

In an irony, however, now that the immigration invasion has brought with it waves of African organized crime as well, suddenly the Cosa Nostra is forced to act in defense of its turf in racial terms - and just as suddenly, the legacy media condemns it, the Italian Mafia, as the problem in that interface - not the immigration invasion, not the organized crime that it brings. Needless to say, the legacy media does not express hope that Mafia will be of some good to the defense of our blood and soil.

In truth, Italian Mafia hasn’t been especially good to Italian and European blood and soil. We can hope that the immigration invasion will force them to change that but to date there has been little to show in the way of honor from Italian Mafia: The Mafia of Campania, known as the Camorra, is hardly an organization which has prioritized Italian let alone other European blood and soil. They have been cooperating with Nigerian organized crime to spread Nigerian prostitutes all over Italy - an ugly blight that can be seen on the side of Italy’s highways. They have gone against tradition, trafficking in heroine and other narcotics. They have taken hostage of Italian businesses to wreak havoc with the economy and possibilities of free enterprise. In one hideous example, having taken over the waste disposal business, they’ve merely dumped toxic waste on the Italian habitat - once productive local farms have been destroyed; a fact that can be proved by science; but these wastelands are readily perceived by the senses, the sight and smell of vast areas strewn with and beset with mounds of unnatural garbage and stench.

An unnatural stench emanates in Sicily as well, one of sulfur, around the garbage strewn and oil refinery lined parameters of Archimedes ancient home of Siracusa - where the Cosa Nostra has control in the oil refining industry.

However, with the aura of Mafia, inter-Italian rivalry, murder and background terror, there has been an apparent consolation - perhaps with the help of that background of corruption and terror, foreign incursions were held somewhat at bay - there is only so much use that foreigners can be put to and only so many of them that are needed to do it. After a certain amount they become a threat to anybody, including Sicilian mafia interests. That limiting condition would act to protect the genotype of Sicilians from overwhelming infiltration. In the foreground of terror, despite all urban legends of Sicilians being “part black”, with inborn, ineducable aggression, they are vindicated of these ignorant attributions by anybody who takes time to observe them - a knowledgeable, considerate, European, White people.

Sicily, like the rest of Southern Italy, has that reputation of background terror which serves to instill a sense that you should be on best behavior with regard to traditions, the local people and potential transgression. In the year total that I spent in Italy and Sicily between 1996 and 1998, I observed in Italians a model European treatment of the Africans who were there. Africans were not walking around in three piece suits with attache cases as you’d see in Paris. Rather, they were allowed to vend an approved array of trinkets and accessories on the streets, with no sign that they could be mistaken for people integrated with Italians - the idea of mistaking them with Sicilians is laughable. If they remained on the street after 10:00p.m. they would be rounded up by baton wielding police, put into paddy wagons and taken away. If Europeans had to host Africans whatsoever, Italians provided a model of how it might be done to keep them in their place.

That protected the EGI from interracial imposition to a large extent. That protection was buttressed also by the reality of a deserved reputation that Italian men have of being very jealous of their women.

Nevertheless, so long as blacks are in your country at all they are a threat; with the aid and force of PC being what it is, they will make their way through cracks in a racial defense system. While Italian mafia and other men were perhaps busy fighting each other or trying to make money, I would always see two or three interracial couples (pretty Italian woman, Negro male) in just about all sizeable cities that I made my way through in Sicily and Campania - even some not so sizeable ones: a few came into my father’s family village during a feast.

Most disturbing to me was the fact that despite the Italian reputation, with few exceptions, I was the only one doing the Italian thing of expressing my indignation and trying to say or do anything about these pairings - and I was the only one who was likely to have any trouble for it. Thus, to get away from the provocation and agitation - with it the rage of mine difficult to control on the front line of racial defense - was a large reason why I opted to live in Poland instead, comfortably ensconced as White and removed from looming threat.

However, I did not leave Sicily before speaking to Cosa Nostra. I told them, urgently, in trance, to stop fighting, destroying and killing each other Italians. I pleaded with them to defend themselves as Italians and Europe; I tugged at the rib of the Godmother; I believe that she heard il Padrino speak through me. Let us hope so, if not pray for that.

The roots of the word and in fact the original purpose of Mafia was in “a wall” to surround and protect the Italian family - at the onset of its organization the threat was from Spanish invasions. However, Sicilians have a deep history of defending against all manner of invasion - including of course from Islam. While the pervasive sounds of church bells rang through the noontime air of Agrigento in a way that might have intimidated Islam at one time, the locals there were the ones who told me that the most critical facilitator in the immigration problem (yes, it was already bad enough in 1998) now is this religion itself - Christianity.

I found that the Sicilians are deep - much deeper than Christianity.

By contrast to the wishes of legacy media, the DM, the cuck mayor of Palermo that the DM presents as an exemplary anti-racist White man, let us hope indeed that they heard il Padrino; that the Mafia will be of some good, and express its true honor, to be that wall, and to help protect the EGI of Italy and the rest of Europe - by means of terror if need be.


Weev: Master Tactician, Semi-Tactful Infiltrator or Tactless Fool?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 10 April 2016 19:12.

Andrew Auernhemer a.k.a. “Weev”

Weev has been a figure associated with WN for several years now and at MR since at least 2010.

I had given him something of the benefit of the doubt as being on our side, since he was on friendly terms with MR prior to my coming here. Weev was well liked by Søren Renner, who, among other gestures of affinity, posted this sad video at Majorityrights, showing Weev explaining his side of the story around the time of his prosecution, just before going to jail for the ATT hack.

Only a few remarks about Weev stand out from what Søren told me, otherwise I had only a general feel of Weev’s place with regard to WN, based on the impromptu “briefing” that Søren gave me about him and then from what limited attention I paid to Weev after Søren departed MR.

Weev emerged from jail and posted photos of himself proudly showing-off his swastika emblazoned chest. I was disgusted with him for that and for his cooperation with The Daily Stormer. I was also disgusted with Søren for his appreciation of Angln’s approach at The Daily Stormer and I wanted to flush out what mutual position the three might occupy. I posted this picture here at MR, Weev with giant swastika tattoo on chest - - it did serve to get Søren to respond: Søren struck me as both hypersensitive in his response on the one hand and impervious on the other, given the fact that I was not exactly exposing anything heretofore a secret. If they think that this is such a sound approach then it seems to me that it could be easily defended by such I.Q. powerhouses. In fact, Søren departed MR and ended contact with me, suggesting that I was taking it too seriously (while maybe he was the one who was being too sensitive).

But anyway, coming back to the few remarks that Søren had made about Weev. Søren said that “Weev is a Jew’ but he’s OK.”

I didn’t carry much weight at MR at that time and didn’t feel it my prerogative to throw any around. I’d say that I went into a sort of denial about it, but really, with Weev in particular going to jail, he wasn’t going to be much harm to us no matter what or how he was.

I liked Søren, quirky, cartoon character sort of guy that he is, and excuses for this remark were swimming only semi-consciously in the back of my head. Maybe he didn’t mean to say that Weev is a literal Jew, but this was Søren’s way of saying that Weev s “a bit of an a-hole, but OK” - an a-hole who is on our side, if not our a-hole.

Or maybe Weev is only a little bit Jewish of his genetic background, but is really on our side. Even at the time I tended to be very skeptical that people who were any part Jewish could be on our side; but again, he was going to jail and therefore of no immanent threat.

Maybe he isn’t Jewish at all and Søren is just showing off his I.Q. snobbery; or that he will make an exception for a Jew if he is a Wittgenstein or a Weev inasmuch as their “genius” is useful for our side. I don’t think these types of Jews will act reliably in our interest, but in this situation, Søren’s predilection seemed good natured, funny and fairly harmless. Even though Søren could have some susceptibility to favor I.Q. over racial distinction, the importance of the distinction from Jews was fairly well buffered - it wasn’t going to easily float past me, anyway. GW thought Weev is a Jew, though I’m not sure how he came to that opinion.

At any rate, Søren’s participation at Majorityrights decreased during the time of Weev’s incarceration. I was a bit sour on him for his appreciation of The Daily Stormer angle but he was more than welcome by me to post and otherwise participate. I had been and have been busily trying to build up an alternative platform from the standard right-wing, “Hitler and Jesus are us, Jews are White like us too, and should be included if they want.”  I am serious about this platform not taking on that nonsense. So, when Søren suddenly reappeared with a few gratuitously disagreeable remarks and this silly post, I decided to make a post calling to account those popular WN figures - Duke, Anglin and Weev apparently looking to redeem Hitler.

As he hadn’t in years, Søren came on to Skype to chat with me, saying that I was too backward looking, that I was taking it too seriously and that I shouldn’t have brought Weev into it; then he removed me from his Skype contacts and that was the last I heard from him.

OK, before too long Weev re-emerges in the right-wing after coming out of jail, now with a Swastika on his chest and as a big hero of the The Daily Stormer et al., presumably. I didn’t pay much attention to him at The Daily Stormer since that tent of the alternative right-wing tentosphere is fairly circumscribed, buffered buffoonery. However, I started to catch wind of Weev making the rounds of the tentosphere.

With Weev at a safe distance now and making rounds on common subject matter, it was worth a listen to some of what he might have to say at this point. Since he is from Arkansas and has experienced blacks, it is quite reasonable to believe, in accordance with all indications, that Weev is sincere in his dislike of them - he has some sincere common interest with WN. Hell, if he is acting, he does a good job of it and of articulating grievances with Jews too.

But any man who causes the name of a website called “Gay Ni****s of America” to appear on the front page of the website of US presidential candidate (and US president to be) Barack Obama, cannot be all bad. lolllzzzzllllolllzzzzzz indeed.

  On February 11, 2007, an attack was launched on the website of US presidential candidate (and future US president) Barack Obama, where the group’s name was caused to appear on the website’s front page.

As another one coming to Dana Anthiochus’ leaky border between White and non-White interests, Weev came to talk with Dana on 25 September 2015 about computer technology, his concerned advice on race and state-of-the-art warfare.

I insisted that Kumiko have a listen with me, and render a critique, as these concerns bear upon her expertise. We developed an outline which I will post below. A Weev article has been long on the back-burner, but has become relevant now with Dennis Fetcho’s experience and criticism, if not exposure of Weev.

Though a right-winger himself, Dennis Fetcho has some interesting things to say.

He did a podcast of his own and one with Nick Spero recently to discuss Weev. Fetcho finds Weev’s covering stories risible - Weev being a Christian identitarian concerned with White interests and so on. “Christian Identiy?’, Fetcho says, “before he was a Mormon, he doesn’t know what he is.” But of the fact that that Weev is Jewish and that he was always on “the enemy side” Fetcho is confident. Weev apparently made Fetcho’s life hell, attacking and damaging his websites as he apparently would do any site that was “anti-Semitic.”

Fetcho maintains further, that Weev was not prosecuted by the U.S. Government singularly for hacking A.T.T. as he maintains, but because he was a nuisance who had done the same thing to many people, hacking and trolling them relentlessly as a part of a team that caused many innocent people significant problems.

Now we have Weev’s triumphant return to White Nationalism, with him presenting himself as a cult hero if not integral to their right-wing sites and aspirations. He is treated like a “hero” at The Daily Stormer and other alternative right sites for his recent print station hacking stunt - at least he claims it as his handiwork; Fetcho doesn’t believe that he acted alone to cause the printers at some American universities and some in China to print-out a poster with an anti-Jewish statement, and declaring world wide “White supremacism” with two large swastikas on each side of the text. Fetcho makes the point that this is barely newsworthy. I concur and did not run the story at MR and would not have if not for the implications of Weev’s detrimental involvement with WN.

    Weev, “I chose the swastika image because it is a symbol universally recognizable to all printers.”

What good does it do to create a “problem” of printing out anti-Semitic posters with Swastikas, proclaiming global White supremacism into print stations at the heavily Jewish American universities and in China?

It is perfect public relations - for the ADL.

Universities are not known for their skin head types, nor are book worms likely to be roused to enact global Nazism. The universities are replete rather with empowered Jewish folks, who can proclaim that they have a growing problem with anti-Semitism, need to clamp-down and need more assistance from the State.

This kind of vainglory printing-out in China works against projects like MR’s, to build regional alliance between Asia and Europe.

My reaction from the onset would suffice without any elaborate conspiracy. Our eminently noble cause of White sovereignty is only harmed by association with Nazism and “supremacism.” It will only harm Whites, set us against each other and turn-off normal Whites, needless to say how non-Whites would react.

No White advocates were talking in terms of “White supremacism” until Weev brought it back in his talk with Dana Antiochus.

No concerned White advocates subscribe to White supremacism because it is at odds with the separatism to which we aspire - attempting to dominate others is at odds with separatism. In trying to resurrect this concept of “White supremacism” Weev is attempting to brand us with a term as surely as he has branded himself with a corny tattoo as if to brand and represent us with it. He would libel us by associating our cause with the term that Jewish groups have been trying to smear White advocates with for decades - despite the fact that nobody, except for Weev now, promotes the term.

It does no good to Whites, but it does however, serve the interests of the ADL. It divides Whites, turns off normal Whites to our cause, creates the notion that Jews need more state protection on their side, etc.

Coming back to Dana Antiochus’ 25 Sep 2015 talk: Weev pushed the envelope of violence, declared world wide “White supremacism” the way forward and the intimidating idea that drone warfare would make the normal means of fighting for your people obsolete.

My initial impression that this was just a right-winger giving the right-wingers at Renegade what they want - a new Swastika tattoo, some Jew, Jew, Jew, unanimity with Uncle Adolf and you’re good to go.

With Fetcho’s intervention, however, Auernheimer looks more like a provocateur than the friendly rogue, Weev.

Andrew Auernheimer, a.k.a., “Weev”, the suspicious friend of The Daily Stormer and TRS, just so happens to be their Johnny on the spot when their sites have problems.

Fetcho claims that Weev does have some Jewish background, which we (GW and I, DanielS) have reason to suspect as well.

Fetcho maintains that the US government didn’t go after Weev for the singular hacking of ATT accounts incident as he claimed, but rather because he was hacking and harassing innocent people all over the place, including Fetcho relentlessly.

Fetcho renders plausible arguments against Weev’s “great hack” of the printer stations at several universities, and apparently in China as well. He asks first, whether he really did this this by himself? Then takes the premise to what follows by saying that this is not a newsworthy story on its face value (I agree, and had not run it at MR). It accomplishes little of positive value, but does create a “problem” for the Jewish laden universities that requires them to provide a “solution” of clamping down on hate speech. This is an attendant benefit to our enemies by associating WN with Nazism and “supremacism.”

And that is the large point that I believe Fetcho has got very right - there is a close approximation of Zero White advocates who have been claiming “White supremacism” and yet what Auernheimer has been doing re-vitalizes the Jewish smear line of “White supremacism” along with the Nazi association in order to discredit WN and turn people off.

Moreover, what sincere White Nationalist would hack Chinese printers to announce “global White supremacism” ? Most probably none.

But a Jewish sponsored troll, trying to prevent Chinese and White cooperation just might.

Who is served by associating “White Nationalism” with The Daily Stormer, Nazism and “Supremacism” ?  Jewish groups are served.

Here is the Nick Spero “Circus Maximus” show in which Weev is discussed in the third hour: The first two hours are Lee Rogers, the third hour Dennis Fetcho. Lee Rogers is your standard anti-Jewish right-winger, not much new but no harm if you can ignore his “holohoax” line and his falling on the AH side of the false either/or; moving to hour three, Dennis Fetcho has interesting things to say about Weev.

Again, Fetcho is a right-winger, with those foibles, including the pro-reich, “it was all a holohoax”, 9-11 and all that usual boring right-wing stuff, but the things he is saying about Weev gather sense.

He talks about Weev on his own show as well:

Apr. 2, 2016

  Hour 1
  Garbage World of Hackers

  Hour 2
  Weev and ADL Crafted Messages

Beware of the right-wing: they are full of fools and foolers.

On black hat hacking at red ice.

Weev on identifying companies with unknown liabilities

Weev tells his side of the story to RT

Weev on why he trolls

Weev on the difference between trolling and hacking

Here is an outline of Kumiko’s initial take on Weev’s discussion - with Antiochus, 25 September 2015 - on computer tech, race and state-of-the-art warfare. Since these topics square with her expertise on all counts and with our concerns on all counts, her opinion is quite relevant. This is just an outlne that I took down as dictation from what we gathered at the time (last September).

Weev on the players and the technological transformation of war: “it will be massively a-symmetric and robotic.”

1. Showing ATT its vulnerabilities was a good turn; but revealing the data to (((Gawker))) was tactless.

2 Don’t talk to the police! Weev should not have talked to the police.

3. “Black hat” is the wrong term to self ascribe, it underscores an unduly negative angle that adversaries would attribute to Weev - he should not cop to that, but rather identify as a “Gray hat.”

4. Should not say German patriots are setting fire to refugee camps or that he wants to kill blacks just because they are black.

5. His idea of robotic and drone war is problematic - it does Not render traditional forces obsolete. In certain circumstances you want troops in there in certain circumstances you don’t.

For another significant point of criticism, there are more ways to counter robot and drone technology than Weev is taking into account.

Kumiko has other assessments and critiques of his politics and computer abilities: where he is mistaken, where he could do better.

6. Very important: you still need popular sentiment on your side. It is not enough, especially not nowadays, to think in terms of warfare being so asymmetrical that just one percent or a small percent can fight and win.

7. His view on Christianity, newly reconsidered as it may be, could be reasonable enough: reminiscent of Bohrmann.

8. He is correct that it should not be a false either/or between universalistic Christianity, Jews and Islam. They are all beyond the pale.

9. His association with Anglin and other right wingers is dubious. NS Germany was leftist at its inspiration, onset and groundswell.

10. Assad never offered nor had any intention of stepping down. Russia made a duplicitous offer to take Assad down in exchange for keeping its port but The US decided to try to take him down themselves. The results were still bad but the motives were different than Weev made it out to be.

Regarding Auernheimer’s assessment of the inexorable link between Isis, Israel, The US - the deal with Iran indicates that business interests and geopolitics can override Israeli interests

11. He overstates the exclusivity of White accomplishment in computer technology.

12. His troll of Obama’s website with “Gay n*****s of America” was very funny.

EU Brexit or expansion into Ukraine? To Be, To Be Putined, Merkeled or Transgendered?

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 04 April 2016 18:00.

...or Schulzed..

Nigel Farage looks on as European Commission’s President Jean-Claude Juncker (L)
kisses the forehead of President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz Photo: AFP

Telegraph, “Juncker calls for ‘compulsory’ redistribution of 160,000 migrants”, 9 Sep 2015.

Breitbart, BREXIT BENCH TEST: Dutch Voters Set To Oppose EU Expansion In Referendum THIS WEEK, 3 April 2016:

Dutch voters will decide on Wednesday whether to support a European treaty deepening ties with Ukraine in a referendum that will test sentiment towards Brussels ahead of Britain’s June Brexit vote and could also bring a boost for Russia.


Any rejection by Dutch voters or by the government would give Russian President Vladimir Putin, who opposes deeper EU-Ukraine ties and who many Dutch blame for the downing by pro-Russian rebels of a plane travelling from Amsterdam, a victory in his war of words with the West.



The government itself shied away from framing the vote in a Russian context but shifted tactic as the referendum approaches.


“Vladimir Putin’s shadow is lurking fairly significantly over this treaty,” said “yes” campaigner Joshua Livestro, arguing that a “no” vote will play into Putin’s hands.

“Are we now going to give Putin what he wants after all?” he said.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s cabinet initially stressed the treaty’s economic benefits, but has since focused on its importance for Ukrainian reform in the areas of corruption, human rights and democracy.

“Everyone who wants progress in Ukraine is asking us to vote ‘yes,’ along with 27 other countries. That’s what the referendum is about and nothing else,” Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher said on Friday.

“No” campaigners say the treaty is a first step toward full EU membership. “Legal scholars call it quasi membership,” said Baudet.

Many Ukrainian politicians feel their country deserves the treaty and are keen to show they have made progress in aligning their country with EU standards since the 2014 uprising that toppled pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovich.

In a Dutch television interview on Sunday, Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin emphasized progress in areas such as gay and transgender rights where the Dutch have always viewed themselves as progressive leaders.

“In the past 24 months since Maidan we’ve done more reforms than in the last 24 years,” he said.

Considering “Putin’s shadow” seemed as if it might be the issue up to this point.

But if the West is going to help Ukraine, it would do well to get a grip of its own reins.

Part of why gays are not typically worth making a litmus test and taking issue with in a negative sense is because they are not a big deal to normal people - they’re a small percentage of the population, a biological fact of given populations and most people aren’t interested in persecuting them or going to their bars. So why take the matter to PC hyperbole and bring it up as a salient issue, with even tranny tolerance a litmus test to consideration for European cooperation? PC is the last thing that Ukraine needs if our purpose is to secure its EGI along with that of other ethnostates.

Apparently the PTB (Powers That Be) understand that most people will not care but some will over-react to that PC angle, at a volume that might be appropriate if, instead, the PTB had explicitly stated that their displaying good-will to “diversity” and “multiculturalism” was the litmus test for their acceptability to the European Union. Thus would-be ethno-nationalists will divert their energy to that trivia (trannies, etc) and tar and obfuscate opposition to issue that is really important - so called “diversity” which is, in fact imposition of foreign populations - by associating such opposition with those who are hysterical and lacking the judgement of important priority.

Ah yes, when people balk, the PTB can back-off of pushing the “transgender” and gay issue out of respect for Judeo-Christian values; and perhaps most important of all, out of respect for Islam; then we can all agree that Ukraine needs to be tolerant of “diversity” and “multiculturalism” - unlike those hysterical, illiberal, non-Westernized, intolerant people who do not like transgenders - and then it will be ready to be Merkeled with the rest of Europe.

An initial stream of exposure of Giacomo Vallone & The European Knights Project points to Jack Sen

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 19:44.

Senscreen: “What are your thoughts regarding nationalists today [...] groups like National Action, even London Forum’s Jez Turner? They seem quite fixated on the Jews to an extent that, it seems to be harming our efforts, I think.”  Nick Griffin: “Yes, I think it does.”

Particularly as I was the instigator of the original phase of skepticism with regard to “Giacomo Vallone”, with critical remarks in regard to the positions he espoused in an interview with “Dana Antiochus” at Renegade Broadcasting, it is relevant to weigh-in on this matter. While that exchange quickly exposed him in a lowly and amateurish sock-puppetting effort at dividing Europeans against each other, the combination of that amateurishness and the obvious anti-racial nature of his position caused me to not take him, or his associated “European Knights Project”, too seriously. Still, his motives were of the worst kind. It has more serious implications as that project has germinated into controversial engagement with prominent ranks of White advocacy.

Is he the same person as Jack Sen? Well, both Sen and Vallone are associated with the European Knights Project. That’s enough for me to dismiss them both. That is why I will only belatedly confirm together with you as to whether or not it is indeed the case that they are one and the same; though a cursory comparison of Sen and Vallone discussions seem to indicate one identity, we know enough about both of them already to dismiss them.

My run-in with Giacomo Vallone wasn’t the first time that I had to take serious issue with a guest at another network - I took issue with Mark Dyal at Counter-Currents, and I still believe that I was right to do that as well: The thanks I got for that was being banned from Counter-Currents (oh well). Mark Dyal showed up as a guest of Dana Antiochus with the same kind of bullshit and I had another run-in with him there: Renegade should have appreciated that bit of critique also. However, I’ve also had reservations about Dana Antiochus - though I might be unfair to him. While I tried to be friends with Renegade, as you’ll see, they turned out to be too right-wing in the end.

I tell you this - that Metzger is right about right-wingers.

They are disingenuous and/or naive and their tentosphere is always ripe for infiltration.

Anyway, the scandal in the tentosphere now is not only to see Giacomo Vallone as a fraud who has made his way into conversation with White Nationalism, but that he’s actually the same person as Jack Sen - also having made his way into conversation with WN.

I was repulsed by Giacomo Vallone for a number of reasons from the onset, but he and his “European Knights Project” not only managed to get interviews with Renegade et al., but notably with Professor MacDonald. MacDonald is a bit too open to those with advanced academic pedigrees (Vallone claims to have graduated Princeton) and demeanor and a bit too closed to those without that. But that’s another matter and not a major point here; MacDonald is a wonderful scholar despite sometimes not being the best judge of character.

In general, it is right-wingishness and desperation for social prosthesis to compensate for their anti-social positions that creates this vulnerability; a tentosphere trap that Jews maintain - a key objective being to keep us as right-wingers and “THE Left” as the enemy.

Now then, I was a bit skeptical (and couldn’t be bothered since he is out of the ballpark) about the possibility that Vallone was the same person as Sen. Nevertheless, I already had sufficient evidence that Vallone and The European Knights Project are bad news: promoting civic nationalism, promoting black and mixed race people (e.g., “part black people are OK”) and for some reason, inciting strident hatred between Germans and Poles; and apparently anybody and Poles; not only that, but using sock-puppets to instigate that divisiveness.

There was no reason to doubt that his dealings with White Nationalism were disingenuous and it was disappointing that MacDonald, et al., would entertain him. Mike Delaney also spoke with Vallone not long ago - an interview posted by Anglin - but these latter two are middle brow right-wingers, so their rubbing elbows with Vallone did not pique my attention in the sense that one of “ours” was being infiltrated. I would be quite happy for the Daily Stormer to crash and burn. It deserves to.

Then Jack Sen came onto the radar screen of WN, appearing at Jez Turner’s London Forum and on Kevin MacDonald’s site. These are people that I like, even if their right-wingishness causes them problems. I even posted the talk Sen gave to London Forum here at Majorityrights - it was about UKIP being controlled opposition, infiltrated by Jewish interests and so on. That didn’t raise red flags for me - if he, KM and Jez suddenly liked each other, it seemed that he might indeed be a guy coming to his senses. What was curious, however, was his association with The European Knights Project, and Vallone, as I already knew that they were colossal bullshit.

Still, I’m not regularly following the goings-on of every right-winger as I already have their perfidy conceptually circumscribed. I might look at what they are up to, as they are engaged on the same turf, consider what is useful and reject what is not; but I’m not letting them dictate my terms, any more than I’d let Jews do it. So, if they want to rub elbows with Giacomo Vallone and the European Knights Project, it’s their ship that’s going down. I advise White advocates not to be right-wingers, but that’s all I can do. KM, Greg Johnson and the rest of those among what I’ve taken to calling the tentosphere have tended to double-down in their position that “The Left” is the enemy.

Matt Heimbach is also cooperating with Sen and The European Knights Project - it seems as if there might be a corollary there, probably unbeknownst to Heimbach, to his being banned from The U.K. Sen was so disappointed about the ban?

Coming back to the show that has taken center ring for now, it is clear that “Giacomo Vallone” is bad news, but is he also the same person as Jack Sen? That really would be something as we will see in a moment by some of the implications.

But even if they are not the same person, the very fact that Sen would be associated with Vallone and the The European Knights Project is damning enough.

Lets set out the thread beneath the 2013 interview of Giacomo Vallone by Dana Antiochus at Renegade.

If it’s Jack Sen doing this sock puppetry then that really would be something. We’ll come to what Jack Sen might be up to after I set out this thread where I started the fight which initiated the awareness that Giacomo Vallone might be something more negative than just an ignorant newby. I begin with the first comment and before long, you’ll see what will be shown to be Vallone using sock puppets to instigate German-Polish animus.

Renegade, Dana Antiochus interviews Giacomo Vallone, 14 Oct 2013


2 years 5 months ago

Giacomo Vallone’s remarks are not only tactless to the cause of mutual cooperation of European nationalism, but wrong..


The Tentosphere Larps a Trump Cabinet

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 16:31.

We have a great deal of respect for the work of Professor Kevin MacDonald and Dr. Tomislav Sunic here at Majorityrights.

However, the historical analyses and social criticisms of capable academics do not necessarily extend to sober prescriptions with regard to political requirements at hand and that is a fact unfortunately in evidence by their AFP’s proposed Cabinet for a Trump Presidency.

While most people recognize that a White Nationalist political party putting-forth a platform and candidates is not likely to have a great deal of success at this point in history, what can be expected is that they use the platform to get an articulate message out, one that well represents European/White peoples. However, with the Cabinet that The American Freedom Party proposes for a Trump Presidency, they undermine not only that nominal value of running for mainstream political office, but the very credibility that they could have lent as exponents of White interests.

Nevertheless, the substantive issues to be dealt with are too important and therefore I want to avoid alienating people who should be on our side by proceeding to simply flout the ill-conceived offerings of some of White Nationalism’s leading proponents; I will therefore spread blame around since its blunder is in truth most likely to be a joint effort.

Instead of focusing on any individual with their pants down, I want to look at a situation where the distortions of momentary euphoria and surprising cooperation have fueled the nostalgia and desperate larping of old timers, who should know better than to allow the insufficiently experienced to cast a net on their behalf all too wide in search of popularity - a big, big tent approach, or a tentsophere all too grand, for a more apt metaphor. I will venture this hypothesis as to the psychology behind this offering, more specifically, the apparent psychology of the positions of those who appear to be behind it. My guess (hypothesis) is as follows:

With the euphoria of the realization that their Internet radio programs are gaining wide audience and the fact that they were able to come together and to some extent combine their disparate audiences for a radio show at each other’s networks (here and here), James Edwards and Lana Lokteff were able to influence a desperate lot of right-wing WN with the idea that they’ve got White representation figured-out and that they can bridge the differences between various right-wing positions in negotiation of the tentosphere.

What Lana and James do not understand is that they are afforded the opportunity by our enemies to do their thing for significant negative reasons - they are right-wingers who the Jews and liberals can count on to take people into easily controlled positions where not into positions so stigmatic and idiotic as to turn-off intelligent and capable people who might otherwise join our side.

Along with their effusive self congratulations, James Edwards and the Political Cesspool do a great job of repelling and/or stigmatizing WN from their first and foremost position as Jesus freaks. Despite that significant drawback, Keith Alexander is an intelligent man and is the brains behind the outfit. James is ordinary at best. However, he’s gotten so caught-up in the enthusiasm of his show’s WN popularity and the fact that despite being a Jesus freak, he has been able to combine efforts with another show taking-off in WN popularity - Red Ice - despite its espoused paganism and its position that Christianity is destructive to European interests. They are both intoxicated by the possibility of pooling their audiences and James even goes so far as to refer to the anti-Christian, Lana, as “a great mind.”

In addition to larpish paganism, Lana, Red Ice, Radio 3-14, etc, traffics in idiotic conspiracy theories and Hitler/Reich resurrection - Red Ice will not for long suffer anybody who denounces Nazi Germany, doesn’t think their objectives were perfectly conceived and entirely legitimate, who thinks Operation Reinhardt was a fact, etc. Where pandering to Reich nostalgia does not gain audience, they are all too happy to gain audience through a litany of conspiracy theorists too boring, too tediously absurd and too many to enumerate.

Enter the right-wing old timers and academics who are getting desperate - so desperate that when they see the kind of broad audience that these right-wing kids on the block are having, they want to believe it represents rigorous truth - after all, they are objectivists, they have the numbers, therefore what they are saying and doing must be good and true.

What then would James Edwards say? He’s having success. He’s a board member of The American Freedom Party. He has the approval of that Yankee PrOfessor MacDonald. He can represent wholesome 1950’s Christian America. He thinks Pat Buchanan is fine and good ..“unnecessary wars”, the “revisionists” have it figured-out and all that bit.

James is getting real politically sophisticated too now. A regular pragmatist. He is even willing to reach-out into the big tentosphere and pool his efforts with the pagan/Hitler network, Red Ice.

Lets get swept-up with his enthusiasm and even larp a cabinet for President Trump. Oh, my, the right-wing: alt-right and tentosphere.

With the enthusiasm of this discovered magnanimity, he might try out his candidacy for “Press Secretary” of President Trump’s Cabinet.

But even so, being the humble guy that he is, he will ask the counsel of his wise elders.

The counsel has a key new member - his imagination. And a central orientation to this new imagination is to project what he figures would please Lana Laktoff’s audience to round-out the tentosphere’s base - to make-up a cabinet that Donald Trump couldn’t possibly lose with.

He’s not fooling around here and as sure as “there is not a wasted word in the bible” and the ways of its elders hold the truth, he would never be so foolish as to place all hope in Lana’s non-Christian audience. He’ll also take into advice, real or imagined, those he and his close cohorts have more common rapport with:

James and Lana have inspired the counsel of Daniel Johnson, Keith Alexander, MacDonald, Sunic, Jared Taylor, Paul Gottfried…and ?

The result is this American Freedom Party “proposal of a Cabinet for Donald Trump.”

I want to be kind. It does not make me happy to be critical or to cause humiliation, if it does. However, one of the crucial services that MR ventures to perform is to look after the correct theoretical - translate metapolitical - underpinnings of European representation.

Therefore, we will not treat this as it might seem at first blush - like a prank by our enemies - and will instead examine this list presented by American Freedom Party members. It is apparent that older members of pre-Internet, ivory tower insulated or business compromised positions have gotten swept-up in the enthusiasm of the Political Cesspool’s and Red Ice’s popularity, dubious though it, and the judgment behind it, may be. We will look at how the people in these proposed Cabinet positions would not well represent White/European peoples.

The bizarre eclecticism of this proposed Cabinet is an expression of - “tentosphere” prosthesis - its social organizational ineptitude:

American Freedom Party
2753 Broadway, Suite 245
New York, NY 10025


March 28, 2016

Re: The Board of Directors of the AFP Offer a Proposed Trump Cabinet

The current policies of the federal government have resulted in considerable dispossession of America’s founding stock.  Indeed, its awkwardly promoted policies of “diversity” are in reality tantamount to the physical removal of Americans of European extraction.  At long last, we have in the candidacy of Donald Trump a possible bulkhead against the forces that are destroying the peoples of European extraction worldwide.  We believe, therefore, that it is necessary for Donald Trump to choose his “Ambassadors, Public Ministers and Councils” with great deliberation while keeping in mind that, as president, he represents all U.S. citizens, including large segments of dispossessed white Americans. The present proposal is only a suggestion and an opinion of ours, which in no way implies that we are requesting Donald Trump’s agreement or endorsement of the American Freedom Party.  We would like to point out, however, that a significant number of American citizens of European extraction, often summarily labeled in the media as “White nationalists,” are firm Donald Trump’s supporters. 

In this wise, the American Freedom Party proposed to Donald Trump and the American people the following persons for his Administration’s key posts:

Vice President:  Gov. Chris Christie.  Governor Christie possesses the experience and temperament to balance a Trump Ticket. 

Secretary of State: Sen. Jeff Sessions.  Secretary of State is such an important position in a Trump administration that President Trump should pick someone whom he can rely on totally.  This person is Senator Sessions. 

Secretary of Treasury: Sen. Rand Paul.  Senator Paul’s father, Rep. Ron Paul, would be a better choice for this position, but due to the senior Paul’s age, we feel that Senator Paul would handle this difficult assignment admirably—primarily because of father’s teachings and influence.

Attorney General: Congressman Trey Gowdy.  Congressman Gowdy has been a U.S. prosecutor and is a Tea Party member.  He would be a good, solid choice for Attorney General.

Secretary of Defense:  Newt Gingrich. Mr. Gingrich informally advised Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and hopefully has learned that foreign entanglements are bad for America.

Secretary of Homeland Security: Ann Coulter. Ms. Coulter will do what needs doing and she will give proper direction and coordination with the Secretary of Agriculture to achieve administration goals.

Secretary of Labor:  Oregon Governor Kate Brown.  In keeping with Donald Trump’s populist underpinnings, Oregon Governor Kate Brown would be a good choice.  She is a proven champion of a living wage.

Secretary of Health and Human Services: Prof. Kevin B. MacDonald.  Professor MacDonald is renowned worldwide as professor of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach (emeritus).  He has written numerous scholarly works and is the leading White advocate and scholar.

Secretary of Transportation: Elon Musk.  Mr. Musk is such a leading figure in industry, engineering and transportation (both on earth and in space) that every president should seek his advice and service. 

Secretary of Energy: Senator John Thune. Senator Thune is a great choice for Energy Tsar because of his leading role in the senate in formulating energy policy.  Also, because of his polished demeanor, his very presence commands respect.

FBI Director:  Former Congressman Virgil Goode. Virgil Goode is an excellent choice for FBI director because he was a member of the Liberty Caucus, a libertarian-leaning congressional group and while he has strong, white-nationalist leanings, he will protect the individual liberties of all Americans—something that has been missing in past FBI directors.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs: General Jack Keane. General Keane is a four-star general and recipient of the Legion of Merit.

Secretary of Agriculture: William Daniel Johnson. Mr. Johnson is Chairman of the American Freedom Party. He is a farmer and a white nationalist. This cabinet post is extremely important because it handles food stamps and WIC (women, infant and children) food subsidies. These programs will be powerful tools to achieve repatriation of 30+ million illegal aliens in America.

United States Trade Representative: Senator Bernie Sanders. Senator Sanders is for protective tariffs. He would be a good choice to move America away from the job-killing trade approach of the last thirty years.

United Nations Ambassador: Jared Taylor. A clear choice for UN Ambassador is the urbane and intellectual Jared Taylor, founder of American Renaissance, the leading white advocate educational organization.

EPA Director:  Jill Stein. Jill Stein is (and has been) the Green Party’s presidential candidate.  She would do an admirable job in protecting our environment for generations to come.

OMB Director:  Former Governor Gary Johnson. Libertarian presidential candidate and former governor of New Mexico, Gov. Johnson has an outstanding record of spending reduction against a spendthrift state government. As Director of the Office of Management and Budget, he will keep executive spending in check.

Surgeon General: Dr. Ben Carson.  Dr. Carson endorsed Donald Trump early on.  This position would be good for both Dr. Carson and the nation.

Press Secretary:  James Edwards.  James Edwards is the host of “the Political Cesspool” radio show, a pro-white radio show.  He has been a leading figure in the media fight to stop the genocide of the white race.  President Trump could do no better than James Edwards in this position.

Poet Laurate: Michael Derrick Hudson.  Not only is Mr. Hudson an accomplished poet, he courageously exposed the anti-white bias in today’s poetry publishing world.

Chief of Staff:  Former Governor Sarah Palin.  (Last listed, but first in importance.)  Gov. Palin’s most demanding task will be in the dismantling of the below agencies.

Cabinet positions and Agencies to be Eliminated:  We propose that the Trump Administration eliminate the following Agencies and their cabinet posts. 
Secretary of Interior
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Education

Very truly yours,
Tom Sunic, Ph.D
AFP Director in Charge

Contact:  Tom Sunic, Ph.D, Director
Cellular 00385 91 1722 783 (Zagreb, Croatia)
or (213) 621-3000
Fax: (213) 621-2900
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Dugin Interviewed: We’ve Got Him Grappling with White Post Modernity

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 24 March 2016 07:39.

Dugin/Stark interview: Beginning concession to White Post Modernity

Whereas he used to have a completely botched notion of post modernity - mixing-up what should be the antidote to modernity and liberalism with liberalism itself - it now appears that we are improving Dugin’s understanding - viz., that modernity is the problem and the essence of liberalism.

His ideas in this talk are largely amenable and well considered.

His proposition that the state is a bit too much of an artifice to suffice by itself and that there needs to be a hypothesized realm, as we would say, beyond the physically verified moment, which girds and orients a people, is also well considered.


However, now that we are getting him to a better understanding of “post moderntiy”, viz. White post modernity, we need to get him to a better understanding of biological reality and “racism.”



Anti-racism is the quintessential modernist liberal notion; it is a Cartesian farce: It has been proposed as innocent but it is not -

Anti-racism is prejudiced, it is not innocent, it is hurting and it is killing people.

For “racism” is a necessary concept in a benign form, which is not supremacism nor a singular conclusion to aggrandizement and annihilation of an opposing people (as YKW propose and liberals might accept as a definition). It is in fact, a practical concept that is practiced by ordinary people everyday of necessity, as a non-Cartesian requirement of the human condition, of being in the world - one must discriminate in human-sized categories, including social classification - of one’s own people and of other peoples - to form a coherent basis of ones own and to form a basis of human ecologies for our systemic coherence, social accountability, warrant and agency.

These classifications are “hermeneutic”, that is to say that they are not absolutely empirically based in every moment, as the taken-for-granted and the state of partial knowledge - faith, if you will - must subsist behind the working hypothesis.

Call it a working hypothesis, call it faith, call it rules, call it narrative, call it taken for granted, call it the partly unknown, call it a mystery, a quest, an adventure, some of that as you must, some of it you might, as it has practical function to ensconce the under-determining facts of the empirical; but I have believed and continue to believe that a sacred overlay, in orientation and guidance of a people is a good idea.

I believe that it is a hermeneutic notion nevertheless, which is itself accountable to deal concretely with biology, sex and genetics, mediating toward fairness and justice in regards to this social capital - otherwise, without this empirical accountability, this “spiritual” realm will be the realm of evil charlatans.

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Herding people into the institutions of the enemy is always a bad idea.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thursday, 10 March 2016 16:34.

European Town hero image

I don’t know why some people have found it so difficult to understand that it’s a bad idea, but I keep seeing people trying to promote Christianity as a solution to European problems over and over again, so I’ve decided to make a quick Q&A style article which should serve to explain why it is a really bad idea. This article covers some of the most commonly asked questions, and may expand later if I notice other questions trending.

So without further ado, let’s get to it.

Q: Europeans need Christianity as a cultural glue to hold them together, don’t they?

A: Can anyone name any Christian institution in the present day, that is actually against inviting those Arabs and Africans into Europe at the slightest excuse, if they were labelled as ‘refugees’?

There literally are none. 100% of mainstream Christian institutions in Europe right now are in favour of ‘refugees welcome’, and are actively lobbying in favour of open door policies while collecting grant money to provide services to ‘refugees’ and ‘economic migrants’ alike.

Q: Tricky Neo-Marxists have taken over the churches, it’s not the fault of the churches!

A: If the village church is controlled by the ideological enemy, then the thing which you absolutely should not do is encourage young people to join that same institution. Especially if they weren’t much involved in it in the first place. Instead, you should conduct non-stop Information Operations against those institutions, right up to and including black propaganda and grey propaganda.

You should not funnel people toward organisations that are completely controlled by the enemy.

Any attempt to funnel young Europeans into church institutions is:

  • a.) A lot of ridiculously hard work, which would hilariously help our enemies, given that the enemy controls those institutions, and
  • b.) Demoralising for everyone, because it is literally manufacturing a division where it did not need to exist, and allowing the enemy to have preferential access to the ears of the people we are trying to talk to. Why on earth should anyone want to willingly afford the church clergy the opportunity to compete with us for the ears of young people? No one should want to ever afford them that opportunity.

You should instead attack them and discredit them whenever and wherever you can. There are no pretty political words that can make it anything other than what it is. Church institutions are enemy institutions which must be opposed.

Also, the fact that Christianity is demonstrably a massive pack of lies, makes the task of opposing Christian institutions really easy. It’s pretty easy to do.

Q: I heard that the Russian Orthodox Church was okay with racial advocacy, isn’t that good?

A: The Russian Orthodox Church is a church which:

  • a.) has a doctrine of ‘anti-phyletism’, which is basically anti-racism, and
  • b.) is an ideological state apparatus (ISA) of the Russian Federation, a state which is openly hostile to Western Europe.

So, no, they are not okay with racial advocacy, they are just like all the others.

Q: Surely all the churches are not like this?

A: They certainly are.

Adrean Arlott wrote an article back in May 2013 in which he touched on this issue:

Compulsory Diversity News / Adrean Arlott, ‘Save us Jebus!’, 18 May 2013:

Please Jesus. Protect me from your followers.

I have been debating Christianity’s lack of virtues today. I ask you this: Does Christianity do more to help or hurt White people? If we consider anti-racist to be code word for anti-White, then I vote it hurts White people.

Orthodox Church: (Source)
...we reject phyletism, that is racial discrimination and nationalistic contention, enmities and discord in the Church of Christ as being contrary to the teaching of the Gospel and the sacred canons of our holy Fathers, who support the holy Church and adorn the whole of the Christian life, leading to divine Godliness.

Catholic Church: (Source)
We begin with three facts. First, racism exists here; it is part of the American landscape. Second, racism is completely contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Third, all baptized Catholics have a moral obligation to work toward the elimination of racism.

Episcopal Church: (Source)
Racism is totally inconsistent with the Gospel, therefore, must be confronted and eradicated. Basing its message on the baptismal covenant, the Bishops invited all baptized Christians to enter into a new covenant to fight racism and, “proclaim the vision of God’s new creation in which the dignity of every human being is honored.”

Baptist Church: (Source)
“We are all saddened when any sin, including the sin of racism, rears its head,” said Southern Baptist Convention spokesman Sing Oldham. “Part of our gospel is that we are being redeemed. We are flawed, failed creatures and redemption is a process.”

Westboro Baptist Church (Source)
...the Scripture doesn’t support racism. God never says “thou shalt not be black.” However, He does say, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22).

Mormon Church: (Source)
“The church’s position is clear,” LDS Church spokesman Michael Purdy said. “We believe all people are God’s children and are equal in His eyes and in the church. We do not tolerate racism in any form. For a time in the church there was a restriction on the priesthood for male members of African descent,” Purdy said. “It is not known precisely why, how or when this restriction began in the church but what is clear is that it ended decades ago.”

Lutheran Church: (Source)
Racism is one of the most destructive sins in today’s world. It refuses to honor God’s mighty acts in creation, redemption, and sanctification. Racism simply does not trust the gospel. It builds on human pride and prejudice, abusing power for selfish advantage. Racism dishonors God, neighbor, and self. It rejects the meaning in God’s becoming incarnate in Jesus Christ, because in rejecting another person one rejects Jesus Christ.

Presbyterian Church: (Source)
The Dismantling Racism and Privilege Ministry Team assists the presbytery in its commitment to dismantle racism and privilege. Its purpose is to increase awareness and work toward the eradication of intentional and unintentional racism and privilege at critical decision points in the life of the presbytery, and to assist sessions and congregations in dismantling racism and privilege among our church constituency.

Methodist Church: (Source)
At the beginning of the 21st century, the United Methodist Church is focusing on racism and promoting diversity with more vigor than ever. It is actively promoting more inclusiveness and diversity in its institutions and leadership. One of its 14 churchwide agencies, the Commission on Religion and Race, focuses on those issues, and caucuses such as Black Methodists for Church Renewal and Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans also keep them in front of the church. Through programs such as Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century, the National Plan for Hispanic Ministries, the Council on Korean-American Ministries and the Native American Comprehensive Plan, the denomination is building up racial-ethnic congregations.

Pretty interesting, Adrean Arlott had done a good service to his readers when he pointed that out to them.

The fact that Arlott has drawn attention to this in the past, should provide even more of a context to how well-known and well-understood it is to ethno-nationalists, that Christian churches are not capable of being allies of ethno-nationalists and never will be. Even the most cynical political calculations could not bring anyone to the conclusion that organised Christianity could be utilised in the defence of anyone’s ethnic genetic interests (EGI).

It’s so bad in fact, that the Christian churches promote not only white genocide—not even metaphorically but literally—but also for the rest of the planet they offer nothing other than genocide either.

For example, plenty of church bodies espouse the position of mass mestizaje for Central Americans, thus advocating the continuation of the genocide against the native peoples of the Americas.

Here’s one example of that:

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ‘Ethnic Specific and Multicultural Ministries - Latino’: (emphasis added)
We are a community that confesses its origin and identity in the creative, redemptive and sanctifying work of God. The great diversity that characterizes us is a process of continual biological and cultural “mestizaje,” and our unity is in Jesus Christ, who gathers us around word and water, wine and bread.

They are actually serious.

So really, in what world would anyone think that ethnic advocacy from ‘a Christian perspective’ could ever be possible? In what retarded world is ‘cultural Christianity’—which is to say, the idea of a political alliance between Christianity and ethno-nationalism—even a thing that could be worth considering for more than five seconds? It’s just completely ridiculous.

The real and actually-existing physical manifestation of Christianity is one which is intrinsically opposed to the existence of pretty much everyone’s ethnic groups. It’s not that Christianity somehow acquired an ethnicity-destroying agenda after the year 1968. It was already doing that from the start, it’s just that the ‘anti-racist’ cultural phenomenon that manifested in the west after 1968 offered Christianity the ability to express its full ‘anti-racist’ potential while uninhibited by secular interference.

Q: What if we don’t encourage people to join the institutions, but instead propagate the idea that people should just pretend to be a Christian and then never attend church?

A: If you go around plastering images of churches up everywhere and begin praising the supposed ‘2000 year civilisation’ that these institutions created and exhorting people to identify themselves and their prosperity with those ideas, isn’t it only to be expected that people might take it seriously?

If you stand on a stage and play the violin jauntily, do you not expect that the people will either: (a.) dance or (b.) leave the dance floor?

If you put out non-stop praise for Christianity, do you not expect that new people might either: (a.) join Christian institutions or (b.) depart from the scene?

Neither of those two responses would be conducive to our interests, so why should anyone put out that kind of messaging?

We should be promoting ethno-nationalism, not promoting Christianity, because Christianity is an ideology of the enemy, and on top of that it is an ideology held by very few of the target audience which are Europeans aged 16 to 35.

There is no reason why anyone should point new people in the direction of an ideology which is opposed to everything we stand for, and whose institutions are controlled by our enemies. It’s unreasonable to expect that if you are successful at getting people to accept Christian ideology, that they wouldn’t end up attending Christian churches and looking for Christian teachings from contemporary Christian teachers. That’s what religious converts do.

Q: But the evidence of 2000 years of civilisation and architecture is all around, how can people just ignore it? What are they supposed to have pride in? How else can a community be built? Christianity is a noble lie, and Europeans need to be lied to, don’t they?

A: Nobody cares. That narrative is basically devised as an attempt to get people to increase their respect for an ideology which pushes (a) operationally useless ideas, and also (b) ideas that blatantly contradict our agenda, all so that the people will support Christians in defending an abstract historiography about the supposed ‘pride’ of ‘2000 years’, a historiography which most young people don’t identify with or care about. The whole ‘pride of 2000 years’ narrative has no real connection with the people’s short-term concerns.

The best propaganda is that which is based on truth and which addresses the immediate concerns of the people. But the ‘noble’ liars are calling for pro-Christianity propaganda to be put out all over the place, even though they at the same time openly acknowledge in that same propaganda that they believe the core of that pro-Christianity propaganda to be based on total lies, because they acknowledge that Christianity is a lie. And it is indeed a lie.

So how does this even work? The ‘noble’ liars expect the target audience to believe propaganda which they themselves are openly admitting has no truth in it? They expect the average random person in the street to have the sophistication and capacity for psychological self-distancing to identify outwardly with Christian revival memes while cynically and consciously repudiating all of the content of Christian doctrine, and shunning all its institutions and authorities? They expect the flower girl at the florist’s shop to do something mentally sophisticated like that? They expect the cashier in the newsagents shop to do that? They expect someone who works the production line at a factory to wrap their heads around that?

That is completely impractical. If the noble ‘liars’ were to ever attempt some real activism they’d realise immediately how ridiculous it would be to go out and say:

‘Cultural Christians’ may as well be saying:

“I want you to convert to Christianity in order to save the European peoples by fostering a sense of ‘community’ on this basis, but I want you to also remember that it is all a lie which could be severely damaging to European peoples if you were to start actually believing it. We’re asking you to play 57-dimensional chess, where you will spend your whole life outwardly professing to believe something that we all know is a lie, while you are contradicting that supposed belief with every policy preference, and you also need to pass this subtle game onto your children, making sure that they fall neither into belief, nor into renunciation. We also need to make sure that no one ever points out that this is all a lie, even though we all know it is a lie. Also, don’t ever go to Church, just pretend to go. Can you do all that?”

Imagine the look on someone’s face if you asked them to do that, and portrayed it as a pre-requisite for ‘saving Europe’. It’s a really ridiculous idea which has no mass appeal whatsoever, and is completely infeasible. It’s not even edgy. It’s just ridiculous.

Q: You anti-Christians are really divisive! Aren’t you just complaining and causing division among ethno-nationalists?

A: No. Using the United Kingdom as an example, the anti-Christian narrative appeals to the fastest growing element of the landscape, people whose religion is listed as “None”, and this section comprises a majority of the people under the age of 54.

BES2015 compilation, figures 2 and 4.

The pro-Christians on the other hand are appealing to a shrinking demography of people who will be dead within the next decade and a half. And then they get upset when they are told that what they are doing is mentally retarded. People who are placing all of their bets on the red section of the religious affiliation by age group table depicted above, are people who simply do not understand politics.

Q: People shouldn’t just lazily follow trends, you should stand athwart history and yell “Stop!”, shouldn’t you?

A: There is no good reason for why any ethno-nationalist should want to reverse the trend depicted in the tables shown in the previous section. Christianity is a liability, and Christianity’s fall into irrelevance is just one less liability that you’ll have to deal with. Well, it would be one less liability if you would just let it go.

As I said about Abrahamic monotheists, such as the Christians, in September 2015: / Kumiko Oumae, ‘Dear monotheists: We will attack your semitic god. By what method? By all methods.’, 10 Sep 2015:

[...] [Abrahamic monotheists] set human beings against their own senses and against their own intuition by emphasising a false distinction between mind and body. They created a separation between the people and the land that they evolved on. They were not the only ones to attempt this, but particularly in Europe and the Near East, it is impossible to talk about this issue without actually pointing out that Abrahamic religion is a central factor to the process of the alienation of people from themselves and their dispossession from their own land.

The Christian church twisted the minds of the European peoples, turning the mechanisms of their own survival instincts against themselves. Islam also did the same from without, it attacked people for the sake of accomplishing the same purposes, and these are essentially the same phenomenon, all branching from Judaism. All the expressions of Middle Eastern monotheism spring up in the physical world [as a product of] the after-effects of a desertification event that occurred in the Middle East and North Africa about 4000 years ago, an event which a priestly class seized upon so as to cement their control. Those population groups then tried by every means possible, to impose their warped social institutions and practices onto the neighbouring populations.

Europeans struggled, for centuries, to succeed at living fulfilling lives not because of Christianity, but rather, despite Christianity. [...]

What should be done, then?

Well, as I concluded in that same article: / Kumiko Oumae, ‘Dear monotheists: We will attack your semitic god. By what method? By all methods.’, 10 Sep 2015: (emphasis added)


People should also be encouraged to show the viability and vitality of a new Europe, through their support for parallel civic organisations that strengthen national bonds of blood and proximity. These social organisations would be like a great constellation of stars shining like a thousand points of light over the continent, engaged in world service. By doing so, it would show that it is possible to run Europe without Christianity, without Islam, and without Judaism.

Through that kind of approach, we would be fighting the war domestically, fighting the war overseas, and also fighting the war in the world we cannot see. If we are successful at creating that environment—and we will be—I think there will be a definite chance for a new Europe to emerge.

Bill, Synagogue Audience, Ogle Prospect of Hillary ‘Including’ Another ‘Marginal’ on Supreme Court

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 09 March 2016 11:27.

Click the image for a video of Bill Clinton presenting his usual stump on behalf of Hillary to a synagogue audience in Illinois.

The “inclusive, inclusive, inclusive” bit was frightening in the 1990s, when he was running for President, because “inclusive” can be a good concept when applied within a legitimate classification; and at the time there was more chance that it could have been honestly mistaken as if that’s what he meant; and not heard as what he actually means, which is the Jewish “inclusive” - a hyper-liberal inclusiveness that would include everybody [and he does emphasize everybody] - people formerly from without of a racial classification and formerly outside of the nation. This paradoxical “inclusiveness” would ultimately dissolve the classification, the nation, the people, the tribe altogether - viz., it would dissolve the very thing to be included-in.

It would dissolved to a vague catch-all category of undifferentiated gentile others; while one tribe would maintain its distinction, of course.

In 2016 it sounds less frightening than totally absurd given the floods of immigration into The U.S. and Europe. This audience in the synagogue reacts only with applause either because they are completely blind to the fact that they are being herded, thinking that they can maintain their Jewish sanctioned activist distinctions indefinitely, or because they are in on the joke.

Their biggest applause are reserved for when Bill says that what he is most proud of is that Hillary distinguishes herself from the other candidates by more fervently denouncing prejudice against Muslim Americans (following the Noachide laws apparently being good enough to qualify people for inclusion as Americans). Bill concludes by rubbing his hands together with the audience over the prospect (given Scalia’s death) of Hillary putting through another “Justice” just as good as the one that he put on the Court -

Bill literally wept before America, so moved as he was when his nominee had ascended to The Supreme Court.

(Doug Mills/Associated Press)

Among Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s first statements was to maintain her long standing conviction as a “civil rights” advocate that nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of immutable characteristics.

European peoples, the time for being alarmed or despairing over this has long since passed. The neo-liberal complicity with the Jewish notion of “including ‘marginals” is, as I have said in several places, a paradoxical notion of “inclusion” that they have put together with an inverted notion of “marginals” - a notion of “marginals” by which they mean not marginals, as that would imply those who are just within our boundaries but being pushed to the side and ultimately outside - they mean rather taking in those from without.

With the flooding incursion of migrants and the chutzpah of this inclusion rhetoric absurdly unabated, it is time to see all of this for what it is and to organize as Whites/Native Europeans - maintaining our important distinctions and bounds as they provide accountability and serve our human ecologies, sure; but recognizing that we must coordinate our defense with overall organization as European peoples.

We are under attack for that reason in essence, no matter where or what we might take recourse to in lieu of defending ourselves on that basis. Wherever we are, we are in need of a union, unions and coordination of defense based on our most precious and essential bond - that is our DNA.

Europeans can no longer afford to tarry uncritically with those who would proceed with the modernist bastard child that is universal principles and rights, nor cater to those who would attempt to “save us” with neo-traditional re-organizations under the anachronistic rubric and poison rule structures of “Christendom.”

These aren’t surrogates for our DNA and biology - in lieu of that rather, they are midwives to the birthing of pan-mixia and our genocide.

Picture a cartoon illustration here that I had to take down due to EU law. Its title reads “Jews, Musilims, Christians.” Beneath that title it shows the identical happy self hand clasping merchant three times - their only being dressed differently and having slightly different skin tone - the obvious implication being that there is no important difference. There is a sarcastic sub-title: “know the difference, it could save your nation” and a conclusive line, “Semitic Religion, not even once.” Which is the same as saying, Abrahamic religion, not even once.

The time has also passed to be surprised or despair at how the all too kosher Merkel will act quite similarly with regard to our borders on the European end, and how the Noachide sheep will react to those who would oppose her - marking little difference between Europeans in America or here in Europe, as they continue to operate under the same neo-liberal rule structures and Noachide law. The time is now to wrest and forge our rule structure anew in organization and activism of the White Class.

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Of Note


Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:24. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Former Putin economic advisor on Putin's global strategy' on Fri, 03 Jan 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 30 Dec 2024 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 30 Dec 2024 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sun, 22 Dec 2024 01:03. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:14. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Fri, 20 Dec 2024 21:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 19 Dec 2024 01:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 19 Dec 2024 01:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 18 Dec 2024 01:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 18 Dec 2024 01:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 21:35. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 20:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 19:49. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 23:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 22:01. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:52. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 18:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 14:23. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 08 Dec 2024 14:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 06 Dec 2024 20:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 06 Dec 2024 01:08. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Wed, 04 Dec 2024 19:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 02 Dec 2024 23:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The journey to The Hague revisited, part 1' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 21:20. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The journey to The Hague revisited, part 1' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 17:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 13:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 29 Nov 2024 01:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 23:49. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 01:33. (View)

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