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(((Frame Games))) Hardens-Up and Greg Johnson Presents His Right-Wing Rear For Entryism (as does JF)

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 20 May 2018 11:58.

Greg Johnson’s Avatar

We begin with the formula for infiltration - gaining entryism into the Alt Right/and the like White-Right - with a sympathetic voice of the YKW to join-in to tell their ‘red-pill’ story, their journey into race realism.” *

...and Frame Games begins:

“I was just a regular guy”... “I’ve been on this journey” ..(let him tell you what he’s discovered, fellow travelers of the Alt Right).

...because Jews are sufficiently taken as White by Whites and non White alike, he’d like to promote the crypsis by emphasizing “a new way forward”, promoting the asking of the question: “Is it good for White people” (as opposed to criticizing others).

Mark Dyal
Mark Dyal

Naivete is nothing new for his interlocutor in this podcast, Greg Johnson - this is the man who seriously entertains Vox Day, who ardently defended Mike Enoch despite all evidence of his dishonesty, who banned me from Counter-Currents for criticizing Mark Dyal’s interloping upon White advocacy.

Greg indeed provides for (((entryism))) - a viral poz opening:

” We have to have a certain openness to the enemy camp.”

Greg’s snobbery, his elitism ensconced with right wing “objectivism”, blinds him to the susceptibility to entryism by people who can impress him intellectually and with accomplishments and money, thus allowing them to influence, if not guide the narrative that he is supposed to be “stewarding”, of the lesser folks of the White pattern he would purport to steward in paternalistic elitism.

Frame Game 28:50:

“Is it good for Whites?” (Knowing that crypsis is going to fool people, non-Whites especially ...hence in entryism, he wants to ingratiate himself with the question).

Now, in this discussion, none of my hypotheses about the right/altright/new right whatever right are disconfirmed. They are prone, as reactionaries into “objectivism” to blindness in their strained quest for pure factual, foundational warrant.

Nevertheless, in that quest they can be useful, indeed coming-up with and providing facts that are useful to our advocacy and, in their rigid focus, sometimes directing focus on matters that need critical attention - even the YKW seeking entryism can be useful, provided that you know that they are seeking to direct the narrative…

In his case, they are just doing what I’ve been saying right along, trying to maintain a controlled opposition to “the social justice warriors” (i.e., undergraduates they’ve trained, who might intersect to see just how unjust the YKW are in their hegemonic 7 niche perch) .... of the “righteously real, truthful, scientific right against the left and its ‘aversion to facts, science and reality’’s penchant for the bunk and hokum of psycho analysis and sociology ..which are all the real source of the problem” ...along with people from lower ranks seeking money from law suits against wealthy Jews for their discrimination… ....not like us right wingers, us race realists, who love objective truth, science, and unequal merticocracy, as it were, now that the YKW are on top of the 7 niches….

Vox Day, of team Milo

With that, Frame Games plays the red capes: against “multiculturalism” preparing you by default to argue for integration in paleo conservatism, viz as Christians under the Jewish control of Noahide law “huWhite people along with Jews in Western civilization ...the Jewish diaspora in which Frame Games admits he is motivated to remain ensconced with his people ... other people may spill blood to fight Islam (whom his people inflicted upon us - talk about “problem - reaction - solution”) and “Hispanics”, who right wingers have othered, mixed - sometimes only conceptually - sometimes in deliberate evil - but who they want to be the main enemy because they are not susceptible to pity the YKW, nor do they cooperate with their pet henchmen, the blacks.

36:10: To shine his pedigree, Johnson goes along with the reactionary right wing altercast, as he always has:

“Multiculturalism, it’s implicit imperialism…creates a situation where everyone’s homeless, nobody feels comfortable.”

[Of course, rather, it is integration with foreigners, not multiculturalism that does this.

Later Frame Game will make a big thing against another YKW red cape, “diversity” ...similarly as multiculturualism, diverse and marginal input from within a system would strengthen it, lend perspective and stability, while the YKW have perverted the terms to where what is diverse and marginal comes from without the system and destroys it in the name of “diversity is our strength”...but the Frame Game will have you arguing against “the diversity business’ ... he doesn’t so much want to allow for qualitative inputs from within the system but rather to argue for unequal quantification of the Jewish/White hybrid.]

Westward Thought

Host, “Westward thought” chimes in ...yes, women don’t feel comfortable as they are preyed upon by Muslims.”

Frame Game (38:00):

“My journey….I agree with the perils of multiculturalism - and value one dominant, normative White western civilization ...within America too and in Europe (he’s talking about paleocon Judeo Christian, John K. Press “culturalism” of western civilization):

(((John K. Press / Robert Stark)))

Viktor Orban has declared a Christian nation (((how good is that for Noahide culturalism?))).

...problems are solved by declaring normative, dominant culture.” (((full J.K. Press culturalism)))

Here he identifies with our reaction for solid warrant against the rhetoric of Jewish group advocacies… “I wanted to be an evolutionary psychologist, I wanted to be a scientist, was always interested in psychology of the mind (scientific objectivism plus Christianity is (((Frank Meyer’s))) Paleocon agenda)))...

...“they said I took evolutionary psychology too seriously (I’m such a rebel, like my fellow traveler KM)...

This was before the replication crisis in psychology, cultural anthropology, sociology and all of those bankrupt fields…but…

David Buss’s Evolutionary Psychology (The New Science of The Mind) changed my life.

When we finally have a framework for understanding the human mind…

This is a way out of racial conflict, just understand that there is human biodiversity”

[this, HBD, is another concept and term that has been perverted into a red cape by the YKW - viz., horizontal, qualitative diversity has been perverted into I.Q. quantification and hierarchization

...take relativism and put it into the objectivist perversion of “HBD”] comes the half-hearted, paleocon endorsement of nationalism ...on behalf of the Zionists and diaspora - 46:30.

“I was an outstanding student, but then I had the nerve to talk science!

It’s the money! the money which has people blackballed for talking about human intelligence”...

(Thus), E.O. Wilson (was not able to overcome) Adorno, Marcuse…it’s because of the money (not Jewish ethnocentrism and sometimes costly bribing of right wing reactionaries and unprofitable propagandizing against them).

...note that there is lots of bundling “Hispanics” along with blacks as the enemy… keeps tucking that in…

There is a seat for Greg, both at the Zionist and the elite YKW diaspora table

Johnson jumps on the band wagon: “you Hispanics will simply re create the places that you come from - like Honduras”

..but Johnson does not ask how might a qualitative proportion of “Hispanics” interacting with Whites effect a collective society and their I.Q.?  ...are some of them good in non verbal I.Q.? - many are not that far removed from Japanese - could maybe contribute to a society for the better if managed properly?

....but Johnson concludes “their conditions (from which they came) are not independent variables from I.Q.” 

Here Johnson gets snookered into the YKW Frame Game that they are trying to orchestrate to weasel entyrism into White right alliance and out of their internationalist left cross hairs, in which they were the sole union, the sole pure nepotists that they would stand for:

Johnson advocates a pure meritocracy to counteract the massive over representation of Jews in academia, including places like Harvard, where they can be as much as 40% of the student body, well beyond their objectively measured merit.

Of course Jews will go along with that for now as a stall-tactic to allow time them to re-gear..

...and for their gene hijacking and eugenics, they can still be over represented by a-racial “objectivism” beyond relative group interests of Whites et al. 

Frame Game:

“If you understood just how much of the Jewish psyche is ingrained in higher education, what it is to the Jewish psyche…if their position was put into jeopardy, everyone with the name Green or Berg would be having a Russian revolution for the existential threat to their hegemonic control of universities.”

Johnson says that he is taking notes [by pandering to Johnson’s snobbish elite pedigreeist cronyism, they are getting him to swallow the idea that the objectivism that the Jews propose is the antidote, not a part of marshaling their false opposition].

Back to Frame Game’s story that’s supposed to ingratiate him to the Goyim -

And there IS some definite good to right wingers, even YKW ones who hope to gain entyism by ingratiation through truth, facts, etc, in that they can indeed provide facts and sharp focus where it is needed (just don’t let them take you where they want to go):

Frame Games: (By this Jewish academic world) “I was encouraged to put this threatening line of inquiry, my love of science and biology aside and to study law instead.

But one of the things that first shocked me on my red pill journey was a class in Constitutional Law. I thought I’d left biology behind…

Then we got to the section on the 1964 Civil Rights Act...

And how THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE has been re-interpreted away from equal to where any White over representation is considered prima facie evidence of racial discrimination.

A lot of people think of affirmative action being the exception to the equal protection clause…. if you only knew how deep it goes…

(in a slight American Southern - “Y’all know what I’m sayin’,  i.e., that again” - accent):

Are you guys familiar with “disparate impact”? .....a legal doctrine

“Disparate Impact is probably the most evil and disgusting piece of distoriionary nuclear fall-out in American jurisprudence.

What it says is that:

If there are racially neutral laws on the books or racially neutral practices at any corporation or government agency, if they have the effect of creating disparate impact on different groups - that is, if there are racial differences that emerge even where they are racially neutral by law, by practice, by custom, then it is presumed as prima facie evidence of racial discrimination and allows anybody to launch a civil rights law-suit against you with TREBLE -

A law suit against you with Treble damages - that means three times damages from whatever you suffered.

So, Disparate Impact means that no matter what you do, if you are a company, you are a solo practitioner, if you are a government agency, no matter what you do, if racial differences emerge you are liable unless you can prove, that is, the burden of proof is on you to show that you are PROACTIVELY DISCRIMINATING (for blacks/browns and against Whites, against Asians too, really, as they have to score 400 points higher than blacks on SAT’s to get the same university slots).

This is a common law doctrine.”

Then Greggy fucks in -“the basic assumption is of “racial equality”

That’s not the basic assumption, the basic assumption is White guilt (as warrant for expropriation), presumed privilege and penchant for exploitation and genocide (of Jews especially) ...the abstract presumption is more like people are to be treated as being in classificatory Noahide sameness, but with some having been unfairly discriminated against as Noahide family members, thus requiring to be compensatorily included - otherwise, paradoxically you are disingenuous/or classifcatory, a racist by definition.

With that Frame Game whisks the multiculturalism and diversity red cape..

Calling “diversity” simply a big money racket (not a Jewish mis-frame game)  that has brought corporations to their knees, US governments as well ... law suits have been a boon to lawyers, for those who must be hired as well, those who’ve been “discriminated against” and those people/firms who aid in the hiring, etc.

Greg Johnson: going with the “left = anti-science” narrative that the YKW are promulgating ....

Kanye West

“If Candace Owens and Kanye West are ‘on our side’ (with free market “conservatism” - right wing /objectivist/ race neutral, anti group interested liberalism) we should commend them without adjusting to them. Greg’s right-wing snobbery has a penchant for US Constitutional objectivism - as in the Mark Dyal/Nietzschean, anti bourgeoisie ruse.

  ...and so Frame Games has told his story, his “fair minded and objective” story… von Gold Farb, Reactionary Jew… all entryists attempting to join cause with the White right…against “the left” unite in paleoconservatism..  ...a darling of JF too, Frame Games is in this regard….

Again, like all right wingers, they can indeed provide important information and focus, which we should eagerly snap up, as in Frame Game’s discussion of “Disparate Impact”...

Peinovich is all in for Trump and all against “the left”
* von Gold Farb, also ready to be “real” and tell his red pill story.

However, we should use that for our interests, not follow him/them into race neutral objectivism - against “the left’s” social advocacy - a right wing position that he is encouraging/bribing elitist snob Greg Johnson with   ....only conceding the crypsis group advocacy of asking, “is it good for huWhites?” (((i.e, blending Jewish crypsis and their Zionist and diaspora interests with Whites, in unifying (((culturalism))), that is (((paleoconservatism))) against “the left”...

        ...against the White left, the White Class, White ethnonationalists.

Rudd steps down, blamed for May’s hostile policy to Windrush immigrants, depriving May of her shield

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 29 April 2018 23:07.

“Why Amber Rudd Quit”

ITVNews, 29 April 2018:

Rudd has chosen to resign because she felt she could not defend herself against the charge that she took her eye off the immigration ball.

Her excuse, to herself, was that her priority - for obvious reasons - was combating terrorism and improving domestic security.

But of course all ministers are supposed to multi-task, and she knew that excuse would not fly in public.

So she decided to stand down this afternoon, even before the Guardian published a leaked letter from her to the PM from January 2017 - which seemingly showed that far from being unaware there are targets for the expulsion of illegal immigrants, she actually set such a target.

  Letters exchanged between Amber Rudd and Theresa May

  Amber Rudd’s resignation letter to Theresa May

Amber Rudd signs off her letter say she will continue to work for her constituents of Hastings and Rye.

  Theresa May’s response to Amber Rudd’s resignation

Theresa May told Amber Rudd she should be proud of the way she led the Home Office.

My sources tell me that there were other such official papers about targets knocking around. And therefore she decided to quit - because she felt that MPs would simply never give her the benefit of the doubt.

Potential replacements: Hunt, Gove & Javid.

In a way she has been hung out to dry by her own department.

It is extraordinary that her officials told her, before that fateful select committee hearing last week, that there were no targets for the removal of illegal immigrants.

And perhaps less extraordinary is that other officials leaked and briefed against her - since much of Whitehall is detached from ministers.

For the avoidance of doubt, she jumped: “I am told there was no pressure from the PM.”

The point is that Rudd’s exit is arguably the most serious resignation May has suffered in her almost two years as PM. For one thing the Home Secretary is one of the great offices of state.

More damagingly for May, the policy which underlay Rudd’s doom - the hostile environment for immigration which has caused so much unpleasantness for the Windrush migrants - was May’s not Rudd’s.

In other words, Rudd’s departure strips May of her human shield.

Last updated Mon 30 Apr 2018

YKW positioned Trump take-over of GOP through useful idiocy of Alt-Right vs ‘the Left’

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 April 2018 18:16.

Trump took over Republican party on behalf of the Jewish Right in tandem with disingenuous, deracinating, oligarchic, objectivist, propositional Right…through its kosher, paleocon safety net/valve, false opposition, (((the Alt-Right))).

After Trump committed what was to Republican insiders the great sin of saying “there were good and bad on all sides” at the Unite the Right rally…

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “He has to fight back. So when you accuse him of being a racist he doesn’t want to back up, he wants to double down to prove to you that that’s not true, and that’s what the President is.”

Trump: “What about the ‘Alt-Left?” Not to be confused with what we define as White Left, nor the Jewy, fraud “Alt-Left” that also goes by that name; Trump was certainly not addressing that anyway, but rather a trendy way of addressing the motley “left” as it is commonly known - the pivotal move - to redirect attention and blame to “the Left”  - in orchestration of the White Right through the “Unite the Right” rally.

In addition to Mnuchin using “Unite The Right” to offend Gary Cohn through it and Trump’s neutral response, to get Cohn out of the way, there were key Republican insiders that needed ingratiation for the Jewish Right to be able to take-over and join forces with the (deracinating) American right through front man Trump.

Following Trump’s first political victory on their behalf, the passing of the tax-cut bill:

Paul Ryan heaps saccharine, about face praise of Trump for making the rich, richer…

As Mitch McConnell has been kissing black ass since the days of “civil rights” when he marched with M.L. King, Trump had to be sure to burnish his pro-black credentials for him (note Uncle Tom/ Satchmo Step n’ Fetch-it type to Trump’s right).

Mitch McConnell: “You’ve made the case for the tax-bill (so that the rich could get richer and the poor, poorer - typical Repugs). We’ve cemented the Supreme Court to the right of center for a generation (pro-black women having babies). You’ve ended the over regulation of the American economy (pro-pollution). Thank you Mr. President, for all you’re doing.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “In essence this became Trump’s Republican party.

The testimony that people gave there is hard to take back”

- Oren Hatch, for example: “You’re one heck of a leader…and we’re going to make this the greatest Presidency that we’ve seen, not only in generations, but maybe ever.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “What the Republican establishment now know, is that Donald Trump is unequivocally the leader of the Republican party” (The Jewish Right-wing has taken over from Jewish liberals).

“He’ is the one who sets the tone of what takes place in Washington. He is the leader of our country - both politically and from a legislative side of things. I think they’ve learned that over the last year.”

Related Story: Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

Glimpse of future US: American Blacks Support Black South Africa Gov. Confiscating White-Owned Land

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 10 April 2018 09:10.

  A glimpse of things to come in the USA…

SBDL, “A Glimpse of Things to Come in the USA: Blacks in America Support Black South African Government Confiscating White-Owned Land Without Compensation”, 5 April 2018:


Land reform is a key issue in South Africa, due to the long history of dispossession of indigenous populations by white settlers. Progress has been painfully slow over the past 24 years, but the question of land is now suddenly at the top of the political agenda.

A major controversy erupted at the end of February following a motion adopted in parliament, tabled by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and modified by the ANC, which started the process of potentially amending the constitution to allow for the expropriation of (white-owned) land without compensation, and its subsequent redistribution (to black people.)

In March, the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, sent out phone messages stating: “ANC & EFF working together to take all private land and homes. You can only stop this if you’re registered correctly to vote! Check now.”

As a result, white South Africans are panicking that they will lose their land and their homes, and some white commercial farmers believe this is the beginning of Zimbabwe-style ‘land grabs.’ Australia’s minister of home affairs even offered to fast-track visas for white farmers.

In contrast, the motion was supported by many other political parties and has been greeted with approval by large numbers of black people. Given the bitter history of large-scale land dispossession, refusing to pay for stolen land is seen by many black South Africans as essential to restoring their dignity.

Parliament recently resolved to investigate whether or not the country’s constitution should be amended in order to allow for expropriation without compensation. A constitutional review committee is organising public hearings countrywide, and will report in August.

The ANC is clearly attempting to regain political ground lost to the small but vocal opposition party, the EFF. The unresolved land question, and in particular the issue of compensation, has been a key rallying cry for the EFF since it first emerged in 2013. It is sure to make land a central issue in national elections in 2019.

Chaser: what do Africans in America think about the black-controlled government of South Africa confiscate white-owned land without compensation?

Do You Believe African Countries Like South Africa Have The Right To Take Land Away From Whites?”, The Seattle Medium, 3-29-18:

Anthony Spearmen: You know its delicate you have White people who were born in Africa, who believe they are native, and of course you have native born Black Africans who dispute this claim. The right to redistribute the land is an argument that is going to be decided by the people and as it looks they are up in arms about reclaiming it. Violence in my opinion is never the answer, but it was taken through violence and most likely it will have to be reclaimed by violence. Those White folk are not going to give up easily.

Charles Townsend: From my personal opinion anyone is justified in reclaiming property that has been stolen. I know if I had something of value stolen from me I am going to all that is in my power to retrieve it. I think South Africa has every right. Apartheid has been a stain in that country for a long time and it’s time to remedy that.

Shirley Johnson: As far as I am concerned it was never the Europeans’ land in the first place. I think it is a difficult task - the redistribution of land. But from a justification point of view, yes the native born Africans do have a right to reclaim what was naturally theirs. What they will have to be prepared for is the blowback both politically and socially.

Mike Pierce: I don’t think the violence is necessary, but I think from a theoretical perspective the people of South Africa are justified and have the right to redistribute the land stolen. White colonization has run it’s course as consciousness is rising and awareness is growing in terms of the wrongs of the past. Society is becoming more compassionate towards the victims of those wrongs and the victims are beginning to fight back.

Monique: South Africa has every right to claim what is theirs. White people have been robbing the resources of that continent for centuries and the chickens are coming home to roost. Karma is what it is. It looks like to me that the African has had enough and are fighting back, fighting for what’s theirs. I hope they succeed.

Peace? No peace.

Today, white-owned land in South Africa will be confiscated by the black-controlled government to rectify historical inequities; tomorrow, white-owned land in the United States will be confiscated by the multicultural government to forever end white privilege, deliver a fatal blow to implicit bias, and squelch once and for all systemic inequalities.

You didn’t think teaching an entire generation of non-whites to resent white people in the USA for their unearned privilege wasn’t going to have consequences?

Did you?

Identities of 650 Antifa Members Who Attended Charlottesville Were Just Released

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 08 April 2018 06:51.

Red Ice, “Identities of 650 Antifa Members Who Attended Charlottesville Were Just Released”, 7 April 2018:

A list containing 650 names of Antifa members who attended “Unite The Right” in Charlottesville last August has been compiled. It took the media months for them to stop reporting on how absolutely evil the Alt-Right is, never once focusing on the Antifa members who were the cause of all the drama.

Now a list has been compiled of several individuals who took part in the rally from the left. People like Lacy MacAuley, Daryle Lamont Jenkins, Spencer George Sunshine, and John Michael Carico are listed as leaders. Oddly enough, it appears that although groups like Antifa preach love and total equality, they tend to have more men as leaders. Hypocrisy much? 

Others like Marcus Martin, Alexis Morris, and Noelle Morris have their names listed as injured, and who would have been responsible for that other than themselves? For the most part, the Alt-Right tried to keep their distance from the opposing group, only when the police pushed them into the crowd did they have confrontation. From a logical point, this makes sense. These groups have nothing in common and the Alt-Right didn’t even want them to be there. Any “injury” Antifa received was of their own doing.

Many violent Antifa members are also listed as arrested or convicted. Deandre Shakur Harris, Corey Alexander Long, (Flamethrower) Troy Thomas Dunigan, Jacob Leigh Smith, Edgar Brandon Collins, and many others got in trouble with the law for getting violent at the rally. It looks like they’re taking their code of conduct “by any means necessary” and “no peace” to heart. 

David Holtz, a proud supporter of Antifa, took the battle off the streets and into social media when he tweeted: “Except that whites actually DON’T deserve a homeland. You have terrorized the planet for ever. You should be enslaved and raped to death.

But luckily Twitter actually did something for once and suspended his account. 

Now that this list has been released to the public and the vast majority of them appear to be psychopaths, will the mainstream media acknowledge this, or will they keep talking about how evil it is to be pro-white?

Whether we agree entirely with the Alt-Right’s beliefs is irrelevant, the fact is Antifa has been proven several times to be a domestic terrorist organization and yet the mainstream media still sing their praises. When will the madness end?


All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 11-13, 2017:

Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.

1. Lacy MacAuley (Leader): Washington, DC
*2. Daryle Lamont Jenkins (Leader): Philly, PA
3. Spencer George Sunshine (Leader): Brooklyn, NY
*4. John Michael Carico (Leader): Chattanooga, TN
*5. Renee Campbell Hall [INJURED]: Chattanooga, TN
*6. Alexander Stokes Contompasis AKA Alex Stokes (Leader): Albany, NY
7. Nicolas “Nic” Roy McCarthy-Rivera (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
8. Andrew Gil Mayton (Leader): Baltimore, MD
*9. Alexandra Shiflett: Bel Air, MD
*10. Cameron Rines: Severna Park, MD
11. Kelly Dietrich: Baltimore, MD
*12. Sean Gerwing Liter (Leader): Louisville, KY
13. Holly McGlawn-Zoller (Leader) [INJURED]: Louisville, KY
*14. Brent Vincent Betterly: Chicago, IL
*15. William Cory Lovell/William Corey Lovell/Corey Lovell: Chicago, IL
16. Jason Charter (Leader): Gaithersburg, MD
*17. Kyle Benjamin Wright (Leader): Chantilly, VA
*18. Rachel “Roody” Michelle Myles: Manassas, VA
19. Shiquan Rah Jackson (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
*20. Deandre Shakur Harris (ASH Seven Hills Antifa) [INJURED] [ARRESTED]: Suffolk, VA
*21. Corey Alexander Long (Flamethrower) [ARRESTED]: Culpeper, VA
22. Vonte “Vonzz” Long: Charlottesville, VA
*23. Charles Allen Howard Jr. AKA Bear Allen: Baltimore, MD
*24. Wyatt Reed: Elliston, VA
25. Lena Marie Seville: Charlottesville, VA
*26. Troy Thomas Dunigan [CONVICTED]: Chattanooga, TN
*27. Jacob Leigh Smith [CONVICTED]: Louisa, VA
*28. Jeff Fogel (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
29. Lara Rogers: Charlottesville, VA
*30. Edgar Brandon Collins [CONVICTED]: Charlottesville, VA
*31. Alec Summerfield (Leader): Maryland
*32. Dan Nguyen: Maryland
33. Jesse Schultz
34. Glenn Cantave: New York City, NY
*35. Hawk Newsome (Leader): New York City, NY
36. Medea Benjamin/Susan Benjamin (Leader): Washington, DC
37. Tighe Barry (Leader): Washington, DC
*38. Antonio “Tony” Wells: Charlottesville, VA
39. Evan “Hen” Henderson: Charlottesville, VA
40. Jay Scott: Waynesboro, VA
41. Cornel West (Leader)


‘EU laws forced Italy to pick up migrants and forbade them to send them back’

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 March 2018 06:00.

Forza Nuova USA, “‘EU laws forced Italy to pick up migrants and forbade them to send them back”, 20 Mar 2018:

French writer and political journalist, Eric Zemmour, talks about Europe’s East-West divide and the effects of World War II in an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro.

Later in the interview Zemmour explains how the European Union has prevented Italy from defending itself during the migrant crisis. According to him Italy (its natives and their land) wasn’t abandoned (by Italian coast guard), but European jurisprudence forced the country to take migrants and forbade them to send them back:

You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are, Boys: Back in The U.S.S.R.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 11 March 2018 06:04.

BMan: We know he isn’t on “our” side because if he isn’t outright jewish, he serves them. Putin is the foil in the Kabuki. One side says he never stops his evil attacks on American values, while the other side worships him as if he is George Washington. Syria is just the latest act. Ukraine was first when the “other side” was represented by a Mulatto.

“You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are, Boys

Ayrian Skynet, 8 March 2018:

For most of a century, the partisans of the Soviet Union would make great bales of propaganda hay out of the treatment of blacks in the USA and other capitalist countries. Communism, contrarily, favored the black man’s liberation from his white colonialist oppressors – or so the story went. Many blacks around the world would find themselves seduced by various Marxist philosophies. W.E.B. DuBois, while wary of perceived racism within the Communist Party USA, looked to Russia as “the most promising modern country”1. Paul Robeson, too, professed “warm feelings of friendship for the peoples of that land”2. The Soviet Union provided military aid to multiple African nationalist movements during the Cold War, seeming to bolster its image as the ideological alternative to American racism – but had prejudice really been eradicated from the heart of the New Soviet Man of the Bright, Shining Socialist Future? Andrew Young, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under President Carter, averred, “The worst racists in the world are the Russians.”3 Soviet support of black nationalists fighting the Apartheid government of South Africa, for example, would seem to support the sincerity of the Communist Party’s public abhorrence for racism – but how did the Russians react when Africans were actually in their midst?

In 1959, at the urging of DuBois, Khrushchev established the Soviet Union’s Africa Institute to promote academic fellowship, and during the 1960s the number of Africans studying in the U.S.S.R. would swell. “As these institutional initiatives were being finalized African students began to trickle into the U.S.S.R.,” writes Maxim Matusevich:

As of January 1, 1959, there were only seven students from sub-Saharan Africa officially enrolled in Soviet institutions of higher learning. However, between 1960 and 61 the number of African students in the USSR increased almost ten-fold, from 72 to over 500, eventually reaching some 5,000 by the end of the decade. […]

Despite the prevailing climate of complacency and the general timidity of their Soviet peers, Africans protested vociferously against poor living conditions, racist incidents, restrictions on travel within the U.S.S.R., restrictions on dating Russian girls, and restrictions on forming national and ethnic student associations. As early as March 1960, African students in Moscow petitioned the Soviet government to curb the expressions of crude racism by Soviet citizens. On another occasion, two African students refused to be part of a long established Soviet practice – an annual dispatch of thousands of Soviet students to work in the countryside during the harvest. The objectors from Chad and Morocco argued (unconvincingly and probably mockingly) that in their cultures men under 25 years old were not allowed to work in the fields but rather had a special obligation “to engage in leisure activities.”  At about the same time four African students […] were expelled from Moscow State University for defying an administrative ban on the Black African Students’ Union. Their expulsion and subsequent departure from the country received wide coverage in the Western press. The students publicly accused university officials of suppressing the union as well as of imposing severe restrictions on the circulation of “books and jazz records.” […]

        Darned if the Russian in the lower right corner doesn’t look like a young Putin.

The death of a Ghanaian student in Moscow, in December 1963, which his friends suspected to have been a homicide, occasioned an exceptionally angry reaction among African students in the U.S.S.R. They staged a protest march on the Kremlin [and appear to have set fire to at least one car in the process, judging by Associated Press archival footage] demanding a Bill of Rights for African students in the country […] More trouble brewed in 1964 and 1965, with African students in the U.S.S.R. frequently reporting racist attacks, fights with Soviet youngsters, and even feeling compelled to carry knives for protection. Komsomol officials at Moscow State University (MGU) grudgingly acknowledged several instances of scandalous behavior exhibited by Soviet students but also argued that Africans and other foreigners at MGU had a limited understanding of the selfless and romantic nature of Soviet young men, many of whom preferred the hardship of toil in remote Siberia to the pleasures of Moscow high life. One wonders if it was the “romantic nature of Soviet young men” that fueled the passions of one youthful geography major who threatened to “lynch” an African student married to his Russian fellow student. Or was it a disagreement over their respective work ethics that led another MGU freshman to call upon his African roommate to “pack up his stuff and go back to Mali”?

In May 1965, the Soviet authorities tacitly linked the African student community in the country with the idea of political subversion when they expelled a black American diplomat, Norris Garnett, for “conducting anti-Soviet work among students from African countries.” Garnett’s departure from the scene hardly had the desired long-term effect. Just a few years later, 800 African students went on a week-long strike, this time – in Kiev, in protest against the expulsion of a 23-year-old Czechoslovakian woman for marrying a Nigerian fellow-student. That same year a Nigerian student sleeping in his dorm room in the city of Lvov (L’viv) was attacked by “a drunken Russian with a chisel.” The attacker was reportedly incensed by the Nigerian’s successes with Russian and Ukrainian girls. The incident quickly turned into a major fight involving other Nigerian students who had come to the rescue of their compatriot, and as a result three of them were expelled “for attacking and beating up a Soviet citizen.” Discrimination or alleged discrimination aside, the students’ resentment, it was noted, stemmed from “the sole fact of their living in a communist country.” Once in the Soviet Union, Africans, “even self-proclaimed leftists,” had to reconcile “the obvious discrepancies between what is said and what actually exists.” And what “actually existed” in the Moscow of 1960s and 70s were “the crowded living conditions, lack of privacy, monotonous diet, inadequate sanitary facilities, and the overall drabness of life.” A former African student at Moscow State University, writing about his experiences there, maintained that of all foreign students in the Soviet Union, Africans were most upset by Russia’s depressed style of living […]

There was “no splash of color to relieve Moscow’s damp gray”4, and the Russian cultural diet of the time was famously lacking in the urban flava to which blacks are known to be partial. Kidding aside, Soviets’ blacks appear to have quickly fallen into a pattern of obnoxious behavior that will be immediately familiar to American readers: lazing, complaining, chasing white girls, getting into fights – constituting a demographic liability and a constant threat to public order – all while blaming crazed, irrationally hateful whites for their problems.

This story, which appeared in The Milwaukee Sentinel on Feb 19 1963, indicates that anti-black sentiment in the communist bloc was not limited to Russia.

“What I learned in six months in the Soviet Union is what some Africans will never learn,” Kenyan bellyacher Nicholas Nyangira moaned in an article syndicated by the Associated Press in 1965. “They are taken to Russia’s showplaces and never experience the race hatred that I experienced at the University of Baku.” Nyangira claims, furthermore, to have always gone in fear for his life. “We were referred to scathingly as ‘the blacks’,” he continues, his tears positively seeping through the newsprint. “Many local people had never seen an African before and because we were black they hated us.”

Several Kenya students got beaten up. Usually it would begin with abuse, then lead to violence. It was advisable to walk in pairs because if there was trouble you could expect no help from police. I don’t remember a week that went by without an African student being robbed or attacked.5

DinduNuffin? Check. Racist police? Check. Chimpout? Check. Sympathetic US press coverage? Check. Tracking the entitled black through the ages, can any of the preceding – or any of the following – possibly come as any surprise? Matusevich picks up with Russian attitudes toward Africans at the close of the Soviet era:

Glasnost lifted the floodgates to prejudice and crude racism and let loose the virtual anti-black hysteria. And many Africans blamed Gorbachev’s “revolution” for not feeling safe in the streets and public places of the Soviet cities. A Nigerian journalism student at Kazan University wrote to a Moscow newspaper: “One day I decided to have my lunch in nearby café. As soon as I opened the door, I was met with jeers and cat-calls by young girls sitting around a table, laughing and cracking unfriendly jokes about me…” The enterprising Nigerians soon learned to play curious mind games to save their skin during the growing number of unfriendly encounters. One of them, for example, when approached by a group of hoodlums, pretended to be an American black. The trick worked as the toughs abandoned their original belligerent intentions and “immediately simulated keen interest and began to ask questions about Steve Wonder, Michael Jackson, etc.” The ploy, however, was not 100% fail proof and between May and August of 1990 at least four Nigerian students were severely beaten up and one allegedly killed in Moscow on grounds raging from “being a monkey” to dating Russian girls. Considering the growing public paranoia about HIV-AIDS, for any African to approach a Russian girl was increasingly becoming a risky proposition. […]

        USSR April 6 1990: the Deep State calls in its premier spook for a briefing.

“As a result of a deliberate racist campaign, we are now being called SPID (SPID is a Russian abbreviation for AIDS) on the streets by Soviet youngsters.” Soviet street folklore, with its characteristic sexual undertone, tied together the much professed (and mocked) “love” of the Soviet officialdom for the developing world and the appearance of the disease in Russia. A popular joke provided “alternative” transliterations for the original Russian SPID (AIDS) wherein the term was variously interpreted either as Sotsialnoe Posledstvie Internatsionalnoj Druzby (Social Consequence of International Friendship) or Spetsialny Podarok Inostrannyh Druzej (Special Gift from Foreign Friends). Africans residing in the Soviet Union were far from amused though; the joke encapsulated growing popular dissatisfaction with the regime, which “wasted precious resources” on people who (in the words of one populist politician) “have just descended from the palm tree.”


While the Soviet-style paternalism, that permeated the pre-perestroika publications on Africa, was being gradually toned down, so was the concern for the continent. Africans residing in Russia on the eve of the Soviet collapse noted on many occasions that coverage of Africa was reduced to simplistic and highly stereotypical catalogues of its bane and woes. In the media, the very word “Africa” was often supplanted by cherny kontinent (black continent), the place of danger and wasted opportunities, and a proverbial black hole devouring scant Soviet resources. The stage was being set for the Soviet Union’s withdrawal from Africa as it was for the debilitating wave of racism and xenophobia soon to sweep across the post-Soviet spaces.6

But, seriously, Russia – why import blacks in the first place? Everybody knows the Russians invented breakdancing:

Not sure that these dancers doing an early form of break-dancing, viz., “the labor wave”, are exactly Russian and can therefore be attributed as the inventors; however, it is Soviet era and they are wearing Russian style hats.


Carew, Joy Gleason. Blacks, Reds, and Russians: Sojourners in Search of the Soviet Promise. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2010, p. 52.

Robeson, Paul. Here I Stand. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1988, p. 38.

Mitchell, Nancy. Jimmy Carter in Africa: Race and the Cold War. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2016, p. 243.

Matusevich, Maxim. “Probing the Limits of Internationalism: African Students Confront Soviet Ritual”. Anthropology of East Europe Review (Fall 2009), pp. 21-24.

Nyangira, Nicholas. “Student: Russians Hate Negroes”. Sumter Daily Item (April 16, 1965), p. 3.

Matusevich, Maxim. “Probing the Limits of Internationalism: African Students Confront Soviet Ritual”. Anthropology of East Europe Review (Fall 2009), pp. 30-31.


icareviews, March 8, 2018:

I’ve read that Russia hosts a lot of North Korean guest workers, as well.

I’ve also heard before that Russian nationalists anti-immigration activists hate Putin. Who is the alternative in Russia for voters of populist-nativist inclination? The Communist Party? One sometimes hears of stirring “red-brown” tendencies in Russian politics – commies allying with hardline nationalists – and I think that was a particular fear of the internationalists during Yeltsin’s early years in office – but they just don’t seem to have any opposition parties with sufficient support to dislodge the Putin machine. For decades now, their most famous nationalist politician has been a Jewish clown named Vladimir Zhirinovsky. His whole shtick seems to be to make nationalism into an Archie Bunker type side show.

bob saffron, March 8, 2018:
Artemov maintains Lebed’s death was more than just misadventure.

bob saffron, March 8, 2018:

Putin I view positively only in comparison to the giddy imperialism of Washington. Taken with the obligatory grain of salt that comes with partial sources:

War on Italy by land invasion and propaganda - socially responsible candidates labeled “far right”

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 05 March 2018 06:03.

Giorgia Meloni’s “Brothers Of Italy”, Matteo Salvini’s “Lega” (dropping the “Nord” to be more comprehensive of all Italy) and Raffaele Fitto, “Us with Italy”, join with Berlisconi’s backing.

Express, “Italian election: ‘Immigration out of control!’ Lega backs Berlusconi in crucial vote”, 2 March 2018:

The 81-year-old Silvio Berlusconi is the founder of liberal Forza Italia (Go Italy) party and the leader of a coalition composed of Matteo Salvini’s Lega and Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers Of Italy parties.

The former prime minister has fought through sex scandals, corruption allegations and a tax fraud conviction to stage a political comeback.

The latest projections show his coalition is leading with 36 per cent of the vote, bringing Mr Berlusconi closer to win his seventh electoral campaign.

The Italian election will be held on March 4.

Attilo Fontana, a key member of Italy’s Lega, has joined forces with former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to call for an immigration clampdown days before citizens go to the polls, it emerged on BBC Newsnight.

He stated: “People here are worried about the current immigration situation. It’s currently not under control and it’s creating social tension.”

In an attempt to sway voters on election day, Mr Fontana emphasised that immigration is “not under control” as he issued promises to get rid of immigrants.

A month ago, Pamela Mastropietro‘s dismembered body was found in a suitcase left on the side of a road by her Nigerian murderer; nevertheless, what the YKW/liberal media displayed indignation over was not that, but the response of Italian nationalists. The YKW/liberal media care about the feelings of those invading, e.g., another Nigerian, Cecile Kyenge - an interloper into Italian political office, who has no business what-so-ever being there; but they’ve empowered her to levy charges of “racism” against the Italian public and politicians - causing one to be fined €50,000; with that, to lose his house for having made a common sense remark that Africans are not Italians.

“It’s clearly unthinkable we could send hundreds of thousands back home instantly.

He stated: “If they come back, we’re waiting for them.

“We check hundreds of people every day and we’ve got plenty of ways of keeping them under surveillance.

“We have new technology and CCTV cameras which allows us to monitor entrances and exits in the city.”

Meanwhile, former Italian integration minister and current member of the ruling Democratic Party (PD), Cecile Kyenge, declared that she is a “victim” of the campaign by both Berlusconi and Fontana.

Kyenge declared herself a ‘victim’ of the campaign by both Berlusconi and Fontana.

She accused both of them for “investing in racism” as she cried out for a change in rhetoric ahead of the vote.

Ms Kyenge told BBC Newsnight: “I’m a victim of the campaign from this political party, they are working and investing in fewer people and I think that today, our country must take measures and sanctions to all political leaders and political parties who are investing in racism.”

Related story: “President of Jewish Community of Rome: the White race doesn’t exist, to say it does is ‘ignorant.”



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Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 06:34. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:15. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 04:31. (View)

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