Same Dr Fauci whose HIVprogressivism diverted untold$ from the responsible to sexually irresponsible

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 16 April 2020 06:48.

He is the same guy who…

Who is Dr. Fauci?
Since January 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been one of the lead members of the Trump Administration’s White House Coronavirus Task Force addressing the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in the United States.

Dr. Fauci is a physician and immunologist, who gained notoriety as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) beginning 1984 when he was looked upon as the leading expert on HIV AIDS. He was persuaded to merge the treatment of AIDS with “progressive” political activism, to treat HIV as everybody’s problem.

And how much money has been spent??? keeping alive people whose AIDS education could be summed up in a few short words?

Don’t conduct yourself like a pig and you won’t get the disease.

Maybe you should know who you are having sex with?

There has been much discussion, and with good reason, about the balancing the cost of keeping low risk groups at home, shutting down businesses, etc. for the COVID-19 crisis.

What has been the cost of keeping alive people who irresponsibly abuse what is to conscientious people such an important act as sex?

It is an untold tragedy, the good that the money spent on AIDS could have done to people who conduct their lives responsibly with regard to sex.

An utter slap in the face to humanity.

It only became everybody’s problem when they penalized responsible humanity by making them pay for destructive behavior.

Clinton (with sex slave, Chauntae Davies), and Ghislaine Maxwell he takes off on Epstein’s Lolita express to bring relief to Africa.

Related at Majorityrights:

Liberalism’s Kid Glove: If You Need A Condom, Maybe You Should Get to Know That Person Better.

Instructions on how to give a blow job, including on how it can be ok for one night stands.

Sex as Sacrament, Sex as Celebration, Sex as Natural Fact and Other Stories (audio form parts 1 - 5)

Visit Glacier National Park - Virtually

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 15 April 2020 05:03.

Visit Glacier National Park Without Getting Off Your Couch

Fuel your love of the outdoors.

BY SKYE SHERMAN, for Travel and UPDATED MAY 06, 2020

You may be temporarily homebound, but thanks to today’s technology, that doesn’t mean you have to stop exploring. Despite coronavirus-related lockdowns, and the resulting closures of many national parks from sea to shining sea, lovers of the great outdoors can quench their thirst for wide open spaces by tuning in to one of the many cameras streaming live from inside the country’s parks.

Why not plan a virtual trip to one of America’s most breathtaking natural treasures, Glacier National Park? The park comprises more than 1,500 square miles of Montana wilderness, populated only by glaciers, lakes, hiking trails, mountain peaks, and the occasional grizzly bear. (Plus, it’s easy to leave no trace when your visit is via the Internet.)

As of publication, the park isn’t completely closed, but it’s functioning under modified operations. According to the National Park Service, “As of March 21, 2020, the Apgar Visitor Center and Bookstore will close until further notice. The park will continue to provide visitor information through alternative means at the Apgar Visitor Center Plaza.”

If you’re practicing social distancing or find yourself quarantined inside for the foreseeable future, check out the best Glacier National Park webcams for your at-home viewing pleasure. Practice patience; the images refresh only every minute or so.

Lake McDonald Webcam

Searching for that iconic Glacier National Park lookout? You’ll find it here. The best of the park’s stunning scenery is on display in this soothing feed from the foot of Lake McDonald. Tune into this webcam for a viewpoint of the glacially carved lake, the Continental Divide in the distance, and dramatic weather patterns — during the winter months, this webcam is sometimes dominated by foggy, limited-visibility views of thick snow, sleet, or rain before breaking to reveal a placid lake framed by snow-capped peaks.

For a more dynamic experience, check out the Lake McDonald PTZ webcam; park rangers occasionally aim this camera at different points across the Lake McDonald Valley.

Apgar Village Webcam

This webcam is trained on the park’s central hub, which, during the summer, involves a flurry of activity ranging from visitors arriving to camp, shop, or eat to school buses full of children coming for field trips. Apgar Village is home to the largest campground in Glacier National Park as well as alternative lodging facilities, two gift shops, a restaurant, and boat rentals and other recreational equipment. In its quieter moments between the onrush of human activity, you might even see a few deer passing through.

Middle Fork of the Flathead River Webcam

Keep an eye on this webcam, located near park headquarters, for a view of the rolling Flathead River and its happenings, which can include groups of rafters in the summer and wandering wildlife in the winter, especially coyotes and deer. The Flathead River forms the southwest border of Glacier National Park and also appeals to kayakers, thanks to its calm, clear waters.

Apgar Mt. Southeast View Webcam

When the weather’s clear enough to enjoy the view from this webcam, you may be confused by the image that forms: 9,376-foot Mount Saint Nicholas bears a striking resemblance to the Matterhorn, but the remote Apgar Mt. Southeast View webcam is posted thousands of miles from Switzerland, Italy, and the European Alps. That’s because both Mount Saint Nicholas and the Matterhorn are glacial horns, a geological feature formed by glaciers carving out three or more sides of a peak at the same time.

St. Mary Visitor Center Webcam

The webcam posted at the St. Mary Visitor Center, located on the park’s eastern boundary, faces west into the park, with Red Eagle Mountain dominating the view and other mountains surrounding St. Mary Lake complementing it. In the winter and spring, tune in at dawn and keep your eyes peeled for elk; in the summer, enjoy a sweeping view of colorful wildflower blooms carpeting the expansive meadow between the visitor center and the mountains beyond.

Another nearby webcam, the St. Mary Visitor Center PTZ webcam, can be moved and zoomed in by park staff if they’ve spotted an elk or want to provide a closer look of the mountains in the distance.

Coronavirus: First sailor on virus-stricken USS Roosevelt dies

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 05:00.

BBC 13 April 2020:

A sailor who was serving aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier has become the first on the ship to die from Covid-19, the US Navy announced.

The sailor was moved to an isolation house on Guam after testing positive, where he was found unresponsive on 9 April and died on 13 April.

Over 500 sailors on the USS Roosevelt have tested positive for the virus.

The ship’s captain was fired this month after his letter pleading for help with the outbreak was leaked to US media.

The USS Theodore Roosevelt is currently stationed in Guam, with sailors quarantining ashore. The name of the sailor who died has been withheld by the Navy until the family is notified.

Defence secretary Mark Esper said the department “is deeply saddened by the loss of our first active duty member to Covid-19”.

“We remain committed to protecting our personnel and their families while continuing to assist in defeating this outbreak.”

According to a statement by the Navy, the sailor tested positive for the virus on 30 March and was isolated at the naval base with four others.

He received twice-daily medical checks and was found unresponsive on Thursday morning. Fellow sailors administered CPR and the sailor was transferred to the navy hospital.

The Navy reports that 92% of the crew have tested for Covid-19, with 585 positive cases and 3,724 negative. Nearly 4,000 sailors have been moved off the vessel.

On 30 March, the vessel’s captain, Brett Crozier, sent a letter to defence officials begging for assistance with the outbreak on board, saying the spread was “accelerating” and it was impossible to contain in the ship’s cramped quarters.

His subsequent firing provoked a public outcry and led to the resignation of acting Navy secretary Thomas Modly.

Mr Modly said he removed Capt Crozier for allegedly leaking the letter and creating “the impression the Navy was not responding”, claiming that the captain’s actions were “naive” and “stupid”.

He apologised before resigning.

Capt. Brett Crozier

Business Insider 13 April 2020:

Navy officers on a coronavirus-hit aircraft carrier wanted to sign a dire letter about the outbreak, but the ship’s captain wouldn’t let them

- Senior officers aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier reeling from a coronavirus outbreak offered to sign a revealing letter about the dire situation, only to be denied by the ship’s commander, Capt. Brett Crozier.

- Crozier feared for their careers and denied their request, according to The New York Times.

- Crozier was eventually fired for sending the letter by the Navy’s top official, who berated him to his former crew in controversial remarks that led to the official’s resignation.

Senior officers aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier reeling from a coronavirus outbreak offered to sign a revealing letter about the dire situation, only to be denied by the ship’s commander, Capt. Brett Crozier.

Crozier, who has since been relieved of command for sending the four-page letter out to over 20 recipients, was asked by senior officers on the ship to sign the letter, according to a New York Times report published Sunday.

Crozier reportedly feared for their careers and denied their request.

In his letter, which was first obtained by The San Francisco Chronicle, Crozier urged Navy colleagues to implement a “political solution” and take “immediate and decisive action” as the ship dealt with a coronavirus outbreak.

Crozier is in quarantine after testing positive for the coronavirus. Over 580 of the USS Theodore Roosevelt’s crew of 4,800 tested positive as of Sunday, according to the Navy. Nearly 4,000 crew members have since evacuated the ship into Guam, where many of them are under quarantine in hotels.

The captain was eventually fired on April 2 by then-acting Navy secretary Thomas Modly.

According to Modly, Crozier violated military protocols, circumventing the chain of command by sending the letter to a group of people. Modly said that while he did not know how the letter got to the media, there was a “proper way” for Crozier to handle his concerns.

“If he didn’t think ... that if he didn’t think that information wasn’t going to get out into the public, in this information age that we live in, then he was either A: too naive, or too stupid to be a commanding officer of a ship like this,” Modly said of Crozier. “The alternative is that he did this on purpose.”

Modly has since apologized for his remarks and resigned on April 7.

‘The NHS saved my life,’ says Boris Johnson after leaving hospital

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 13 April 2020 10:08.

US Census poses a dilemma for Jews — are you white and what are your ‘origins’?

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 11 April 2020 06:27.

US Census poses a dilemma for Jews — are you white and what are your ‘origins’?

For first time, question on race asks white and African-American respondents to fill in origin, and for many it’s a surprising, sometimes unwelcome, invitation for self-reflection

Times of Israel, By RON KAMPEAS 8 April 2020:

WASHINGTON (JTA) — It’s the ninth question on the census, and for many Jewish respondents, it’s a surprising — and sometimes unwelcome — invitation to consider who exactly they are.

For the first time, the US Census question on race is asking white and African-American respondents to dig deeper and fill in more detailed origins.

“Mark one or more boxes AND print origins,” the printed form says. For white, it adds, “Print, for example, German, Irish, English, Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc.”

The request for “origins” has existed for decades for Native American, Hispanic and Asian/Pacific Islander respondents. But whites and blacks were previously asked to simply check a box.

The question has launched countless Jewish conversations: “What did you list?” “What should I?”

The answers reveal a community grappling with what it means to announce one’s Jewishness in the 21st century, and to consider the myriad paths that have brought American Jews to the present day.

“I didn’t see a box for ‘stateless people being abused and kicked out of one Eastern European region after another,’ so this seemingly straight-forward question turned out to be quite a head-scratcher,” said Jonathan Kopp, a communications strategist who lives in Brooklyn.

Kopp, 53, abandoned the form for a while before returning and checking “white.” He entered “Eastern European Ashkenazi Jew” in the origins box.

Jeff Weintraub, 72, an academic who lives in the Philadelphia area, said he thought the race/ethnicity/national-origin questions on the census form “were a little bizarre.”

“I checked ‘White’ and then, for elaboration, wrote something along the following lines in the box: ‘Jewish — grandparents from the former Russian Empire & the former Austro-Hungarian Empire,’” he said.


Emily Jones Bolton, 7, stabbed to death by migrant woman, as she rode her scooter in UK park

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 10 April 2020 05:00.

Update: Though an early report claimed that the perpetrator was Somali, more recent reports indicate that the she was Albanian.

7-Year-Old Girl Stabbed to Death by Somali Migrant in UK Park on Mother’s Day

Young girl had been riding her scooter in a park on Mother’s Day

The National File, report by Lionel Du Cane,  April 5, 2020:

A 7-year-old girl was stabbed to death by a total stranger in a park in North-West England on Mother’s Day, March 22, as she rode her scooter at Queen’s Park, Heaton.

Police say Emily Jones was with her family at a public park when a 30-year-old woman, who is now being held at a high-security facility under the Mental Health Act, was arrested for murder at the scene.

The woman, whose name has yet been released, is reportedly a Somali migrant according to Voice of Europe.

Other reports on social media and alternative media publications make the same claims over the woman’s nationality, while the mainstream media remained silent in an act that, to some, exposes a continual double standard in reporting when the victim’s identity cannot be exploited for political capital.

Local media briefly covered the murder, but did not note that the suspect was a Somali migrant. Emily reportedly died around an hour after emergency services rushed her to hospital.

Author Janice Atkinson wrote on Twitter, “Let us not forget that evil is allowed and encouraged to walk and murder amongst us.”

“MSM reported her murder but not the perpetrator. Somali migrant.”

Janice Atkinson #StayHomeSaveLives

Let us not forget that evil is allowed and encouraged to walk and murder amongst us.

MSM reported her murder but not the perpetrator. Somali migrant.

RIP little one

The Conqueror@Maximus43246579

Imagine living in a country where a beautiful 7 year old girl has her throat cut in broad daylight and the media refuses to cover the story in order to protect the savage killer who is a Somali immigrant.

The anger I feel is indescribable.

Her name was Emily Jones Bolton.

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10:54 AM - Apr 4, 2020
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1,662 people are talking about this

Another social media wrote “Imagine living in a country where a beautiful 7 year old girl has her throat cut in broad daylight and the media refuses to cover the story in order to protect the savage killer who is a Somali immigrant.

“The anger I feel is indescribable.”

“Her name was Emily Jones Bolton.”

The Conqueror
Imagine living in a country where a beautiful 7 year old girl has her throat cut in broad daylight and the media refuses to cover the story in order to protect the savage killer who is a Somali immigrant.

The anger I feel is indescribable.

Her name was Emily Jones Bolton.

12:29 AM - Apr 4, 2020

The tweets following the report of the killer’s identity–which many had suggested at the time of the attack due to the random nature of the crime and anonymity of the suspect’s name–led to an almost viral Twitter campaign memorializing the young victim.

Paying a tribute to their daughter, Emily’s parents, Mark Jones and Sarah Barnes, said “Emily was 7-years-old, our only child and the light of our lives. She was always full of joy, love, and laughter. Emily had such a cheeky smile and was beautiful inside and out. She had a heart as big as her smile.”

“It is truly heartbreaking to wake up to a world without Emily in it and we cannot comprehend why this has happened.

“We are beyond devastated that this random act of violence means that we will never get to see our beautiful little girl grow up into the wonderful young lady she was showing such promise of becoming.”

The Z Man’s remarks on nationalist response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 09 April 2020 08:43.

What Must Be Done

Posted by Z Man April 8, 2020:

The Financial Times, the strange colored newspaper you see at airports, is not known for its skepticism of modern global economics. Therefore, it was a bit of a shock to see the mouthpiece of global finance come out in favor of a radical rethinking of the economic order. They argued that all options must be on the table in order to address the tattered relationship between the people and their governments. In their words, the social contract must be restored after the virus panic ends.

The alleged sentiments behind the editorial are not wrong. The primary duty of any government is the welfare of the people. It’s why we have government. Sure, we assign it functions like protecting private property and enforcing contracts, but that’s not the reason we invented government. Similarly, the state defends the privileges of the rich at the expense of everyone else. This has been true since the dawn of man, but again, this is not why human societies have governments.

The point of government is the general welfare of the people. That means defending against attacks from abroad and attacks from within. The former is straight forward, but the latter is where things get complicated. Defending against internal threats is about a set of laws and customs for the purpose of maintaining order. The character and nature of the people will determine these internal structures. Good order in the lands of the Mohammedan is different than good order in the Orient.

This is not a concern in a world of nations and nation states. In a world of global capital and the free flow of goods and people across borders, it is nearly impossible. The state cannot enforce the customs of its people when its people change with each generation, maybe with each decade. When economics requires the people to yield their ancient customs and liberties, the point of government is no longer the welfare of the people, but as middle-man, facilitating conformity to economic necessity.

This is where the globalist on the Financial Times editorial board fail in their analysis of the current crisis. The social contract, if there is one, is not built around a set of economic policies. It is not a set of rules imposed by the keepers of the economy in order to make transactions as efficient as possible. The social contract is the invisible bonds between the people. It is this dedication to the shared welfare that necessitates the creation of the state in order to maintain those bonds.

Those invisible bonds are not the creation of the state, but the result of the mating decisions of our ancestors. The social contract between Finns is just the conceptualization of their shared history and ancestry. It is unique to them. What makes a Finn and Finn is not where he stands on the map or how he does business. What makes him a Finn is he is the fruit of the Finnish family tree. To be Finn means the ability to one day make more Finns. That’s biology, not economics.

The social contract can only exist among a people with a shared ancestry. If the goal is to restore the social contract, the first step is not a new round of economic fads, but a restoration of the ancient bonds among people. The West must first become a collection of nations again. Only in a world of nations can the governments of those nations preserve and defend the social contract. Safeguarding the welfare of the people can only happen when there is a people, rather than just people.

This is the fundamental flaw of the current order. Cosmopolitan globalism rests on the false notion of homo economicus. This is the assumption that humans are rational, self-interested, and pursue their subjectively-defined ends optimally. More important, it assumes that people are defined internally, rather than by the untold number of invisible bonds and interactions with their society. Globalism assumes man lives in a particular society, because it benefits in some way to do so.

Not only is this false, but homo economicus is in direct contradiction with the concept of a social contract. Socrates could not flee Athens and avoid death, because to do so would mean he was no longer Socrates. Who he was as a person was defined by his membership in the polis called Athens. The social contract cannot exist in a world of atomized individuals. The social contract can only exist in a world where people are defined by their membership in a society of their people.


Shelter in Place with Shane Smith & Edward Snowden

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 09 April 2020 07:31.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 13:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 10:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 09:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 08:28. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 02:29. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The road to revolution, part three' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 02:21. (View)

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