Majorityrights Central > Category: White Genocide: Europe

Social Rules: a deeply important philosophical matter beyond scientistic treatment of emergence

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 09 May 2017 23:32.

The scientistic idea that sheer emergence can dismiss the philosophical discussion of social rules as “merely political” is unacceptable.

I was walking back home from a local watering hole, in my not very busy city, with its not very trafficked streets that normally allow me to jaywalk with impunity.

For some reason I decided to do something a little differently this time. I decided to walk the few extra steps to the corner and cross through the “zebra-stripes”.

Now, emergence would afford me awareness of oncoming cars and the means to avoid them - usually, provided noises or other distractions did not block my awareness of the circumstance.

However, I noticed that in walking the few extra steps, which was really not hard to do, that I was relieved of a modicum of stress that I would have had in jaywalking - in which case I would be more on my own in having to be vigilant and not having the law on my side if an accident were to occur - if I were hit, or whatever. I had an added layer of ease of mind for what really did not (in this instance) cost me any appreciable time or effort. Jaywalking would have been tantamount to an alternative but not more advantageous route in overall pattern. I decided to cross the next street through the zebra-stripes as well. I came to an awareness that not only was I a bit less stressed in crossing the street this way, but a driver making his way to the intersection had to be less stressed as well, the rules comfortably taken for granted. By contrast, any driver would be more on his own too, and I’d need to be more hopeful that his awareness and good will were in better than conventional shape, if I were to jaywalk.

These are social rules. How they are put together is a philosophical matter - on this topic, not requiring much philosophical pedigree, of course; however, the matter of social rules goes directly into questions of how to live life and with that the most central philosophical issues for humans. The matter of jaywalking can be a matter of life or death, but nevertheless the matter of negotiation of social rules goes into broader, deeper, necessary and interesting discussions. Of course the negotiation of rules gets more complicated and interesting than the negotiation of zebra-stripes; it gets more interesting the more you consider the different ways our people can live. And for us, how you might negotiate these different ways and broad legitimacy while still protecting our precious inherited patterns.

I recall visiting Vienna some years back, as I looked over a tourist map, how eager a local man was to give me unsolicited help to find what I was looking for - I had to tell him three times that I was ok, didn’t need any help. I suppose that he could tell that I was a tourist, looking to admire the beauty of its sites, not to stay and take advantage; and he wanted to show me that he was not a snob.

Later on when walking back to my hostel, I crossed the street (in the zebra stripes), not paying attention to the fact that the light was red; having been enculturated to the idea that “you shouldn’t drive fast in town because there are pedestrians all around and you never know when one might go into the street” (and it is true that is good rule of thumb). With that in mind, I took my general safety for granted - it was of no great importance to me given the circumstance if this light was red or not, or so I thought, since there were no cars to be perceived nearby. Well, I almost got hit in the zebra stripes; a car came to a screeching halt before me. It is true that you’d have to pull into that particular turn very fast to not see a pedestrian walking through (green light or not) and so I automatically gave him a dirty look. Nevertheless, I could not say that he was entirely wrong when he put his head out the window and chided me in bitter sarcasm, asking, “I’m stupid yah?”

Emergence will have its constraints and affordances; rules conjured of the individual and social rules can go in many ways - some will be acceptable to us in the overall and will facilitate our survival, some will not.

Questions of emergence are very important, indispensable to ask, and answers provided will sort out some important matters, but not all, certainly not the all of philosophical inquiry. The negotiation and inquiry of social rules are a very important matter as well - if anything, asking more characteristically philosophical questions, only as shallow as the person asking them.

Erasing “The Great Replacement” and Replacing it With Well Trained Imams

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 07 May 2017 19:43.

True or not, an idea put out there that elite powers are trying to obfuscate the concept of “the great replacement” and to train imams to act in accordance with their elite interests is not bad as a working hypothesis for public consumption. Removing some of its warts, this article passes muster thus.

Diversity Macht Frei, 7 May 2017:

The same presentation that I discussed yesterday proposes that the French government collect statistics about the ethnic and religious make-up of its population. Currently, this is prohibited in France, where all “citoyens” are presumed to be equal. No doubt this is, in part, an ethnic power-play. Armed with their statistics, Muslims will be able to say, “Look, we’re XX per cent of the population, we should get more cash!”. The PowerPoint puts it more formally:

  To improve knowledge of the sociology of religious practices in order to better respond to their needs

The second justification for the plan cited, however, is very interesting.

  To deconstruct the “myths” of the “Great Replacement”

Coined by the French writer Renaud Camus (a reputable novelist whose publishing contract was cancelled due to his politically incorrect views), this phrase “Grand Replacement” [Great Replacement] has come to have the same totemic significance in continental Europe that “White Genocide” does in English-language discourse. It refers to the replacement of the indigenous peoples of Europe by non-Europeans; or, to put it another way, the phenomenon of ethnic Europeans being turned into ethnic minorities. This phrase has almost entered the mainstream in France [...]

But here we have a clear indication of the [...] intelligentsia concerned about the spread of this meme and the patriotic resistance it inspires. The irony is that they plan to counter it by collecting and publishing accurate demographic statistics.

Of course, if we are right - and we are - the statistics will not counter the “Great Replacement” concept at all; they will confirm it. So bring on the statistics [....] That might be one good thing to emerge from this, if Macron wins.

As Charles Martel probably said, on the eve of battle: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they generate statistics to try and thwart you. Then you win.”

More generally, this presentation focuses on the idea of nationalising Islam in France. It argues that the French government should grant certain privileges and public recognition to Islam and establish formal structures for its expression, so it can thereby acquire some control over it and prevent it going in wayward directions. This is the basic approach adopted in much of the Middle East, where governments control or monitor the training of imams, and sometimes write their sermons for them, and so on. As I put it before, it proposes soft public islamisation as the remedy for hard private islamisation.


For the sake of these doubters, here are direct links to the specific files referenced. One is an email. The other is the Powerpoint presentation within the email. No doubt some will now claim that I faked the entire Powerpoint presentation and email.

1. Islam Présentation 26 07 Comité directeur IM.pptx - 818 KB

Fwd Notes à date (1) REGALIEN - Quentin LAFAY (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)) - 2016-08-31 0809-2.eml - 1.2 MB


French election: Publishing Macron emails could be a crime, says electoral commission

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 06 May 2017 19:04.

The man who Goldman-Sachs calls “a work in progress” is a liberal disaster waiting to happen.

Express, “French election: Publishing Macron emails could be a crime, says electoral commission”, 6 May 2017:

ANYONE publishing the campaign emails from Emmanuel Macron’s team that were leaked ahead of the presidential vote could be committing a crime, the French electoral commission has said.

Insiders from Mr Macron’s En Marche! team claimed that they had been the victim of a “massive” hack that had dumped emails, documents and financial information online in the final few hours of campaigning on Friday ahead of the second and final round of voting in the presidential contest.

The leak emerged as polls predicted Emmanuel Macron, a former Rothschild investment banker and economy minister, was on course for victory over far-right leader Marine Le Pen in Sunday’s election, with the last surveys showing his lead widening to around 62 per cent to 38.

The French election commission said in a statement: “On the eve of the most important election for our institutions, the commission calls on everyone present on internet sites and social networks, primarily the media, but also all citizens, to show responsibility and not to pass on this content, so as not to distort the sincerity of the ballot.”

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are in the race to be the next French president

However, the commission - which supervises the electoral process - may find it difficult to enforce its rules in an era where people get much of their news online, information flows freely across borders and many users are anonymous.

French media covered the hack in various ways, with left-leading Liberation giving it prominence on its website, but television news channels opting not to mention it.

Le Monde newspaper said on its website it would not publish the content of any of the leaked documents before the election, partly because the huge amount of data meant there was not enough time to report on it properly, but also because the dossiers had been published on purpose 48 hours before the election with the clear aim of affecting the vote.

It was not immediately clear who was responsible, but Macron’s political movement said in a statement the hack was an attempt to destabilise democracy and to damage the party.

As much as 9 gigabytes of data purporting to be documents from the Macron campaign were posted on a profile called EMLEAKS to Pastebin, a site that allows anonymous document sharing.

En Marche! said the leaked documents dealt with the normal operations of a campaign and included some information on campaign accounts.

It said in a statement: ”If these documents contain revelations, Le Monde will of course publish them after having investigated them, respecting our journalistic and ethical rules, and without allowing ourselves to be exploited by the publishing calendar of anonymous actors.”

It said the hackers had mixed false documents with authentic ones to “sow doubt and disinformation.”

Sunday’s election is seen as the most important in France for decades, with two diametrically opposed views of Europe and the country’s place in the world at stake.

Ethno-nationalist enthusiasm is mitigated by implications of her being coerced by Jewish interests and compromised by the Russian Federation.

Le Pen would close borders and quit the euro currency, while Macron wants closer European co-operation and an open economy.

In France, police union Alternative Police warned in a statement that there was a risk of violence on election day by activists of the far-right or far-left.

Extreme-right student activists burst into the office of Macron’s political movement in the southeastern city of Lyon on Friday evening, setting off smoke grenades and scattering false bank notes bearing Macron’s picture, police said.

France is the latest nation to see a major election overshadowed by allegations of manipulation through cyber hacking after U.S. intelligence agencies said in January that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered hacking of parties tied to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to influence the election on behalf of Republican Donald Trump.

Vitali Kremez, director of research with New York-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint, told Reuters his review indicated that APT 28, a group tied to the GRU, the Russian military intelligence directorate, was behind the leak.

Macron’s campaign has previously complained about attempts to hack its emails, blaming Russian interests in part for the cyber attacks.

The Kremlin has denied it was behind any such attacks, although Macron’s camp renewed complaints against Russian media and a hackers’ group operating in Ukraine

Sexual Psy-Ops through the gaze of Helen Mirren(off): from Caligula to Prime Suspect and Worse

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 04 April 2017 23:06.

Any truly serious philosophical project, especially an “ontology” project, is going to take into account the phenomenon of homeostasis - the striving of biological systems to maintain an optimal balance of function and equilibrium of themselves and in relation to their environment, social and otherwise.

I have hypothesized that there is something of a mechanistic tension which facilitates “sexiness” of sex for people: that being the tension between brute expression of power, viz., dominance/ submission and the large requirement to submit to that animal drive - compelling sexual enactment in both genders on the one hand - a compulsion which is in further tension of maintaining human dignity, orientation and agency by contrast. There are different stories to tell about sex, but this one, I further hypothesize, helps facilitate additionally the option of a sacral attitude toward sex - because sex is fairly sexy of itself, if the match is appropriate, it can be with a relative minimum of competition and experimentation; i.e., an attitude treating monogamy as serious and a possible option for those more attuned and satisfied with “appropriateness”, if not exacting appropriateness and a strong commitment to cooperation on its basis - including turning attention to other matters in life - this in balancing contrast to preoccupation with “betterment” through “better” partners. This option will serve as an aid to systemic homeostasis (incl. “EGI”); as this conscious option would serve to liberate practitioners and the pattern from scientististic facticity; and with it, the liberal cynicism that can otherwise recklessly expend social capital bequeathed of ethnocentrism, the morale and integrity of the system; its diminished incentive to remain loyal and fight for it against opportunistic outsiders seizing upon the vulnerabilities of our sheer, unaccountable liberalism. 

Naturally, the Abrahamic religions have been adept at exploiting this void, presenting a pretense of sacrament and conservatism, when really Abrahamism has aided and abetted feudalistic compradores in the East and our hyperbolic liberal predicament in the West to begin with - cucking by Jewish interests, as they now like to say - a most cynical of Trojan horse, an affectation where adopted by Europeans and Asians, disingenuously imposing the Abrahamic agenda of universal dissolution of ethnonational patterns; expropriation of our genetics and resource; destruction upon non-compliance.

To hold up to Abrahamic imposition, the biopower of foreigners imposed under rubric of objectivism, other antagonisms, including our own people’s betrayal through cynicism and dissolution through moral weakness, it is necessary that the sacred be identified of our pattern; but that sufficient liberalism within our paradigms also be maintained as important to maintain, to complement that option; and thus provide a full, healthy contrast to the Abrahamics, the liberals, the scientistic and the brutes.

Helen Mirren as Caesonia in “Caligula”, 1979

Why all the fuss, you say, won’t nature take care of these things without social props? Well, sparing intricate examples and going right to the example of the feral child unable to acquire language after a point neglected, the answer is obviously not necessarily. And if we come back to acknowledge some criteria, and it is not a hermeneutically anchored quest for human ecology and reserving some reverence in assured commitment for time in memorial patterns, but falls into a scientistic cast of sheer Darwinistic competition, it becomes a headlong quest for what is “better” or “best”, and then criteria for evaluation becomes a whole lot less clear, less accountable, more subjective than the matter of what might be appropriate. Isn’t it natural to want better and more partners, you ask? Yes, and it is also natural for some to want monogamy. People are welcome to be non-monogamous in our societies and to try for better than what they actually bring to the equation - provided they are accountable to acceptable quantity and quality of the pattern - including boundaries and borders thereof; if they choose to go beyond that they must go to their new chosen people, to their lands and their borders; and not burden us with their choice, not impose upon us un-agreed-upon foreign children and adults - as to do so is equivalent to attempted supremaicism and slavery over us; as others have said before, a motion to take away our freedom; and we have the right to reject that. 

As opposed to the scientistic inclination to try to propose the unaccountable “this is the way it is” regarding sex and other matters, this is a hermeneutic approach, making use of the expanse of narrative purview to increase the autonomy and authenticity of our individual and human ecological system’s coherence, accountability, agency and warrant.

All that is reiteration of things I that have said before - though worth repeating, as often as need be, as these matters are that important - and, as I have also said before, these are topoi of means to maintain the integrity of our system against Abrahamic imposition.

However, I would like to highlight here in particular the importance of this way of treating sex as a means to hold up against the sexual psy-ops of our enemies, whether imposed by Abrahamic interests against ours or by liberals who take the modernist, liberal argument in the name of “nature”, that would deny respect or even the possibility for monogamy and fidelity to one’s ethnic group; would try to psych us out and condition us to accept our pattern’s demise, with us supposedly having no recourse - the idea that “nature is impervious to human agency” and by contrast, “reconsruction of a people can only be backwards, superstitious tradition.”

Helen Mirren, the gatekeeper

Coming back to another hypothesis of mine then, that all other factors being equal, the more modern and individualistic a society, the more females are “one-up” in partner selection (ovaries are expensive, sperm is cheap); as group patterns become disrupted by atomizing individualism, so increases her capacity to be “a bully” in the realm of sex. Don’t like it? She’ll call in other men who will pander to her in what is very much “her market.” And her most base tendency to incite genetic competition will be exacerbated as well as she will be solicited and pandered-to not only by men from her in-group trying to prove their strength and liberalness to hold up to universal maturity; she will thus have increased opportunity to act on her inclination to incite genetic competition with outgroups and other races as well.

This is a very powerful position for females - even if primarily as gatekeepers to the most powerful, they can exercise vast prerogative with great confidence and verbosity; even when they are too young to really know what they are talking about and to make a just decision. Motives and incentives to maintain this liberal situation abound and as a result, some percentage of them will flaunt their sexual prerogative to the point of sadistic bullying. It is the unmentioned other side of the old double standard - yes, women are expected to be more chaste, because they can, in an unsporting, bullying way, be very promiscuous. Whereas a man will generally be ostracized as a horrible bully if he uses his physical strength to abuse a woman: a double standard, but having reason.

Along comes liberal and Jewish feminism and none of the downsides to the traditional male situation are recognized, only those who are on top. It is assumed that all of them are there as a result of differentiation of fulfillment on basic Maslowian need levels or that they are there for sheer reserved, albeit often unmerited privilege. None of the traditional advantages to women, i.e., the general occupation of the secure, in between levels on Maslow’s hierarchy are recognized; and there is no recognition of an increasing majority of men who are squeezed to the bottom - who are not operating out of differentiation of fulfillment but sublimation of deprivation; nevertheless, their male desperation does impact other levels - notably female security, as the resentment of these males and their sociopathic influence on the top governance of society is overcompensating, without full capacity to exercise power on top levels - they become sociopaths, sellouts or join the ranks of the incompetent men in power, who are there warming a position reserved for them. So, there are three kinds of men on top traditionally: The overcompensating desperado, the the guy who’s there because traditional society figured a quota of men were owed this spot; and another kind, the truly deserving, who made it through the school of hard knocks.


Jez Turner being persecuted for saying what Alan Dershowitz says that Jews should be proud of.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 10 March 2017 16:59.

        Jeremy Bedford-Turner’s case will be re-examined following a 13-month campaign against him.


We can no longer allow liberals and brackets to co-opt issues of environment and species diversity

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 09 January 2017 18:07.

        This nonsense has got to stop.


Join the Resistance to Trump’s Attack on Our Environment and Civil Rights

The #Earth2Trump Roadshow is coming — or has already come — to a town near you this month.

The roadshow is rallying and empowering defenders of civil rights and the environment to resist Trump’s dangerous agenda. Stopping in 16 cities on its way to D.C., it’s bringing thousands of people to protest at the presidential inauguration.

Having kicked off in Oakland and Seattle on Jan. 2, the #Earth2Trump Roadshow is touring the country bringing speakers, musicians, outrage, fun and hope to a total of 16 cities as it progresses toward the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20.

The free shows feature national and local speakers, great musicians, and an opportunity to join a growing movement of resistance to all forms of oppression and all attacks on our environment. We must stand and oppose every Trump policy that hurts wildlife; poisons our air and water; destroys our climate; promotes racism, misogyny or homophobia; and marginalizes entire segments of our society.

That includes White people and our species too, baldy. We are not Trump.
Trump does not represent White people, our best interests, nor our best relation to environment and others.

Brackets have been co-opting, along with their liberal trainees, issues of environmental and species diversity as if it is their cause and then militating against “racism” as if Europeans are not a species with habitat, as if discrimination against more prolific breeders and antagonistic species who encroach is not an essential capacity to maintain speciation and habitat sustainability; the liberals here also tuck a campaign against “misogyny” into their environmentalism, as if females should bear no critique on behalf of human ecology? As if hatred of men, White men, has not been open season for over 60 years now, and doesn’t warrant a response?

To allow our cause of European advocacy to be associated with right-wing destruction of human and natural ecology is no longer acceptable. Nor is it for the brackets to continually associate their liberal political causes with environmentalism and biodiversity.

We can give credit where credit is due to those living ecologically - e.g., a native American tribe living with the environment - great.

We can call to account our right-wingers and liberals where they are not living ecologically, where international capital, industrial, consumer society, liberal universalism impact ourselves and others deleteriously: a key difference of White Post Modernity is that unlike Modernity, it does not merely stop when it is forced to stop by nature. It recognizes internal relation, limits and differences that make a difference. It has a deliberate stance in that regard from the onset. Unlike the mono-culturalism of primitive groups and the universalim of liberal modernist societies, White Post Modernity recognizes the delimitations of pervasive ecology and reflexive effects in internal relation from the start....including instances where liberals and brackets try use “environmentalism” to prevent more developed countries from assisting growing ethnostates - and vis a versa, where they obstruct those growing ethno-states from cooperating with more developed nations in their contraction into ethno-states.

But we also need to be critical where criticism is due, not only of females, delicate and sensitive creatures though they are, not only of White right-wingers who screw-up the issue of ecology, in one way or another, where they try to deal with it, or where they’re downright antagonistic, but where racial groups impact the rest of the world.

Right wingers, liberals and their bracket masters are going to have to recognize that their “anti-racism” thing is a fundamental scourge against necessary human classification - which is requisite for accountability and necessary discrimination on behalf of human ecology, thus ultimately, all ecology.


Wishing You A White Rebirth, A Light Shining Through The Israelite’s Disguise

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 22 December 2016 11:31.

Victorian houses have something about them which speaks the home-iest of houses.

It was only upon gathering an entry for what is becoming a Majorityrights tradition at this time of year - “I Believe in Father Christmas” - that I learned belatedly of Greg Lake’s passing. A handsome English lad, he also displayed his people’s incisive thought - penetrating nefarious Jewish influence masquerading as innocence; and doing so at a time, 1975, when there was no popular tide to raise this political boat to defiantly sail despite inevitably incurring the stigma of “anti-Semitism;” with the danger attendant to that and of flying in the face of popular support from millennia of European consensus, sheepish acquiescence; the only support would have been what he could have plumbed from the truer depths of his native culture and intelligence.

BBC, 8 Dec 2016: Greg Lake, who fronted both King Crimson and Emerson, Lake and Palmer, has died aged 69.

He died on December 7th after “a long and stubborn battle with cancer”, said his manager.

The news comes nine months after Lake’s band-mate Keith Emerson died.

Keith Emerson, Greg Lake & Carl Palmer

One of the founding fathers of progressive rock, the British musician (Lake) is known for songs including In the Court of the Crimson King and his solo hit I Believe in Father Christmas.

Lyrics: I Believe in Father Christmas.

They said there’ll be snow at Christmas
They said there’ll be peace on Earth
But instead it just kept on raining
A veil of tears for the Virgin birth
I remember one Christmas morning
A winters light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell and that Christmas Tree smell
And their eyes full of tinsel and fire

They sold me a dream of Christmas
They sold me a Silent Night
And they told me a fairy story
‘Till I believed in the Israelite

And I believed in Father Christmas
And I looked TO the sky with excited eyes
‘Till I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn
And I saw him and through his disguise

I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave New Year
All anguish pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear
They said there’ll be snow at Christmas
They said there’ll be peace on Earth
Hallelujah Noel be it Heaven or Hell
The Christmas we get we deserve.

Written by: Greg Lake, Peter John Sinfield, Serge Prokofieff


Solstice in the Deep of European Rebirth

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:03.


Our emergent qualities as people (the qualitative whole being greater than the sum of its parts), what resonates in our psyche, stirring it to respond as such to that which is genetically close, vital and essential, regenerative not only of our kin, but the fauna, creatures and to take the emergent to an extreme, even of inanimate objects of our natural habitat, is a profound matter.

And how do we pursue consideration of these matters? Our co-evolution provides what we call “internal relation”, that is, rule structures that are evolved symbiotically or come about equiprimordially from the same circumstances, concerns, affordances and limitations.

Those episodic manifestations which suggest the origin of that symbiosis, that which is most essential to reconstructing the pattern of our people, of the aeons, have normally been called upon as sacred - because these episodes reveal what is that deep, that important to our fitness as a physical, biological and human system, we institutionalize the practice of the sacred episode as it manifests - at our best, never losing site of its organic source, what it is doing, and its re-emergent truth at our service - not as a nightmarish fateful return to the hideous limitation of patterns but of a replenishment from the essence of our patterns as we set about the next spiral upward.

The comfortable (optimum unused potentiality for change in maintenance of homeostatic function) default mindset is established and delimited by the parameters of our personal interests amidst our folk and their interests - however, since both we as humans, and the human ecological systems of which we are a part are far more complex to maintain than systems of creatures which rely on mood signals, the reconstruction of our human ecological systems inevitably relies upon hermeneutics to aid in the reconstruction of its authentic scope.

Science and nature can strongly indicate what we should do; but irrespective of that, there is a difference (especially with Europeans, complex as we are), between what IS and what is apparently suggested by science as opposed to what might be suggested through philosophy - the complexities, varieties, and yes, contradictions that can and will challenge us with choices beyond scientistic explanation.

Even so, there are not only profound reasons to be rigorously concerned for the emergent (as GW is), there are also practical reasons - in following its resonance, we are guided directly with what has shown naturally fit for our well being through the ages; and we have the innocence of positively identifying with what we “love” as it is close, vital, a necessary part of us, as opposed to asserting discrimination against others and being subject to the charge of being anti-this or anti-that, of gross indifference, arbitrary cruelty, double standards, supremacism and “racism.”

Finally, the circumstance which has GW riveted on this starting point does not mean that is not my starting point as well, since there is no choice for anyone not deceiving themselves with some Cartesian mind game. But that does not mean that looking at the more protracted form and speculative breadth of our systems along with the means by which they are understood and reconstructed is contradictory to their authentic well being, insufficiently deep and closed to what is - on the contrary; and there are great advantages in this deliberation, taking the form of substantial accountability, coherence, warrant and agency in human ecology.


Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, is carefully aligned on a sight-line that points to the winter solstice sunset (opposed to New Grange, which points to the winter solstice sunrise, and the Goseck circle, which is aligned to both the sunset and sunrise).

Archaeologists believe it was constructed from 3000 BC to 2000 BC and it is thought that the winter solstice was actually more important to the people who constructed Stonehenge than the Summer solstice.

The winter solstice was a time when cattle was slaughtered (so the animals would not have to be fed during the winter) and the majority of wine and beer was finally fermented.

        These larpers could have used deeper scientific bearing (Photo: Eddie Mullholand).
        They showed up a day early for the solstice in 2009.
        For the discerning Euro-folk pagan, the winter solstice is due to occur this year on December 21rst.

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Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:25. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sun, 16 Feb 2025 13:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 13:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:09. (View)

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