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All Audio Visual Files of Theoria and Praxis of European/White Ethnonationalism 1 to 4b Complete.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 15 March 2019 06:00.

Ethnonationalism is the most reasonable means by which to pursue accountability and responsible negotiation of human and pervasive ecology - justice and decency, in a word. These audios discuss major sources disrupting ethnonationalism along with means to reconstruct it as it is necessary to structure social systemic homeostasis and coordination with other nations and cultures.

The Audio/Visual Files are now Found on Bithute

            Part 1 Audio                  Part 2a Audio                  Part 2b Audio

                      Part 2c Audio                                Part 2d Audio

      Part 3a Audio          Part 3b Audio        Part 4a Audio  Part 4b Audio

The Audio/Visual Files are now Found on Bithute

Woes Yule gift for HuWhites of (((DissidentRight))): crayons, coloring book, color the enemy, “Left”

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 24 December 2018 22:52.

Vivian Veritas presents Millennial Woes with a special Christmas Yule gift for amalgamated HuWhites of (((Dissident Right))): crayons, coloring books - color the enemy, “Left.”

Millennial Woes and all of his Carolers received a kosher gift from their Jewish friends; it not only has the kosher seal of approval, it confers the kosher seal of approval - blame “The Left” - a gift to share, providing you with: crayon memes to “counter them”,  to fill-in a coloring book of stereotypes of “the lefties” (distortions and misrepresentations that our kosher friends purveyed in the first place, but never mind). You now have the kosher seal of approval to color these marketed stereotypes thereof; while identifying more or less to the right.

        *  *  *

It’s two weeks before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a louse; then appeared (((Ruth))), to him, nude*, wearing nothing but a Santa hat, and boots, presenting Millennial Woes - very polite - with a very special Christmas gift - twas a dream come true to Woes ... e-celebrity by following its simple rules - a Millennial Yule package - of crayons and seventy two copies of the same coloring book, to color the enemy of HuWhites - “The Left are the bad guys, while White and off-HuWhite are our side, the good guys.”

(((Dissident Right))) (((Dissident Right))) Holy infant so tender and (((HuWhite)))

The carolers are called-in, one by one, all seventy-two, for an hour each, to color their book with “Woes” - no need to look outside the box of crayons, “The Truth Will Live”, she simply doesn’t have such nature’ to deceive, these are my ideas, yes my ideas, all the problems of Whites are formulated there, by the crayons and coloring book, to make sure and look - You Know Where - to the Left! it’s there! that these sincere and relatively intelligent White people get the word out, that we care, to make the right choice, not there, but for the right; while our enemies, we know, get us crayon one: they’re against empirical reality, believing in groups and the like hypotheses, unionization and projects for social justice, they are, on the left.

Millennial Woes! look at “the left!”, how “childish!”

... they don’t deal with reality, our crayons and coloring book says so, and the carolers agree, coloring their coloring books with glee… ‘Truth, Right, White and Objectivity, they all rhyme..

...its a universal foundation, you see!

Vivian Veritas, ah Woes dream, “she doesn’t have such nature” to do anything bad like engaging the casuistry of terminology which would misdirect Whites - “take down my link to Majorityrights! for criticizing her, for thinking she should not be able to do that!” She’s come to me on Christmas morn, a dream, spreading the cheer of a new title, “dissident right”, wearing nothing but a Santa hat and boots - she’s right! ... facilitating great fame to my Millennial Yule for this year and years to come, on behalf the right - of the evolving kosher marketing campaign…. its childishly clear: here, she presents me this coloring book, it’s called “the left is the enemy” (because we have no use for it since 2008 - in fact, downright worry about social organization, unionization against our “objective” achievement of niche power and influence - not that we gained it though assiduous and disingenuous concern of our relative group interests)... we’re the “dissident right” because that “sounds cool.”

Yes, it’s the reality of Jewish power and influence…

....shake hands Mr. Right.

(((Dissident Right))) (((Dissident Right))) Holy infant so tender and (((HuWhite)))

You’re a big boy now, colored this picture all by yourself!

After the yule we can play a new game outside the house, called chase the red capes - the red capes are our gross distortions, misrepresentations and reversals of left conceptualization, social responsibility, agency and unionization, an internationalist left, knowing no real union bounds or the like, ethnonational borders, except that which “should not be”, that of Whites, for them the empirical reality, jousting charges against red capes so distorted you’d think that’s all social agency and organization ever was and could be… We’ll have the goyim sheeple continue to chase after the red capes of distorted misrepresentations and reversals of terms and concepts useful to social organization…

Weeee! Millennial Woes, a celebrity!

Posted by Millennial Woes on Wed, 03 Jun 2015 12:27 | #

Ruth, who has the channel “The Truth Will Live”, is a close friend of mine. She and I speak regularly about the key issues of the alt-right, including the JQ, and she is on-board with all of it. In particular, residing in a Somali-heavy area of the US, she has to deal with their shit just like the rest of us do, and she hates it and opposes immigration from the Third World as wholeheartedly as any of us do.

To repeat, she is a close friend of mine and I know that she is a good, kind, decent person. I think it is wrong of you to besmirch her unless you have some evidence that she is a fake.

PS. And no, she didn’t ask me to write this post! AFAIK she doesn’t even know about this article.

Posted by Millennial Woes on Fri, 05 Jun 2015 11:41 | #


I understand your position, and I do understand the danger. However, I cannot stand by as my close friends are bad-mouthed when they have done nothing wrong whatsoever. (Note that you conflate Ruth’s statements with Rachel Haywire’s, when they are two very different people.)

Though I am grateful to your site for linking to my channel this last year or so, I ask you to remove that hyperlink now. I do not want to be associated with a site, however worthy it might be, that insults and dismisses my own friends.

Thank you,

P.S., I do not conflate her with Rachel Haywire. What Ruth has done consistently is to propose “the left” as the enemy and try to be a part of some trendy sort of marketing type scheme for a “cool” paleocon “alternative” for Whites.

One thing Millennial Woes doesn’t understand well enough is that Jewish people who are advancing poison ideas are not necessarily unlikable or clearly ill-motivated. Whether its Nicholas Katzenbach, Frank Meyer, Paul Gottfried or even Ruth, they are often amiable, intelligent people who can be enjoyable to talk to. Again, just because I don’t think Ruth should be able to participate in defining our terms, let alone weigh-in heavily on definition, doesn’t mean that I’m persecuting her or think that she should be persecuted.

Posted by Millennial Woes on Fri, 05 Jun 2015 20:26 | #

DanielS paraphrasing Ruth: “One extreme (of White behavior) is to do the Christian services bit, helping Africans to no end. The other is to not care.” To which she says it is wrong and extreme because they cannot take care of themselves well enough and it is the White man’s burden to help them.

This golden rule is one of the most Jewy things imposed on Whites from the Bible. - DanielS

MW: That’s very strange, because it was I, a non-Jewish, non-religious, British-native white guy, who introduced Ruth to the idea that the White Man’s Burden is a real thing - having arrived at this belief myself without any help, Jewish or otherwise. I came up with it, of my own volition, based on my own observations of my (white, non-Jewish, non-religious) people.

If you are that defensive of these women then we would view your link as a bum steer anyway. - DanielS

MW: I don’t even know what that phrase means. All I’m asking for is decency. Without a shred of evidence, you are ascribing a calculating, deceitful nature to a woman who simply doesn’t have such a nature. If defending her makes me “defensive”, so be it.

...and if, as a matter of casuistry, Ruth repeats an idea that is bad for Whites, even if it came by way of Millennial Woes’ “pure, not (((Christian))) influenced thinking”, that hardly means the idea is beyond reproach or that her tribal interests are not motivating misdirection.

This post may be adding “crayons” as times goes on….

Lets start with this crayon:

Another (((YKW))) controlled moniker to get Whites to identify with the right wing, along with them (((the YKW))), against anybody who gets any Left wing ideas such as unionization and left ethnonationalism against (((them))) and their complicit right wing sell outs.

Anyway, if it’s good enough for (((Vivian Veritas))), a.k.a., (((The Truth Will Live))), a.k.a. (((Ruth))), who thinks the (((Alt Right))) should re-brand itself as the “Dissident Right” (1:19:15 - 1:19:32), thinks that it ‘sounds cool’ (and recommends it for White right wing reactionaries and their misguiding kosher allies), then its good as gold for Millennial Woes to identify as “dissident right.”

Next Crayon: Deride “post modernity” as so much “da da” nonsense, because the goyim might find that it provides a key to defending themselves against modernity’s runaway pursuit of experiment (not exercising judgment to know when to willingly suspend disbelief), pursuit of universal objective truth at the hazard of relative group interests, running rough shod over inherent forms and ways, qualitative differences between peoples.. and on the other hand, as it would liberate them from the chains of unhelpful traditions ..allowing them to deliberately take the best of modernity and tradition/inherited ways… indeed to maintain inherited genetic forms.

Next Crayon: Deride hermeneutics as word-smithering gibberish, because it would allow for historical perspective, to rise above the arbitrary of mere facticity into personal and group coherence, accountability, agency and warrant.

No! Next Crayon, “say they all want equality” and its a sham! Next crayon, say that they are all delusional social justice warriors, seeking compassion to our full group of people, because they don’t want to be misguided and ruled by the YKW from the shining hill….

Next Crayon: deride social constructionism since there people find agency, group connection and consciousness to defend against YKW.

Next Crayon: deride pragmatism -i.e., accountability to the admission of fallibility and thus correctabity - including correctability of a social system being destroyed, as Whites are.

No! We must be about objective truth, facts, we must join our good Jewish friends on the right, yes, against equality (never mind that pursuing equality was never something that occurred to you) against social justice!

Next Crayon: The only truth is in the bible!  Yeah, that’s it, bind the goyim minds with self sacrificing, self destructive, group disinterested (except for the YKW and its) fables…

Not that one for you? (((Paleoconservatism, er the Alternative Right, er, the Dissident Right can accomodate that too)))...

Next Crayon: Change Human Biodiversity from a highly moral, lateral ecological concern and exchange it for a vertical matter of vain comparisons - I.Q. tests as a quantitative measure to stand in for the qualitative and often incommensurate differences and niches in and between racial groups regarding the matter of human bio-diversity.

Yeah, that’s it.

Not covering enough of the picture?

Next Crayon - give this one to Big Cat Kayla and Mark Collett to color in “The Greatest Story Never Told.” —yeah, that’s it… they can all learn how Poles killed 58,000 Germans in interwar Danzig, even though that never happened - but if Goebbels said it, must be true…

We’ll kill two birds with one stone - we’ll instigate western White animus toward those White nations that are still doing well to cling to their Whiteness and perhaps kill off some of our traitorous YKW who’ve out-married and prefer to mix-in with the goyim.

The Alternative Right, last year’s catch-all for right wing reactionaries to be steered, united and corralled at Charlottesville, was just phase one of our amalgam with the White right, culling them down…

Next Crayon: Cuckservatives - ok, so we gave you a pretty good one there…

Next Crayon: “Optics” - yeah, that’s it. We have our close contact from the Madison Ave. marketing firm working on that one. Mr. Mike Enoch. Yeah, he’ll be the “bad boy”, the real bad optics, Daily Shoah and so on… “Optics” and “Optics cucking”... He’ll start us off with the stiff arm salutes to show that we’re not optics cucks: “Hail Richard Thpenther”...

You see, you get it Big Cat and Collett, what “optics” means for the “normies” is that you don’t want to be showing swaska’s, stalhelms and stiff arm salutes, for them we have to optics cuck; but for those of us in the know, like at an NPI conference, we (wink) know that Hitler, the Kaiser, they had it all down pretty good in essence.

“Optics cucking” .... it’s not that Nazism was an epistemological blunder, it’s just that the normies won’t understand swastikas, stahlhelms and roman salutes.

Next Crayon: Anything but the White ethnonational Left!

...because that would underpin unionization of the full people, creating accountability to historic social and genetic capital, social group bounds and borders, including of the ethnonation.

The Carolers join in, and Greggy lisps a special hymn   ... with “Woes” ... the gayest sounding chorus, Richard Thpenther, Davith Aurini join-in: “those degenerate lefties! they just can’t deal with the reality of the pure empirical objectivity of our greatness!” ...look, even our Jewish friends agree!

* This is a joke, as if a dream that she appeared “nude.”


Debunking Hitler/Nazi redemptionism, rejecting association in service of WN et al. ethnonationalism

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 November 2018 06:46.

Part 1 vid is now on linePart 2 vid is now onlinePart 3 vid now on linePart 4 vid is now on line, Part 5 vid now on line, Part 6 vid now on line, Part 7 vid now on line, Part 8 vid now on line

Debunking and rejecting association with Hitler/Nazi redemptionism in service of coordinating White and other ethno-nationalisms.

Hitler was Not White Nationalist Part 2. Audio now online.

At the suggestion of our friend, Per, from Sweden, we are setting out to provide a resource to debunk and reject Hitler/Nazi redemptionism as it is not representative of White and other ethnonationalisms, but also as its association is severely detrimental to the coordination thereof.

Per suggested that we provide a resource to remove this pejorative association once and for all. Perhaps because I am older and more experienced, I observed (and Per agreed) that we probably would not be able to be rid of this association once and for all for all people - not only because there will be some recalcitrant reactionary Whites, but also because our enemies can be served by this association.

Therefore, what we need to do is to establish an open ended and indefinite series to provide a resource for ethnonationalists of good will to draw upon as need be, for new episodes to be summoned to meet the challenge of claims that there is a necessary association of White Nationalism with Nazi/Hitler redemption.

Audio of Part 3

That’s not to say that we cannot nail-down the greater essence as to why the redemptionist project and its association should be rejected by WN - and we will endeavor to set forth as much in these first discussions - but such an enormous project is bound to be confronted with novices and dilettantes cultivated in demographics and internet bubbles susceptible to misguidance by charlatans and misinforming reactionaries of prior generations, thus bringing new angles for the foreseeable future to challenge true ethnonationalism.

In light of recent events it is necessary to move this project along, the need to be rid of this association is set in high relief.

In addition to findings from my own and Per’s inquiries, we will be drawing upon the critiques of McCulloch, Lindtner, Kelso and more.

The audio and corresponding text of this first installment is now on line.

Text of Part 1

This is DanielS from Majorityrights Radio, an advocate of White ethnonationalism from America, and I’m going to be setting out a podcast series with the help of my colleague, Per, a fellow White ethnonationalist advocate from Sweden.

Part 4 on line at Bitchute

This series will provide resource to distinguish and separate White ethno-nationalism from Nazi and Hitler advocacy.

In podcasts to come, we will expose the false claims being made today by the Hitler and Nazi redemptionists.

Claims that they make about the origins of the second world war - that Hitler only wanted peace and had no responsibility for the outbreak of World War II and other related lies.

We will discuss people’s rude awaking to the fact of hostile interests acting against Whites, their sometimes falling into a false either/or - it’s either Hitler or the YKW… something Per’s seen in his native Sweden, but its true of White Nationalism generally, that there has been a susceptibility to this reaction.

There will be some who will not be able to get beyond this reaction. But others may be helped to an ethnonatnionalist, as opposed to a supremacist position, by fleshing out more awareness of the fact that much ethonanationalism that found itself opposed to Hitler in the war, did in fact have a a good sense that the YKW belonged to another nation, that their interests were quite different from those of European nations, including those on the other side of the Axis powers.

Part 5 on line at Bitchute

But in any case, it’s history. Nobody alive is guilty of any of it and should not be subject to retroactive, collective punishment and violation of their right to survive as peoples - against UN charters.

We are not against Germans, we are for German nationalism as all European Nationalism in alliance against those who would deprive us our ethnonational homelands. We especially do not want fighting between European nations as we need eachother to cooperate in common interests as ethnonationalists against those disregarding and antagonistic to European peoples on the whole; but we do not want to fight any nations, of course, where at all possible, where they are not attacking us.

It’s history. But if we are to go into the history between world wars one and two, the most important fact to underscore is that basically all nations situated between Germany and Russia were against the Soviets; and replete with anti-YKW sentiments - there was large understanding that the YKW were other, that they should not be considered fellow European nationals. These nations knew the situation well enough, but especially, were more than ready to fight AGAINST the Soviets. Furthermore, German nationhood was under no credible threat, especially if it did not antagonize and actively fight against its neighbors, but was willing to deal in the territorial terms that the Versailles Treaty and Treaty of Saint Germain had established with historic and logistic justification - a Germany, by the way, that was huge, including most of what is now western Poland and Kaliningrad.

A German population, speaking of lebensraum, which is the largest European diaspora by far of any White demographic in America - though we are getting ahead of ourselves a bit; that is a factor in the intransigent appeal to Hitler redemption among American WN; and why we are confronted with this situation of having to address egregiously dishonest propaganda that is being used to pander to this, among other White demographics susceptible thus and in particular as they suffer under the destruction of anti-White political correctness.

As we must go into the history then, it is important to address Hitler’s territorial bones of contention and how they were overstated in his mindset - a Frederick the Great 2.0 - that led the Allies to not trust him, especially when he proved to be untrustworthy.

And as we must go into the history then, we need to address a great false either/or that is being presented to ethnonationalsts, between the Soviet and Nazi regimes - when in fact, both were imperialists, and both were terrible regimes largely responsible for massive destruction of property and treasure, the death of tens of millions…

...but also setting forth a chain of association with their horrible misdeeds, lending to overwhelming propaganda to this day for those antagonistic to our ethnonational well being, against necessary ethno national and corresponding socially, ethno-nationally conscientious programs in general. Infact, that is a large reason why, in this podcast series, we will use the term Nazi to refer to Hitler’s regime. Not to guilt trip people, but to separate a rogue, imperialist and supremacist regime from the benign aspects of nationalism and corresponding social accountability.

And so, in days to come, we will unfold a series to redress fundamental points, inaccuracies and dishonesty put out by the Hitler/Nazi redemptionists.

No, the Hitler redemptionists, in their claim to be after the truth of history, tend to begin history at or about World War I.

And of course, Germany was a sheer victim of the rest of the world, from the Schiff’s backing of the Trotskies, to the Balfour Declaration, to the Treaty of Versailles. 

But really, to do enthnonationalism justice, we need to go further back in history…



The Specificatory Structure as Opposed to The Car Engine

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 13 September 2018 15:27.

Specificatory Structures
(are topoi to be shaped and crafted as collaborative, working hypotheses in praxis, finally leading to operational verifiabilty) as opposed to a universal model of “the mind” proposed to function like a car engine (talk about a “clunky idea” or not).

I was about to put up a video by The Golden One in which he expresses gratitude to the Dalai Lama for voicing his authoritative support of European ethnonationalims - “Europe belongs to the European peoples and immigrants should return and rebuild their countries.”

But then I hear him saying that “the Dalai Lama is a spiritual man and is not beholden to ‘social rules” which our elite try to brow beat us with….I realize they’re at it again, that I cannot just suck it up in sympathy for the bad Swedish election; as I did in posting his last video, in which The Golden One calls the enemies “leftists.” There are still retarded people playing opposite day with me behind the scenes -  encouraging misconceptions like “social rules” are Not somehow also a neutral analytic device (which of course they are) but singularly a tool of coercion for our enemies; whereas a rigorous adherence to “nature” without all that “sociology, communicolgical, White post modern stuff” will inevitably ensure our “rights” and “ethnonationalism.”

This is completely retarded and backwards. Nature doesn’t give us our rights, nature doesn’t give a shit about our rights and our ehtnonationalisms. We have rights because we are part of a community of people with relative group interests - in best unit, a union of discrete European ethnonations, in which we create and negotiate rights by consensus, not foolishly believing that we discover them in objective detachment.

As I have said before, The White Post Modern Project is a necessity in response to the ravages of Modernity and the inflexibility of Reactionary Traditionalism. ...and it (White Post Modernity) is particularly a necessity to hold up to the destruction of ethnonationalism that post modern conception is supposed to defend against, but rather destroys in YKW misrepresentation of the notions they’ve promoted as “post modernity.”

The project, including Heidegger’s, is not to make humans and society function like automatons, like a car engine, on an engineering and physics model - not in that model of “theoria” as Aristotle calls it, but to take our concerns even for the hard sciences, but especially for the social sciences into the realm of praxis - again, as Aristotle calls it - the social realm of people, where they have some agency, and are therefore not totally predictable; where we are biological creatures and mammals, evolved to care about important relationships to our survival and in optimal, not maximal levels of need satisfaction; where we are biological creatures and our actions have reflexive effects that cause changes in course in ourselves and others; where, as second order cybernetic creatures we can learn to learn. The project, including Heidegger’s (where on target and not too individualistic in his focus), The White Post Modern Project, is to take our thinking into praxis to correct the Cartesian detached and lineal, non-interactive notion of necessity - imperviously abetting, as it does, the phony and crooked disease of quantification to the point of false comparison, toxicity and runaway; typically by means of the Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement.

To correct the Cartesian error of modernity, we need Not a “model of the mind” as tightly connected as a Porsche car engine to the exclusion of all else (to defend ourselves against all that Jewish social stuff), what we need is a better understanding of the utility and integrity of Specificatory Structures to negotiate the participatory reality of Praxis. Specificatory Structures are basically partly or nearly finished working hypotheses as it were, that allow interlocutors to engage, shape, craft, correct and refine these hypotheses.

Remember, the ultimate aim of pragmatic philosophy is the rigor of operational verifiability. So, those with a penchant for engineering and scientific rigor should be satisfied; while being helped to Not promote the scientism and epistemic blunder of applying physics models (theoria) to creatura and social group concerns (praxis).

Nor does social constructionism (proper) and hermeneutics deny science, biological realty or race; it enhances and complements scientific inquiry, it does not discourage science: it may criticize bad science (“we are all Africans under the skin”) and bad applications of science - physics and brute animal models to humans and our world of praxis (“its all about competition, survival of the fittest, might makes right and nothing more”) - but it is not anti-science.

If GW or somebody comes up with specs, which generally track “the transit” of English and European (natural) social systems, well and good. What hermeneutics proper would do is not deny it, but refer back to it as need be in the course of operational verification.

What I am saying is true, of radical and deep priority for our European interests; but “opposite day” is still being played with me.

I will speculate as to why:

First is obvious - YKW know what I am saying is true, want to discourage it and direct Whites to join them as right wing reactionaries.

The second is right wingers - people who are lucky enough to be in position to take care of themselves, don’t feel need to care about the group as a whole - they sell our groups out.

There is a third and fourth category at work, also right wing reactionary. The Jesus freak contingent I’ve said enough about - if people can’t see the plain fact that Christianity is a Jewish trick, then how much time are you supposed to waste on them? Rather you have to defend against the worm they’d insist upon introducing. But among right wing reactionaries that are a problem for me are STEM people who are not penetrating enough philosophically to get beyond their STEM predilections - which, again, would have them perpetrate the epistemic blunder of applying theoria to praxis - which, rather, requires phronesis (practical judgement of the kind that the topoi of specificatory structures would guide). By contrast, the whole “Dark Enlightenment” crap is a psy-op set up by our (((enemies))) and advanced by operatives like Brett Stevens in order to misdirect and (((boondoggle))) STEM types.

These types are not only prone to this type of epistemic blunder, but have some enhanced confirmation bias as the harder matters that they’ve tended to look into are more stable and veifiable than the social world where Jewish rhetoric has wreaked havoc. Thus, their Cartesian anxiety is calmed somewhat by their concrete successes in engineering and business in boom times; say, during the Reagan/Thatcher objectivist sell-out years, in their reactionary quest for “foundations” in nature beyond human tampering.

Moreover, these sorts have had a big leg up in advancing the epistemic blunder in their predilection when coming into the Internet age - for obvious reasons - computer technology is a STEM field mostly about the tight, non-human, electric/mechanical connections of theoria. While those more sympathetic to a White take on social, communicological, post modern, hermeneutic resource have been late bringing it to the table.

All the while the YKW have been doing their number, taking the best ideas for social advocacy for themselves then distorting them, abusing them and weaponizing them against Whites - to where Whites react and play opposite day with me, as if I am the bad guy simply for using our words, terms and concepts properly in our interests; Whites have such heavy reactions to the negative, red cape associations they feel from these words that they react against the abused words and concepts; and in so doing rebel against their own interests, in what one cannot help but believe is a (((deliberate strategy.)))

“We can’t defend ‘racism’, people wouldn’t understand (that the term is fundamentally about social classification and ethnocentrism), so we have to argue against it (and weaken the call of social classification and ethnocentrism).” “We must be against Multiculturalism (and for global monoculturalism)”  ....“we must be against the Diversity industry (and for racial integration through Abrahamic/Noahide law, or ‘universal natural law’).”

“I only trust my own mind” ...“we need a science of the mind” ...well go ahead… maybe that is a good perspective for holding fast to inquiries into emergentism. I’m not stopping you, but we also need, need even more inquiries from the communications perspective - taking interaction as the unit of analysis, claiming the same turf as other disciplines when taking-on investigations: whether the group (sociology - most relevant, because races are groups); philosophy (inquiries into how to live and think about life); or biology and interacting ecosystems ...and alas, even psychology.

And so we’ve had a problem, as manifest acutely on Majorityrights, where the STEM people clamored here early. The site’s discourse model has been strictly Modernist - a free speech free-for-all with the errant notion that if you just keep allowing issues to be buffeted from all angles, eventually the foundational truth would be born again hard from this torturous alchemy.

Of course, that’s not what happens. Modernity is an insatiable charmed loop that has run rough shod over even our most precious resources, putting them at needless risk in the sheer objectivism of scentistic experimentalism; if something is not “new” it no longer merits reverence for the modernist thinker.

...and in come the trolls, the Jews, and Jew tools, like Haller and Thorn, whose backers know this and took advantage to sew misdirection in MR’s threads under the guise of “free speech” and inquiry into discovery of “the truth.”

The obnoxous “Uh”, who also displayed affinity, argued for the inclusion of the YKW and clearly does not take these matters of White advocacy most seriously, but wants a place to vent his spleen against those who had the nerve to go to college, so he can show how ‘smart’ he is… the fetish of MR in the modernist times has been ‘the one line zinger”, as Uh was so fond of…  Soren et. al are other STEM people into that as well…

Sublime engineering is the model…there is just that one little precise thing, said in perfect rigor which will either bring the whole edifice down or make it hum like the best car engine ever ...the streak of incisive brilliance like a sheen, gleaming like a “classic sparkle.”

... claims I ruined all this fun for him ....

But it stems rather from a misunderstanding of the Specificatory Structure and its aim - its aim is to provide social topoi for people to participate, shape, craft and refine ...indeed, in rigor, as required in the post modern circumstance, to reach Operational Verifiability - that is the end point of the process of pragmatic inquiry - so the STEM-heads should not object and are only displaying just how reactionary (or dishonest) they are when they object to the terms and concepts that I set out.

Brilliant though he is, indispensable ideas though he’s contributed, even Bowery was bewilderingly reactionary in this regard, acting like I was attacking science when I criticized the bad science and misapplication of science that is scientism. ...or that I was besmirching science when I set out the place and general errors of the empirical philosophers, Locke, Berkeley and Hume (I presumed that everyone knows that you are talking about them when criticizing “empirical philosophy”) in historical context of epochal bias. I knew we were in trouble when Bowery simply ignored what I said, angrily tried to prohibit me from criticizing Modernity, Cartesianism (the quest to separate mind from interaction, viz. interactive stasis, outer systemic homeostasis) and proposed to “reboot the enlightenment.”

But the fact is that we have to move beyond modernity to White Post Modernity if we are to save ourselves and not be a part of human ecological destruction.

It is for this reason that I will introduce an update - not removing the present “About” information for Majorityrights - but add the Post Modern fact that “Hello’, we have the Internet now,” you can interact and help to shape and craft our necessary knowledge. We are no longer beholden to the transmissions model of communication, in which we sat in front of televisions, or teachers, or preachers and were to receive the information as pure, sacrosanct, passive, no need for our input and correction….

What you are presented with at Majorityrights are specificatory structures - hypotheses well enough considered, with a likely trajectory to protect our interests as discreet European peoples; but we can always use help from honest people of good will, to shape, craft and verify our inquiries where not proposing inquiries anew.

Articles are not put up as if by Moses presenting the ten commandments; nor presented as if the author thinks, in hubris, that these are immutable, always perfect ideas and objects; as if we think this is something like a sublime car engine, when it really isn’t, and what is necessary is for you to humble us, mock, in ad hominum attack. No. These are specificatory structures presented with a good deal more humility and social respect - your interaction, your help in participating in the generation of knowledge production is most appreciated.

There is also a fifth unfortunate fact that we are up against a huge Irish/German demographic in America which, for reasons I’ve described, are prone to take the disposition that Hitler was simply right and needs to be redeemed - and there are White advocates of bad character, like David Duke, who will pander to that.

Because we are White Post Modern now, certain inquires are recognized as a distraction at best and all too often pernicious misdirection: Jewish participation; Christianity; Nazi redemption; obviously nutty conspiracy theories; and when we have time to explain with subtlety, scientism and other errors held over from the modernist apex.

And if someone, doesn’t like it - “wha! wha! I want ‘my’ Majoritrights back! - I want Jesus! I want Hitler! I want to kiss the ass of rigid Nordicism as opposed to ethnonationalism (which, among other European kinds, defends Nordics as such)! I want to trade ‘clever’ one line zingers with Uh!” - he can go grease up and get another tattoo on his neck.

White Ethnonational Left defined by our interests in distinction from liberal internationalism, 1-14

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 15 July 2018 10:39.

White Ethnonational Left defined by our interests in distinction from liberal internationalism, Parts 1-14



Guessedworker discusses Nationalism and the War of the Discourse with Morgoth

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 10 June 2018 07:14.

Stories of my “Fourteen Words” jacket - who could object?

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 24 May 2018 13:14.

...It’s super 14 Man!

Stories of my Fourteen Words jacket

While proudly wearing my “fourteen words jacket, complete with my personally designed 14 in-the-gap logo, together with David Lane’s phrase, “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children”...

Story number 1

A not so anecdotal experience related to this jacket.

It’s some time in 2009. I walked into the grand opening of an ‘Irish bar’ in Poznan, Poland. Proudly wearing this jacket…

I made sure to stand front and center while watching the band so that everyone in attendance could read my jacket.

Thinking nothing of it (why would I, after all? Who could object to the survival of White children?), I went to the bar to procure a drink.

Suddenly, the answer - immediately obvious to me, anyway - came walking-up behind me: Two individuals speaking frantically. And the answer to the aforementioned question was automatic in my mind …when they said/asked me with aggressive disdain, “hey shit-eater, what is that shit on your back?” and added presumptuously, “Go back to your own country!”

Without even having turned around, not turning around in fact - not even having seen them yet - I responded instantaneously, “This is my country, go back to Israel.”

The zen master (lol) knew the answer to the aforementioned question, a nonsensical question really - who could object to White children? There is only one answer.

When I turned around and looked at them it was confirmed indeed that they had dark curly hair, boner noses, etc, indeed fit the bill. They turned and looked at each other in disbelief that I had known instantaneously, without hesitation where they were coming from.

As their aggression had apparently never failed them before, they tried their tried-and-true verbatim once again:

“Shit-eater, what is that shit on your back?”

I responded, what would you like it to be?

They repeated, “go back to your own country!”

And I repeated once again, “this is my country, go back to Israel.”

They looked at each other again in shock, as if to say, “what now?” and they went away.

The bar location failed (Tanner’s moved to another place), but I have a strong suspicion that the property was owned, as many properties are owned in Poland, by the YKW. These YKW were probably a party to YKW who owned the place and were charging an exorbitant rent, not at all concerned if one or another business makes it, or if they break their backs, as they usually do, no matter how well, how qualitative and competently run - provided that business tenants slave away and squander their dreams to pay rents in backwater Poznan that are on par with Paris and New York - “hear that, ‘shit eater.”?

The YKW said that to me, seeing this jacket on behalf of White children. Hear that, “shit eater” ?

Story number 2

I walk into the bar right across from the ratusz in Poznan central square, wearing the jacket….

While waiting to buy a drink at he bar I hear an English speaking guy ask me in curiosity, “what was that on my back?” ... he did not pose the question in a particularly hostile way at first, so I figured this was being presented as a liberal student-ish thing…but seeing as the jacket’s statement is rather self explanatory, I called his bluff and asked what he would like it to be? He replied with another question, is it racist? I notice dark, curly hair on this one too, asking that question I figure here we go again and indeed…

He then twice loudly blurts-out “racist, racist!”

I think I told him to fuck off or something, and then he turns to the bar woman as she comes to take my order, and he says to her, “this guy’s a racist!”...

I was pleasantly surprised to find that she simply ignored him, in fact everyone at the bar ignored him, as if he was the asshole, which obviously, he was… and that’s not the half of it…

I see that this guy moves to a group of liberal English guys that I know from the university….a famous gossip mill and famously jerkish guys who pander to women with aggressive liberalism and “anti-racism”...

I decided to calmly finish my drink and go to another bar where I would not have to be in the presence of their obnoxious company.

As I am walking out..the (one can only suppose) YKW guy screams, “racist, racist, racist!”...

At this point those who wield the charge of racism as a weapon are not quite getting the idea that they are the assholes but it remains a weapon even if its local support is minimal in this context…

Anyway, I go to a bar where there is more local clientele so that I can peacefully have a few more ...vodkas, scotches - not sure, this was a while ago, also 2009.

But there are lots of places around and sometimes I feel like I should try something different; so after that, I went to a bar a few blocks away that I virtually never go to - had been there briefly, maybe twice in five years, don’t even think I stayed for a drink when I had popped-in…

It’s a basement bar that features karaoke, and I hear the karaoke as I descend the stairs, turn the corner into the bar and immediately lock eyes with (I now know his name is Adam) the same guy! - and he has the karaoke microphone in his hand in amidst the crowded bar! He screams into the microphone, “racist!, racist! racist!”...

I saw the liberal English guys with him and just turned on my heals and marched back up the steps out of there…but you have to realize that the Cohencidence was not small….

This is a city of 500,000 and there are hundreds of bars to choose from, dozens in this area that serve similar demographics… you are not exactly limited in your options…


Anyway, some weeks later, I’m passing through the rynek and there is a corner bar where one of the guys who I happen to get along with a bit better invites me in for a shot after telling me profusely that he doesn’t agree with me but respects my conviction….

I go in and there’s the same crowd of guys, including Adam, this time a bit more sheepish - he’d stay away in the corner the episode; I guess the Englishmen had told him that I’m not quite so insubstantial…

But one of the English guys, “Shanny”, comes forward and says, “do you want me to kick your ass?” ... I said “try it”...and then I looked to the crowd, especially Paul N. an ugly ginger who panders to women into liberal hyperbole (Paul was there the night of the first incident in the Irish bar and I heard him talking to friends about me and my jacket, saying “racist as they come”....)

Aggressive liberals like him are among my least favorite people in the world.

And so I looked at this crowd and I said, if you want diversity go back to Birmingham (where Shanny is from), go back to Liverpool (where Adam is from), go to Brighton (where Ed is from) go back to England - (I do not wish “diversity” on you, but don’t you impose it by me), I’m not stopping you from going there to your “diversity”. I came here to be with my family.

A couple of them shook my hand as a peace offering, particularly the one guy from Cornwall, who invited me in, who I get along with a little better… and I went on my way….

When substituting for a semester, at the university five years prior, I was trying to impart to my class the importance of social classification, the necessity of it, even.. and how it (social classification) had been egregiously prohibited by the American Constitution… 

However, the following week from assigning that lesson for consideration, I got stuck in France, having had car accident that wrecked my car… and Paul took my class in which I had intended to follow up on this lesson…

In conversation somewhere after I came back, Paul blurted out to me, “why do you see it as necessary to clAAssify!”

What an asshole. What a thing to impart to my class, my Polish people. Paul, you ignorant, ugly bastard, I hate you.


So for the next class I had my class write down a “poem” that I’d written - I put it on the chalk board for the class to copy - it was about Paul and Patrick - Patrick being a teacher there as well, an American guy from North Dakota, jerkish as well, taking ‘racism’ for granted as a great problem and giving his classes assignments in its terms…

My poem:

P and P couldn’t get any P in their Previous Places, so they Pandered to it in Poland, One P (Patrick) Pontificating about Prejudice as Prehistoric Platitude while the other P (Paul) Proffered the Preferability of the Previous President (Clinton), the Penultimate Panderer to P.

What an asshole Paul is; and of course I heard that the female students “all like him” (despite his being an ugly fuck)....and he was hired-on as a permanent at the University…


DanielS, MR Radio: Introduction to Theory of Native European/ White Nationalist Advocacy Parts 1-6

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 12 May 2018 22:22.




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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:15. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 01:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:04. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 22:59. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 21:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Thu, 06 Feb 2025 22:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 05 Feb 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 05 Feb 2025 22:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Richard Williamson, 8th March 1940 - 29th January 2025' on Mon, 03 Feb 2025 23:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:40. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 14:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 14:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Tue, 28 Jan 2025 14:28. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 12:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 02:07. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 18:23. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 16:02. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 14:43. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 18:52. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 15:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 01:06. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 10:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:22. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:26. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 10:33. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:30. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Charles crowned king of anywhere' on Thu, 09 Jan 2025 20:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 15:47. (View)

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