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Football Team analogy by contrast to false comparisons, non-equality and supremacism.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 05 December 2019 05:30.

The late W. Barnett Pearce, a communications scholar, was commemorated by colleagues and students in his passing with their reflections on his work as it influenced and inspired.

One student spoke of a eureka moment provided by a football team analogy that Barnett recommended as a way to look upon how people function together in a coordinated way as opposed to narcissistic, false comparisons that might prop-up dangerous hubris and instigate conflict for non-recognition, if not disrespect for the value, purpose and abilities, in fact, of necessary niche evolutionary differences.

By contrast to better and worse, equal or not-equal, or rendering false comparisons by trying to apply a singular comparative criteria among the people of a group or between groups on the whole, Barnett used the football team analogy to recommend to his student a qualitative way of looking upon group, systemic functioning.

Note, we’re talking about American football in this analogy:

You don’t say one of the offensive linemen positions, say a Left Guard or Right Tackle or a Center, is “not equal” to a Wide Receiver or Fullback. You don’t say that they are not as good, that the Wide Receiver or Half Back is better, the Quarterback is greater than his linemen (Tackles, Guards, Center, Tight End). Well, I guess you can say that, in that the Quarterback position might be harder to fill, but it is fundamentally a stupid comparison, particularly if it fails to recognize his dependence on the Offensive Line for his pass protection and to open up holes for an alternative running game.

Each position has a different set of procedures that is necessary to carry out if the Team is to function effectively, coordinated as a group systemic effort. And toward that end, each position has to be respected as necessary and performing an essential function to the system which is not to be dismissed if the group system is to function effectively.

The positions tend to require qualitatively different abilities, physiology and mentality, true, but they are all necessary if the team is to be a successful system.

Anyway, the analogy provides another resource, along the lines of the concept of commensurability and incommensurability of qualitative niche abilities in and between paradigms (groups), to help people coordinate our White Ethnonationalist efforts. opposed to equality/non equality, false comparisons, hubris of across-the-board supremacism which may leave us vulnerable for lack of an effective “Offensive Line” or lack of respect for their function as such.


Instructions on how to give a blow job, including on how it can be ok for one night stands.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 16 November 2019 05:59.

To be as uninhibited as this woman is, giving completely graphic instructions and attitudinal coaching on how it can be perfectly ok, even in one night stands, to give blow jobs (the term ‘fellatio’ falls by the wayside as a fig-leaf of inhibition) provokes a questioning of her position and its power: Coming from a pretty White woman, this lack of inhibition, not especially qualified beyond whether the individuals involved are comfortable and have a sense of reciprocal fairness, provokes the question of whether this is irresponsible bullying of the social realm.

Commenting on Jen Scharf, ‘Church of Entropy’s most recent stream, I heard the interlocutors discussing morality in terms of objectivity, physics, products of ‘the mind’, a nihilism to be grappled with in sheer terms of power…

This is all very great nonsense. I noted that social interaction is the ground of morality - negotiated there as matter of practicality, as much to achieve cooperation for leveraged ease beyond brute struggle and conflict as anything.

Yes, we have to respect the somewhat arbitrary biological imperative behind sexual drives, individual boundaries and prerogatives.

However, taking the example of this woman, we must also observe that her beauty and resource did not come of a vacuum, but were born through the struggles of her parents, forebears, social systems and rule structures which facilitated their survival; evincing the resource and beauty which suggests her health.

That is to say, far more consideration and account should be requested, as she speaks and recommends her lack of inhibitions to the public, as to how she effects our social capital.

Sex is not merely a normal biological function, not merely a means to give pleasure and have fun with people that you think are cute.

While this kind of disinhibition can reveal a liberation of vital forces of certain parts of the system which may have been unduly constrained, it also conceals other ramifications of the sexual act - as it may play into narrow and short sighted confirmation of persons and politics that really don’t deserve it; while disconfirming others, whose virtues, perspective and the products of ther sublimation may deserve more respect.

Elsewhere, I have noted that a large part of what makes sex sexy is the tension between human dignity and the yielding to animal drive; and with that, a tension between human dignity and yielding to the brute interpay of dominance and submission ....a yielding or not, which evokes an integation and empathy of submission and dominance on the part of both genders.

And this tension which makes one ‘sexy’ will depend, at least for better Europeans, on maintaining the dignity of human concerns far sublimated from the sexual act.

Of course the sexual act is closely tied, especially for we Europeans, more evolved for ‘K’ strategy, with a concern that it is the long evolved means by which people, hopefully responsible people, come into the world by responsible consideration.

That is one reason why the more sensitive among us can be disturbed by what is to us the alien lack of inhibition that bespeaks the irresponsible momentary and episodic emphasis of ‘R’ strategy (as opposed to concern for levels of relationship and biological pattern), a conditioning, perhaps, of the pop psychology of Freud and Marcuse, that was born in indifference, if not downright antagonism to our social-biological systems. This lack of social inhibition is putting our systems and social capital at risk.

Make no mistake, so long as our people exist, we are, in an important sense, a part of a social and biological system. And if we are not a part of a system, then we do not exist as a people. Which isn’t true. We do exist. It is Noel Ignatiev who is dead - literally and figuratively.

This woman says that she considers it ok to give blow jobs in one night stands. She does seem to indicate that you should take precautions, but says that she does not use condoms, claims to just kind of know who she is giving blow jobs to. Inasmuch as that is true, her guess would have to be taking a lot of clues from the (social) context.

But does it ever occur to pomiscuous people that they might be taking something that rightfully belongs to a spouse?

J.F. Gariepy goes so far as to say that he has ‘made love’ (disgusting euphemism, if there ever was one) to thousands of women, and that he is doing a favor to their future husbands by getting these women excited about sex. Who is this fucking pig, this joker, kidding?

In the case of misegenators, does it occur to them that they might be taking or giving away something that rightfully belongs to a people - at least in predominant account to our/their pattern? Those who would choose to go with other people are ultimately free to leave (hopefully not having acted before sufficient accounts requested); they are not free to impose this prerogative and its consequences on the broad pattern of a people who are responsible to our/their kind.

I stand by an article that I wrote a few years ago, that one way to know if it is a good and appropriate person that you’re having sex with is whether or not you have to use a condom. You should know them well enough not to need one.

It is eminently reasonable to oppose the social resource of vast funds that have gone to pay for A.I..D.S. - a disease which can inhibit and ‘cure’ socially irresponsible behavior.

Here is your A.I.D.S. education: don’t conduct yourself like a pig and your chances of contracting A.I.D.S. are next to zero.

The basketball player, ‘Magic’ Johnson, contracted A.I.D.S. through unprotected sex in which he ‘tried to accommodate as many women as possible…some of them were unbelievable.’..

Then our social resource (of money) kept this scumbag alive. He should have died and it would be quite fine with me if the woman that he accommodated had died as well.

Going back to the young lady giving blow job advice, including for one night stands, if her episodic practices would have her giving this treasure and reward to the likes of Magic Johnson, it would be quite fine with me if she were to die as well.

Hateful? You bet its valid hate people bestowed with our social treasure, only to use it for our destruction. And if the sexual drive is a strong natural impulse aimed at the survival of our species, so is hatred of those who abuse it.

Coordination needs both concepts: Universal Comparability/Particular Incommensurablity of Interests

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 15 June 2019 09:30.

Both are necessary for coordination of interests between people, but incommensurabilty is the more important idea - White Post Modern idea - to have people understand now in order to overcome the ravages of modernity’s emphasis as it instigates narcissistic comparison.

It occurs to me that a snag in regard to getting Whites on board with the concept of White Post Modernity has to do with the charge of there being “no moral standards, let alone universal standards” by which to compare cultures and people - hence the infamous hyper-cultural-relativism, the no-account mishmash, “ironic” da-da of the YKW promoted notion of “post modernity” - a shallow, demeaning and destructive thing indeed.

Like so many disputes, however, this one occurs as a result of misunderstandings on a taken-for-granted level. That is, I took for granted my understanding that there is a level of comparison which is universal and necessary to coordination, but did not emphasize it; so the taken for granted of others, that “post modernity” admits of no standards of comparison was probably being presumed of my discussion of White post modernity as well.

To protect the discreetness of peoples and cultures against the universalizing ravages of modernity - of which anti-racism and the prejudice against prejudice are instrumental - I have drawn attention to the fact that people and cultures may be qualitatively different, evolved for niche functions that are quite adequate within their niche, the “paradigm” that is their human ecology within human and pervasive ecology more broadly.

White Post Modernity is drawing on Thomas Khun’s* Structure of Scientific Revolutions to sensitize our people to differences that make a difference because overcoming modernity’s universalizing blender, particularly as it is weaponized against us by YKW, is by far our most urgent need.

Particularly when they’ve got Whites reacting to the abuses of “post modernity” by rendering of false, obnoxious and insulting quantifying comparisons, “against equality”, between niches and groups of people, which can unnecessarily generate conflict and disorganization, not only against non-Whites but also among Whites, it’s been important to emphasize the concept of commensurability/ incommensurability:

That is, you aren’t especially asking whether a person or group is universally and quantifiably better or worse, but rather whether their rule structures mesh and harmonize in a systemic position or whether they conflict; whether they qualitatively fit somewhere within a group system; and if not in your group system, which group system? (by inference, if they do not fit in any group system, but destroy them all, you begin looking at them as a threat of ecological runaway - potential cataclysm, a universalizing cataclysm that does not respect important differences).

However, in the emphasis of this important point to facilitate the advocacy of the difference of our distinction by its best, most broadly acceptable means, I may have not emphasized enough the idea that the concept of White Post Modernity draws a distinction between incommensurability and incomparability.

Just because systems are incommensurable does not necessarily mean that you cannot compare them on at least some primitive levels.

Comparability and InComrability would be the universal paradigm by which we could discern and compare interests that would be moral concerns legitimate to any people.

This is very important because this universal language would allow us to coordinate our differences and our interests in maintaining our human species, i.e., between those people who are not so egregious as to advocate the destruction of our species, our differences.

However, when talking about “depth and shallowness”, we must not get caught in modernist linearity of comparability being “the” deepest philosophical concern. Our similarities are a less critical matter at this point whereas the concern of our differences is crucial.

Incommensurabilty and commensurability are the differences that make a profound difference among groups and between them on a level of human and pervasive ecology. This is at least as deep a philosophical concern, perhaps deeper, but certainly it is a criteria that we must emphasize now - not just our universal similarities.

Comparabilities can be arrived-at fairly easily as a result of the internal relation of our co-evolutions (plural, deliberate).

However, the differences may be more difficult to discern (and uphold for the broad system they are a part of being beyond ready purview) and where not difficult to discern, may be stigmatic to articulate and act upon as a result of anti-racism, the weaponization of modernity’s universalizing, objectivist prejudice against prejudice.

And to overcome the universalizing narcissism of modernity and the destruction that may result for its blindness or oblivion to important differences between people, its disregard of differences that can result in their destruction, their using similar universalizing disregard of our differences (“deep down we’re all the same”) resulting in our destruction, or blow back against us for our naive/narcissistic oblivion to important differences which will not simply be put asunder, coordination between groups also requires that we promulgate the concept of commensurability/incommensurability, not only comparability/incomparability.

* I am aware that Khun was ((())).

Correcting Molyneux and Parrott on the place of objectivity, Whites and the necessary source of war

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 05 June 2019 06:00.

Over valuation of objectivity and its attendant rational blindness.

Stefan Molyneux@StefanMolyneux: If you promote multiculturalism

Without promoting objective rationality

You set the stage

For civil war

@MatthewParrott: “Objectivity” is just a euphemism for what smart white males generally agree on. It doesn’t exist where we don’t exist, and is not somehow integral to the universe or something. You’re arguing for white supremacy.

@StefanMolyneux Replying to @MatthewParrott @contrastatist: Hahaha

@daniel.sienkiewicz (Majorityrights): I don’t quite agree with Matt either. While the quest for objectivity, valuation of impartiality for the solid warrant of findings based on tests irrespective of prejudice and aversion does not really exist apart from people (and their interests, thus it does not exist purely) and Whites are evolved to value it more than others (evolved more to take on Augustinian, i.e., natural, non-human challenges), and it does yield science and tech marvels, the power that goes along with it, it is a predilection that leaves us somewhat naive for the rational blindness it requires, thus susceptible to systemic dissolution (not necessarily superior then), as the quest of objectivity is virtually the opposite of prejudice against peoples and aversion (to creatures, things, physical, systemic consequences) - to people who perhaps warrant prejudicial treatment; creatures, things, physical and systemic consequences that may warrant aversion.

If objectivity is part and parcel of White supremacy as it is according to Matt, he might observe that it is also part and parcel of White degeneracy and systemic dissolution.

White supremacy is certainly not an objective claim. But to be at our best and reconstruct our social systemic homeostasis against those groups more unabashedly self interested (evolved more in conflict with other peoples rather than nature), thus willing to take advantage of us, as e.g., Africans might, to the point of manichean trickery even, as e.g., Muslims and YKW might, Whites must sufficiently overcome this prejudice against prejudice. That, in order to be accountable to our own group, human ecology, which will allow us in turn to coordinate accountability with other groups, e.g. African and Middle Eastern, and pervasive ecology.     

Rather, quest for objectivity is virtually the opposite of prejudice - it is prejudice against prejudice. Quest for objectivity - pure warrants above or within nature, below human nature - is virtually the opposite of social accountability, a “that’s-just-the-way-it-isness” as such, which paves the way for war.

Objectivity is a tool the findings of which are to provide feedback to be gauged against the calibration of our relative interests as a group system and that of other group systems and systems broadly.

Nominations for the Sacred. Responsibility meriting consecration in new religion of European peoples

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 14 May 2019 05:11.

Nominations for the Sacred…

What responsibilities merit consecration in a new religion for European peoples?

While we can maintain unflinchingly that religions are formed between people and not from divine revelation, it is clear that we need a religion in the sense of the semi-transcendent capacity to connect with the patterns of our time in memorial and systemic excellence as a people, in genus and species, with reverence in episodic enactments to help lift us to that realm, beyond demoralization, the uninspiring defectiveness of a large percentage of our people, and the clear imperfection of even those who are excellent, on balance; to guide the relative interests of our people and our patterns as its specific and primary concern, as opposed to the rational blindness of maintained objectivism’s disinterest, the naivete and narcissism of its sheer modernist universalizing, oblivious to the intransigence with which other peoples will thereby take advantage of us, abiding by their traditions and inherited ways, looking after theirs and claiming the moral high ground, connection to sacrament, the means to handle sex and marriage “justly”, while flouting the demoralizing upshot of our secularized modernist fall-out - where not seduced and wrecked by modernity themselves. The question then arises what forms and ways are our responsibility to treat religiously?

While the YKW’s media control goes back (J.B.) much further than the days of broadcast media but has in fact tyrannized the west with threats of hell and damnation, claiming with that their mono god as provider of THE moral order, the truth is that there are other moral orders, better, more appropriate moral orders (if you can call Christianity moral, which I would not) for Whites and that moral orders among people are unavoidable at least in some rudimentary form - there will always be some acts that are Prohibited, some that are Obligatory and some that are Legitimate. Better that they be explicit and deliberate, while not so elaborate as to inhibit the authentic human freedom that they should facilitate.

We may be assured that Hermeneutics is the very European vehicle which lifts us above the arbitrary and contradictory of what is merely apparent in the empirical realm in momentary and episodic evaluation, facilitating the liberation from mere facticity, allowing us to be free from the tangled, contradictory, overly limiting or runaway logics, freeing us of no-account scientism, brute might-makes-right arguments among other such nonsense, while indeed facilitating the return to empirical verification as need be - thus, also freeing us from speculative nonsense which is of no account to the union of our people. It is the means to bring us back from Cartesian detachment and estrangement - whether held to be beyond nature or in natural fallacy below human nature - but rather into the authentic being, heeding the anti-Cartesian prompt to re-engagement and holding fast, Dasein (there-being) and MidtDasein (there-being amidst your people).

And in hermeneutics we might engage the wisdom of the language, its etymology in a couple of key instances.

Our systemic dissolution as a distinct people is a result of liberalism, whether induced from our own or imposed upon us more forcibly.

Here a play on the word deliberate works nicely in two senses. In the “de” of de-liberate, we are freeing ourselves from the unaccountability of liberal transgression by its arbitrary pseudo objectivity; and secondly we are deliberately, that is, by at least a modicum of asserted prerogative, deliberately choosing loyalty, taking advantage of the consolation of agency, but holding fast to the belief in our emergent form(s) (as GW would rightly insist), given that there is the possibility of our liberal transgression, specifically, our capacity to breed out with other races. In acknowledging consciously, with our brethren, where the important lines of unionization are to be drawn and not transgressed for pain of ostracism, we are social constructionists, if even only as to how the facts of our differences count (e.g. important to the point of sacred), but thereby facilitate not only agency and accountability, but personal and group coherence, warrant, human and pervasive ecology.

As we must take the White post modern turn away from universalism and scientism, we avail ourselves of our hemeneutic facility, to dwell on the profundity of our emergent forms as GW and Heidegger wisely insist; and to liberate us from the inauthenticity, arbitrariness and confusion of mere facticity, into the authenticity of coherence, which, again, provides for accountability, agency, warrant, human and pervasive ecology.

And we focus on a second word, re-invoking the etymology of religion, it’s implications, the “ligaments”, i.e., rules which re-attach our people to our realm, our union, through accountability. accountability to our social capital accrued and passed on through vast history and struggle.

...a social accountability and indebtedness for their abilities that liberals/right wingers want to make short shrift of in the narrow warrant of pseudo-objectivity, in the desire to believe that they are as singularly responsible for their success as conceivable…inspired in hubris to disingenuously see their good fortune in more and more Cartesian detachment from social interaction, indebtedness, construction, or naively accepting this detachment from social accountability through fatuous claims by their moral overlords of a personal relation to god that would sanction needless destruction, or “liberating” authority of “natural” law so primitive and arbitrary that it is fit only for a creature headed for rapid and deserved extinction.

And whether through hubris or reaction (often in anxious, white knuckle grasping for purely objective, unassailable warrant against vast YKW rhetorical abuse in their interests in the relative realms of praxis) as you continually detach as a first person, from second persons and more and more from you identity in the third person, going either Cartesian route, whether beyond nature in supposed communion with god and principled disinterest in human purpose, or in brute law of nature, again, to the point of disinterest in human relational concern, you become susceptible in your naivete, or disingenuous hubris, to machinations of YKW weaponization.

Thus it has come to us that we must overcome the estrangement and deliberately look into this re-attachment, the religiosity, a religious attitude toward our people, our relative interests and relative place in the world and its people - the means to coordinate with it and them while fostering ours. We deliberately pursue warranted assertability of our people’s relative interests as opposed to leaving it to the happenstance of universal objectivity - with that foolery, to the deliberate machinations and ruin by others, not so universally inclined of good will and common interest despite what their “god” might say.

Nevertheless, there will always be acts which are Prohibited, Obligatory and Legitimate; the question is, though, how do we elevate these rules to a structuring beyond the arbitrary, in protection of our pattern from the disingenuous and the naive, who would divert and rupture the relative interests of our social systemic homeostasis, our union, The White Class?

Perhaps it does begin with attention to the episode, specifically, episodes that are vital to our pattern. It is particularly important to elevate the vital moment and episode to a level of our relationships and cultural pattern in reverence for what is not always immediately apparent, as we are a people whose excellence tends to be more sublimated and subtly manifest in societal pattern - a B2 Stealth Bomber and ensuing explosions while manifesting power indeed, do not necessarily have the personal immediacy of a slam dunk or end zone dance, Jim Hendrix, Sly and the Family Stone or Thelonius Monk wailing on their instruments, the momentary istantiation of black bio-power or the tropism of high contrast taboo; the sometimes flush of beauty in other races’ or mixed race women which can have our dissuasion appear as jealousy to the young and inexperienced, rather than what it more fundamentally is - a respect for our pattern and its distinctly human kind of magnificence.

What responsibilities merit consecration in a new religion for European peoples? Nominations for the Sacred:

These issues can be nominated for vital constituents of a new religion for White people.

- The Borders and bounds of an ethnonation/people
- Ancestor Day, reverence of the ancestors.
- Sex/monogamy (as a choice which is a necessary option for group homeostasis and morale)
- The 14 Words
- Human ecology, pervasive ecology
- Our distinct kinds (genus and species).
- The optimal over the maximal; viz. the optimal sublimation of European manhood.

Reverence for these observed, ceremonial, commemorated responsibilities can tap into the hermeneutic (narrative) capacity to take the mere moment and episode to semi-transcendence to the pattern - while anybody can be said to be amazing for the fact that they manifest survival through evolution to this point, invocation of semi-transcendence is a necessity given the fact that most of our people are less than great relatively speaking and those who are better than average, are imperfect; therefore, we need semi transcendence to tap into the pattern to lift us beyond pessimism and cynicism - to tap into the broad relational, systemic, time in memorial pattern, seeing it into the future.

While it is my hope that commentators might contribute to the list of vital constituents for proposed consecration in service of European social systemic homeostasis, I realize that not endorsing Hitler, Jesus and Jews has made Majorityrights and myself outcasts of the establishment, therefore the naturally participatory and supportive will find themselves in uncomfortable circumstance.

For now, I’m going to round-out this post by cutting and pasting below the fold my remarks on MJOLNIR as it discussed the Notre Dame burning, its having brought these issues into relief…


On The Non-Tautologies of Jewish Power and Influence

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 10 May 2019 06:10.

From Age of Treason Blogspot:

The Tautology of Jewing

23 APRIL 2019 AT 11:46 PM
Why is commenting disabled on the new post?

24 APRIL 2019 AT 1:56 AM
Unintentional. Fixed now.


And from Majorityrights:

Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 01 May 2019 23:06 | # 3

Daniel Sperglord and Mangina-in-black enjoy pounding each other’s gay asses!


Captainchaos, while you are trying to deride mancinblack as effeminate for supporting me and MR, why don’t you instead question the wisdom of those who expect Whites to drop all concerns for every other antagonism to our system and attack the ‘pathogen’  ....markedly, it is not going to help us to separate and achieve autonomy from the pathogen if we do not also address our naive susceptibility to the pathogen or deliberate, traitorous introduction of it to our system that happens typically through vulnerabilities and entry by liberal/right wing thin or even pseudo warranted objectivism; also typically a reaction to the contradictory language games that YKW are playing in order to keep our people associated with the right, its rational blindness, mystification, confusion, short shrift of social accountability (viz. even to our people) and with it, disruption of our social systemic homeostasis? - obviously one of the chief aims of the pathogen is to break through systemic defense. Thus, it is obviously valid and important to look at our system and its vulnerabilities.

In short, it is going to be hard to take-on an enemy full throttle while you’ve got people confused, thinking you’re doing wrong, or naively “clearly” thinking that you are wrong because they are abiding by right wing/liberal (their lefts are our liberalism, rupturing our unionization when pitted against our bounds) language games, or outright stabbing us in the back because right wing pseudo objectivity serves to “excuse” why it is that they take the liberties or pay-offs afforded, and “why” we are getting destroyed in their abiding language games as “just a fact of nature” that they have no part in aiding and abetting.

I’ve been looking at this problem since the early 90s, and started to bring it to a double entry with the YKW as the chief problems to our social systemic homeostasis in 2009 ..and have been cultivating it since.

Now, regarding “pathological altruism” (the Taylor, MacDonald thing, circa, what? 2011? I never paid much attention to it) I only suggested that it may have been their naive attempt, even a misdirected attempt to look at our part, as it would likely be (misdirected), still caught up in right wing objectivism by its very means of “description and diagnosis”, but to suggest that I was part of misdirection and not taking the YKW seriously enough because I also believe it is necessary to address vulnerabilities and other antagonism (which will usually lead to their being organized to imposition upon us by YKW, true), and the fact that I recognize serious errors in Hitler’s philosophy and regime (misdirected and misdirecting headlong into disaster for Europeans, as his right wing premises would), are things that I, and Majorityrights, deserve credit for in service of European peoples, not harassment and denunciation.

And isn’t it a perfect example, wouldn’t Trump’s vanity just have him lap-up objectivist flattery and have the YKW walk right into his system, knocking his daughter up, directing his campaign to undo the Iran Deal, get him elected, and move right into Oval Office meetings to set his administration’s agenda?

The UN General Assembly formally ratified the UN Pact on migration as a “human right.”

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 December 2018 06:38.

The same institution that publishes this ominous graph, the same institution which defines the various means of genocide, including displacement of habitat and interbreeding, now brings ratification of immigration as a “human right”.

Voice of Europe, “Nine EU members steer clear of the UN Global Compact for Migration”, 19 Dec 2019:

The UN General Assembly formally ratified the UN deal on migration on Wednesday 19 December. Of the EU members, three voted against, five abstained and one didn’t vote. The United States and several other countries also did not support it.

It was ratified with the support of 152 countries in favour, five nations – the United States, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Israel voted against it. There was a total of twelve who abstained, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia and Romania and Slovakia did not vote.

Citizens of many of the countries responded with petitions demanding their leaders NOT sign this disastrous treaty. This would appear to be a treaty made by the elected leaders against the wishes of those by whom they were elected.

There were more than 50 delegations who gave explanations of their decisions.

Hungary’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó, asserted that the General Assembly was making a serious mistake ratifying “this unbalanced, biased and pro-migration document” stating that migration is “a dangerous phenomenon”. Mr. Szijjártó stressed that Hungary reserves the sovereign right to decide for themselves on migration and security measures.

To say the Migration Pact has been a divisive topic is possibly an understatement.

Belgium voted in favour of the treaty despite the Prime Minister Charles Michel being forced to resign last Tuesday as he lost his majority when coalition partner N-VA walked out over their being against the Migration Pact.

Whilst in Slovakia the foreign minister Miroslav Lajčák also resigned in November due to their parliament voting against the signing of the pact. The former foreign minister had helped write the initiative as president of the United Nations General Assembly in 2017.

The United States is said to have been attempting to convince other countries to vote against it right up to the last minute.


Sex as Sacrament, Sex as Celebration, Sex as Natural Fact and Other Stories (audio form parts 1 - 5)

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 September 2018 07:00.

Press image for audio Part 1

Sex as Sacrament / Sex as Celebration…Sex as Natural Fact and other stories Part 1

“The whore of Babylon is drunk with the blood of the saints.”

Actually, the analogy is not far off from our present situation. In the disordered world, the anti-world, a “Babylon,” where YKW and liberal unconcern for our White class is the rule, sex disconfirms the worthy, destroys the precious and brings into being the vicious, the irresponsible at our expense.

It isn’t funny.

Anti-racism is anti-group classification. It is Cartesian. It is not innocent. It is prejudice. It is hurting and it is killing people.

Anti-racism is anti-group classification, in weaponized form, an Alinsky-like weaponization - using quote, our rules against us - specifically of Cartesianism on the empiricist end, the Lockeatine empiricist end in its prejudice against social classification, alleging them to be non-empirical fiction; thus, a prejudice against prejudice in favor of supposedly pure individual perception and rights thereof, as opposed to discriminatory accountability through posited social classification - a race being a social classification writ large.

Male and female remain the primary de facto classification in necessary pychological function of categorization to make coherent sense where racism, that is to say, where racial classification and discrimination thereupon is prohibited.

The pandering that results from all angles to our co-evolutionary young females and the increased one up position that they find themselves in as gate keepers in this situation disordered of White bounds exacerbates their inclination to incite genetic competition; as they are pandered to ad nauseum from all angles from males previously blocked. Further, the puerile female will be inclined to welcome this liberalism as it increases her power, if only in the short term.

How to counter these hate infested Mulatto-supremacists?

To begin we need to correct this violation of our people’s boundaries, the human ecological disaster and even genocide it implicates, practical matters of border and boundary control need to be addressed. We need to counter the stigmatization of ethnonationalism, to counter political rules given to liberalization of our boundaries and moreover, anti-racism which has gone so far as to criminalize our self defense as peoples.

Furthermore, to build our morale and facilitate loyalty to our people against this onslaught against us, provisions would be of great help that facilitate both free and careful assessment of partner selection, but also to know that our systems are responsible enough to ensure the institutionalization of these requirements - to facilitate optimal freedom in partner selection, border control is necessary - in that way, your people are free for a sufficiently natural liberalism with regard to sex with decreased risk, as your partners are fairly similar and accountable from an evolutionary standpoint; you are also free to mix with other races but you are risking your White group membership through such transgression, as you are not free to just impose that degree of liberalization upon the group boundaries; optimal freedom of choice will also be assured by the institutionalized provision, so to speak, for single sex partner for life hopefuls; with the added assistance therein, to help assess appropriateness in partner selection.

After setting about to establish our group(s) homeostasis, that is to say, systemic maintenance as European peoples, ranking perhaps only second in priority, but what will inevitably prove to be integral to border and boundary maintenance, will be a realistic negotiation of the issue of sex - part of which will account not just for its brute factual nature and sufficient freedom of more experimental expression, but that we as individuals and as a group require provision, a respected option for our human capacity of more careful recourse and accountability - viz., to justice to our genetic and human ecological capital not only in the broad scope of our national citizenship; but moreover, in option to treat sex and monogamy as sacred, recognized, institutionalized and normalized by society as a significant option, to provide for an even more careful selective process for those who wish; corresponding with the important transcendence of the episodic and momentary evaluation - that can fall down to superficial evaluative criteria resulting from a boundless, liberal free for all; corresponding typically with a scientistic take on sex, naturalistic fallacy; e.g., that it is nothing more than a normal bodily function; the kind of take on sex that can be liberating from insanely restrictive traditions and taboos; but all too prone to be overdone in the wake of Freud’s, the Frankfurt school, notably Marcuse’s project of unleashing “eros’ in polymorphous perversion”; and finally, within the disorder of modernity, of which the Frankfurt school was instrumental - to transcend a liberalism that would flout and even prohibit our human ecological border and bounds control.

Part 2

Part 3 

Part 4 

Part 5


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Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 15:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 23:12. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 21:54. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 18:35. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 17:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:04. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:24. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Former Putin economic advisor on Putin's global strategy' on Fri, 03 Jan 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 30 Dec 2024 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 30 Dec 2024 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sun, 22 Dec 2024 01:03. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:14. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Fri, 20 Dec 2024 21:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 19 Dec 2024 01:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 19 Dec 2024 01:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 18 Dec 2024 01:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 18 Dec 2024 01:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 21:35. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 20:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 19:49. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 23:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 22:01. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:52. (View)

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