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Migrants Attack 60 Minutes Crew In Sweden

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 21 March 2016 20:17.

60 Minutes News Crew Attacked

Police decline to go into the Somali area with reporters.

Who are then greeted by assault


Orban’s Historic Speech puts Hungary on War Footing

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 20 March 2016 06:44.

We will analyze this excellent speech of Victor Orban. It will show why The White Left is the necessary way - it is the way of agency for European peoples - whereas the Right, including the Alternative Right, is the way of retardation, the non-agency, no account resignation to deterministic causality that will render us into the hands of our enemies; that is the reason that our enemies want to designate us as “the right” - while fools and infiltrators adopt that moniker - with the “fate” and its acceptance that Orban correctly denounces.

The right will always be retarded by its myopic abstractions beyond the human scale, feedback and accountability of our people as a social group and social groups. It is and will be thrown into hyper-relativism as a result of its lack of context for its desperate and futile quests beyond social reality - finally, in desperate recourse it will be thrown back by default of practical necessity to its only recourse, to that reality of the White Left - of Praxis, that is social group unionization, accountability and its agency.


Western liberal-feminism is now fully anti-female and must be replaced.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tuesday, 01 March 2016 16:12.

Women shopping arm in arm.
It ought to be like this, but unfortunately liberals refused to let it be.

The word no longer has a meaning

One of the most remarkable aspects of the migration wave that is presently sweeping over Europe, is how organised liberal-feminism has basically acted as an extension of the government, advocating precisely what the wealthiest male stakeholders in the liberal-capitalist state would like them to advocate. The demography of the migrant flow is 70% male between ages 18 and 35, and the percentage of males rises to 90% when the age range of 16 to 17 years old alone is considered.

With liberal-feminist theorists and commentators in Europe now devoting themselves almost exclusively to the defence of Arab and African men, some people are beginning to ask how it could have ever been possible for things to have reached this point.

If we start with the consideration that incidents of violent crime, homicide, and sexual assault are statistically being committed overwhelmingly by men, and if we consider that feminism has been highlighting and talking about these statistics for as long as it has existed as a movement, why has this been completely forgotten now? Why is it that talking about the violent and anti-social tendencies of men has now been condemned as ‘prejudice’, where it was never condemned as such before?

It stands to reason that if men in general are a hazardous demographic, that the last thing any reasonable feminist would want to do is to set about inviting more men into a region that they are living in. What makes it even more of an absurd trend, is that the particular men who are being invited into Europe subscribe to social views which are magnitudes worse than the views held by European men. If young European men are a problem demographic, and they indeed are, then wait until you see young Arab and African men!

Some have advanced the absolutely bewildering argument that since there are already trouble-causing men in Europe, there should be no problem inviting millions more men into the continent. This makes no sense. Why would anyone want to increase the amount of a problem that already exists?

There seems to be no rationale until you realise that big business, specifically manufacturing, always wants more migration of ‘strong’ workers. And manufacturing essentially controls the German state, which forms the centre of this trend. European feminism has found itself acting as the cheerleaders for the most retrograde liberal economic policy preferences of German manufacturers and their Jewish-German financiers.

Given that feminism is a movement that originated not as a liberal movement, but rather, as a socialistic movement—which is to say, a movement which correctly perceived the liberal state as being a male-dominated capitalist assault vehicle against women and as such was opposed to the liberal state—it is quite a distance that has been travelled since the mid-1970s to get to the destructive pro-liberal capitalist position it is in now. There are important lessons to be learned on why this deformation happened and how to prevent such a deformation from happening again in the future.


“The Poznan Institute” - A Middle Eastern Attempt to Defraud European Identity & Genetic Capital

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 26 February 2016 20:13.

“The Poznan Institute” - A Middle Eastern Attempt to Defraud European Identity and Birthright of Genetic Capital Promoting R Selection Tactics for Foreign Interlopers Under the Banner of European Identity.

As follow up to Kumiko’s and my own articles prompted by disputes in regard to Roosh V’s interloping on Ethno-national turf, I was compelled to look a bit more carefully upon “The Gamers/ P.U.A.” infiltration of the Alternative Right Tentosphere. But I only had to look a small bit more carefully to be confronted very close to home by its facilitation of R selection strategies in these K selection habitats.

The reason I had not become immediately aware of the attack on this front, so close to home, is that I am not particularly interested in “Game” and “P.U.A.” I have learned about myself and my nature through my dating experience and reflection thereupon that there are important differences in my motives as opposed to what is being promoted in what might be called popular philosophy - such as P.U.A. My point in “dating around” wasn’t at all to screw as many women as possible - quite the opposite. What did I know about them? I cared whether they cared about themselves, their people and I, of course. Thus, while I might have been “intellectually promiscuous” in order to get and give feedback surrounding the well-being of our people and culture, it was not remotely my goal to merely go through women’s defenses in order to discard them and cultural differences. Again, quite the opposite, it was more my motive to help them build-up defenses for their sake and ours as Europeans. I was intellectually promiscuous but otherwise careful because where I sought a partner, it was to be - a - partner who was appropriate to me and thought very much like me - as an ethnonationalist. In regard to the other women that I dated along the way, the primary objective was talking - that is, achieving political alignment to what would now commonly be called ethno-nationalist terms. And with that, I was acting in accordance with my European evolution as a K Selector. That is in marked contrast to Roosh V. and the R selection strategies that he is promoting.

So far removed from European mentality is Roosh V. that he was honestly surprised when a BBC interviewer responded that he “had not”, when Roosh asked, “haven’t you ever had sex with a woman who was drunk and asleep”? Roosh honestly presumed that the answer of his interlocutor would have been “yes, of course”, he’d done that.

By way of contrast, not only am I capable of sleeping - just sleeping - with a woman; but especially if I do not know her well, of course I’d prefer that, and to part ways as we might, on friendly terms rather than to screw around with someone whom I do not know.

In further distinction of a caring European mentality: Not only would I not even try to sleep with this woman - let alone take advantage - but I went so far as to defy her psychiatrist’s advice that she not have children and encouraged her to have this child with her husband.

Some object as Roosh himself objects to ask why people are making such a big deal about him, when there are these invaders and rapists all over Europe. Well, we do make a big deal about that as ethno-nationalists. However, as a common topic, he provides not only a ready illustration of their mentality, but also occasion to “make common” (etymology of communication) the understanding of it and the insidious means by which it would infiltrate. Witness now “The Poznan Institute.” Having moved on from the P.U.A. / Game angle of infiltrating White genetic pools, he presents himself as only more completely one of a universal “We” - “neo-masculinity and patriarchy” camouflaged under the rubric of an ancient European city.

Poznań was founded by Polanie, the tribe from whom Poland has its name. The word “Poznań” comes from the Polish phrase “to make acquaintance” - because legend had it that the original Polish man, “Lech”, the original Russian man, “Rus” and the original Czech man “Czech” met here, came to accord and then the latter two went on to establish their kingdoms in what are now their respective territories; while “Lech” nested in Gniezno (Polish for “nest”) next to Poznań - which was in fact, the first capital of Poland. A percentage of Germans eventually settled in Poznań as well, largely encouraged to help build the city. For reasons similar as The U.S., Poland was weakened by incorporating Enlightenment principles in its (second ever, after The U.S.) Constitution. This left it susceptible to the territorial aggrandizement of Friedrich The Great and the Partition which erased Polish existence from the map for 123 years - from the 1790’s to 1919 - when Józef Piłsudski led the Wielkopolska uprising to re-take Poznań on behalf of the Poles and the newly reforming Poland. It was audacious, it was brave, it was heroic, it was historically justified.

What fraction the man is Roosh V compared to Józef Piłsudski? How dare Roosh claim the name and the straight forward imagery of Poznań to drape himself - Roosh V - and his foreign agenda?

Roosh V. and his agenda are so alien and superficial to Native European interests that he was not on my radar. I was not interested.

Perhaps I should have noticed this long ago, but the truth is that until recently I had not paid much attention to Roosh. One commentator in a prior thread mentioned that he has presumed to situate himself in Poznań, Poland. Though I’d never seen him around, I had no reason to doubt it. When looking into the matter, not only did I find that he is in Poznań, but I was surprised to find just how comfortable Roosh intends to make himself in Poznań.

Middle Easterners apparently share with blacks a brazen presumptuousness to make themselves at home among other peoples and in other people’s homelands.

With that, he has this new “neo-masculinity” venue which he calls “The Poznan Institute”:

Of “The Poznan Institute”, he says:

Poznan Institute will serve as a reference archive for the neomasculinity platform, providing a central resource that explains the ideology in depth. Since neomasculine articles and videos are appearing in different locations across the internet, creating Poznan Institute ensures that none of those materials get lost with time.

First, a little background about some of the stuff that he intends to bring to Poznań and encourage among visitors here.

  These are some scenes that Roosh looks upon approvingly from bars in Virginia, USA.

Here is the kind of European gene pool that he hopes to seize upon. This one in Iceland.
  Pink dots signify targets.

Roosh V. has written several sex tourism and P.U.A. strategy guides. Bang Poland is one of them -


...she kept saying, “No, no.” I was so turned on by her beauty and petite figure that I told myself she’s not walking out my door without getting fucked. At that moment I accepted the idea of getting locked up in a Polish prison to make it happen. She tried to go down on me but her mouth was too small. [...] I put on a condom, lubed up, and finally got her consent to put it in. The best way to visualize our lovemaking is an elephant mounting a kitten. My dick was half the thickness of her neck. I put her on her stomach and went deep, pounding her pussy like a pedophile.

Moving on to The BBC story that finds him in Poznań -

In December, The BBC aired a feature about Roosh: “Men at War.” It starts by covering a Roosh seminar in England.

Mouth-big-enough talking to BBC interviewer prior to lecturing “a room full of men who are excited about what they are about to hear”.. [so too is The BBC excited and waiting with a big enough mouth].

BBC reporter taking interest from the genetic interest of BBC

One of the attendees describes the meeting as having “a broad spectrum in terms of race and background.”
......“look here” he says, “people are mixing together, and very few of them have met one another before.”

Next, in order to keep up with Roosh, the BBC have to track him down for an interview in Poznań, Poland:

The BBC flies there to find out what Roosh is up to…

On the basis of the BBC interview, here is what is discernible about Roosh’s living circumstances in Poznań.

“Roosh moved to Poznań a year ago”...

“..a small university town full of female students.”

He had scurried back from Canada after having been met with popular protest and official denunciation there. “I’ve been back for only about 5 days. I’m still recovering from the drama,” Roosh will go on to say in The BBC interview - which would place it in August, 2015..

BBC is in Hotel Puro, located at corner ul. Stawna, Żydowska, Wroniecka

ul. Żydowska is outside of the BBC’s hotel window

Before the BBC meets with Roosh,
“it’s time for a refresher course.”

“It took at least 30 repetitions of no, Roosh, no,
until she allowed my penis to enter her vagina….
no meas no until it means yes.”

A clip of Roosh’s is spliced in, as he narrates,
“I go to the supermarket to be a pervert,
to film that girl’s ass and another girl’s ass”..

Here the BBC is making his way from the hotel and down ul. Wroniecka

He moves through to the other side of the Old Market, directly across, at the end of ul. Wrocławska,
just a few minutes away..

Here the BBC is on ul Strzelecka, another few blocks beyond,
making his way to meet Roosh in his apartment nearby.

The very last moment of the BBC clip shows this scene,
which they apparently propose as the location of his apartment - ul. Kopernika

Here is what the BBC proposes to be a close-up location shot of his apartment

Google Maps confirmation of that place

Google image confirmation of the proposed location


What they propose to be his apartment street entrance should be that brown entranceway with the semi-circle top at the end of the street


Bang Roosh

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 13 February 2016 13:05.

I thought the most interesting comment in and around Greg Johnson’s article, Roosh Really is a Rape Advocate (& a Rapist, if He’s Telling the Truth), was Greg’s own, in regard to the woman in Iceland who Roosh claimed to have sex with despite the fact that she was so drunk as to be incapacitated from consenting or not. Greg said that if she agreed to have sex with him the next morning that not only did that not mean she had not been raped the night before, but that consent afterward made it only worse for the fact that it could promote the idea that such behavior would have happy endings (with enough repetitions, it would not have happy endings).

I would like to add that I can well imagine that in a circumstance like that, a woman can agree to have sex with him the next morning and again in an attempt to reinterpret the relationship and her own agentive part in her mind, because it would be too painful to believe that she was violated in a profound way and had no agency. Thus, she might try to go with the idea of superimposing a relational level and her agency retroactively to reframe what was an instance of non-consent if not rape in that episode - re-framed under “a dating relationship with a ‘bad boy’ whose wild side I should be able to handle, being an independent woman and all.”

Long story short: she could have been raped even though she consented afterward - and a woman might act that way because she is insufficiently conscious of her interests and/or perhaps cannot handle the idea of the best and most important gift that she had to offer having been taken by the person treating her the worst - a con-man rapist who cared nothing for her as a person or on a relational level.

Speaking of which, that is what makes Roosh so disgusting. This sand ****** said it was his objective and continues to be his objective to have sex with as many beautiful woman as possible - and that he has been teaching men to do that as well. His response to antagonists in the media is that he will accumulate as many more women as he can.

I’m going to harness all this coverage that you are giving me and convert it to money and women

This was my first occasion to hear and see Roosh V. speak. I must say that I am negatively impressed - his attitude, his mannerisms, his way of speaking - bopping, swaying and grooving - his motives and his way of arguing are either entire affectations of black people or his middle eastern background is more n****rish than I had realized.

One thing is certain, he does not think and act like a European man and nobody should respect him as a model as such. He is a sand-wigger. It is no wonder that he is trying to teach White men how to act like n****rs and Muslims - and to have as much respect for White women as a n****r or Muslim would. Nor is it a wonder that he would now try to take cover under a position of Abrahamic religion - that he is promoting a traditional Muslim model of gender arrangements for all.

Neither he, nor the males he teaches, are cultivating a way to pursue relationships with women that they care about, confirming and reconstructing views and European ways that are important, in fact vital to them. No, just the technique to pander to the universally lowest common denominator of their basest instincts and reconstructing that, while going through their cautionary barriers, including White national barriers, and discarding them.

Who does he think he is to target White women - in as many numbers as possible - with his Negroid/Muslim mentality? And who got the idea that it was Ok for him to target White women and others and pursue alpha n****r behavior? Would this sand ****** talk and have people act this way to his sister, Iranian and Armenian women?

She typed in, “How many girls have you been with in Poland?”


“No, really.”

“A couple.”

“Do you always bring home girls like this?”

“Never on Tuesdays. smile

“Do you want to see me again?”

“Of course. You’re pretty, you’re sexy, you’re fun. I see no reason why I wouldn’t want to see you again.” I kissed her.

Her tiny size really hit me when she took off her heels. I asked her how much she weighed. Thirty-five kilograms (77 pounds). Besides her surprisingly round ass, she had the body of a gymnast who hadn’t quite made it past puberty.

We moved to my bed. I got her down to her bra and panties, but she kept saying, “No, no.” I was so turned on by her beauty and petite figure that I told myself she’s not walking out my door without getting fucked. At that moment I accepted the idea of getting locked up in a Polish prison to make it happen.

She tried to go down on me but her mouth was too small.

Then I grabbed her and made her sit directly on my face. I ate her pussy, the first time I had done so in a couple of years. I enjoyed it.

I put on a condom, lubed up, and finally got her consent to put it in. The best way to visualize our lovemaking is an elephant mounting a kitten. My dick was half the thickness of her neck. I put her on her stomach and went deep, pounding her pussy like a pedophile.

At that moment I accepted the idea of getting locked up in a Polish prison to make it happen.”

It would be nice if that happened - I could picture Roosh being held down and fucked by a few giant Polish queers in jail:

“It took four hours and at least thirty attempts to push into his ass:  ‘no, Roosh cried, no!’ until the large, very large penis was finally allowed to enter and stretch Roosh’s asshole to his great pain. Ooh the giant faggot sighed upon the most satisfying ejaculation into Roosh’s asshole, you are the finest little bitch! I just know you’ll come back to give me some skull in the morning -

    - I think your mouth IS big enough!

Better still, stay the fuck out of Poland and all of Europe, sand-******.

Only a wigger could admire this guy and find him appealing. He has no place anywhere near WN. Quite the opposite.

Roosh is teaching and promoting R selection strategies among Europeans who are evolved for K selection strategies.

Let’s not argue separatism, let’s let Alex teach [...] amidst the tangled masses

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 13 February 2016 11:51.

Alex Linder interviewed (try not to let the Australian accent of his interviewer bother you).

There is or can be a misunderstanding.

- that I simply want to refrain from going ahead and killing Jews et al. on principle, naivete or for petty moral reasons.

- that I and we could not be content nor ever recognize that we’d be better off if they were gone.

But that is not the case.

It is the case rather that it is generally not a good idea to announce that you want to get them all whether you think it is necessary or not.

It would be hard to implement and worse, might work to our detriment if not conceived and promoted properly.

It is not only a strategic matter but a theoretical matter: for what we want ultimately is separatism (killing is a species thereof).

Separatism can be argued not only by broader and more practical metrics, but if it is achieved, it is more feasible for the purpose of killing - as opposed to taking the stance that even while they remain tangled up in our hair, we might succeed in the complex affair of teaching people to know, psychologically, what to do because Alex says so (bold and intelligent though most of his arguments are)...

As opposed to Alex saying so, if they are to be killed it would be for the broadly intelligible, broadly acceptable (therefore possible to facilitate) and operationally verifiable reason that they will not leave us alone when given the option, but insist on their imposition to our exploitation and long term extinction - a verifiable consequence and reason for their imposition - to eliminate us as a people, therefore a highly assertable warrant to preempt it.

This could be demonstrable even in their refusal to allow our benign and fair act of separating and expelling them from our people.

Given these considerations hence, my motto: separatism is the first step, separatism is the ultimate aim, separatism is always possible.

JFK ‘63: asks Congress to commit to the proposition that ‘race has no place in American life & law’

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 14 January 2016 06:13.

I love pointing-out to people, right-wingers, who want to blame youth culture of the 60s as the onset and crux of our demise (not you, GW), that Jewish power and influence combined with Modernist naivete were the forces that were the major culprits - and they were well in force already in the 50s and early 60s, well before kids grew their hair long, listened to rock n’ roll and resisted the Vietnam draft.

Take note of Michael O’Meara’s discussion of how The Soviets and other Marxists/communists used black “civil rights” as a weapon against America; also note my reinforcement that Jewish interests, via Katzenbach, prominently, were only too happy to facilitate what was then more straightforwardly referred-to as “integration.”

Kennedy had been ignoring Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson’s advice, to “look Southerners in the eye and tell them that integration was a moral and Christian issue.

Governor Wallace, posturing as if to stand in the way of integration, is confronted by Katzenbach

Watching Wallace’s posturing, President Kennedy decided for the first time in his career to risk his political standing in the South by taking the side of integration. President Kennedy decides to go on national television that night and give a speech calling for a civil rights act to end discrimination in the South.

“We are confronted primarily with a moral issue. It is as old as the scriptures and as clear as The American Constitution. The heart of the question is, whether all Americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities (He ‘finally’ calls for Federal law ending segregation). Next week I shall ask the Congress of The United States to act, to make a commitment that has not been fully made in this century to the proposition that race has no place in American life or law.”

This, GW, is why not only the Arahamic universalism of The Right, but its wedding to Enlightenment style objectivism (and universalism) must be overcome as well - and it is the post modern project, proper, which has undertaken to do that.

Kennedy is also the one who got us into the Vietnam debacle with a strategy of showing strength against communism with “small wars.”

The documentary concludes..

‘Kennedy set so much in motion in such a short period of time”...

Perhaps the most reliably good outcome of Kennedy biographies are the endings.

Tilton’s Revelations Seed Mothers Supporting Israel

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 28 December 2015 00:23.

Robert Tilton’s revelation


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Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 14:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 06 Dec 2024 20:13. (View)

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