Majorityrights News > Category: Polish Nationalism

Is a German Jewish element in Regnery promoting divide and conquer in White right wing reactionism?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 26 May 2019 08:17.

Or is it rather unite and conquer?

......unite right wing reactionaries against “the left” (don’t be so “divisive” as to “punch right”) and conquer (erstwhile White/ethnonational social systemic homeostasis)?

With Majorityrights having recently been taken off of the WN/news aggregate site formerly known as “the White Right Hub” and now the “Goebbels Report” after MR had the nerve to question the wisdom of their promoting “The Greatest Story Never Told” in the name of White morale and unity? as it features wholesale lies from Goebbels - e.g., that Poles killed 58,000 German civilians interwar - in order to “justify” invasion of Poland…the question comes into relief again:

What part is Regnery playing in promoting the socially disorganizing right wing identity among Whites in their reaction to affliction? and is a Germanic/Jewish element among Regnery using this to promote divide and conquer among Whites?

What begs these questions?

Following MR having called-out the White Right Hub for featuring this highly inaccurate and destructive propaganda, they did replace the feature (“Greatest Story Never Told”), with a headline of a Polish woman who had a child with a black, who then, typically, abandoned her.

A comment appeared on MR - “LOL, you (DanielS) were being trolled and didn’t even realize it.”

This is quite Jewy. I cannot imagine mocking Germans for their mudsharks. And it casts suspicion on this spirit of unity that these right wingers claim to be promoting and how I am the one supposedly sowing discord.

Not long after, none other than Regnery’s pet, Richard Spencer, was being featured atop The Goebbels Report…

...tagging along on this occasion was a new luminary in the Regnery right wing tentosphere, Josh Neal, who, in turn, is apparently being encouraged to bring along other nubies on the WN scene, like Richard Houck, to play the same old Regnery German/Jewish game of pandering to the White American demographic in their reaction.

Regnery is apparently sponsoring much of the dubious right wing White identity - such as Richard Spencer’s NPI and Mike Enoch’s TRS.

Norvin tells me that a character going by the nom de plume of “Privada” is acting as a producer (gate-keeper) for those going on (what I’m guessing is) the Rengery approved circuit.

Related at Majorityrights:

On The Regnery Circus Big-Tent-O-Sphere, Featuring Richard Spencer as its Ring-Master

Regnery and Spencer, central umbrellas in the Regnery Tentosphere. Richard Thpenther thays, “If you’re not right on “the PQ” (Polish question), we’re going to purge you from thith movement” - (((Alternative Right))).

Regnery Publishing

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Regnery Publishing is a conservative book publisher based in Washington, D.C. An imprint of Salem Media Group, it is led by president Marji Ross. The company was founded by Henry Regnery in 1947.[3][4][5]

Regnery has published books by authors such as former Republican Party chairman Haley Barbour, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, columnist Michelle Malkin, Robert Spencer, pundit David Horowitz, Vice President Mike Pence and his family and Barbara Olson.

Again, Regnery is known to sponsor many right wing projects, including those that “White Nationalists” are involved in, apparently sponsoring TRS (see here, here and here as to why that’s particularly dubious) in addition to Spencer’s NPI (among the manifold dubiousness of that outfit, for example, here).

Below are samples from the most recent tweet to tweets not far down the line (even though some of the dates are old) from Regnery president, Marj Ross, indicating a kosher aesthetic.

Marji Ross on Twitter:

Marji Ross Retweeted

Dave Sussman, Whiskey Politics

20 Dec 2018

.@Regnery inspires new authors! Learn how to get published, catch up on 2018’s best books & what’s upcoming in 2019 as Marji Ross joins me at #WhiskeyPolitics.
Produced by Praemonitus Communications @6foot2inhiheels.
@SebGorka @VP @AnnCoulter @YouTube

Ep. 156 - Marji Ross with Regnery Press
Regnery’s gift to budding authors: How to get published. Marji Ross, President and Publisher at Regnery Press shares with Dave Sussman her favorite books of ...


Sebastian Gorka DrG

Verified account

2 Oct 2018
The Great One has spoken.

Thank you @marklevinshow!

        One week today:


Marji Ross

30 Aug 2016

As many of you know, in my spare time, I’m a football nut. If you love #NFL, check it out ….


Shellie Blum

9 Jun 2016
Replying to @MRossRegnery
@Regnery @oreillyfactor You did a great job! It’s nice 2 hear someone in the traditional Publishing World be authentic! #books

0 replies 2 retweets 1 like
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Marji Ross

26 Apr 2016
Meeting with the incredibly talented and beautiful #Stacey Dash to plan the launch of her upcoming Regnery book!

Alexandra Levine talks with Dave Sussman:

Alexandra Levine with ‘Jews for Trump’ discusses Trump, Israel & being a Conservative Jew

(((Alexandra Levine and Dave Sussman))) an act featured by the The Regnery Circus


Paul Gottfried, Gilad Atzmon and David Cole Stein are three ready examples of Jews who are taking the kind of right wing and philo-Germanic perspective that is characteristic of the Regnery circus (even if Stein and Atzmon are not published by Regnery, they are common as “the good Jews” among Regnery discourse-promotional circuits).

Buchanan, Gottfried and Spencer. Along with President Reagan, Buchanan is a descendant of (((Frank Meyers))) “fusionism” (Judeo-Christianity + Enlightenment objectivism), so too Paul Gottfried; and Gottfried, a German Jew, tends to see “the bad Jews as Slavic”; of high relevance, Gottfried’s fear of intersectionality against “The Left” had him call for damage control misdirection against a White Left ethnonational response to Jews in their ascendance to unprecedented hegemony circa 2008, calling for a Paleoconservatism 2.0, an Alternative Right, which Richard Spencer took up - a tentosphere of right wing reactionaries now usually being called “the dissident right” after Spencer and his Alt-Right brand name were predictably steered into destruction.

David Cole-Stein, adversary of “The Left”, supported early holocaust revisionist efforts, a proud German-Jew who detests Slavic Jews.

Atzmon, philo-Germanic, anti-Zionist
...offering some insider critique of Jewish power and influence
(probably as semi conscious damage control)
but otherwise basically a liberal.

Related at Majorityrights:

Kristol>NeoCon>Meyer>Paleocon> Gottfried>Francis>NPI> Gottfried>AltRight/lite> Paleocon>Bannon>Trump

Richard Thpenther’s (((Altright tentosphere))): “PQ” (Polish question), Goldstein’s false opposition

On The Regnery Circus Big-Tent-O-Sphere, Featuring Richard Spencer as its Ring-Master

From whence comes the eclecticism of the alternative right big tent concept.

The Alternative-Right’s big tent, would additionally include the Jews for some unknown reason.

The alternative right’s big tent, already too inclusive - includes Jews as well

Big Tent quartermasters faced with fresh spate of pro-Jewish pandering from Donald Trump.

Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

WJC “disturbed” as Polish villagers revive folk tradition by burning effigy of hasidic-looking Judas

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 25 April 2019 15:19.


Children beat, burn effigy of Judas in Poland

The World Jewish Congress says it is “deeply disturbed” by the revival of a folk tradition in the Polish town of Pruchnik, in which an effigy of Judas Iscariot is beaten, hanged and burned.


1 day ago (edited)
Yes, this is anti-Judas ritual, not anty-jewish. Take note, most of the Apostles were Jews, Jesus Christ also.

Bpr Ayin
13 hours ago
This is horrifying! We are supposed to teach children about love, not hate and to forgive. God is the judge. All of man’s sins, every person whoever lived, past, present and future is what killed Yahshua who freely gave his life. Acts like this teach hate, this is disgusting,  disturbing and is not something to be celebrated.

Artur Perun
7 hours ago
disgusting is kiling Palestinians kids

Father flees to Poland with daughters after Sweden was set to give them to a Muslim foster family.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 05 April 2019 06:03.

White children and nothing but in a (still) White city, Warsaw, Poland. 3 April 2019.

Father who escaped Sweden with daughters allowed to stay in Poland

A Russian father escaped Sweden and traveled to Poland with his three children after they were given away to a Muslim foster family. A Warsaw court has given the family the right to stay in Poland until they have been granted refugee status.

Remix, 4 April 2019:
Via IAR/PAP/Polsat News

The drama of 41-year-old Denis Lisov and his three daughters started in Sweden when his wife fell ill and had to be taken into hospital. The Swedish social services took the Russian man’s daughters away and gave them to an Arabic foster family.

Lisov could only visit his daughters once a week and only for a few hours, despite having full parental rights. All three of his children have Russian citizenship.


The Swedish social services took the Russian man’s daughters away and gave them to an Arabic foster family

Swedish authorities refused to give Lisov his children back and he decided to return to Russia with his family despite the ban. The girls were inserted into the Schengen Information System (SIS) as missing persons, which is why the Polish border guard had to detain the family when they arrived at Warsaw Chopin airport.


The Polish Ministry of Justice and the Polish proponent of children’s rights were informed of the issue. The representatives of the Swedish social services, the Arabic foster family and the Russian consul arrived at the airport.

Thanks to the help of the proponent, the Russian father agreed to apply for asylum for himself and his children in Poland. Owing to this decision, the family could not be given back to the Swedes.

“The court cannot send the minors to Sweden which they entered under their father’s care,” decided judge of the regional court in Warsaw on Wednesday afternoon. “Following the father’s hearing and due to the lack of proof confirming restriction of parental rights, as well as having in mind the minor’s well-being, the court has decided that they should remain in their father’s care.”

The notion of rules about foster families not respected

The Ministry of Justice also reminded that due to the efforts of Polish authorities, in December 2018, the Council of the European Union for Justice and Home Affairs passed the notion which foresees a uniform rule of respecting the cultural, religious and lingual identity of a child when it is given to a foster family.

The Ministry informed that so far, the law has not been respected and there have been situations in which children were given away to families of vastly different beliefs or from different cultures, as had happened in the case of Denis Lisov.

On illegal immigration, Visigrad 4 Proven Right Again in 2018 – but not all will Admit it

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 05 March 2019 07:40.

“Illegal Immigration to the EU: the V4 Proven Right Again in 2018 – but not all will Admit it”

By Olivier Bault. Originally published on

Visigrad Post, 1 Mar 2019:

Central Europe, Visegrad Group – Although the number of illegal immigrants flooding to Europe has been significantly reduced since the crisis of 2015, when about one million migrants made their way north through the Balkans in just a few months, this issue remains unresolved, and many Africans and Middle Easterners continue to arrive illegally in the European Union each year. The permanent compulsory reallocation scheme formerly advocated by the European Commission and by many EU countries including Germany, France, Italy and Greece, but opposed by others, not least by the Visegrád Four, was formally abandoned in 2018, although not all have given up on the idea. In Italy, the League’s coalition partner the 5-Star Movement (M5S) and its leader Luigi Di Maio still demand that illegal immigrants should be reallocated to other EU countries, as does Greece’s Syriza-led leftist government under Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. In the last days of January 2019, Spanish socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez reacted to Italy’s refusal to open its ports to an NGO vessel with 47 African men on board by renewing calls for financial sanctions against countries that do not take their share of illegal immigrants. Spain’s government intends to side with France and Germany to have European funds withheld from countries like Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary until they agree to open their borders to asylum seekers (most illegal immigrants apply for asylum in order to avoid deportation).

As a matter of fact, under its new socialist minority government supported by the far left (Podemos) and regional nationalists, Spain has become, since Sánchez took office in early June 2018, the main gateway for illegal immigration to the EU. This is partly due to signals sent from the very beginning by Spain’s new government, such as the welcoming in the port of Valencia of the 600+ immigrants rescued by the Aquarius, the announcement that razor wire would be removed from border fences in Ceuta and Melilla, and the decision to restore free medical care for illegal residents. The second factor which led to this new situation was of course the formation in Italy of a new coalition government by the M5S and the League, with the League’s leader Matteo Salvini becoming Italy’s interior minister and taking the reins of Rome’s immigration policy. That meant, as the League had promised voters, that Italy would now close its ports to NGO vessels carrying illegal immigrants from the coast of Libya, and also to illegal immigrants rescued by navy ships taking part in Operation European Union Naval Force Mediterranean (EU NAVFOR Med, also known as Operation Sophia). Under the terms of that joint operation, all migrants rescued at sea were to be taken to Italy. With Italy now requesting that migrants rescued by Operation Sophia should be taken to the country of origin of each rescuing ship, some countries are now withdrawing from the operation, as is the case with Germany, which will not replace its frigate after it ends its current mission in early February.

The consequences of Spain’s taking a more pro-immigrant stance while Italy was doing just the opposite can be seen in statistics. While the overall number of illegal immigrants who made it across the Mediterranean in 2018 (135,798) was significantly lower than in 2017 (184,374), the figure increased very significantly on the Western Mediterranean route from Morocco to Spain: from 23,143 in 2017 to 56,644 in 2018, plus some 6,800 illegal migrants who forced their way into the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla on Morocco’s northern border. At the same time, the number of arrivals in Italy – via the Central Mediterranean route – fell from 118,912 in 2017 to 23,276 in 2018. On the Eastern Mediterranean route through Turkey and Greece to the Balkans, the number of illegal immigrants rose in 2018, to 55,878 from 42,319 in the previous year, reflecting the shortcomings of the EU–Turkey agreement.


Proposed Italian/Polish ethnonationalist power alliance hits snag over Italian leaders Russian ties

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 24 February 2019 20:57.

Lega and Five Star ties to Russia invokes a specter that haunts Kaczyński

Euractive, “Trans-Europe Express – Friends won’t be friends” 22 Feb 2019:

By Gerardo Fortuna with Alexandra Brzozowski
First official projections of seats in the new European Parliament have shown two right-wing ruling parties, Italy’s Lega and Poland’s PiS, as the second and third-biggest single party in the next Parliament, but the highly anticipated ‘Italo-Polish axis’ doesn’t seem to pan out.

Earlier this week (18 February), the European Parliament released the first survey on what the next European chamber could look like, based on a cross-section of national polls ahead of the European elections in May.

Updated projections will be presented to the public in the coming weeks, but at the current stage, the most significant starting point for analysis is that Matteo Salvini and Jarosław Kaczyński appear to be two top dogs ahead the election night.

Lega and PiS are expected to win 27 and 22 seats, respectively, becoming the second and the third-biggest party within the hemicycle. The first, as usual, will be Germany’s conservative CDU.

A pact between the two right-wing parties is looking more and more lucrative for both and initial contact was already made by Salvini himself, who flew to Warsaw in January to meet Kaczyński, who essentially leads PiS from the background, without being its formal chairman, and test the waters for a possible Eurosceptic alliance.

During the visit, Salvini hailed a new ‘Italo-Polish axis’ to replace the dominant French-German one, sparking a “European spring”. At the time, this looked like the beginning of a political earthquake but, as it turns out, the Warsaw talks seemed more like a one-time thing.

There was no follow up in the weeks after and the settlement of an Italo-Polish axis now seems to be dead in the water, or at least postponed for after the elections.

There’s a red flag that shows that the parties have come to a standstill. In Poland, Salvini was asked if he was thinking about running for the European elections together with his current government’s ally in Italy, the anti-establishment Five Star Movement. He said that there was no need to run together with them and some observers noted that it was because, with Kaczyński, Salvini wouldn’t need Di Maio.

But according to the Italian press, this week Lega proposed Five Star Movement to join them, even in a political group within the European Parliament, but got nyiet as an answer.

If Lega is considering getting someone else on board, distances with the European conservatives on certain topics – above all Russia –  are turning out to be unbridgeable.

At the current stage, conservatives need Salvini to replace the Tories, rather than the other way around, as good performance is expected also for Le Pen’s Rassemblement National.


“The League, for example, has regularly protested European Union sanctions against Russia. In March 2017, League chief Matteo Salvini even signed a cooperation agreement with United Russia.”

“Evidence of the 5 Star Movement’s friendly ties with Russia is also abundant. Both former Vice President Joe Biden and Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have identified 5 Star as a conduit for Russian electoral interference, e.g. in Italy’s December 2016.”

The Hill, “Putin is the real winner of the Italian elections”, 3 March 2018:


France, Hungary and Poland: A Common Cause

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 06:13.

Poland, Hungary and France: A Common Cause

By Antoni Trzmiel.

Visigrad Post, Jan 2019:

Poland – We publish here the translation of Antoni Trzmiel’s editorial about the partnership we started with them.

The website, belonging to the Polish weekly Do Rzeczy, has begun cooperation with the Visegrád Post and with the French independent Web channel TV Libertés.

Let us reclaim our own story!

Journalists from these media were in Poland during the days of national celebration of our regained independence. They were preparing a TV documentary for their viewers. Their perspective is not our perspective. But while it may not be rosy, their narrative differs vastly from the infamous description of “thousands of fascists, neo-Nazis and white supremacists marching 300 km from Auschwitz”.

These were the words of a prominent European politician, Guy Verhofstadt, the leader of the Liberal group in the European Parliament. They show how much we have to do to stop such statements being made, including – as was the case here – during a debate on the rule of law in Poland. There is just one way to make this happen, and it is not by prohibiting such lies in Polish law, as such a law could not be enforced abroad anyway. Indeed it is not only Poles that should be outraged, but above all those who vote for the people making such ludicrous claims: French, Dutch, Slovakians, Czechs, Hungarians, Greeks, etc. But for this to happen, first they need to know when their representatives are telling them gross lies.

Conversations with my fellow journalists shed light on many bad things that are happening in their countries, which one would not necessarily notice when travelling there on holiday or for work. This is especially true in the field of freedom of expression. We will be writing about such matters on

Was it worthwhile for David to fight Goliath?

We have decided to cooperate on a permanent basis. Let’s be honest: from a business point of view, this will bring no benefit. Translations, travel and the time spent are all quite significant costs for independent media, which are low-budget non-profit entities. But we believe that if our journalists prepare more materials about the situation in Poland, there is a chance that in some of the media they know and trust, the Hungarians, Belgians and French will get a different picture than the one reflected by the liberal newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza.

For the time being, there is a huge imbalance in forces, resources, and decades of cooperation. They are tied by common interests, while we share our opposition to the current situation (even though much separates us). True, it is a struggle of David against Goliath. However, cheered by that biblical story, we believe in the victory of truth. Let us be frank: there is a long way to go. But, as the Chinese say, a journey begins with a single step.

On November 11 we took that first step

In our case it consisted of three interviews conducted for our media on the eve of November 11. They were published simultaneously on, and on the following days.

Our journalist Karol Gac spoke with deputy prime minister Jarosław Gowin. Olivier Bault, a writing editor of Do Rzeczy and correspondent of French alternative media in Poland, questioned the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Ryszard Terlecki, as well as MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski.

Thus, Polish readers and viewers had the opportunity to hear what these politicians wanted to tell people from other countries. This is important. After all, it has become clear lately that they are not heard often enough abroad, given that representatives of foreign voters proved able to compel those who represent a majority of Polish voters to change the law [as was the case with the retirement age of judges sitting in the Polish Supreme Court and Higher Administrative Court].

Our journalists too will regularly prepare materials for what we are confident will be a growing number of partners. At the same time, we will publish materials prepared by our partners on It is indeed not a normal situation that we know more about Bollywood or Hollywood stars than about the real life of Slovaks or the French. And, as the above examples show, this has a real impact on our own lives.

Antoni Trzmiel is a journalist working for Polish public television (TVP) and is also the head of, the website of the Polish conservative weekly news magazine Do Rzeczy.

Opinion piece originally published in Polish on the Do Rzeczy website. Translated to English by Olivier Bault.

New Years Eve 2018/19 on Poznan’s Old Market Square

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 01 January 2019 18:12.

Minutes into the new year, 2019 on Poznan’s Old Market Square

The minutes leading up to and moment of the change to the New Year in Poznan’s Old Market…

I don’t know why I stopped the video there (Part1), shouldn’t have ...but I did resume a second part a minute or two later…

Poznan’s Old Market Square is the best place for New Years that I’ve ever been. It’s actually not “the place to go” for New Years and consequently, it turns out to be optimal: not too crowded and yet more than festive enough to enjoy locals on an interpersonal scale, in their merriment:

Jimmy Marr hospitalized after anti-fa beat him unconscious…

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 20 December 2018 05:40.

I’ve cringed at some of the commentary made by Jimmy Marr at Majorityrights; and I’ve taken down the more culpable bits when I’ve spotted them. I imagine that he’s still expressing neural pathways of a more desperate time, when there was no internet and nowhere to easily express and converse in criticism of Jewish power and influence.

It’s disappointing that he can’t back off the Nazi perspective and see a more balanced and measured position with regard to Jewry, even if seeing them as comprehensively other.

Some people, like Jimmy, are otherwise very intelligent, sincere and dedicated in their concern for White interests, despite lacking this judgment (there is other recourse than Hitler and Nazism).

Thus, we try to bring them around. But, the fact is, one can become so focused on Jewry that they can lose sight not only of their own interests, but of White interests and problems more broadly. I think back to when Jimmy made a post at Majorityrights which I had to take down. He called it comprehensively, “Poland” - it was a scathing critique of Poland as an “utterly backward and inept country” ...written by a journalist taking no account of the fact that he was visiting Poland during the depression and after Poland had been wiped-off the political map, plundered and exploited for 123 years….

Nevertheless and generally speaking, I want to be conciliatory, including for Whites who have not had time for the internet to correct the years of controlled media, to understand that Hitler and the Nazis were not the only European peoples critical enough of Jewry and seriously concerned to stave off the negative aspects of their power and influence.

To cynical liberals and Jewish advocates I say, yes, that’s right - Nazi sympathizers cannot be allowed to believe that they are the only ones who take Jewish power and influence seriously.

While I cringe at some of the utterly tactless statements of Jimmy’s that have been allowed to stand for the sake of being conciliatory in that regard and weening people off of Nazism, I would wish that Jimmy would come around to a more reasoned and balanced position of his own accord - I certainly would not wish him harm like this and I am saddened by it.

I know what it’s like to grow up without a White voice and support network through the internet. To be born into the totally controlled anti-White media (and academia, politics, religion, law and courts, etc) - it is a desperate and enraging nightmare that people who grow up with Internet might not be able to imagine.

A speedy recovery, Jimmy. I could see you going down there and just doing that!

Neo-Nazi remains in hospital | Local |
7 hours ago - Jimmy Marr, the neo-Nazi agitator at the center of a brawl Monday on a downtown Corvallis street, remained hospitalized with a medical ...

Eugene Weekly, “Local Racist Gets Marr’d in Corvallis”, 19 Dec 2018:

“Nazi wannabe Jimmy Marr gets hospitalized after fight, right-wing strikes back online.”

Jimmy Marr was in Corvallis the other night. Apparently, he got in a street fight that I’d like to imagine was a lot like West Side Story — except the Jets this time being portrayed by a wannabe Nazi.

Corvallis Police Department (CPD) said it’s unknown whether Marr was hospitalized due to injuries unrelated to the fight. However, Marr’s supporters have gone on to “dox” (publicly broadcast personal information) those who confronted Marr.

On the other hand, non-racists on Twitter are having a field day with Marr’s medical troubles.

News of the fight and Marr’s hospitalization made headlines across the country from The Oregonian to The Hill. It appears Corvallis alt-weekly The Corvallis Advocate broke the story on social media.

Marr was in Corvallis days after Andrew Oswalt, a graduate student at Oregon State, was sentenced for slapping bumper stickers on members of the activist group Showing Up for Racial Justice. Oswalt was sentenced to serve 40 days at Benton County Jail, three years of supervised probation and a $500 fine. He was found guilty of a felony first-degree intimidation and third-degree criminal mischief.

2:36 AM - Dec 18, 2018
See xanny phantom’s other Tweets
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Marr showed up in Corvallis with his truck — which he usually paints up with white supremacist quotes with swastikas — painted with the statement, “Nazi is just the N-word for white men” along with a partial swastika.

Marr is known for driving the Toyota truck up and down I-5 emblazoned with anything from “Jew lies matter” to “When race loses meaning, family isn’t far behind.” In 2014, Marr stood in front of Springfield High School, playing his bagpipes with woman holding a sign that read, “Diversity is a code word for anti-white” as a parade in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., marched by.

Then in 2016, Marr tried to interrupt a rally organized by Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC) intended to counter Trumpism and hate. Through loudspeakers from his house, he broadcasted a pro-hate speech that attracted some of the CALC’s supporters to protest in front of his house. Springfield Police Department (SPD) arrived to mediate the situation, which ended with SPD climbing on top of Marr’s house — without a search warrant — to tell him he had to cut the broadcast. Marr was arrested.

So, unsurprisingly, his presence in Corvallis provoked some anger. A CPD crime report said the fight involved multiple people, who have been charged with disorderly conduct. A fundraiser has been organized to pay for their legal fees.

However, it’s uncertain whether Marr was injured from the fight. When police arrived, the report only said officers saw Marr was in need of medical support.

Marr is active on Twitter, where he charmingly goes as @GenocideJimmy. He often Tweets about anti-semitism, white supremacy and bagpipes. While many celebrated his trip to the hospital on Twitter and the Eugene subreddit, Marr’s friends rushed to support the racist.

Describing Marr as a friend, @DoxedMLC doxed those who were detained by CPD, reprimanding them for attacking a “senior citizen.” Combs is best known as the partner of Bethany Sherman, the disgraced owner of OG Analytical who left town after being outed as a racist by Eugene Antifa.

M.L. Combs
these #antifa from Corvallis jumped my friend @GenocideJimmy last night and he was hospitalized as a result: 

please RT to make them all extra popular

4:54 AM - Dec 19, 2018
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Benton County Jail Inmate Detail
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Combs’ Tweet thread went on to launch transphobic statements about those who were detained by CPD.

Although many news outlets ran stories about Marr being hospitalized, a truly fake news website called The Goldwater ran the story supporting Marr’s side.

The site is labeled as an extreme right wing and conspiracy news website according to Media Bias/Fact Check.

The site’s story calls Marr “an elderly man” and frames the story as an attack on the elderly. It describes those who confronted Marr as “Antifa” thugs and lists each of their residences, embedding directions via Google Maps.

The story adds that Marr is someone who is attacked by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) just “for simply noticing too much.” Because of this unnecessary attention, groups like SPLC should share the blame in Marr’s hospitalization, it argues.

Marr’s visit to Corvallis was prefaced with a rather threatening Tweet sent in support of James Fields, who was recently found guilty for driving his car into a crowd of demonstrators, killing Heather Heyer.

Jimmy Marr
If, like James Fields, you find your car surrounded by a murderous, anti-White mob do not try to escape, try to maximize your body count because as we have seen, the penalty is going to be the same either way.

3:02 PM - Dec 8, 2018
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The Twitterverse came back at Marr after the Corvallis incident, mocking him soundly with comments such as “get worse soon motherfucker” and “Give him some weed to ease his pain, oh wait you lost your weed store LMAO. guess he will have to settle for a Hitler cake. I’m gonna go celebrate his “medical event” with a beer, and this koozie. Fuck Jimmy Marr.”

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

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