Majorityrights Central > Category: Jewish Diaspora

Claire Khaw & co. render Islam to normalize rape, Luke Ford renders Judaism to institutionalize rape

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 05:02.

As I have stopped taking her seriously, not even as providing an oppositional platform in which to air ethnonational views, I was neither carefully listening nor in attendance for all of this discussion; but I did catch Claire Khaw making some sort of assertion (in defense of those proposing rape as an unavoidable fact of war, therefore something to be accepted and to inspire ‘manly’ reaction?) that she believes it is normal for men to sit around and share rape fantasies while they are among themselves. I found this bizarre and utterly irresponsible, as I have never even had any such thoughts privately (Claire tried to say it is because I am older, but when I say never, I mean never) nor have I known any man who expressed these wishes.

The controversy flared-up with Con-Ops and That Woman leading the way to denounce Claire’s sanctioning of cohorts who were bandying the suggestion that the English might be incited to act more manly by the Muslim rape of English girls, and might thus, retaliate in kind by raping their enemy… Claire considers rape an unavoidable corollary of war; in attempted normalization of this “thought process” in discussion, she went on to suggest, as I’d mentioned, that ‘rape is a normal fantasy and desire lurking in the private thoughts of men, that they reveal when among themselves absent the company of women’....

You’d think that was bad enough, then Luke Ford got into the act of normalizing and institutionalizing rape (see below).

But first, Con Ops and That Woman review Claire and co. on rape:

Claire’s Secular Koranist disciple Ego Dik goes full Ted Bundy

Claire Khaw allies herself with incel jihadi’s

Spiritual Mamzer

Claire has tried to argue that EGO DIK’s incitements to sexual violence against English girls were just a part of a troll to trigger an angry reaction and to make a point.( judge for yourself) Claire has called me hysterical and a virtue signalling liberal bitch for calling out EGO DIK and Jon Vance

For those who think these are but harmless spergs on the internet and would never perpetrate violence in real life. Think again! Jonathan’s friend Travis Patron another virgin with rage and currently the leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party, assaulted two lady’s. Travis told Vance he was going to pick up some woman and smash some puzz. He ended up smashing two faces.

Ego Dik and Jon Vance have naturally backed their fearless leader.


Richard Murdoch

1 week ago
Spiritual mamzer aka con ops did nothing wrong.
Big ups homie….keep it gangsta

That Woman
2 weeks ago (edited)
What I find amazing is they seem to believe that everyone secretly thinks this way and they are just being “brave and honest”. I must say, these horrible things they have been posting and saying have never crossed my mind.

As if normalizing rape wasn’t bad enough, Luke Ford gets into the act of institutionalizing rape..

Luke Ford’s barbarous right wing religion:

A Yazidi woman who had been a sex slave to Isis confronts her former captor:


Luke Ford shows this video (22:24) and then comments, shockingly…

Luke Ford (25:00) “Ok, let me move on so, how does the bible deal with rape in battle? So it’s been a very typical male behavior in battle * that after you win the battle after you take female captives from the out-group, that its traditional that if they’re attractive you rape them. So, how did the bible deal with this? It instituted a practice whereby yeah, you can rape them once; but after that you had to allow them to cut off all their hair and to mourn for I think, thirty days, for their parents who are presumably dead, then you have the option of marrying them, bringing them into your household or setting them free. So, I think that the bible understood that men are going to rape in battle. What it tried to do was restrict (holds back a chuckle) the amount of raping, tried to cut down on it, and provide some rituals to control male lust.

So, Judaism is a very practical religion, very much in this world.” - Luke Ford.

Luke Ford’s Judaic religion ‘understands’ that men WILL rape in times of war, therefore the bible prescribes that you may do this once, after which time the woman must be given an opportunity to shave her head and grieve for lost family (presumably dead parents and so on) for 30 days; followed by the rapist being given the option to marry the woman or to set her free..

The “that’s just the way it-is-ness” that “men WILL rape” is a tell tale sign of the right wingishness that Luke adopts in accordance with his brutally supremacist religion’s obscene prescription for the event - Luke speaks proudly of this prescription, saying how it illustrates that “Judaism is a very practical religion, very much in this world.”

Do you see what’s happening here with the language game that Luke Ford is playing? He and (his people) don’t want White people to have a social constructionist understanding, because that would provide us with social accountability and agency. He wants to continue to argue on behalf of a ‘beleaguered right wing facticity, a that’s just the way it is-ness for the ‘we’ on the right, who are dealing with reality’ (to protect our unjust Jewish hegemony, right wing and liberal complicitness with pseudo objectivst bullshit, that is).

The social constructionist understanding of these events is why a left ethnonationalist perspective is superior. Because a social constructionist understanding would maintain that the fact of rape is not something that has to be accepted and normalized. Not even post hoc - after the fact - as we have the agency to (socially) construct how facts come to count. In the case of rape, it can be looked upon as neither a necessary consequence of circumstance nor a mere natural fact in the course of life, but a very serious crime…let alone something fairly normal and a sign of manliness. In fact, it has been standard operating procedure for the U.S. Military to severely punish enlisted men who rape.

The story of Emmett Till, a young black boy who was lynched for sexually harassing a White woman in 1955 Mississippi, has been endlessly retold to the exclusion of the exponentially more common black on White rape and murder events.

It is interesting to note that Till’s father, a black serviceman in the U.S. Army stationed in Italy during WWII, was court martialed and hanged for having raped an Italian woman. Emmett was pre-empted in his trajectory as a chip off the old black.

So, no, rape is not necessarily accepted as a normal feature of war, and a liberty for victorious troops to take over the vanquished.

* Rape may have been condoned if not encouraged by certain primitive elements in armies like the Soviets, it may be considered normal for non-White armies, but it is strictly prohibited by White armies.

The whole rape issue and the fact that European men tend to be exponentially better behaved in that regard than blacks, more sublimated than the R selecting blacks and Middle Easterners, can be yet another selling point to our co-evolutionary women, and strong warrant for our sovereign ethnonationalism. If White women want to mix with them, that’s too bad, but White men are not obligated [that would be a form of White slavery] to support them or their offspring - the exploitation and punishment rather will be of her ... just as the reward of a better way of life will be for loyal women.

Related at Majorityrights:

Claire Khaw hosts “Focken” and “Ovfuckyou”Ovfuckyou says “Hitler did nothing wrong” and tries to equate Nazism with White Nationalism.


Instructions on how to give a blow job, including on how it can be ok for one night stands.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 16 November 2019 05:59.

To be as uninhibited as this woman is, giving completely graphic instructions and attitudinal coaching on how it can be perfectly ok, even in one night stands, to give blow jobs (the term ‘fellatio’ falls by the wayside as a fig-leaf of inhibition) provokes a questioning of her position and its power: Coming from a pretty White woman, this lack of inhibition, not especially qualified beyond whether the individuals involved are comfortable and have a sense of reciprocal fairness, provokes the question of whether this is irresponsible bullying of the social realm.

Commenting on Jen Scharf, ‘Church of Entropy’s most recent stream, I heard the interlocutors discussing morality in terms of objectivity, physics, products of ‘the mind’, a nihilism to be grappled with in sheer terms of power…

This is all very great nonsense. I noted that social interaction is the ground of morality - negotiated there as matter of practicality, as much to achieve cooperation for leveraged ease beyond brute struggle and conflict as anything.

Yes, we have to respect the somewhat arbitrary biological imperative behind sexual drives, individual boundaries and prerogatives.

However, taking the example of this woman, we must also observe that her beauty and resource did not come of a vacuum, but were born through the struggles of her parents, forebears, social systems and rule structures which facilitated their survival; evincing the resource and beauty which suggests her health.

That is to say, far more consideration and account should be requested, as she speaks and recommends her lack of inhibitions to the public, as to how she effects our social capital.

Sex is not merely a normal biological function, not merely a means to give pleasure and have fun with people that you think are cute.

While this kind of disinhibition can reveal a liberation of vital forces of certain parts of the system which may have been unduly constrained, it also conceals other ramifications of the sexual act - as it may play into narrow and short sighted confirmation of persons and politics that really don’t deserve it; while disconfirming others, whose virtues, perspective and the products of ther sublimation may deserve more respect.

Elsewhere, I have noted that a large part of what makes sex sexy is the tension between human dignity and the yielding to animal drive; and with that, a tension between human dignity and yielding to the brute interpay of dominance and submission ....a yielding or not, which evokes an integation and empathy of submission and dominance on the part of both genders.

And this tension which makes one ‘sexy’ will depend, at least for better Europeans, on maintaining the dignity of human concerns far sublimated from the sexual act.

Of course the sexual act is closely tied, especially for we Europeans, more evolved for ‘K’ strategy, with a concern that it is the long evolved means by which people, hopefully responsible people, come into the world by responsible consideration.

That is one reason why the more sensitive among us can be disturbed by what is to us the alien lack of inhibition that bespeaks the irresponsible momentary and episodic emphasis of ‘R’ strategy (as opposed to concern for levels of relationship and biological pattern), a conditioning, perhaps, of the pop psychology of Freud and Marcuse, that was born in indifference, if not downright antagonism to our social-biological systems. This lack of social inhibition is putting our systems and social capital at risk.

Make no mistake, so long as our people exist, we are, in an important sense, a part of a social and biological system. And if we are not a part of a system, then we do not exist as a people. Which isn’t true. We do exist. It is Noel Ignatiev who is dead - literally and figuratively.

This woman says that she considers it ok to give blow jobs in one night stands. She does seem to indicate that you should take precautions, but says that she does not use condoms, claims to just kind of know who she is giving blow jobs to. Inasmuch as that is true, her guess would have to be taking a lot of clues from the (social) context.

But does it ever occur to pomiscuous people that they might be taking something that rightfully belongs to a spouse?

J.F. Gariepy goes so far as to say that he has ‘made love’ (disgusting euphemism, if there ever was one) to thousands of women, and that he is doing a favor to their future husbands by getting these women excited about sex. Who is this fucking pig, this joker, kidding?

In the case of misegenators, does it occur to them that they might be taking or giving away something that rightfully belongs to a people - at least in predominant account to our/their pattern? Those who would choose to go with other people are ultimately free to leave (hopefully not having acted before sufficient accounts requested); they are not free to impose this prerogative and its consequences on the broad pattern of a people who are responsible to our/their kind.

I stand by an article that I wrote a few years ago, that one way to know if it is a good and appropriate person that you’re having sex with is whether or not you have to use a condom. You should know them well enough not to need one.

It is eminently reasonable to oppose the social resource of vast funds that have gone to pay for A.I..D.S. - a disease which can inhibit and ‘cure’ socially irresponsible behavior.

Here is your A.I.D.S. education: don’t conduct yourself like a pig and your chances of contracting A.I.D.S. are next to zero.

The basketball player, ‘Magic’ Johnson, contracted A.I.D.S. through unprotected sex in which he ‘tried to accommodate as many women as possible…some of them were unbelievable.’..

Then our social resource (of money) kept this scumbag alive. He should have died and it would be quite fine with me if the woman that he accommodated had died as well.

Going back to the young lady giving blow job advice, including for one night stands, if her episodic practices would have her giving this treasure and reward to the likes of Magic Johnson, it would be quite fine with me if she were to die as well.

Hateful? You bet its valid hate people bestowed with our social treasure, only to use it for our destruction. And if the sexual drive is a strong natural impulse aimed at the survival of our species, so is hatred of those who abuse it.

State of the Fart Right: Why the bum steers from Jonathan Pohl,  et. al?

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 October 2019 13:29.

State of the Fart Right: why the bum steers from Jonathan Pohl, STFU James, et. al?

Lately, I have been making the rounds on some of the prominent racialist hangouts and podcasts, trying to get attention to the ethnonationalist platform that would make most sense, be the most viable and with that, to cultivate means for its coordination. As always, I am motivated to take theoretical/epistemic misdirection and help re-direct it to solid theoretical premises for the defense and advocacy of our European peoples.

I have been lured into some hangouts in order to defend myself and this platform against misrepresentations that were happening in real time. That’s what this post is about - to defend this platform as the prominent voices presenting themselves as experts or worthy common sense critics on behalf of European/White interests continue to receive and give terrible misdirection. Recently, I was lured onto a hangout hosted by ‘Babylonian Hebrew’, a young Jewish fellow living in New York but advocating Zionism for Jews and honest, hard criticism of diasporic Jewry.

I joined the hangout in order to correct an egregiuos strawman committed against me/this platform by one of those disingenuous diasporic Jews - Kyle Rowland, an obnoxious kid made infamous in the current racialist conversation by his slathering dissimulations on Luke Ford’s weasil streams - aimed to provide ways out of responsibility for Jews.

Anyway, the world should know by now that I advocate a platform of European/White Left ethnonationalism in order to garner the underlying social organization, accountability and conscientiousness that the concept of unionization provides for, along with other White post modern means to manage our population and stave off infiltration, misdirection into runaway and betrayal - of key importance, the perspective of the union is intent on holding elites to account to our group (union) interests.

Now, Kyle Rowland has been busy peddling the Luke Fraud line that de-emphasizes the hyperbolic ethnocentrism and nepotism of Jewry in its assent to disproportionate if not hegemonic representation in niches of power and influence; at the same time emphasizing argumentation that Jews have achieved this according to objective merit; while Whites have suffered where they have suffered for lack of objective merit.

Predictably, Kyle had tried to strawman me/this platform with stereotypes of this platform being anti-elite so that he could discourage those Whites of powerful resource from taking our side.

I was happy to disabuse the world of this strawman. It is one of the benefits of defining the left for ourselves, viz., a White ethnonational left is not equalitarian, not against private property, relatively free enterprise and people having more according to their merit. It is not against elites, it is about holding all union members, especially including elites, to account - they will not betraý our unionized interests.

Kyle responded that ‘‘your kind always says that’ ...‘you are an anti-social right winger.”

Ah, I rejoined, in truth, that I am not anti-social - you want White advocates to be anti-social and that’s why you want them to identify as right wing, paying short shrift to social accountability in futile quest for pure warrant beyond or within nature, below relative human group interests.

At this point Ecce Lux joined-in against Kyle, wanting him to steel-man his argument that race replacement is immoral. Ecce did well, and I pointed out as well that Kyle was making an egregious buyer beware argument - if White people are hoodwinked into accepting race replacement it’s their fault. But I also pointed out to Ecce that anti race replacement is not the strongest angle in America, because Kyle could just hit you, as he already had, with the displacement of native Americans by Whites.

A better tack is to argue carrying capacity and from there segue into human ecology ... well, we’re sorry about the history but it is history and we’ve got to manage carrying capacity and human ecology now…

This was when Jonathan Pohl’s cohort, STFU James was encouraged by him and other half wits of the fart right to start attacking ...ME…


Wage War by Deception: A CMM rules based analysis of altercast White identity & didactic opposition.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 18 July 2019 06:05.

Contextual Force (from top down force of context) provides -

[Constitutive Rule] Normative Rule Structure -

Cultural Pattern [CP] Modernity/Liberalism:

Modernity/Liberalism has precedents in northern Europeans particularly, as they were evolved more against the challenges of nature and not so much against other tribes, the northerners being much the same, a liberal mindedness to mixing with others who were not so other was not a big problem.

But there are precedents in the Classical Greeks as well, viz., non interactive teleology and in (apparently Jewish promoted) Christian notions of individual souls being equal, the undifferentiated gentile other (as GW observes), pacifism, notions of pure morality, conceived apparently, to overthrow Rome. Christianity thus, was an early Jewish weaponization - war by deception - of White liberal mentality and controlled opposition against them.

But modernity’s characteristic prejudice against prejudice (as Gadamer astutely referred to it) reaches its apex with Descartes and markedly with Locke’s prejudice against social classifications, considering them non-empirical fictions of the mind which should give way to individual civil rights. This “Enlightenment” prejudice against prejudice found [Implicative Force] beyond the British Aristocratic Class which Locke resented, as the “empirical” concept of individual rights over discriminatory social classifications made its way into the hegemonic [Contextual Force] of The American Constitution; and then was weaponized by Jewry (Alinsky style “rules for radicals”, i.e., while the union of Jewry and its coalitions are solid enough, make the enemy live up to its rules ad infinitum to prevent it’s solidarity/ unionization) in its [Implicative Force] against Whites with the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Immigration & Naturalization Act: which, practically speaking, prevented White men only from classifiying in their interests and discriminating accordingly (as other groups were granted permission to classify on the basis of alleged historical grievances - [Cultural Patterns]). This prohibition of social classificatory bounds (for the White majorities) effectively ruptures accountability to group homeostatic maintenance and Reflexively, Recursively Effects the Disorder of Modernity, abetting systemic runaway.

Deontic Operator [Obligatory] promote Modernist/Liberal project ad infinitum: continual testing of gentile (non-Jewish) social group bounds from within or from without; encourage and flatter characteristic European predilection for objectivist quest and concomitant notion that putting resources at continual risk in experimentalism necessarily leads to foundational progress. [Regulative Rule] Change counts as progress, celebrate change [Strange Loop] Reflexive Reversal of Context - “this is no longer new” [Obligatory] work to change.

Contextual Force of modernity/liberalism predominantly upheld and initiated by -

1. Jewry: through bottom up [implicative force] as a small, biological-systemic tribal pattern/ nation - Israel - ensconced among (perceived/conceived) hostile others, thus highly ethnocentric of perceived necessity; and with that, believing in their divinity as ‘the chosen people’; when scattered - in Diaspora - take on a messianism as such and develop an antagonistic disposition to insubordinate gentile nations by way of top down [contextual force] rule structuring of ethnocentric middle-man / elite niche occupation among largely (perceived/conceived) alien and hostile others.

Deontic Operator [Obligatory] Disrupt and re-direct (the greatest potential threat to Jewish power and influence) potential of European/ White ethnonationalism to marshal social systemic homeostasis, non-Jewish coalitions and hegemony thereupon - make tacit deals/enticements with -

2. White right-wing elites/ and rank and file White liberals; both going by pseudo warrant of objectivism

- both rule structures, right wing and liberal are liberal with regard to their group interests; liberalism defined as the opening of social group boundaries to other influences or subject to influences beyond social account (thus maneuverable against group interests by those not quite so naive).

Objectivism (really pseudo objectivism, the prejudice against prejudice) renders people susceptible to this (liberalism) as it facilitates the pragmatic convenience of paying short shrift to social accountability and relative interests with facile (often fairly credible, hard to efficiently counter without appearing like a weakling, would-be despot), “that’s just the way it is” accounts; while those of its less theoretically ambitious, more pragmatically liberal offshoot are disposed to its facilitation of over rationalized liberal deviations (thus prematurely dismissive as trivial) and are more programmatically bound according to objectivist rule structure to experiment for themselves; the more theoretically ambitious, the right wing practitioners, are prone to rational blindness to broad perspective and social accountability to relative and interrelated interests as they similarly conceive of themselves as based in the fate of detached experiment, thus not especially quick to respond to differences among their group, prejudiced against prejudice as their perspective is as well.

* Note, of course you want/need to be objective, provisionally, to understand what’s going on irrespective of your personal and relative interests, but you also need to be accountable to your group as to the purpose of these inquiries, their applicability to personal and relative interests thereof - forgetting and paying short shrift to this has caused a kind of estrangement, as Heidegger calls it, which leaves us vulnerable as an organic system. Objective truth inquiries should provide feedback to serve the default calibration of relative, group interests (which entail sufficient coordination with other groups).

Group Autobiographies:

Jewry: Initially, traditionally and generally claiming warrant and authority over others as ‘the chosen people’, chosen through their Abrahamic god [de-ontic operator], which they propose as THE god, above (other people’s) nature;

Abrahamic god consecrates them as beacon unto the world, the chosen people to bring light and their perfection to the world and its people - as “undifferentiated other” ( G.W.) and thereby easily pacified gentile others; and as compassionate Davids, the chosen fancy themselves representing those oppressed and misunderstood by the rigid, hegemonic Goliath of straight, White right-wing male reactionaries; nevertheless, as Jewry themselves are a minority [ontic constraint] among this coalition up against such ungodly, uncivilized Philistine masses, they see it as Legitimate [de-ontic operator] to wage war by deception.

Which also suits the ontology [ontic operator] of their evolution as manichean - waging war by deception, trickery and rule changing - since they were evolved in the middle east, where the most important challenge was not so much shelter from the elements and attainment of resource to sustain them through seasonal and other natural challenges, but rather competition with other tribes, therefore requiring them to look after themselves more ethnocentrically, to be in high vigilance to defend against outside attack, to develop and cultivate adeptness with trickery/deception.

[Deontic Operator] Prohibit Whites (i.e., Europeans), as majority, from discriminating in advocacy of their group interests; compel them to live up to their penchant for objectivity ad absurdem; while rendering [Legitimate] non-European group advocacy, positive discrimination for these “oppressed” minorities with the “proviso” (a proviso that is rather ongoing) claim of Obligatory compensation for their having been subject to historical discrimination and exploitation.

Promote new religion installing the Abrahamic god and worship of the Jew incarnate thereof - sacrificed at hands of new Babylonian oppressor of Jews and other minorities, i.e., Rome, to be overthrown in favor of undifferentiated submission to the Abrahamic god, its universal and obsequious golden rule, purified Noahide Law; embrace and renounce original sin of (not being Jewish but having the nerve to have) subjective and relative interest at once, on pain of eternal hell for non-compliance; and proposed reward of eternal heaven in a life hereafter for sacrifice of concern for political ambition, group autonomy and material well being for one’s people and legacy.

[Reflexive Need] [Deontic Operator] Impose the Contextual Force of “The Moral Order”

“Christianity” - pure law and warrant in they eyes of god; born with “original sin” (of not being Jewish) even if you think of transgressing Noahide law, you are so culpable that you are better off plucking-out your eye.

The manichean penchant of Jewry was exacerbated by horizontal transmission as they were moved from their primeval habitat.

Beginning with Babylonian captivity when, as a small group captive and scattered among conquering/host nations, they were [blocked] from vertical transmission of skills and cultivated resource from their native grounding upward to national sovereignty and began evolving into and for elite niche control [from top down contextual force] over other nations instead.

The shifting over national boundaries created a horizontal transmission as they had minimal vested interest in the host nations; they developed a hostile, parasitic and exploitative relation to alien host nations, playing native nations against one another to their advantage; usurping native resources, shifting them over borders if threatened, a horizontal transmission that was exacerbated by Rome’s scattering them into Europe, where they made their way into control point niches; followed by continued horizontal transmission with the pogroms, the inquisition and then the holocaust, which continued selection against the more integrated, those Jews in position to interbreed with natives (a form of miscegenation which their more orthodox would detest), those situated for accountability, in favor of selection for their more virulently parasitic types, shifting many of their more virulent into pursuit of elite American niches.

8 Power Niches, Contextual Force from which Jewry establishes and maintains Constitutive and Regulative Rules:

1. Religion (viz. the Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam), a massive coup for Jewish control to impose the moral order (if you can call Christianity moral or ordering as opposed to yoking and confusing) of Europeans 2. Media (Bowery Notes, Abrahamic Bible was the media in large part esp. prior to printing press) 3. Money/Finance (markedly with the exponential effects of usury) 4. Academia 5. Organized Crime 6. Law and Courts (e.g., the egregious “Disparate Impact”) 7. Politics 8. International Business. The niches branching into NGO’s, foundations, government programs, industrial, military, genetic technology ...the professions (and professional societies).

As ‘light unto the world” [Autob.]

As light unto the world [Prefiguative Force] and beleaguered group [Autob.] among hostile others, Jewry become [Practical Force] experts at organizing and maintaining their group interests; also adept at marshaling others, where opportune, in coalition with their interests. This marshaling [of Implicative and Contextual force] is done by control of the idea of unionization (“leftism”), (unionization facile/ or literal) and prohibition/disruption [Deontic Operator] of social systemic organization, homeostasis by unionization (“leftism”) for other ethnonations/ethnonationals, especially European peoples.

What unionization Jewry allows and coalitions it forms, in advocating their designated oppressed are largely constituted and regulated by themselves to Not allow the concept of unionization to be organized on powerful ethnonational lines, especially not for Whites, but on the contrary to get them to react negatively to the concept of ethnonational unionization in the abstract altogether, with facile, provocatively distorted, didactic misrepresentation of unionization and coalitions of perceived groups and grievances against White male authority.

[Reflexive Need] Deontic Operator [Obligatory] Disrupt White social systemic homeostasis

Altercast European/White identity, at once allowing them to flatter themselves [Autobiography] of their objective merit; further induced through complicit deals with right-wing elites, payoffs, and with enticements and license for rank and file liberals to stray from tradition and inherited moral standards. Thus, Altercast:

European/White Identity = “The Right” and Far Right (later Alt-Right and Dissident Right)

To be right wing means to be as acutely (narrowly) and purely warranted in one’s autobiographical/group [CP] claims to authority, truth, analysis free of the messy, agentive, socially trammeling rhetoric (“sophistry”) and its Reflexive Effects as possible, whether connecting the smaller group or individual above nature, perhaps above themselves even, in pure principles or god; or in immutable laws of nature, below the agentive flux, semi-disorder and negotiation (at its most severe, below the correctability) of human praxis.

White right wingers and liberals, both: maintain [Constitutive Rule] of liberalism with the assertion that they have what they have and are able to do what they do by dint of their objective, individual (or narrowing group) ability and virtue which owes little to their broader genetic/racial group in the way of fact or account.

[Implicative Rule] Modernity, objective experimentation and liberalization/change leads to progress

Modernist/Objectivist tradition began in the European South with the Greeks and in the North, with early Europeans pitted more-so against the elements of harsh nature (Augustinian devils) than other tribes; it reached its sine qua non with Descartes. Locke took the empirical end of Cartesianism to assert (for his prejudice against the English Aristocratic class prejudice) that social classifications were a fiction of the mind that should give way to individual rights - since all individuals have the same perceptions they should have the same civic rights. This Cartesian notion (technologically separating individual from their varying ecological positions in systemic process of relation and essential indebtedness to others of their group and beyond) was taken and became essential to America’s Constitutive Rules (the [Implicative Force] of which would become world hegemonic with the unleashing of rampant, unbridled competition to runaway as interests are unconstrained by group account) as it was written-in by Thomas Jefferson.

* Of Historico/Autobiographical note, given the Norman take-over in 1066 and lording of themselves over the Anglo-Saxons and Celts ever since, there would be a great deal of logical force [Implicative] to Locke’s “prejudice against this prejudice” .... and provided that it would remain a prejudice against inter-English class separation in favor of integration with ethnonational constraint, it is a well founded prejudice. The problem comes in where it was weaponized in the American context (by YKW) to extend as a prejudice against prejudice beyond ethnonational and racial bounds.

[Reflexive Need] [Obligatory] Prevent this rule of hegemonic majority from rupturing Jewish group (classificatory) organization; [Legitimate] Wage war by deception: turn, weaponize liberalization of Aristocratic social classificatory bounds against them.

Implication for Jewry: [Regulative Rule] Make their rules work against Whites; flatter their objectivity and at once, make them live up to their penchant for objectivity and pure warrant ad absurdem.

[Reflexive Need] [Deontic Operator: Prohibition] Prohibit Whites, as “hegemonic majority”, from discriminating in advocacy of their ethnonational group interests; render Legitimate group advocacy, discrimination for “oppressed” minorities.

[Reflexive Need] [Constitute Rule] secular opposition formed by Jewry:

A similar notion of minority and “internationalist-worker unionization/coalition” advocacy had been advanced by Jewry in the Russian/Marxist revolution of international communism. In America…

[Reflexive Need] [Legitimate] Weaponize Lockeatine, individual “Civil Rights” - prohibit Europeans/White Americans to begin with, from classifying social groups and discriminating thus for themselves.

[Prohibited] “Racism” - the prohibition of White people to classify social groups and discriminate thereupon.

[Reflexive Effects] Rupturing of social classificatory bounds and discrimination thereupon effects the Disorder of Modernity, Over-Valuation of [Momentary and Episodic] skills as waiting for protracted yield is too unreliable, increases atavistic values and pandering to females exponentially (especially White females), over-representation of their puerile predilections, intoxication of increased empowerment (increased one-up position in partner selection) causing a [Charmed Loop] of puerile female inclination to incite genetic competition - incitement itself causing a pernicious charmed loop if the hegemony indeed has sufficient contextual force) as White men are Prohibited from discriminating.

[Obligatory] Wage war by deception

[Legitimate] “Liberating tolerance” (Marcuse): Obligatory to tolerate anything from the Internationalist Left/ Prohibit Corrective feedback from Right Wing reaction.

[Obligatory] Distort beyond reason, even reverse all socially organizing and coordinating theories as presented to Whites, any proposal meant to mollify rigid, inhumane rendering of natural law, represent social advocacy theories as unnatural, anti White, international Leftism. ... get Whites to react against social organization, including in their own best interests.

European/White Autob. [Obligatory] - Identify with the Right, with “The Truth.” White identity is right wing (never mind Heideggerian liberation from mere facticity and all that - that “nonsense is for “The Left”, for colored people (never mind why they in their YKW led coalition has routed us; we could never be so impure as to be “racists” to be so non empirical as to classify social groups and discriminate thereupon!

[Constitute Rule] secular opposition advanced by Jewry:

1. Marx, Freud, Frankfurt School - i.e., cultural Marxism, P.C. victim group advocacy, starting with blacks, women and gays; later extending to Muslims, etc.

Capture and re-direct human potential movements from White ethnocentrism along with feminism and black civil rights, maintaining culture of critique against traditional White/European societies.

Human potential movements are a particularly compelling narrative in coincidence with the American dream, land of individual opportunity, compounding civil rights propensity to obliviously rupture social systemic homesostasis; particularly hard for a male to renounce but also females who are under the influence of second wave feminism, Friedan having been a student of Maslow and prescribing individual self actualization as necessary for women’s liberation from oppressive, inhumane societal gender role constraints.

Reflexive Effect: As social group classificatory bounds are ruptured through weaponized “civil rights” and “human potential”, the natural one up position of White females in partner selection and address is pandered to from all angles, causing it to re emerge with increased significance; they become more articulate, confident and powerful gate keepers, knowing that they can maintain their very powerful position by letting through only liberal males, call in the thugs with any contention of their liberal prerogative - a constraint of their rule structure largely pandered-to by Jewry. They pander to their base and puerile female inclination to incite genetic competition (which would be mitigated in a bounded, controlled society in the empathy of motherhood of their kind). The puerile female tends to pose a litmus test in initial interaction episodes: what do you think of blacks (the oldest and maxed-out masculine form/test), are you a racist?” Hence the runaway disorder of modernity is exacerbated by this increased female one up position as she is encouraged [in a Charmed Loop] to maintain the opening of social borders and bounds.

And because the category of female gender is harder to ignore, along with blacks, because they are so markedly different, the human necessity to categorize classify with these groups is singularly amplified for the erstwhile prohibition of classifications; an over attendance to group interests exacerbated by the high contrast tropism of black and white. This strengthens their coherence to the expense of others who would be more cared for in bounded system.

2. Randian “Objectivism” (really subjectivism) as an extension of Austrian School economics, Hayek, von Mises and so on; the “invisible hand” guides the economy (Alan Greenspan).

[Obligatory[ Capture, control and re-direct “Conservatism”, conservative reaction

[Regulative Rule] Controlled opposition:

1. “Paleoconservatism” - Frank Meyers (Jewish)’ proposed “fusionism"of Judeo-Christianity and Enlightenment values - i.e., conserving the American values, conserving liberalism (liberal democratic rights/neo liberal capitalism).

[Legitimate] Take the already Jewish usurping “moral order”, enmeshment with Christianity - it’s obligation for gentiles of pure law and warrant in the eyes of god; e.g., even if you think of transgressing Noahide law, you are profoundly guilty - and entangle it still further with whatever angle of it is best for Jewry to ensure that their enemy will not fight back.

[Obligatory]Reinforce its ties to Jewry with Scofield Bible and Evangelical Christianity, tying salvation to Israel.

2. “Neo-Conservatism” - Irving Kristol (Jewish, obviously). Similar as paleoconservatism, with even less emphasis on traditional Christianity and more the evangelical version, in pursuit of aggressive foreign policy for Operation Clean Break (to secure the realm around Israel). While conserving liberalism (liberal democratic rights/neo liberal capitalism).


[Legitimate] Use Media to promulgate the notion of what the “progressive fifties” and the “swinging sixties” were about.

The “Progressive fifties” were about “Civil Rights” which began with [Obligatory] school integration 1954, 58.

Frankfurter was instigating Earl Warren’s ‘Activist’ court on behalf of “Civil Rights” to liberalization of White boundaries, e.g. opposing school integration.

[Legitimate] Use the language of the enemy and make them live up to its own rule, weaponize it against them - “Civil Rights” becomes a weapon, basically a “right” to violate White freedom from association.

[Prohibition] of Whites from organizing as a group and discriminating in their interests; while it is [Legitimate] for others to organize in their group interests and broach traditional, even if only implicit, White boundaries given [Autobiography] ‘the history of prejudice against them and their having been discriminated against accordingly.’

“Civil Rights Activism” continues into the sixties, with “Sit-Ins” at Woolworths in 1962, leading to legislation [Prohibiting] private businesses from discriminating (America, land of freedom and all), culminating in “The Civil Rights Act” of 1964, The Immigration and Naturalization Act 1965, and Rumford Fair Housing Act 1968.

(((The Media and Academia is going along with Law & Courts and Politicians, Religion, big Money ..and international business, too))) in saying this is all good, all progress against backward White male bigots (who are ‘whining’ when they should be picking themselves up by their bootstraps as rugged individualists in pursuit of all America has to offer).

[Obligatory] Capture American Dream and Human Potential Movement

Abraham Maslow captures Aritotle’s concept of Self Actualization, which was based in a teleology of human nature (as biological creatures, in need of optimal, not maximal need satisfaction and as mammals ensconced in praxis (human relations) needing and caring about our relationships most fundamentally.

de Beauvoir, Sarte and Che Guevara

[Obligatory] Capture the feminist movement from its world wide apex in the Marxist Simone de Beauvoir, 1948, who had the nerve to attack European males as if they were singularly privileged in the wake of two World Wars in which millions of them were brutally expended. With her point of departure as de Beauvoir’s statement, “this utility of the housekeeper’s heaven is why she prefers the Aristotlean morality of the the golden mean, i.e., of mediocrity.”....

Abraham Maslow’s student, Betty Friedan, depicts the maximizing pursuit of self actualization as necessary to women’s liberation; and in accordance to Maslow’s lineal hierarchy, that any achievements by men would follow from their satisfaction on basic levels, no sacrifice or overcompensating for deprivation. At the same time it takes for granted what advantages that females have on the basic and mid-range of “the hierarchy of needs” ... it does great damage to Aristotle’s profoundly important observation that humans are evolved for Optimal, not Maximal need satisfaction; and the implication for a circulating concern in systemic homeostasis of optimal levels of need satisfaction; furthermore, in flouting Aristotle, it shuns the concern for relational complementarity, e.g., in niche complementarity, if a woman is not strictly bound there, she might choose and enjoy being “a house keeper”, in complement to her husband, with time to look after some of the fundamentals of a smooth running society, at the PTA and so on…

[Prohibited] Still, with the Vietnam war raging and draft still in effect, it was a bit too obvious that being a White male was not a strict privilege across the board. “High grumbles” coming from women, expressing the “need” for the top of the heirarchy of needs would be particularly offensive to men who could scarcely articulate [Prohibited] their “Low grumbles” for the basics on the hierarchy of needs.

[Legitimate] But while black men were also drafted and serving in Vietnam, amplification of the black power movement and civil rights for blacks (Katzenbach) went full speed ahead.

It is interesting to note that just as the controlled feminist movement was incommensurate with White men, as feminists sought the top of the hierarhcy while White men sought the bottom, so too was black civil rights and power incommensurate - as their civil rights sought ordinary level participation and “dignity” (compare that in awkward contrast to the weird organicism of the white hippy motive for fundamental organic being); and black power, which sought the top of the hierarchy in extreme, militant form.

[Legitimate] It was also legitimate to go full speed ahead with the Frankfurt’s school’s subversion of The (White male) Authoritarian Personality with the concept of “free love” and polymorphous perversion (Marcuse extrapolating Freud) - free love is anathema to the organic motive of Being (Dasein) and Being among our people (Midtdasein) for White males. As you’ve got men from all parts vying for your would be natural partners and no protection to them being there for you unexploited or jaded, when the meandering of your being comes ripe to maturity for marriage.

It is particularly irritating thus, when the hippies motive as being about “free love”, when, in fact, that was Marcuse’s motive in high antagonism to White male Being amidst their people.

[Obligatory] Obfuscate and re-direct these incipient movements which are corrective for White/European social systemic homeostasis following World War II. 

As America was particularly war weary and the Vietnam War was particularly unpopular, ripe to stimulate a re-thinking and corrective to concerns for midtdasein (White social systemic homeostasis).

[Obligatory] Control opposition to unpopular war with SDS (Jewish led “Students for a Democratic Society”).

[Obligatory] Obfuscate the organic motive of White men for Dasein and Midtdasein (expressed in the hippie movement, i.e., for the Being (Daesin) and Being amidst our people (MidtDasein) of White men as opposed to the Tradition of being considered so intrinsically valueless as a male as to be subject to draft into a speculative war far removed from clear and immanent danger to our people.

[Legitimate] Allow for some outlet for expression of this protest (for organic Being for White men) and relief thereof while the Vietnam War is going on.

[Prohibited] Do not allow it articulation as an incipient White male movement; not even so much expression as a men’s rights on pain of stigmatic violation, invoking not only the Traditional trajectory of Masculinity, i.e., toward the top of the “heirarchy of motives”, but also stigma to masculinity for turning away from the American dream of “being-all-you can be” as an individual in your human potential; no thought is to be given as to how that quest might impact White social systemic homeostasis, perhaps become toxic, causing [Reflexive Effect] of social aberration, even rupture it to runaway.

Do not allow it to go too far in violation of Traditional stigma where it would, in defiance of that stigma by contrast, pursue and satisfy its “low grumbles” on the Maslowian hierarchy and Turn into a White social systemic corrective to achieve authentic existential balance of White manhood and peoplehood (White social systemic homeostasis); by contrast to the estrangement of the right wing’s Universal Maturity”, which is more easily directed away from White interests and for the group interests of others.

[Legitimate] As the Vietnam war and the draft ends, obvious doubts about alleged White male privilege are more easily set aside, feminism in PC coalition with blacks and other groups arrayed in critique against White men are stepped-up through the 1970’s, 1980’s into the 1990’s.

Meanwhile, the controlled opposition of Paleoconservatism is ushered in with Frank Meyer’s protege, Ronald Reagan. Along with Pat Buchanan, Joe Sobran, Sam Francis and the Jewish Paul Gottfried, they offer only weak opposition to liberalism, conserving liberalism as the fusionism of paleoconservatism does.

Reagonomics moved (((the invisible hand))) of Austrian school economics through boom/bust cycles to the increasing power of Jewry…

With Jewry having effectively placated White conservative corrective by the 90’s (effectively conserving liberalism instead), there was a Reflexive Effect of preparedness to exercise greater influence over American foreign policy in Jewish interests, specifically to deploy American military to more offensive strategy for its Zionist aims ...

Neo-Conservatism was drawn into the forefront to hoodwink Americans, especially Christian Zionists, into wars to secure the realm around Israel - regime change to Israel compliant regimes in the nations around Israel - Operation Clean Break/Project for a New American Century).

[Legitimate] Hypnotize a David McGowan with the idea for a best seller, that (to paraphrase) ‘the hippie movement was all a contrivance of the military industrial complex to turn off the mainstream anti-war movement through representation of it by dirty hippies, that there was no organic motive to it (as if it was not an organic motive to not want to be drafted to die in a foolish war on behalf of greedy corporations). Anything, even a stupid idea like that, is considered legitimate compared to allowing White men corrective being (Dasein/ MidtDasein), organization and discrimination on racial grounds - anything but a White Post Modern Turn in contrast to the Tradition of Cartesian, Objectivist estrangement (conserving liberalism) for White men.

Episode [Ep] 2008 Financial Bust

Inevitable reactions [Reflexive Effect] to the PC and Randian onslaught on White men, growing awareness that this is Jewish steered activism - the Jewish controlled opposition of the Neo “Conservatives” being blatant - and further awareness that it was beginning to intersect against their own conservative Jewish interests grew as the boom/ bust cycle culminated in the 2008 financial crisis - when Jewish niche power and influence achieved its greatest hegemony, bringing with it a major intersectional problem from their culture of critique and the Reflexive Need for damage control and a re-tooled controlled opposition.

Enter The Alternative Right.

[Reflexive Reversal]

With the 2008 financial bust Jewry cleaned up and ascended to greater hegemony than ever in its niche power positions; to present themselves as the underdogs was more difficult [Reflexive Reversal] and they become frantic to do damage control and stave off revenge; they need to foster the right wing narrative that their achievements were objectively merited (as opposed to nepotistic) and identify “The Left”, particularly its organizational capacity against those in power, as “The enemy.” They need Whites in power and aspirants as such, to identify with them in a new kind of Right, and Alternative Right (a big tent including and going beyond Paleoconservatism as it were) objectively merited beyond social accountability against “The Left” - marketing an anthropomorphized characterology of it as “unnatural, against science, objective truth and morality” etc (as if something “leftist” like a hypothesis doesn’t have a certain momentary detachment from empirical testing, which can then be subject to testing against the veracity of science, nature, truth and the corrections of morality in the social realm).

They had to capture and control a new generation of reactionaries, those reacting to Political Correcteness (anti-White unions and coalitions) and NeoConservatism’s marshaling of U.S. military for Israeli interests.

As a result of the Implicative Force of Jewish steered Modernity/Liberalism and the Left unionizations and coalitions it had previously extolled and marshaled for this end of overthrowing White power, these left organized social unionization and their critiques are no longer “needed”/wanted by Jewry to be quite so thorough, especially not as they intersect with Jewish interests and may be used conceptually (including by Whites) against their hegemony and traitors in tow, whether right wing or liberal.

While Jewry always had Altercast White identity and interest advocacy as “Right” and “Far Right” in order to get them to react into rigid, socially disorganizing and stigmatizing objectivist rule structures above or beyond the social correctability of praxis, it became imperative for the new hegemony for Jewry to [Altercast Right of Display] of animus toward “The Left.” With that concern, Paul Gottfried saw the need to call for a revised paleoconservatism, 2.0, an “alternative right.”

The great concern being that if Whites gained a sense that beneath the concept of the left is unionization, not “equality”, that Whites would unionize (ultimately ethnonationally), organize their power and see who is on top and oppressing them - the YKW from their biopatterns and power niches in tandem with right wing sell outs and liberals taking the license offered of objectivism (“that’s just the way it is” ...little or no social account to broader implications and impact).

[Regulative Rule]

Maintain paradox to mystify potential White organization - construe the left as liberalism (unionization conserves, it is not liberal).

Wave the red cape (straw man) for White reactionaries to chase after, of the left being about an unrealistic quest for “equality”, misdirecting them and making them look bad at once, as they are pitted “against equality.” ...(as opposed to negotiating niche complementary of commensurability and incommensurate qualities within and between groups, which could provide means for amicable coordination as opposed to false, symmetrical comparisons which abet disrespect, conflict and reciprocally escalating diatribe).

Maintain this ambiguity further with other misrepresentations of group and marginal advocacy as liberalization of White bounds, by proffering utterly bizarre candidates to scab would be unionization - wave the rainbow flag for these bulls to chase after, trans-sexuals, 57 genders to distort would-be correctives to overly and unnaturally rigid gender assignments, univeralisms ill-fitting for particular races, including White - to underscore the promotion of the stereotype that “The Left” is not dealing with reality and “not dealing with nature.” ...when, n fact, working hypotheses are a normal part of empirical inquiry, subject to verification. A social group, a race, [Alternative Range of Functional Autonomy] among gender assignments are minimally speculative working hypothesis as such.

Autobiography Number 2 Promoted by Jewry: While they have always wielded this autobiography as well, as of 2008 it became amplified. Deny intersectionality of “leftist” critique of supremacism, imperialism, nepotism (e.g., at Harvard) and toxic ethnocentrism, promote the story that Jews and others are on top because of Objective merit and that “THE” Left is the problem; point to the way in which Jewish academia misrepresented advocacy, group and individual, and say this represents “The Left”, so that Whites who fancy themselves objective, who are comfortable with the Altercast anti-social identity as Right Wing, will be primed to join them through pay off, enticed by license (licentiousness, if you will), and finally intermarriage against any would-be ethnonational unionization and coalition to threaten their power, all the more hegemonic since 2008.

Reflexive Effect: The Alternative Right is sufficiently disorganized for its right wing, anti social litmus test - [Regulative Rule for Inclusion - some stigmatic, anti-social position] - that it makes it hard to counter and control its sniping, now that it has served its function to help get Trump elected so that he could un-do the Iran Deal.

Enlist TRS to Market (((Madison Ave. memes))) to gain adherents against “the left” and to the right, displaying anti-Semitism with vulgar impunity in order to gain control of the reaction, encourage Richard Spencer (a protege inheritor of Gottfried and Francis’s Paleoconservatim with the Alt-Right) to dog whistle Nazism: Enoch starts straight-arm salutes, Richard, “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory…over the lugenpresser…we’re going to party like it’s 1933”...etc.

Reflexive Need: “Unite The Right” ...

Reflexive Effect: effectively ends the credibility and effectiveness of the brand name.

Reflexive Need: Maintain White disorganization and reactionary rigidity by proposing a re-branding - e.g., “Dissident Right.”

Wage War by Deception:

A C.M.M. rules based analysis of White identity Altercast as right wing against THE left in order to rupture White social social systemic homeostasis.

Rupturing White Social Systemic Homeostasis through Altercasting as Right, doubled down as such in reaction against THE Left, Didactic Misrepresentation thereof - Social group advocacy as strictly anti White.

A rules based* analysis of anti-social altercasting, incitement through didactic misrepresentation and distortion of social group advocacy.

Anti-social rigidity, inherently unstable bereft the correctability of praxis as they cling white knuckle after perceived pure warrant beyond Jewish rhetoric and casuistry, only more ready for rash, headlong misdirection into destruction.

Misrepresent the anti Cartesian means of social systemic homeostasis.

Moral Order: Christianity, inspired by Abrahamic god beyond nature, misdirect Whites with golden rule of obsequious self sacrifice; disruption of cause and effect. Altercast non-Jews as “Gentiles”, the ever more undifferentiated (de-unionized as a racial group) other.

Hermeneutics - misrepresent as anti science and trivial flight of fancy rather than a necessary means for coherence and authenticity despite Cartesian estrangement and arbitrariness.

Social Constructionism: misrepresent it as solipsism, that one can make of themselves and events what they want; when in reality, that kind of “pure agency” would be Cartesian in the way that social constructionism was meant to cure; social constructionism is meant to centralize our attention through the praxis of our social group, our interrelatedness, indebtedness and accountability to our people - where you CANNOT just make of yourself and events whatever you merely wish/want.

The left: Misrepresent as liberalism and a quest for universal equality, anti nature and anti reality…when, in fact, it is about unionization of the broad people against would be elite abuse and rank and file betrayal as well. National and ethnonational boundaries are perfectly analogous to “union.”

Hence, Whites would be well served by ethnonational unionization of our relative interests (viz. as white left ethnonationalists: the white class) not a defense of mere, objective truths.

Human Bio-Diversity: misrepresent what should be a concern for the horizontal, qualitative diversity of niche evolution, its potential for coordinating coalition building on the basis of respect for divergent necessary functions of in favor of a lateral concern for I.Q. - to serve elitist Ashkenazi interests - precipitating false comparisons, disrespect and conflict.

Post Modernity: a means to negotiate and maintain groups of peoples through modernity’s narcissistic oblivion to differences (and penchant to run rough-shod over them in “service of progress to universal foundations”) and also the means to coordinate/negotiate inherited forms and traditions, maintaining them where helpful, leaving them behind where not, coordinating with the differing, sometimes antagonistic traditions of other groups. This necessary Post Modern Coordination is instead misrepresented as ironic, hyper relative da-da nonsense - really a hyper modernity to divert Whites from necessary understanding of post modernity for their social systemic homeostasis.

Multiculturalism =  monoculuralism.

Diversity = integration and blending of peoples.

Marginals to be included: means Not our own marginals, those just within our (would-be) union boundaries, who are of good will to our people, who can provide valuable perspective and feedback on the system, what is necessary for its maintenance, knowing acutely where the shoe pinches - or more nobly, acting as centurions as it were, on the frontier of where the systemic boundaries are encroached - but rather “marginals” become a weaponized notion of sympathy for those outside or of bad will to our systemic union, potential scabs to be included can see how a mere, brutal, right wing laws-of-nature-position toward these people (i.e., our own marginals), rather than reaching out to them, would fail to rally popular support and thus be encouraged in the war of deception.

*  It is important to understand that when we talk about rules that we are more interpretive/descriptive in attempting to ascertain and analyze the logics of meaning and action at work in interaction, particularly group pattern interaction, though of course we might hope to draw some prescriptive implications as well.

Where does my learning & warrant to give advice come from? “Your father is a nigger” and other tales

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 17 June 2019 11:33.

My advice is to treat everything you have learned in higher education exactly as you treat everything you have learned from Christian teaching, excepting only that, knowing of it, one might investigate the damage that it has visited upon the life of our race.  It is useful to analysis.  But do not seek to re-interpret and apply any part of it creatively to the European existential question.  The philosophy of our peoples’ life has not yet been written. - Guessedworker

My learning comes not from what was then called “The Tower Library” when I first came there, renamed the W.E.B. Dubois Library after the Mulatto Marxist, at the demand of liberally protesting students, which included classmates of mine (I rather wound up hoping that the library would tip over and fall onto our department’s Machmer hall which was right near the library to one side below).

In this bit of recent “advice” from GW, I find some exoneration for the vitriol and rebuke that I’ve visited upon him - starting when some tipping point was reached in his dismissiveness. I already had strong reason to believe that politeness and respect would not work to stop him from trying to minimize, misrepresent, dismiss and bury what I’ve brought to bear. But that statement confirms it for me.

And with it, that there are total inaccuracies in his concept of where what I’ve learned comes from. Inaccuracies that suit the stereotyping of his autobiography.

I have called attention to a feature of GW’s autobiography - the non-academic David who is going to singularly slay the entirety of the academic Goliath, preparing the ground for his foundational and comprehensive world view of the requirements of European peoples - an utterly grandiose aspect of his autobiography that was formed in reaction to YKW academic abuses of social organization and advocacy.

As I have explained, I am very sympathetic to this and, in fact, returned to graduate school for the purpose of defending White men in response - my thinking at the time, that it would be from an approach of scientific foundation - the very word “pragmatism” was repulsive to me and it took Pearce’s calm and sympathetic advice that I did not like mere pragmatism, to calm me down. He added, that we are pragmatists because we have to be. If you follow the pragmatist line of reasoning to its conclusion, even our ideals and our pursuit of our depths are pragmatic - though it is not my purpose to defend the pragmatists but rather to illustrate where I was coming from and how I was helped around. I believe Pearce’s teaching would hold that pragmatism, literally, would be short on prefigurative force, if not contextual or implicative force, where perhaps it should not be over emphasizing practical force, practically speaking.

To negotiate the post modern condition, he and his colleagues, along with grad students, would focus on the need to manage coherence, coordination and mystery. Coordination would be the feature that would require a more basic, universal language to negotiate.

GW said that I made the wrong choice to not follow up foundational science. GW is wrong. While it is good and necessary for some of our people to study cognitive science, that is not what our advocacy and its philosophical underpinnings most require at this point - we’re under attack psychologically, yes, but our concerns are deeper than that, we need more of a social perspective to look at the deepest problems, as we are under attack as a species, group system, a race - largely a matter of social classification as Pearce would show:

W. Barnett Pearce

Sexists, racists, and other classes of classifiers: Form and function of “...Ist” accusations

by Julia T. Wood and W. Barnett Pearce

An “. . . ist” accusation indicts an individual as a racist, sexist, or other “. . . ist” whose thoughts and/or acts discriminate on the basis of class membership. The self‐reflexively paradoxical structure of “. . . ist” accusations precludes refutation, but response is possible. Pragmatic and moral implications of alternative responses to “. . . ist” accusations are evaluated.

Quarterly Journal of Speech, Volume 66, 1980 - Issue 3. Brief provided by Taylor & Francis Online

In late 1989, I wrote to W. Barnett Pearce to discuss his work and how it might resolve problems that I was struggling with. Noting my struggles with accusations of ‘racism’ and ‘sexism’ - and having compassion! - he sent me this article, so on target and deft in the manner which it handled my concerns, that it demonstrated unequivocally that his was a discipline that I needed to be apprised of. Indeed, this article provided two of the most important clues for my WN advocacy. The first being that ‘race’ is (in an important regard) a matter of classification - at very least being treated as such by people who mattered, particularly by our foes, but also by our people, where they know what is good and necessary for them. Secondly, as the blurb above hints at, our antagonists can always shift its paradoxical structure to their anti-White agenda:

Viz., if you say, “no, I don’t discriminate based on race, sex, etc., I judge everyone on their individual merit”, then they can charge you with being disingenuous, willfully ignoring “the long history of discrimination, oppression and exploitation of these groups.”  But then, on the other hand, if you take the measure of saying, “ok, lets take that into account and use, say, affirmative action to help these groups into positions in which they are under-represented”, then you are classifying and discriminating thereupon, hence a racist by definition.

Along with that article, Pearce sent me another one regarding The Problematic Practices of Feminism: An Interpretive Critical Analysis, Communications Quarterly, 1984, with Sharon M. Rossi - which I found ironic, that being the exact name (same year as well) of the girlfriend of mine who drove me to psychic melt-down.

Anyway, the (very helpful) gist of that article, which I’ve noted several times before, is that within the context of liberal feminism, even a well intentioned man can always be put into the wrong:

You can always be treated as either a wimp or a pig, no matter what you do as a man.

If you try to treat her with deference, gentleness, help and respect, then you can be looked upon as a wimp and a condescending patriarch who does not respect her strength, agency and autonomy.

On the other hand, if you treat her as one of the boys, respecting her toughness and autonomy, then you can be looked upon as a pig, a male chauvinist pig, not respecting the special quality of her gender, but rather a male chauvinist pig, projecting the hegemony of your patriarchical world view over all and everyone.

* Note: while Pearce had compassion on me for what he might deem as unfair overcompensation on behalf of people of color, neither he nor his colleagues should be construed as “racists” nor endorsing my political activism and philosophical positions across the board - that would absolutely not be true.

And part of the problem of GW’s mis-assessement also stems from a STEM mentality, a predilection that he shares with Bowery, a predilection that essentially wishes that engineering, science and philosophy were practically the same endeavors. Not so much need for the “ought” corrections of the social world, we primarily need to find and describe what is, single out and fix any broken link. Compounding problems of STEM type predilections, is the head start this perspective has had through the internet, a STEM created medium to begin, amplifying this perspective (already amplified, as it tends to pay in the market, while social concern, not necessarily).

But it’s worse than that in terms of any concern for holistic philosophy and advocacy.

GW’s situation both as an ensconced Englishman and boomer who derived some benefit - economic and the satisfaction of free enterprise - from the other side of the controlled opposition from cultural Marxism - viz. some sort of “objectivism” - contributes to a confirmation bias that independent success of individuals and nations is basically a matter of freedom from all that superfluous and unnatural social advocacy stuff - which from his perspective on Jewish laden academia, is seen as possibly serving only liberalism and misdirecting notions of choice, where English emergence is the only legitimate default.

And it is worse still than that in terms of holistic, systemic philosophy in advocacy of our homeostasis, its recovery.

My learning comes not from visiting lecturers to the campus, Cornell West and the S.P.L.C.‘s Morris Dees - who spoke of his case to bankrupt Metzger for “vicarious liability” ..lectures brought on by the university to quell racial tensions being raised by I can’t imagine the likes of whom.

The luxury (compared to American Whites) of being able to say with stronger conviction, “here in my ancient homeland, with my people”, has afforded more confidence to double down on his STEM predilection and patch up a modernist, “natural” reaction (Modernity is also largely STEM in origin) to abuses of post modernism - and, he has received support in this reaction from other groups in reaction, groups that I’ve ousted from this platform and who, therefore, seek to bury the world view that I advance.

This has given GW more confidence than he should have in a modernist philosophy and a wildly inaccurate and disrespectful disposition toward what I bring to bear. Spontaneous reactions were brought out in me - in moments when I finally could not believe that he would stop trying to mute, minimize if not dismiss what I was bringing to bear.

Disconcerting though my spontaneous eruptions may have been to a tipping point in the level of utter disrespect for what I’d brought to bear by the very host of the site, I’ve taken solace in the fact that I was asked to take the site in a direction that I saw fit. I had and still have confidence that is fine for several reasons.

Through experience, I’ve come up with a philosophical framework to form the basis of advocacy for European peoples in coordination with other peoples and natural systems.

A major feature of my platform which gives me confidence is that it holds up and makes sense consistently of what is going on.

Despite that, another aspect that gives me confidence in my position is the fact that the notion of “correctability” - i.e., Praxis takes us into engagement with the input of others, where it is not only welcome - it is a built in requirement (particularly where it mirrors good will toward our group interests). This is “my ownmost innocence”, to turn Heidegger on his head for a moment.

Some people will try to say that because this platform rejects, for the most part, Christianity, Nazism, Jewish input, scientism (a susceptibility not only of modernists, but also neo trad types - incl. women who see beta males everywhere and see them as dead wood who need to be killed off) and wild conspiracy theories, that I am not open to input. That’s not true. These positions are rejected for what should be obvious reasons for those interested in fostering the interests of European peoples. And they have other places to go, whereas a WN platform that rejects these things exists only at Majorityrights.

My learning comes not from W.E.B. Dubois’s mulatto supremacism, which proposed that an African American “feminine man” who, in joining with the more “masculine” Teutonic would produce a common human/American civilization by a racial division of labor.”

But what many of those adhering to these world views have in common and have in common with GW, I believe, is that they are reacting to Jewish abuse - academia being the generating house of misrepresentations, gross distortions in theory of social organization and advocacy, which has become more and more blatantly anti-White social advocacy (it was blatant even thirty years ago).

I have called attention to GW’s autobiography, a significant part of which was formed in reaction to YKW academic abuses of social organization and advocacy.

I understand his reaction, as I have said, I went back to academia with the intent of pursuing a graduate career in defense of White men, not for any mere practical reason, but on the basis of foundational science.

GW said that I made the wrong choice to not follow up foundational science, and GW is wrong. While it is good and necessary for some of our people to study cognitive science, that is not what our advocacy and its philosophical underpinnings most require at this point - we are under attack psychologically, yes, but our concerns are deeper than that, we need more of a social perspective to look at the deepest problems, because we are under attack as a species, a group system, a race.

Now let me revisiit GW’s statment:

My advice is to treat everything you have learned in higher education exactly as you treat everything you have learned from Christian teaching, excepting only that, knowing of it, one might investigate the damage that it has visited upon the life of our race.  It is useful to analysis.  But do not seek to re-interpret and apply any part of it creatively to the European existential question. The philosophy of our peoples’ life has not yet been written.

While I can’t presume that his misrepresentation of where my knowledge comes from doesn’t come from the bad will of his business competitor world-view and/or the other antagonistic world views that spur him on, lets give him the benefit of the doubt for a moment and presume it is sheer misunderstanding - I will clear away the inaccuracies in his concept of where what I’ve learned comes from.

I spent the first three decades of my life learning from experience what it was like to be antagonized as a White man, without the backing of a particular group, not Italian, not Polish and certainly not as an English man in England. What I’m saying is that my racial circumstance was even more radical in its existential circumstance and requirement - the absolute need to understand what is requisite.


My undergraduate major was Fine Art, so even though my academic requirements at Tufts were comparatively minimal, happily for me, since that’s all that I could cope with, what Jewish influence there would not be heavily enmeshed in by me - again, because I could not process the liberalism that was only gaining in America at that time - given only ostensible reprieve by Reagan’s (((paleoconservatism))) - my response to liberalism and its advocacy in that moment was to take on a semblance of identity politics in Theory of Soviet Foreign Policy with an adviser to President Reagan (viz., with a non-Jewish expert on Soviet / Polish relations; true, the texts were (((Adam Ulam and Dimitri Simes))) but what was I going to do with this information anyway?); I took religion courses for my social requirements, trying to practice pure Christianity, but fortunately these courses planted the seeds that the bible might not exactly be the word of god, but the work of many all too human hands, and it was a phase that I would totally throw off once the stress of university was over.

Christianity had been the basic recourse that my family had shown me in response to liberalism (though it was not discussed, just go to church and Sunday school and shut up).

With the pain of the utter communicological confusion of my family and of that society, art, including the beauty of White women, was my first recourse in terms of sustaining motivation. Then when I realized in my undergraduate career that that was not going to be sufficient for a man trying to cope with the liberal world, I fell back on Christian religion to cope with my undergraduate academic years. I got through while embarrassing myself trying to defend that stupid religion against people with vastly superior resources to me. But to give myself credit, I did learn that it was not THE moral order and I moved on.

A major lesson I learned from academia was what a burden it was to be told what I was required to read. Once I graduated, it was a great moment of liberation - I not only had a key to learning, through erudition, but now I could read what I wanted and needed.

And I would later learn that without the solid guidance that a scholar can provide, that there could be a lot of wasted time reading material that was off the mark of what would be most incisively helpful.

So my field of inquiry and learning moved inefficiently from art, to religion and… the first subject matter that I started reading outside of university on my own was, of course, psychology. Carl Jung was first. Then some Jews, yes, Freud and Gestalt (Fritz Perls), Rollo May, most of it not very helpful but at least suggesting that there could be some empirical anchoring, means to self advocacy and guidance.

Then a truer learning experience as I read along these things at work, my first girlfriend, who would fly off the handle screaming at the suggestion that maybe she didn’t need to scream at me, that I was a nice guy, willing to work things out, despite the fact that I had a family that screamed at me (among other communicological pathologies), so I didn’t need more of it.

This caused me to see a psychologist as Sharon was a bitch (by her own admission and words) who was going to help inspire me by destroying my mind. In fact, when she sensed that I would be quite content to break up with her, she reappeared at my desk with hands clasped in a plea that I not break up with her - so she could really lower the boom and finish my mind off, so I would find.

I needed the psychologist very badly in order to try to keep it together.

During these few years in the mid 80’s, I gleaned a little something from Heidegger and took his advice, as I’d said, to put my perspective into a historical time line and this was when I began my critical revision of the Maslowian Hierarchy, seeing the significance of the hippies in relation to feminism, Maslow’s story of Actualization and its negative implication of modernity and the systemic runaway of the American project - a rupturing of the first and most essentially human perspective, social systemic homeostasis; and how this (((American story))) of ‘being all you could be in individual human potential in the land of opportunity’ was opposed to Aristotelian Actualization and its emphasis on optimality and human nature, to be augmented with a post modern furthering of his emphasis on the difference of praxis (social world) and its requirements in circulating inquiry of phronesis (practical judgment).

I’m getting a little ahead of myself.



Coordination needs both concepts: Universal Comparability/Particular Incommensurablity of Interests

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 15 June 2019 09:30.

Both are necessary for coordination of interests between people, but incommensurabilty is the more important idea - White Post Modern idea - to have people understand now in order to overcome the ravages of modernity’s emphasis as it instigates narcissistic comparison.

It occurs to me that a snag in regard to getting Whites on board with the concept of White Post Modernity has to do with the charge of there being “no moral standards, let alone universal standards” by which to compare cultures and people - hence the infamous hyper-cultural-relativism, the no-account mishmash, “ironic” da-da of the YKW promoted notion of “post modernity” - a shallow, demeaning and destructive thing indeed.

Like so many disputes, however, this one occurs as a result of misunderstandings on a taken-for-granted level. That is, I took for granted my understanding that there is a level of comparison which is universal and necessary to coordination, but did not emphasize it; so the taken for granted of others, that “post modernity” admits of no standards of comparison was probably being presumed of my discussion of White post modernity as well.

To protect the discreetness of peoples and cultures against the universalizing ravages of modernity - of which anti-racism and the prejudice against prejudice are instrumental - I have drawn attention to the fact that people and cultures may be qualitatively different, evolved for niche functions that are quite adequate within their niche, the “paradigm” that is their human ecology within human and pervasive ecology more broadly.

White Post Modernity is drawing on Thomas Khun’s* Structure of Scientific Revolutions to sensitize our people to differences that make a difference because overcoming modernity’s universalizing blender, particularly as it is weaponized against us by YKW, is by far our most urgent need.

Particularly when they’ve got Whites reacting to the abuses of “post modernity” by rendering of false, obnoxious and insulting quantifying comparisons, “against equality”, between niches and groups of people, which can unnecessarily generate conflict and disorganization, not only against non-Whites but also among Whites, it’s been important to emphasize the concept of commensurability/ incommensurability:

That is, you aren’t especially asking whether a person or group is universally and quantifiably better or worse, but rather whether their rule structures mesh and harmonize in a systemic position or whether they conflict; whether they qualitatively fit somewhere within a group system; and if not in your group system, which group system? (by inference, if they do not fit in any group system, but destroy them all, you begin looking at them as a threat of ecological runaway - potential cataclysm, a universalizing cataclysm that does not respect important differences).

However, in the emphasis of this important point to facilitate the advocacy of the difference of our distinction by its best, most broadly acceptable means, I may have not emphasized enough the idea that the concept of White Post Modernity draws a distinction between incommensurability and incomparability.

Just because systems are incommensurable does not necessarily mean that you cannot compare them on at least some primitive levels.

Comparability and InComrability would be the universal paradigm by which we could discern and compare interests that would be moral concerns legitimate to any people.

This is very important because this universal language would allow us to coordinate our differences and our interests in maintaining our human species, i.e., between those people who are not so egregious as to advocate the destruction of our species, our differences.

However, when talking about “depth and shallowness”, we must not get caught in modernist linearity of comparability being “the” deepest philosophical concern. Our similarities are a less critical matter at this point whereas the concern of our differences is crucial.

Incommensurabilty and commensurability are the differences that make a profound difference among groups and between them on a level of human and pervasive ecology. This is at least as deep a philosophical concern, perhaps deeper, but certainly it is a criteria that we must emphasize now - not just our universal similarities.

Comparabilities can be arrived-at fairly easily as a result of the internal relation of our co-evolutions (plural, deliberate).

However, the differences may be more difficult to discern (and uphold for the broad system they are a part of being beyond ready purview) and where not difficult to discern, may be stigmatic to articulate and act upon as a result of anti-racism, the weaponization of modernity’s universalizing, objectivist prejudice against prejudice.

And to overcome the universalizing narcissism of modernity and the destruction that may result for its blindness or oblivion to important differences between people, its disregard of differences that can result in their destruction, their using similar universalizing disregard of our differences (“deep down we’re all the same”) resulting in our destruction, or blow back against us for our naive/narcissistic oblivion to important differences which will not simply be put asunder, coordination between groups also requires that we promulgate the concept of commensurability/incommensurability, not only comparability/incomparability.

* I am aware that Khun was ((())).

Correcting Molyneux and Parrott on the place of objectivity, Whites and the necessary source of war

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 05 June 2019 06:00.

Over valuation of objectivity and its attendant rational blindness.

Stefan Molyneux@StefanMolyneux: If you promote multiculturalism

Without promoting objective rationality

You set the stage

For civil war

@MatthewParrott: “Objectivity” is just a euphemism for what smart white males generally agree on. It doesn’t exist where we don’t exist, and is not somehow integral to the universe or something. You’re arguing for white supremacy.

@StefanMolyneux Replying to @MatthewParrott @contrastatist: Hahaha

@daniel.sienkiewicz (Majorityrights): I don’t quite agree with Matt either. While the quest for objectivity, valuation of impartiality for the solid warrant of findings based on tests irrespective of prejudice and aversion does not really exist apart from people (and their interests, thus it does not exist purely) and Whites are evolved to value it more than others (evolved more to take on Augustinian, i.e., natural, non-human challenges), and it does yield science and tech marvels, the power that goes along with it, it is a predilection that leaves us somewhat naive for the rational blindness it requires, thus susceptible to systemic dissolution (not necessarily superior then), as the quest of objectivity is virtually the opposite of prejudice against peoples and aversion (to creatures, things, physical, systemic consequences) - to people who perhaps warrant prejudicial treatment; creatures, things, physical and systemic consequences that may warrant aversion.

If objectivity is part and parcel of White supremacy as it is according to Matt, he might observe that it is also part and parcel of White degeneracy and systemic dissolution.

White supremacy is certainly not an objective claim. But to be at our best and reconstruct our social systemic homeostasis against those groups more unabashedly self interested (evolved more in conflict with other peoples rather than nature), thus willing to take advantage of us, as e.g., Africans might, to the point of manichean trickery even, as e.g., Muslims and YKW might, Whites must sufficiently overcome this prejudice against prejudice. That, in order to be accountable to our own group, human ecology, which will allow us in turn to coordinate accountability with other groups, e.g. African and Middle Eastern, and pervasive ecology.     

Rather, quest for objectivity is virtually the opposite of prejudice - it is prejudice against prejudice. Quest for objectivity - pure warrants above or within nature, below human nature - is virtually the opposite of social accountability, a “that’s-just-the-way-it-isness” as such, which paves the way for war.

Objectivity is a tool the findings of which are to provide feedback to be gauged against the calibration of our relative interests as a group system and that of other group systems and systems broadly.

Nominations for the Sacred. Responsibility meriting consecration in new religion of European peoples

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 14 May 2019 05:11.

Nominations for the Sacred…

What responsibilities merit consecration in a new religion for European peoples?

While we can maintain unflinchingly that religions are formed between people and not from divine revelation, it is clear that we need a religion in the sense of the semi-transcendent capacity to connect with the patterns of our time in memorial and systemic excellence as a people, in genus and species, with reverence in episodic enactments to help lift us to that realm, beyond demoralization, the uninspiring defectiveness of a large percentage of our people, and the clear imperfection of even those who are excellent, on balance; to guide the relative interests of our people and our patterns as its specific and primary concern, as opposed to the rational blindness of maintained objectivism’s disinterest, the naivete and narcissism of its sheer modernist universalizing, oblivious to the intransigence with which other peoples will thereby take advantage of us, abiding by their traditions and inherited ways, looking after theirs and claiming the moral high ground, connection to sacrament, the means to handle sex and marriage “justly”, while flouting the demoralizing upshot of our secularized modernist fall-out - where not seduced and wrecked by modernity themselves. The question then arises what forms and ways are our responsibility to treat religiously?

While the YKW’s media control goes back (J.B.) much further than the days of broadcast media but has in fact tyrannized the west with threats of hell and damnation, claiming with that their mono god as provider of THE moral order, the truth is that there are other moral orders, better, more appropriate moral orders (if you can call Christianity moral, which I would not) for Whites and that moral orders among people are unavoidable at least in some rudimentary form - there will always be some acts that are Prohibited, some that are Obligatory and some that are Legitimate. Better that they be explicit and deliberate, while not so elaborate as to inhibit the authentic human freedom that they should facilitate.

We may be assured that Hermeneutics is the very European vehicle which lifts us above the arbitrary and contradictory of what is merely apparent in the empirical realm in momentary and episodic evaluation, facilitating the liberation from mere facticity, allowing us to be free from the tangled, contradictory, overly limiting or runaway logics, freeing us of no-account scientism, brute might-makes-right arguments among other such nonsense, while indeed facilitating the return to empirical verification as need be - thus, also freeing us from speculative nonsense which is of no account to the union of our people. It is the means to bring us back from Cartesian detachment and estrangement - whether held to be beyond nature or in natural fallacy below human nature - but rather into the authentic being, heeding the anti-Cartesian prompt to re-engagement and holding fast, Dasein (there-being) and MidtDasein (there-being amidst your people).

And in hermeneutics we might engage the wisdom of the language, its etymology in a couple of key instances.

Our systemic dissolution as a distinct people is a result of liberalism, whether induced from our own or imposed upon us more forcibly.

Here a play on the word deliberate works nicely in two senses. In the “de” of de-liberate, we are freeing ourselves from the unaccountability of liberal transgression by its arbitrary pseudo objectivity; and secondly we are deliberately, that is, by at least a modicum of asserted prerogative, deliberately choosing loyalty, taking advantage of the consolation of agency, but holding fast to the belief in our emergent form(s) (as GW would rightly insist), given that there is the possibility of our liberal transgression, specifically, our capacity to breed out with other races. In acknowledging consciously, with our brethren, where the important lines of unionization are to be drawn and not transgressed for pain of ostracism, we are social constructionists, if even only as to how the facts of our differences count (e.g. important to the point of sacred), but thereby facilitate not only agency and accountability, but personal and group coherence, warrant, human and pervasive ecology.

As we must take the White post modern turn away from universalism and scientism, we avail ourselves of our hemeneutic facility, to dwell on the profundity of our emergent forms as GW and Heidegger wisely insist; and to liberate us from the inauthenticity, arbitrariness and confusion of mere facticity, into the authenticity of coherence, which, again, provides for accountability, agency, warrant, human and pervasive ecology.

And we focus on a second word, re-invoking the etymology of religion, it’s implications, the “ligaments”, i.e., rules which re-attach our people to our realm, our union, through accountability. accountability to our social capital accrued and passed on through vast history and struggle.

...a social accountability and indebtedness for their abilities that liberals/right wingers want to make short shrift of in the narrow warrant of pseudo-objectivity, in the desire to believe that they are as singularly responsible for their success as conceivable…inspired in hubris to disingenuously see their good fortune in more and more Cartesian detachment from social interaction, indebtedness, construction, or naively accepting this detachment from social accountability through fatuous claims by their moral overlords of a personal relation to god that would sanction needless destruction, or “liberating” authority of “natural” law so primitive and arbitrary that it is fit only for a creature headed for rapid and deserved extinction.

And whether through hubris or reaction (often in anxious, white knuckle grasping for purely objective, unassailable warrant against vast YKW rhetorical abuse in their interests in the relative realms of praxis) as you continually detach as a first person, from second persons and more and more from you identity in the third person, going either Cartesian route, whether beyond nature in supposed communion with god and principled disinterest in human purpose, or in brute law of nature, again, to the point of disinterest in human relational concern, you become susceptible in your naivete, or disingenuous hubris, to machinations of YKW weaponization.

Thus it has come to us that we must overcome the estrangement and deliberately look into this re-attachment, the religiosity, a religious attitude toward our people, our relative interests and relative place in the world and its people - the means to coordinate with it and them while fostering ours. We deliberately pursue warranted assertability of our people’s relative interests as opposed to leaving it to the happenstance of universal objectivity - with that foolery, to the deliberate machinations and ruin by others, not so universally inclined of good will and common interest despite what their “god” might say.

Nevertheless, there will always be acts which are Prohibited, Obligatory and Legitimate; the question is, though, how do we elevate these rules to a structuring beyond the arbitrary, in protection of our pattern from the disingenuous and the naive, who would divert and rupture the relative interests of our social systemic homeostasis, our union, The White Class?

Perhaps it does begin with attention to the episode, specifically, episodes that are vital to our pattern. It is particularly important to elevate the vital moment and episode to a level of our relationships and cultural pattern in reverence for what is not always immediately apparent, as we are a people whose excellence tends to be more sublimated and subtly manifest in societal pattern - a B2 Stealth Bomber and ensuing explosions while manifesting power indeed, do not necessarily have the personal immediacy of a slam dunk or end zone dance, Jim Hendrix, Sly and the Family Stone or Thelonius Monk wailing on their instruments, the momentary istantiation of black bio-power or the tropism of high contrast taboo; the sometimes flush of beauty in other races’ or mixed race women which can have our dissuasion appear as jealousy to the young and inexperienced, rather than what it more fundamentally is - a respect for our pattern and its distinctly human kind of magnificence.

What responsibilities merit consecration in a new religion for European peoples? Nominations for the Sacred:

These issues can be nominated for vital constituents of a new religion for White people.

- The Borders and bounds of an ethnonation/people
- Ancestor Day, reverence of the ancestors.
- Sex/monogamy (as a choice which is a necessary option for group homeostasis and morale)
- The 14 Words
- Human ecology, pervasive ecology
- Our distinct kinds (genus and species).
- The optimal over the maximal; viz. the optimal sublimation of European manhood.

Reverence for these observed, ceremonial, commemorated responsibilities can tap into the hermeneutic (narrative) capacity to take the mere moment and episode to semi-transcendence to the pattern - while anybody can be said to be amazing for the fact that they manifest survival through evolution to this point, invocation of semi-transcendence is a necessity given the fact that most of our people are less than great relatively speaking and those who are better than average, are imperfect; therefore, we need semi transcendence to tap into the pattern to lift us beyond pessimism and cynicism - to tap into the broad relational, systemic, time in memorial pattern, seeing it into the future.

While it is my hope that commentators might contribute to the list of vital constituents for proposed consecration in service of European social systemic homeostasis, I realize that not endorsing Hitler, Jesus and Jews has made Majorityrights and myself outcasts of the establishment, therefore the naturally participatory and supportive will find themselves in uncomfortable circumstance.

For now, I’m going to round-out this post by cutting and pasting below the fold my remarks on MJOLNIR as it discussed the Notre Dame burning, its having brought these issues into relief…


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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 01:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

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