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(((Frame Games))) Hardens-Up and Greg Johnson Presents His Right-Wing Rear For Entryism (as does JF)

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 20 May 2018 11:58.

Greg Johnson’s Avatar

We begin with the formula for infiltration - gaining entryism into the Alt Right/and the like White-Right - with a sympathetic voice of the YKW to join-in to tell their ‘red-pill’ story, their journey into race realism.” *

...and Frame Games begins:

“I was just a regular guy”... “I’ve been on this journey” ..(let him tell you what he’s discovered, fellow travelers of the Alt Right).

...because Jews are sufficiently taken as White by Whites and non White alike, he’d like to promote the crypsis by emphasizing “a new way forward”, promoting the asking of the question: “Is it good for White people” (as opposed to criticizing others).

Mark Dyal
Mark Dyal

Naivete is nothing new for his interlocutor in this podcast, Greg Johnson - this is the man who seriously entertains Vox Day, who ardently defended Mike Enoch despite all evidence of his dishonesty, who banned me from Counter-Currents for criticizing Mark Dyal’s interloping upon White advocacy.

Greg indeed provides for (((entryism))) - a viral poz opening:

” We have to have a certain openness to the enemy camp.”

Greg’s snobbery, his elitism ensconced with right wing “objectivism”, blinds him to the susceptibility to entryism by people who can impress him intellectually and with accomplishments and money, thus allowing them to influence, if not guide the narrative that he is supposed to be “stewarding”, of the lesser folks of the White pattern he would purport to steward in paternalistic elitism.

Frame Game 28:50:

“Is it good for Whites?” (Knowing that crypsis is going to fool people, non-Whites especially ...hence in entryism, he wants to ingratiate himself with the question).

Now, in this discussion, none of my hypotheses about the right/altright/new right whatever right are disconfirmed. They are prone, as reactionaries into “objectivism” to blindness in their strained quest for pure factual, foundational warrant.

Nevertheless, in that quest they can be useful, indeed coming-up with and providing facts that are useful to our advocacy and, in their rigid focus, sometimes directing focus on matters that need critical attention - even the YKW seeking entryism can be useful, provided that you know that they are seeking to direct the narrative…

In his case, they are just doing what I’ve been saying right along, trying to maintain a controlled opposition to “the social justice warriors” (i.e., undergraduates they’ve trained, who might intersect to see just how unjust the YKW are in their hegemonic 7 niche perch) .... of the “righteously real, truthful, scientific right against the left and its ‘aversion to facts, science and reality’’s penchant for the bunk and hokum of psycho analysis and sociology ..which are all the real source of the problem” ...along with people from lower ranks seeking money from law suits against wealthy Jews for their discrimination… ....not like us right wingers, us race realists, who love objective truth, science, and unequal merticocracy, as it were, now that the YKW are on top of the 7 niches….

Vox Day, of team Milo

With that, Frame Games plays the red capes: against “multiculturalism” preparing you by default to argue for integration in paleo conservatism, viz as Christians under the Jewish control of Noahide law “huWhite people along with Jews in Western civilization ...the Jewish diaspora in which Frame Games admits he is motivated to remain ensconced with his people ... other people may spill blood to fight Islam (whom his people inflicted upon us - talk about “problem - reaction - solution”) and “Hispanics”, who right wingers have othered, mixed - sometimes only conceptually - sometimes in deliberate evil - but who they want to be the main enemy because they are not susceptible to pity the YKW, nor do they cooperate with their pet henchmen, the blacks.

36:10: To shine his pedigree, Johnson goes along with the reactionary right wing altercast, as he always has:

“Multiculturalism, it’s implicit imperialism…creates a situation where everyone’s homeless, nobody feels comfortable.”

[Of course, rather, it is integration with foreigners, not multiculturalism that does this.

Later Frame Game will make a big thing against another YKW red cape, “diversity” ...similarly as multiculturualism, diverse and marginal input from within a system would strengthen it, lend perspective and stability, while the YKW have perverted the terms to where what is diverse and marginal comes from without the system and destroys it in the name of “diversity is our strength”...but the Frame Game will have you arguing against “the diversity business’ ... he doesn’t so much want to allow for qualitative inputs from within the system but rather to argue for unequal quantification of the Jewish/White hybrid.]

Westward Thought

Host, “Westward thought” chimes in ...yes, women don’t feel comfortable as they are preyed upon by Muslims.”

Frame Game (38:00):

“My journey….I agree with the perils of multiculturalism - and value one dominant, normative White western civilization ...within America too and in Europe (he’s talking about paleocon Judeo Christian, John K. Press “culturalism” of western civilization):

(((John K. Press / Robert Stark)))

Viktor Orban has declared a Christian nation (((how good is that for Noahide culturalism?))).

...problems are solved by declaring normative, dominant culture.” (((full J.K. Press culturalism)))

Here he identifies with our reaction for solid warrant against the rhetoric of Jewish group advocacies… “I wanted to be an evolutionary psychologist, I wanted to be a scientist, was always interested in psychology of the mind (scientific objectivism plus Christianity is (((Frank Meyer’s))) Paleocon agenda)))...

...“they said I took evolutionary psychology too seriously (I’m such a rebel, like my fellow traveler KM)...

This was before the replication crisis in psychology, cultural anthropology, sociology and all of those bankrupt fields…but…

David Buss’s Evolutionary Psychology (The New Science of The Mind) changed my life.

When we finally have a framework for understanding the human mind…

This is a way out of racial conflict, just understand that there is human biodiversity”

[this, HBD, is another concept and term that has been perverted into a red cape by the YKW - viz., horizontal, qualitative diversity has been perverted into I.Q. quantification and hierarchization

...take relativism and put it into the objectivist perversion of “HBD”] comes the half-hearted, paleocon endorsement of nationalism ...on behalf of the Zionists and diaspora - 46:30.

“I was an outstanding student, but then I had the nerve to talk science!

It’s the money! the money which has people blackballed for talking about human intelligence”...

(Thus), E.O. Wilson (was not able to overcome) Adorno, Marcuse…it’s because of the money (not Jewish ethnocentrism and sometimes costly bribing of right wing reactionaries and unprofitable propagandizing against them).

...note that there is lots of bundling “Hispanics” along with blacks as the enemy… keeps tucking that in…

There is a seat for Greg, both at the Zionist and the elite YKW diaspora table

Johnson jumps on the band wagon: “you Hispanics will simply re create the places that you come from - like Honduras”

..but Johnson does not ask how might a qualitative proportion of “Hispanics” interacting with Whites effect a collective society and their I.Q.?  ...are some of them good in non verbal I.Q.? - many are not that far removed from Japanese - could maybe contribute to a society for the better if managed properly?

....but Johnson concludes “their conditions (from which they came) are not independent variables from I.Q.” 

Here Johnson gets snookered into the YKW Frame Game that they are trying to orchestrate to weasel entyrism into White right alliance and out of their internationalist left cross hairs, in which they were the sole union, the sole pure nepotists that they would stand for:

Johnson advocates a pure meritocracy to counteract the massive over representation of Jews in academia, including places like Harvard, where they can be as much as 40% of the student body, well beyond their objectively measured merit.

Of course Jews will go along with that for now as a stall-tactic to allow time them to re-gear..

...and for their gene hijacking and eugenics, they can still be over represented by a-racial “objectivism” beyond relative group interests of Whites et al. 

Frame Game:

“If you understood just how much of the Jewish psyche is ingrained in higher education, what it is to the Jewish psyche…if their position was put into jeopardy, everyone with the name Green or Berg would be having a Russian revolution for the existential threat to their hegemonic control of universities.”

Johnson says that he is taking notes [by pandering to Johnson’s snobbish elite pedigreeist cronyism, they are getting him to swallow the idea that the objectivism that the Jews propose is the antidote, not a part of marshaling their false opposition].

Back to Frame Game’s story that’s supposed to ingratiate him to the Goyim -

And there IS some definite good to right wingers, even YKW ones who hope to gain entyism by ingratiation through truth, facts, etc, in that they can indeed provide facts and sharp focus where it is needed (just don’t let them take you where they want to go):

Frame Games: (By this Jewish academic world) “I was encouraged to put this threatening line of inquiry, my love of science and biology aside and to study law instead.

But one of the things that first shocked me on my red pill journey was a class in Constitutional Law. I thought I’d left biology behind…

Then we got to the section on the 1964 Civil Rights Act...

And how THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE has been re-interpreted away from equal to where any White over representation is considered prima facie evidence of racial discrimination.

A lot of people think of affirmative action being the exception to the equal protection clause…. if you only knew how deep it goes…

(in a slight American Southern - “Y’all know what I’m sayin’,  i.e., that again” - accent):

Are you guys familiar with “disparate impact”? .....a legal doctrine

“Disparate Impact is probably the most evil and disgusting piece of distoriionary nuclear fall-out in American jurisprudence.

What it says is that:

If there are racially neutral laws on the books or racially neutral practices at any corporation or government agency, if they have the effect of creating disparate impact on different groups - that is, if there are racial differences that emerge even where they are racially neutral by law, by practice, by custom, then it is presumed as prima facie evidence of racial discrimination and allows anybody to launch a civil rights law-suit against you with TREBLE -

A law suit against you with Treble damages - that means three times damages from whatever you suffered.

So, Disparate Impact means that no matter what you do, if you are a company, you are a solo practitioner, if you are a government agency, no matter what you do, if racial differences emerge you are liable unless you can prove, that is, the burden of proof is on you to show that you are PROACTIVELY DISCRIMINATING (for blacks/browns and against Whites, against Asians too, really, as they have to score 400 points higher than blacks on SAT’s to get the same university slots).

This is a common law doctrine.”

Then Greggy fucks in -“the basic assumption is of “racial equality”

That’s not the basic assumption, the basic assumption is White guilt (as warrant for expropriation), presumed privilege and penchant for exploitation and genocide (of Jews especially) ...the abstract presumption is more like people are to be treated as being in classificatory Noahide sameness, but with some having been unfairly discriminated against as Noahide family members, thus requiring to be compensatorily included - otherwise, paradoxically you are disingenuous/or classifcatory, a racist by definition.

With that Frame Game whisks the multiculturalism and diversity red cape..

Calling “diversity” simply a big money racket (not a Jewish mis-frame game)  that has brought corporations to their knees, US governments as well ... law suits have been a boon to lawyers, for those who must be hired as well, those who’ve been “discriminated against” and those people/firms who aid in the hiring, etc.

Greg Johnson: going with the “left = anti-science” narrative that the YKW are promulgating ....

Kanye West

“If Candace Owens and Kanye West are ‘on our side’ (with free market “conservatism” - right wing /objectivist/ race neutral, anti group interested liberalism) we should commend them without adjusting to them. Greg’s right-wing snobbery has a penchant for US Constitutional objectivism - as in the Mark Dyal/Nietzschean, anti bourgeoisie ruse.

  ...and so Frame Games has told his story, his “fair minded and objective” story… von Gold Farb, Reactionary Jew… all entryists attempting to join cause with the White right…against “the left” unite in paleoconservatism..  ...a darling of JF too, Frame Games is in this regard….

Again, like all right wingers, they can indeed provide important information and focus, which we should eagerly snap up, as in Frame Game’s discussion of “Disparate Impact”...

Peinovich is all in for Trump and all against “the left”
* von Gold Farb, also ready to be “real” and tell his red pill story.

However, we should use that for our interests, not follow him/them into race neutral objectivism - against “the left’s” social advocacy - a right wing position that he is encouraging/bribing elitist snob Greg Johnson with   ....only conceding the crypsis group advocacy of asking, “is it good for huWhites?” (((i.e, blending Jewish crypsis and their Zionist and diaspora interests with Whites, in unifying (((culturalism))), that is (((paleoconservatism))) against “the left”...

        ...against the White left, the White Class, White ethnonationalists.

Cyber ‘czar’ Giuliani leaks: Trump extended ZOG phenotype of ‘Clean Break’ to secure realm ar Israel

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 14 May 2018 05:36.

US National Security Adviser Bolton listens as US President Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting at White House, April 9, 2018, in Washington. (AP/Evan Vucci)

The objective of the “Operation Clean Break” plan surreptitiously a.k.a., “Project for a New American Century”, is to ‘secure the realm around (greater) Israel by imposing Israeli controlled regime changes in the nations surrounding Israel - regime changes to be effected through the use of The United States Military: the first target for regime change was Iraq’s Saddam Hussein; Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi was taken down in a most indignant way in 2011 (note: that ABC News video vilifies Gaddafi in subservience to ZOG); even “the Maidan uprising” debacle in Ukraine was probably a furtive part of this plan (Victoria Nuland, lead instigator of the Ukrainian/Russian war is the wife of Robert Kagan, who was one of the writers of The Operation Clean Break plan, along with Netanyahu, Perle, Wolfowitz et al; Cohencidentally, Jews were placed in power throughout the municipalities of Ukraine after “the Maidan uprising”). But most clearly now Operation Clean Break’s cross hairs are focused on Syria, Lebanon, and its major target - Iran.

When talking about regime change, it is important to note that Clean Break seeks regime change friendly to a greater Israel. A regime change in Iran which is non-Islamic if not secular would be preferable to ethnonationals throughout the world. But this was a process under way and a part of a safe, gradual plan for economic development and concomitant liberalization of Iran as a part of the international deal to control Iran’s nuclear program, viz, “JCPOA.”

Trump’s not so competent “cyber-czar”, the same one who handed Israeli Mossad The U.S. cyber-security choke point, thus consummating The U.S. as “ZOG” indeed, has leaked The Trump Administration’s role as an extended Zionist phenotype - “Leaked Doc Reveals White House Planning ‘Regime Change’ In Iran.”

“cyber-security czar” Giuliani and “National Security” Advisor, (((Bolton)))

Zero Hedge, “Leaked Doc Reveals White House Planning ‘Regime Change’ In Iran”, 10 May 2018:

It appears Rudy Giuliani wasn’t lying.

Just a few days after the former NYC mayor and latest member of President Trump’s unexpectedly let it slip that “we got a president who is tough, who does not listen to the people who are naysayers, and a president who is committed to regime change [in Iran]”, the Washington Free Beacon has obtained a three-page white paper being circulated among National Security Council officials with drafted plans to spark regime change in Iran, following the US exit from the Obama-era nuclear deal and the re-imposition of tough sanctions aimed at toppling the Iranian regime.

The plan, authored by the Security Studies Group, or SSG, a national security think-tank that has close ties to senior White House national security officials, including - who else - National Security Adviser John Bolton, seeks to reshape longstanding American foreign policy toward Iran by emphasizing an explicit policy of regime change, something the Obama administration opposed when popular protests gripped Iran in 2009, writes the Free Beacon, which obtained a leaked copy of the circulating plans.

The regime change plan seeks to fundamentally shift U.S. policy towards Iran and has found a receptive audience in the Trump administration
, which has been moving in this direction since Bolton—a longtime and vocal supporter of regime change—entered the White House.

It deemphasizes U.S military intervention, instead focusing on a series of moves to embolden an Iranian population that has increasingly grown angry at the ruling regime for its heavy investments in military adventurism across the region. - Free Beacon

“The ordinary people of Iran are suffering under economic stagnation, while the regime ships its wealth abroad to fight its expansionist wars and to pad the bank accounts of the Mullahs and the IRGC command,” SSG writes in the paper. “This has provoked noteworthy protests across the country in recent months” it further claims as an argument to push a “regime change” policy.

For now - at least - overthrowing the Iran government, with its extensive and close ties to the Kremlin, is not official US policy; SSG president Jim Hanson told the Free Beacon that the Trump administration does not want to engage in direct military intervention in Iran - and is instead focusing on other methods of ridding Iran of its “hardline ruling regime.”

“The Trump administration has no desire to roll tanks in an effort to directly topple the Iranian regime,” Hanson said. “But they would be much happier dealing with a post-Mullah government. That is the most likely path to a nuclear weapons-free and less dangerous Iran.”

That will likely change, however.

One source close to the White House who has previewed the plan told the Free Beacon that the nuclear deal, also known as the JCPOA, solidified the Iranian regime’s grip on power and intentionally prevented the United States from fomenting regime change.

The JCPOA purposefully destroyed the carefully created global consensus against the Islamic Republic,” said the source, who would only speak to the Free Beacon on background about the sensitive issue. “Prior to that, everyone understood the dangers of playing footsie with the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. It’s now Trump, Bolton, and [Mike] Pompeo’s job to put this consensus back in place.

The source tells the Beacon that Bolton is “acutely aware of the danger the Iranian regime poses to the region.”

“John is someone who understands the danger of Iran viscerally, and knows that you’re never going to fundamentally change its behavior—and the threats against Israel and the Saudis especially—until that revolutionary regime is gone,” the source said, adding that “nothing’s off the table right now if Israel is attacked.”

That said, Bolton is confident that an Iranian regime change will occur in the next six months:

Battle Beagle @HarmlessYardDog
Replying to @ HarmlessYardDog

John Bolton - We Will Be Celebrating in Tehran Before 2019

>You can’t say you weren’t warned
10:20 PM - May 7, 2018

A second source tells The Beacon that the Trump administration recognizes that the “chief impediment to the region is Iran’s tyrannical regime.”

“The problem is not the Iran nuclear deal it’s the Iranian regime,” said the source. “Team Bolton has spent years creating Plans B, C, and D for dealing with that problem. President Trump hired him knowing all of that. The administration will now start aggressively moving to deal with the root cause of chaos and violence in the region in a clear-eyed way.”

Regional sources who have spoken to SSG “tell us that Iranian social media is more outraged about internal oppression, such as the recent restrictions on Telegram, than about supporting or opposing the nuclear program. Iranian regime oppression of its ethnic and religious minorities has created the conditions for an effective campaign designed to splinter the Iranian state into component parts,” the group states. -Free Beacon

“More than one third of Iran’s population is minority groups, many of whom already seek independence,” the paper explains. “U.S. support for these independence movements, both overt and covert, could force the regime to focus attention on them and limit its ability to conduct other malign activities.”

Without a regime change, the United States will continue face threats from Iranian forces stationed throughout the region, including in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon.

“The probability the current Iranian theocracy will stop its nuclear program willingly or even under significant pressure is low,” the plan states. “Absent a change in government within Iran, America will face a choice between accepting a nuclear-armed Iran or acting to destroy as much of this capability as possible.”

That said, President Trump made clear earlier in the week that US officials must make efforts to differentiate between the people of Iran and its ruling regime.

“Any public discussion of these options, and any messaging about the Iranian regime in general, should make a bright line distinction between the theocratic regime along with its organs of oppression and the general populace,” according to the plan. “We must constantly reinforce our support for removing the iron sandal from the necks of the people to allow them the freedom they deserve.”


Netanyahu brings his case for war against Iran to the public which the Alt-Lite/Right has prepared

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 01 May 2018 08:03.

Netanyahu brings his case for war against Iran to the public which the Alt-Lite/Right has prepared.

On national television, Netanyahu drops ‘bombshell revelation’ about Iran’s ‘non-compliance’ with nuclear deal in order to overwhelm talks by those heads of state (notably Macron to Trump) trying to save the deal. In this public address, Netanyahu is trying to bypass discussion with signatories to the agreement and instead affect a groundswell from the already prepared ground of American public opinion.

BBC, “Israel says Iran hid nuclear arms programme”, 1 May 2018:

      “Fancy braindumping some thoughts for me.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has revealed what he says are “secret nuclear files” proving Iran once covertly pursued nuclear weapons.

He said thousands of pages of material obtained by Israel showed Iran had deceived the world by denying it had ever sought nuclear weapons.

Iran agreed in 2015 to curb its nuclear energy programme in return for the lifting of sanctions.

It maintained that it had only been pursuing nuclear energy.

But Mr Netanyahu accused Iran of conducting a secret weapons programme until 2003 codenamed “Project Amad”. He claimed Iran continued to pursue nuclear weapons knowledge after Project Amad was shuttered.

Iran pushed back against the claims. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted to say the evidence was a “rehash of old allegations” which had already been dealt with by the United Nations nuclear watchdog.

Iran’s foreign minister accused Mr Netanyahu of a “childish” stunt to influence President Donald Trump’s decision on whether to remain in a nuclear deal with Iran.

The US along with five other international powers struck a deal with Iran in 2015 to curb the country’s nuclear programme.

Mr Trump, who has long threatened to scrap the Obama-era deal, said he had viewed part of Mr Netanyahu’s presentation and said the situation was “not acceptable”.

He said he would make a decision on whether to retain the deal on or before 12 May.

A White House statement said there were “new and compelling details” in Mr Netanyahu’s material.

“These facts are consistent with what the United States has long known: Iran has a robust, clandestine nuclear weapons programme that it has tried and failed to hide from the world and from its own people,” the statement went on.

However, European powers have said they are committed to upholding the accord.

“We have never been naive about Iran and its nuclear intentions,” said a UK government spokesperson late on Monday.

Until he was sold on the Alt-Right quid pro quo, David Duke’s major point against any candidate concerned their being a hawk against Iran on behalf of Israel.

“That is why the IAEA inspection regime agreed as part of the Iran nuclear deal is one of the most extensive and robust in the history of international nuclear accords.”

Mr Netanyahu said he had spoken to the leaders of France and Germany about Israel’s intelligence and planned to send representatives to the two countries to discuss it.

A German government spokesman said the country would carry out a detailed analysis of Israel’s intelligence, Reuters reported.

John Hughes, a former deputy director for sanctions at the US State Department who worked on the Iran deal, said he had not seen anything in the Israeli presentation that would change the deal.

“I think, frankly, this was a political statement meant to try to influence President Trump’s decision on whether to pull out of the deal,” Mr Hughes said. “I think it’s mostly recycled material.”

Yes, that is Benjamin Netanyahu.
Guess which group of people the Americans got played by this time? The usual. Israel. Yet again!

Related Stories at Majorityrights:

Trump gained presidency through pledge to YKW to undo Iran Deal: that promise he’s materializing

Trump Campaign (((Born))) in (((Response))) to Iran Deal. Denies Affinity w European Patriot Salvini

Alt-Right or Alt-Lite? It’s worse than you think.

Here’s How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream

Buzzfeed, “Here’s How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream”, 5 Oct 2017:

              Milo Yiannopoulos at the One Nostalgia Tavern in Dallas, belting out a karaoke rendition of “America the Beautiful” in front of a crowd of “sieg heil”-ing admirers, including Richard Spencer.

A cache of documents obtained by BuzzFeed News reveals the truth about Steve Bannon’s alt-right “killing machine.”

In August, after a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville ended in murder, Steve Bannon insisted that “there’s no room in American society” for neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, and the KKK.

But an explosive cache of documents obtained by BuzzFeed News proves that there was plenty of room for those voices on his website.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, under Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart courted the alt-right — the insurgent, racist right-wing movement that helped sweep Donald Trump to power. The former White House chief strategist famously remarked that he wanted Breitbart to be “the platform for the alt-right.”

Ibid: Like all the new media success stories, Breitbart’s alt-right platform depends on the participation of its audience. It combusts the often secret fury of those who reject liberal norms into news, and it doesn’t burn clean.

Now Bannon is back at the controls of the machine, which he has said he is “revving up.” The Mercers have funded Yiannopoulos’s post-Breitbart venture. And these documents present the clearest look at what these people may have in store for America.

A year and a half ago, Milo Yiannopoulos set himself a difficult task: to define the alt-right. It was five months before Hillary Clinton named the alt-right in a campaign speech, 10 months before the alt-right’s great hope became president, and 17 months before Charlottesville clinched the alt-right as a stalking horse for violent white nationalism. The movement had just begun its explosive emergence into the country’s politics and culture.

At the time, Yiannopoulos, who would later describe himself as a “fellow traveler” of the alt-right, was the tech editor of Breitbart. In summer 2015, after spending a year gathering momentum through GamerGate — the opening salvo of the new culture wars — he convinced Breitbart upper management to give him his own section. And for four months, he helped Bannon wage what the Breitbart boss called in emails to staff “#war.” It was a war, fought story by story, against the perceived forces of liberal activism on every conceivable battleground in American life.

Yiannopoulos was a useful soldier whose very public identity as a gay man (one who has now married a black man) helped defend him, his anti-political correctness crusade, and his employer from charges of bigotry.

But now Yiannopoulos had a more complicated fight on his hands. The left — and worse, some on the right — had started to condemn the new conservative energy as reactionary and racist. Yiannopoulos had to take back “alt-right,” to redefine for Breitbart’s audience a poorly understood, leaderless movement, parts of which had already started to resist the term itself.

So he reached out to key constituents, who included a neo-Nazi and a white nationalist.

“Finally doing my big feature on the alt right,” Yiannopoulos wrote in a March 9, 2016, email to Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer, a hacker who is the system administrator of the neo-Nazi hub the Daily Stormer, and who would later ask his followers to disrupt the funeral of Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer. “Fancy braindumping some thoughts for me.”

“It’s time for me to do my big definitive guide to the alt right,” Yiannopoulos wrote four hours later to Curtis Yarvin, a software engineer who under the nom de plume Mencius Moldbug helped create the “neoreactionary” movement, which holds that Enlightenment democracy has failed and that a return to feudalism and authoritarian rule is in order. “Which is my whorish way of asking if you have anything you’d like to make sure I include.”

“Alt r feature, figured you’d have some thoughts,” Yiannopoulos wrote the same day to Devin Saucier, who helps edit the online white nationalist magazine American Renaissance under the pseudonym Henry Wolff, and who wrote a story in June 2017 called “Why I Am (Among Other Things) a White Nationalist.”

The three responded at length: Weev about the Daily Stormer and a podcast called The Daily Shoah, Yarvin in characteristically sweeping world-historical assertions (“It’s no secret that North America contains many distinct cultural/ethnic communities. This is not optimal, but with a competent king it’s not a huge problem either”), and Saucier with a list of thinkers, politicians, journalists, films (Dune, Mad Max, The Dark Knight), and musical genres (folk metal, martial industrial, ’80s synthpop) important to the movement. Yiannopoulos forwarded it all, along with the Wikipedia entries for “Alternative Right” and the esoteric far-right Italian philosopher Julius Evola — a major influence on 20th-century Italian fascists and Richard Spencer alike — to Allum Bokhari, his deputy and frequent ghostwriter, whom he had met during GamerGate. “Include a bit of everything,” he instructed Bokhari.

“Bannon, as you probably know, is sympathetic to much of it.”

“I think you’ll like what I’m cooking up,” Yiannopoulos wrote to Saucier, the American Renaissance editor.

“I look forward to it,” Saucier replied. “Bannon, as you probably know, is sympathetic to much of it.”

Five days later Bokhari returned a 3,000-word draft, a taxonomy of the movement titled “ALT-RIGHT BEHEMOTH.” It included a little bit of everything: the brains and their influences (Yarvin and Evola, etc.), the “natural conservatives” (people who think different ethnic groups should stay separate for scientific reasons), the “Meme team” (4chan and 8chan), and the actual hatemongers. Of the last group, Bokhari wrote: “There’s just not very many of them, no-one really likes them, and they’re unlikely to achieve anything significant in the alt-right.”

“Magnificent start,” Yiannopoulos responded.


Rudd steps down, blamed for May’s hostile policy to Windrush immigrants, depriving May of her shield

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 29 April 2018 23:07.

“Why Amber Rudd Quit”

ITVNews, 29 April 2018:

Rudd has chosen to resign because she felt she could not defend herself against the charge that she took her eye off the immigration ball.

Her excuse, to herself, was that her priority - for obvious reasons - was combating terrorism and improving domestic security.

But of course all ministers are supposed to multi-task, and she knew that excuse would not fly in public.

So she decided to stand down this afternoon, even before the Guardian published a leaked letter from her to the PM from January 2017 - which seemingly showed that far from being unaware there are targets for the expulsion of illegal immigrants, she actually set such a target.

  Letters exchanged between Amber Rudd and Theresa May

  Amber Rudd’s resignation letter to Theresa May

Amber Rudd signs off her letter say she will continue to work for her constituents of Hastings and Rye.

  Theresa May’s response to Amber Rudd’s resignation

Theresa May told Amber Rudd she should be proud of the way she led the Home Office.

My sources tell me that there were other such official papers about targets knocking around. And therefore she decided to quit - because she felt that MPs would simply never give her the benefit of the doubt.

Potential replacements: Hunt, Gove & Javid.

In a way she has been hung out to dry by her own department.

It is extraordinary that her officials told her, before that fateful select committee hearing last week, that there were no targets for the removal of illegal immigrants.

And perhaps less extraordinary is that other officials leaked and briefed against her - since much of Whitehall is detached from ministers.

For the avoidance of doubt, she jumped: “I am told there was no pressure from the PM.”

The point is that Rudd’s exit is arguably the most serious resignation May has suffered in her almost two years as PM. For one thing the Home Secretary is one of the great offices of state.

More damagingly for May, the policy which underlay Rudd’s doom - the hostile environment for immigration which has caused so much unpleasantness for the Windrush migrants - was May’s not Rudd’s.

In other words, Rudd’s departure strips May of her human shield.

Last updated Mon 30 Apr 2018

YKW positioned Trump take-over of GOP through useful idiocy of Alt-Right vs ‘the Left’

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 April 2018 18:16.

Trump took over Republican party on behalf of the Jewish Right in tandem with disingenuous, deracinating, oligarchic, objectivist, propositional Right…through its kosher, paleocon safety net/valve, false opposition, (((the Alt-Right))).

After Trump committed what was to Republican insiders the great sin of saying “there were good and bad on all sides” at the Unite the Right rally…

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “He has to fight back. So when you accuse him of being a racist he doesn’t want to back up, he wants to double down to prove to you that that’s not true, and that’s what the President is.”

Trump: “What about the ‘Alt-Left?” Not to be confused with what we define as White Left, nor the Jewy, fraud “Alt-Left” that also goes by that name; Trump was certainly not addressing that anyway, but rather a trendy way of addressing the motley “left” as it is commonly known - the pivotal move - to redirect attention and blame to “the Left”  - in orchestration of the White Right through the “Unite the Right” rally.

In addition to Mnuchin using “Unite The Right” to offend Gary Cohn through it and Trump’s neutral response, to get Cohn out of the way, there were key Republican insiders that needed ingratiation for the Jewish Right to be able to take-over and join forces with the (deracinating) American right through front man Trump.

Following Trump’s first political victory on their behalf, the passing of the tax-cut bill:

Paul Ryan heaps saccharine, about face praise of Trump for making the rich, richer…

As Mitch McConnell has been kissing black ass since the days of “civil rights” when he marched with M.L. King, Trump had to be sure to burnish his pro-black credentials for him (note Uncle Tom/ Satchmo Step n’ Fetch-it type to Trump’s right).

Mitch McConnell: “You’ve made the case for the tax-bill (so that the rich could get richer and the poor, poorer - typical Repugs). We’ve cemented the Supreme Court to the right of center for a generation (pro-black women having babies). You’ve ended the over regulation of the American economy (pro-pollution). Thank you Mr. President, for all you’re doing.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “In essence this became Trump’s Republican party.

The testimony that people gave there is hard to take back”

- Oren Hatch, for example: “You’re one heck of a leader…and we’re going to make this the greatest Presidency that we’ve seen, not only in generations, but maybe ever.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “What the Republican establishment now know, is that Donald Trump is unequivocally the leader of the Republican party” (The Jewish Right-wing has taken over from Jewish liberals).

“He’ is the one who sets the tone of what takes place in Washington. He is the leader of our country - both politically and from a legislative side of things. I think they’ve learned that over the last year.”

Related Story: Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

Trump Meets with Delegation of Rabbis from Chabad-Lubavitch

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 06 April 2018 07:04.

Realist Report, “Trump Meets with Delegation of Rabbis from Chabad-Lubavitch”, 29 Mar 2018:

President Trump hosted a group of rabbis from the radical Jewish sect known as Chabad-Lubavitch, an international Orthodox Hasidic movement with institutions in over 70 countries around the world, at the White House earlier this week. Trump and the rabbis met in the Oval Office, where the president issued a proclamation in honor of “Education and Sharing Day,” according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency -

News Brief

Trump meets with Chabad rabbis in Oval Office

March 28, 2018 11:48am

Trump meets with Chabad

President Donald Trump issued a proclamation in honor of Education and Sharing Day, marking the anniversary of the birth of the last Lubavitcher rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

Trump met Monday in the Oval Office with a delegation of rabbis from the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

“The president admires the work of the rebbe, and was very keen on recognizing Education Day even though he has so many other responsibilities and concerns to deal with throughout the course of a day. […]

Nothing to see here, goyim, don’t worry.

What is it with these Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis? They seem to have access to virtually all high level U.S. politicians, including all recent U.S. presidents.

President Obama Welcomes Chabad-Lubavitch To The White House

President Bush Meets With Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbis

Every president since President Jimmy Carter has invited these rabbis into the White House to issue a proclamation declaring March 27 as “Education and Sharing Day” at the behest of these Jews. Believe it or not, “proclamations or the equivalent were issued this year by the governors of all 50 states and the mayor of Washington, D.C., recognizing the day, as well as in about 100 other cities across the United States,” according to the article published by JTA.

That’s some serious political clout, no?

I’m confident most readers of this website are well aware of the power and influence of the Chabad-Lubavitch sect, which represents one aspect of the overall power and influence the entire organized Jewish community has in American politics.

As Kumiko Predicted: Bolton appointed to Alt-Lite/Right/Trump Admin coalition w Israel. Next up Iran

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 25 March 2018 11:55.

As Kumiko predicted, anti-Iranian war monger John Bolton has been appointed National Security Advisor - an integral position to the implementation of US wars - consummating the Trump administration’s raison d’être for an Alt-Lite/Right/Trump admin coalition with Israel, aimed first of all to undo the Iran deal and to prepare for war against Iran in a new generation of operation of “clean break” ...the ultimate goal of this Alt-Right/Jewish alliance/coordination (against left ethno-nationalism) is an imperial feudalistic (exploitative) relationship with as much of Asia and the third world as possible.

It’s time to return the National Security Council to where its been..

A lot of people have said to me, they’ve said, Jack, if you go back and look at my tweets….

Folks, it’s time for America first, it’s time for an America first foreign policy…

I’ve been on the Bolton train, ‘guilty as charged’

I have been on the Bolton train for almost a year and a half now.

And during the transition period I was saying I want Bolton.

And I was saying we need Bolton, get Bolton in there.

Related: These Are White Nationalists? What Is Behind TRS And The Alt-Right’s Gushing Effusion For Trump? Trump’s campaign was initiated in his agreement to dismantle the Iran Deal on Israel’s behalf. David Duke used to sternly caution against candidates who threatened to take Israel’s side against Iran.

And they were saying Jack, ‘I don’t know, he’s kind of neocon, he’s kind of this, he’s kind of that’...

He’s got associations with Bush and you know what? You’re right. We do need to be careful with that.

But let me tell you something. Let me tell you something about John Bolton: John Bolton is someone who once said that we should get rid of the top ten floors of The United Nations building. We’re also getting rid of the Obama hold-overs on the national security council - gone.

Ambassador Bolton is a hawk, alright?

Let’s make no aspersions about this.

He’s a hawk, he’s definitely a hawk. OK?

But that being the case, we know where he’s coming from. He’s straight forward, he’s not a snake in the grass. He’s pro Trump. He’s 100% pro-Trump.

And, he was out there every single day for the President.

He is not for these international, global organizations - no. He is pro-Trump, he is pro-America.

Remember, John Bolton has said that he is against the Iran Deal, John Bolton has said that he’s against TPP, John Bolton is against so many of these international deals.

He’s advocated for a more aggressive stance with North Korea, with China, with Iran with all of these countries, alright?

Related: US Navy Information Dominance Warfare: the question is

Related: Trump gained The US Presidency through a pledge to YKW to undo Iran Deal: that promise he’s materializing.

Tech Crunch, “John Bolton is Trump’s new National Security Advisor”, 22 Mar 2018:

With one fell swoop, President Trump just swapped out the “warrior scholar” for the warmonger.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Tweet:

I am pleased to announce that, effective 4/9/18, @AmbJohnBolton will be my new National Security Advisor. I am very thankful for the service of General H.R. McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend. There will be an official contact handover on 4/9.

1:26 PM - Mar 22, 2018

Today Trump tweeted that General H.R. McMaster will step down as John Bolton, a deeply controversial former U.S. ambassador, steps into the role of national security advisor. Bolton will move into the high-ranking foreign policy advisor position just as the U.S. is approaching talks with North Korea, an extremely delicate diplomatic maneuver between two volatile leaders.

Last month, Bolton argued the legal case for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea — an extreme position in which even the best case scenario could result in broad carnage for the U.S. and its allies.

Bolton established his extreme and hawkish reputation during his tenure as the undersecretary of state for arms control during the Bush administration. In that advisory position, Bolton argued strongly in favor of the Iraq war, tying his justification to the supposed presence of weapons of mass destruction.

If most people could agree that McMaster was a respectable choice for national security advisor, just as many seem to oppose Bolton becoming a prominent figure in shaping Trump’s foreign policy. When Bolton’s name was floated just after the election, Republican Senator Rand Paul penned an op-ed denouncing Bolton as “hell-bent on repeating virtually every foreign policy mistake the US has made in the last 15 years.”

While McMaster was sometimes characterized as a cautious futurist, Bolton’s record on tech is less clear. We’re sure to learn more about the new advisor’s various postures quickly, as Bolton stirs up bipartisan anxiety around U.S. foreign policy, particularly in Iran and North Korea.

After the swift fall of Michael Flynn in early 2017 and the quick appointment of McMaster, Bolton will become Trump’s third national security advisor in less than two years.

Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 17 March 2018 08:00.

Gary Cohn invited to leave and be replaced by dumber paleocon.

Unite the Right to Wedge-out Paleo-Cohn

Unite the Right Charlottesville was a successful neo-con, neo-liberal operation forcing a wedge against Gary Cohn’s clever paleoconservative positioning - Trump’s tariffs on Asian raw materials was the last straw.

While I have been able to see a trap for White Nationalism in forced identity with the right generally, I could also see clearly and specifically that “Unite the Right” was a trap maneuvered by YKW and neoliberal lackey’s to force vocal and visible stigmatic association.

It was unbelievable to me that “Alt-Righters” would agree to participate in such a tactlessly forecast high profile event with some of the more traditional stigmatic right wing groupings, and thereby undo a few of the things that the Alt-Right actually had going for it - to distance itself from association with historical stigma and to be only loosely affiliated, un-united enough so as to be too hard to pin down - thus, not allowing the enemies of White Nationalism to easily categorize them negatively in association with anti-social positions; to allow populist audiences to dismiss them offhand in one fall swoop with a singular negative category - and beyond casual dismissal as non-serious, to frighten populist audiences into outright opposition for observable potential in nefarious, unaccountable religious, scientistic and neo-Nazi association and intent.

However, Kumiko has penetrated this to a more perspicuous theoretical overview.

Behind “Unite The Right” and its confrontation by “Anti-Fa” was an orchestrated wedge issue, encouragement of Trump to take a neutral stance toward “the Nazis” and “The Alt-Left, who were ‘to blame, too’, blame and good people on all sides.”

Kudlow was born and raised in New Jersey, the son of Ruth (née Grodnick) and Irving Howard Kudlow. His family is Jewish. He once served as chief economist at the investment firm Bear Sterns before he was fired in 1995 when he entered rehab to treat a hundred thousand dollar a month cocaine habit. Kudlow has repeatedly failed to forecast economic trends. In December of 2007 as the sub prime mortgage market began to unravel, leading to the deepest recession since the 30’s, Kudlow wrote, there’s no recession coming, the ‘pessimistas” were wrong… it’s not going to happen. The Bush boom is alive and well. It’s finishing up it’s sixth consecutive year with more to come.

Neocons and their Neo Liberal corporatist sellout allies would have been opposed to Gary Cohn and any efforts to hold their businesses in The U.S. against their profits, and to prevent a more thorough YKW and corporatist, feudalist exploitation of Asia; as opposed to sovereign industrial development by Asian corporations in Asia.

Trump’s conciliatory stance toward “Nazis” was encouraged by Mnuchin to drive a wedge against Cohn, who’d find that intolerable; with that be driven off by the internationalist left, recognizing a paleocon U.S. protectionist all too competent to run a neo feudalist operation against Asian labor.

Cohn hung-on in the Trump administration in hopes of being appointed Federal Reserve Chairman. That didn’t happen and the final nail in the coffin of his strategy happened when Trump proposed tariffs on raw materials of steel and iron from Asia - if you’re looking to exploit Asian labor as a feudalist, you don’t want to force them to grapple into lateral transmission (sovereignty), forcing them to develop industry and capacity to machinate their own raw materials.

Cohn was “too competent” in his capacity to run a feudalist international operation; and had to make way for a less competent and more compliant paleocon bracket, viz. Larry Kudlow - having cut his teeth under President Reagan, a protege of Frank Meyer’s paleocon movement.

Tillerson’s Sacking Will Shock America and the World - but Delight Israel.” ...“Mike Pompeo’s impending move to secretary of state is sure to result in a much more hawkish and confrontational U.S. policy towards Iran.”

To complete the Zionist, neo-fuedalist enterprise, Trump also needed to get Tillerson’s obstruction out of the way, defensive as Tillerson was of the Iran deal (which liberalizes Iran as opposed to yielding to Islamic reactionary/ Abrahamic comprador control); he had to make way for the administration’s more ardent Zionist imperialist agenda - to undo the Iran deal is far more ably pursued with anti-Iranian hawk, Pompeo.

Finally toward that end, look to the possibility of the partly Jewish John Bolton to be placed in charge of the National Security Council - a historically instrumental position for those looking to initiate wars from The U.S. platform. Bolton is notoriously war mongering toward Iran and he is among the few people to be interviewed and seriously considered by Trump to a position to wield decisions over the matter.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:44. (View)

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