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Apologies to NYPD and Prosecutors

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 08 June 2019 15:42.

The sum total of the “exoneration”: the word of a psycho. The SJW’s verdict: Award the criminals $41 million.”

Just as I cannot imagine fabricating confessions to convict innocent kids, I cannot imagine a media that would put out so dishonest a story that it led to four guilty kids being awarded 41 Million dollars. It is reminiscent of feudalism, but this time where different preferential rules, laws and “news” apply to blacks.

I’m referring to a PBS documentary about false conviction of The Central Park Five, which I reported at Majorityrights in an article originally titled “Coerced Confessions of The Central Park Five” and now titled, Confessions of The Central Park Five.

Not being a journalist by trade - in fact, looking upon the news section as a chore to be relegated to the background of theoretical concerns - the strategy enlisted here, rather, for getting at the truth of the matter on news stories, is to encourage comments to correct mistakes and oversights in postings (to be distinguished from ad hominem attacks aimed at destroying me and the platform because this platform doesn’t allow final say from those who promote Christianity, Jewish interests, Hitler/Nazism, race mixing, scientism, or bizarre conspiracy theories). Unfortunately, because those interests are not included in this platform, the site has become a no-mans land, even though it is an eminently reasonable platform, I am confident to argue, the most reasonable and best platform for the advocacy of European peoples.

Goodness knows our advocacy is necessary when the media can be this biased against Whites and in the promotion of black interests.

Apologies to the NYPD and the prosecutors. A social constructionist approach to getting at the truth does work but can be quite belated in its corrections if people don’t participate in getting at our truth but are rather motivated by the hope that I fail as I do not follow their A gods, Abraham, Adolf and sundry other Absurdity.


The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out soon after that attack with the headline:



His ad never mentioned the Central Park rape, but talked about New York families—“White, Black, Hispanic and Asian”—unable to enjoy walks through the park at dusk. Of muggers and murderers, he said, “I no longer want to understand their anger. I want them to understand our anger. ... They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.”

According to the media, the five convicted boys were INNOCENT — and Trump would have executed the poor lads! This is nonsense. They wouldn’t have been executed because the rape victim miraculously survived. Also, they weren’t innocent.

Let’s look at the facts of the case.

On April 19, 1989, investment banker Trisha Meili went for a run through Central Park around 9 p.m., whereupon she was attacked by a wolf pack looking for a “white girl,” dragged 100 yards into the woods, stripped, beaten with a pipe and a brick, raped and left for dead.

By the time the police found Meili, she’d lost three-quarters of her blood. Her case was initially assigned to the homicide unit of the D.A.‘s office because none of her doctors thought she would make it through the night.

Of the 37 youths brought in for questioning about the multiple violent attacks in the park that night, only 10 were charged with a crime and only five for the rape of the jogger: Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson and Korey Wise. All five confessed—four on videotape with adult relatives present and one with a parent present, but not on videotape.

Two unanimous, multicultural juries convicted them, despite aggressive defense lawyers putting on their best case.

But the media have a different method of judging guilt and innocence. They don’t look at irrelevant factors, such as evidence, but at relevant factors such as the race of the accused and the race of the victim.

Unfortunately for Meili, she was guilty of being white, while her attackers belonged to the Brahmin caste: “people of color.” So, after waiting an interminable 13 years, the media proclaimed that the five convicts had been “exonerated” by DNA evidence.

DNA evidence didn’t convict them, so it couldn’t “exonerate” them. This was a gang attack. It was always known that other rapists “got away,” as the prosecutor told the jury, and that none of the defendants’ DNA was found in the jogger’s cervix or on her sock—the only samples that were taken.

While it blows most people away to find out that none of the suspects’ DNA was found on Meili, this is a sleight of hand. The trick is that we’re looking at it through a modern lens. True, today, these kids’ DNA would have been found all over the crime scene. But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. Cops wouldn’t have even bothered collecting samples for DNA tests back then.

The case was solved with other evidence—and there was a lot of it.


The “exoneration” comes down to Reyes’ unsubstantiated claim that he acted alone. Years of careful investigation, videotaped confessions, witness statements, assembling evidence, trial by jury and repeated appeals—all that is nothing compared to the word of an upstanding citizen like Reyes, a violent psychopath who sexually assaulted his own mother and raped and murdered a pregnant woman while her children heard the attack through the bedroom door.

That’s the sum total of the “exoneration”: the word of a psycho.

Note that Reyes faced absolutely no penalty for his confession—the statute of limitations had run out years earlier. Before he confessed, Reyes had been moved to Korey Wise’s cellblock. He requested a transfer on the grounds that he feared Wise’s gang. All he had to do was confess—with no penalty—and he got his prison transfer!

Not even this monster’s self-serving “confession” can explain away the five attackers’ other crimes that night—vicious beatings that left one parkgoer unconscious and another permanently injured. These attacks, the “Central Park Five” never disputed, and frequently admitted.

The SJW’s verdict: Award the criminals $41 million. Trump’s idea: Punish them.

And you still can’t figure out how he became president.

What Lauren Southern’s Borderless Didn’t Say

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 06 June 2019 08:04.

Ignore Lana’s idiotic use of the YKW supplied “enemy term”, i.e., “Leftists”, and replace it with the correct term, “Liberals” and it is otherwise a good critique of Lauren Southern’s ((())) “Borderless.”

Lana’s inclination to get suckered into a right wing position is probably a significant reason why Red Ice has been spared the recent Youtube purge so far.

(((Lauren Southern))) equipped with gas mask, helmet and protective eye goggles, ready for the “surprise attack” from anti-fa.

And as far as Lauren Southern (Simonsen) goes, Majorityrights has long seen her game as kosher.

Related at Majorityrights:

Hardly The Battle of Cable Street: What Berkeley Doesn’t Mean

The right is infamous for getting people swept-up and lured into mistakes.

(102:47) Richard Spencer: In terms of the Alt Lite, I can only imagine that a lot of them are waking up to this obvious reality

(102:59) Charles: I think they are. (((Lauren Southern))), I think, just made a video saying that it’s time to fight back.

(103:07) Richard Spencer: Yeah

Deutschland Dispatch: Dennis Dale talks with a German friend

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 02 June 2019 06:26.

Excellent discussion between Dennis and a German lady friend, Tanya, who acquits herself and the boomer predicament quite well, while discussing the disaster of post war liberalism on Germany (culminating in the cataclysm of Merkel) and its impact on Whites generally…

Salvini: “New Europe is born” amid nationalist-populist surge in European elections

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 30 May 2019 13:05.

Noteworthy gains were made by Europe’s nationalist-populist, eurosceptic parties in this weekend’s European Parliament elections as support for centrist parties which had previously dominated the European Union for decades drastically fell.

The enormous success enjoyed by Italy’s League party, France’s National Rally, and the UK’s five-week-old Brexit party are glaring signs that Europe is indeed undergoing significant changes.

Signs like these mark the beginning of a “new European Renaissance,” declared Matteo Salvini, Italy’s populist Deputy Prime Minister, Interior Minister, and leader of the League at party headquarters in Milan.

“A new Europe is born. I am proud that the League is participating in this new European renaissance,” Salvini asserted.

Salvini continued, saying, “Significantly, as the ‘League’ became the dominant party in Italy, Marine Le Pen swept into a leading position in France, and Nigel Farage in the UK… This is a sign that Europe is changing, Europe is tired of being a slave to the elites, corporations and the powers-that-be.”

Surprisingly, the League’s populist coalition partner, the Five Star Movement (MS5), was outdone by the center-left Democratic Party (PD) which came in second.

The League, which campaigned on a platform that attacked the globalist, pro-mass migration policies of the European Union, made sweeping gains, outdoing it’s governing coalition partner and rival, the 5-Star Movement.

Salvini assured reporters in Milan that the European election results wouldn’t ignite any “settling of accounts” within Italy’s internal political landscape, adding that, “nothing changes at the national level.”

Salvini reiterated that globalist left-wing forces that have incompetently governed Italy and Europe for years now remain as his chief adversaries, while his populist allies in government were partners and friends with whom he would immediately resume cooperation and joint work.

Just five years ago, in Europe’s last parliamentary elections, the League barely managed to overcome the 6 percent barrier.

Since then eurosceptic, populist, and ethnonationalist parties have made significant gains across Europe in EU parliamentary elections, as the political center – which has dominated for the past 40 years – has been hollowed out substantially.

By ARTHUR LYONS, Voice of Europe, 29 May 2019

Is a German Jewish element in Regnery promoting divide and conquer in White right wing reactionism?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 26 May 2019 08:17.

Or is it rather unite and conquer?

......unite right wing reactionaries against “the left” (don’t be so “divisive” as to “punch right”) and conquer (erstwhile White/ethnonational social systemic homeostasis)?

With Majorityrights having recently been taken off of the WN/news aggregate site formerly known as “the White Right Hub” and now the “Goebbels Report” after MR had the nerve to question the wisdom of their promoting “The Greatest Story Never Told” in the name of White morale and unity? as it features wholesale lies from Goebbels - e.g., that Poles killed 58,000 German civilians interwar - in order to “justify” invasion of Poland…the question comes into relief again:

What part is Regnery playing in promoting the socially disorganizing right wing identity among Whites in their reaction to affliction? and is a Germanic/Jewish element among Regnery using this to promote divide and conquer among Whites?

What begs these questions?

Following MR having called-out the White Right Hub for featuring this highly inaccurate and destructive propaganda, they did replace the feature (“Greatest Story Never Told”), with a headline of a Polish woman who had a child with a black, who then, typically, abandoned her.

A comment appeared on MR - “LOL, you (DanielS) were being trolled and didn’t even realize it.”

This is quite Jewy. I cannot imagine mocking Germans for their mudsharks. And it casts suspicion on this spirit of unity that these right wingers claim to be promoting and how I am the one supposedly sowing discord.

Not long after, none other than Regnery’s pet, Richard Spencer, was being featured atop The Goebbels Report…

...tagging along on this occasion was a new luminary in the Regnery right wing tentosphere, Josh Neal, who, in turn, is apparently being encouraged to bring along other nubies on the WN scene, like Richard Houck, to play the same old Regnery German/Jewish game of pandering to the White American demographic in their reaction.

Regnery is apparently sponsoring much of the dubious right wing White identity - such as Richard Spencer’s NPI and Mike Enoch’s TRS.

Norvin tells me that a character going by the nom de plume of “Privada” is acting as a producer (gate-keeper) for those going on (what I’m guessing is) the Rengery approved circuit.

Related at Majorityrights:

On The Regnery Circus Big-Tent-O-Sphere, Featuring Richard Spencer as its Ring-Master

Regnery and Spencer, central umbrellas in the Regnery Tentosphere. Richard Thpenther thays, “If you’re not right on “the PQ” (Polish question), we’re going to purge you from thith movement” - (((Alternative Right))).

Regnery Publishing

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Regnery Publishing is a conservative book publisher based in Washington, D.C. An imprint of Salem Media Group, it is led by president Marji Ross. The company was founded by Henry Regnery in 1947.[3][4][5]

Regnery has published books by authors such as former Republican Party chairman Haley Barbour, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, columnist Michelle Malkin, Robert Spencer, pundit David Horowitz, Vice President Mike Pence and his family and Barbara Olson.

Again, Regnery is known to sponsor many right wing projects, including those that “White Nationalists” are involved in, apparently sponsoring TRS (see here, here and here as to why that’s particularly dubious) in addition to Spencer’s NPI (among the manifold dubiousness of that outfit, for example, here).

Below are samples from the most recent tweet to tweets not far down the line (even though some of the dates are old) from Regnery president, Marj Ross, indicating a kosher aesthetic.

Marji Ross on Twitter:

Marji Ross Retweeted

Dave Sussman, Whiskey Politics

20 Dec 2018

.@Regnery inspires new authors! Learn how to get published, catch up on 2018’s best books & what’s upcoming in 2019 as Marji Ross joins me at #WhiskeyPolitics.
Produced by Praemonitus Communications @6foot2inhiheels.
@SebGorka @VP @AnnCoulter @YouTube

Ep. 156 - Marji Ross with Regnery Press
Regnery’s gift to budding authors: How to get published. Marji Ross, President and Publisher at Regnery Press shares with Dave Sussman her favorite books of ...


Sebastian Gorka DrG

Verified account

2 Oct 2018
The Great One has spoken.

Thank you @marklevinshow!

        One week today:


Marji Ross

30 Aug 2016

As many of you know, in my spare time, I’m a football nut. If you love #NFL, check it out ….


Shellie Blum

9 Jun 2016
Replying to @MRossRegnery
@Regnery @oreillyfactor You did a great job! It’s nice 2 hear someone in the traditional Publishing World be authentic! #books

0 replies 2 retweets 1 like
Reply   Retweet 2   Like 1   Direct message


Marji Ross

26 Apr 2016
Meeting with the incredibly talented and beautiful #Stacey Dash to plan the launch of her upcoming Regnery book!

Alexandra Levine talks with Dave Sussman:

Alexandra Levine with ‘Jews for Trump’ discusses Trump, Israel & being a Conservative Jew

(((Alexandra Levine and Dave Sussman))) an act featured by the The Regnery Circus


Paul Gottfried, Gilad Atzmon and David Cole Stein are three ready examples of Jews who are taking the kind of right wing and philo-Germanic perspective that is characteristic of the Regnery circus (even if Stein and Atzmon are not published by Regnery, they are common as “the good Jews” among Regnery discourse-promotional circuits).

Buchanan, Gottfried and Spencer. Along with President Reagan, Buchanan is a descendant of (((Frank Meyers))) “fusionism” (Judeo-Christianity + Enlightenment objectivism), so too Paul Gottfried; and Gottfried, a German Jew, tends to see “the bad Jews as Slavic”; of high relevance, Gottfried’s fear of intersectionality against “The Left” had him call for damage control misdirection against a White Left ethnonational response to Jews in their ascendance to unprecedented hegemony circa 2008, calling for a Paleoconservatism 2.0, an Alternative Right, which Richard Spencer took up - a tentosphere of right wing reactionaries now usually being called “the dissident right” after Spencer and his Alt-Right brand name were predictably steered into destruction.

David Cole-Stein, adversary of “The Left”, supported early holocaust revisionist efforts, a proud German-Jew who detests Slavic Jews.

Atzmon, philo-Germanic, anti-Zionist
...offering some insider critique of Jewish power and influence
(probably as semi conscious damage control)
but otherwise basically a liberal.

Related at Majorityrights:

Kristol>NeoCon>Meyer>Paleocon> Gottfried>Francis>NPI> Gottfried>AltRight/lite> Paleocon>Bannon>Trump

Richard Thpenther’s (((Altright tentosphere))): “PQ” (Polish question), Goldstein’s false opposition

On The Regnery Circus Big-Tent-O-Sphere, Featuring Richard Spencer as its Ring-Master

From whence comes the eclecticism of the alternative right big tent concept.

The Alternative-Right’s big tent, would additionally include the Jews for some unknown reason.

The alternative right’s big tent, already too inclusive - includes Jews as well

Big Tent quartermasters faced with fresh spate of pro-Jewish pandering from Donald Trump.

Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

Spain’s capitulation: Seville will have its first mosque in 700 years after the Reconquista

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 25 May 2019 13:53.

Defend Europa, 25 May 2019:

700 years is a long time, many centuries, many generations, many people who saw how Seville flourish thanks to the commerce of the Spanish Empire, becoming the centre of Southern Spain.

Seville is truly a city with an interesting history, with important and curious events. Today’s event has gone unnoticed by the majority of Spaniards and Sevillians, as well as most of the media. Perhaps in the eyes of Sevillians, this event is only considered part of the “innocent” game called multiculturalism.

The title doesn’t lie, Seville, a city with a deeply Catholic tradition, will have its first mosque in 700 years, after the Reconquista. Many people will ask “what’s wrong? It’s just a simple mosque.” And to be honest, putting myself in their place, I would also ask myself, “What’s wrong with a mosque?”

Nine years ago, there was an attempt to put a mosque in the Sevillian neighbourhood of San Jerónimo. The response of the neighbours was blunt: NO!

As you can see in the video, the reaction was clear. Of course, this protest was labelled as islamophobe, xenophobe, and others “phobes” from the list the regressive left uses to attack patriotism.

But now, it’s different.

The new mosque

In the scene of this political theatre, enters a man called Kanoute, a former player of the football team Sevilla FC, which is raising 300,000 euros for the construction of the mosque.

        “I do it to save the Islamic worship of the city,” he declared.

In a country like Spain, which the Muslim population has reached 4% and continues to grow under this Socialist government, the opening of this seemingly unimportant mosque will open the appetite for the construction of many more. The same trend has been seen in Barcelona for example.

With the capitulation of another city in Spain, its European roots begin to tremble. Attacks on Spanish culture can be seen daily. Me your writer, a simple Spaniard and Sevillian, cannot but help remembering the words of Ferdinand III of Castile, who reconquered the city:


“I did not rid this city of the Mohammedan power so that hundreds of Moors stay here to practice their infidel rites.”


        The Spaniards do not forget, the spirit of the Reconquista is still alive.

Salvini: Immigrants to replace empty cribs? No thanks!

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 18 May 2019 09:01.

Without children, Italians have no future.

“Because of the insane austerity in Brussels, hundreds of children are DYING in Greece…

I do not care to have the accounts in place and the cemeteries full, I want for every Italian to be able to afford to found a family with a stable job…

Without children, Italians have no future.”

Matteo Salvini

Presenting: A Jewish woman, a Christian with mixed kids & a Mulatto to discuss loyal White womanhood

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 06 May 2019 20:00.

The Lies Will Try to Live (but they’re not White, they’re Jewish), Abrahamic universalism and interchangeability at work through a Christian woman with mixed race kids and a Mulatto...

At 16:42: Ruth, a.k.a., “Vivian Veritas” a.k.a. The Truth Will Live” (the lies will try to live, but they’re not White, they’re Jewish), refers to Melchy Zedek in the chat for friendly prompting. I had been suspicious of Melchy Zedek ever since I undertook to discuss the DNA Nations and disentangle Jewish language games (notably against “the left”) with Ecce Lux, and Melchy immediately tried to argue against it and propose Christianity instead. Maybe I misunderstand Melchy and he has good but naive intentions…

Anyway, (((Ruth))), a.k.a., “Vivian Veritas” a.k.a. The Truth Will Live”, says at 16:42:

“Well Melchy said in that chat and this is funny because I was actually going to mention it…. he mentioned MTV.

And it’s funny, because I was actually going to mention Brittany Spears.

It’s kinda funny, I didn’t realize until recently, how actually controversial Brittany Spears was kind of first coming onto the scene…

..and actually like, I went back and watched some of her videos….

like some of the early ones are actually petty tame.”

It is so predictable that Ruth would say that (didn’t you just know she would say that? ....“pretty tame”).

... Brittany Spears going on about how her loneliness is killing her and passively acting like she can’t help herself as a giant black guy slam-dunks a basketball…

Vivian (Ruth) adds, “I don’t think religion should be about your people (race)”...

Related at Majorityrights:

The Lies Will Try To Live But They’re Not White, They’re Jewish

Woes Yule gift for HuWhites of (((DissidentRight))): crayons, coloring book, color the enemy, “Left”

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Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:26. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 04:44. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Slaying The Dragon' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 19:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 11:35. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Slaying The Dragon' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 06:04. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Mon, 05 Aug 2024 10:25. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 21:16. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 20:06. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 17:52. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 03 Aug 2024 05:05. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sat, 03 Aug 2024 04:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 23:03. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 12:26. (View)

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