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The Rove strategy, the Sailer strategy and Jewish playbook of Neo-Cons/Paleocons against “The Left”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 30 April 2017 14:05.

Prior to Kumiko having mentioned “the Sailer strategy” on the previous thread, I had planned to put up this post comparing “the Karl Rove strategy” with “the Steve Sailer strategy” in the Jewish playbook. Even though she would elaborate upon this far better than I could, I trust that she’ll recall that it was I who first brought “the Sailer strategy” to her attention; and allow me to go ahead without the charge of having jumped her train (in fact, I’ve wanted for her to do this article).

Obviously Netanayhu’s preferred candidate at the turn of the century was George W. Bush, as he could be manipulated by Wolfowitz to pursue the neo-con agenda in Operation Clean Break to secure the realm around Israel; a plan to use the US military to effect regime change in Israel’s threatening neighbors - Iraq’s Saddam Hussein to begin with. If playing to the Hispanic vote via the “Rove strategy” could gain W. the White House, then so be it. That was expedient for Jews. Anything to get Bush in there.

Having inserted Bush, the US military was used as planned to pursue Israeli interests to its disastrous ends. The neo-con agenda would continue to be squeezed for all it was worth through Obama’s Presidency - despite his resistance to antagonism of Iran as per Brzezinski’s mentorship, with Hillary in The State Department, regime change was effected in Libya and Egypt ..perhaps even the awkward campaign in Ukraine fit into that agenda under her State Department successor (((Kerry))) - it would seem so, given the campaign’s Jewish nature and initiators: The Ukrainian regime change spearhead was Victoria Nuland and her husband, Robert Kagan, was a Clean Break insider.

With the Neo-Con agenda of Levi-Strauss and the Kristols having been “solution enough” to make for increasing problems - that is, creating discontent enough among the goyim on the home front, it was time for Frank Meyer’s Paleocon movement to be re-branded, via Paul Gottfried as “the Alternative Right”, and slipped to White right wing reactionaries to the Neo-Con agenda and the “Rove strategy.” They were to adopt the oppositional “Sailer Strategy” of a unified voting block of White and Jewish paleoconservative interests, a Judeo-Christian union used as a nostalgic “conservative” tranquilizer while diverting any blame from Jews and right wingers onto Asians abroad and Hispanics domestically; further, the Sailer strategy rallied the so called Alternative Right coalition against them under a broader diversionary red cape of “enemies”, an over arching enemy called “The Left.”

Unz Review, “Will Trump be Good for the Jewish People? by Steve Sailer”, 7 Dec 2016:

Much of the hysteria sweeping the fraction of the country that voted for Hillary Clinton originates in understandable Jewish worries about whether the rising tide of populist nationalism will be good for Jewish people.

Note the disparate media treatment of Trump’s two Steves. The press has gone nuts baselessly tarring the working-class Irish-American Stephen Bannon, Trump’s strategist, as anti-Semitic (in reality, Bannon helped bankroll Seinfeld), while largely ignoring Jewish-American Stephen Miller, Trump’s brilliant speechwriter and warm-up act, because he doesn’t fit into the Narrative.

While unfair, it’s reasonable for Jews to feel uneasy about Donald Trump’s promises to bring change to a global system under which, whatever its failings, Jews have prospered more than any other ethnic group.

Burkean prudence advises the people on top to be cautious about proposed changes. After all, they have the most to lose.

You are beginning to see why my White Left Ethnonationalist platform is being resisted with every turn.

Now then, why do Regnery and Spencer take this position as “Alt-Right” against the quote “Left”? Well, you need to begin with their good fortune, the hubris that spawns in the wish to believe oneself a self made man, and put it together with the question of why Jewish interests would also want to take a position against the quote, “left.”

Jewish interests have had disproportionate power and hegemonic influence through seven key niches:

1) Media 2) Money and Finance 3) Academia 4) Politics 5) Religion 6) Law and Courts 7) Business and Industry - and with all of this, US military as well.

With the Alternative Right and Lite sufficiently hoodwinking people on behalf of Jewish interests against the “the left” they could also divert attention away from the immigration problems created by Jews and their right wing coalitions, and onto so called “social justice warriors” - to be otherwise called “leftists” in the media, these typically White liberals are trained in the collusion of Frankfurt school (cultural Marxist) guilt trips to attack and be annoying to Whites. But let us please move beyond such frivolous diversion, opposition to gay marriage and moldy locks, etc. and into the important substance of negotiating racial separatism despite Jewish imposition of integration and right wing complicity:

The best way to organize against the unaccountable hegemony of Jews, complicit right wingers, their black and Muslim thugs and compradors is in Left ethno-nationalism, not only for Asians and Amerindios, but also for Whites ..a coalition of the three would be most effective; and most fearful to Jews. Particularly the White ethnonationalist left and especially in coalition with the other two groups. Thus, they will put every obstacle in its way and silence it at every turn.

Operation Clean Break is not nearly completed. Trump’s campaign was initiated and made viable with his willingness to dismantle the Iran deal. Iran and its ally Syria being the next steps in Operation Clean Break. 

Having installed the new right wing Jewish functionary that is Trump largely for that aim and having diverted White dissent into a disorganizing, dehumanizing and ultimately misdirected demonization against “the left”, Jewish marketing interests have thus far been successful in silencing Left ethnonational opposition and have done their level best to rupture its coalition.

Right wing reactionaries have served their function by means of the re-branded paleoconservatism that is the Alternative Right against the demon organizing left. Alt-Rght functionaries are discarded where hapless, bought-off with celebrity where in/convenient - Kumiko cites an instrumental quid pro quo achieved through Kevin MacDonald and Sailer, which we found would reach Bannon and Steven Miller - Jews are free to pursue their agenda more than ever through Trump and his Jewish entourage that they put into power. Not only can they direct foreign campaigns against their chosen enemies, but they can also direct enemy lines at their discretion domestically as well; which is the special difference of the Jewish movement known as Paleoconservatism - it offers “conservatism” that consolidates Jewish jurisdiction - such as Christianity, but not only; it could be science (A Troublesome Inheritance), or the civic patriotism of Trump’s “make America great again movement”,  but it is a “conservatism” designed and promulgated to be conducive to Jewish interests.

With the Sailer strategy, Paleoconservatism re-garbed as the Alternative Right, the gimmicky marketing expertise of Jewish firms on Madison Ave., Alt Right celebrities have been equipped with “red pills” “black pills” “indigo pills” to go against “social justice warriors”, “the left” and to troll our would-be allies as “anti-White”, etc.; with this stuff, Jewish interests, duplicitous White right wingers or just plain White right wing dupes have largely mis/represented White interests as being somehow aligned, if not with Jewish interests in diaspora, then with the Jewish jurisdiction of Judeo-Christianity and Zionism.

There’s every reason to believe that Jews would like to divert White American animus strictly toward Amerindios and Asians, and ramp -up their hatred toward us. Just as they’d like to divert European animus strictly toward Islam and vis a versa. But there is a difference in the necessity to over-come the bullshit, and misdeeds of Jews and right wingers as best we can to establish harmonious if not cooperative and coordinated interests with Asians and Amerindios against our enemies; while alliance with Jews, Muslims and blacks is only a fool’s errand. It is Jews and right wingers, a.k.a. liberals, who’ve imposed blacks and Muslims upon us; and nobody needs that.

Alt-Right cannot be trusted to represent Whites, ethnonationalists on crucial matters

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 19:18.

Yeeeehaaah!  Sooweeeee! Get em   ....Leroy and Schlomo

“The United States Should Seriously Consider Peaceful Partition”, so says Vincent Law at AltRight on 24 April 2017.

How convenient that Vincent Law, a Ukrainian American (?) living in St. Peterberg, Russia, would proffer how balkanization of The US might go.

The right wing and Jewish perspective from which he comes is not to be trusted on either side of this issue. They created these conflicts, they created these immigration problems and now they want to create hackneyed “solutions.” They may bemuse and distract larpers, but in the end they will serve a Jewish and complicit right wing perspective. This will create disaster and conflict for others while these weasels A) escape to gated communities or B) escape the country entirely if need be (with their money, of course); finally, e.g., leaving remaining Whites to get raped by blacks (who are “really not so bad”, or perhaps “your problem”, when in fact, it was their perspective that long ago imposed them on normal Whites et al.).

Meanwhile right wingers from other races will be trying to swing deals established by Jews and right wingers as well. Saying that the kind of Jews and right wing huxters posing as “ethno nationalists” on this thread at Alt-Right represent White people and their ethnonationalism. They don’t. And they will create conflicts with people that White ethno nationalists should ally (not integrate or fight) with: Asian and Amerindian ethno nationalists.

The Right Wing/Alternative Right cannot be trusted with this issue any more than anything else - i.e., not at all. They are the ones who put Trump and his Jewish entourage into power. And that is just for starters in terms of their screw-ups. There are some basic issues that need to sorted out yet - not interminable matters, but too important to go right ahead and start bargaining on the bases and within the parameters that Jews and right wingers establish. They cannot even be trusted to say what is White or not.

silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ Kumiko Oumae • 2 days ago

Asians do not belong in white ethnostates. It’s as simple as that.

F—k off and die, please.

  Kumiko Oumae reply to silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ • 2 days ago

I completely agree that Asians should not be on the same side of the line as White people if a partition occurs in North America. That’s precisely why I placed Asians and Hispanics together outside of the White ethnostate partition in the hypothetical scenario I described. Re-read what I actually wrote.

I would not even ask you to moderate the tone or language that you take when dealing with Asian people, since I think that Asian people do need to know how White Americans really feel on this issue, so as to shatter the illusion of there being any kind of shared destiny. You want to promote ethnic division in North America. So do I.

The American ‘melting pot’ was never going to work out. And even if it somehow did work out, it would be undesirable for all groups concerned. And so it should never be allowed to work out.

DanielS: Silver is an (admitted) non-White (who “wouldn’t be surprised if he is part Jewish”, but at any rate, “has an affinity for Anatolia and the Levant”). He lives in England, not America, and agitates to deliberately stir-up strife among Whites while he tries to create enemies for them among non-Whites. In this case, with Asians. I drove him away from Majorityrights long ago for these reasons. He is in no way to be taken seriously, as a representative of Whites; nor as a negotiator of ethnonationalism in good or bad faith.

While I draw attention to Alt-Righters, trolls and the experience that I have of them misrepresenting White interests, Kumiko calls some interesting facts to my attention about - they allow for slurs against Asians in their comments, but if you use the word “Jew” the comment will be blocked.

She also noted that she was the only one who gave an up-vote to Bowery’s comment:

jabowery • a day ago

Sortocracy: Sorting proponents of social theories into governments that test them.

Bowery’s idea of Sortocracy is among the most fair and intelligent on the thread, but the drawback of Sortocracy is for his/its empirical bias, as it lacks the historical element that hermeneutics corrects for. If that were to be incorporated, and it could be, it could be a very good vehicle.

Clicking on the map will take you to a site that allows you to click further onto particular states to see all of their counties. For various reasons this is a helpful grid when examining matters of secession.

Tillerson, Putin, Sakhalin, Fukushima: Why would Japan Hate Trump’s outreach to Russian Federation?

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 09 February 2017 17:37.

Trump appointed Putin cronie Tillerson, Secretery of State, to join in capture there, Sakhalin, of what would, should be Japan’s natural and crucial resource

If Japan were in control of Sakhalin, an island to its north, and a logical extension of its homeland, its ethno-state, and if Japan and its closely related Asian relatives were in control of their native lands of Kamchatka and Eastern Siberia, not only would Japan and its Asian relatives be in rightful control of lands that are a natural part of their ethno-states; instead of these territories being of the vast imperial aggrandizement of The Russian Federation; but instead of The Russian Federation extending its practice of aggrandizement and parasitism of the resources of aggrandized territories, Japan would have the natural gas resource that goes with its rightful north island, which could largely solve immediate critical problems of its energy requirements - resources so urgently needed, alleviating options heretofore so limited by the territorial impingement, that it was forced to take extra risks with nuclear power precisely as it was deprived of traditional fossil fuel sources; but persevered in its characteristic self reliance to place the Fukushima nuclear reactor within its constrained and populated national territory despite that obviously being far from optimal. Disaster betrayed that pattern of self reliance while the imperialist parasitism of Putin’s Russian Federation has been ramped-up with outrageous chutzpah, in alliance with Trump and Netanyahu - against Asian ethno-nationalism and its emerging alliances with European ethno-states.

Fortune, ‘This Island Holds the Secret to Rex Tillerson and Vladimir Putin’s Relationship’, 14 Dec 2016:

If Vladimir Putin has a man crush on anyone in business, it’s probably Rex Tillerson, the ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson Trump just nominated to head the State Department.

Aljazeera, ‘New US state chief a perfect fit for Russia’, 14 Dec 2016:

Friendship between Putin and Rex Tillerson dates back to 1990s when the Texas oilman established a US energy presence.

Fortune, ‘This Island Holds the Secret to Rex Tillerson and Vladimir Putin’s Relationship’, 14 Dec 2016:

As to the reason why, all you need to do is look at Sakhalin, a windswept, earthquake-prone island off Russia’s Pacific coast where temperatures can fluctuate 110 degrees throughout the year. It’s this forbidding territory that Exxon (xom, -0.28%), under Tillerson, has turned into one of Russia’s most lucrative oil provinces, affording Russia a crucial entry into the fast-growing oil markets of Asia, generating nearly $5 billion in tax dollars and other revenue for the government to date, and generally being, by Moscow’s lights, a good corporate citizen.

Indeed, if Japan and its relatives native to the habitat of eastern Siberia were in control of territories reasonable for ethno-statism, as opposed to these territories being under the control of the Russian Federation’s imperial aggrandizement, Japan and its close Asian relatives would have access to vital natural gas resources desperately needed, and could have/might still place any supplementary nuclear reactor projects in regions remote from human populations, essential habitat and tectonic fault lines.

From what I gather, The Russian Federation’s economy is based on this unjust territorial aggrandizement, resource parasitism and its raw materials sales. This is in marked contrast to the strategy of the world’s third largest economy—Japan—which builds its GNP through labor, manufacturing and technological innovation.

But it is not only Japan and natives of East Asia that the Jewy parasitism of The Russian Federation’s aggrandizement impacts—it impacts all neighbors of its vast imperial overstep, an overstep of anything remotely like a Russian ethno-state. The Russian Federation and its forerunners have done so historically, it is doing so now, in a new Jewy alliance with Trump and Tillerson, and it will continue to do so, so long as the elephant in the room is not recognized: The Russian Federation is not an ethno-state!

It is an imperialist enterprise aligned against our necessary Asian ethno-nationalist allies. We need ethno-nationalist alliance with our Chinese, South Korean and Japanese counterparts against Islam and against Israel. The Trumpist alternative is the opposite, it is an objectivist, civic “nationalist” alliance of a Jewed-up USA, a Jewed-up Russia, Israel and whatever Muslim compradors they can enlist to suppress ethno-national rebellion against their imperial supremacism. Their ostensible solution to the problem of “radical Islam” is nothing more than the old “solution” phase, a “solution” for the reaction to a problem that they created.

The Intercept, ‘Rex Tillerson’s Exxon Mobil Frequently Sought State Department Assistance, New Documents Show’, 17 Jan 2017:

A February 2009 cable published by Wikileaks shows Exxon Mobil asking then-U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle to intervene on its behalf and speak to the Russian government about its then-stalled offshore drilling project in a major oil and gas field to the east of Russia called Sakhalin.

“Exxon Mobil [officials] told the Ambassador on January 31 that GOR [Government of Russia] refusal to approve project budgets has halted development of new Sakhalin 1 fields,” reads the cable. Kremlin officials, perhaps motivated by anti-American sentiment, were blocking approval of a budget needed to move forward with the project until a Russian entity took control of 51 percent of the deal.

Exxon Mobil officials hoped that the incoming Obama administration could persuade the Russians to change course on the project. The president of Exxon Mobil’s Russian operation and its Sakhalin project manager “told the Ambassador they believed a warming of U.S.-Russian relations could help reverse the refusal to approve the Sakhalin 1 budget,” and “asked the Ambassador for USG support in pressing the GOR to act on the matter.”

In May 2009, the Sakhalin 1 consortium agreed to sell 20 percent of the gas extracted from the field to Russia’s state-owned company Gazprom, and production continued.

Other cables released by Wikileaks suggest Exxon Mobil pushed for better U.S.-Russia relations to advance its business interests.

One 2007 cable noted that Russian-based executives of Exxon Mobil and other U.S. firms met with Under Secretary of State Reuben Jeffery III in Moscow and argued that “the best way to engage Russia and enhance global energy security is to focus on positive dialogue geared towards helping Russia improve its oil and gas investment climate.” Russia, the oil firms noted, “is about to embark on a new era of oil and gas development in areas (East Siberia and Arctic regions) that cannot be exploited without Western technologies and expertise.”

Tillerson’s ties to Russia — which center around the joint venture he signed in 2011 as the CEO of Exxon Mobil with Russian state-owned company Rosneft to drill for oil on the Arctic shelf — have been a source of controversy. After the signing, Tillerson was presented with an “Order of Friendship” award from Russian President Vladimir Putin.


We can no longer allow liberals and brackets to co-opt issues of environment and species diversity

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 09 January 2017 18:07.

        This nonsense has got to stop.


Join the Resistance to Trump’s Attack on Our Environment and Civil Rights

The #Earth2Trump Roadshow is coming — or has already come — to a town near you this month.

The roadshow is rallying and empowering defenders of civil rights and the environment to resist Trump’s dangerous agenda. Stopping in 16 cities on its way to D.C., it’s bringing thousands of people to protest at the presidential inauguration.

Having kicked off in Oakland and Seattle on Jan. 2, the #Earth2Trump Roadshow is touring the country bringing speakers, musicians, outrage, fun and hope to a total of 16 cities as it progresses toward the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20.

The free shows feature national and local speakers, great musicians, and an opportunity to join a growing movement of resistance to all forms of oppression and all attacks on our environment. We must stand and oppose every Trump policy that hurts wildlife; poisons our air and water; destroys our climate; promotes racism, misogyny or homophobia; and marginalizes entire segments of our society.

That includes White people and our species too, baldy. We are not Trump.
Trump does not represent White people, our best interests, nor our best relation to environment and others.

Brackets have been co-opting, along with their liberal trainees, issues of environmental and species diversity as if it is their cause and then militating against “racism” as if Europeans are not a species with habitat, as if discrimination against more prolific breeders and antagonistic species who encroach is not an essential capacity to maintain speciation and habitat sustainability; the liberals here also tuck a campaign against “misogyny” into their environmentalism, as if females should bear no critique on behalf of human ecology? As if hatred of men, White men, has not been open season for over 60 years now, and doesn’t warrant a response?

To allow our cause of European advocacy to be associated with right-wing destruction of human and natural ecology is no longer acceptable. Nor is it for the brackets to continually associate their liberal political causes with environmentalism and biodiversity.

We can give credit where credit is due to those living ecologically - e.g., a native American tribe living with the environment - great.

We can call to account our right-wingers and liberals where they are not living ecologically, where international capital, industrial, consumer society, liberal universalism impact ourselves and others deleteriously: a key difference of White Post Modernity is that unlike Modernity, it does not merely stop when it is forced to stop by nature. It recognizes internal relation, limits and differences that make a difference. It has a deliberate stance in that regard from the onset. Unlike the mono-culturalism of primitive groups and the universalim of liberal modernist societies, White Post Modernity recognizes the delimitations of pervasive ecology and reflexive effects in internal relation from the start....including instances where liberals and brackets try use “environmentalism” to prevent more developed countries from assisting growing ethnostates - and vis a versa, where they obstruct those growing ethno-states from cooperating with more developed nations in their contraction into ethno-states.

But we also need to be critical where criticism is due, not only of females, delicate and sensitive creatures though they are, not only of White right-wingers who screw-up the issue of ecology, in one way or another, where they try to deal with it, or where they’re downright antagonistic, but where racial groups impact the rest of the world.

Right wingers, liberals and their bracket masters are going to have to recognize that their “anti-racism” thing is a fundamental scourge against necessary human classification - which is requisite for accountability and necessary discrimination on behalf of human ecology, thus ultimately, all ecology.


Solstice in the Deep of European Rebirth

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:03.


Our emergent qualities as people (the qualitative whole being greater than the sum of its parts), what resonates in our psyche, stirring it to respond as such to that which is genetically close, vital and essential, regenerative not only of our kin, but the fauna, creatures and to take the emergent to an extreme, even of inanimate objects of our natural habitat, is a profound matter.

And how do we pursue consideration of these matters? Our co-evolution provides what we call “internal relation”, that is, rule structures that are evolved symbiotically or come about equiprimordially from the same circumstances, concerns, affordances and limitations.

Those episodic manifestations which suggest the origin of that symbiosis, that which is most essential to reconstructing the pattern of our people, of the aeons, have normally been called upon as sacred - because these episodes reveal what is that deep, that important to our fitness as a physical, biological and human system, we institutionalize the practice of the sacred episode as it manifests - at our best, never losing site of its organic source, what it is doing, and its re-emergent truth at our service - not as a nightmarish fateful return to the hideous limitation of patterns but of a replenishment from the essence of our patterns as we set about the next spiral upward.

The comfortable (optimum unused potentiality for change in maintenance of homeostatic function) default mindset is established and delimited by the parameters of our personal interests amidst our folk and their interests - however, since both we as humans, and the human ecological systems of which we are a part are far more complex to maintain than systems of creatures which rely on mood signals, the reconstruction of our human ecological systems inevitably relies upon hermeneutics to aid in the reconstruction of its authentic scope.

Science and nature can strongly indicate what we should do; but irrespective of that, there is a difference (especially with Europeans, complex as we are), between what IS and what is apparently suggested by science as opposed to what might be suggested through philosophy - the complexities, varieties, and yes, contradictions that can and will challenge us with choices beyond scientistic explanation.

Even so, there are not only profound reasons to be rigorously concerned for the emergent (as GW is), there are also practical reasons - in following its resonance, we are guided directly with what has shown naturally fit for our well being through the ages; and we have the innocence of positively identifying with what we “love” as it is close, vital, a necessary part of us, as opposed to asserting discrimination against others and being subject to the charge of being anti-this or anti-that, of gross indifference, arbitrary cruelty, double standards, supremacism and “racism.”

Finally, the circumstance which has GW riveted on this starting point does not mean that is not my starting point as well, since there is no choice for anyone not deceiving themselves with some Cartesian mind game. But that does not mean that looking at the more protracted form and speculative breadth of our systems along with the means by which they are understood and reconstructed is contradictory to their authentic well being, insufficiently deep and closed to what is - on the contrary; and there are great advantages in this deliberation, taking the form of substantial accountability, coherence, warrant and agency in human ecology.


Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, is carefully aligned on a sight-line that points to the winter solstice sunset (opposed to New Grange, which points to the winter solstice sunrise, and the Goseck circle, which is aligned to both the sunset and sunrise).

Archaeologists believe it was constructed from 3000 BC to 2000 BC and it is thought that the winter solstice was actually more important to the people who constructed Stonehenge than the Summer solstice.

The winter solstice was a time when cattle was slaughtered (so the animals would not have to be fed during the winter) and the majority of wine and beer was finally fermented.

        These larpers could have used deeper scientific bearing (Photo: Eddie Mullholand).
        They showed up a day early for the solstice in 2009.
        For the discerning Euro-folk pagan, the winter solstice is due to occur this year on December 21rst.

Your People’s History and Future Irrespective: Mulatto Nationalism by Hillary or by Trump?

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 November 2016 05:01.

Regarding your people’s history and future, the (((choice))) you get with U.S. politics is no choice.

Nawaz put at risk by (((The SPLC))), (((Nick Cohen))) blames “The White Left”

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 03 November 2016 08:00.

Maajid Nawaz, an activist against “Muslim extremism”, is placed on The (((SPLC))) hate list. The SPLC is a Massad controlled group which has washed its hands of Nawaz (for not representing their authentic dirty work enough?); while Spectator reporter (((Cohen))) libelously attributes that SPLC designation and liberal irresponsibility as being the first fatwa issued by “The White Left.”

The White Left has NOT issued its first, or any fatwa, as Nick Cohen asserts, but what The SPLC has done is tantamount to aiding and abetting one.

One may argue that Nick Cohen is as confused as his audience about the terms “left” and “liberal”, but it is not likely that someone with the name Cohen and entrusted to a prominent writing position at The Spectator is trying to be careful about clearly describing a platform to serve the full class of White interests - i.e., a White Left, not to be confused with liberalism, a confusion of terms promoted by his fellow tribesmen, and by which they’ve been able to confuse the public for decades now.

In fact, he does indulge in a new twist. Whether he fancies himself as being descriptive of White liberals (in his view, Jews, such as Mark Potok of the SPLC, would be included as White) or he has some idea of the power of our burgeoning White Left platform, and therefore seeks to confuse it pre-emptively, he is attributing to the term “White left” logics of meaning and action which do not follow from our platform of White Left Nationalism - The White Class.

Indeed, I had discussed the case of Maajid Nawaz with Kumiko, who had explained to me the irony of The SPLC placing this man on their “hate list.”

While I am against making the distinction between “radical and moderate” Islam, as I recognize all of Islam to be harboring and wielding our destruction, whether most active in a present episode or not, I would not go so far as to put at risk to a fatwa a man who has, in fact, come to denounce the more violent and destructive expressions of Islam and is trying to encourage other Muslims to take advantage of more healthy, moderate and liberal life possibilities.

Kumiko showed me this video of a speaking engagement of Nawaz’s, where he describes his project. She and I agree that Nawaz is a bit off in his recommendations - we would ultimately prefer a full denunciation of Islam in favor of Left Nationalism for his people, but also agree that such sudden prescription is both unrealistic and would be even more dangerous to him; as would our taking his side, in defense of him against the SPLC. Kumiko figured that we would not help him, that we would contextualize him in a way that exposes him more to Muslim violence by associating him with platforms (such as this) of White advocacy; while making an association here would also expose him to further Jewish vitriol, such as The SPLC placing him on their “hate list.”

Nevertheless, we think, “of all the Muslims to put on their hate list!” ?

The last straw for me though, making it a bad option to keep silent, was this Cohen guy trying to say that “The White Left” has issued a “fatwa” on Maajid Nawaz, when in fact it is The SPLC that is putting him at that risk, with a clear signal to more radical Muslims - “have a go at him, we wash our hands of defending him in his attempt to moderate Islam.”

Now then, for a look at the article which attempts to blame something which Cohen calls “the white left” for this.

The Spectator, “The white left has issued its first fatwa”, by Nick Cohen, 31 Oct 2016:

Maajid Nawaz

[Cohen]: I have never advised anyone to use the English libel laws. I spent years helping the campaign to reform them, and am proud of the liberalisation I and many, many others helped bring. I have to admit, though, our achievement was modest.

...and hypocritical, as now you misappropriate the term and in fact libel what would be a proper articulation of The White Left, if the term were disentangled from decades of Jewish journalese confusing “left and liberal;” and understood properly by contrast - by the public, and somehow by copyright law.

Ibid: Libel in England remains sinister in intent – the defendant has to prove he or she was telling the truth – and oppressive in practice. Parliament and the asinine Leveson inquiry into the press failed to tackle the horrendous costs, and kept libel as the preserve of the rich and the reckless. You can risk spending £1 million before a case comes to court. Despite reform, libel courts remain the place oligarchs and charlatans go to suppress the truth.

Well, I will not initiate a case against the sinister intent of Jewish media, even though I believe it is their sinister intent to prevent White (as in not Jewish) people from organizing, unionizing in their exclusive defense - a defense of those Whites who are relatively innocent, who are not right wing supremacists, but are rather characteristically cooperative, non-coercive separatists: White Left ethnonationalists -  that there is by contrast an antagonism, a persistent, sinister intent on the part of (((media, academia and other niches))) to confuse the term “left” with “liberal” when it applies to Whites and a would-be “White Left” in order to keep them from defending themselves against the genocide that is being launched against them by Jewish and neo-liberal interests: by means of open immigration of exploding non-White populations, “anti-racism” (i.e., prohibition of White discrimination on the basis of racial and ethnic groups, even in national interest), ubiquitous promotion of race-mixing, endless propaganda of Whites as evil, advancing non-White interests with and against the concept of “White privilege” applied across the board, to all Whites, as something to be “legally corrected” ...their right to abstain from forced contract and imposition undone - a feudal differentiation of laws which disadvantage White organized defense; compelling their mere servitude, their ultimate extinction enforced at the behest the YKW and neo-liberal PTB.

Not only would Cohen libel the term, “White Left,” saying “it has issued a fatwa” but he’s libeled The White Left also by associating it with neo-liberalism and the SPLC in its nefarious irresponsibility to put further at risk a man who is risking his safety to try to encourage more reasonable ways for Muslims.

The White Left is issuing no such fatwa against this man, and rather believes that his heart is in the right place, even if still a bit misguided.

Ibid: Last night, however, I found myself advising the anti-fascist campaigner Maajid Nawaz to sue in the London courts.  I even gave him the names of lawyers who would be happy to help. The attack he is facing is so grotesque, ferocious remedies seem the only response.

It is not “fascism” that he is campaigning against inasmuch as he is articulate - it is the right-wing feudalism of Islam and its (terroristic, if need be) imposition of imam compradores, radical shock troops and the feudal Muslim way of life against what would have been Left ethnoationlaist nations; if not for the destructive imposition as aided and abetted by neo-liberals.

Ibid: Nawaz’s enemy is not the usual user of the libel law: a Putin front-man or multinational. It is an organization that ought to share Nawaz’s values, but because of the crisis in left-wing values does the dirty work of the misogynists, the racists, the homophobes, the censors, and the murderers it was founded to oppose. It does it with a straight face because, as I am sure you will have guessed, the fascism in question is not white but Islamic. And once that subject is raised all notions of universal human rights, and indeed basic moral and intellectual decency, are drowned in a sea of bad faith.

Lets clarify what is really going on here, Nawaz’s enemies are right wingers, Jews (such as the SPLC) and neo-liberals who seek Islamic compradores and shock troops to disrupt Left ethnonationalsm.

Ibid: Nawaz is from Essex. He has fought and been beaten up by white British neo-Nazis. He fell in with Hizb ut-Tahrir while he was young. When he ended up in a torture chamber in an Egyptian jail, he abandoned Islamism for liberalism. Since then, he and his Quilliam Foundation have struggled against both the white far right and the Islamist far right. They have defended liberal Muslims and, indeed, all of us from lethal blasphemy taboos and the threat of terrorism. They respect freedom of speech, including the freedom of their enemies to speak. (When they asked me to introduce their report on online extremism, I was pleased to see them warning the state against the folly of trying to ban extremism rather than argue against it.) Quilliam and Nawaz support women’s rights and gay rights. They believe that there is no respectable reason why men and women with brown skins should not enjoy the same rights as men and women with white skins. They think they should try to stop young Muslims joining Islamic State, not just for the sake of the Yazidis they will take into sex slavery, or the civilians they will tyrannise and kill, but for the sake of the young Muslims themselves.

And now you would try to say that we, “The White Left,” are issuing a “fatwa” against a man who is trying to do this good work? Who is libelous here? Not The White Left: we issue no such fatwa. On the contrary, we commend his good intention.


MidtDasein: First is not the same as most essential - interests (inter esse)

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 16 October 2016 18:21.

First is not the same as most essential (inter esse), a take-away from prior thread.

Updated (significantly) the morning of October 18th CET

I agree that it is important to not set the bar too high and that is something which GW helps to articulate very well - i.e., the Heideggerian place of MidtDasein - by ensconcing the authentic consciousness of the subject in a world view that is not all that conscious - not feeling constantly compelled by the instrumental, for reasons too subjective, too objective, or too “the They” but resonating rather, with the emergent - he contributes thus significantly to the articulation of its authentic form, in this holding fast attention to resonance, from resonance of subjective emergence to resonance of the objective field, a position which does partake of the calculative (Cartesian) while not remaking stuck there, generally. On the other hand, also generally, Heidegger helps to not set the bar too high, by suggesting that authentic thinking generally occurs slowly, in a meandering, qualitative survey by poesis. While the subject is the inevitable entering point of caring interest, its viewpoint is calibrated authentically from there, taken away from inauthenticity and into engagement with its full organic process by re-attention to “there-being” (which occurs, I suppose, when resonance with a relative concern is particularly acute), from momentary concerns to a broad systemic view based in the relative interests (inter esse) of one’s folk (social group/midtdasein) within the emergent world - that is another description of midtdasein; and if the subject is centered not in objectivity, but within the purview of the folk, in praxis; and folk leaders share this view to their relative interests, the calibration of the group should feed back to serve the authentic interests of the subjective starting point which the subject will come back to inevitably in resonance - a resonance that should meld with the group’s interests, in the moment they seek to re-orient anew, to call back from estrangement their authentic position of caring. But if the subject is not getting sufficient feedback from the system, marginalized as such, their authentic concern would bring to bear their subjective perspective on the system’s inauthenticity, acting as a homeostatic corrective (I believe it was Heidegger’s student, Gadamer, who fostered this idea).

Thus, First - subject - isn’t the same as most Essential (inter-esse) - Midtdasein - subject ensconced in a world view of relation within the folk. In fact, the first subjective relation is not to this third person (Cartesian) point of view, but rather, the subject acting into relation of second person address - parental relation, as biological creatures with reflexive capacities unique among biological creatures. From that starting point, it moves into emergent and third person relation (us) to calibrate midtdasein - if the social system is correctly oriented - which it presently is not (because it is estranged, all too Cartesian: objective/subjective, all too moved into the third person “they”) - hence the need for centering not rigidly stuck in the Cartesianism of the psychological perspective, but in the communication perspective, in interaction, its affordance of a view confirmed and delimited by the relative interests of the human ecological system, beginning with the first to second person relation and then prompting engagement in non-universal maturity, to socialization in midtdasein - a worldview gauged against the relative interests of the social group. The interests of the subject as participant in the social group, its authentic being, are held fast as they naturally resonate in emergent delimitation against material reality, including its own affordances and constraints, matters of physics; and for the need to coordinate caring activity/existence in relation to the emergence of other authentic social groups, biological creatures, the necessities of their organic systems in emergent relation to our systemic organic necessities.

Heidegger does advise or describe as authentic then, a holding fast of this essence, the resonance of emergent qualities of the subject, the people, the MidtDasein and its world setting taken to heart.

The holding metaphor is interesting because it implies two separated appendages, or at any rate, the capacity to embrace and coddle that which is inbetween and captivate it to one’s subjective attention.


GW: Cartesian epistemology, then, is dangerously self-referential, and that applies to the Cartesian sum as well as its cogito ... to what the model can say about the subject.  Subjectivity truly is a chalk circle.

To break this, Heidegger proposed that every thing from a single particle to the universe has a being of its own and, therefore, a truth thereof which discloses itself to an action or state or site (depending on one’s interpretation) called Dasein.  Now, to overcome the difficulty of representation in the Mind, because thought, emotion and sensation are each, in their own way, representational, Hiedegger proposed essential thinking as the mind-activity which is active in Dasein’s way of seeing what is disclosed.

This is good in that it helps supply a much fuller understanding, encourages attention to where our subjective emergent qualities resonate with the emergent qualities beyond the subjective; but you are sweeping aside other aspects that Heidegger suggests for relieving Cartesian rigidity, viz., the idea of Caring, there-being (taking attention out of one’s head), the folk and their delimitation as such - these are not an affectation to Heidegger nor an arbitrary application.

You have reminded me of the aspect of Heidegger in which he calls attention to “spreading out what is interesting - inter esse - and taking to heart what is most essential - then holding fast” - that would be a Heideggerian means for subjective emergence resonating with emergent qualities of the objective…

The holding metaphor is interesting because it implies two separated appendages, or at any rate, the capacity to embrace and coddle that which is inbetween and captivate it to one’s subjective attention.

What you may not be respecting in what I am getting at is how Heidegger’s system would assign being to the folk - and how the subjective would have a different qualitative relation to it, within it, in midtdasein, than to the rest of the “site of disclosure”... it would be a relative quality and a Caring which goes beyond and then delimits the subjective perspective from The They and The The which would make a non-Cartesian difference. The holding metaphor which you remind me of in your attention to emergence is interesting.

Heidegger does advise or describe as authentic then, a holding fast of this essence of resonance of emergent qualities of the subject, the people, the MidtDasein and its world setting taken to heart.

GW: Only by fitting the two realms together may one reconcile false Dasein to “midtdasein” ... may one reconcile the formed personality, with all its error, to the “site” of disclosure of the thing which is the people.  That is what my Ontological Transit, in all its gauche simplicity, is designed to do.  Understand it before you criticise it.

Well, you can put it that way, its implied in what I’ve said, but rather than its being incumbent upon me to “understand” a reification like “the personality”, you might be open to understand before criticizing the reason why autobiography will provide a better means of fitting predilections of the corporeal self to the “site” of disclosure - which includes one’s folk.

I can appreciate that you want “personality” to fit a closer reading of the corporeal and its genetic expression, but the concept of autobiography is not mutually exclusive and will, rather, facilitate “the fitting together” of authentic expression of the personality and the “site of disclosure.”

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:28. (View)

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