Majorityrights Central > Category: Immigration and Politics

What if we’re not ‘the bad guys’?

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 10 February 2017 07:45.

Not actually 'the baddies'.'

It’s really great

Question. What’s the difference between:

  • being a pirate running a multi-ethnic drug-ferrying operation to generate money which is kept off-the-books for the financing of covert operations,
  • being a mercenary who is paid to attack slave-ships and liberate slaves,
  • being a radically forward-deployed coastguard which defends the borders of Britain at the edge of someone else’s shores on extended lines of supply, and
  • being a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire?

Trick question. They are all potentially the same thing, and that’s what makes Britain great.

The only people in parliament who seem to have any understanding of this history however, are the people in Theresa May’s wonderful cabinet.

Weaponised history

The difference in opinion between Amber Rudd and Justin Welby is very instructive:

ITV News, ‘Home Secretary faces backlash in parliament for capping lone child refugees’, 09 Feb 2017:

The Home Secretary faced a backlash in parliament after it was announced that the number of lone child refugees coming to the UK will be capped.

Amber Rudd insisted that the move to cap the scheme to just 350 children, far fewer than the 3,000 originally expected, closed to avoid encouraging people-traffickers.

Ministers quietly announced on Wednesday that 200 children had been brought in under the so-called Dubs Amendment and it will close after another 150 are settled in Britain.


Responding to the Commons, Rudd said: “I am clear that when working with my French counterparts, they do not want us to indefinitely continue to accept children under the Dubs Amendment because they specify, and I agree with them, that it acts as a draw. It acts as a pull.

“It encourages the people-traffickers.”

She also suggested that local authority funding had come into the equation when deciding how many child refugees would be settled under the programme.


The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby said he was “saddened and shocked” to learn of the Government’s decision to stop the scheme.

“Our country has a great history of welcoming those in need, particularly the most vulnerable, such as unaccompanied children,” he said.

“Refugees, like all people, are treasured human beings made in the image of God who deserve safety, freedom and the opportunity to flourish.”

He added: “We must resist and turn back the worrying trends we are seeing around the world, towards seeing the movement of desperate people as more of a threat to identity and security than an opportunity to do our duty.

“We cannot withdraw from our long and proud history of helping the most vulnerable.”

The Home Secretary is correct, and the Archbishop of Canterbury is incorrect, as per usual, because Christianity is stupid and will make you become stupid.

The apparently long, proud history of British people ‘helping the most vulnerable’ in a scenario like the one that is presently unfolding in Syria, has only one historical precedent actually, and it is the historical precedent of the West Africa Squadron.

Philanthropic activities

The West Africa Squadron sprung out of the changing economic structural necessities in 1808 after Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. The Squadron’s mission was to suppress the Atlantic Slave Trade by attacking slave ships off the coast of West Africa.

Letters of Marque were also issued to allow private security contractors, also known as ‘pirates’, to act on behalf of the British government under ‘false flags’ to attack Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arab, and American slave ships within the same mission scope. A particularly iconic practice was to approach a contact while flying the British red ensign, and then run it down the flagpole at the last minute and elevate the black Skull and Bones flag in its place before attacking the contact. Under the Skull and Bones, it was possible to exist in a parallel legal reality where you could do anything to anyone without a care in the world. This also happens to be the essence of what Ernst Junger would later refer to as the ‘dual state’.

The programme was later expanded by the 1840s to encompass North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Ocean, as Pax Britannica began to become entrenched across the major sea-lanes into the western hemisphere.

Notice how none of that involved inviting every single African into Britain. On the contrary, by taking the fight to the slave traders – both legally and extra-legally – it enabled the British to accomplish:

  • a great work of humanitarianism,
  • the pursuit of various geostrategic and geoeconomic objectives against Britain’s rivals,
  • disincentivising the activities of the slave traders, and
  • the ability to simply hijack virtually any ship and steal it, with popular support.

As Cecil John Rhodes once said, “Pure philanthropy is very well in its way, but philanthropy plus five percent is a good deal better.

And really, it is, isn’t it?

Anyone who doubts can simply contrast the premiership of Theresa May against the premiership of Angela Merkel. Which is faring better? Exactly. I rest my case.

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We can no longer allow liberals and brackets to co-opt issues of environment and species diversity

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 09 January 2017 18:07.

        This nonsense has got to stop.


Join the Resistance to Trump’s Attack on Our Environment and Civil Rights

The #Earth2Trump Roadshow is coming — or has already come — to a town near you this month.

The roadshow is rallying and empowering defenders of civil rights and the environment to resist Trump’s dangerous agenda. Stopping in 16 cities on its way to D.C., it’s bringing thousands of people to protest at the presidential inauguration.

Having kicked off in Oakland and Seattle on Jan. 2, the #Earth2Trump Roadshow is touring the country bringing speakers, musicians, outrage, fun and hope to a total of 16 cities as it progresses toward the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20.

The free shows feature national and local speakers, great musicians, and an opportunity to join a growing movement of resistance to all forms of oppression and all attacks on our environment. We must stand and oppose every Trump policy that hurts wildlife; poisons our air and water; destroys our climate; promotes racism, misogyny or homophobia; and marginalizes entire segments of our society.

That includes White people and our species too, baldy. We are not Trump.
Trump does not represent White people, our best interests, nor our best relation to environment and others.

Brackets have been co-opting, along with their liberal trainees, issues of environmental and species diversity as if it is their cause and then militating against “racism” as if Europeans are not a species with habitat, as if discrimination against more prolific breeders and antagonistic species who encroach is not an essential capacity to maintain speciation and habitat sustainability; the liberals here also tuck a campaign against “misogyny” into their environmentalism, as if females should bear no critique on behalf of human ecology? As if hatred of men, White men, has not been open season for over 60 years now, and doesn’t warrant a response?

To allow our cause of European advocacy to be associated with right-wing destruction of human and natural ecology is no longer acceptable. Nor is it for the brackets to continually associate their liberal political causes with environmentalism and biodiversity.

We can give credit where credit is due to those living ecologically - e.g., a native American tribe living with the environment - great.

We can call to account our right-wingers and liberals where they are not living ecologically, where international capital, industrial, consumer society, liberal universalism impact ourselves and others deleteriously: a key difference of White Post Modernity is that unlike Modernity, it does not merely stop when it is forced to stop by nature. It recognizes internal relation, limits and differences that make a difference. It has a deliberate stance in that regard from the onset. Unlike the mono-culturalism of primitive groups and the universalim of liberal modernist societies, White Post Modernity recognizes the delimitations of pervasive ecology and reflexive effects in internal relation from the start....including instances where liberals and brackets try use “environmentalism” to prevent more developed countries from assisting growing ethnostates - and vis a versa, where they obstruct those growing ethno-states from cooperating with more developed nations in their contraction into ethno-states.

But we also need to be critical where criticism is due, not only of females, delicate and sensitive creatures though they are, not only of White right-wingers who screw-up the issue of ecology, in one way or another, where they try to deal with it, or where they’re downright antagonistic, but where racial groups impact the rest of the world.

Right wingers, liberals and their bracket masters are going to have to recognize that their “anti-racism” thing is a fundamental scourge against necessary human classification - which is requisite for accountability and necessary discrimination on behalf of human ecology, thus ultimately, all ecology.


Zeitgeist: all religion bad/not Abrahamic distinctly nor Judaism especially as its organizing motive

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 December 2016 12:21.

A Zeitgeist may be described in sober terms as the largely taken for granted (unconscious, hence “ghostly”) logics of meaning and action comprising a moral order - the characteristic obligations, legitimacies and prohibitions constituting social paradigmatic parameters. I don’t need to refer to the oft quoted statement by Voltaire to suggest that given our prevailing zeitgeist, even where the progenitors of a theory via academia or media are not themselves Jewish, that they have dared not lay blame in the hands of the Jews. To cite Jews, their religion and practices as explanatory of social problems has been strictly prohibited since World War II; media and academia having circled the wagons more fervently and thoroughgoingly than ever against heretics of the paradigm - the zeitgeist of Jews as sacred cow. Nevertheless, it has only been more strong a taboo since the western world viewed footage of Operation Reinhard’s wake, and the Nazi mirroring of themselves as chosen, but it is not a new taboo. The Bible, Old and New Testament, has in fact been “the Jewish media” for 2,000 years, designating Jews as chosen (if not misguided), as having donated Christ, the savior of Gentiles, savior of all non-Jews, Whites included; and texts be known, has made taboo self interested defense and action for Gentiles, interposing and prescribing upon them instead an obsequious Golden Rule that the Jews themselves would not adhere to.

It is an observable Jewish strategy within this zeitgeist for their adherents to be granted “rights of display” as they might disseminate, via academia and media, a good deal of penetrating, truthful information; but in the end those rights of display are curtailed and attention deflected from just those parts of information where Jewish ways and means are shown responsible for negative social and genetic consequences for other peoples.

                                        ...”but he loves you!”

Such is the case with Zeitgeist

- the 2007 film Zeitgeist; viz., its segment on religion. After setting out an array of fascinating information tracing sources of Judeo-Christian mythology to pagan roots - largely to Egyptian sun worship - there is, by segment’s end, blame laid on the use of Christianity, by Roman leaders in particular, followed by a logical fallacy stealthily deployed: i.e., that all religions are mythologies used to cover-up the truth by those who know the truth and seek nefarious social rule by the obfuscating properties of religious mythos - all religions serve this purpose, therefore the Abrahamic religions generally and Judaism in particular should not be singled-out for special critique.

In fact, Christianity was not as much the means by which Roman leaders beginning with Constantine took power over the rest of Europe, so much as it was the means by which the Jews overthrew ancient Rome and ultimately, all of Western civilization - placing it all vaguely under the auspices of Noahide law - our Zeitgeist.







Wishing You A White Rebirth, A Light Shining Through The Israelite’s Disguise

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 22 December 2016 11:31.

Victorian houses have something about them which speaks the home-iest of houses.

It was only upon gathering an entry for what is becoming a Majorityrights tradition at this time of year - “I Believe in Father Christmas” - that I learned belatedly of Greg Lake’s passing. A handsome English lad, he also displayed his people’s incisive thought - penetrating nefarious Jewish influence masquerading as innocence; and doing so at a time, 1975, when there was no popular tide to raise this political boat to defiantly sail despite inevitably incurring the stigma of “anti-Semitism;” with the danger attendant to that and of flying in the face of popular support from millennia of European consensus, sheepish acquiescence; the only support would have been what he could have plumbed from the truer depths of his native culture and intelligence.

BBC, 8 Dec 2016: Greg Lake, who fronted both King Crimson and Emerson, Lake and Palmer, has died aged 69.

He died on December 7th after “a long and stubborn battle with cancer”, said his manager.

The news comes nine months after Lake’s band-mate Keith Emerson died.

Keith Emerson, Greg Lake & Carl Palmer

One of the founding fathers of progressive rock, the British musician (Lake) is known for songs including In the Court of the Crimson King and his solo hit I Believe in Father Christmas.

Lyrics: I Believe in Father Christmas.

They said there’ll be snow at Christmas
They said there’ll be peace on Earth
But instead it just kept on raining
A veil of tears for the Virgin birth
I remember one Christmas morning
A winters light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell and that Christmas Tree smell
And their eyes full of tinsel and fire

They sold me a dream of Christmas
They sold me a Silent Night
And they told me a fairy story
‘Till I believed in the Israelite

And I believed in Father Christmas
And I looked TO the sky with excited eyes
‘Till I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn
And I saw him and through his disguise

I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave New Year
All anguish pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear
They said there’ll be snow at Christmas
They said there’ll be peace on Earth
Hallelujah Noel be it Heaven or Hell
The Christmas we get we deserve.

Written by: Greg Lake, Peter John Sinfield, Serge Prokofieff


German Council of Economic Experts: The 5 “wise men” of mass migrant integration

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 15 December 2016 05:06.


German Council of Economic Experts
: 5 “wise men” entrusted to render reports that Merkel and the German government can and have used to justify the mass introduction of aliens upon the European habitat, the ensuing replacement of the German, and finally the European genome.

Wikipedia, ‘German Council of Economic Experts’:

The Council has five members which are nominated by the federal government and appointed by the president of Germany.

In the media, the council is often referred to as the Five Sages of Economy (“Fünf Wirtschaftsweisen”), or the “wise men”:

  • Christoph M. Schmidt (since March 2009, and since March 2013 chairman)
  • Peter Bofinger (since March 2004)
  • Lars Feld (since March 2011)
  • Isabel Schnabel (since March 2014)
  • Volker Wieland (since March 2013)

These five “wise men” have Angela Merkel’s ear and confidence - they’ve been appointed with her approval and their reports to her are being used to try to explain and justify the waves of migrants being imposed upon Germany and Europe -


Every year the Council prepares an annual report which is published before or by November 15.

German Council of Economic Experts, Annual Report 2016/17 -


Asylum-related immigration to Germany dominated the economic and socio-political debate from autumn 2015 to spring ‘16.

        Highlights in criticism of the analysis:

1. The council takes a comparative basis of what was required to integrate East German and Balkan “asylum seekers”—integration meaning that it took about 20 years for them to be generally gainfully employed—and attempts to project how long similar integration would take of the Middle Eastern and North African “asylum seekers”.

2. Taking in such factors as education and German language acquisition it concludes that by the year 2080 there would be no economic loss to the German social security system—there would be no economic gain either: the analysis fails to point out that the effort is pointless from an economic standpoint even IF there are no problems resulting from the introduction of vast numbers of non-European peoples into Germany other than the factors cited in the analysis—that is to say, they have not, for example, taken into account the cost of terrorism, terrorism prevention, strains on infrastructure and genetic reaction from German/European peoples. Even if there were no terrorist acts to come or to prepare for, even if there was not European racial backlash, at best, by 2080 the program would be an economic wash.

3. The variables that they take into account to factor as a difference from the task of integrating prior (European) “asylum” seekers as compared to the present mass of Middle Eastern “asylum” seekers are the capacity to learn German language - i.e., well enough to function in gainful employment, and the ability of the “asylum” seekers to support themselves financially. 91% of applicants since the migration crisis began have been given a temporary residence permit. To get a permanent residence permit after three years, an “asylum” seeker must demonstrate proficiency the German language (language level C1) and earn their living independently. A permanent residence permit after five years may be granted if a seeker can demonstrate at least level A2 knowledge of German and can at least partially earn their living. Once granted a residence permit a person also is a German citizen and as such has the right to go anywhere within the EU.

4. It is not only acknowledged that 70% of “asylum seekers” are male and under 30, it is strongly implied that this is a feature and not a problem, because they are more accustomed to work than females of their Islamic culture.

5. The capitalist motive for bringing in these “laborers” is bereft of intelligence, because they are intending to build an anachronistic industrial model—i.e., more unskilled labor and less development of robotics. Furthermore, again, as their presence is at best an economic wash with regards to social security by the year 2080—even IF they do turn out to be dutiful workers right along—the frequently-heard argument that they are necessary to fund pensioners is bereft.

And none of this takes into account the genetic destruction of Germans and the implication for the destruction the European genome as these “asylum seekers” would be “integrated” over the next 60 years.

See also: Already 40% of German residents under age five are of migrant background.

Kristol>NeoCon>Meyer>Paleocon> Gottfried>Francis>NPI> Gottfried>AltRight/lite> Paleocon>Bannon>Trump

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 25 November 2016 10:12.

(((Frank Meyer, father of paleoconservatism))) and its (((opposition))) to (((neoconservatism)))

Both in terms of its meta-contextual frames and in terms of its content, this piece is meant to deepen Greg Johnson’s account of the Alternative Right history and trajectory.

Steve Bannon has brought into high relief the underpinnings of the Alternative Right and has crystallized the underlying agenda - implicit White nationalist support was to be used via The Alternative Right/Lite to win for the Republicans and then, as usual, implicit White nationalism was to be discarded, the primary difference this time being that it was not in favor of the bracketed refurbished version of conservatism, “neo-conservatism”, but rather in favor of a bracketed refurbishment of paleoconservatism - Alt Right/Alt Lite contra “The Left” - i.e., contra ethno-nationalism.

- It begins with the philosophy of (((Frank Meyer))):

Frank Meyer saw himself more sophisticated and opposed to the simplified hawkishness of (((Irving Kristol’s))) neo-cons - who advocated neo-liberal policies domestically while advocating wars for Israel abroad.

Meyer and his paleoconservatism are actually a more virulent expression of Jewishness. He wanted Americans to identify with, support and affix Abrahamic culture domestically (calling things like that “conservative”), while allowing for politics conducive to mediating neo-liberal interests through feudalistic compradors and Jewish interests abroad.

He would call his paleocon philosophy “fusionism”, that is, a fusion of Judeo-Christianity and the Enlightenment philosophy of America’s constitution - though these values were an awkward fit (having mainly Cartesianism in common), Americans were familiar with them as “conservative.” Ronald Reagan was sold on the idea, seeing Meyer as a mentor of sorts, and groomed to be President.

This is the school of thought from whence came (((Paul Gottfried))), Reagan “conservatism”, Pat Buchanan, and Sam Francis.

That (((paleoconservative))) school of thought, in opposition to the (((neocons)))), became foundational for The NPI of Sam Francis and William Regnery II.

Update March 2020:

In the original form of this article, I make Gottfried seem more deliberately Pro Israel than he is, when it is rather the Paleocon take to soften the backlash against Jewry, particularly diasporic American Jewry, rooting its Abrahamic world view (and proxy Enlightenment values) by being not so strongly pro Israel and focusing rather on this “fusionism” of Abrahamism and Enlightenment values domestically.

Paul Gottfried was instrumental in getting the Regnery circus and with it, Sam Francis’ replacement, Richard Spencer, behind the sexed up paleocon 2.0 that became the Alt Right against “the left”, but its spiraling into a facile and fragile coalition (tentosphere) of the anti-social alliance (trap) that Spencer and Regnery manifest was a popular but toxic reaction (trap) in the coalitions’s Germanophilia - the common ground they have with Gottfried to begin with in this right wing, anti- left make-shift alliance.

By 2008 Paul Gottfried recognized that both the neo-con brand and the paleocon brand had shot their wad in terms of marketable brand name. If he was to be able to co-opt the White vote in order to use it to put the ultimately neo-liberal / pro Israel, while friendly enough to Jewish diaspora Republican party back in power, useful to Jews and oligarchs as usual, he needed to re-brand the agenda as something other than neocon, something other than paleocon even, rather as something “new”, “rebellious”, “anti-establishment” and the term and general concept of the Alternative Right was born - essentially not a big tent, but a tentosphere (a tent of tents) of anti-social types (anti-“leftist” was to be the common angle that they were seeded: meaning anti- the (((distorted and abusive))) social advocacy of (((“PC”))) - which, from a White ethnonational standpoint, should rather have been called by the term liberalism or cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt school). In order to be accepted into the Alternative Right tentosphere one had to be against this, what they called “The Left” and was duty-bound to tolerate one another’s guiding anti-social organizing ideologies - for any of a gamut of stigma, ranging from adulation of Jesus, Darwin, Abraham or Hitler - Jew friendly Alt Lite to Hard Right Hitler idolatry - you didn’t have to be in a particular tent of the tentosphere, but you had to treat its given array of tents as valid ....until perhaps the paleocon finally came to power. Then your job as an Alt Righter, your duty to use Whites to resurrect the Republican party and the reason for the fame you could not believe had been granted you was done - unless, perhaps, you remain sufficiently Abrahamic or otherwise stigmatically, didactically right wing enough to be sufficiently yoked.

It is all more sinister than that as you hear Steve Bannon, believing himself to be objectively the ultimate pragmatist on behalf of Western ideals, having affixed himself like a fat, blood-filled tic, valencing, full, sucking goy blood, the ultimate Shabbos Goy - vectoring the horizontal transmission of the bracket.

America’s and Europe’s White ethno-national bases are being sucked and directed into friend enemy distinctions exactly as the brackets see fit according to their evil Abrahamic god.

Whites may be allowed to live as useful cows, technoslaves or breeding partners for Jews, but otherwise they, like all other ethnicities besides Jews, are to be bred-out with others.

Paleocon world view, the Frank Meyer world view supplants what should be the friend / enemy distinctions for White ethno-nationalism.

Whereas the fundamental outgroups if not enemies should be Jews, Muslims, blacks and liberal traitors (in the case of Whites, usually operating under some right wing ideas, notably Christianity, Austrian school objectivism, supremacism, yes, paleoconservatism too, etc).

And against them, the fundamental in-groups should be White ethnonationalisms in alliance with Asian ethno-nationalisms…

Instead the Abrahamic world view determines the friend enemy distinction:

America’s (((controlled))) proposition nation is “us” if not our “friend”; Israel, Jews, at least the “nice” ones, are “us” if not our “friends”, the (((Russian Federation - parasitic propositional empire bigger than the moon; equipped with its Jews and Orthodox church))) is “us”, if not our “friend”; blacks, their staggering population explosion, bio-power and hyper-assertiveness are “us”, if not our “friends”; Islam, especially “moderate” Islam is “us” if not our “friend”: these shock troops and compradors are marshaled against White and Asian ethnonationalisms in alliance.

Bannon puts the major friend-enemy distinction as the brackets would have it in stark relief -

Buzzfeed, Steve Bannon: “The Judeo-Christian West versus atheists. The underlying principle is an enlightened form of capitalism, that capitalism really gave us the wherewithal. It kind of organized and built the materials needed to support, whether it’s the Soviet Union, England, the United States, and eventually to take back continental Europe and to beat back a barbaric empire in the Far East.

In the meantime, Richard Spencer has had a wad of Jewish scum shot all over his face - he and the Alternative Right have been used by the Republicans and the YKW as usual. Now for the futile reaction, also part of the plan…along with the placation:

Buzzfeed News, “This Is How Steve Bannon Sees The Entire World” 16 Nov 2016:

The soon-to-be White House chief strategist laid out a global vision in a rare 2014 talk, one where he said racism in the far right gets “washed out” and called Vladimir Putin a kleptocrat. BuzzFeed News publishes the complete transcript for the first time.

Donald Trump’s newly named chief strategist and senior counselor, Steve Bannon, laid out his global nationalist vision in unusually in-depth remarks delivered by Skype to a conference held inside the Vatican in the summer of 2014.

Well before victories for Brexit and Trump seemed possible, Bannon declared there was a “global tea party movement” and praised European far-right parties like Great Britain’s UKIP and France’s National Front. Bannon also suggested that a racist element in far-right parties “all gets kind of washed out,” that the West was facing a “crisis of capitalism” after losing its “Judeo-Christian foundation,” and he blasted “crony capitalists” in Washington for failing to prosecute bank executives over the financial crisis.

The remarks — beamed into a small conference room in a 15th-century marble palace in a secluded corner of the Vatican — were part of a 50-minute Q&A during a conference focused on poverty hosted by the Human Dignity Institute, which BuzzFeed News attended as part of its coverage of the rise of Europe’s religious right. The group was founded by Benjamin Harnwell, a longtime aide to Conservative member of the European Parliament Nirj Deva to promote a “Christian voice” in European politics. The group has ties to some of the most conservative factions inside the Catholic Church; Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the most vocal critics of Pope Francis who was ousted from a senior Vatican position in 2014, is chair of the group’s advisory board.

BuzzFeed News originally posted a transcript beginning 90 seconds into the then-Breitbart News chairman’s remarks because microphone placement made the opening mostly unintelligible, but we have completed the transcript from a video of the talk on YouTube. You can hear the whole recording at the bottom of the post.

Here is what he said, unedited:

Steve Bannon: Thank you very much Benjamin, and I appreciate you guys including us in this. We’re speaking from Los Angeles today, right across the street from our headquarters in Los Angeles. Um. I want to talk about wealth creation and what wealth creation really can achieve and maybe take it in a slightly different direction, because I believe the world, and particularly the Judeo-Christian west, is in a crisis. And it’s really the organizing principle of how we built Breitbart News to really be a platform to bring news and information to people throughout the world. Principally in the west, but we’re expanding internationally to let people understand the depths of this crisis, and it is a crisis both of capitalism but really of the underpinnings of the Judeo-Christian west in our beliefs.

It’s ironic, I think, that we’re talking today at exactly, tomorrow, 100 years ago, at the exact moment we’re talking, the assassination took place in Sarajevo of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that led to the end of the Victorian era and the beginning of the bloodiest century in mankind’s history. Just to put it in perspective, with the assassination that took place 100 years ago tomorrow in Sarajevo, the world was at total peace. There was trade, there was globalization, there was technological transfer, the High Church of England and the Catholic Church and the Christian faith was predominant throughout Europe of practicing Christians. Seven weeks later, I think there were 5 million men in uniform and within 30 days there were over a million casualties.

That war triggered a century of barbaric — unparalleled in mankind’s history — virtually 180 to 200 million people were killed in the 20th century, and I believe that, you know, hundreds of years from now when they look back, we’re children of that: We’re children of that barbarity. This will be looked at almost as a new Dark Age.

But the thing that got us out of it, the organizing principle that met this, was not just the heroism of our people — whether it was French resistance fighters, whether it was the Polish resistance fighters, or it’s the young men from Kansas City or the Midwest who stormed the beaches of Normandy, commandos in England that fought with the Royal Air Force, that fought this great war, really the Judeo-Christian West versus atheists, right? The underlying principle is an enlightened form of capitalism, that capitalism really gave us the wherewithal. It kind of organized and built the materials needed to support, whether it’s the Soviet Union, England, the United States, and eventually to take back continental Europe and to beat back a barbaric empire in the Far East.


The Alt-Right has given birth to “new” (((White))) leadership

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 10 November 2016 14:04.

The Alt-Right/Alt-Left has given birth to “new” (((White))) leadership.

And this will be a sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a feeding trough.”—Luke 2:12 (ISV)

State of the art Jewish agenda - how it looks at this point vis-a-vis Trump: 

At this point it is evident that top echelon of Jewish interests have come to recognize that they and their race mixing agenda are so far ahead that they’ve decided to get good with the White right-wing, to blend with and steer their reaction.

Hence they have gotten out in front of the reaction that their PC liberalism has created in Whites; and with that, they are orchestrating the “White”  us / them, friend / enemy distinction.

Though I disagree with him on some important, fundamental issues, to give credit where credit is due, Wolf Wallstreet was incisive in his hypothesizing two differing agendas among Jewish elites: Plan A, of the Noel Ignatiev kind, wants to wipe Whites out completely - relatively more expressed by Hillary and Bill than Trump.

Plan B is taken by the kind of Jewish elite not quite so crazy and a bit more fore-thinking - realizing that they can use what they perceive as the “better breeds” of Whites, they want to leave some of them around to interbreed with and help steer their elitist political agenda - against interests that ethnonationalists shouldn’t be against and on behalf of interests that ethnonationalists should not be for.

Rather than wanting America, the proposition nation, to fall, with its neo-liberal component being a world’s foremost manufacturer and exporter of race mixing, rivaled only by Judaic, Islamic and Christian influences; they want the American political institution along with other Abrahamic/proposition nations to come more thematically, if not comprehensively under Jewish and neo-liberal lackey guidance.

A Trump victory does not only buy us some time, it buys them and their word-smiths some time - for one thing, to make (((the USA))) and (((the Russian Federation))) into good friends, and at one with (((White))) national politics.

Following the U.S. as an alternative right base, the Russian Federation is the Jews first option after Israel for a vector of parasitic control.

Needless to say that the U.S. is not an ethnostate, but neither is the Russian Federation, in either its vast size or content. As proposition nations, both are susceptible and heavily influenced by Jewish interests. Don’t believe the stuff that (((they))) have gotten (((the Alternative Right))) to believe about Russia being good friends to Assad - they disarmed a defense program that took Assad decades to develop in defense against Israel. And now Trump wants to let ISIL destroy Assad. Even more laughable is The Orthodox Nationalist claim that China is a solid ally with the Russian Federation. Not true to say the least.

The Russian Federation is not opposed to Israel and to Jews. The Russian Federation was complicit in the overthrow of Gaddafi.

The proposition nations of the US and the Russian Federation, along with those nations that Jewish and neo-liberal interests are turning into proposition nations through immigration and race mixing, are not strictly opposed to Islam as they are guided, but use Islam as shock troops and compradors to destroy ethnonationalism - as in the case of what they did to Gaddafi and in what Putin has done and Trump would do to Assad. Such is the case of Trump’s and Putin’s position with regard to Asian ethnonationalism.

Trump and the Jewish political class have installed a stance which is hostile to the idea of Asian ethnonationalisms entering any cooperation with White American ethnonationalist counterparts; as if Trump and the Jewish political class have as their chief concern a common interest with White American workers - that is Not true:

Business Insider, “Donald Trump said wages are ‘too high’ in his opening debate statement”, 10 Nov 2016

NPR, ‘How Trump Broke Campaign Norms But Still Won The Election’, 09 Nov 2016 (emphasis added):

JAMES FALLOWS: So [Trump’s] main point, it’s based on something that is in my view largely just wrong [...] factually incorrect—and that is the idea that essentially the economic problems America has is because China is—in particular but also Mexico and Japan and South Korea - are stealing our factories and stealing our jobs. [...] They’ve been losing them mainly to automation. They’ve been losing them mainly to the robotization of factories around the world. And that is why I can tell you from going back and forth to China that in every single country of the world, including China and Japan and South Korea and Mexico, the employment problem is the hollowing out of factory-type jobs because of automation.

It is a dubious prospect for ethnonationalists to want to “protect” the proposition nation anyway.

Right/Alt Right Misguidance Against Left Nationalism

By contrast to the right-wing objectivism that the Alternative Right is beholden to, which is manipulated and susceptible to Jewish and neo-liberal entryism, White ethnonationalism needs a position more characteristically White Left Nationalist: this would turn a critical eye toward the (((corruption))) of leaders of proposition nations such as Trump and Putin (if it can be said at all that Putin is in charge of ‘a nation’ rather than a parasitic aggrandizement larger than the moon) and what are becoming proposition nations ... such as those in Western Europe; at the same time it would turn a sympathetic eye toward and a cooperative stance toward the legitimate basis of ethnonationalism in Asia and the rest of the second world - in Europe exemplified by the Intermarium - to cooperate in our sovereign justice against the hegemony of Jewish interests, their misguiding of neo-liberal internationalism; as it backs shock troops and compradors among Islam and African population and biopower.

Trump has installed his contrasting, friendly, supportive stance toward black Americans (his singular racial/ethnic sponsorship, in fact) with his highly combative stance regarding Mexicans as if the former stance is strictly common ground with White ethnonationalism and both responses are anything but “solutions” to problems that his friends (YKW and right-wingers) created. But did you know that La Raza see themselves as a neo-race, aligned against blacks and against Jews? Who would have a problem with that?

Wikipedia, ‘Texas’ (emphasis added):

Under the Mexican immigration system, large swathes of land were allotted to empresarios, who recruited settlers from the United States, Europe, and the Mexican interior. The first grant, to Moses Austin, was passed to his son Stephen F. Austin after his death.

Austin’s settlers, the Old Three Hundred, made places along the Brazos River in 1822. Twenty-three other empresarios brought settlers to the state, the majority of whom were from the United States. The population of Texas grew rapidly. In 1825, Texas had about 3,500 people, with most of Mexican descent. By 1834, the population had grown to about 37,800 people, with only 7,800 of Mexican descent.

Many immigrants openly flouted Mexican law, especially the prohibition against slavery. Combined with United States’ attempts to purchase Texas, Mexican authorities decided in 1830 to prohibit continued immigration from the United States.

That law was an expression of Mexicans’ express prohibition of blacks in their territory. What’s the problem with prohibiting them?

A policy such as that, wrapped up in the fundamental base of La Raza’s ethnonationalism, is something that White ethnonationalists could strive to leverage cooperation with. “But no!” say the Alternative Right, “they are Leftist, we cannot cooperate with Leftists!”

White ethnonationalism might perhaps even cooperate with the Turkish Kurds against Erdogan ..but “no!”, say the Alt-Right, “we cannot cooperate with Leftist Kurds against Erdogan! - He believes in ‘god’, the god of Abraham… he follows laws in line with our Christian laws”, they continue, “... in line with…”

Erdogan’s administration, by the way, was almost as quick to congratulate Trump as Putin was.

Trump has aligned White interests with an obsequious stance toward Jews.

Say what you will, make your arrogant, snarky, condescending comments, gloating as you look downward, as the somebodies that you are now - bullfrogs perched on lily-pads - but if you think a choice between Hillary and Trump was anything but an expression of just how pathetic your objectivist aversion to decency and cooperation is, as it has been manipulated by the powers that be and continues to be, then you only increase the chance that your legacy will breed with Jews and other non-Whites, and your opportunity to participate as stewards of human and pervasive ecology will steadily decrease and steadily become more Jewish..

While we might take note of bonafide and cooperative ethnonational reasons as to why Japan was 93% in favor of Clinton, why the Philippines have set about to break with The US, etc…lets take a moment to give some kudos to White Americans and their advocates for exercising what was their better of two choices in a rigged deck.

Let me return a condescending congratulations to the Alt-Right on the stay of their execution….there is time to boil the frog slowly, where Kek does not jump out of the pot to reclaim itself as an Asian font of energy, culturally appropriated by Jewish hubris and misapplied by the Alt-Right, in near equal hubris.

Lawrence Murray is an excellent writer, obviously intelligent, not completely off theoretically - though still off, lets take a look at his victory lap with the still too meager, if not distorted, alternative right light that is thrown from the right wing torch that he carries:

The Right Stuff / Lawrence Murray, ‘Now I am become President, Leader of the Free World’, 09 Nov 2016:

On the far end of Manhattan’s West Side, a different story was unfolding at the Jacob Javits Center. A massive convention hall named after former New York senator (((Jacob Javits))), it was supposedly chosen for its glass ceiling, which Clinton would symbolically shatter as our first female president-elect. Instead, it became a glass pitcher of liberal tears. The choice for Clinton’s ill-fated coronation symbolized something else as well. (((Javits))) was a major force behind the 1965 Hart-Celler Act, which ended the country’s eurocentric immigration quotas and resulted in the rising tide of color we are currently grappling with. Each generation has become more “diverse,” and so in turn each cohort of new voters. It’s why New York was a solid lock for parachute candidate Clinton, and a hopeless cause for its native son, President Trump.

(((Native step-son indeed)))


As the post mortems will surely tell us in the next few days, there just wasn’t enough turnout from voters of color. There just weren’t enough Hart-Celler Americans to stop President Trump. Not even the creation of an entirely new minority class over the last 50 years, Latinos, was enough to prevent a nativist and civic nationalist from being elected. But frankly, this was our last opportunity to strike back at the ballot. President Trump won by a wavy Caucasian hair. Having to literally drive the Amish to the polls in order to save the White race was poetic, though not a long-term solution.

But such problems are for another time, for now we celebrate. We celebrate the year that White populism shattered the glass ceiling of identity politics in the postwar West, as predicted. An article in The Atlantic puts it succinctly: “[President] Trump was carried to victory by a wave of right-wing populist nationalism, as working- and middle-class white Americans turned out in droves to vote.” President Trump’s victory is a monumental paradigm shift, or has the potential to solidify into one. The media called Teflon Don every name in the book and tried to tie him to all manner of anti-establishment heretics. President Trump did not waver; he undertook the hero’s journey and emerged victoriously in the name of the Amerikaner Shire.

Rather did (((The Atlantic))) inaugurate a paradigm shift from Jewish plan A to Jewish plan B - the slow Kek boil, the intermarrying with the frogs, er “Keks” who manage to jump out of the boiling pot.


There is now a biblical flood of authors and pundits talking about “working class Whites,” “White voters,” “White males,” “non-college Whites,” “less-educated Whites,” “blue-collar Whites,” “rural Whites,” and even the unspeakable phrase “White identity politics.” This is yuuuge. We have a mandate from our folk for nationalism. The largest ethnic group in the West, the native peoples of Europe and their descendants in Greater Europe, is being recognized as an important political interest. Granted, it’s an interest that our rulers on both sides of the Atlantic insist must be vanquished, but that they must now name us explicitly is massively important to the spread of our ideas.

The concept of the enemy has returned to politics.

(((Whites))) with “leftist” enemies, with Asian enemies, “Islamic extremist” enemies and so far as they can help it (((and they can force choices that you should not want to make, such as Hillary or Trump))), “friends” with “moderate Jews”...“moderate Islam”....“moderate blacks”...  “friends with the right wing” - the “that’s the way it is” club, the Jesus suicide map club and friendkinstein club 88 - European neighbors be damned friends with “the alternative right” and its (((entryist big tent, and with that perhaps the “alternative left”))).


Get ready for the storm, because White people, this is your fault. Because of your existence, millions of members of designed oppressed groups must live in fear of being treated like outsiders.

While you are at it, brace yourself if you are an ethnonationalist, for the reality that the US has been the adversary of ethnonationalism in most cases, as in Vietnam, the Philippines, in Japan, the Turkish Kurds and more - indeed, where have they defended ethnonationalism?


Americans will have to decide very soon—quickly—where they stand on President Trump. The choice now is pro-Trump or anti-Trump, and nationalists as much as anti-nationalists have made him into an avatar of American Whiteness.

That’s right, the Alternative Right has been co-opted into representation of their interests by that fool: that crass businessman, that mere promoter of the brand name attached to his failed, toxic assets as a means to pay off the Jewish financiers saddled with his shallow but grandiose vision, now intimately entwined with Jewish values - Donald Trump is here to represent (((White interests))).


With his opponent out of the way (probably for good), where people stand on this choice will become much more salient.

With Hillary, the quintessential personification of the White man hating bitch out of the way, hopefully it will continue to feed their right-wing hubris to help highlight and distinguish them as they tend to obfuscate and muck-up the ethnonationalist agenda.


Our position is not unassailable, but it is stronger than ever before. So we celebrate, that President Trump has given rise to nationalism, to America First, to formal recognition of the Alt-Right, to outing cuckservatives as #NeverTrump turncoats, to (((anti-globalist))) memes entering the public consciousness, to levels of shvitzing that shouldn’t even be possible, and more than anything else to hope for the future of our people, not just in the United States but around the world. This is as much a victory for White Americans as it is for Swedes, Australians, the British, the French, and other European peoples. We will make the world save for ethnocracy.

Jews have money and they know that they can buy their way into enough of you such that your (((Whiteness))) around the world will be mixed with their motives.


We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the shitlord scripture the Bhagavad Reeeeeeeta; Kek is trying to persuade the prince that he should save his people, and to impress him takes on his frog-headed form, and says, “Now I am become meme, the destroyer of cucks.” I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.

You aren’t Kek, but you are frogs, you are somebodies, somebody frogs on lily-pads; on water boiling slowly now; perhaps you’ll jump out of the pot and into the waiting arms of your kosher mates; before that, to prove your anti-Jewish credentials, perhaps you’ll do them a favor by exterminating the undesirables from among them, while also true to your (((Fuhrer))), killing those inferior “lefty” Whites.

Your People’s History and Future Irrespective: Mulatto Nationalism by Hillary or by Trump?

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 November 2016 05:01.

Regarding your people’s history and future, the (((choice))) you get with U.S. politics is no choice.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

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anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:40. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:20. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sun, 16 Feb 2025 13:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 13:08. (View)

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